Joy News Joy of Christ Lutheran Church 784 Kamehameha Hwy. Pearl City, HI 96782 Official Publication of Joy of Christ Lutheran Church l ELCA l First May/June, 2015 l Vol. 63 l No. 02 IMPORTANT DATES May 3rd Noisy Offering May 5th Lutheran-Episcopal Meeting 6:30 pm x May 9th IHS Service - 9:45 am May 44th Ascension of Our Lord May 16th Work Party May 23th Church Council 9:00am WORSHIP ASSISTANT LISTING FOR MAY AND JUNE, 2015 May 24th Pentecost Sunday WEAR RED Date Assistant Minister Reader CC Leader Communion Assistant Usher 05/03/2015 Lloyd Puckett Venus Bermudo Dee Schiemer Lloyd Puckett Dana Westphalen 05/10/2015 Cindy Tamayo Cindy Tamayo Kimberly Defenbaugh Cindy Tamayo Kimberly Defenbaugh 05/17/2015 Dee Schiemer BarBara Boddy Dee Schiemer Lloyd Puckett 05/24/2015 Dana Westphalen Dana Westphalen Dana Westphalen Dee Schiemer 05/31/2015 Dee Schiemer Barbara Boddy 06/07/2015 Lloyd Puckett Lloyd Puckett Dee Schiemer Lloyd Puckett Mary Ohta 06/14/2015 Dee Schiemer Dee Schiemer Kimberly Defenbaugh Dee Schiemer Kimberly Defenbaugh 06/21/2015 Cindy Tamayo BarBara Boddy Dee Schiemer Cindy Tamayo Dee Schiemer 06/28/2015 Kimberly Defenbaugh Kimberly Defenbaugh Dee Schiemer Kimberly Defenbaugh Mary Ohta Dee Schiemer Dee Schiemer May 31st Holy Trinity Sunday Prayer Shawl Service June 2nd Lutheran-Episcopal Meeting 6:30 pm June 7th Noisy Offering June 13th IHS Service - 9:45 am June 20th Work Party If you are unable to serve on your scheduled Sunday, call Dee Schiemer at 696-1306. You may find your own replacement or Dee will find one for you. If you find your own replacement, please call Dee and let her know. 8 June 25th Church Council 6:00pm MAY 24th WEAR RED!!! 11 Aloha Kakou, This past Sunday, it will be a full two months since I began serving as pastor to both Joy of Christ and Christ Lutheran churches. We’ve had good turn outs at everyone’s worship services. I sensed a (re)newed energy level amongst both long term members and newer worshipers. I, too, have felt a personal/professional sense of renewal, as well. I am praying that this is God’s Holy Spirit blowing refreshment and resurrection life through our gatherings around Word and sacrament, prayer and praise. Ascension Day, the day when Jesus “went to the Father,” is Thursday, May 14 th. It’s always forty days after Easter Sunday, which means it is always on a Thursday. Pentecost Sunday, the day when the Holy Spirit came upon the followers of Jesus and the Church came into being, is ten days later, on May 24th. Hence, the name “Pentecost,” which comes from the ancient Greek word for “fifty,” meaning fifty days after Easter. These are times for reflecting upon our congregational missions, purposes and directions. Such reflecting is even more appropriate for us as we ponder our own new situations as partnered congregations. How shall we as followers of Jesus in this particular time and place, in 2015, in Central Oahu, ascend to the Father? How shall we perceive the Holy Spirit coming upon us? How shall we be Church with each other and with those around us? These are key questions in complex, changing and uncertain times. These are questions to pray about, think about, and talk about with each other. Some things about the partnership are exciting. Some things we already know are a challenge. Other things, both exciting and challenging, foreseen and unforeseen, will continue to arise. I look forward to these times of discernment with you in the next few months. KeAkua me ke Aloha, Pr Keith CELEBRATIONS MAY JUNE BIRTHDAYS BIRTHDAYS 7—Cory Ohta 13—Ruth Nugent 14—Dayle Carlson 23—Herb Ohta 31—Lloyd Puckett 29—Ruth Peterson ANNIVERSARIES 20—Ron & Dee Schiemer 27—Cindy & Ferdinand Tamayo 30—Rose & Albert Garcia ANNIVERSARIES 27—Lloyd Puckett & Venus Bermudo We would like to celebrate your birthdays, anniversaries and baptismal birthdays with you. Please call us or email us with your special dates. CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES JORDANN TAMAYO May 16, 2015 St. Louis University Daughter of Cindy and Ferdinand Tamayo AMY WESTPHALEN June 6, 2015 Punahou Daughter of Dana Westphalen THE MISSION AT JOY OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Our mission is to celebrate Jesus Christ our Savior and to reach out to all with this Good News. We seek to enrich our relationship with God through worship, learning, witness, service & fellowship. We are caretakers of God’s creation. We will affirm each other’s spiritual gifts and care for all without reserve, joyfully sharing God’s Love. JOY OF CHRIST LUTHERAN IDENTITY STATEMENT We are celebrators of the Joy of Christ, an open community of Christians committed to spiritual growth. 2 7 Those We Keep in Our Prayers….. Prayer is an important part of our life together as Christians. Each week, we list in our bulletin those friends and family that we pray for both individually and as a community of faith. If you wish to add someone to our prayer list, please speak with Dee Schiemer or call her at 808-696-1306. For those dealing with health issues. Herb Ohta (member of JOC); Ron & Sue Griffin (friends of Dee Schiemer); Ray Comacho (nephew of BarBara Boddy); Stephanie Oubelqasse (friend of Dana Westphalen); Anna Gay Kim (aunt of Deanna Bassett; friend of JOC); Paul Boddy (son of BarBara Boddy); Stephanie Fossum (cousin of Dee Schiemer); Darren Hochstedler (former JOC member) For those dealing with cancer. Bill Petty (friend of John Lehrack); Alice Puckett (sister-in-law of Lloyd Puckett) For those recovering from health or injury concerns. For Families that have lost loved ones, those we hear about through news and those closer to our hearts. Rev. Hugh Stewart (father of former JOC member); Midori Taketa (mother of Diane Taketa, JOC Office Manager); Gale Arthur (uncle of Dee Schiemer); Andrea Andrist (friend of John Lehrack); Dave Hoppe (uncle of Kimberly Defenbaugh); Tiffany Tynes (friend of Valeria Islam) For victims of natural disasters, man-made disasters and violence in faraway places of strife and closer to home in domestic situations. Family & Friends of Venus Bermudo (Typhoon Hayiang); Victims of Natural Disasters (Typhoon Hayiang, Typhoon Rammasun, Hurricane Gonzolo, earthquake in Nepal); Victims of Violence (Girls in Nigeria); For guidance. Lana Hughes Molina (friend of Dee Schiemer); Brandon Ferguson (nephew of Dee Schiemer), Thomas and Melanie Schiemer and Ally Vivo (Son and family of Dee Schiemer); Bill Summers (father of Dee Schiemer); Linda Snooks (wife of Thomas Snooks) For new lives in marriage. Adam & Madeline (Maddy) Arocha Heierman (friends of Joy of Christ ); Lloyd & Venus Bermudo Puckett (members of JOC); Robert & Angelicia (Nikki) Ward Schiemer (nephew of Ron Schiemer); Brent & Chrissy Sabbann Whipple (cousins of Dee Schiemer); Heath & Brooke Lodin Tulp (friends of Ron and Dee Schiemer); Charles & Caroline Oxley Allen (friends of JOC) For New Lives, Stian John Landgren (son of Rita & Travis Landgren - friends of Dee Schiemer); Hayden-Rain & Kaylen-Rose Valdez (daughters of Luika Lee-Valdez & Keola Valdez – friends of Joy of Christ); Aiden Lynn Allen (son of Philip Glenn & Tristan Allen - friends of Thomas & Linda Snooks) For those who are expecting additions to their family. Moshammed Islam (family of Valeria Islam) Join thousands of knitters, crocheters, quilters of all faiths who are creating handmade shawls for those in need. Join with Dee Schiemer and Mary Ohta as we make shawls here at Joy of Christ. Don’t knit or crochet or quilt? Don’t worry, we are a patient group and will be more than willing to help you learn. If you do not have the time or inclination to learn at this time, we are also accepting donations of yarn. NEXT PRAYER SHAWL SERVICE: May 31, 2015 If you know someone who could use a shawl, please let Dee Schiemer or Pastor Keith know. Published by Joy of Christ LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA 784 Kamehameha Hwy. Pearl City, HI 96782 Church Office: (808) 455-1138 Fax (808) 456-2369 Web site: JoyNews information can be e-mailed to [email protected] Next Deadline: April June15, 2015 Answered Prayers. Adelaide Delano (aunt of Dee Schiemer) 6 3 FEEDING BODY AND SOUL The next three months, we’ll be serving at I.H.S. on Saturdays, May 9th and June 13th. Can you help cook? Be ther e by 9:45 am. Only have time to help serve? We’ll meet you at 11:45! Questions? Talk to Lloyd Puckett! And in partnership with St. Timothy’s, we continue to outreach those in need at Blaisdell Park on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. Interested? Please see a council member for more details. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADULT CLASS CONTINUES Luther: Gospel, Law and Reformation Martin Luther is so interesting to study, Professor Phillip Cary believes, because he is so controversial. In fact, Luther may be more interesting to study today because the controversy surrounding him is more complicated—less black-and-white—than when he was alive. Many Catholics today find things in Luther to respect and admire, while many Protestants reject aspects of his legacy as misguided, embarrassing, or even evil. Luther: Gospel, Law, and Reformation will help you r each your own conclusions. This cour se explor es Luther's theology, the circumstances surrounding his conclusion that the papacy was "antichrist," and major issues and events in the Reformation as it unfolded in Luther's life after he posted his famous 95 Theses on the door of the church of Wittenberg, Germany, in 1517. Class is held every Sunday after worship in the Library. We begin approximately 10:15 with a half hour video lecture or two and finish with some great discussion about the lectures we just saw. Class may be cancelled if worship schedule requires. Upcoming Lectures Lecture 20: Luther and Protestantism Lecture 21: Luther and Politics Lecture 22: Luther and His Enemies Lecture 23: Luther and the Jews Lecture 24: Luther and Modernity After the last lecture and discussion, we will discuss our next educational opportunity. Will it be another video lecture or book study, a basic bible study or a Lutheran study? Come and voice your opinion. Joy of Christ Church Council Meeting Highlights March 28, 2015 Members Present: Pastor Keith Wolter, Dana Westphalen, Lloyd Puckett, Cindy Tamayo, Amy Westphalen, Dee Schiemer, Kimberly Defenbaugh Others Present: Mitch Klein This meeting was called to order at 1:38 pm @ Joy of Christ Preparation Opening prayer/Devotions Review Agenda Approval of minutes from March 8, 2015-approved with changes suggested Old Business -Future Council meetings to be held last Thursday of each month. Next meeting will be April 30th. -Ongoing relationship with Christ Lutheran Church. Cindy and Dana will get together with Christ Lutheran Church representatives in the near future -Incidental insurance was not included in last months pastoral salary documents. It will be approximately $144 per month and will cover term life insurance, retiree support and disability. -We are looking for an installation date to install Pastor Keith. Our hope is Reverend Tim Phillips will come in addition to Bishop Murray Finck to be a part of that service. Facility Issues -Lanai ceiling tiles being replaced. They should be done by end of April. -We are expecting quotes from Kevin Barnes concerning sound equipment in sanctuary. We would like to mount the speakers and hide the wires to facilitate a cleaner look.. -We are considering painting the interior of the church and are awaiting quotes. Our Saturday AA Outreach group has offered to assist with painting. -Outreach Group Contracts are in the process of being updated and will be out soon. -Work days continue to be on the 3rd Saturday of each month.. New Business -Property Possibilities—With an aging building and the possibility of Honolulu Rail Line Community Development monies, we are looking for new ways to refurbish our property. If there are companies willing to build now income housing, we may need to think, talk and pray about the future possibility of a church/housing facility on our existing property. Pastor Keith will ask Jean Lilly with Habitat for Humanity for meet with the council and discuss possibilities. Reports received from Pastor, President and Treasurer Next Meeting-April 30, 2015 Adjournment– 3:24pm Highlights taken from Minutes prepared by the Secretary and approved by the council. 4 5 FEEDING BODY AND SOUL The next three months, we’ll be serving at I.H.S. on Saturdays, May 9th and June 13th. Can you help cook? Be ther e by 9:45 am. Only have time to help serve? We’ll meet you at 11:45! Questions? Talk to Lloyd Puckett! And in partnership with St. Timothy’s, we continue to outreach those in need at Blaisdell Park on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. Interested? Please see a council member for more details. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADULT CLASS CONTINUES Luther: Gospel, Law and Reformation Martin Luther is so interesting to study, Professor Phillip Cary believes, because he is so controversial. In fact, Luther may be more interesting to study today because the controversy surrounding him is more complicated—less black-and-white—than when he was alive. Many Catholics today find things in Luther to respect and admire, while many Protestants reject aspects of his legacy as misguided, embarrassing, or even evil. Luther: Gospel, Law, and Reformation will help you r each your own conclusions. This cour se explor es Luther's theology, the circumstances surrounding his conclusion that the papacy was "antichrist," and major issues and events in the Reformation as it unfolded in Luther's life after he posted his famous 95 Theses on the door of the church of Wittenberg, Germany, in 1517. Class is held every Sunday after worship in the Library. We begin approximately 10:15 with a half hour video lecture or two and finish with some great discussion about the lectures we just saw. Class may be cancelled if worship schedule requires. Upcoming Lectures Lecture 20: Luther and Protestantism Lecture 21: Luther and Politics Lecture 22: Luther and His Enemies Lecture 23: Luther and the Jews Lecture 24: Luther and Modernity After the last lecture and discussion, we will discuss our next educational opportunity. Will it be another video lecture or book study, a basic bible study or a Lutheran study? Come and voice your opinion. Joy of Christ Church Council Meeting Highlights March 28, 2015 Members Present: Pastor Keith Wolter, Dana Westphalen, Lloyd Puckett, Cindy Tamayo, Amy Westphalen, Dee Schiemer, Kimberly Defenbaugh Others Present: Mitch Klein This meeting was called to order at 1:38 pm @ Joy of Christ Preparation Opening prayer/Devotions Review Agenda Approval of minutes from March 8, 2015-approved with changes suggested Old Business -Future Council meetings to be held last Thursday of each month. Next meeting will be April 30th. -Ongoing relationship with Christ Lutheran Church. Cindy and Dana will get together with Christ Lutheran Church representatives in the near future -Incidental insurance was not included in last months pastoral salary documents. It will be approximately $144 per month and will cover term life insurance, retiree support and disability. -We are looking for an installation date to install Pastor Keith. Our hope is Reverend Tim Phillips will come in addition to Bishop Murray Finck to be a part of that service. Facility Issues -Lanai ceiling tiles being replaced. They should be done by end of April. -We are expecting quotes from Kevin Barnes concerning sound equipment in sanctuary. We would like to mount the speakers and hide the wires to facilitate a cleaner look.. -We are considering painting the interior of the church and are awaiting quotes. Our Saturday AA Outreach group has offered to assist with painting. -Outreach Group Contracts are in the process of being updated and will be out soon. -Work days continue to be on the 3rd Saturday of each month.. New Business -Property Possibilities—With an aging building and the possibility of Honolulu Rail Line Community Development monies, we are looking for new ways to refurbish our property. If there are companies willing to build now income housing, we may need to think, talk and pray about the future possibility of a church/housing facility on our existing property. Pastor Keith will ask Jean Lilly with Habitat for Humanity for meet with the council and discuss possibilities. Reports received from Pastor, President and Treasurer Next Meeting-April 30, 2015 Adjournment– 3:24pm Highlights taken from Minutes prepared by the Secretary and approved by the council. 4 5 Those We Keep in Our Prayers….. Prayer is an important part of our life together as Christians. Each week, we list in our bulletin those friends and family that we pray for both individually and as a community of faith. If you wish to add someone to our prayer list, please speak with Dee Schiemer or call her at 808-696-1306. For those dealing with health issues. Herb Ohta (member of JOC); Ron & Sue Griffin (friends of Dee Schiemer); Ray Comacho (nephew of BarBara Boddy); Stephanie Oubelqasse (friend of Dana Westphalen); Anna Gay Kim (aunt of Deanna Bassett; friend of JOC); Paul Boddy (son of BarBara Boddy); Stephanie Fossum (cousin of Dee Schiemer); Darren Hochstedler (former JOC member) For those dealing with cancer. Bill Petty (friend of John Lehrack); Alice Puckett (sister-in-law of Lloyd Puckett) For those recovering from health or injury concerns. For Families that have lost loved ones, those we hear about through news and those closer to our hearts. Rev. Hugh Stewart (father of former JOC member); Midori Taketa (mother of Diane Taketa, JOC Office Manager); Gale Arthur (uncle of Dee Schiemer); Andrea Andrist (friend of John Lehrack); Dave Hoppe (uncle of Kimberly Defenbaugh); Tiffany Tynes (friend of Valeria Islam) For victims of natural disasters, man-made disasters and violence in faraway places of strife and closer to home in domestic situations. Family & Friends of Venus Bermudo (Typhoon Hayiang); Victims of Natural Disasters (Typhoon Hayiang, Typhoon Rammasun, Hurricane Gonzolo, earthquake in Nepal); Victims of Violence (Girls in Nigeria); For guidance. Lana Hughes Molina (friend of Dee Schiemer); Brandon Ferguson (nephew of Dee Schiemer), Thomas and Melanie Schiemer and Ally Vivo (Son and family of Dee Schiemer); Bill Summers (father of Dee Schiemer); Linda Snooks (wife of Thomas Snooks) For new lives in marriage. Adam & Madeline (Maddy) Arocha Heierman (friends of Joy of Christ ); Lloyd & Venus Bermudo Puckett (members of JOC); Robert & Angelicia (Nikki) Ward Schiemer (nephew of Ron Schiemer); Brent & Chrissy Sabbann Whipple (cousins of Dee Schiemer); Heath & Brooke Lodin Tulp (friends of Ron and Dee Schiemer); Charles & Caroline Oxley Allen (friends of JOC) For New Lives, Stian John Landgren (son of Rita & Travis Landgren - friends of Dee Schiemer); Hayden-Rain & Kaylen-Rose Valdez (daughters of Luika Lee-Valdez & Keola Valdez – friends of Joy of Christ); Aiden Lynn Allen (son of Philip Glenn & Tristan Allen - friends of Thomas & Linda Snooks) For those who are expecting additions to their family. Moshammed Islam (family of Valeria Islam) Join thousands of knitters, crocheters, quilters of all faiths who are creating handmade shawls for those in need. Join with Dee Schiemer and Mary Ohta as we make shawls here at Joy of Christ. Don’t knit or crochet or quilt? Don’t worry, we are a patient group and will be more than willing to help you learn. If you do not have the time or inclination to learn at this time, we are also accepting donations of yarn. NEXT PRAYER SHAWL SERVICE: May 31, 2015 If you know someone who could use a shawl, please let Dee Schiemer or Pastor Keith know. Published by Joy of Christ LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA 784 Kamehameha Hwy. Pearl City, HI 96782 Church Office: (808) 455-1138 Fax (808) 456-2369 Web site: JoyNews information can be e-mailed to [email protected] Next Deadline: April June15, 2015 Answered Prayers. Adelaide Delano (aunt of Dee Schiemer) 6 3 Aloha Kakou, This past Sunday, it will be a full two months since I began serving as pastor to both Joy of Christ and Christ Lutheran churches. We’ve had good turn outs at everyone’s worship services. I sensed a (re)newed energy level amongst both long term members and newer worshipers. I, too, have felt a personal/professional sense of renewal, as well. I am praying that this is God’s Holy Spirit blowing refreshment and resurrection life through our gatherings around Word and sacrament, prayer and praise. Ascension Day, the day when Jesus “went to the Father,” is Thursday, May 14 th. It’s always forty days after Easter Sunday, which means it is always on a Thursday. Pentecost Sunday, the day when the Holy Spirit came upon the followers of Jesus and the Church came into being, is ten days later, on May 24th. Hence, the name “Pentecost,” which comes from the ancient Greek word for “fifty,” meaning fifty days after Easter. These are times for reflecting upon our congregational missions, purposes and directions. Such reflecting is even more appropriate for us as we ponder our own new situations as partnered congregations. How shall we as followers of Jesus in this particular time and place, in 2015, in Central Oahu, ascend to the Father? How shall we perceive the Holy Spirit coming upon us? How shall we be Church with each other and with those around us? These are key questions in complex, changing and uncertain times. These are questions to pray about, think about, and talk about with each other. Some things about the partnership are exciting. Some things we already know are a challenge. Other things, both exciting and challenging, foreseen and unforeseen, will continue to arise. I look forward to these times of discernment with you in the next few months. KeAkua me ke Aloha, Pr Keith CELEBRATIONS MAY JUNE BIRTHDAYS BIRTHDAYS 7—Cory Ohta 13—Ruth Nugent 14—Dayle Carlson 23—Herb Ohta 31—Lloyd Puckett 29—Ruth Peterson ANNIVERSARIES 20—Ron & Dee Schiemer 27—Cindy & Ferdinand Tamayo 30—Rose & Albert Garcia ANNIVERSARIES 27—Lloyd Puckett & Venus Bermudo We would like to celebrate your birthdays, anniversaries and baptismal birthdays with you. Please call us or email us with your special dates. CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES JORDANN TAMAYO May 16, 2015 St. Louis University Daughter of Cindy and Ferdinand Tamayo AMY WESTPHALEN June 6, 2015 Punahou Daughter of Dana Westphalen THE MISSION AT JOY OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Our mission is to celebrate Jesus Christ our Savior and to reach out to all with this Good News. We seek to enrich our relationship with God through worship, learning, witness, service & fellowship. We are caretakers of God’s creation. We will affirm each other’s spiritual gifts and care for all without reserve, joyfully sharing God’s Love. JOY OF CHRIST LUTHERAN IDENTITY STATEMENT We are celebrators of the Joy of Christ, an open community of Christians committed to spiritual growth. 2 7 Joy News Joy of Christ Lutheran Church 784 Kamehameha Hwy. Pearl City, HI 96782 Official Publication of Joy of Christ Lutheran Church l ELCA l First May/June, 2015 l Vol. 63 l No. 02 IMPORTANT DATES May 3rd Noisy Offering May 5th Lutheran-Episcopal Meeting 6:30 pm x May 9th IHS Service - 9:45 am May 44th Ascension of Our Lord May 16th Work Party May 23th Church Council 9:00am WORSHIP ASSISTANT LISTING FOR MAY AND JUNE, 2015 May 24th Pentecost Sunday WEAR RED Date Assistant Minister Reader CC Leader Communion Assistant Usher 05/03/2015 Lloyd Puckett Venus Bermudo Dee Schiemer Lloyd Puckett Dana Westphalen 05/10/2015 Cindy Tamayo Cindy Tamayo Kimberly Defenbaugh Cindy Tamayo Kimberly Defenbaugh 05/17/2015 Dee Schiemer BarBara Boddy Dee Schiemer Lloyd Puckett 05/24/2015 Dana Westphalen Dana Westphalen Dana Westphalen Dee Schiemer 05/31/2015 Dee Schiemer Barbara Boddy 06/07/2015 Lloyd Puckett Lloyd Puckett Dee Schiemer Lloyd Puckett Mary Ohta 06/14/2015 Dee Schiemer Dee Schiemer Kimberly Defenbaugh Dee Schiemer Kimberly Defenbaugh 06/21/2015 Cindy Tamayo BarBara Boddy Dee Schiemer Cindy Tamayo Dee Schiemer 06/28/2015 Kimberly Defenbaugh Kimberly Defenbaugh Dee Schiemer Kimberly Defenbaugh Mary Ohta Dee Schiemer Dee Schiemer May 31st Holy Trinity Sunday Prayer Shawl Service June 2nd Lutheran-Episcopal Meeting 6:30 pm June 7th Noisy Offering June 13th IHS Service - 9:45 am June 20th Work Party If you are unable to serve on your scheduled Sunday, call Dee Schiemer at 696-1306. You may find your own replacement or Dee will find one for you. If you find your own replacement, please call Dee and let her know. 8 June 25th Church Council 6:00pm MAY 24th WEAR RED!!! 11
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