CABINET APPLICATION TEXAS STATE 2015 – 2016 The Texas Junior State Governor: Cole Harper [email protected] Lieutenant Governor: Maya Patel [email protected] Speaker of the House: Graham Smith [email protected] Alamo Capital Region Mayor: Alexander Hancock [email protected] Gulf Coast Region Mayor: Lauren Elizabeth Nyquist [email protected] Program Director: Steve Bayne [email protected] Table of Contents Page 4: Letter from State Elected Officials Page 5: Application Requirements; Deadline and Convention Dates Page 6: General Information Form Page 7: State Cabinet: Position descriptions and special applications Letter from State Elected Officials Dear 2015-2016 Texas JSA Cabinet Applicants, Congratulations on opening up this year's cabinet application. Serving on cabinet is the highest level of responsibility and honor one can obtain in JSA. JSA is the largest student run organization in the nation, and this is where it truly shows. You will experience a side of conventions you never knew existed. Whether you're helping plan conferences, taking photos, or writing debate blurbs, there are no bad positions. Look for the position that fits you best and do not hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have. This is a good year to be a part of the Texas Junior State. Last year we experienced explosive growth and raised our Spring State attendance to four hundred delegates, an incredible feat. We are on an upward trend and the future is bright. Best Wishes, Cole Harper Governor Maya Patel Lieutenant Governor Graham Smith Speaker of the House Application Requirements 1. The “General Information” form on page 6. 2. Detailed, specific, concrete, and honest responses to these questions: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Why are you applying for Cabinet? What qualifications do you have that make you an attractive applicant? What distinguishes you among applicants of your top choice position? How much time per week will you commit to JSA if selected to Cabinet? Describe your JSA journey. How did you get involved, and what have you contributed to your chapter, region, and/or state? What are three things you’d like to accomplish in your potential first choice position? What other extracurricular activities are you engaged in aside from JSA? Do you hold a chapter or regional leadership position? If so, please specify. OPTIONAL – Describe a song that embodies your relationship with JSA OR identify a political figure who most embodies you and describe why. 3. The special application for the position of your top choice, which is found after each position’s description (only submit a special application for your first choice position). Deadline and Convention Dates All Cabinet members must attend: Cabinet Convention (August 22) Fall State (November 21-22) Spring State (April 10-12) Recommended (not required): Winter Congress (February 26-28). Please mail all parts of the application by July 10th to: Cole Harper Texas Cabinet Application 3125 Wabash Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76109 Or please e-mail all parts of the application by July 10th to: [email protected] In the subject line, please put the following: [Last Name], [First Name], [Position of First Preference] Application Example: Harper, Cole, Director of Debate Application General Information Name: ______________________ Address, City, State, and Zip: Cell phone: (_ _ _) _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ Email Address: _____ School name: _____ JSA Region/County:__________________________ Graduation Year: _________ Best Time to Call*: Latest Time to Call*: Preferred means of contact (email, mail, phone, etc.): __________________________ Top Cabinet Positions Requested: 1. 2. 3. If first consulted, would you consider another Cabinet position? JSA events you have attended: _______________________________________________________ Will you make a commitment to attend all JSA events in your region and all state conventions? _______ What are one positive and one negative aspect of the Texas Junior State? What would you like to see changed? (Answer with all honesty; this question will NOT affect your application assessment, and is for JSA’s benefit only)__________________________________ *You may be called to better assess your qualifications for Cabinet. State Cabinet Positions Executive Department Gubernatorial Chief of Staff Lieutenant Gubernatorial Chief of Staff Speaker of the House Chief of Staff Panhandle Metroplex County Administrator Rio Grande County Administrator Convention Department Convention Coordinator Assistant Convention Coordinator Director of Logistics Deputy Director of Logistics Quizmaster Quizminion Director of Special Activities Chapter Internal Affairs Department Expansion Department ACR Director of Expansion GCR Director of Expansion PMC Director of Expansion RGC Director of Expansion Expansion Agent Director of CIA CIA Agent Debate Department Fundraising Department Director of Debate Debate Coordinator Debate Agent Director of Debate Training Director of Fundraising Director of Scholarship Funds Fundraising Agent Public Relations Department Director of Public Relations Director of Publicity Publicity Agent Director of Political Communications Director of Activism Deputy Director of Activism Director of Technology Film Director Lone Star Editor State Cabinet: Position Descriptions and Special Applications Executive Department Chief of Staff This year there will be three Chief of Staff positions, Gubernatorial Chief of Staff, Lieutenant Gubernatorial Chief of Staff, and the Speaker of the House Chief of Staff (who will also act as the regional Chief of Staff). To streamline the process there is one application for all three positions and from that applicant pool we will pick one for each spot. Each Chief of Staff shall oversee the productivity and communication of state Cabinet departments, as well as assist state elected officials with other necessary tasks. The Chief of Staff will compile a report on all departments of Cabinet at least once a month, listing the concrete and objective accomplishments of each department. The Chief of Staff must be able to assess the work ethic of Cabinet members, and consult the Governor if a Cabinet member must be dismissed. However, the Chief of Staff must also be encouraging to Cabinet members, acting as a positive, motivating influence encouraging productivity. As the Chief of Staff, you are expected to handle a fluctuating workload that some find to be overbearing, and to be prompt in completing said work load. Furthermore, as a member of Executive Leadership, the Chief of Staff’s presence is expected at all Conventions, Cabinet Meetings, and Pre-Convention Planning Meetings. Special Application • If a member of Cabinet were not doing his/her job properly, how would you go about getting this person back on track? • How will you encourage a job well done, and inspire working Cabinet members to keep consistent quality in their work? • How will you (specifically) promote greater interaction between the Cabinet departments? • Outline three specific problems you see in the effectiveness and communication of the Cabinets. What exact measures can be taken to fix said problems? • Please order the following departments (1 being the highest) in each respective category and feel free to elaborate with explanations at the end if necessary. Department Expertise/Experience/Knowledge Interest Expansion Chapter Internal Affairs Public Relations Debate Fundraising Convention • Please indicate if there is a specific Chief of Staff position you would like and why you would like that position. Also list your second and third choice. Please also indicate if you would be willing to take a position other than your first choice. Panhandle Metroplex County Administrator The PMC Administrator serves as the leader of the county. He or she will need to work towards the betterment of the county and lead it towards the path to Regional status. The PMC Administrator is effectively the mayor of the county, and will work with the Governor and Elected Executives to plan Chapter conferences in the region, expand JSA within the Panhandle Metroplex, and check up on chapters to make sure that they are functioning properly. Special Application • How will you create the growth of new and existing chapters within the county? • How will you make sure that there is effective communication between the cabinet members in your county? Rio Grande County Administrator The RGC administrator serves as the leader of the county. He or she will need to work towards the betterment of the county, and lead it towards the path to Regional status. The RGC Administrator is effectively the mayor of the county, and will work with the Governor and Elected Executives to plan Chapter conferences in the region, expand JSA within the Panhandle Metroplex, and check up on chapters to make sure that they are functioning properly. Special Application • How will you create the growth of new and existing chapters within the county? • How will you make sure that there is effective communication between the cabinet members in your county? • How will you expand the Rio Grande County beyond the IDEA Schools? Convention Department Convention Coordinator The Convention Coordinator is the Cabinet Member responsible for putting Texas Junior State Conventions together. From compiling the agenda to making sure the evening activities are planned, the Convention Coordinator oversees and approves all events occurring at Texas Junior State Conventions and runs the Convention Department. The Convention Coordinator is expected to work hand-in-hand with the Director of Debate when planning conventions in order to guarantee there are no scheduling conflicts between the debates and other events occurring at convention. The Convention Coordinator must be familiar with the functionality of a JSA Convention, be extremely organized, and able to handle the pressure of running each Texas JSA Convention. Much of the Convention Coordinator’s work is done on short notice in the weeks prior to a state convention, and thus, this individual must be willing to make JSA the top priority when the time comes. The Convention Coordinator is expected to be present at all Conventions, Cabinet Meetings, and Pre-Convention Planning Meetings. The Convention Coordinator is the head of the Convention department. Special Application • Design a sample agenda with an agenda at a glance, ten resolutions, and blurbs for two of those resolutions (no cover needed) around the Fall State 2015 theme, “Opportunity and Obstacles: Fulfilling the American Dream”. • What new and interesting special activities can we add to conventions to make them more enjoyable and educational? • The day of state conventions, many people who are scheduled to debate cannot attend the convention or do not show up to their debate. How would you ensure effective replacements are made for these open spots? • What new ideas, activities, and/or new debate styles would you like to see implemented? Assistant Convention Coordinator The Assistant Convention Coordinator is to work as a direct assistant to the Convention Coordinator. The Assistant Convention Coordinator is expected to aid the Convention Coordinator in any number of required tasks and will often act as the liaison between the Convention Department and the Debate Department. Their presence is required at all Conventions and PreConvention Planning Sessions. The Assistant Convention Coordinator must be organized, efficient, and helpful. Special Application • How will you support and help the Convention Coordinator? • Give three themes for three different potential regional events in the upcoming year. Director of Logistics The Director of Logistics serves to head the Logistics Room at every Texas Junior State Convention. Because the duties of the Director of Logistics occur mostly at Conventions, their presence at Fall & Spring State is absolutely imperative. The Director of Logistics is responsible for the stuffing of agendas, counting best speaker ballots, and the completion of name tags at Convention (or organizing a team to do so), all the while serving as the Convention Coordinator’s right hand. The Director of Logistics must be extremely organized and be able to pay attention to the most minute of details. Also, the Director of Logistics should work on preparing a list of food options, travel routes, and items for state conventions. Special Application • Assess last year’s logistics. What areas were lacking and what methods would you implement this year? • A twenty-person chapter in Fort Worth, Texas is concerned about attending Spring State in Houston, Texas. What, specifically, would be the best method for cheap, reliable transportation of this chapter? Consider the fact that students are not permitted to drive to conventions (but public transportation is allowed). Deputy Director of Logistics The Deputy Director of Logistics will assist the Director of Logistics in any means necessary. Primarily, the Deputy Director of Logistics will be the “runner” at Texas JSA Conventions, transporting materials from the Logistics Room to wherever they are needed. The Deputy Director of Logistics is responsible for making sure that all handbooks are present in each room before each session begins, as well as making sure that all best speaker ballots are collected at the end of each session. Also, the Deputy Director will serve as a sort of “sergeant-at-arms” and keep order in the rooms during debates and speakers as well as any assembly. Special Application • Assess last year’s logistics. What areas were lacking and what methods would you implement this year? • Are you comfortable with missing debates and activities at conventions on account of your duties? Quizmaster As indicated by the title, the Quizmaster is in charge of coordinating Texas JSA’s infamous Quiz Bowl. The Quizmaster will write the categories and questions, host the Quiz Bowl block at convention, and hand out the very special Quiz Bowl Prize at Closing Session of every convention. The Quizmaster must be quirky and creative, yet still needs to be able to withhold the integrity of Texas JSA’s Quiz Bowl. They are of course, infallible. Special Application • Is there anything you would change about Quiz Bowl? If so, please specify. • Give an example Quiz Bowl theme with at least four categories and five example questions. • How will you be a legend: the best Quizmaster of all time, and further the cult that is the Texas JSA Quiz Bowl? Quizminion The Quizminion helps the Quizmaster write questions and facilitate the Quiz Bowl during each convention. The minion, however, can only uphold the infallibility of the Quizmaster. Special Application • Is there anything you would change about Quiz Bowl? If so, please specify. • Give an example Quiz Bowl theme with at least four categories and five example questions. Director of Special Activities The Director of Special Activities holds the key to one of the causes of success at Texas JSA conventions: they are responsible for putting on the dance. From picking the theme to getting a list of requested songs, the Director of Special Activities communicates with the Convention Coordinator to make sure that the dance does indeed happen. While the success of the dance is important, an at least equally important responsibility of the Director of Special Activities is to coordinate alternative activities that take place at conventions. The Director of Special Activities must be charismatic, creative, and fun loving, and, of course, organized. Special Application • Come up with three dance themes that are fun and have never been used before at a Texas JSA convention. • Propose an original, one-block special activity or simulation and an original, one-hour nighttime activity that Texas should host at one of its conventions. How would you encourage JSAers to actively participate in this activity? • How do you plan on encouraging chapters to host their own social events? Debate Department Director of Debate Director of Debate holds a huge amount of responsibility in Texas JSA. Coordinating debate signups, main speakers, and moderators at Fall & Spring State, the Director of Debate is responsible for the success of the debated legislation at all conventions. The Director of Debate works frequently with the Convention Coordinator to create agendas and run each convention smoothly. Occasionally working with Chapter Internal Affairs, the Director of Debate is responsible for making sure that all chapters are aware of debate sign-ups and deadlines. The Director of Debate should also work to develop debates and activities for chapters every month. It is absolutely crucial that the Director of Debate has prior experience in the Debate Department and has the ability to lead agents in the department. Special Application • Using the Fall State 2013 theme, “Crafting a More Perfect Union: A Nation in Transition,” write fifteen resolutions and five blurbs for any five resolutions. • What are other debate styles, and how can these be integrated? How would you plan on running group debates? • Invent your own two new, original debate styles. Provide a paragraph description of each style. • How can the quality of debaters at JSA conventions and conferences be improved? • How will you ensure that your agents complete their tasks on time? Director of Debate Training The Director of Debate Training will work alongside the Director of Debate to ensure that the quality of debates and debaters statewide remains high. They will lead Moderator Training, and help in the creation of a Moderator Tips page for the agenda. They will also lead the creation of a more in-depth moderator evaluation sheet, and work to improve the quality of moderators at each convention. Special Application • Create a new, more holistic moderator evaluation sheet. • How will you help prepare moderators and debaters for their rounds? Debate Coordinator The Debate Coordinator will oversee the construction of “preplanned meetings” and “preplanned conferences” by working putting together all of the materials needed for chapters to host fun meetings or conferences. For example, for the preplanned meetings, the Debate Coordinator would assemble the legal briefings for chapters to host Supreme Court mock trial or choose resolutions for chapters to have thought talks over. For the preplanned conferences, the Debate Coordinator would put together conference themes, debate resolutions, agendas, etc. so chapters would be able to pick up the information and host conferences with minimal effort. They will release meeting ideas and preplanned conference materials at the beginning of each month. This is a new position, so any applicant must be patient and willing to work with trial and error. Special Application • Create a sample “preplanned conference” in any format you think best. There is no right or wrong. Remember, you don’t have to host an actual conference. Debate Agent Debate Agents are both the brain and hands of the Debate Department, generating ideas and bringing them to completion. Each agent shall submit ideas on National, Foreign, State, and Local topics as well as work on coming up with fun and creative debate formats or topics. A Debate Agent must be familiar with the rules of parliamentary procedure, and the JSA Moderating Handbook (which will be published on the website or emailed upon request). These agents will also write up debate briefs to include in the agenda. Being able to meet deadlines is extremely important for all debate agents. Special Application • What other qualifications do you have to serve as Debate Agent? (List all involvement in debate organizations and activities) • Write an example convention debate blurb for: “Resolved: That same sex marriage be legalized nationally.” Fundraising Department Director of Fundraising The Director of Fundraising is in charge of fundraising on a statewide level. The main priority of the Director of Fundraising shall be the direct solicitation of potential donors through Stay Classy. Additionally, the Director of Fundraising has the responsibility of creating at least one fundraiser at every Texas JSA Convention. It is imperative that the Director of Fundraising be creative and fun to keep the fundraising ideas across the state fresh and exciting, but also organized and motivated to make money—lots of it. Second, the Director of Fundraising will organize merchandise, such as t-shirts and lanyards, which must be sold at every state convention. In addition, the Director of Fundraising will be in charge of recruiting Texas JSAers to attend JSA Summer School and Symposia (attendance at a JSA Summer School is preferred for this position). Finally, the Director of Fundraising will constantly be communicating with the Director of Scholarship Funds to ensure that convention scholarships are available, and seek (or assign their agents to seek) prospective donations. The Director of Fundraising is the Head of the Fundraising Department. Special Application • Come up with three original fundraising ideas for a state convention. Provide a short explanation of each. Be creative, but realistic. • List your previous business experience and how this might help gain potential donors. • Your fundraising activities at Fall State do not seem to be getting enough interest or support. What do you do to save your fundraising cause? • How will you access donations and revenue from organizations and individuals outside of JSA? Give three possible ideas. • Attendance at JSA Summer School and Symposia by Texas JSAers has been on the decline in recent years. How do you plan to get more Texas JSAers to these events? Director of Scholarship Funds The Director of Scholarship funds is primarily responsible for ensuring that money raised to help pay for convention is appropriately distributed. This means you would be in charge of creating an application for convention scholarship, notifying chapter presidents on how their chapter members can access the application, and promote the usage of the application for Texas Junior Statesmen who are in need. Special Application • Why do you believe that diversity is an important part of JSA? • Name five realistic potential donors. • Which potential donors will you reach out to, and how? Fundraising Agent For the coming year, the Fundraising Agents will be in charge of developing new methods of fundraising and execute all fundraising activities at state conventions. They will also consult chapters in local fundraising. The input and insight of the Fundraising Agents is absolutely vital, but in the end, the Director of Fundraising makes the decisions. Special Application • What specific qualifications do you have for this position? (List all business experience) Chapter Internal Affairs Department Director of Chapter Internal Affairs The Director of Chapter Internal Affairs (CIA) links Texas JSA Chapters to the statewide level. Throughout the year, it will be the job of the CIA Director to create reports for the CIA Agents to fill out for their assigned Texas JSA Chapters. Furthermore, the Director of CIA is to make sure that all CIA Assignments are turned in punctually by sending reminder emails and notifications. When the CIA Director does receive the CIA Agent Reports, they have the responsibility of making their own report with 2-3 sentences on each JSA Chapter (highlighting the achievements and areas to work on) and submitting them to Executive Leadership. It is imperative that the CIA Director is charismatic, relatable, has a positive attitude, and has had experience within the Chapter Internal Affairs Department. The Director of CIA will be working closely with the Expansion Director. CIA Director must be willing to dedicate quite a few hours per week, as there is to be more communication between the Cabinet and the chapters than ever before. Additionally, it is crucial that the Director of the CIA works closely with the Convention Coordinator to understand the registration process, in order to be able to explain it to the Chapter Presidents. The Director of CIA is also responsible for directly communicating with the Texas Program Director and reporting an accurate count of the number of chapters and JSA members attending all major conventions. Special Application • What do you think the goal of the Chapter Internal Affairs Department is? How do you think you best fit the role of Director of this department? • Outline an overall plan for CIA for this year. • What do you think makes a great chapter? How can you bring that to every chapter you work with? • At what point would you say a chapter should be passed on from Expansion Department to the CIA Department? • You find out an agent hasn’t been making calls, how do you handle the situation? • How would you train and implement your CIA Agents effectively? • How can you maintain the current chapters and prevent chapters from dying? • What do you think is the largest challenge Chapter Presidents face? Chapter Internal Affairs Agent Chapter Internal Affairs (CIA) Agents, other than having the coolest name in all of Cabinet, act as the liaison between Texas JSA Cabinet and Texas JSA Chapters. It is the job of CIA Agents to remind chapters about upcoming dates and events (i.e. Convention Registration, regional events, etc.) and complete the CIA Reports, assigned by the CIA Director. Furthermore, it is the job of CIA Agents to report any problems within chapters to the CIA Director so that Texas JSA can help chapters in need. CIA Agents must check their email constantly, as email is the number one means of communication in Texas JSA. These agents should be committed to working with chapters to grow, turn in taxes, attend events, participate in Advocacy activities and become model JSA chapters. Special Application • Chapters are the building blocks, the foundation of JSA. Describe signs of an ideal chapter. • A chapter president comes to you for advice about their chapter. Ten out of fifteen of their chapter members are graduating seniors, and the existence of the chapter is questionable. What advice would you give to this chapter president about gaining membership? What steps should they be taking to promote JSA at their school? • One of your assigned Chapter Presidents is not answering their phone. How do you ensure that the chapter receives the necessary information for the upcoming state convention? Expansion Department Director of Expansion The number one goal of Texas JSA Expansion is not only to help expand our state to new boundaries, but to strengthen JSA’s presence in existing areas and encourage strong regions. By managing the Expansion Agents and communicating with regions, the Director of Expansion will have a primary role in accomplishing this goal. The Director of Expansion will contact schools and students around the state with the goal of starting a JSA chapter. The Director of Expansion will have the responsibility of delegating Expansion Agents to different individuals, or new chapters, to help them get on their feet. The Expansion Director is in charge of managing any problems that occur in Texas Expansion, ranging from tough administrators to transportation issues. This position is incredibly important to the Texas Junior State and its mission. The Director of Expansion should develop a plan for the year and a specific focus they want to undertake. The Director of Expansion will be working closely with the CIA Director to ensure communication between new chapters and their close-by veteran chapters, easing them into their JSA journey. Expansion Director must be willing to dedicate quite a few hours per week, as there is to be more expansion of the Texas Junior State this year than ever before, and nearly infinite potential for growth. Special Application • Each of our regions is located around at least one big city or Metroplex area. How do you plan on increasing Texas JSA’s presence in urban areas? • How will you utilize current connections between JSA members and potential chapter- starters of schools without a JSA chapter? • How will you correspond with other Cabinet departments (CIA, PR, Fundraising, etc.) to more easily achieve your goals? • Outline your main expansion strategies for the coming year. • Many chapters face the obstacle of being geographically far from conventions, making it difficult for them to get actively involved. What would you do to ensure that these chapters build and maintain a formidable place in Texas JSA? • How would you train and implement your Expansion Agents effectively? Expansion Agent The main goal for Expansion Agents is to get new chapters up and running. By having direct relations with new chapters, the Expansion Agents provide individual help getting chapters started, reporting any problems to the Expansion Director. When Expansion Agents feel a chapter is stable, they pass them off to the Director of Expansion, who upon “inspection” clears the chapter, then passes them onto the CIA Director, who assigns them a CIA Agent. Expansion Agents need to be kind, helpful, and willing to work, as often times there are complex problems when starting out of state chapters. These agents should also always be looking in their own areas or across the state for schools with the potential for new JSA chapters and seek to start new chapters wherever possible. Special Application • One of your assigned contacts becomes unresponsive. How do you revitalize the contact? • Many new chapter presidents are new and find themselves alienated from state and regional JSA. How will you encourage new chapter presidents to befriend their neighboring chapter presidents, in order to ensure an enjoyable, valuable JSA experience? Public Relations Department Director of Public Relations The Director of Public Relations is the head of the extensive Public Relations department, and is responsible for the effectiveness of this department as a whole. The Director will construct goals in publicity, advocacy, journalism, and technology for the year, and work with department members to ensure that these goals are not only just met, but are concrete and substantial contributions to Texas JSA. The Director of Public Relations must be willing to put considerable time into managing Texas JSA’s largest department, and must be organized, creative (yet realistic), outgoing, and an effective, motivating leader. Public Relations is a department entirely reliant on others, both inside and outside of JSA. Communications and follow-ups with these individuals, therefore, are crucial, and the Director must be polite while persistent and personable. All aspects of Public Relations are imperfect, and always seek improvement. If the department is maximizing its potential, there will be no “dead week,” break, or rest. Perseverance, endurance, and—most of all—passion are vital. The Director must also maintain communication with other departments and PR Directors from other JSA states to collaborate on publicity, advocacy, journalism, and technology initiatives that benefit JSA as a whole. Special Application • Your Director of Publicity is discouraged after contacting ninety reporters with no response. What would you say to him/her to encourage them to continue their work? What strategy, if any, would you propose to gain reporters? Tip: think of what the email to the reporters is saying, how it is communicated, which reporters are being contacted (what agencies they are working at), the number of follow ups, etc. • Describe realistic Activism goals for the year. How will you and the Activism Director shape what “Be the People” means? How will you publicize this activism? • A department member has contracted ‘senioritis’: they are unresponsive, inactive, and hardly keep up with deadlines. How will you get them back on track? Director of Publicity The Director of Publicity will focus on spreading the message of the Texas Junior State through state updates, activating social media, and maintaining website content. He or she will also oversee the Texas JSA blog, the Lone Star, and the videographer in video promotion campaigns. The Director of Publicity should be focused, outgoing, organized, and motivated to expand JSA’s recognition across schools, members, and the general public. Special Application • What are the three most important aspects of publicity that you plan to utilize next year? Develop a strategy. • How would you handle an agent not responding to their emails or meeting deadlines? Publicity Agent Publicity agents are the key to the success of spreading the JSA message, and reaching the public and press. Agents will be working throughout the year to call, email, and contact press organizations, also while promoting internal chapter accomplishments. Publicity agents must be prompt, reply to emails, and enjoy meeting new people from different organizations. Special Application • Create a list of 5 news outlets in your area that you could contact. Videographer The videographer must be creative, artistic, motivated, and familiar with video software programs. Promotion and informative videos will be created at least once prior to each state convention. Special Application • Send us a link to a video that you have made before. • What are three examples of promotion videos? Outline one. Describe materials, people, and resources involved, as well as the length and content of the video. Director of Political Communications The Director of Political Communications will find speakers for regional and state events. The Director of Political Communications must be personable, well informed of local and national political figures, and preferably well connected to potential speakers. Special Application • Are you personally connected to any potential speakers (political figures, history professors, etc)? • What do you seek in a speaker? Describe your ideal block of two keynote speakers. • How would you convince a potential speaker of the benefits of speaking at a Texas Junior State event? Director of Activism The Director of Activism will be in charge of activism on the state level. It is expected of the Director of Advocacy to have an Activism Project occurring at each Convention. Furthermore, the Director of Activism has the option of finding keynote speakers for Conventions if relevant to the current Activism Project. The Director of Activism must be creative and passionate about making a difference in the community. Special Application • What specific improvements would you make to political fairs? Give examples of organizations you would like to invite to these events and discuss the importance of political diversity. • Differentiate between Advocacy and Fundraising. • Discuss your background in political and/or social advocacy. Explain how your experience will help you in your effort to educate the community and Texas JSA. • How will you work with the Deputy Director of Advocacy to better promote advocacy in Texas JSA? Deputy Director of Activism The Deputy Director of Activism will help coordinate the Advocacy events at state conventions with the Director of Activism. Groups and speakers of a political nature will be their responsibility to contact and pursue. Letter writing campaigns to political groups and factions will be part of the Deputy Director of Activism’s job. Finally, any other jobs that the Director of Activism feels the Deputy Director of Activism should do will be assigned to them. Special Application • A new activity that will be implemented this year is a letter writing campaign in which JSAers sign a pre-written letter to a political organization that they want to get involved with or voice their opinion about. Draft a sample letter to a political faction that could be used in a letter writing campaign at Fall State. • Give examples of civic organizations you would like to invite to political fairs. Lonestar Editor The Lonestar Editor is the sole individual in charge of organizing and formatting Texas JSA’s Lonestar Newsletter. It is expected of the Lonestar Editor to proofread all articles that are chosen for publication in the Lonestar. The Lonestar Editor holds the responsibility of making sure that the Lonestar contains enough articles by either writing more themselves, or finding other Texas JSA individuals to write articles. The Lonestar Editor must have prior experience in journalism, as well as knowledge of Texas JSA and the Lonestar. The Lonestar will be a component of the Texas JSA website; as a result, the Lonestar Editor will work with the Directors of Technology and Publicity extensively. Special Application • How would you maintain a consistent and steady stream of new articles for the website? • How will Lone Star articles impact the life of an average, interested, and obsessed JSAer? • The Editor-in Chief of the Junior Statement asks you for an article for the national newsletter. Give three simple ideas for articles to send. • Describe your prior journalistic experience. Director of Technology The Director of Technology will have the chief responsibility of overseeing activity of the Texas JSA website,, as well as introducing and overseeing technological ideas that will make Texas JSA more efficient (ex: Remind101 texts to notify JSAers of convention agenda changes, live polling for JSA elections). As well, the Director of Technology will work with the National Director of Technology, working to expand the Texas Junior State’s web and technology program. The Director of Technology must be able to make professional-looking infographics and advertisements, and will possibly develop mobile applications for the Texas Junior State. Special Application • Visit and provide a brief critique of the Texas JSA website. Describe ways you would improve the layout of the website so as to market it to prospective JSAers. • How can the Texas Junior State website be used as a communication medium? What sections would you add to the website to make it more functional? • Please detail any experience you have with programming or computers. Include the links to any websites you have designed in the past (if applicable).
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