HRMS for the SMEs KaiZenHR Primo PAYROLL Payroll Elements In KaiZenHR Primo Payroll, users are empowered with privilege to create unlimited Payroll Elements. Allowance – Car Allowance, Meal Allowance, Outsta%on Allowance & etc. Deduc%on – Loan Deduc%on, Statutory Deduc%on, No Pay Leave & etc. Over%me – Shi* Over%me, Public Holiday Over%me & etc. Policies & Aributes Payroll policies, payroll a,ributes and payroll formulas are fully user de-nable in KaiZenHR Primo Payroll, extending total control and /exibility to payroll users. Whether a pay item is taxable, EPF-able, SOCSO-able, contributes to HRDF etc are payroll a,ributes that can be controlled by payroll users. Payment policies (en%tlements) can be easily de-ned & iden%-ed by di5erent group of employees. For instance: Employees who earn > RM 2,000 has no OT Employees who earn <= RM 2,000 en%tled to OT Di5erent payroll policies and computa%on logics amongst di5erent group of employees within the company are possible with loadable business script. Mul Currencies KaiZenHR Primo Payroll is designed and developed with a vision in mind; to set an open HR system to scale into mul% countries. KaiZenHR Primo Payroll allows user de-nable exchange rate with e5ec%ve date basis to ease exchange rate tracking & provide accurate exchange rate for payroll processing & repor%ng. As a system that supports mul% companies via single point of entry, KaiZenHR Primo Payroll also allows payroll users to have di5erent exchange rate de-ned for di5erent companies. Mul Companies KaiZenHR Primo is designed to support mul%ple companies in its database via single point of entry. This means payroll users are only required to login once to access to all companies available in the system. Moreover the system intelligently supports mul%ple companies payroll process at one go. For payroll users that handle mul%ple subsidiaries, payroll process has become hassle free as all can be grouped into one and be processed at one %me. Flexible Wage Type The engine of KaiZenHR Primo Payroll is designed to provide the most /exible payroll processing system to serve all sorts of HR needs. KaiZenHR Primo Payroll is embedded with capability to process Yearly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Daily and up to Hourly salary. Preset As part of automa%on when it comes to processing monthly payroll, KaiZenHR Primo Payroll provides “Preset” to allow pay master to record -x allowances or deduc%ons to pay or deduct from employees for a period of %me. This par%cular automa%on for both allowances and deduc%ons command can be applied to one speci-c employee and a group of employees shall there is a requirement. Now, payroll users worry no more when it comes to -x allowances or deduc%ons as the solu%on provide such automa%on to reduce the administra%ve workload of HR payroll users. Scheduled Processing Alterna%vely to preset deduc%on, scheduled deduc%on allows users to schedule deduc%on based on a target amount from employee salary. System automa%cally deducts the amount stated by payroll users each %me the deduc%on is posted to payout. This scheduled deduc%on is more commonly used for loan repayment and it reduces payroll users’ administra%on on loans repayment. Repay and outstanding amount for the speci-c deduc%on can be retrieved any%me. ______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © KaiZenHR Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved KaiZenHR Sdn Bhd Suite D-05-01, 5th Floor, Block D, Plaza Mont’Kiara, Jalan Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur T: 03 – 6201 0242 E: [email protected] HRMS for the SMEs KaiZenHR Primo PAYROLL Unlimited Payroll Cycles Companies’ opera%onal needs may change to support business growth. Increased workforce, revised bene-ts scheme and organiza%onal restructuring could impact payroll processing. KaiZenHR Primo Payroll comes with the ability of having mul%ple payouts in a month, allowing processing of salary by di5erent employee groups and processing of salary by di5erent payment objec%ve. For instance: Payout 1 = Managerial Payout 1 = Basic salary Payout 2 = Execu%ve OR Payout 2 = Over%me Payout 3 = Non-Execu%ves Payout 3 = Bonus The above example illustrates the mul%ple ways of u%lizing the payouts; either by segrega%on of employee levels or for payment occasion use. Moreover, u%liza%on of di5erent payouts helps when it comes to reports retrieving and analysis. As At Date Calculaon Always accurate! Regardless of the entry %me stamp of a par%cular payroll elements, KaiZenHR Primo Payroll is capable of compu%ng the amount accurately based on the policy of the transac%on incur date. For example, Unpaid Leave last month which is to be deducted in this month payroll can be computed based on last month’s basic salary, despite a salary adjustment within this month. Bonus Simulaon KaiZenHR Primo Payroll solu%on o5ers more when it comes to bonus pay for an organiza%on. Users are allowed to perform bonus simula%on by factor or by choice of -x amount. Simulated results can be edited to suit the desired bonus amount and shall there be any rounding requirements, KaiZenHR Primo Payroll covers the need as well. Once users are con-rmed with the simulated & adjusted results, bonus amount then can be posted via a push of a bu,on to payout for payment. Advance Payment Some organiza%on serving in Malaysia ful-lling the mul%-cultural way of life, the needs for employer to pay salary advance for occasional purpose do arise. KaiZenHR Primo Payroll can assists your organiza%on in this par%cular need allowing salary advance to be simulated before pos%ng the con-rmed -gure for payment. Filtering of sta5 by grade, job, branch, department, race, religion & etc for advance payment is available to ease selec%on. Advance deduc%on is also made convenient with op%on to deduct by instalment. Full Compliant KaiZenHR Primo Payroll is fully compliant to Malaysia statutory requirements. Statutory changes including forms, formula and tables is constantly updated and maintained in KaiZenHR Primo Payroll. List of statutory reports & exports provided in KaiZenHR Primo Payroll include: EPF - Borang A, BBCD SOCSO - Borang 8A, 8A Cover, Borang 2, Borang 3, PKS21 Form TAX - CP38/39, CP39A, CP22, CP22A, CP21, TP1, TP2, Borang EA / EC, CP8D, Borang BE, PCB II Report Exports - EPF, SOCSO, Tax, Zakat, Tabung Haji, Baitulmal & ASB export into text -le ______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © KaiZenHR Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved KaiZenHR Sdn Bhd Suite D-05-01, 5th Floor, Block D, Plaza Mont’Kiara, Jalan Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur T: 03 – 6201 0242 E: [email protected] HRMS for the SMEs KaiZenHR Primo PAYROLL Salary Creding Bank auto-pay could be a common op%on opted by most companies for salary payment, this facility eliminate cheque issuance and minimize human error. Salary informa%on to be credited into employees’ bank account can be exported into text -le accepted by bank for processing. KaiZenHR Primo Payroll supports formats required by all major banks in Malaysia. The list include: - CIMB Bank, Bank Islam, Standard Chartered Bank, Ci% Bank, Hong Leong Bank, Bank Rakyat, MayBank, AVn Bank, Public Bank, Bank of China, Deutsche Bank, Bank Simpanan Nasional, RHB Bank, Alliance Bank, HSBC Bank and OCBC Bank. ______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © KaiZenHR Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved KaiZenHR Sdn Bhd Suite D-05-01, 5th Floor, Block D, Plaza Mont’Kiara, Jalan Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur T: 03 – 6201 0242 E: [email protected]
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