KALAMUNDA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL An Independent Public School 2015 SEMESTER 1 EXAMINATIONS YEAR 10 th Monday 25 May – Thursday 28th YEAR 8 & 9 Tuesday 2 nd June – Friday 5th June EXAM TIMETABLE and INSTRUCTIONS Kalamunda Senior High School YEAR 10 Monday 25 – Thursday 28th May th Day /Date Session Examination Period Start 8.55 Exam Start 9.05 Finish Rooms HASS Exam Length 1 hr + 5 Monday 25th May Period 1 Extended to 10.10. 10.10 A2,A3,A4,B4,B5,E1,E 2 Tuesday th 26 May Period 1 Extended to 10.30. Science 1 hrs + 5 9.14 9.25 10.30 A2,A3,A4,B4,B5,E1,E 2 Wednesday th 27 May Period 1&2 Mathematics 1 ½ hrs + 10 8.55 9.05 10.45 A2,A3,A4,B4,B5,E1,E 2 Students remain in exam room until recess. Thursday th 28 May Period 1&2 Yr 10 English 1 ½ hrs + 5 8.55 9.05 10.40 A2,A3,A4,B4,B5,E1,E 2 Students remain in exam room until recess. YEAR 8 & 9 Tuesday 2nd June – Friday 5h June Day /Date Session Examination Tuesday 2nd June Period 1 Extended to 10.30 Wednesda y 3rd June Thursday 4th June Friday 5th June Period Start 9.14 Exam Start 9.25 Finish Rooms Yr 8 HASS Exam Length 1 hr + 5 10.30 A1,D2,D3,D4,C2,C3 Yr 9 Science 1 hr + 5 9.14 9.05 10.30 T6,T11,T4,T5,T7,T3 Period 1 Extended to 10.15 Yr 8 Mathematics Yr 9 English 1 hr + 10 8.55 9.05 10.15 A1,D2,D3,D4,C2,C3 1 hr + 5 8.55 9.05 10.10 T6,T11,T4,T5,T7,T3 Period 1 Extended to 10.15 Yr 8 Science 1 hr + 5 8.55 9.05 10.10 A1,D2,D3,D4,C2,C3 Yr 9 Mathematics 1 hr + 10 8.55 9.05 10.15 T6,T11,T4,T5,T7,T3 Period 1 Extended to 10.15 Yr 8 English 1 hr + 5 8.55 9.05 10.10 A1,D2,D3,D4,C2,C3 Yr 9 HASS 1 hr +10 8.55 9.05 10.10 T6,T11,T4,T5,T7,T3 CAREFULLY CHECK COMMENCEMENT TIMES AND ROOM ALLOCATION Year 8/9 students will be allocated a room (based on their English class except Year 9 Maths Exam will be in Maths classes) Year 10 students will be seated alphabetically during examinations but divided into the courses in Science and Mathematics. Student Name Tags will be on the desks. Year 8, 9 & 10 student room allocation lists will be posted on the exam room door. PLEASE NOTE: SCHOOL UNIFORM must be worn during exam times. Thank you! Due to Upper school Exams – Yr 9 students moving to the T Block should do this in an orderly quiet manner. The Lower Courts / Oval areas or surrounds of the Gym and GYM Area will also be out of bounds to students. Mr Jonathan Bromage Associate Principal (Yrs 8/9) Mr D Brady Associate Principal (Yr 10) Kalamunda Senior High School Examination Rules 1. ABSENCE FROM AN EXAMINATION: Any absence during an examination period must be covered by a Medical Certificate or acceptable written explanation (e.g. family emergency) from the parent/guardian in order for grades not to be affected. Where possible, catch up exams will be held within the testing week for those students with a legitimate absence as described above. 2. LATENESS TO AN EXAMINATION: A student will not be admitted to an examination any more than 20 minutes after it has started. 3. Students should be at the examination venue promptly following Mentor period. 4. Students must attend timetabled classes after each exam. Students should not be wandering around the school. 5. Students who have completed an examination on any particular day should move quickly and as quietly as possible to their timetabled class. EXAMINATION ROOM INSTRUCTIONS 1. Students must make adequate provision for getting to exams on time. ** STUDENTS MUST CHECK THEIR EXAM TIMETABLES CAREFULLY ** 2. Students may bring water in a clear plastic bottle with all labels removed. No eating during the examination. 3. Please ensure that you have all the materials needed for your exams - pencils, biros, batteries, calculators, etc. in a clear plastic pencil case/bag/pocket. 4. Exam conditions will apply. There will be no talking during an exam. Collusion between students may result in papers being cancelled. Once students enter the exam room no talking is permitted without a supervisor's consent. 5. No student may leave an exam until the end of the allotted length of time for a subject. 6. Students MUST remain seated in exam room until ALL exam papers are collected. 7. Students MUST follow the supervisor’s instructions at ALL times. Students What You Need to Do to Prepare for the Exam Have a positive attitude and do the very best you can. Revise and study for your exams. Your teachers will give you some tips on how best to revise for your exam. Pack your bag with your equipment the night before your exam. Bring Pens, Pencils, Sharpener, and eraser to all your exams. Scientific Calculators, Mathomat and pencils are needed for the Mathematics exam. Be respectful, responsible and ready. Make sure you have had plenty of water and have eaten before the exams. Brains work best when hydrated and fed. Get plenty of sleep the night before. Good Luck Our Values: A love of learning Respect for self, for others, our school, our world Resilience: Picking yourself up, turning over a new leaf, never giving up Pride: Celebrating and sharing our successes Reaching out to the local and global community
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