Broucher - JP Rehab Zone

What our Participants say….
Workshop Registration Form
Address (Present) ____________________________________
Pin code: _____________ Qualifica ons:__________________
Mobile No. ____________ Alternate Contact No. ___________
Email: _____________________________________________
Tes monials
“Its good learning from the JP REHAB ZONE, students got
personal a en on”
Dr. Hetav Patel (Vadodara)
“ It was an awesome experience to learn Dry Needling &
Prac ce on Pa ent. It gives wonderful instant result”
Kavita Shah (Parul Ins tute)
“It gives instant result on pa ents. Wonderful experience”
Dr. Shrdha Shah (PG Student)
“Best tool for the Pain Management for Physiotherapy”
Dr. Ajay Upadhyay (Surat)
Workshop Name: ____________________________________
Limitless Rehabilitation
: Contact us:
Payment Mode:
Email id: ja [email protected]
1. Cash (Amount): ______________
2. Direct Deposit (Amount) __________(Please a ach receipt)
Call: +91 99251 82004
Who we are?
Transfer details:
1. Account Name – Patel Ja nkumar Nalinbhai
2. Bank Name – AXIS BANK, Branch Name: Navagam,Surat,
Our team currently consist two members who specialized in
educa onal ac vi es, Dr. Ja n Patel (PT) and Mrs. Ekta Patel
Dr. Ja n Patel complete his Master of Physiotherapy
3. Account Number – 913010015809524
(Rehabilita on) and con nue as PhD scholar in
4. IFSC Code: UTIB 0001306
Physiotherapy. He was awarded as Significant Contribu on
in Physiotherapy in 2015 by IAP. He conducts courses to
facilitate the professional development of other clinician.
Cheque/DD to be drawn in favour of “Patel Ja nkumar N”
Most important, they both loving the teaching and
payable at Kamrej, Surat.
Rehabilita on ac vi es with professionals and pa ents.
1. Video recording not allowed.
2. Fees non-refundable unless event is cancelled.
3. Organizers reserve the right to reschedule the program
Dr. Jatin Patel
Mrs. Ekta Patel
Basic and Advanced Dry Needling and
Pain Management for Physiotherapy
Kettle Bell Therapy
Dura on of workshop : 2 days (16 hrs)
Fees Structure: 3500 INR (subject to be change) (Group
Discount applicable)
Workshop Contents:
Theory Part:
1. Introduc on of Dry Needling & Trigger Points
2. Neurophysiology of Needle Inser on
3. Indica on & Contra indica on of DN Techniques
4. Clinical Documenta on
Prac cal Part:
1. Upper Limb Dry Needling Points
2. Lower Limb Dry Needling Points
3. Head and Neck Dry Needling Points
Who can join Workshop: Health care Professionals ( study the
Anatomy & Physiology of Human Body)
How to Register:
1. Fill the registra on form which a ached with this Brochure
2. Pay 1000 INR as token amount for registra on
3. Visit website for details
4. Send query on whatsapp Messenger : +91 99251 82004
What Par cipants will get a er Registra on
1. Manual of Workshop
2. 2 days Lunch, Tea
3. Prac ce Needles
4. Cer ficate & Transcript
5. Hands Prac ce
6. So Copy of Advance Physiotherapy Material (Books)
Note: Advanced Dry Needling and Pain Management for Physiotherapy cover
advanced points in Workshop and Fees structure 4500 INR (Subject to be change
as me goes), Minimum eligibility Cer ficate in Basic Dry Needling Techniques.
Sports Taping
1. Dura on of workshop : 2 days (16 hrs)
2. Fees Structure: 3500 INR (subject to be change)
(Group Discount applicable)
3. Workshop Contents:
Theory Part:
1. Introduc on of Taping
2. Introduc on of Tape
3. Basic Principle of Taping & Uses
Prac cal Part:
Upper Limb Joints Taping: Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist
Lower Limb Joints Taping: Hip, Knee, Ankle
Torso Taping: Back, Neck & Bu ocks
4. Who can join Workshop: UG students(BPT), Interns, PG
students, Physiotherapist
5. How to Register:
1. Fill the registra on form which a ached with this
2. Pay 1000 INR as token amount for registra on
3. Visit website for details
4. Send query on whatsapp Messenger : +91 99251 82004
6. What Par cipants will get a er Registra on
1. Manual of Workshop
2. 2 days Lunch, Tea
3. Prac ce Tape
4. Cer ficate & Transcript
1. Dura on of workshop : 2 days (16 hrs)
2. Fees Structure: 4000 INR (subject to be change)
(Group Discount applicable)
3. Workshop Contents:
Theory Part:
1. Introduc on of Ke le bell and Therapy
2. Bio mechanics of Ke le bell movements
3. Benefits of ke le bell therapy: Cardio, Neuro, Othro
4. Design workout for Pa ent
Prac cal Part:
1. Basic Movements of ke le bell Therapy
2. Core Strengthening with Ke le bell Therapy
3. Cardio Vascular Training with KB Therapy
4. Balance Training with KB Therapy
4. Who can join Workshop: Health care Professionals & Fitness
5. How to Register:
1. Fill the registra on form which a ached with this
2. Pay 1000 INR as token amount for registra on
3. Visit website for details
4. Send query on whatsapp Messenger : +91 99251 82004
6. What Par cipants will get a er Registra on
1. Manual of Workshop
2. 2 days Lunch, Tea
3. Prac ce Needles
4. Cer ficate & Transcript