‘-a I 30 tm CD’- 00 C) CD DC1) 0 CD — — 0 CD -D — p 0 0 Residency Success Residency program began in 2004 and has grown to 10 Residents per year: recurring from the legislature 7 graduated residents have rem ained in the State of NM to practice Denti stry c 2 are serving in Rural location s within the state cr iire ;i are serving in clinics th at treat medically fragile populations (Healthcare for the Homeless, First Choice, etc) 2010-2011 Statistics • 22,766 Patient Visits (4 clinics in Albuquerque —6 Facult y & 10 Residents) • 2,020 Emergency Visits (to Clinics) • 405 Emergency Room/Hospit al Consults Outreach • Service ‘ocations around the State Include: — — — — Silver City Roswell Lordsburg Artesia General Hospital II I llAIAIAA 1 S AN I JUAN RIO •TAOSI A*RIØ$ CAL. A A A’ 1—A II 4A1A I L - I 114 I L Albuquerque Area: • A C 0 I A A r T EIM E IX 1C I 4 flIR,AAi I C’ A N 0 N L •CAA A A — — — — Veteran Administration First Choice Healthcare for the Homeless Van Buren Middle School ,.L.. AL — 1_A 0 I? J T C 0 C A _f_ DAC4A.* 1,00114 I 44 A, ‘ IIIJANPETA A 4 AAI.ACACAII 11 A A AtJi *fl SenateBill 133 e Sponsor: Senator Pete Campos “The Health Sciences Center at the Uni versity of New Mexico shall conduct a study, of the feasibility of establishing at the universi ty of New Mexico a program to allow qualified students to matriculate directly from a ba chelor of arts degree program to dental school to obtain a doctor of dental science or do ctor of dental surgery degree.” Other Dental Feasibility Studies • “New Mexico Dental School Feasibility Study” commissioned by Governor Richardson and Senator Bingaman. Written by Howard Bailit, DMD, PhD ‘ Costs of a Dental School Most recent dental school under construction East Carolina Universit -- — Capital costs for construction I fl1 — Ofl (Admit approximately 50 students per yea r) Projected Annual Operating Costs $21 mWion y BA/DDS Program The purpose of the BA/DDS Program is to alleviate New Mexico’s dental dentist shortage by assembling a broadly diverse class of stu dents who are committed to serving as dentists in New Mexico commu nities with the greatest need. • Recruit the “best and brightest” students to UNM, beginn ing Fall 2013 for a focused, customized undergraduate experience. Attract taented high school students into dentistry, par ticularly gifted students from rural, dentally undeserved communities who otherwise mig ht not become dentists. Assure their entry into dental school. • Request is a commitment to 10 years of incremental and permanent recurring funding for a new program. BuNd on the success of the BAIMD Program (specificall y BA portion) NM Dental Association supports the BAJDDS progra m /;, BA DDS Program NEW MEXICO REGIONAL DENTAL SCH OOL CONCEPT PHASED- IN INTERMEDIATE APPROACH Phase I BA/DDS Pre-dental undergraduate program at UNM Phase II NM Regional Dental School Affiliation with existing out-of-state dent al school Clinical Training Rotations in New Mexico Phase Ill Dental Residency Program at UNM Rotations in Albuquerque and throughout New Mexico Affiliation agreement with Regional Dental Sc hool is an interim step Upon funding and constru ction of a UNM Dental School affiliation agreements wo uld be discontinued. -- Cl) I C) V : Cl) C C ci) iD 0 :• ci) ci) C) C-) C/) C ci) -o D C/) wc’J wo c’iCI) z D 0 0 C V 0 ci) E >< 0 . (I) I. C D -D I. ci) w I 0 0 0 0, z : C/) I IC OG) CE 0 Oi V() ci) — Cl)cl) -Coo L_-C C Ct5 -C 0 4d C V 0 0 c%J 0)0 C-C Cc,) >ci) C0 .tct5 . HSC Legislative Request Combined BAIDDS Program New Program Request $400,000 NM’s Unique Dental Challenges: • 06 Denstsi 1,000 population in NM (Nation al average is 0.8 Dentists/i ,000) • NM Ranks in the bottom quartile in number of dentists/i ,000 population (904 licensed dentists live in NM; 775 active; 49% are age 54 or older) • 7O of ccn’sts practice within a 4 county are a along the Rio Grande corridor • 25 of 33 counties are Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA) • 42% of the popuation resides in a dental designated HPSA • This program will mobilize UNM HSC resour ces to address the major oral health problems affecting New Mexica ns. (fjj, BA/DDS Program Estimated Funding Requirements ’ M ‘ k Residency Dental Pre Dental Undergraduate — Years 2 5 $2,000,000 - Program Development Year 1 $400,000 Years 6—9 $6,000,000 Year 10 $8,000,000 Contact Information Dr. Gary Cuttrell UNM Health Sciences Center Novitski Hall (505) 272-6626 GCuttrell@ salud.unm.edu Dr. Peter M. Jensen UNM Health Sciences Center 1801 Camino De Salud (505) 925-7699 pmjensen @salud.unm.edu Kenedi T. Pollard UNM Health Sciences Center Novitski Hall (505) 272-8252 ktpollard @ saludunm.edu Legish.tive 114! ail.h 8.. Huriian Seirvces omrflitt4!HB On BIN 12I3• Gary Cuttrell, DDS, JD Chair, Department of Dental Medicine Peter Jensen, DDS, MS, MPH Director, Residency Program ‘I) 9(111 Oral Health Effects & Determinants of Disease Heart Disease & Stroke Diabetes Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Obesity Respiratory Disease Contact Information Dr. Gary Cuttrell UNM Health Sciences Center Novitski Hall (505) 272-6626 GCuttrell@ salud.unm.edu Dr. Peter M. Jensen UNM Health Sciences Center 1801 Camino De Salud (505) 925-7699 pmjensen @ saludunm.edu Kenedi T. Pollard UNM Health Sciences Center Novitski Hall (505) 272-8252 [email protected]
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