April 2015 Messenger - John Wesley United Methodist Church

We, as individuals and as a
congregation empowered by the Holy
Spirit, strive to serve God by walking
with Christ to reach the individual,
touch the community, and serve the
John Wesley
United Methodist Church
1927 West Kemper Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45240
Phone: (513) 825-0733
Fax: (513) 825-8090
Website: www.jwumc.net
E-mail address: [email protected]
Worship Services: 9:30 and
11:30 a.m. (Act 2 - Contemporary)
Sunday School: All ages 10:30 a.m.
Children’s Church: 9:30 and 11:30 .m.
Pastor RJ Davis
Office Mgr. Christie Riggsby
Office Associate Pim Kremer
Coordinator Diana Davis
April, 2015
More About Our Prayer Vigil
How do we do a Prayer Vigil? Easy. You sign-up to be a Host and/
or a prayer person. (And yes, you can sign up for both, but at
separate times.) As a host you will sit in the Narthex to welcome
pray-ers at the door, provide them with resources, and answer
questions. If you have signed up for prayer, you just sit in the
sanctuary quietly and pray – using your own prayers or the
written suggestions provided. Or, you can read the crucifixion
story from your Bibles and reflect upon that. The room will be
quiet and lit by candles – but we will have reading lights for those
who need them.
Some folks often want a copy of the devotional papers they see
there and sign-up sheets will be available for that purpose on a
table in Dunlap Hall. (The originals will need to be left in the
Narthex for others to use that day.)
There will also be bottled water in Dunlap Hall for your
refreshment. We will not be providing coffee, tea and cookies this
year because our Vigil is on Good Friday, and not on Palm Sunday
as it has been before. This will be a rich and rewarding experience for everyone. Don’t miss it.
Handbell Director/
Chancel Choir
Joanna Duhaime
Organist Sam Melson
Act 2 Praise Band Coordinator
Robb Horton
Friday, April 3 from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM
E.L.C. Admin. Beth Hoendorf
Messenger Issn. 383367-183
March 26 2015
Published Monthly
by John Wesley UMC
Issue #186
Newsletter articles and photos
due by 12:00 noon on the third
Thursday of the Month to:
[email protected].
The month of April starts the Season of Easter on the Liturgical Calendar of the Church. Yes, you read correctly.
Easter is a season, not simply one day. The season of Easter, sometimes referred to as Eastertide, is the fifty-day
period from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday. Because it is a period of fifty days, obviously it will span more
than just the thirty days of April. This year the season of Easter includes most of the month of May as well as the
majority of April.
As we continue our yearlong focus on relationship we will turn our attention to some of the barriers that prevent
us from embracing the intimate relationship that God extends to us. Much like the stone that blocked the
entrance to Jesus’ tomb so that we could not see it was empty until it was removed, so it is that there are stones
in our own lives that get in the way of what God is offering to us. Just as the stone needed to be rolled away from
the grave in order for us to discover the empty tomb we need to roll some stones out of the way in order to
discover what God is offering to us today. I am calling our Easter Sermon Series: Roll Away the Stone. Each week
we will look at a stone that gets in the way—a stone that gets between God and us.
The first Sunday of the month, Easter Sunday or Resurrection Sunday, we will look at the account of the Easter
events as John recorded them in his gospel. We will be focusing on the reality that for the first century believers
the discovery of the empty tomb had to be the work of those who were against them and had removed Jesus
body to upset them. The idea that Jesus had been raised from the dead as he had declared he would was just too
good to be true. To say that they were skeptical would be an understatement. The stone of skepticism continues
to exist today and it is that stone that we will attempt to roll away on Easter Sunday.
On the second Sunday we will gather for ONE SERVICE @ 10 AM and turn our focus to our mission statement.
We as individuals and as a congregation empowered by the Holy Spirit, strive top serve God by walking with Christ
to reach the individual, touch the community, and serve the world. Were are living out our mission in a number of
ways and on this Sunday we will celebrate some of those as our United Methodist Women’s Unit makes their
presentation to the Iron Samaritans and we hear the report from our mission team to New Orleans, and we
support the youth Basket Auction as they prepare for their mission trip to Red Bird Mission.
The third Sunday we will return to our Easter series and turn our attention to Mary’s experience after Peter and
John leave the garden tomb. She is so overcome with grief that she does not recognize Jesus until Jesus calls her
by name. For so many today, grief becomes a stone that blocks their recognition of God’s presence with them
and so our message will attempt to roll away that barrier.
On the fourth Sunday our focus will be on the disciples who were meeting behind locked doors out of fear of the
religious authorities. How often we today find ourselves frozen by our own fear of the reaction of others. We will
tackle this very real stone as we attempt to roll this barrier out of the way to release us for service in our
Following Christ to reach, touch and serve,
Pastor RJ
Stephen Ministers plant the seed. They: Listen; Explore
feelings; Pray; Share Christ’s love; Maintain confidentiality; Attend
to the caregiving process and leave the results to God…
God Gives the Growth…
“Therefore encourage one another and build up each other.” I Thessalonians 5:11
If any young person of JWUMC may be interested in assisting with acolyte duties at the 9:30am
church service, the schedule for June – September 2015 will be compiled soon. Please contact Kari
Weidner by 4/15/2015 at 703-9548 or email her @ [email protected] to be added to our current
list of helpers. We hope to continue to expand this fun opportunity!
The week of June 22-26th, gear up with us and work with God and
is in the morning 9:30-11:45 AM
begin May 1st both online and paper format
sign-up prize drawing. (The earlier you sign up the
greater the chance of winning.)
VBS staff meeting dates are scheduled for Sunday, May 3 at
12:30 or Monday, May 4 at 11:00 (Same info both dates; only
need to come to the most convenient.)
We will be contacting people who enjoy sharing God's love
to make a difference in the lives of children. If you don't hear
from us, we might not have your contact information, so
PLEASE call or email [email protected] (825-7660)
or Beth [email protected] (236-9338).
will also post items that we need by the sanctuary/worship center very soon.
Share the love of Christ with the children of the church, preschool, and surrounding communities.
Thank you so much.
The Twelve
Last Monday evening I headed to the Hamilton
City Jail to meet with Pastor Phil Carpenter. We try to
go every other week to tell the inmates about salvation
and Jesus. I believe this mission with Phil has made
me aware of many other ways to spread the Gospel.
The reason I have been going with Pastor Phil lately is because our brother in Christ, Paul, had to have
surgery on his foot and be off for a few months to heal until he is well enough to preach again. Although I
prefer visiting nursing homes I seem to be enjoying my part of Pastor Phil’s jail ministry.
Each evening usually begins with one of my stories, the short ones that usually make it into the
newsletter, and then I bow out gracefully. Well, over the last few months I didn’t do that. Something
seemed to overtake me at times and I forget that Phil is the preacher and I’m God’s guest messenger. At
times Phil will say, “Hey, has anybody got any duct tape? This messenger doesn’t want to shut up?” The
inmates, Phil, and I all get a good laugh.
The last three times I was there, the inmates were in the spirit and willing to hear the message of
salvation. The most recent one was Monday, March 16, 2015 at 11 p.m. Why am I being so precise
about this date? Let me explain.
As the service was about to end, all fourteen of us held up both arms to the ceiling loudly praising
God and giving him all the glory, the God who loves us and forgives us. Everyone was shaking hands
and some were even giving bear hugs. We told them to go and tell everybody that they just accepted
JESUS and renewed their lives again.
As we stopped to see the inmate guard, Pastor Phil exclaimed, “Look what they are doing now!”
When I turned and looked I saw all the inmates and others lifting their arms up and again giving glory to
The reason this is so amazing is because this is the first time that Pastor Phil ever saw the
inmates do this since he has been doing jail ministry. Even the inmate guard made that same statement.
That was the first time he ever saw this happen. He commented that we just might have to move out to
the larger area.
I was really surprised to hear what Pastor Phil had to say about these inmates. Then I was
reminded that all things are possible with God.
Pastor Phil asked me, “Did you count the number that was in the pod when they all accepted
JESUS? I smiled and replied, “Do you mean the 12 disciples?” Then Phil smiled too.
You may never be invited to go speak at a jail but ask Jesus where you should go and who you
should tell. Maybe someday a date will be written in your heart for eternity, too. AMEN
Trust and Obey
Joe Kirk, Messenger
Matthew 25:36 (NIV) I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me. I
was in prison and you came to visit me.
It is delivering time again
for the care bags. They will
be delivered after Easter. I
will put out cards again if
you want to take some
home to address. You can
place cards and notes in
the bags anytime of
course! Our numbers are
less since we have lost
several of our ladies. If you know of anyone in
the church or a relative of a church member
please let care and compassion know.
1. Furniture - The Springdale
Nazarene Church, where S.O.U.L.
is located, has a wonderful outreach providing furniture to anyone in need. At this time, they
have little in their warehouse.
They welcome any gently-used, good condition furniture except mattresses and box springs. If you
have items to donate, please call Pat Westerman at
824-1399. While she can sometimes get volunteers
to pick up items, it helps if you can deliver them to
the warehouse located on Reading Road about a
mile north of Glendale Milford Road. Call Pat to
make arrangements. S.O.U.L. often has clients who
need this kind of help.
2. Personal care items, paper goods and cleaning
supplies - While your generous support of the Simply Give program at Meijer's is still helping with food
supplies, it does not cover any of these other items.
These are always appreciated.
3. Transportation to and from S.O.U.L. for clients One of our members is already doing this but the
need is greater than she can meet. This can be
done one of 2 ways. (1) Pick up the client, take
them to the pantry, shop with them and take them
home. This could take up to 1 to 1 1/2 hours per
client each month. (2) Go to the pantry, call them,
take their "order" over the phone and deliver the
items to the client's home. For more information,
check with Cheryl Harper, 829-0936 or
[email protected].
Thank you for caring for our friends.
We have the
opportunity to
provide dinner for
the temporarily
homeless through
the Interfaith
Hospitality network at Our Lady of the Rosary, 17 Farragut
Rd., Greenhills, Ohio on Thursday April 16th
at 5:45 pm. If you can help in any of the following ways please contact Hope Stetler at 829
-6519 or email [email protected].
We need:
Mark Your Calendar - Hunger Walk, Memorial Day,
May 25 at 9:00 A.M.
This is a 5K walk (about 3.2 miles), often near the
river. We always have fun and raise money to provide a credit at the FreestoreFoodbank. (While
some items there are free, most cost a small
amount to cover their costs.) To register, you can
go online at freestorefoodbank.org, go to "events"
to register. Team name is Tri-County S.O.U.L.
Ministries, captain Bunny Doebling.
1. salad for 16
2. fruit or fruit salad for 16
3. dessert for 16
4. 2 hosts
5. pizza will be provided by UMW
The hosts will pick up the food from the
Dunlap Hall kitchen on the 16th. Thank you.
As always, Thank You for your ongoing support of
this wonderful ministry.
So February is finally finished with us, but she didn’t leave quietly. And she left
some more weather-related issues for us to address even as March arrived.
Not only did she affect our attendance (and sometimes the offering on the
Sunday mornings people didn’t feel safe to venture out), but she also affected
our expenses as we struggled to heat our large building…and keep the snow
and ice removed …and heat our water…and reschedule meetings to take care
of business.
The good news with all of the snow is that the roof is finished , so there have been no leaks to add to our
expenses! Our only fright came one Sunday morning as choir members heard the sliding snow coming off our
new metal roof as the sun warmed a bit. Interesting sound…but no problems because we have a sturdy
Despite all of that, we were able to send our mission group down to Louisiana and fully fund their efforts.
And we shared our coins with the poor.
So during this season of Lent, we have some real “darkness” in the form of the storm clouds from this past
winter weather to prepare us for the walk through the season and anticipate the brightness of Easter
Our ordinary income for February was $43,416. Our ordinary expenses were $40,736 (which included much
higher than normal gas and electric bills, the half-year church insurance bill, snow removal, and more roof
A New ‘Year’ Begins for Senior Members Fellowship
Our SPRING Party and plenty of Buzz – that’s what it’s all about!
Come to church and see, on Tuesday morning, April 14, from
10:00 – 11:30. We’ll be meeting at church this year in the front
of the building, using the library and small kitchen. Windows
are nice and plenty of chairs are available. Also, closer to
What is the program? During our Coffee Kletz we’ll be talking (large-table style) about
life experiences by following conversation cards to stimulate our ideas. (Example: What
date should stores start playing Christmas Carols?) Then, with the coffee bar still open,
we’ll switch to conversational pairs discussing another small set of cards written by
Methodists in 1973! At that time, the UMC Board of Discipleship asked groups to discuss
16 different life, culture, science & technology, religion questions. Then predict how their
current answers would change in 50 years. We’ll discuss whether or not their answers
apply now, AND project ahead to what we think it might look like in another 50 years. (It’s
only been forty since the original, but who’s counting?)
NOW is the time you can mark your calendars ahead for the remainder of this calendar
year: SMF festivities will be held every second Tuesday of every month from now on
through Christmas. We took our vacation while the snow was blowing. There are never
any charges unless you’re told ahead – like the Christmas Dinner. Hope to see you there!
Questions? Mary Jo Waters, 513.795.7461, or, [email protected]
To My Dear John Wesley
I want to thank all of you
for the many prayers,
calls and e-mails, beautiful cards and loving hugs
after the recent death of my mother. She was a
truly wonderful woman of great faith. Since she
lived locally, we had the opportunity to spend lots
of time together. Although I will really miss her, I
am comforted by the fact that she had 91 happy
and active years and died very peacefully.
With sincere gratitude for the wonderful support
you so willingly provide,
Gail Brannon
Looking for something fun and free to do with your family? Children’s Ministry would
like to invite you to Family Game Night! And by “Family” we mean your whole John
Wesley Family!
Where: Dunlap Hall
When: Friday, April 17, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
What: Games and Puzzles to play with anyone and everyone
Who: Bring the whole family, ages 0-99! Nursery care will be provided for our littlest ones.
If you have a favorite family board game, bring it along! We’ll have many available here to play, as well.
Also, please bring along a simple snack to share. If you can, maybe bring a little extra to share with any
guests from the community. Children’s Ministry will provide beverages and paper products.
Wouldn’t it be fun to invite neighbors and/or friends to join you? Maybe your kids have some special friends
they’d like to invite? To help with that, you could print out these “tickets” to give out:
John Wesley
Family Fun Night
When: April 17, 2015
When: April 17, 2015
Time: 6:00 to 8:00 PM
Time: 6:00 to 8:00 PM
Where: John Wesley UMC
1927 W. Kemper Road
John Wesley
Family Fun Night
Where: John Wesley UMC
1927 W. Kemper Road
All of us involved in John Wesley’s UMW unit believe that
what we do makes reaching, touching and serving a reality.
Our church and United Methodist Women strive together to
bring the women and men of this church together in
Christian fellowship to touch our community and serve our
In 2014 we raised money for diversified mission programs such as World Thank Offering ($100),
Call to Prayer ($375), Pledge to Mission-National UMW ($500), Interfaith Hospitality ($120), donations to Rev. Davis’ Christmas fund for needy JWUMC families ($900), donations for JWUMC Youth
Basket Auction ($130 value), Friendly Center-Toledo ($100.00), Goodwill ($50), Sandy Tornado
Relief ($200), Wesley Education Center ($345), Heifer project ($140), UMCOR-Philippines-($200),
Nast Trinity Meals Ministry ($700), and Iron Samaritan Meals Ministry ($700). We also provided
UMW member scholarships to the UMW Assembly and to School of Missions.
In 2015 we will donate half of ticket sales from the “Empty Bowls Luncheon” to Iron Samaritan
Meals Ministry and State Avenue UMC Meals Program ($1400). We also collected and donated
socks and underwear to State Avenue UMC and donated paper and soap products to Wesley
Education Center. A donation is also being made to the John Wesley Youth for their Red Bird
Mission trip this summer ($450)as well as items for auction baskets. Support will also go to other
deserving ministries this coming year.
UMW supported programs and projects are possible because of individual women’s gifts to mission
through “Mission Giving” or as we in the local unit put it, our pledge. “This allows UMW to respond
where the need is the greatest and to work in partnership with organizations doing similar work.
These gifts do not include another $5 million collected and used by local member units such as John
Wesley UMW. The Women’s National UMW volunteer board of 25 directors oversees and disburses
the funds received.”
Our Local and the National United Methodist Women empowers local church women to find
fellowship and service, encourages voluntary efforts to touch this community and others and enlists
us in a program that serves a world community hungry for the love and promise in Christ’s message
and aids those in need to find a better life. “UMW is a denominational faith organization for women
with approximately 800,000 members. Its Members raise up to $20 million dollars each year for
programs and projects related to women, children and youth in United States and in more than 100
countries around the world.”
“UMW Online, the United Methodist Women’s social network, connects members to each other and
to opportunities for participation through UMW.” The UMW Book Club is always on the cutting
edge of social and religious literature to better understand mission.
United Methodist Women interprets the biblical passage from Luke 4:18 as both a model and a
mandate for Christian social action and advocacy: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he
has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s
favor.” John Wesley’s United Methodist Women unit works continuously to meet this mandate.
UMW Meets 1st Thursday of the month. Please join us in mission and fellowship.
UMW.com website and UMW handouts provided some of the information.
The CREW Student
Christians, Ready,
Equipped and
Willing! Guiding
verse: 1st Timothy
4: 12.
April 5th is Easter and the last day to turn in
Jesus jars.
April 7th youth meeting at 7 in room 7
April 12th ONE SERVICE at 10:00 a.m.
because of having THE BASKET AUCTION.
Tickets will be sold for three weeks
leading up to BASKET AUCTION
Adults tickets $5 before $8 at the door
and children will be $3
We are will start collecting basket
donations as soon as possible
April 25th rethreads meet at church at 9:30
JW Kids Church
Nursery – Birth to age 3
Pre K – Grade 2 - Room 4
Grades 3-5 - Room 5
JW Kids Sunday
Nursery – Birth to age 3
Sparks (Pre K through Grade 2) Room 4
Ignite (Grades 3 through 5) Room 5
JW Kids Church
Nursery – Birth to age 3
Pre K – Grade 5 - Room 4
Parents are asked to please accompany their
children to their classrooms and sign them in.
The teachers would love to greet you!
Praise Images of Christ (PIX) has established a new, regular
monthly meeting on first Saturday of each month following the
men's Bible study. We will meet from 10:30 AM - 12 noon in
Dunlap Hall. Becoming a good photographer is a simple combination of becoming familiar with your camera (no matter the
type, megapixels, etc.), developing a creative eye, learning a
handful of basic skills, and tweaking your images with simple
post-editing software. PIX will help you learn new skills,
develop confidence behind the lens, find the beauty in God's
world, and capture images to share this witness to your
family, friends, and church. We are looking forward to seeing
you on Saturday, March 7, 10:30 AM. Questions: contact
Thursdays 9:30 AM or 7 PM
Starts April 23, 2015
Join us on an exciting experience of the Bible as we journey back to the
time of Jesus. Wonder at the simplicity and wisdom of Jesus’ parables.
Discover how the events of Jesus’ day impacted his life, ministry, and communication. Then let them
impact yours.
The focus of the study is: The Life and Ministry of the Messiah. This is a 48-week study that
illuminates the historical, geographical, and cultural context of the sacred Scriptures. Each of the eight
sections begins with a DVD lesson filmed on location in the Middle East. The rest of each section is
comprised of 5 lessons that unpack what was shared in the DVD lesson. This study will transform your
understanding of God and challenge you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ.
Study guides will cost less than $10. The number of guidebooks ordered will determine the discount.
Sign up in Dunlap Hall by April 5th so that guides can be ordered.
Open Event - Thursday April 2, 2015 at
7:30 pm in the sanctuary.
Hugh Thompson will
speak on climate
change and how our generation's actions could
impact future generations.
All members of the church and guests are
encouraged to attend!
Come join the
JW Men’s
UMW member's meeting will be at 6:30 pm in
the library followed by the speaker in the
sanctuary. Please remember to bring chocolate
items for the Youth Basket and Circle of Care
We meet on
the first
Saturday of
the month.
Join us for a
study in room 8 at 8:00 AM followed by
9:00 AM breakfast at Frisch’s on Hamilton
Ave. The study for 2015 is the book America's Four Gods. Call Bobby Woodward (513
-829-6995) if you have questions.
UMW Tea May 3, 2015
Tickets will go on sale Sunday April 19.
Presale Adults $10.00, children $3.00.
At the door Adults $12.00, children $5.00
America's Four Gods: What We Say about
God--and What That Says about Us by Paul
Froese, Christopher Bader
America's Four Gods draws on the most
comprehensive survey of American's religious beliefs ever conducted, to offer an
exploration of how Americans view God.
The authors show that regardless of our
religious tradition (or lack thereof),
Americans worship four distinct types of
God: The Authoritative God--who is both
engaged in the world and judgmental; The
Benevolent God--who loves and helps us in
spite of our failings; The Critical God--who
catalogs our sins but does not punish them
(at least not in this life); and The Distant
God--who stands apart from the world He
created. They show that these four conceptions of God form the basis of our world
views and are among the most powerful
predictors of how we feel about the most
contentious issues in American life.
Daniel Gerard, Richard Wheeler
Joan Marshall, Jack Hatfield
Miranda Wulfhorst, Adam Hieber
Alberta Flanagan, Steve Harper
Darlene Traylor, Emma Courtney
Korina Armes, Lindsay Weidner
Steve Starr, Trevor Robertson
Todd Upton
Katie Dixon
Nancy Starr
Louise DeGraaf, Brenda Schaller
Jay Clark
Alison Kersting, J Hamann, Tanner Ruberg
Sherri Lionberger, Matt Berry
Matt Mato
Burt Crosby, Kyle Robertson
Andy Shreve, Matt Tabor
Sandy Hayes
David Waldorf, Courtney Tabor, Nathaniel Brittain
Allen & Sandy Sanders
Gary & Robin Robbins
Harry & Peggy Schmidt
Gary & Leslie Stoelting, Todd & Cheryl Borden
Ron & Hope Stetler
Ronnie & Kendra Whitt