Chapter Q Gathering 4th Monday - Golden Corral By Governors Square Mall Eat 6pm. - Meet 7pm. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Let’s Get Educated Wing Ding 37 2 2 Our Member’s Corner 3 Let’s Hit the Road 3 Let’s Celebrate 4 Connie’s Corner 4 From the Kitchen 4-5 Supporting each other 5 Paula’s Perspective 6 Calendar 7 Upcoming Events 7 Q Family Photos 8-9 TN-Q - Region N Goldwing Road Riders Association Volume 26 - Issue 5 “Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge” “Ride to Eat and Eat to Ride” Come Join Us! A word from our Chapter Director own Dennis Peterson. And once again the Spring Fling Chapter A Fun Day 11 was a great success. It is always great to see people Chapter Q Fun Day 12 from other chapters that Roan Mtn Steakout 13 you haven’t see in a long while. For the month of May Wings Over Smokies 14-15 The gathering we had in again we planned on two Reno Rendevouz 16-17 March was standing room great dinner rides to Paris only because of all the visiLanding State Park on the Our Sponsors 18 tors from other chapters. I 7th and Dover Sonic for the truly hope that that was a Our Staff 19 car and bike show on the sign that things are getting 21st. The weather is getting better for our chapter. At A Glance: better all the time for riding In April the two dinner rides so let’s go and have fun. We May 2: Chapter Ride to Corwe had to the China Buffet are taking in requests for bin, KY and Dos Margarita’s, the weekend rides so put on May 7: Dinner Ride to Paris food was outstanding. The your thinking caps and let’s Landing State Park Resort, PLP we had Sunday aftergo riding. Paris Landing, TN 6:30 p.m. noon was lots of fun and Just a reminder, the gather May 9: Chapter A Fun Day and educational. A big thanks to ing for May is canceled and Chapter Z Plaque Chase Dennis and Jan Peterson. will be held at our Fun Day May 21: Dinner Ride to Sonic The St. Jude’s roadblock Hoe Down June 6th. For our Drive-In, Dover, TN, 6:30 p.m. was another great success. Fun Day we need all the A BIG thank you to the May 23: Chapter H Plaque help we can get so PLEASE chapter members who col- come and help out. We will Chase lected money. need everyone to be there May 25: NO CHAPTER GATHat the park by 7:30 a.m. to ERING! Spring Fling was a blast. help setup and work. This is Several directors May 31: Fun Day work day, our major fund raiser for St. “volunteered” to be in the Bidwell’s House, 2:00 p.m. Jude’s and this year we dunk tank, including our Opportunities to Visit 10 May, 2015 I can’t tell you how much fun I been having as Chapter Director. With the help of a wonderful staff we have planned a lot of things to do. have some new games to play and a live band playing free of charge just for this fund raiser. So please come and help. Also just for thought, we are talking about having a day for our gun owner’s at a firing range. This will be brought back up at the gathering for discussion. For fun, Safety and Knowledge. Cindy and Al Bidwell Chapter TN Q Director Volume 26 - Issue 5 Page 2 Let’s Get Educated… Rain, Rain Go Away Remember the Snow? Thought it would never go away? Well, now we have RAIN and it seems like it will never go away. While most of us do not deliberately ride in the rain, we do sometimes get "stuck" riding in the rain. Here are a few things to improve your riding in the rain. 1) Purchase a good rain suit. Your rain suit should serve 2 purposes. First, it must keep you dry and second, it should increase your visibility. When riding in the rain, you want to be sure other drivers see you. It's a good idea to keep your rain suit on the bike so that it's available if you need it. 2) Make sure your lights are all properly working. Again, visibility is important. You want other drivers to see you, but you also want to see where you're going when driving in cloudy, low light conditions. Keep spare bulbs and spare fuses on the Bike in case your lights go out. 3) Maintain your tires. One of the main causes of hydroplaning is worn tires. Waiting until it rains is not a good time to find out your tires are worn. The sole purpose of tire tread is to carry off water. Make sure your tires can do the job. 4) Hydroplaning occurs when your tires are not in full contact with the pavement. Proper tires, slowing down, and riding in the tracks of other vehicles all help to reduce hydroplaning. If you find yourself hydroplaning, slow down without braking and avoid sudden moves. 5) Plan alternate routes in case of rain. Scenic, curvy roads are fun when it's dry but are more dangerous in the rain. Gray skies reduce visibility and asphalt does not provide as much traction. Look for straighter, concrete roads. The first 15 minutes of rain are the most dangerous. This is when oil and gas collected in the pores of the road come to the surface. Pull off the road as soon as you find a safe place and wait a few minutes for the rain to "wash" the road. It also gives you time to put on your rain suit. Ridin' in the rain is nothing like singin' in the rain. It is never pleasant, but it can be made safer. Ride Safe. Be Safe. Mickey Turner, Chapter Educator ARE YOU REGISTERED YET? WWW.WING-DING.ORG **SPECIAL NOTE** HELP WANTED WE NEED RIDERS Mickey is planning an ARC/TRC class on June 13 and needs to know who will be participating. Please let him know ASAP so he can get this class scheduled and on the District Calendar. Volume 26 - Issue 5 Page 3 Our Member’s Corner As Boots would say, “we are a little younger than dirt and a little older than black pepper”. While that’s not exactly true, it’s his way of saying we have been around a long time. We bought our first motorcycle in July of 1993. We became members of GWRRA and Chapter Q in October of 1993. We our life members of GWRRA. Boots & Phyllis Streetman cle bug, we were very active campers. We dropped the camping for the bike riding. Now that we are not riding, we have went back to camping. We even joined a camping club. Get this! It’s the Warioto Wanderers Camping Club. We are consistent. The last four years, Boots and I have taken a snowbird trip in the motor I rode a lot of miles behind Boots as a home. This year we left on January 21st co-rider. Then in 2000, Boots built me a and returned on March 13th. Good time trike and I started driving my own bike. to be gone. Right?!! We missed all the We rode our separate bikes together bad weather. here, there and everywhere. Then in We spend the first part of our trip visitlate 2005, Boots had to quit driving being. Our first stop was in Cartersville, cause he was losing his eyesight. He GA. Here we visited with my brother became my co-rider and rode behind Joe and his family. While here, we also me until we quit riding in 2012. Our last visited with a girlfriend that I met in ride was with Chapter Q in the Veterans Germany back in 1956. We stay in Day Parade in November 2012. We touch and visit when we can. Our next have rode many miles and attended stop is Savannah, GA for a visit with many events with Chapter Q. friends that moved there from ClarksWe were on the Chapter Q staff for 15 ville 50 years ago. Savannah is a great years. During this time, we held many city to visit and a lot to see. This year positions. We were Chapter Director, we ate a great lunch at Paula Deen’s. Chapter Educator at least three times, Now it’s on to Crooked River State Park Event Coordinators, Secretaryin St. Marys, GA to visit my brother Treasury and Chapter Couple of the Tony and his family. When we left Year twice. We were also Tennessee there, we went to St. Augustine, FL. We District Couple of the Year and Region stopped here to visit Boots only living N Couple of the Year in 2005. uncle. He is eighty years young and We have made many friends in our goes line dancing twice a week. St. nearly 22 years and hope to make Augustine is the oldest city in the more. Even though we are not riding United States and another good place any more, we still plan to attend some to visit. Chapter Q and other Tennessee ChapNext stop is Clermont, FL which is very ters events. close to the gates of Disney World. We Before we were bitten by the motorcystopped here to visit with Bob and Pat Inman. Bob and Pat are former Chapter Q members and former Chapter Q Directors. It was great reminiscing about old times and catching them up on people and things in Clarksville. Now on to our destination in Okeechobee, FL. We spent a month here. While here, we rode down to Key West for a couple days. We went to Jupiter, FL one day to see the St. Louis Cardinals play a spring training game One Sunday Mike and Mary Foster of Chapter A drove down from Sebring to visit with us. If you are ever in central Florida, you must go to Yeehaw Junction. There are no words to explain. Seeing is believing. We really enjoyed the fresh produce while we were in Okeechobee. Everything was huge and so good. The strawberries were soooo good!! On our way home we stopped at Ocala, FL. This was so we could go through Don Garlits car museums. This was very interesting. He has two buildings of cars. Then our last stop before home was Chattanooga. We stopped here so we could visit our granddaughter Aubrey and her husband Tyler. Let’s Hit The Road! How does Corbin, KY sound? It is a very nice ride, about 3 hours or so, each way. The forecast (at the time of this writing) for Saturday, May 2nd, is SUNNY with a high of 80 degrees. :) Now THAT is good riding weather. The weather is getting good and we all have the itch to get out and see some pretty sights. the April 27th gathering, so be prepared to share your thoughts. I’m still working on that Ferry ride that was requested. We will work that one in soon. Don’t forget, if you have a ride suggestion, just let me know. Rides are always more fun when YOU have said where you want to go. Ride safe, We will talk about the details at Dave Jones, Ride Coordinator Volume 26 - Issue 5 Page 4 Let’s Celebrate! BIRTHAYS GWRRA MEMBERS JOIN DATES Al Bidwell - 3 May Paula Jones - 6 May Bob & Shelly Britt - 2001 Bobo Smith - 12 May Jim & Shirrin Hutchens - 1985 Jackie Cravens - 19 May Cindy Mogren - 2007 Susan Jones - 20 May Connie’s Corner Treasurer ‘nough said. From the Kitchen Italian Meatloaf Prep Time : 15 minutes Cook Time : 1 hour Yield : 8 servings 1/2 C. chopped bell pepper (I used orange, it was all I had in the freezer) 1 tsp. olive oil Ingredients 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce 1 clove garlic, minced 1 egg, beaten 3/4 C. Italian bread crumbs 2 slices white bread, crumbled 1 T. milk 1 lb. ground beef 1/2 tsp. oregano 8 oz. shredded mozzarella cheese, reserve 3/4 C. for topping 1/2 lb. ground mild Italian sausage 1/2 tsp. basil 1/4 C. parmesan cheese 1 small onion, finely chopped 1/2 tsp. parsley 1 C. marinara sauce, plus 1/2 -3/4 C. more for topping Volume 26 - Issue 5 Page 5 Italian Meatloaf, cont. From the Kitchen Directions oven for 50 minutes. Remove from delicious. A little bit of work, but the oven and top with the remaining WELL WORTH the effort. In a small skillet, heat the olive oil cheese and sprinkle a little dry basil over med. high heat and sauté the Paula Jones over the top. Return to the oven for onion and bell pepper for 3-4 min10 more minutes. Make sure the meat utes, remove from heat. In a large bowl, add the meats, onion and pep- is not pink before servpers along with all remaining ingredi- ing, baking time will vary depending on the ents reserving 3/4 C. mozzarella thickness of your loaf. cheese for topping. Now, dive in Mine was about 2" there with the best tools God gave you, your hands and combine every- thick. thing really good. Once it has all I found this on Facecome together, place and mold the book and decided to mixture in a baking dish of your try it. It was so good choice. I used my square Paula Deen to me that I shared it Baking Dish for ours. Spoon 1/2 to 3/4 with 3 of my C. of the marinara sauce on top and neighbors! They all spread around. Place in a 400 degree said it was absolutely Supporting Each Other… Wasn’t the March gathering aweAPRIL BIRTHDAYS some! We had so many visitors Jeff Smith Apr from other chapters. It was2awesome to look out and see all of you Dave Jones 5 Apr and our fellow chapter friends. Sonja 9 Apr There Pulley were visitors from 7 chapters, Danawith Walla grand total of 37 11people Apr in attendance! Let’s send out a Cindy Bidwell 13 Apr special THANK YOU to all who visRussus Kimmet ited on March 30th. :) 19 Apr Brenda Scarborough 21 Apr Our guest speaker was Jimmy BrownAPRIL from the Montgomery ANNIVERSARIES County Sherriff’s Department. Jim & the Becky Bell of information 5 Apr From amount he gave the number of questions Bootsus, & Phyllis Streetman 15 Apr you all were asking, and the laughDennis & Jan Peterson 26 Apr ing we did, I’d say all of you enjoyed it as much as I did. We had the COY plaque which was taken home by Chapter G. We have a couple chances to win some plaques for our Fun Day Hoe Down! Let’s face it friends...people come to win plaques. And a chance to support a nearby chapter for their Fun Day! Chapter A has their Fun Day on May 9th beginning from Plaque Chapter Available Region N Wanderer Plaque KY-Z 05/09/15 TN Traveling Plaque TN-Z 05/09/15 TN Middle/West Traveling Plaque TN-H 05/23/15 TN COY Traveling Plaque TN-Z 05/09/15 To see the complete listing of all Tennessee Chapters meeting times and places please go to: 10-2. Don’t forget they will also have a LIVE band playing. So let’s get together on May 9th and have a day of GWRRA fun! If you can go in the morning, let’s meet at Exit 11 at 8 am KU (kickstands up) at 8:10 and head to Lebanon for Chapter A’s Fun Day. From there, all who can go will head to Columbia Chapter Z. They have 3 plaques to give away that evening. If you can’t go in the morning, but are available to go to visit Chapter Z., they eat at 5:30 pm / Meet 6:30 pm at Catfish Campus Restaurant, 2509 Keith Dr, Columbia, TN. Let’s meet at Exit 11 at 2:30 pm, KU (kickstands up) at 2:40. We will have someone lined up to lead both times. Volume 26 - Issue 5 Paula’s Perspective Page 6 Assistant Chapter Director Hello there Ladies and Gents (and a this may have been the most fun I few others of, have had at a Spring Fling. Great What a month this has been! Cindy trip down, with Dave Jones leading gave you the run down of activities the way, and Connie Turner and I following up in my SUV so I won’t repeat it all but I AM (remember—I need a new tire). gonna share some of the fun. :) She and I talked and laughed the I missed the dinner ride to Paris :( whole way down there. And somedue to family commitments. But I how or another, I picked up a new made it to the 2nd dinner ride for nickname. My family is gonna love Mexican. We tried a new place and that story. The parade was loads of it was really good. Let’s just say it fun and we all ended up on the side ended on a very funny note! (Ever of the street waving at them as they been caught in the bathroom and road by. What an AWESOME group discover there is no of bikes. And then we had a sparTP? A little too late? ) kler party. Friday nights entertainNuff said. ment was Conner Lorre. Superb impressions of many chart topping PLP - great afternoon. artists from Elvis to Barbara StreiDennis only had to sand. If you have never heard him, dodge the bikes you are missing excellent entertaintwice. Oh and just to put your mind at ease, our Q family ment. Saturday night we went for a has your back. Every single person dinner cruise down the Tennessee river aboard the Southern Belle. there told me I need a new front What a fun evening with delicious tire. Sheesh – I got the message. And I love every one o you for your food and beautiful views. A special shout out to the District Staff for concern! organizing such a great weekend! Road Block - We collected And for those of you who loved be$1,085.03!!!!! Go Chapter Q. And ing in Pigeon Forge…..looks like we we celebrated with a ride to will be going back there the last Knockum’ Hill BBQ. Great ride and weekend of April, 2016. great food, GREAT WORK for a Be sure to look at PAGES 8 & 9 in GREAT CAUSE. this issue for pictures of some of Spring Fling! OK - just gotta say, the fun we have had this month. Have something funny to share? Put it in the suggestion box at the Chapter Gatherings or email it to [email protected] Share it with all of us. Laughter is good medicine! The only thing we are missing is more of our Q family. Would love to have the chance to laugh, play, eat and ride with more of you. Pencil us in - you won’t be sorry, I promise! On a personal note….My HUBBY WILL BE HOME on May 6th!!! And he hopes to see a bunch of you at the dinner ride on the 7th! Not that I’m excited or anything. Hope to see all of you at the April Gathering on the 27th! Have a great MAY and join us whenever you can. Paula Jones Assistant Chapter Director This is YOUR Newsletter! If you have anything to contribute, such as items for sale, pictures of rides you have taken, an article you would like to have included...please feel free to send them to: Paula Jones 143 Jerry Smith Road Indian Mound, TN 37079 Or email them to: Editor’s Choice Funny Picture of the Month [email protected] Volume 26 - Issue 5 Page 7 Schedule of Events May May 2 - Chapter Ride May 7 - Dinner Ride to Paris Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 1 Sat 2 Landing Resort Restaurant, Paris Landing, TN, 6:30 pm May 9 - Chapter A Fun Day and Plaque Chasing at Chapter Z May 21 - Dinner Ride to Sonic 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Drive-In, Dover, TN, 6:30 pm May 23 - Plaque Chasing at Chapter H 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 May 25 - NO CHAPTER GATH- ERING, moved to Fun Day, June 6 May 31 Work day for Fun Day, Al & Cindy Bidwell’s house, 2:00 p.m. 31 Upcoming Events with other Chapters MAY 6 - 16th Annual St. Jude Benefit Golf Tournament, TriCities Golf Course, Blountville, TN. Lunch 11:30 to 12:30, Tee time at 1:00 p.m. 9 - Chapter A’s Fun Day - “A May Thing” All Indoor Fun - BBQ Lunch - Live Music, Games, Poker Run, Cake Walk. Gladeville Community Center, 95 McCrary RD, Lebanon, TN. 10am - 2pm. $10/person 15-16 - 32nd Annual Roan Mountain Steakout, Bean Supper at 6:00 pm May 15th, 1st Steak out at 5:00 p.m. May 16th JUNE 6 - Chapter Q’s Fun Day - “A Hoe Down” Live Music, Panty Run, Games, Cookout. 3208 Rotary Park Drive, Clarksville, TN. 10am - 3pm. $10/person Donations Needed!!! Please bring your door prize donations for Fun Day to a staff members ASAP. JULY 9-11 - North Carolina District Convention, Wings over the Smokies, Cherokee, North Carolina 24-25 - West Virginia District Convention, WV Down Home Rally, Summersville Conference Center, Summersville, WV AUGUST 6 - Chapter C, 6th Annual Putt Putt Tournament for St. Jude Children’s Hospital, “Putt for a Cure”, 346 West Stone Drive Putt Putt, Kingsport, TN 13-15 - Kentucky District Convention, KY Blast, Frankfort Convention Center, 405 Mero Street, Frankfort, KY Volume 26 - Issue 5 Page 8 Our March Gathering Taking care of Business! What a great attendance! Thank you to all who came out to support us. Cindy & Paula Conner Lorre Jimmy Brown, Montgomery Co. Sherriff’s Department Dinner Time! The Dunk Tank Sparkler Fun after the Light Parade The Bus Ride Volume 26 - Issue 5 Page 9 The Three Amigo’s David Tipton, Paula Jones, Dave Jones Dinner Ride to Dos Marguarita’s Al & Cindy Bidwell, Mickey/Keith/Connie Turner, Dennis & Jan Peterson, Paula Jones, Dave Jones St. Jude’s Road Block $1,085.03 collected! The Dinner Cruise on the Southern Belle down the Tennessee River Paula Jones, ACD/ Our Fearless Leader Cindy Bidwell Newsletter Editor The Money Collector Tom & Pat Murray Chapter Q 2015 Couple of the Year Boots & Phyllis Streetman Dana Wall Had some very interesting requests at the Road Block! Ever Faithful Chapter Q members! All in good fun. Bobo Smith and Dave Jones, Ride Coordinator Welcome back Bobo!!! Volume 26 - Issue 5 Page 10 Opportunities to Visit Tennessee District Chapter Gathering Schedule Chapter A Last Tuesday of the Month Eat 6:00 pm / Meet 7:00 pm Golden Corral, 315 Old Lebanon Dirt Rd., Hermitage, TN. CDs: Troy & Vickie Hurt 615-351-6629 Chapter A2 3rd Monday of the Month Eat 6:00 pm / Meet 6:30 pm O'Charlies Restaurant, 364 Fountain View Circle, Alcoa, Tn. CDs: Wayne Howe & Brandi Ellard 865-924-0136 Chapter B 1st Tuesday of the Month Eat 6:00 pm / Meet 7:00 pm Shoney's Restaurant, 2405 Andersonville Hwy, Clinton, TN 37716 Sr. CDs: Tom & Kathy Peck 423-907-9712 Chapter C 3rd Tuesday of the Month Eat 6:00 pm / Meet 7:00 pm Mama's House Buffet, 2608 North John B Dennis Hwy, Kingsport, TN. CDs: Richard & Connie Pendleton 423-245-8484 Chapter C2 3rd Saturday of the Month Eat 8:00 am / Meet 9:00 am Shoney's, 4148 Us Highway 127 S Crossville, TN 38571 CDs: Buddy & Brenda Turner 931-484-7337 Chapter F 3rd Thursday of the Month Eat 6:00 pm / Meet 7:00 pm Golden Corral, 2905 West Andrew Johnson Highway, Morristown, TN CD: Bill Potter 865-254-9218 Chapter G 3rd Thursday of the Month Eat 6:00 pm / Meet 7:00 pm Gondola Pizza and Steak House, 412 E Carroll ST, Tullahoma, TN CDs: Dennis & Anne Greer 931-728-1463 Chapter H 4th Saturday of the Month Eat 8:00 am / Meet 9:00 am Shoneys, 1306 Murfreesboro Rd. Franklin, TN CDs: David & Barbara Jordan 931-607-5836 Chapter L 1st Saturday of the Month Eat 8:00 am / Meet 9:00 am Ryan's, 405 S. Cumberland , Lebanon, TN Sr. CDs: Andrew & Debbie Smith 615-784-9772 Chapter M 2nd Tuesday of the Month Eat 6:00 pm / Meet 7:00 pm 550 Fort Loudon Medical Center Dr., Lenoir City, TN 37772 CDs: Mel & Renee McInerney 865-809-1466 Chapter N 1st Saturday of the Month Meet 5:00 pm / Eat 6:00 pm (Meeting First) Brooksie's Barn, 561 Oil Well Rd, Jackson, TN Sr. CDs: Tony & Lori Douglas 731-676-9917 Chapter O 1st Saturday of the Month Eat 9:00 am / Meet 10:00 am Golden Corral, 350 Stuart Rd. NE (I-75 Exit 27), Cleveland, TN CDs: Brenda Perkinson 423-310-1551 Chapter Q Last Monday of the Month Eat 6:00 pm / Meet 7:00 pm Golden Corral, 2811 Wilma Rudolph Boulevard Clarksville, TN CDs: Cindy & Al Bidwell 731-642-9864 Chapter S 3rd Saturday of the Month Eat 1:00 pm / Meet 2:00 pm My Time Cafe, 111 Main St, Portland, TN CDs: Grant & Carol Bottomley 615-337-8386 Chapter T 4th Tuesday of the Month Eat 6:00pm / Meet 7:00pm Shoney's 315 E Emory Road Powell, TN CDs: Kimberly and Robert Burleson 865-293-6955 Chapter V 2nd Saturday of the Month Eat 9:00 am / Meet 10:00 am Honda Southern Power Sports, 1394 Workman Road, Chattanooga, TN CD: Mildred Batts 423-544-3565 Chapter W2 3rd Saturday of the Month Eat 6:00 pm / Meet 7:00 pm Perkins, 1340 S. Germantown Pkwy, Memphis, TN CDs: Ivan & Leesa Coburn 870-514-8622 Chapter Y 3rd Saturday of the Month Eat 8:00 am / Meet 9:00 am The Murfreesboro Jaycees Colonel’s Club, 403 Hickerson Dr, Murfreesboro TN 37129 CDs: Allen & Dottie Wessels 615-218-4904 Chapter Z 2nd Saturday of the Month Eat 5:30 pm / Meet 6:30 pm Catfish Campus Restaurant, 2509 Keith Dr, Columbia, TN CDs: Charlie & Pam Huffman 931-215-1650 If you plan to go visiting, please send a message to Cindy Bidwell. She will get the word out and maybe others in our chapter can join you! Volume 26 - Issue 5 Page 11 Volume 26 - Issue 5 Page 12 Volume 26 - Issue 5 Page 13 Volume 26 - Issue 5 Page 14 Volume 26 - Issue 5 Page 15 Volume 26 - Issue 5 Page 16 Volume 26 - Issue 5 Page 17 Volume 26 - Issue 5 A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors Page 18 Be sure to visit our sponsors and thank them for their support! Volume 26 - Issue 5 GWRRA National, Region & District Contact Information Page 19 GWRRA Directors Region “N” Directors Ray and Sandy Garris Mike an Angie Mitchell [email protected] [email protected] District Directors Gary and Patti Hamilton [email protected] Chapter “Q” Staff CHAPTER DIRECTOR Cindy Bidwell - [email protected] ASSISTANT CHAPTER DIRECTOR Paula Jones - [email protected] CHAPTER EDUCATOR Mickey Turner - [email protected] TREASURER Connie Turner - [email protected] RIDE COORDINATOR Dave Jones - [email protected] COUPLE OF THE YEAR Tom and Pat Murray [email protected] CHAPTER OF THE YEAR COORDINATOR Jan Peterson - [email protected] SUNSHINE COUPLE Tom and Pat Murray [email protected] NEWSLETTER EDITOR Paula Jones - [email protected] WEBMASTER Dennis Peterson - [email protected]
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