r _ .-- _ Advt. -- 3/15 FniEI Kd{t m'rirorr, * =g'rr :o ts tc 11 qTq'it fq rqFY{ q6n 6t elr+a rri +rmrl4 TrriFr ir .5I iFIT i r €TT4l (st 4iT 'TrIIFliT f,r.F {Ie"r=q 'qq 6 rall6{ (rc] 346 trFrd]if F {<t trfq -qq r00 lrre r-qT"TE inir * tl 'rE, 2015 Ttai 1r.00 qi atn fi.a E { s6fr t nqT {{ft ft{ qraF6 3.00 qi atn qqi +rt r+,fr B gsA sqrrd +.oo qi s;+a Fl+qr+airii;i, sqH frft-dJ d-di w+ft r irls6 ql{fiift + rc trraF+ ri4lr{ 1rr+ | L \ @ wwwjvbi.ac.in w td 2?6rro, 227316 .R $rq+ 6T T gln .i. ur:cr.:r:rq:Jr:, r Jain Vishva Bharati Institute, Ladnun TIiNDIiR FoRM Tender I for : - Stationary and Other Items Name and postal address of the submitting the tender. 2. Addressed to: 3. Reference: 4. The Tender fee (Rs. - 2001) 5. We agree to abide by all the conditions mentioned in tender notice number Advt: 3/15 dated 20.05.2015 issued by Registrar, JVBI, Ladnun and also the lurther conditions of the said tender notice given in the attached sheets (all the pages of which have been signed by us in token of our acceptance of the terms mentioned 6. therein) The rates for the supply of following items are as under and the quantity to be supplied noted against each:- \)u/4 Registrar Tender Form Qtv. approx Item S.No. 1 Acid Bottle 2 All 3 4 Binding Sheet spira Broom Sink 5 Broom Soft 6 Make 250 Pin Approx. Budget 5000 Earnest Money (2% of cost) 100 20 500 10 400 1,200 24 100 2500 50 1s0 10000 200 Card sheet 2000 80 7 CDR 4000 Mose rba re 4000 40000 8 Cell Pencil 1s0 Everyday 900 18 9 Chalk for Black Board 200 Kores 9000 180 10 Chowk for tube light 60 Philips 7500 1s0 11 Cloth Sponges 150 4s00 90 12 Cloth Calico 1s0 4500 90 13 Drawing pin T4 Duster for Black Board 200 15 DVD 100 16 17 Envelope cloth line 10"x7" Envelope clothiine 11"x5" 18 I 25 800 750 15 2000 40 1100 22 10,000 1500 30000 600 4000 80 Enve ope laminated 14.5"x10" 2000 6000 1,2Q 19 Enve ope plain 11"x5" s000 5000 100 20 Enve ope pla in 7"x4" s000 4000 ?1- E nve ope pla in 9"x4" 10000 6000 80 120 22 Enve ope pla in 11"x7" 7000 7000 r40 23 Plastic Cover 9"x14" 5000 15000 300 24 Fevi stick 6000 120 25 Fi e cover plastic 10000 200 26 Fi e lndex 2250 45 27 Fi e Pad 1000 20 28 Fi e Patti simple 000 300 29 Whitener fluid 500 10 30 Pad slip 7500 150 31 Jems Clip 50 Letter head JVBI Note sheet 4Q 2500 34 Mentha I Ball 8 Kgs 35 36 Odonil Pa per colour 37 Pa 20 per cutter 200 Moserba re Pid ilite 1000 50 2QO 2000 15 20 1500 res 1500 30 To be printed as 6000 1,20 per our 3000 60 2400 48 50 2000 40 5 Pkt 2000 40 1000 20 Ko Paper Xerox A-3 Size 10 JK 70 GSM 3000 60 39 Paper Xerox A-4 Size 800 JK 70 GSM 120000 2400 40 Pen Ball 2000 Reynolds 10000 200 4t Pen Highlighter 20 Ce llo 500 10 42 Pen perma nent ma rker 100 Ce llo 2000 40 43 Pen Sketch 50 Cello 1000 20 44 Pencil soft 300 Natrai 1000 20 45 Pen marker white board 100 Cello 2000 40 46 Peon Book qnn Rate per Unit 47 Pheonel White 300 48 Plastic dori 30 49 Register dispatch 5 50 Register receipt 5 51 Register Staff Attenda nce 5? 12000 240 3600 72 Rastogi/Ka ma 300 6 Rastogi/Ka ma 300 6 2Q Rastogi/Ka ma 1000 20 Reglster student atte nda nce 150 Rastogi/Ka ma 53 Shawl 150 Oswal 54 Soa p 50 Lifeboy 55 Sta Toilet rter for T/L 50 56 15 Kangaroo 57 Steppler machine Steppler pin 2416 10 58 Steppler pin No.10 1s0 59 Tape Brown 350 60 Tape insulating 50 750 15 61 Tape Transparent 350 14000 280 62 Telephone lnstrument Tonner 12A,05A,53A,49A 10 5000 100 63 4s000 900 54 Tonner for RISO 10 18000 360 65 Tonner for Xerox Konica Machine 10 18000 6 12000 10 66 Tonner for Canon Xerox Machine 67 Tube Rod 40W 100 68 Black Board PVC folding 200 69 Master Roll for riso 70 71 80 600 15 Kangaroo 7s0 750 750 s00 ngaroo 1000 2Q 14000 280 P Ka h ilips Beetel H P/Ca Ph n non ilips r20 Bag for Seminar 300 4000 7000 7000 2 Momento Terms and Conditions 4000 30000 As per our samPle As per our sample 100000 60000 15 15 10 360 240 80 t40 t40 2000 1,200 : 1- The Tender Form can be obtained by hand from accounts office of JVBI at the cost of Rupees 200/- on cash before or by 25 May 2015. 2- ltem will be purchased as and when required by us during the year (June 2015 to 31 March 2016). 3- Last date for submission of tender form is 25 May 2015. at 3.00 p.m. and same will be opened at 4.00 p.m. 4- Quantity may be increased/decreased by 5o/o to 10% 5- The Earnest money shown against each item can be deposit through DD/Cheque in favour of Registrar, Jain Vishva Bharati lnstitute, Payble at Ladnun. 6- 5% Security to be deposited according to value of order. \ />--.. t ute<"
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