D O F O n ey r & IP jou me, A na nd h ea f g u nc n o o r t h a ra a t i o o d e ov o F p ap inn lian It a S o c e S d n : N e g ta G I S E D D D N N A O F O LU E C T I O VA OTE tion c e t R ro P p nd n a sig e lu de ing a V ood ag of f pack d n a om o R 1 t a d re LM 1 n G ” IU o, n o B no rid o a l r la i .B a F C M o i a v i l V Si 22 “ e n Ju 5 1 20 FOOD DESIGN: VALUE AND PROTECTION Milan, 22 nd June 2015 8.30 Registration 9.00 Greetings and Introduction Renata RIGHETTI (President, Aippi – Italian Group) Enrico ZANOLI (President, Italian Institute of IP Attorneys) Giovanni PUGLISI (Rector, IULM University) Fil Rouge: Perspective from an Italian icon Elena Brioschi & Chiara Pappalardo 9.30 I session Food Design Introduction and Chairperson: Antonello FUSETTI (Director, Scuola Politecnica di Design - Master Food Design) The food magic Gualtiero MARCHESI (Chef) The image of the product Paolo BARICHELLA (Food Designer, Magazine “Food Design”) Creativity and R&D for food design Rodrigo RODRIQUEZ - Christian TUBITO (Material Connexion Italia) Food design and catering: layout , food lighting and dishing up Cristiano BACCHINI (Lawyer and Trademark and Design Attorney) Cesare GALLI (Professor, Parma University, Lawyer) 11.15 Coffee Break 11.30 II session The Added Value of Food Design Introduction and Chairperson: Angelo RENOLDI (Professor, Bergamo University) The food market & design Massimiliano BRUNI (Professor, IULM) New scenarios in catering Raffaella BOSI (F&B Europe Brand Manager, Autogrill SpA) Round Table Chairperson: Silvia MAGELLI (Professor, Parma University, Lawyer) With the participation of: Andrea MORETTINO (Caffè Morettino) Giuseppe DI MARTINO and Mauro OLIVIERI (Il Pastificio dei Campi di Gragnano) Massimo BULLO (Country Marketing Manager , Haribo Italia SpA) Giuseppe SCALTRITI (Faled Distillerie) 13.00 Lunch Time 14.00 III session Food Design and IP Protection Introduction and Chairperson: Lamberto LIUZZO (Lawyer) Food design in the European Design Regulation Fabrizio SANNA (Lawyer) Food Design: Layers of Protections (Copyright, Unfair Competition and the Jury of Design) Mario FRANZOSI (Visiting Professor, Washington University, Lawyer) Vincenzo JANDOLI (Lawyer) Food design and packaging: three-dimensional trademarks Simona CAZZANIGA (Professor, POLIMI University, Lawyer) Trademarks, design, copyright and unfair competition: the case of Ferrero Andrea CHIANURA (IP Manager Asia-Africa, Ferrero) 15.45 Coffee Break 16 .15 IV session Protect Food Design Worldwide Introduction and Chairperson: Carlo IANNONE (Councilor of Italian Institute of IP Attorneys, Patent and Trademark Attorney) Arab World – Ramzi TARAZI (Beirut, Libano) Japan – Minako MIZUNO (Tokyo, Japan) China – Fabio GIACOPELLO (Shanghai, China) USA – Jeffery LANGER (Washington, USA) Latin America – Juan VANRELL (President ASIPI, Montevideo, Uruguay) Round Table with the speakers Chairperson: Elena BRIOSCHI (Trademark and Design Attorney) 18 .15 Conclusions and Greetings With the patronage of: In collaboration with: Media Partner: Thanks to: ica monica otti benotti monica monica benotti benotti for the graphic design for printings for the confetti INFORMATION Registration to the event is free of charge. Simultaneous translation in English/Italian and vice versa will be assured. Registration to the event is open until 19/06/2015 and subject to availability. For the registration complete the form at the website: http://ipfood.aippi.it/ Because of the limited number, please send an email to [email protected] if unable to attend. How to reach us How to reach IULM • Train (line S9 stop Milano Romolo - 500m) • Line M2 - Green (stop Romolo - 450m) • Bus 47 (stop Viale Cassala - 400m) CURRICULA Cristiano BACCHINI BMLex Bachini Mazzitelli He is Italian lawyer member of the Milan Bar admitted before the Italian Supreme Court (Corte di Cassazione) and Italian and European trademark and Design attorney. Since 2005 is Partner of BMLex Bacchini Mazzitelli law firm. Since 2007 he is trainer and lecturer for CONVEY. Since 2013 he is lecturer in seminars relating to chemical and pharmaceutical patents organized by “University of Milan, Corso di laurea in Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche”. He is member of AIPLA, INTA,LES and executive committee member of the Italian Group of AIPPI. Since 2015 is member of the International Standing Committee on Design of AIPPI and member of the International Relationship Committee of the Milan Bar (CRINT). Paolo BARICHELLA Magazine “Food Design” In 2002, after in-depth studies in Food Technology and Sensorial Perception, he start to theorizes Food Design and contributes to evolving the Industrial Designer role into specialized Food Designer. He patenting the Food Design brand and its Internet domains, www. fooddesign.it www.fooddesign.info. Is Founder of the Committee on Food Design ADI (Association for Industrial Design); Scientific Director of the magazine Food Design Progettazione Alimentare; and Founder of the Food Design Community. Opinion leader, theorist of Food Design philosophy; journalist and writer; lecturer and consultant; curator of exhibitions on the Food Design topic; speaker and testimonial at international conferences; creator of formats and business concepts related to the direct interaction between man and food. Raffaella BOSI Autogrill S.p.A. Dopo la Laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione all’Università IULM di Milano nel 2004 consegue un Master in Marketing e Comunicazione d’Impresa presso Accademia di Comunicazione di Milano nel 2005. Inizia il suo percorso professionale nel marketing di Procter&Gamble occupandosi principalmente del lancio di nuovi prodotti nel mercato Italia.Dal 2007 in Autogrill dove ha ricoperto diversi ruoli, sempre con un profilo internazionale. Negli ultimi anni ha seguito principalmente la parte di sviluppo di nuovi format di ristorazione: dal posizionamento al layout, dalla definizione dell’offerta allo sviluppo della comunicazione in-store. Attualmente si occupa della gestione dei diversi format di ristoranti per tutta Europa e delle relative aperture. Elena BRIOSCHI Brioschi IP Graduated in law - Università Statale of Milano, 2005. Second level master degree in Innovation Management of SMEs - Fondazione CUOA Altavilla V.na (Vi), 2006. Second level master degree in Industrial Property - Politecnico Milano, 2009. She deal with trademarks, design, unfair competition, copyright law, licensing, with special experience in filing and prosecution of 3D trademarks and the connections with designs and copyright rights. On February 2012 she has been part of the faculty of the Executive job leader training on “IP Assets: basic topic and protection strategy on the market” (Fondazione CUOA). ECTA’s member since 2008. Massimiliano BRUNI IULM International University of Languages and Media Italian, Associate Professor of strategy at IULM International University of Languages and Media. His areas of expertise include global and international strategy, strategic planning and value creation in food&beverage. He conducted numerous strategy workshops and strategy consulting projects in Europe and Asia with AB-InBev, Barilla, Ferrero, illycaffè, Grandi Salumifici Italiani, Marchesi de’ Frescobaldi, Ornellaia, Puratos, Sacmi Group, and many others. He is member of several Strategy Committees and Advisory Boards in medium and large private-owned companies. Author of many articles, industries’ reports and books, among others: “La crescita nelle aziende di marca”, “Crescita e redditività. Le sfide per il successo delle medie imprese del Made in Italy”Egea Editore. Massimo BULLO Haribo Italia SpA Degree in Marketing and Communication from University of Padova and Master in Marketing Management from ISTUD Stresa. I worked for 4 years in Ferrero Company starting in Trade Marketing Innovation Department, my activities concerned to development and coordination of analysis, innovation projects regarding shopper marketing and category management, reaching afterwards the position of Brand Manager Ferrero Italy. From 2010 to 2012 I worked for Orange Network Management Consulting, operating as a Senior Consultant for Retail Marketing and Multichannel Strategies. Since 2012 I occupy the position of Country Marketing Manager of HARIBO Italy SpA, I collaborate with different Business Schools as a speaker in Master MBA and Executive. Simona CAZZANIGA Studio Legale Sutti Ms Simona Cazzaniga is the partner heading the Intellectual Property Law and Competition Department at Studio Legale Sutti, one of the largest independent law firms in Italy, with a full-service business practice. She is the Italian representative of Counterforce, the anti-counterfeiting legal network set up by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) of Paris, Professor of Design law at Politecnico University in Milan, former vice president of the Grand Jury established by the Italian Design Association (Associazione per il Disegno Industriale), consultant and leading advisor in patents fields for Procura della Repubblica in Milan. Ms Simona Cazzaniga has an extensive ten-year experience as lecturer and speaker for - amongs others - Convey, Sole-24, Istituto Internazionale di Ricerca, Centro Studi Marangoni and CEGOS , as well as for the most important domestic and international IP associations and organisation like AIPPI, INDICAM, LES and INTA. Andrea CHIANURA Soremartec Italia S.r.l. Andrea is responsible to provide legal opinions related to intellectual property issues and for the anti-counterfeiting activities at Group level in Asia and Africa. He regularly provides legal opinions related to IP issues to central and local marketing departments for projects or promotional activities and coordinates judicial and extra-judicial activities based on IP rights against infringers and competitors. Before joining the Ferrero Group he worked in the specialized law firm Jacobacci and in 2009 he became a Lawyer and was admitted to the Turin Bar Association. He is member of the INTA (International Trademark Association). Mario FRANZOSI Avvocati Associati Franzosi Dal Negro Setti Lawyer and co-founder of the law firm Franzosi-Dal Negro-Setti, with offices in Milan, Rome and Shanghai. Former Professor at Italian universities, nowadays, Visiting Professor in European Patent law at Washington University. Author of text books on IP law, such as “Diritto Industriale. He is Chair of the Standing Commitee Design of AIPPI. Antonello FUSETTI Scuola Politecnica di Design - Master Food Design Dopo la laurea in Economia e Commercio entra in Egg dove gestisce attività di comunicazione per clienti come Walt Disney e Zuegg. Nel 1995 fonda il Movimento dei Telespettatori per la Qualità Televisiva e Crosscom. All’interno di Crosscom crea Ateneo Multimediale che in pochi anni si posiziona come una delle principali società di formazione nel settore dell’Information and Communication Technology. Nel 1999 acquisisce la Scuola Politecnica di Design ( www.scuoladesign.com ) considerata la prima scuola di design fondata in Italia (nata nel 1954). Oggi è amministratore unico della Scuola Politecnica di Design che con i suoi master e corsi forma designer provenienti da tutto il mondo collaborando con importanti aziende dove il design è elemento strategico.E’ ideatore del Master in Food Design ( www.masterfoodesign.com ) che la Scuola Politecnica di Design organizza con Iulm Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione. Ha fatto parte del consiglio di amministrazione della Fondazione Adi per il Design Italiano e della giuria del Premio Smau Industrial Design. Cesare GALLI IP Law Galli Professor of IP Law, University of Parma, in 2004 he set up his own Law Firm (IP_Law Galli), with the main office located in Milan. He obtained the first Italian rulings in biotech patents and computer implemented invention patents and key decisions on renowned trademarks pharmaceutical patents and look-alike. Since 2005 he has been appointed Member of all the Governmental Commissions in charge of drafting the new Italian IP rules, which drafted the Legislative decree that implemented the Directive n.2004/48/C.E. and between 2009 and 2010 he took part to the Governmental Commission in charge of drafting the Reform of the Italian IP Code. He has been defined by Chambers “A formidable academic and formidably well-prepared practitioner”, and “the most precise practitioner in his field” with “an excellent knowledge of the dynamics of IP”. Fabio GIACOPELLO HFG Law & IP Practice Fabio Giacopello is a partner of HFG Law Firm & IP Practice (Cina, Shanghai). He has been widely recognized as one of the most valuable Intellectual Property practitioner in China. He is Arbitrator at the Shanghai International Arbitration Center (SHIAC, former CIETAC Shanghai). He is a 2015 ‘IP Star’ by Managing Intellectual Property 2015, ‘Notable practitioner’ by Chamber and Partners (trademark & patents) and ‘Winner of Client Choice Award’ by ILO. He is a member of the Anti-Counterfeiting Committee at INTA. He often cooperates with education institutions and associations for giving lectures about Chinese IP System and/or European IP System. Carlo Luigi IANNONE Barzanò & Zanardo Chief Operating Officer at Barzanò & Zanardo Roma, with 30 years experience in the field of Intellectual Property. Italian and European Patent and Trademark Attorney (before the Council of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants Institute, EPO, UAMI). Specialized in Patent Litigation and Technology Transfer, he is able to offer his own technical and legal expertise in litigations and negotiations. From 2014 Italian ExCo Delegate FICPI. From 2010 Member of the Council of the Italian Industry Property Consultants Institute. From 1988 Qualified European Patent Attorney, entitled to act before the EPO. Member of European Patent Institute (EPI). From 1996 entitled to act before UAMI. From 1986 Member of the Italian Industrial Property Consultants Institute (Patente and Trademark Attorney). From 1983 Qualified Engineer. Vincenzo JANDOLI Avvocati Associati Franzosi Vincenzo Jandoli partner of the IP department of the Law firm Avvocati Associati Franzosi, joins the firm from 20 years and he is specialized in different areas of consulting activity and of litigation: (denomination of origin, patents, design, trademarks, know – how, copyright; unfair competition and contracts concerning technology protection; advertising, through consultancy and assistance (especially to support marketing activities) in the advertising campaigns of food and products for large scale distribution and in the litigation before Advertising Authority. Author of a number of publications concerning IP issues in Italy and abroad; relevant academic activity in Italy and abroad and as a speaker at Italian and international conferences. Honorary member of Center for International Legal studies of Salzburg and of LES and AIPPI. Jeffery P. LANGER Osha Liang LLP Mr. Langer has a broad IP practice including internationally focused patent and design procurement, licensing, opinions, due diligence, and portfolio management across a wide variety of technical disciplines. He is the cofounding partner of Osha Liang LLP - Washington DC.Prior to joining Osha Liang, he was Senior Patent Counsel at Philip Morris International (Neuchâtel, CH) for nearly four years. He supervised a team of patent professionals responsible for managing a multinational patent and design portfolio, post grant challenges, technology acquisitions and multicounty litigation matters. He is a member of the Licensing Executives Society International, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Washington Academy of Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Lamberto LIUZZO IP Law Firm Liuzzo Founder in 1990 of the Law Firm Liuzzo, specialized in the field of Intellectual Property Law. Former Professor of Intellectual Property Law at Lumsa University in Rome. Lecturer of Intellectual Property Law at “Qualifying Course for the legal professions” at Law faculty of Tor Vergata and Lumsa Universities of Rome. For many years Research Fellow at Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Patent, Copyright and Competition Law – Munich, Germany. Author of numerous publications in Italian and international Industrial Law journals. Invited speaker at numerous national and international conferences in the field of Intellectual Property. Associated to: AIPPI, LES, LIDC, EPLAW, GRUR e UAE. Silvia MAGELLI Studio Legale Magelli Lawyer with offices in Parma, professor at the University of Parma, member of the Working Group for Industrial and Intellectual Property of Confindustria, member of the Board of the Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of Parma, author of publications in the protection field of design and food design, geographical indications and designations of origin, typical products with PDO and PGI protections, marks, patents, know-how, models, copyright, unfair competition, antitrust. Gualtiero MARCHESI Chef Gualtiero Marchesi was the first chef in Italy who awards three Michelin stars (1986) and the first one in the world who gives them back in 2008. The food critics Gault and Millau, in an interview published in the Times, named Gualtiero Marchesi as one of the best chefs in the world. Confirmation of his international role came in 1990, when he was honoured by the French Minister of Culture, Jack Lang, with the title Chevalier dans l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres. The most important acknowledgments are: Cavaliere or “Knight” of the Republic, Ambrogino d’Oro prize, Longobardo d’Oro Seal, Grand Prix Mémoire et Gratitude and “Medaglia d’oro del Ministro del Turismo” for his engagement to release the Italian Cuisine in the world. In 2012 The Parma University awarded the “Laurea Honoris Causa” in Gastronomic Science to Gualtiero Marchesi. Minako MIZUNO SEIWA PATENT & LAW A registered Japanese Patent Attorney, Minako Mizuno has acted as the chairperson of the Design Committee of the APAA since 2010. She is also an editor of the Journal published by the AIPPI/Japan, as well as a Member of the International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and the Asian Patent Attorneys’ Association. After graduating (Tokyo Liberal Arts and Science University), Ms. Mizuno joined the Japan Patent Office until 2000. As Design Division Examiner, she was highly involved with Industrial Design protection practice. In 1992 and 1995 she attended meetings on revision of the Hague Agreement (Geneva) as a member of the Japanese government delegation. She has been a speaker on Japanese Design Law for participants from Asian countries, and continues to act as a speaker in the APIC and JIPII after becoming a Design Attorney. She cooperated on comparative studies of design registration systems around the world in 2000, 2001, and 2013. Andrea MORETTINO Caffè Morettino Andrea had a significant professional growth within the Danone company, specifically in Supply Chain Management, Sales and Marketing, with roles that increased in responsibility, allowing him to build a solid background. Following this experience, in 2013 he decided with his family to return to Sicily to give his contribution to the gradual internationalization process Caffè Morettino was undergoing. The company ‘s goal is to establish its distinctive business values, which are the artisanal production process, the use of sustainable methods and the excellence of their blends created according to their tradition, all with a global perspective. Mauro OLIVIERI Studio Olivieri MAURO OLIVIERI designer and “Food Design” expert, is a researcher of Regional Brands. Always passionate about cooking.He joined the “Food Design” working Team. Co-founder of the ADI Food Design, he took part as organiser of the first “International conference of the Food Design”. He is a lecturer on food design at the IED.In 2014 he became part of the scientific Committee of the first “Journal of Food Design” of which he is a co-founder and coordinator.He is involved in the artistic supervision and/or graphic imaging of several Companies.He was awarded with an Honourable Mention at the XXIII Edition of the ADI “Compasso d’Oro” with the Campotti project. Chiara PAPPALARDO FTCC – Studio Legale Associato Born in Milan in 1985, Ms Pappalardo graduated in law from Milan’s Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in 2010, after having spent a year studying international and EU law at Katholieke Universiteit in Leuven (Belgium), as part of the Erasmus project. Ms Pappalardo began her training in 2010, was admitted to the Milan Bar in 2013. She deals mainly with industrial property matters. She cooperates with the Chair of Private Law at the faculty of Economics, Milan - Bicocca University, as well as cooperating with the industrial law journal Rivista di Diritto Industriale. Angelo RENOLDI Università di Bergamo Dottore Commercialista (dal 1979), iscritto all’Ordine di Milano; Revisore Contabile. Componente dello Studio Gianzini (commercialisti in Milano, dal 1976 al 1982). Attività di consulenza e valutazione d’azienda – Studio Prof. L. Guatri (dal 1987 al 1995). Titolare dello Studio omonimo. Ricopre incarichi di amministratore indipendente in consigli di amministrazione di società (Mediolanum Spa; Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Spa). Svolge attività di consulenza nel campo delle operazioni societarie e della valutazione d’azienda, dei beni immateriali e nel campo del dumping e della concorrenza sleale. Renata RIGHETTI Bugnion SpA - Italy Born in Milan, she attended the history faculty at Università Statale di Milano. After joining Bugnion in 1982, she has acquired a wide-ranging expertise above all vis-à-vis trademarks, in particular non-traditional trademarks as head of the Foreign Department of Bugnion. From 1995 until 2012 she was Director General of the Firm. Partner of Bugnion, has been President of Bugnion S.p.A. since 2004. Member of the Bureau of AIPPI International as Assistant Secretary General from 2007 to 2014. She is President of AIPPI - Italian National Group since February 2014. Rodrigo RODRIQUEZ Material Connexion Italia -born in Roma, 1937 - Degree in Law, Roma University, 1960 - MBA, IPSOA, connected with Harvard Business School, Torino 1961. At present, he is: - Chairman, Forza Projects Ltd, design contract furniture, London - Chairman, Material Connexion Italia Srl - Member, Board of Directors, Antares Iluminacion S.A., FLOS Group - Member, Collegio dei Probiviri (Arbitration Board), Confindustria. He has been: - Chairman, Federlegno-Arredo, Milano, 1998-2002 - President, UEA, Union Européenne de l’Ameublement 1986-91 - President, FEMB, Féderation Européenne Meubles Bureau, 1995-96 - Senior Vice Chairman, Fondazione Fiera Milano, 2001-2006 - Chairman, ISIA Design, a public University School, Firenze 2005-2010 - Chairman, Committee on Protection of Models and Industrial Design of A.I.M., Bruxelles, a consultative body to the CEE Commission, 1990-93 Fabrizio SANNA Orsingher Ortu - Avvocati Associati Fabrizio Sanna graduated with a law degree from Pavia University, obtained MPhil master degree from Oxford University and a PhD in intellectual property and competition law. Admitted to practice in 2003, he worked in Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer’s Intellectual Property and Information Technology department. In 2007 he was the co-founder of Orsingher Ortu - Avvocati Associati firm where he practices copyright, media and design law. He is lecturer in Intellectual Property and New Media at University of Pavia and has authored various publications on design and copyright laws. He is the secretary of AIPPI Italy, the chair of the design group of AIPPI Italyx and sits on the Programme Committee of AIPPI International. Ramzi TARAZI SABA IP Upon graduating from McGill University in Montréal in 1990 in Electrical Engineering, Ramzi started his working career as a Design Engineer in Communications with Ericsson Communications in Montreal, Canada. In 1995, he completed his studies at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Ramzi joined Saba Intellectual Property in 1998 and is currently the Managing Shareholder of the firm. Ramzi has traveled extensively in the Middle East and North Africa region and has lived and practiced IP in Jordan, UAE and Lebanon. His area of expertise extends to both trademarks and patents. He is currently the Secretary of the APPIMAF, the regional grouping of AIPPI in the MENA region. Christian TUBITO Material Connexion Italia Project Manager, Innovation & Research at Material Connexion Italia, he manages consultancies, and several research and design-driven innovation European projects. He graduated in Industrial Design-Strategy Design at the Milan’s Polytechnic with research assignments at Philips Design -Netherlands and Queensland University of Technology-Australia. Over the years he has been guest lectures in several educational insitution and seminars; He has collaborated with Domus Academy, with its Research and Concultancy Centre, and with the design agency DARCMilan, providing strategy design and product identity consulting projects for several important companies. Juan VANRELL ASIPI - Vanrell Propiedad Intelectual - Abogados He studied in the Faculty of Law, of Uruguay obtaining a degree as Industrial Property Agent. He studied in Newport Int. University (NIU), California, obtaining a PhD in Philosophy in Business Administration, with emphasis in IP. Participated as speaker in various regional and international conferences since 1994 in many topics related to IP matters and has contributed with articles in many publications. Member of INTA - Member of the Amicus Curiae Committee; ICC- Uruguay Ambassador IP Chapter; AIPPI - Trustee of the Uruguayan Group; MARQUES; AUDAPI - Past President 2004-2008; Chamber of Anti-Counterfeiting of Uruguay; National Chamber of Commerce and Services of Uruguay; Chamber of Commerce of Uruguay-Popular Republic of China; Chamber of Commerce Uruguay-India. Enrico ZANOLI Zanoli & Giavarini He graduated in industrial chemistry at the University of Turin. After a first job as researcher he joined the Patent and Licensing Dept. of the ENI group, then worked with an IP firm in the private practice until 1991. In that time, he was admitted to the Italian Institute of Patent and Trademark Attorneys and qualified as European Patent Attorney. In 1991 he joined the Montedison group and was appointed director of the Patent & Trademark Department. In 1997 he joined Basell Polyolefins, a chemical joint venture between BASF and Shell, and was appointed Senior Vice-President, Intellectual Property, with a worldwide responsibility on patents, trademarks, technology agreements and IP litigation, a position that he kept until 2002. In 2002 he was co-founder of the IP firm Zanoli & Giavarini, of which he is president. The firm has offices in Milano, Bergamo, Treviso and Piacenza. He collaborated to scientific magazines for IP matters and to of one of the first textbooks on biotech patents: Intellectual Property Rights in Biotechnology Worldwide, Mc. Millan, UK, 1987. He is an Official Technical Expert of the Court of Milano and is active in the field of patent litigation. He teaches courses on patent matters at the Polytechnic of Milano and at the University of Milano. He is affiliated to AIIPI, FICPI, INTA, and to the American Chemical Society. He is currently Vice-President of the Italian Institute of Patent and Trademark Attorneys (Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale).
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