ATSIC Air Traffic Services Information Circular Aerodrome and ANS Inspectorate Number: 01/2007 Issued: 21 September 2007 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOR LICENSING OF AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS 1 Introduction 1.1 The Authority at its meeting on 22 August 2007 has approved the change in delegation of statutory powers pertaining to the licensing of air traffic controllers to the Senior Director having oversight of the Regulatory and International Group, in place of the Deputy DirectorGeneral having oversight of Air Traffic Services Division (formerly known as Operations Division). With effect from 1 November 2007, the Aerodrome and ANS Inspectorate (AAI) will take over the responsibility of administering the licensing of air traffic controllers from Air Traffic Services Division. 2 Purpose 2.1 The purpose of this ATSIC is to inform air traffic controllers of the administrative procedures to be adopted by the AAI with regard to licensing of air traffic controllers. 3 Scope 3.1 This ATSIC is addressed to the Director of Air Traffic Services Division, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, intended for dissemination to all air traffic controllers under his care. 4 Administrative Procedures for ATC Licensing 4.1 The administrative procedures to be adopted by the AAI are detailed in Appendix A to this ATSIC. Application forms to be used by air traffic controllers for the grant, renewal and replacement of licences can be found in Appendix B. Air Traffic Services Information Circular Aerodrome and ANS Inspectorate 5 Collection and Signing of Licences 5.1 The AAI will inform the Director of Air Traffic Services Division when licences for his air traffic controllers are ready for collection. All controllers will have to collect their licences from the AAI office located at Changi Airport Terminal 2, 4th Storey, Room 046-054-01 (next to the Information Systems Training Room). 5.2 Pursuant to paragraphs 62B and 62D(2) of the Singapore Air Navigation Order, the successful applicant / licence holder is, upon issuance of the air traffic controller licence or replacement licence, required to sign the licence or replacement licence, as the case may be, in the presence of a “person authorised by the Minister”. The persons who have been authorised, in whose presence the successful applicant / licence holder shall sign the licence or replacement licence are: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Head (AAI) Senior Inspector (Air Traffic Services) Inspector (Air Traffic Services) Corporate Service Officer (AAI) 6 Queries 6.1 If there are any queries with regard to this ATSIC, please address them to: Mr Ko Oon Kok Inspector (Air Traffic Services) Aerodrome and ANS Inspectorate Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Tel: 6541 3035 Fax: 6542 3869 E-mail: [email protected] ATSIC 01/2007 Page 2 of 2 Appendix A Page 1 of 3 ADMINSTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOR ATC LICENSING ANO Para 62A(2) Text of ANO Any person who desires to obtain or renew an air traffic controller licence shall apply to the Minister in such form and manner as the Minister may determine. Administrative Procedures The application for the grant or renewal is to be made in the relevant forms shown at Appendices B1 and B2 respectively. The application is to be addressed to SD(RI) through D(ATS) and H(AAI). AAI will check and process the application to ascertain that each applicant meets the requirements set out in paragraph 62A(4)(a) to (c) of the ANO, before recommending grant or renewal of the licence to SD(RI) for a decision. Note 1: Matters pertaining to licensing of air traffic controllers are addressed to SD(RI) in view of the latest revision in delegation of powers. Note 2: ATS Div’s Standards and Safety Unit will inform AAI of the conduct and result of validation assessments. 62A(3) An applicant shall undergo such training courses, examinations and tests as the Minister may require. The training courses, tests and examinations that the applicant shall undergo are the established ATC training courses and related tests and examinations conducted by SAA for CAAS controllers. The trainees shall be required to undergo on-the-job training in the appropriate ATC units. 62A(4) The Minister shall, subject to such conditions as he thinks fit, grant or renew an air traffic controller licence, if he is satisfied that the applicant:- The grant of licences (i.e. to new PATCOs) and renewal of licences are to be decided by SD(RI). (a) is not below the age of 21 years; (b) possess the necessary knowledge, skill and experience relating to air traffic services; and (c) satisfies the medical examination and medical fitness requirements specified in the Fourteenth Schedule. AAI will make a submission to SD(RI) recommending a grant or renewal of the air traffic controller licences in accordance with ANO and regulatory requirements. The names of controllers concerned will be attached as an Annex to the submission. Once SD(RI)has decided to grant or renew those air traffic controller licences, he will record his decision in the form of his approval of the recommendation in the submission. SD(RI) has authorised H(AAI), or in his absence, SI(ATS) to sign individual controller licences. Appendix A Page 2 of 3 ANO Para Text of ANO Administrative Procedures AAI will follow up and complete the grant or renewal process for those air traffic controller licences accordingly. Note: HR Div will inform AAI and ATS Div the result of the medical review by CAMB. 62B An air traffic controller licence shall be signed by the successful applicant upon the grant or renewal of the licence under paragraph 62A(4), in the presence of a person authorised by the Minister. The signing of the licence by the applicant shall be done in the presence of H(AAI), SI(ATS), I(ATS) or CPSO(AAI) as authorised by SD(RI). 62D(1) Where an air traffic controller licence has been lost or defaced before its expiry, the Minister may, on application, issue a replacement air traffic controller licence. The grant of a replacement licence is to be decided by SD(RI). The application is to be made in the form shown at Appendix B3 and submitted to SD(RI) through D(ATS) and H(AAI). Note: The original copy of the police report on the loss shall be submitted together with the application form. 62D(2) Upon issuance of the replacement licence, the holder of the air traffic controller licence to whom the replacement licence is issued shall sign the replacement licence in the presence of a person authorised by the Minister. The signing of the replacement licence by the applicant shall be done in the presence of H(AAI), SI(ATS), I(ATS) or CPSO(AAI) as authorised by SD(RI). 62E(1) A holder of an air traffic controller licence who – In circumstances set out in subparagraph 62E(1)(a) to (e), the holder of the licence is to inform SD(RI) through his Unit Head, D(ATS) and H(AAI). The follow-up actions to be taken by the Unit Head concerned are described below. (a) knows or has reason to believe that he is unfit or is suffering from any personal injury which affects his capacity to provide any air traffic service specified in any rating in his licence; (b) suffers from any illness which affects his capacity to provide any air traffic service specified in any rating in his licence throughout a period of more than 20 days; (c) knows or has reason to believe that she is pregnant; (d) requires continued treatment with prescribed medication; or (e) has received medical treatment requiring hospitalisation, shall – On receipt of information of the circumstances set out in sub-paragraph 62E(1)(a) to (e), the Unit Head is to relieve the licence holder of ATC duties and consult the Designated Medical Examiner (DME) on whether the licence holder is fit to provide the air traffic service as specified in his licence. To enable the DME to make the assessment on the medical fitness, the licence holder must submit the medical report from his doctor to the DME as soon as possible. Upon certification by the DME that the licence holder is fit to resume the provision of the air traffic service, HR Div will inform AAI and ATS Div. Appendix A Page 3 of 3 ANO Para Text of ANO (i) inform the Minister in writing of such injury, illness, pregnancy or treatment – (A) as soon as possible in the case of any such injury, pregnancy or treatment; or (B) as soon as possible after a period of 20 days has elapsed in the case of any such illness; and (ii) not exercise the privileges of the licence and related ratings until he has satisfied the evaluating medical examiner that his medical fitness has been restored to the standard required in paragraph 7 of the Fourteenth Schedule. Administrative Procedures If the DME advises that further medical examination is necessary, appropriate arrangements for the further medical examination to be conducted must be made. The result of the further medical examination is to be assessed by the DME as to whether the licence holder is fit to provide the air traffic service specified in his licence. If the DME’s assessment is that the licence holder is not fit, HR Div will inform AAI and ATS Div. AAI will inform D(ATS) that the licence holder is not fit to provide any air traffic service. ATS Div is to inform and ensure that the licence holder does not provide any air traffic service until he is certified fit. The DME shall refer to the Civil Aviation Medical Board (CAMB) any complicated and unusual cases for assessment, evaluation and clearance. Upon certification by CAMB that the licence holder is fit to resume provision of the air traffic service, HR Div will inform AAI and ATS Div. 14th Schedule Para 3(2) The designated medical examiner shall assess whether the applicant satisfies the standard of medical fitness required for the licence for which the applicant has applied for a grant or renewal and submit a report of his assessment to the evaluating medical examiner for evaluation and clearance. The result of the medical review by CAMB shall be submitted to H(AAI) and D(ATS) through HR Div. Appendix B1 APPLICATION FORM Application for an Air Traffic Controller Licence Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore To: Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Senior Director (Regulatory and International) Through Please paste recent photograph here Head (Aerodrome and ANS Inspectorate) Director, ATS Division PERSONAL PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT Full Name: Sex: Postal Address: Contact No.: NRIC/Passport Number: Date of Birth: DECLARATION I hereby apply for an air traffic controller licence and certify that all particulars given on this form are correct to the best of my belief and knowledge; and since the date on which I was medically examined, I have not suffered from any defect, disability or disease. Signature of Applicant Date FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Validity of Medical Certification From To CAAS/STD/04 Licence Paper No. Air Traffic Control Rating(s) Awarded Date Awarded a) b) Air Traffic Control Rating(s) Invalidated Licence Paper No. Inside cover/back & pp 7-8 Air Traffic Controller Licence No. Pp 1-4 Date of Issue Date of Expiry Name and Signature of Inspector In Aerodrome and ANS Inspectorate Appendix B2 APPLICATION FORM Application for the Renewal of an Air Traffic Controller Licence Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore To Instructions: Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Senior Director (Regulatory and International) i. Please verify your personal particulars printed Through below. ii. All changes (if any) should be made in the relevant section(s) of the form. Head (Aerodrome and ANS Inspectorate) Director, ATS Division iii. The updated form should be submitted to Aerodrome and ANS Inspectorate not later than 2 weeks prior to the expiry of the current licence. PERSONAL PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT Full Name: Sex: Postal Address: Contact No. NRIC/Passport Number: Date Of Birth: DECLARATION I hereby apply for the renewal of an air traffic controller licence and certify that all particulars given on this form are correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Applicant: Date: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Validity of Medical Certification From To CAAS/STD/04 Licence Paper No. Air Traffic Control Rating(s) Awarded Date Awarded a) b) Air Traffic Control Rating(s) Invalidated Licence Paper No. Inside cover/back & pp 7-8 Air Traffic Controller Licence No. Pp 1-4 Date of Issue Date of Expiry Name and Signature of Inspector In Aerodrome and ANS Inspectorate Appendix B3 APPLICATION FORM Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Application for the Replacement of an Air Traffic Controller Licence To Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Senior Director (Regulatory and International) • Through • Head (Aerodrome and ANS Inspectorate) Director, ATS Division The application for the replacement of an air traffic controller licence which has been lost shall include a police report notifying the loss. The application for the replacement of an air traffic controller licence which has been defaced shall include the defaced licence. PERSONAL PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT Full Name Sex Postal Address Contact No. NRIC/Passport Number Date of Birth DECLARATION Please tick in the appropriate box. ο ο I hereby apply for a replacement air traffic controller licence. I hereby declare that I have lost my original licence and that the particulars given in this form are true. Attached is the police report of the loss. I will surrender the original if it is subsequently found. I hereby apply for a replacement air traffic controller licence as the original has been defaced and I declare that the particulars given in this form are true. I hereby surrender the defaced licence. Signature of Applicant: Date: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Validity of Medical Certification From To CAAS/STD/04 Licence Paper No. Air Traffic Control Rating(s) Awarded Date Awarded a) b) Air Traffic Control Rating(s) Invalidated Licence Paper No. Inside cover/back & pp 7-8 Pp 1-4 Air Traffic Controller Licence No. Date of Issue Date of Expiry Name and Signature of Inspector In Aerodrome and ANS Inspectorate
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