Art Source Consulting, “Afternoon in Oakland” April 7, 2015
“A brief visit to Oakland recently yielded some interesting emerging work. Starting with Diedrick
Brackens…” LINK
Art Practical, “Review - Diedrick Brackens: This is Real Life” March 31, 2015 Anton Stuebner
“This is Real Life opens arrestingly: with two woven wall hangings resembling elongated Band-Aids, their
frayed white "gauze" "stained" with rainbow-hued "blood."...raises troubling questions about how bodies
are made absent, specifically through violence. What happens when the subject of portraiture has been
violently erased? How to represent a person of whom all that is left are traces?...” LINK
Curiously Direct, “Johansson Projects // Diedrick Brackens: This is Real Life” March 10, 2015
“...Bracken's weaving is so very charged with reference without those references being overbearing,
elegant while maintaining a strong sense of being handmade. Especially nice are a few rack-like objects
which feel part sawhorse, part police barrier, part loom in a great way...” LINK
The Daily Californian, “Artist Diedrick Brackens uses textiles to tell stories of race, injustice”
March 16, 2015 Sarah Elizabeth Adler
“...textiles speak to the fabric of black lives and queer lives and to matters of craft and care. Brackens has
created art that speaks and, above all, art that begs to be looked at...” LINK