Relaxa on and Healing through Easy Body Prac ces

Relaxaon and Healing
through Easy Body Pracces
Wednesday June 10, 7:00pm
Join us to learn about
simple techniques using
sound and movement
that can help bring you
relaxaon and healing,
such as
• Tapping
• Movement
• Healing of the five
• Sacred touch
259 N. Second Street
Souderton PA 18964
Generations of Indian
Valley is a 501(c)3
non-profit organization.
Telford resident Mary Rotondi has been a
cerfied Trager praconer since 2003.
Trager is a gentle form of body work, similar to
massage. In addion, Mary has studied
numerous mind-body pracces such as EFT
(Emoonal Freedom Technique),
Tai Chi, and Chi Kung.
A me of light refreshments will follow the
program. Your $10.00 registraon helps to
bring enriching programs like this to
Generaons. To register: