St. Paul Lutheran Church Le Center, MN 56057 David A. Aaker, Pastor Office #507/357-2212 Office e-mail: [email protected] THANK YOU SHIRLEY!!!!! J U L Y 2015 LAMPLIGHTER WILL THERE BE ENOUGH????? In my morning devotions this morning, I read again, the feeding of the 5000. I have grown in my love for that story more and more. Sometimes as a church, and certainly in our society, we often hear: “they’re won’t be enough.” “We had enough to make the budget the last 30 years, but I am not sure we will have enough this year, so we better cut back even more.” There are many other statements that I have heard over the years. “Will there be enough?” The story of the feeding of the 5000 is a wonderful story of doubt and faith. The disciples said, there isn’t enough. There are only a couple of fish and a few loaves. But Jesus took the fish and the loaves, blessed and gave thanks and gave it for all to eat. And ALL were satisfied with 12 baskets left over. SOOOOO - what about our needs as a church? Will there be enough? We voted unanimously to continue with the tuck pointing project. We will need to replace the shingles on the parsonage this year. And there are a number of other projects that need our attention. Will there be enough? After 42 years Shirley Germscheid is retiring as secretary for St. Paul Lutheran. She will officially retire from this position on June 30th. As we gather in worship on Sunday, June 28th, we are invited to say thank you for her 42 years of faithfulness in service to our church and community. We will share in time of giving thanks to her at the close of our worship on the 28th. If you would like to share some memories of Shirley in the office, you may send them to Pastor Dave in the office and we will share them with Shirley on that day. We will gather in the Gathering Place for coffee & goodies following our time of sharing. Let’s gather together and say Thank You Shirley! God bless you as you begin a new chapter in your life! Our Stewardship Worship Attendance: Sun. May 3 Sun., May 10 Sun., May 17 Sun., May 24 Sun., May 31 What if you gave what you can and I gave what I can give and we each said that? I bet you that there would indeed be enough. This church belongs to God and you and I have been called to be stewards of this building. As stewards of this place, God says that there will be enough. Will you and I believe in Him and trust Him in the days ahead? The picture is a stained glass window that I built called the “Loaves and the Fish”. Please know and believe that there is enough!!!!! Thanks be to God. Pastor Dave - (May 2015) Pastor’s Devotional Line: 651-203-4195 133 183 113 93 108 Church Website: Average attendance in May on Sunday morning = 126 Balance on hand as of 4/30/15 Income to General Acct. + Expense Balance on hand as of 5/31/15 $ + 345.86 12,844.00 15,195.61 $ - 2,005.75 Page 1 Lifetouch Picture Directories are here – if you had your picture taken or submitted a picture please stop and pick up your book. They are labeled with your name on it and are on the pew in the back of the church. Page 2 St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church June 10, 2015 Council Meeting Minutes- 7:30 pm Council Members Present: Pres. Gary Johnson, Jim Reddemann, Michele Liebhard, , Connie Harmeyer, Barb Krohn, Larry Zinke, Dayna Thelemann Absent: Gary Novotny, Melanie Vollmer, Pastor Dave, Treas. Marilyn Novotny Opening Devotions: Pres. Gary Johnson Approval of May 13th meeting minutes: Motion to approve May meeting minutes by Dayna T. and seconded it by Connie H. Motion approved and carried. Treas. Report: We have a plus balance of $2038.17. Motion to approve the Treas. report by Jim R. and seconded by Larry Z. Motion approved and carried. Committee Reports as follows: Evangelism & Worship: Michele reported discussion held on a retirement open house for Pastor. His last Sunday is Aug. 16th. Barb to head this up. Discussed new hymnals and inviting Robyn to July meeting if she is available to get her input. Discussion held but tabled until July meeting about whether we do outside coffee hour this summer. Stewardship: Larry stated they met. Ed. & Youth: Connie reported they will meet June 17th. Property & Maintenance: Discussion held on side door on east to be replaced. Currently securing bids for reroofing of parsonage and painting Fellowship Hall. Approval of new agenda and add the secretarial contract: Motion to approve by Dayna T. and seconded by Larry Z. Motion duly carried. New Agenda: Tuck Pointing: Pres. Gary Johnson and Jim Reddemann met with Jerome Stanoch. He will paint and calk damage in church as well. He warrants his work for 2 years. Time frame will be as follows; Limestone for replacing has to be custom cut. The contractor needs money up front for this. The limestone will be delivered to us by late Fall. By then the weather will not be conducive for this kind of work so the stone will be stored until work can begin in the Spring. Paid $22,000 up front. Pres. Gary wishes to thank the 1st Nat’l Bank and Ken Schmidt from the Endowment Committee for securing funds to move forward with this needed project. Sunday School Flooring: Both Barb and Jim presented their bids and after discussion it was decided to accept Miller Custom Floor’s bid from Le Sueur for $1553.00. Motion made by Barb K. to accept the bid with money for this project to be taken from Property and Maintenance. Seconded by Michele. Motion duly carried. Page 3 Parsonage Roof: Jim reported there is poor venting in roof and shingles are not under warranty. Currently securing bids for new roof. Shirley’s Party: Pres. Gary to touch base with this committee to see what their needs may be. Secretarial Contract: After discussion held on contract Jim R. made a motion to accept and Larry Z. seconded it. Motion duly carried. With no further business to discuss Jim R. made a motion to adjourn and Connie H. seconded it. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully Submitted, Sec. Barb Krohn RISE UP TOGETHER Thank you to many of you who have “taken stock in our youth”. We are still selling stock and invite your support. Please note a change: A suggested donation for a share of stock is a minimum of $25. or for a family $50. or any other amount. As a stock holder you will be invited to a banquet meal at 5 PM in the backyard of the parsonage on July 12th (change of time). We will share what we plan to do while we are in Detroit. Those attending include: Hannah Chadderdon, Emily Chadderdon, Jonathan Davies, Brianna Jenson, Abbie Larsen, Kailey Mach, Anya Menk, Austyn Menk, Brett Nichols, Amanda Onken, Jacob Peterson, Ashley Roemhildt, Carter Simon, Brittney Tiede, Molly Tiede, Gracelyn Vollmer, Courtney Whipps and adults, Beth Chadderdon, Marjorie Larsen, Vicki Mach, Emily Onken, Jessica Whipps, and Pastor Dave We will be traveling with others from Le Sueur, New Prague, German Lake and Chaska. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! You may purchase stock from any of those listed above or by placing your gift in the offering plate. Checks can be made out to St. Paul Youth Gathering. Page 4 WELCOME to Tammy Anderson who takes over the church office duties on July 1st – she is our new Office Manager. “Healing Takes Time” Fall Retreat – Sept. 18 – 20, 2015 Interdenominational Retreat – The Franciscan Retreat & Spirituality Center in Prior Lake. Retreat will focus on 5 different types of grief: Loss of Child, Loss of Spouse, Loss through Suicide, Pregnancy & Infant Loss, and Loss of Sibling/Parent. Breakout sessions with facilitators that have experienced similar losses. Keynote: Bob Labat, Minneapolis “Making a Choice” Bob & his wife, Dixie, chose to become ‘Better vs Bitter’ after the loss of four of their five children at different times. For more information contact Marlene Hunt – 507-931-2320 or email: [email protected]. – Hope United Grief Group On Sun., July 5th as part of the Elysian 4th of July celebration, everyone is invited to the First Annual Sakatah Sing-Along from 1111:45 a.m. Join area singers on the Singing Hills Trail at the Elysian wayside rest for some popular patriotic, fold & religious songs led by the Hootenanny Annies. Some bleacher seating will be available or bring a lawn chair or blanket if you like! St. Mary’s Church Festival with roast beef dinner, served Family Style; seating from 11:15-1:30 pm on Sunday, June 28th. The Red Cross Blood Drive will be held Tues., June 30, 1-‐7pm at the American legion Club, Le Center. Page 5 Let us pray for each other . . . We pray for those in our church, members & *non-members that have been sick, hospitalized, having surgeries, or are now home recovering. Prayer Concerns – Mitch Overn, Sue Schmidt Our Christian Sympathy & Prayers to: The Family of Jennifer Tiede (daughter of Willmar & Dolores Tiede), age 63. She died in June, 2015 and was a member here in the past. The Family of Ed Krueger, age 82. His funeral was held at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Le Center on June 17th. Receiving the Sacrament of Holy Baptism: On June 7, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. Kal VincePatrick Mason, son of Brett & Marni (Norgren) Mason. He was born July 5, 2013 in Faribault. Vacation Bible School will be held Sun., July 26 – Thurs., July 30. The theme is “EVEREST’ ‘Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power’. A light supper will be served at 5:30 and class starts at 6:00-8:30 p.m. If you can help, call Vicki Mach 3574563 or the church office 357-2212. If you have not registered your child yet, please call Vicki Mach at 357-4563. We are looking for volunteers (2 or 3) to take over our annual collection program for Layettes and School Bags for World Relief. Arlene O’Brien and Dorothy Flicek are looking to retire, but will work with and train anyone who is interested. Worship Assistants in J U L Y Altar Guild: Gail Novak, Julie Scott, Arlene O’Brien, Jane Sapp, Marsha O’Malley Bulletin Sponsors: (cost: $20.00) July 5 – Curt & Kay Kuethe July 12 – Harold & Terry Sladek July 19 – Larry & Diane Zinke July 26 – Weller Family Prepare For Worship JULY in July BIRTHDAYS U Ushers: July 5 – Wayne & Barb Krohn July 12 – Mach Family July 19 – Bob & Jane Sapp July 26 – Dave & Debbie Struckman Coffee Hour: July 5 – Needed July 12 – Harold & Terry Sladek July 19 – Tom & Sheila Becker July 26 – Fonseca Family Count Money: U Read the texts for Sunday before you come to church. Readings for July 5 – 6th Sunday after Pentecost Psalm 123 Lessons: Readers: July 5 – Needed July 12 – Faye Aaker July 19 – Jane Sapp July 26 – Ruth Schley U Ezekiel 2:1-5 and 2 Corinthians 4:12:2-10 Gospel: Mark 6:1-13 7 8 9 10 11 Readings for July 12 – 7 th Sunday after Pentecost Psalm 85:8-13 Lessons: Amos 7:7-15 and Ephesians 1:3-14 Gospel: Mark 6:14-29 12 13 14 15 16 Readings for July 19 – 8 th Sunday after Pentecost Psalm 23 Lessons: Jeremiah 23:1-6 and Ephesians 2:11-22 Gospel: Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 Readings for July 26 – 9th Sunday after Pentecost Psalm 145:10-18 Lessons: 2 Kings 4:42-44 and Ephesians 3:14-21 Gospel: John 6:1-21 Page 6 2 3 4 5 6 Page 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 27 28 29 30 31 Travis Nichols, Harland Veen Jeremy M. Fonseca, Tyler Hollom Julie Scott Kal Mason, David Ellertson Patsy Lande, Louann Widmer, Kelly Reed, Adrian Finnesgard Bob Collins, Tammy Holicky, Tony Smith Beth Barber, Barb Krohn Barb Stuart Kallie McGrath, Rhea McGrath, Brad Peterson, Crystal Henken Jeremy Bosacker, J’anna CindrichHolicky, Courtney Jacobson Cheryl Collins, Dustin Tiede, Brittany Moore, Dylan Holicky, Scott Christian Doris Schmidt, Emily Schley Bob Sapp, Bob Petrasek, Teddy Ellertson Emma Heilman, Thomas West, Austin Dvorak Vonnie Brahs, Julie Lloyd, Matt Johnson, Matt Johnson, David Zimmerman Tom Heilman, Wayne Bratsch Wes Bednar, Connie Hanek Dodie Heilman, Sam Anderson, Caleb Onken, Cynthia Ballman, Rick Peterson, Emma Palmquist, Ella Palmquist Michelle Liebhard, Braydon Tousley Gary Widmer, Ashley Carey, Dylan Hermel Michaela Henken, Mary Ceplecha Alexandra Novosad Carolyn Roessler, Megan David Jeanie Braun Arya Menk, Brett Nichols, Adrianna Tiede, Lori Klema, Silas Vlasak Carl Menk, Sue McCullough Joie Weller, Tyler Cesafsky, Amy O’Malley, Eric Joseph
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