April Meeting - Lincoln Amateur Radio Club

Lincoln Amateur Radio Club
April Meeting
7:30 PM, Wednesday, April 8, 2015
NOTE>>Salvation Army, 2625 Potter St. (a block north
of 27th & Holdrege), Lincoln, Nebraska<<NOTE
Lancaster County Emergency Management
Jim Davidsaver, Director
Lincoln–Lancaster County Emergency Management
“For the April meeting of the Lincoln Amateur Radio Club, I plan to provide an
overview of Emergency Management in Lancaster County. I have a presentation
that touches on the history of Emergency Management in the USA; mentions the 5
mission areas of Emergency Management; explains FEMA’s 15 Emergency Support Functions (ESFs); explains the activation and operation of our Emergency Operations Center (EOC); tells about our current inventory of equipment and resources and our new Salamander credentialing system; and predicts what the future
holds for Emergency Management, including social media.”
—provided by LARC VP Connie Zehr, NØGMA
Coming Events Also see http://k0kkv.org, www.facebook.com/LARCLincoln
Thu Apr 2, 6:30 pm—VE Exams, Northside Café, 2701 N 48th (P 10)
Wed Apr 8, 12:00 pm—QCWA Luncheon, The Knolls Restaurant, 2201 Old Cheney
Wed Apr 8, 6:00 pm—Field Day Meeting at Salvation Army, 2625 Potter<<NOTE QTH
Wed Apr 8, 7:30 pm—LARC April Club Meeting at Salvation Army, 2625 Potter<<NOTE
Sat Apr 11, 9:00-2:00—Weather Symposium at Hardin Hall, 33rd & Holdrege
Sat Apr 11, 11:00 am—HBQRP Home Brew Builders, Breadeaux Pizza, Ashland
Sat Apr 11, 2:00 pm—Spotter Training at Hardin Hall, 33rd & Holdrege (P 9)
Wed Apr 15, 7:00 pm—LARC April Board Meeting, Hy-Vee Board Rm, 6001 Village Dr
Thu Apr 16, 8:00 pm—SATERN Emergency Svcs Meeting, Salvation Army, 2625 Potter St
Sat Apr 18, 7:00 pm—Fox Hunt, S 27th St Walmart (N of Yankee Hill Rd) (P 8)
Sun Apr 19, 2:00 pm—LARC Homebrewers, Salvation Army Center, 2625 Potter St (P 8)
Wed Apr 29, 11:59 pm—May LOG Article Deadline to [email protected]
Sun May 3, 6:00 AM—Lincoln Marathon, Downtown, Southeast & South Lincoln (P 9)
Mon May 4, 7:00 pm—May LOG Mail Prep, Christian Record Services, 4444 S 52nd (P 10)
NOTE These Dates: Jun 26-28—Field Day; Jul 25-26—Victoria Springs; Jul 28–Aug 2—
State Games of America; Jul 30–Aug 9—Lancaster County Super Fair
See Page 15 for Area Hamfests.
LARC Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month, usually at LI-COR.
Lincoln LOG
April 2015
The Lincoln Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
PO Box 5006
Lincoln, NE 68505-0006
2015 Board of Directors
Vice Pres
Club Repeater
Packet APRS
DX Packet Cluster
Web Site
KØKKV 146.760 (-)
KØKKV 144.390
telnet cluster.k0gnd.net
Todd Shapland
[email protected]
Connie Zehr
[email protected]
Aaron Rogge
[email protected]
Marlene McLaughlin
[email protected]
Jeremiah Parker
[email protected]
John Mardock
[email protected]
Michelle Shapland
[email protected]
Mike Walsh
[email protected]
Executive Director and Club Station Trustee
Reynolds Davis
[email protected]
2015 Committee Chairs
Board Liaison
Phone (402)
Chris Brennfoerder, KCØAOO 217-7051
Connie Zehr, NØGMA
Christmas Party
Marlene McLaughlin, KDØHYM 570-6478
Connie Zehr, NØGMA
Club Station
Bruce Steyer, KBØKA
Reynolds Davis, KØGND
Cornhusker Games NØADR
Jeri Lyn Rogge, NØJLR
Reynolds Davis, KØGND
Richard Mulder, ACØLN
John Mardock, KRØP
Emergency Response KDØPTI
Reynolds Davis, KØGND
Estate Assistance
Reynolds Davis, KØGND
Jeri Lyn Rogge, NØJLR
Field Day
John Mardock, KRØP
LOG/ Club Newsletter NØGMA
Bob Mitchell, WBØRJJ
Michelle Shapland, NØMDS
Dan Sellmeyer, WBØYYE
Connie Zehr, NØGMA
Public Relations
Darrell Best, WAØQYI
Public Service
Ron Mayhew, KEØGHQ
Reynolds Davis, KØGND
QSL Cards
Greg Brown, KTØK
Larry Frisch, KDØRTK
Ed Holloway, KØRPT
Dan Sellmeyer, WBØYYE
Transmitter Hunts
Cliff Mackey, KBØTXE
Web Relations
Bob Mitchell, WBØRJJ
Web Site
Jeremiah Parker, NØPBJ
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Lincoln LOG
April 2015
From the President
With March coming to an
end, we have now had the biggest Club meeting of the year
so far, with Dr. Ken Dewey,
WDØBIV, presenting his annual report on last year’s storms. Thank
you to everyone who attended the meeting.
The End-of-Winter Hamfest at the
Lancaster Event Center brought a great
turnout, as it usually does. With the new
layout we were able to expand the area for
larger displays from the State Patrol, the
Salvation Army, and the 911 Center. The
participation of these organizations helped
to inform the public of the capabilities this
area has to work with.
Now we are looking at the April schedule with the Weather Symposium coming
on April 11, including our recertification
for storm spotting. I am looking forward to
seeing everyone at this meeting. I encourage you to come early and explore what
the Weatherfest has to offer.
We are in need of people to fill some
roles for the Club. We would like to see
someone step up and be the Activities
chair. This position coordinates bringing
the Club members together to enjoy time
having fun. If you are interested in this position please email me (see below). We
would like to see more Club participation
in the chair positions. If you are interested
in chairing or co-chairing any of the committees, please email me as well.
You can contact me anytime at
[email protected]. If there is a topic
that you would like to see as a Club meeting presentation, let us know. I know we
have a great club, whose members like to
help and volunteer their time. This is greatly appreciated by our local community.
Thank you for all the time you put in.
I look forward to seeing all of you at
the April 8 Club meeting and at the Storm
Spotter training.
—73 from Todd Shapland, KDØPTI
Follow LARC on Facebook
WANTED Lincoln SATERN (Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network) is looking for
gently used HF equipment that can be used in their shack and at remote sites. If you have
equipment you are interested in donating, please contact Kurt Bauer, WBØAEA, by email at
[email protected] or by phone at 402/464-0750. —Aaron Rogge, NØADR, Council Chair
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Lincoln LOG
April 2015
March Club Meeting
Date: Wednesday, March 11
Place: LI-COR, 4647 Superior Street
Registered Attendance: 102
Raffle: $63; Winner, $41, Mike Wilkins, KEØDBI (65%), Club $22 (35%).
Meeting Opened at 1932 by Club President Todd
Shapland, KDØPTI
Name, Call Sign, Can you do Word Processing?
Announcement: Looking for a new LOG Editor
and a new Activities Committee Chair
Committee Reports
• Education: Reynolds Davis, KØGND
Extra Class about to finish; VE Exam March 31 at
Union College; Tech Class starts April 14 at UC
• Convention: Reynolds Davis, KØGND
March 21; Details are coming together. Check out
the web page, http://lincolnhamfest.org/, for details.
• Storm Training: Reynolds Davis, KØGND
April 11, at Hardin Hall, 33rd & Holdrege. If unable to attend the Lancaster County training, attend
one of the surrounding counties’ training sessions
and notify Reynolds, KØGND.
• Public Service: Reynolds Davis, KØGND
Spring Fling Bike Ride, April 25; Boy Scouts, also
April 25
• State Games: Jeri Lyn Rogge, NØJLR
July 28–Aug 2. All volunteers will have to be registered with the State Games to receive their Pass and
security clearance. Information meeting to be held
in April.
• Transmitter Hunts: Cliff Mackey, KBØTXE
Next hunt March 14.
• Field Day: Mike Walsh, KBØQH
June 27-28. Planning meeting to be held before
LARC meeting April 8 at Salvation Army. If interested in helping, contact Mike Walsh, KBØQH, or
John Mardock, KRØP.
• Technology: Dan Sellmeyer, WBØYYE
Meetings being moved to the Sunday after LARC
Board meeting; next is April 19 at Salvation Army.
• Merchandise: Michelle DeGarmo Shapland,
NØMDS. T-Shirts on sale: $9
• 146.850 Repeater: Chris Brennfoerder,
KCØAOO: Will hold a raffle for a radio. Accepting
membership sign-ups.
• Special Presentation: Todd Shapland, KDØPTI
Presentation of gavel to Mike Walsh, KBØQH, for
his service as President
Break 2003 Resumed 2013
Presentation Dr. Ken Dewey, WDØBIV
• Weatherfest & Storm Spotter Training April 11
• Review of severe weather of 2014
- 2014 was a quiet year for tornadoes
- NE, #1 for tornadoes and hail
- Longest stretch with no tornadoes
• Lincoln ARC has the best-run and -trained
weather spotter network he has worked with.
• Expect a slow start to severe weather for 2015.
Meeting Adjourned at 2126 by Todd Shapland,
—Aaron Rogge, NØADR, Secretary
Change of Venue
Please note that the April 8 meeting of
LARC will be held at the Salvation Army
Center, 2625 Potter St., a block north of
27th & Holdrege.
Come and welcome Jim Davidsaver,
Director of Lincoln–Lancaster County Emergency Management, as he tells us about,
well, Emergency Management. See Page 1
for more details.
—Bob Mitchell, WBØRJJ
Page 4
LARC Membership is
yearly, January through
December. See the back
cover of this LOG for additional details.
Lincoln LOG
April 2015
Lyle Quinn, WØUS, Honored
On Saturday, February 21, long-time Club
member Lyle Quinn received recognition for
over 80 years as a licensed Amateur Radio Operator.
A framed letter from the President of International QCWA (Quarter Century Wireless Association) and an 80-year certificate were presented
to Lyle by Reynolds Davis, KØGND, President
of Nebraska QCWA Chapter 25, and Kurt Bauer,
WBØAEA, Secretary. Actually, Lyle has been
licensed for 82 years!
Lyle celebrated his 97th birthday last November 26! He resides in an assisted living facility in Fairbury. Many of us remember Lyle
checking into various nets from his Budweiser
delivery truck!
An article in the December 10, 2008 issue of
The Fairbury Journal-News details many of
Lyle’s accomplishments.
—Reynolds Davis, KØGND
SAVE THE DATES July 28—August 2!
he State Games of America, July 28—August 2, needs
you! Hams of all levels (even
newbies!) are needed to assist
with communications. More information
will be coming at the March LARC
meeting. Until then, we are looking
for 100 Hams to SAVE THE DATES
and plan to help.
—Jeri Lynn Rogge, NØJLR
Committee Chair
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Lincoln LOG
April 2015
Skip Miller, WØKVM, SK
Skip Miller passed away Wednesday
morning, March 4, at 3 AM. Services
were held at Redeemer Lutheran Church
in Wahoo, and Skip was buried at Lincoln Memorial Park.
Skip was born in Lincoln and attended Saratoga Grade School, Irving Junior
High School and Lincoln High School.
He entered the Signal Corps after
high school. Skip was always interested
in electronics. He made Corporal after
showing skills with Morse code and was
stationed in the South Pacific.
Skip met wife Kathryn, NØMDU, at
his first civilian job, at Western Electric.
They were married in January 1947.
Skip worked as a part-time salesman
at Hill Hatchery and applied to Lincoln
Fire Department, where he worked for
seven years. A co-worker went into the
National Guard, and Skip followed.
His first assignment was to grade the
area where the EOC is now. He had
worked there for a month or so when he
was called by the Adjutant General and
asked to draft (design) the hanger at
Camp Ashland, which is still there.
Several months later, he was again
called by the Adjutant General and asked
if he had any emergency experience. The
State Civil Defense Agency was a oneman operation at that time. Skip took the
job and worked out of the basement of
the Capitol building. The Cold War was
heating up when it was decided to build a
large underground shelter – the former
Elden “Skip” Miller, WØKVM, received
this Quarter Century Wireless Association
“QCWA Century Club” certificate at the annual Victoria Springs Hamfest in central Nebraska in July 2012. He was also recognized for 60 years of service as a Licensed
Radio Amateur.
NEMA EOC at 14th and Military.
The day they moved in, Skip received
another call from the Adjutant General
asking him to be Assistant Civil Defense
Director, which made Skip the boss of his
old boss! He held that position for three
After other reorganizations, Skip was
moved to Office Director, and a Guard
Colonel was made the Assistant Director.
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Lincoln LOG
April 2015
He ended up as Field Services Officer for
the last 10 years of his career there.
Skip retired in 1987, at the age of 62,
after 30 years with Emergency Management.
Skip’s next career was as the Manager of a glass shop in Waverly. He got to
know the owner of the Sports Page restaurant and learned of Red Cross disaster
volunteering in Chicago and a weekend
course in Mass Care at the Red Cross
Chapter house.
Skip’s first disaster assignment for
the Red Cross was the 1988 Council
Bluffs tornado. This opened his eyes to
the “people” aspects of disaster. He
ended up in Family Service, dealing oneon-one with the victims of disasters who
were confused and despondent. Skip
could see people responding to help.
He volunteered with the American
Red Cross for 13 years and traveled to
many areas of the world. Although slowing down, he still assisted with area (NE
& SD) disasters, writing disaster drills
and teaching classes related to disaster.
Skip was most satisfied by work with
the Fire Department because that was
when he started helping people. When
working for the State, he worked with
local government people, and everything
he did was aimed at helping people. Red
Cross was the most fun as he and
Kathryn directly helped people.
Skip was asked, “How often do you
think about death?” He responded, “More
and more often as I get older. I’m not
afraid of death.” What were his thoughts
about death? Peace. Freedom from mortal
problems. Skip was convinced that there
is an afterlife.
“Friends retire and die. The only commonality is that they did not keep active.
The joints creak and ache, but you have
to keep active. Retirees need a goal.”
Each day is a new day. Skip stayed
active! Constantly involved in something!
He never retired, he just changed his focus.
Skip was a founding member of
LARC. He was present at the organizational meeting March 9, 1953. And he
signed a petition on May 11, 1953, agreeing to share financial responsibility of
sponsoring the ARRL Midwest Division
Skip served as LARC President in
1956 and was reelected to the Board in
1989. He served as Vice-President in
1990 and Secretary/Treasurer in 1991 and
1992. He was also active in Nebraska
Chapter 25 of the Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA), serving in a
range of offices and, most recently, editing the QCWA newsletter.
He leaves a family of Hams. Kathryn
is NØMDU, son Jim is KGØHQ, and
Jim’s wife is NØROE.
Elden “Skip” Miller was 90 years old
when he peacefully passed away on
March 4. He will be missed by the many
friends he made during his long and productive life.
—Reynolds Davis, KØGND
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Lincoln LOG
April 2015
Fox Hunt Schedule
Terry Werner, NØIXE, SK
Terry passed away on Sunday,
March 8, after an extended illness.
Terry originally had the call
NØOMW, and was granted the call
NØIXE after the death of his father,
Keith. Terry’s step-mom was Sharon,
KBØCXD, and that call has been transferred to Terry’s sister Deb.
Terry was active in Skywarn and
became a State Certified Spotter in
He is survived by his wife, Christie,
KBØGTO, three sons and a daughter.
• Change of Venue: The April 8 LARC
meeting will be held at 7:30 PM at the
Salvation Army Center, 2625 Potter St. (a
block north of 33rd & Holdrege).
• Change of Day: The LARC Homebrewers will meet at 2:00 PM on the Sunday after the LARC Board Meeting.
• Change of Requirements: NO Photo
IDs for Storm Spotters at this year’s Spotter Training session April 11. See Page 9
for details.
• Change of Schedule: The new Lincoln
LOG Production Schedule has the Copy
to Editor deadline on the last Wednesday
of each month and the Mail Prep meeting
on the following Monday.
—Bob Mitchell, WBØRJJ
Our last February Fox
Hunt offered educational
challenges to our one and
only hunter, Blaine Tompkin, KØNE. Clarice
Mackey, KDØSXU, was our fox, and she
hid at North 84th Street & Salt Creek,
just south of Interstate 80.
Arbor Road was an easy travel toward the fox until he hit the dead end.
Natural barriers (ground terrain, hills,
creek, etc.) and man-made barriers
(power lines, the Interstate) hindered signal strength & direction finding from
Cornhusker, 98th Street and Bluff Road.
The hunt started at 7:15 and the fox
was found at 8:25. “Good hunt,” according to Blaine.
March hunts (14th & 28th) are still
pending completion as of this writing.
We’ll share greater information later.
Our one and only April hunt will
be held Saturday, April 18th. Meet at
the South 27th Street Walmart (north
of Yankee Hill Rd.) at 7:00 PM.
If you have suggestions for fox hunt
improvements, please contact me.
—Cliff Mackey, KBØTXE
402/601-7083, [email protected]
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When All Else Fails
Amateur Radio
THANKS for all you do!
Lincoln LOG
April 2015
Help Needed for the May 3
Lincoln Marathon
Attention: American
Legion Operators
Spring means Marathon in Lincoln.
This year, the race organizers expect
more than 10,000 runners to compete!
The race starts at 7:00 AM Sunday
morning and, as communicators, we will
have staggered shifts throughout the
course, with all of us being done by 1:30
We need lots of help! In addition to
monitoring the route for the health and
safety of the runners, we will also need
bikers to stay with certain runners.
Please call me to sign up.
—Reynolds Davis, KØGND
Post 3 of the American Legion, here
in Lincoln, is planning to put a Ham station on the air. If you have some equipment and/or time to donate, contact Mike
Morosin, KDØRTM, at 402/438-3280 or
[email protected].
—Reynolds Davis, KØGND
Amateur Radio
Continues to Grow!
At the end of 2014, the FCC’s ULS
database listed 726,275 licensed operators (excluding calls in the 2-year grace
period and club calls)!
The Lincoln Amateur Radio Club
seems to be more likely to upgrade than
the national averages.
The license class breakdown:
—Reynolds Davis, KØGND
UPDATE: Storm Spotter
Training—April 11
Our annual Spotter Training will be at
Hardin Hall, 33rd & Holdrege, Saturday, April
11, as part of Ken Dewey’s Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium and Weatherfest.
will begin at 1:00 PM, and the
training program will start at 2:00 PM. No
photo IDs this year. The EOC is implementing a new ID system that conforms with the
needs of FEMA. Training will be led by folks
from the Valley office of NWS.
State Spotter Certification will be offered
for those who need it. If you passed the State
Spotter credentials in 2012, then you will need
to re-certify. State Certification is good for
three years.
In addition to attending the April 11 training, or NWS training in another Nebraska
county, and taking the written exam, new and
renewal spotters will also have to complete
two online courses in order to receive the State
credentials. Go to: www.meted.ucar.edu/
training_course.php?id=23. You will need to
complete two modules: (a) Role of Skywarn
Spotters; and (b) Skywarn Spotter Convective Basics, and have the certificate sent to
[email protected].
—Reynolds Davis, KØGND
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Lincoln LOG
April 2015
Did You Know?
By John Mardock, KRØP
“John, I just heard
you talking on the phone
with Joe about stitching
on that printed circuit
board project you two are
making. Surely you are not planning on
using my new sewing machine on one of
those PC board projects of yours.”
“Oh, no, Margaret! Stitching is a
process we use on PC boards to connect
multiple copper layers together with
strategically placed vias to get greater
current handling capability or to reduce
interplane capacitance or perhaps
around the edge of the board to reduce
radiated EMI.
“So, Margaret, vias are added during the PC boards’ manufacturing process to connect layers.
“OK, so what’s a via, Margaret?”
—John Mardock, KRØP
[email protected], [email protected]
Bring UPC labels from Best
Choice Products purchased at
Russ’s or Super Saver Markets to
a Club meeting, and deposit them
in the large jar on the table by
Club Secretary, Aaron Rogge,
NØADR. The Club can earn some
extra money by turning in the UPC
March LOG Mail Prep
n even dozen faithful volunteers went to
Christian Record Services on Thursday,
February 26, to prepare the March issue of the
Lincoln LOG for mailing. Thanks to NØADR,
with Ayden Rogge, KDØDHM, KDØDIU,
The May LOG Mail Prep will happen on
Monday, May 4. NOTE NEW DAY. Location: Christian Record Services for the Blind,
4444 S 52 St, 7:00 PM. Please join us from
7:00 to about 8:00 PM.
Thanks to Christian Record Services for
the Blind for providing us with a room in
which to work and to Aaron Rogge, NØADR,
for making the arrangements.
—Reynolds Davis, KØGND,
and Bob Mitchell, WBØRJJ
VE Exam Session—March 5
Oh my goodness! We
had 3 candidates upgrade
from General to Amateur
Extra, maybe a new record
for us for the most Extras
in a session. We also had 3
Technicians upgrade to General and
gained 2 new Hams with Technician licenses.
The 3 General to Amateur Extra upgrades are:
• Larry Frisch, KDØRTK, Lincoln,
• Gene Rittenhouse, KDØOVK, Lincoln,
• Brian Flood, WØCWJ, Firth.
The 3 Technician to General upgrades are:
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Lincoln LOG
April 2015
• Michael Wilkins, KEØDBI, Lincoln,
• Steven Robertson, KEØDBH, Beatrice,
• John Page, KEØCSH, Blair.
Both Michael, KEØDBI, and Steven,
KEØDBH, attended our February 5 VE
session and became Technicians then.
Congratulations are in order for the quick
And now the 2 new Hams with Technician licenses are:
• Daniel Rogge, KEØDNI, Lincoln, and
• Mitchell Sedersten, KEØDNH, Sterling.
In summary, we had 8 candidates,
which resulted in 3 Amateur Extras, 3
Generals, and 2 Technicians. One could
say the session was “perfect” in that every
candidate went away with either an upgrade or a new license.
Congratulations to all eight!
The Eleven Volunteer Examiners
(VEs) who participated in the session
Licenses and upgrades have been taking longer recently. Generally, for exams
held Thursday the license have been issued on or before the next Wednesday.
These licenses were issued late Friday,
March 13. Remember the old days directly under the FCC? How many of us had to
wait at least 90 days? And there was no
“instant upgrade.” Were we impatient or
anxious? Should I say IMPATIENT OR
ANXIOUS, as in bold uppercase letters?
VE Exams in Lincoln are generally held
the first Thursday of each month, at Northside
Café, 2701 North 48th St., at 6:30 PM. The
next regularly scheduled VE Exams in Lincoln will be April 2, May 7, and June 4.
Sometimes holidays interfere with the usual
first Thursday so the exam is held the second
Thursday, but all of these dates are the first
Another March session, on March 31,
will be held at Union College in conjunction
with the Amateur Extra class that KRØP,
ACØLN, and KØGND are teaching. And you
do not have to be in the class to take a VE
Exam. We’ll have Technician and General
Class exams available if someone wishes to
“drop in.” (March 31 may have already
passed before you received this LOG.)
The exam fee is $15 and a picture ID or 2
IDs without pictures is required. If you are
trying for an upgrade please bring a copy of
your license that we can keep to send in with
the paperwork. If you just recently passed the
Technician exam and have not yet received
your license, or seen the license posted on the
FCC site, please bring a copy of your CSCE
that we can send in with the paperwork.
—John Hauner, KØIH
LATE NEWS: At the Lincoln Hamfest / ARRL
Convention March 21, 6 upgrades and 8 new
Hams passed their tests. Of the 20 candidates who attended, only 6 went away with
neither a new Ham license nor an upgrade.
Interestingly, there were no upgrades to General. Candidates came from Missouri, Nebraska and South Dakota.
Since no licenses have been issued at
this writing, no announcements can be made.
Watch for them in the May LOG.
—John Hauner, KØIH
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Lincoln LOG
April 2015
It is time for
suggestions of
LARC Merchandise that you, as
members, would
like to see. Do not
be shy. Any and
all suggestions are
Here is a picture of currently
featured items and
their great prices.
See me at the April 8 meeting at the Salvation
—Michelle DeGarmo Shapland, NØMDS
LARC Merchandise Manager
[email protected]
ARRL Nebraska State Convention 2015 Top Operator
Chris Brennfoerder, KCØAOO, made
more than one attempt at the challenge and
winning the small jackpot of
$15.00. But perseverance paid
off, and he is the winner!
Some of the six contestants got headphone fright, like
microphone shyness, which
resulted in their quickly running from the
table before I could get the headphones on
The Rules of the Challenge were simple.
The cost was $1.00 for one minute (no more)
of listening. Play four recorded audio files at
15-second intervals. Each audio file consisted
of two callers saying their call signs over and
over simultaneously. One of the callers was
VE7TK. With that answer given, who was
the second caller?
For those who took the challenge and
wanted to know the answers, they were
WA3EKL, W3TK, N7FLT, and N9DR.
Next time you see Chris, congratulate
him on being our Top Operator at the ARRL
Nebraska State Convention!
—73, Dan Sellmeyer, WBØYYE
Lincoln Repeater Club
KØLNE/R, 146.850 (-)
The ARRL Nebraska State Convention
was a big success. It was nice to see so many
of you there, old friends and new.
Don’t forget to get your 2015 LRC Raffle
Tickets for the exciting Yaesu FT-1900R
Mobile 55-watt radio. They cost only $2
each or 3 for $5.
Please consider becoming a member of
the Lincoln Repeater Club. Our annual dues
are low, and you help to support the operation
and maintenance of our local VHF repeater
with UHF links, as well as a phone patch and
EchoLink capabilities.
We encourage you to use our repeater as
much as you like, and as always it is an open
repeater. If your part of the hobby would like
to hold nets on it, please contact me or one of
our Board members, and we will get your net
reserved, advertised and “on the air.”
Also beginning at 8:30 PM on April 7,
2015, the Lincoln Repeater Club’s 146.850
repeater will be hosting the Southeast Nebraska Amateur Radio Club’s new weekly
net. Check in, and support the net.
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Lincoln LOG
April 2015
When you attend a monthly LARC meeting, see Chris, KCØAOO, to join LRC or to
renew your dues. Also, you can use “snail
mail” and send your $10 membership dues
to: Lincoln Repeater Club, C/O W0CHV,
6705 W. Mill Rd., Raymond, NE. 684284308. Thank you for your support.
—73, Lonnie Rech, WDØAOP
[email protected]
ur next Field Day meeting will be
held Wednesday, April 8, before the
LARC Club meeting. We will meet from
6:00 to 7:00 PM at the Salvation Army
Center, 2625 Potter St. (a block north of
27th & Holdrege) to continue planning
for the event on June 27-28. We will need
a lot of participating by Club members,
so if you would like to help, or if you are
a new Ham and would like to find out
more about Field Day, please attend this
—Mike Walsh, KBØQH
Southeast Nebraska Radio Club
Plans 80th Anniversary
The Southeast Nebraska Radio Club
(SENRC, also known as Southeast Nebraska Amateur Radio
Club, SENARC) will celebrate
its 80th Anniversary in 2016.
Jerry Bennett, W9WKP /
WØWKP (SK), member of
LARC for many years, was one of the Charter
members of SENRC in 1936. Dad and Mom
were both very active in the Club for many
years. In the beginning, as early as 1937, this
group of Hams set up an Emergency Network
to assist in emergencies. ARRL appointment:
“February 8, 1937, W9WKP was designated
as the Official Relay Station Appointment of
the Nebraska Section of the Midwest Division. November 23, 1937, Jerry was appointed as Emergency Coordinator of the American Radio Relay League for Southeast Nebraska Radio Club.”
It is pretty amazing as
I review the documents
and articles from 1936, the
commitment in preparing
for times of emergency
that SENRC Hams exhibited in providing
emergency communications.
The 80-year Anniversary celebration will
be held next year. Anyone wanting to include
articles and pictures in a booklet and DVD,
send them to [email protected].
Jeff Bennett, the current holder of
WØWKP, is Jerry’s grandson and this year won
the ARRL “Nebraska Ham of the Year”
award. In 2000, Jerry received the same award!
We can all benefit from what this group of pioneers did for Ham Radio.
—Chuck Bennett, KDØPTK
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Lincoln LOG
April 2015
The Quickies
Twenty Years Ago in the LOG
Great picture of a bald eagle at Branched Oak taken by
Gary Schenaman, KBØVMZ,
in the February 21 Neighborhood Extra. … Former LARC
Presidents Mike Ruhrdanz, NØFER, Roy
Burgess, WBØWWA, and Reynolds Davis, KØGND, represented LARC at the
funeral service of Skip Miller, WØKVM.
Other LARC folks attending were Jason,
KCØBHJ, and Tonja, KØTLC, Wendt
and Deb Ruhrdanz, KAØVXX. … Scott
Gardner, KCØKHA, along with Sue,
KCØMWL, and Grant, KEØBHO, picked
the nicest day of the year (thus far) helping to get the zoo ready for visitors. …
John Edson, WØFLY, noted a great article in American Legion Magazine: http://
www.legion.org/magazine/226238/wavepopularity. Take a look. … Kudos to
Brent Curtis, KCØBHU, and his work
helping to restock the Wisner-Pilger Middle School library with books following
the devastating tornado last fall. Working
with local bookstores and NEMA
(Nebraska Emergency Management) on
the project, Brent was recognized in the
March 12 Journal Star. … Thanks to everyone who helped make this year’s ARRL
Nebraska State Convention one of the
best ever. It takes lots of volunteers and
brings lots of attention to our Club! …
Looks like John Mardock, KRØP, is
about to test the strength of his town by
adding a big SteppIR to the top. … See
you at the Club meeting!
For the Club’s April 1995 meeting,
Rebecca Willman, from the FCC, was the
featured speaker and addressed highfrequency direction finding, vanity calls
and other topics. … LARC/ARES members assisted the Red Cross as they tested
their post-disaster readiness plan with a
simulated tornado strike in Lincoln. …
Andy Flowers, KØSM, was appointed as
an ARRL OBS (Official Bulletin Station)
—the first young Ham in Nebraska to receive an ARRL appointment. Andy was
15 at the time and held an Extra Class
license. … ARES/Skywarn had 145
signed up and trained.
Thirty Years Ago in the LOG
The April 1985 Club meeting featured
Jerry Kohn, WDØEGK, and a presentation on traffic handling. … In the Public
Service area, the Club was gearing up for
the annual March of Dimes WalkAmerica
and the Lincoln Marathon. Both events
were headed up by Steve May,
WAØASM. In addition, fun was had by
all who helped with the annual NPTV
Auction. … Lancaster County Emergency
Coordinator Bruce Colgrove, WØDMS,
had everything organized for another
storm season. … The Club’s flea market
was scheduled for the driveway at the
home of John Hauner, KØIH.
—Reynolds Davis, KØGND
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Lincoln LOG
April 2015
Prohibiting Cell Phone Use
and Texting While Driving
The Nebraska Legislature’s Transportation and Telecommunications Committee may consider LB517, which would
prohibit the use of handheld cell phones
and texting while driving. While we may
see this as a good, safety-related law, it
could affect the use of Amateur Radio
while mobile.
But we have been assured by the legal counsel for this committee that he has
“prepared language for the committee to
consider similar to that which exists for
the Amateur Radio license plate, that
would state that the bill would not apply
to any person who holds an unrevoked,
unexpired Amateur Radio license issued
by the Federal Communications Commission.”
Good news! But we do well to drive
very carefully, so no incident could reflect negatively on consideration of this
bill if it should come to committee hearings or to the Unicameral floor.
LATE WORD: It appears that this bill
has died in committee. We’ll keep you
—Bob Mitchell, WBØRJJ
Parts, Parts, Parts
It looks as if all three Lincoln RadioShack stores have survived the latest cut.
And they do have parts—in labeled drawers,
probably toward the back of the store.
Google other sources: Allied, Digi-Key,
DX Engineering, Fry’s, Futurelec, Jameco,
MCM, Mouser, MPJA, Newark, etc. Hardware
stores & home centers have knobs, feet,
spacers, wire, etc. —Bob Mitchell, WBØRJJ
For Sale/Wanted
Ads are free to local Radio Amateurs.
Email your ad by the third Thursday of
the month for the following month’s Lincoln LOG to [email protected] with Lincoln LOG Ad on the Subject line.
Help Wanted with antennas. Will pay
for help installing 4 new antennas—a
K4KIO Hexbeam, a 255' OCF dipole, a
CM-15, and a Gap Titan DX. Ladder
climbing and lifting. No towers, only
masts on end of house.
If interested call Mark Hansen,
WBØKBK, 402/304-0860. Thanks.
Conventions and Hamfests
Within Driving Distance of Lincoln, Nebr.
 Apr 11: Hamboree 2015, Boone, Iowa,
3900 Club, http://www.3900club.com.
 Apr 18: DMRAA Hamfest, Des Moines,
Iowa, http://www.dmraa.com/hamfest.
 Apr 18: Ararat Shrine Hambash, KC,
MO, http://hambash.com.
 Apr 18: Bellevue ARC Hamfest, Papillion
 May 15-17: DARA Hamvention®,
Dayton, Ohio, http://hamvention.org.
• Jul 18: Warrensburg, MO, Area Hamfest
• Aug 2: Cedar Valley, IA, ARC Hamfest
• Sep 12: Ak-Sar-Ben ARC (Omaha)
Flea-Esta, Springfield, NE,
• Oct 17: Belton, MO: SouthSide ARC,
Hamfest, http://southsidehamfest.com
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Lincoln LOG
April 2015
About the Lincoln Amateur Radio Club
The Lincoln Amateur Radio Club, Inc., (LARC) is a nonprofit organization devoted to the promotion of Amateur
Radio. The Club sponsors activities and programs to promote growth in Amateur Radio, as well as furthering the experience of those already licensed, and to create international good will.
The Lincoln LOG is mailed monthly to all paid members of LARC and to all Lancaster County, Nebraska, Hams. If
your label says, “COMPLIMENTARY,” please consider joining the Club and supporting its activities.
Even if you are not currently active, your contribution will help to ensure the future of Amateur Radio. Annual dues
are only $15. For your convenience, please join by completing and mailing in the form below to: Lincoln Amateur Radio
Club, Inc., PO Box 5006, Lincoln, NE 68505-0006 or visit http://k0kkv.org and use PayPal.
The LOG solicits your input. If you have an idea for an article, wish to contribute an article or photo, or want
to place an ad in the LOG, contact the interim editor, Bob Mitchell, WBØRJJ, preferably by email,
[email protected] (or by phone, 402/430-6290). The deadline for each issue is the last Wednesday of each month.
The LOG and other Lincoln Amateur Radio Club information are available at http://k0kkv.org and at
www.facebook.com/LARClincoln and may be used freely. Permission is granted to other publications to reprint articles,
provided that source credit, author, and previous print source appear in the reprint.
Lincoln Amateur Radio Club Registration Form
Personal Information (please print legibly)
Address: ______________________________________________________
City: _____________________________State ____ Zip+4: ______________
Phone: ____/____-_____ / email Address __________________________
(circle) License Class: N T G A E
Lincoln Amateur Radio Club Membership Information
____ LARC: ($15 per Calendar Year—Jan-Dec) What year? _______
____ ARRL: The National Association for Amateur Radio: ($39 per year)
_____New or ____Renewal
Please write your check to:
The Lincoln Amateur Radio Club, Inc., and mail it to:
PO Box 5006, Lincoln, NE 68505-0006. Or bring it to any Club Meeting.
Administrative use only. O Data Updated
April 2015 Issue
Rev: 2-2015
O Check _____________ O Credit Card ___________ O Cash
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