Mrs. Johosky’s Classroom Policies 2013-2014 Classroom Rules 1. RESPECT Everyone and Everything. 2. FOOD, DRINK, GUM Not allowed in the classroom. Bottled water is allowed. 3. NO DISTURBING BEHAVIOR Any behavior which interrupts class, prevents me from teaching, or prevents any student (including you!) from learning is not allowed. 4. NO COSMETICS or GROOMING Mrs. Johosky has asthma. Please do not use ANY scented products in the classroom! 5. STUDENT HANDBOOK Classroom Procedures ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Contents of student handbook are applied and enforced in this class. Consequences 1. Verbal or Signal Warning 2. Referral with parent contact 3. See student handbook for additional consequences SEVERE OR CONTINUING DISRUPTION WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE REFERRAL TO COUNSELOR OR ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Tardy Policy BE IN YOUR SEAT WHEN THE BELL RINGS Tardy 1-3 Student marked tardy Tardy 4+ Same as above + Parent contacted Tardy 5+ See student handbook for school policy Student TAs Expected to follow all classroom rules. T.A.s will not be permitted to converse with class members during class. T.A.s may be removed and/or failed for continuing misconduct or academic dishonesty. School Voice Mail: (209) 830-3360 Text ONLY: (209) 677-7501 (209-MRSRJ-01) Email: [email protected] Website: SOPHOMORE ADVANCED EDITION ∙ ∙ Enter quietly, politely, and respectfully. Hats off first! Turn in assignments at the beginning of class. Sit in your assigned seat promptly. Copy agenda, begin daily notes, and start on the opening activity. Raise your hand and wait patiently. When someone is talking, listen quietly. Keep comments to yourself unless you are called upon to share them. No negative comments. Outside work is not welcome in my classroom and will be confiscated. Parents and teacher will be notified. Finished early? Read extended reading, work on long term assignment for this class, or study vocabulary. Bring to Class ∙ ∙ REQUIRED MATERIALS (See list) EXTENDED READING BOOK: Extended Reading book must be registered with Mrs. Johosky to receive credit for book report. ∙ CURRENT TEXTBOOK: Bring the textbook(s) we have been using as posted on board. Failure to bring the textbook will result in loss of credit on related assignments. Habitual failure to bring book or other materials to class will result in additional disciplinary measures. ∙ SCHOOL ID: Must be worn in class. Get a temporary if you don’t have it! Academic Dishonesty WILL NOT BE TOLERATED IN THIS CLASS! ∙ All students involved in academically dishonest activities will receive a zero on the assignment. Referral will be added to the student’s file with a copy of the assignment(s). Severe consequences apply for repeat offenders. Be careful with your assignments! Allowing someone to “look over” or “borrow” your assignment may result in copied work without your consent. Don’t trust ANYONE with your hard work. ∙ Academic dishonesty is defined in the student handbook. ∙ All assignments are to be done individually unless specifically directed otherwise by Mrs. Johosky. “Working Together” on individual assignments is unacceptable. ∙ Communication during a test or quiz will earn an instant zero even if you are finished. Don’t risk it! Do not allow your eyes to wander. Be careful where you place your paper on your desk. Assignments ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ASSIGNMENTS DUE MUST BE IN THE BOX AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS. Late work will not be accepted. This includes papers submitted late during the same class period. No credit, make up or additional time will be given for assessments missed during a tardy. Students missing class for sports or academic field trips must submit work before leaving campus. Proper heading required (first and last name, date, period) in the upper right corner. Improper heading = - 3 points. Must be on white binder paper. Spiral paper is not accepted. Must be in dark blue or black ink. Pencil, felt marker, or other colored ink are not accepted. Some assignments must be word processed in MLA format. No MLA = half credit Homework follows board policy 6154 Tech Problems? Printer or computer excuses will not be accepted, even with a parent note. - Use a school machine. - Plan ahead! Print assignments early. - Save backups to the student portal. - Classroom computer is available before/after school by appointment. Cellular Devices On occasion, only by permission of Mrs. Johosky, responsible students may be allowed to use cellular devices to complete classroom assignments. During any other class time, school consequences apply. Privilege may be revoked at any time. Projects During the year we will have one book report or extended learning project per semester. This project is due approximately three weeks before the end of each semester. Specific dates can be found on the assignment sheets. Students will need to register an extended reading book by the date specified in order to receive credit for a book report. Registered books may be changed up to one week after the registration date for a 50% reduction of credit; however, late registrations will not be accepted. Students will not receive ANY credit on the book report without timely registration. Office Hours Students—Tues-Fri 3:02-3:15 or by appointment. Parents—Please make an appointment. I am not available during lunch. Please don’t ask. Grades Grading Scale are calculated as follows: Extra Credit Extra credit is not available in Advanced English classes. Semester Grades 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter Semester Final Parents may check student progress online: Printed Grades Grade percentages are not negotiable. I do not round percentages or change grades when subjected to pressure. Every student’s grade directly reflects the effort, responsibility, and ability he/she demonstrates in class and on assignments. I feel the only way to be fair is to grade each student using the same criteria. 45% 45% 10% Quarter Grades QUARTER 1: Assignments Assessments Writing/Projects Participation/Discussion Summer Reading 30% 25% 25% 10% 10% QUARTERS 2,3,4: Assignments Assessments Writing/Projects Participation Discussion 30% 25% 25% 5% 15% Parent Portal Quarter and Semester grades are determined by percentages: 93-100% A 73-76.9% C 90-92.9% A- 70-72.9% C87-89.9% B+ 67-69.9% D+ 83-86.9% B 63-66.9% D 80-82.9% B- 60-62.9% D77-79.9% C+ 0-59.9% F Available upon request. Please only request a printout if you do not have computer access. One day notice may be required. Online Grade Updates Teachers are required to post mid-quarter progress grades and quarter grades. To aid parents in guiding their students, I make every effort to update grades more frequently than that. Some assignments will take much longer than others to grade. Grades on the Parent Portal are the most up to date grade entries. If you have questions about grades posted on the Parent Portal, I am happy to answer your emails, usually within 24 hours; however, it may take longer during crucial grading periods due to heavy email volume. T h a n k s f o r y o u r p a t ie n c e ! Participation ∙ RAISE YOUR HAND! I will not choose you if you do not volunteer. ∙ Points are awarded daily for activities including but not limited to answering vocabulary, attending plays, contests, positive display of character, discussion, reading aloud in class, helping teacher, etc. ∙ ∙ ∙ Point value is calculated by dividing student’s points by the class average. Try your best to overcome shyness; even if your answer is wrong, you still get credit for trying. Participation is 15 % of each quarter grade (except first quarter)! It is posted online at progress reports and at the end of the quarter. Students are welcome to check participation scores with Mrs. Johosky at other times. Absences Potty Policy ∙ It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to obtain notes, read literature, and complete work missed during an absence. ∙ Students may get work from me at the beginning of class or during a quiet activity. Many materials are also available online. Be sure to get daily notes from a reliable classmate. ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Work/Assessments missed during an UNEXCUSED absence (INCLUDING SUSPENSION) may not be made up. MAKE UP WORK FOLLOWS SCHOOL POLICY: One day to make up work for each day of excused absence. Make up work must be turned in to the teacher (not in The Box) at the beginning of class, even if there is a sub the day it is due. If you are absent the day a long term (not overnight homework) assignment is due, it is due the day you return to school. Assignments are due the day you return, even if they are associated with tests (such as vocabulary). If you wish to use the assignment to study, please make a copy prior to turning it in. ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Make Up Assessments ∙ ∙ Passes may not be banked or gifted. Abuse of passes will result in a referral in addition to loss of future bathroom privileges. If a student uses both allotted passes, a tardy may be used in the event of an emergency. Tardy consequences apply. If a student has already received three tardies in the current quarter, he/she may not take a tardy to use the restroom. Only one student at a time may use the restroom. No bathroom passes will be given during tests until the student has completed the test. Concerns? Medical exceptions? Please contact me. Travel Study Policy follows school policy. Work is due the day you return. Late policy applies. Tests must be taken within five school days of your return. I do not allow assessment make ups during my lunch or prep period. Students Travel study is not recommended for may, at appropriate times, make up tests in class at a designated desk. Advanced English students. Be sure to give Other commitments, scheduling conflicts, or procrastination are not valid your form to Mrs. Johosky at least two weeks excuses for failing to make up assessments. before leaving. ASSESSMENTS missed during an EXCUSED absence may be taken after school by appointment within five school days of the test date. ∙ Students are allowed TWO (2) bathroom passes per quarter. Failure to complete make up on time will result in a ZERO on the assessment.
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