JPS Weekly April 23rd 2015 Jumeirah Primary School, Dubai Issue No. 27 - 14/15 NOTICE BOARD DATE SUN 26 APR EVENTS CAT TESTS YEAR 5 YEAR 5 & 6 BASKETBALL MATCH AT WELLINGTON INTERNATIONAL MON 27 APR CAT TESTS YEAR 5 CAT PARENT INFORMATION EVENING—YEAR 4 TUE 28 APR CAT TESTS YEAR 5 WED 29 APR CAT TESTS YEAR 5 FS2 TRIP TO DUCTAC TO WATCH ‘THE TIGER WHO CAME TO TEA’ THU 30 APR CAT TESTS YEAR 5 QURAN AWARD CELEBRATION —PARENTS WELCOME GIRLS’ ROUNDERS YEAR 5 & 6 AT REPTON SWIM GALA YEARS 3 –6 AT EMIRATES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MOVIE NIGHT—6PM—RIO 2 A message from the Principal Dear Parents This week has seen the start of this term’s extensive ‘After School Activities’ programme. As always, the sports clubs have proved to be particularly popular, including the new Gymnastics club. Cookery club has also been added to the list of activities this term and there are menu plans in place for some super healthy dishes in the coming weeks. The Year 1 children have enjoyed their ‘circus day’ this week, to enhance their learning in their current topic about the circus. They learnt many new tricks including juggling and hula hooping. I look forward to another busy week in school next week as we prepare for the Year 5 CAT tests and our exciting ‘Movie Night’ screening of ‘Rio’ on Thursday, to end the week. Enjoy your weekend. Warm regards, Catherine Catherine McKeever—CEO/Principal 1 JPS NEWS SCIENCE DAY 2015— EVERY CHILD A SCIENTIST ! What a fantastic event last Thursday’s Science Day was at JPS! The children arrived kitted out as Scientists, Paleontologists and Older People. The day was a buzz of excitement and in every room of school there was a plethora of activity while children took part in a series of explosive experiments. The children that took part in the Maker’s Fair were exceptional. Each group had prepared a new invention that they felt was significant for the environment ,or would make the most money, or would improve the lives of others. The winners for each category have been decided and these will be announced in assemblies next week. Look out for their inventions in the reception area. We set out to develop the idea that everyone can be a Scientist and this was achieved across school from our youngest children in FS1 to our Y6 Investigators. Thank you for all your support and I hope you enjoy your little scientists. 2 JPS NEWS CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN Year 1 had an absolute ball on Wedne sday, celebrating their new topic 'The cir cus'. The children enjoyed a range of activitie s throughout the day. They started of with some cir cus arts and crafts in class and then spent some time in the hall becoming cir cus performers themselve s. They practiced skills such as balancing, skipping, juggling and hula hooping amongst other things. We then tried some cir cus food; apple s with toffee sauce and later on we had our very own popcorn machine with fre sh popcorn- the corridor smelt delicious!!! The children were able to watch some of the film Dumbo which depicts a cir cus and finally they visited some of the other classrooms to have a go at some other cir cus crafts!! 3 JPS ARABIC & ISLAMIC NEWS Assalamu Alaikum Parents, Jumeirah Primary School will be hosting its Annual Quran Award Celebration at 8am on Thursday 30th April in the Main Hall. Students will give a small presentation and be awarded for their participation in the Quran Competition. Please save this date on your calendars! It will be a special morning as we celebrate our children's Quranic accomplishments You are most welcome if you would like to volunteer and help in the preparation of the celebration. (Email Mr Hazem Kemal.) For any inquiries please do not hesitate to email me on the following email: [email protected] Sincerely, Hazem Kamel Head of Islamic 4 JPS GIFTED & TALENTED NEWS Council of British International Schools Art competition Lots of artists in KS2 produced some fantastic Art for the recent ‘Council of British International Schools’ Art competition; it was a really tricky decision for the teachers to choose the best 3 pieces from JPS. The three talented artists chosen for submission to the finals were from Years 4, 5 and 6 ; Amolika (5B), Erin (4A) and Sanyukta (6A) produced art work to depict the title “I live in this Beautiful Place.” I am sure you will agree that their artwork wonderfully depicts Dubai in three very different styles. Well done girls, we eagerly await the results of the final round of judging. To see all commended entries, please visit the Gifted and Talented section on the Weebly. Helen Green Gifted and Talented Leader 5 JPS NEWS SUMMER HOLIDAY PLANS Dear Parents Do you have something unusual or exciting planned for the summer holiday? If so, we would love to hear from you. We are looking to feature such stories in our summer issue of the GEMS Family Magazine. Please come and chat to me or email me at [email protected] Thank you Elaine Burrell Parent Relations Executive 6 JPS NEWS Second hand uniform shop Special thanks should go to Evelien Van Slingelandt and Judy Hill for all their hard work in the second hand uniform shop - sorting through donations, organizing supplies to be sent to the RAEY Foundation in Ethiopia and keeping JPS children supplied with second hand uniform. The uniform shop is open on a Monday at 2pm and we are currently looking for more volunteers to open the shop, either at drop off or pick up time - please email [email protected] if you are able to spare some time. As we approach the end of the school year, please do remember that the shop will gratefully receive your quality, second hand uniform. With thanks Elaine Burrell 7 PTA ELECTION TIME Having a child at JPS, you automatically become a member of the Parents & Teachers Association (PTA). Our wonderful PTA organise a wealth of social and charitable events during the course of the school year – including Pink Day, Movie Night, Father’s Day and, of course, our annual Spring Fair. Being an active part of the PTA is a great way to meet people, get involved with the school, help raise funds for charity and the school - and have fun along the way too. At our forthcoming PTA Annual General Meeting in June, we will be electing our new board of parents who will represent the JPS Parent Community. The positions available for election are as follows: CHAIR - Liaises between the PTA and school and chairs all the meetings - Supports the sub committees and volunteers - Plans for events with the support of the PTA and the school - Sits on the treasury board and decides on the allocation of funds. VICE CHAIR - Supports the Chair with all their responsibilities - Steps in when the Chair is not available - Supports the Treasurer. SECRETARY - Responsible for all administration, logistics, newsletter updates - Maintains records of events - Works closely with the Chair to keep all members informed. TREASURER - Manages all finances for the PTA - Keeps accurate records of money received and money allocated - Prepares a financial plan for the year, providing termly reports to the board. LEAD CLASS REP - Works with the school at the beginning of term to get a class rep in place for each class - Maintains a register of all class reps - Regular communication of events and activities with class reps. SPRING FAIR LEAD CO-ORDINATOR - Responsible for organising a Spring Fair Committee and allocating areas of responsibility - Chairs regular Spring Fair meetings - Regular communication with Spring Fair committee members and sponsors - Liaises between the PTA and school on this high profile event - Decides on allocation of funds. Deadline for nominations is Thursday 14th May 2015. If you are enthusiastic, a team player and can dedicate some of your time to taking on one of the PTA board roles for the next academic year, you can nominate yourself or a friend for one of the above positions. To discuss these roles and responsibilities in more detail, please do come and chat to me. Any nominations should be emailed to me at [email protected] With kindest regards, Elaine Burrell — Parent Relations Executive 8 JPS NEWS COLLECTION OF CHILDREN AFTER THE AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITY CLUBS We would like to remind all parents that children must be collected from their after school clubs at 3.15pm / 3.30pm by an ADULT and / or students from Jumeirah College who wear the black uniform CHILDREN’S SAFETY AT SCHOOL Parents have full responsibility for their children until delivered to class. Similarly, on collection of children at the end of the day, it is the parents’ responsibility to fully supervise their children. Please do not allow children to play on any playground equipment before or after school. One of the issues we are facing is where families do not vacate the premises when school has finished for the day and this is a concern for us all. Please ensure you pick up your children promptly and supervise them when they are on school premises. MESSAGE FROM THE NURSES Temperatures are on the increase again. Please can you continue to stress to your children the importance of keeping hydrated – water, water, water! We have already noticed an increase in sore tummies and headaches, usually caused by dehydration. Also, don’t forget to apply sun cream in the mornings before school … and remember, NO HAT, NO PLAY. 9 JPS NEWS Mini-Masterchef Courses As part of the Enrichment 365 program of additional enrichment opportunities, GEMS would like to give our students an opportunity to access some further skills that they may not necessarily get a chance to develop within our regular school curricula. We are working with partner organisations to make this possible. One such organisation is SCAFA, the School for Culinary & Finishing Arts, who are offering cooking classes to our students as part of their Mini-Masterchef program. These classes would take place on a Saturday at SCAFA in JLT and would prepare students in basics of food preparation, cooking techniques and etiquette. Courses run for 8 weeks and cost 1500aed. The courses will be offered in two age groups: 7-11 and 12-15. If you would be interested in finding out more about this exciting opportunity, then please email Grant Smith ([email protected]), 10 JPS NEWS 11 JPS SUMMER NEWS 12 JPS NEWS STS Promotional Offer for JPS Non-Bus Users School Transport Services LLC, in partnership with Jumeirah Primary School, would like to reach out to all students and let them experience the bus ride to school. Has your child ever ridden to school in an STS School Bus? If not, we would like to invite all the JPS non-bus users to try out the bus ride (2way) FREE OF CHARGE from ‘Sunday, 3rd May – Thursday, 14th May’. This offer is limited to first-time bus users who reside in the below areas: Clock Tower Deira Al Safa 1 Festival City Al Safa 2 Al Manara Al Garhoud Mirdif You can register for this service by sending your contact details, area of residence and children’s details to [email protected] . (Last date to register is 23rd April 2015) We would like to encourage all students to use the school bus and help contribute towards a greener environment and reduce traffic. Learn more about STS, visit our website: Watch the STS Safety Video: Terms and Conditions: This offer is subject to availability of seats. This offer is not valid for current STS customers. Valid for first-time bus users only. 13 CHILDREN’S BIRTHDAYS BEING CELEBRATED WITHIN THE SCHOOL DAY We want to ensure that all children feel happy and special, especially on their birthday. We do however encourage a healthy eating policy within the school. Therefore, we feel it would be more appropriate that, should you wish to bring something in for your child to share with all his/her class mates, then a non-edible gift may be brought in. This can be something like a pencil, stickers, homemade personalized bookmark, etc. These items can again be left at Reception where they will be sent up to the class. We hope you agree this is a much more suitable and fun way to help a child celebrate their birthday with the whole class. RECEPTION AREA We would like to remind all parents that once they have collected their children at 2.15pm, it is important for health & safety reasons, for everyone to vacate the premises, unless you have a meeting with a member of staff. It is not possible for parents to wait in the Reception area, which is a working area until 4pm. We would appreciate all parents working with us to ensure that the school is a safe environment at all times. LOST PROPERTY Please ensure that you check the Lost Property bins, situated near to the Quiet Garden, if your child misplaces anything. At the end of each month, we will donate any unclaimed items to charity. Please always ensure that all clothing is named so that it can be returned to the rightful owner if lost. 14
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