A Phase 2 Study on Efficacy, Safety and Intratumoral Pharmacokinetics of Oral Selinexor (KPT-330) in Patients with Recurrent Glioblastoma (GBM) Ulrik Lassen1, Morten Mau-Sorensen1, Andrew L Kung2, Patrick Wen3, Eudocia Quant Lee3, Scott Plotkin4, Aida Muhic1, Tami Rashal5, Tony Williams5, Dilara McCauley5, Joel Ellis5, Jean-Richard Saint-Martin5, Robert Carlson5, Ran Frankel5, Sharon Shacham5, Mansoor Raza Mirza5, Michael Kauffman5, Andrew B. Lassman2 (1) Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark (2) Columbia University Medical Center and Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center New York, New York (3) Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA (4) Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, MA (5) Karyopharm Therapeutics, Newton, Massachusetts TM 1 ©2015 – Karyopharm Therapeu3cs Inc. XP01, Selinexor, and Glioblastoma • Exportin 1 (XPO1) is a target for glioma • XPO1 overexpression in glioma correlates with higher grade and decreased overall survival • XPO1 is the sole nuclear exporter of the tumor suppressor proteins p53 and p27 which often drive glioblastoma tumorigenesis • ©2015 – Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. Selinexor Inhibits XPO1 • Selinexor (KPT-330) is a potent, covalent, slowly-reversible, Selective Inhibitor of Nuclear Export (SINE) that inhibits XPO1 • Selinexor forces nuclear retention and activation of p53 and p27, leading to glioblastoma apoptosis 2 In vitro and in vivo models of patient-derived GBM A Selinexor in vitro cytotoxic potency in patient-derived GBM cells Cell Line BT 145 BT 159 BT 172 AGBM1 BT 245 DIPG 4 DIPG 6 Average B IC50 (µM) 0.075 0.148 0.320 0.173 0.114 0.097 0.006 0.133 (A) Selinexor cytotoxic potency in pa/ent-‐derived GBM cells grown in neurosphere culture. Average IC50 of 133 nM is comparable to selinexor conc. in tumors of ARM A pa/ents at 2 hr (122 nM). (B)-‐(D) Brain orthotopic GBM pa/ent-‐derived xenograJ (PDX) model with BT-‐145 cells treated with vehicle, selinexor (20 mg/kg 3X wkly QOD) or KPT-‐276, a close analog of selinexor (50 mg/kg 3X wkly QOD). (B) Tumor growth over /me based on bioluminescence. AJer 61 days (the last day of vehicle arm measurement), selinexor and KPT-‐276 induced 84% and 88% tumor growth inhibi/on, respec/vely. (C) Tumor volumes aJer 61 days with representa/ve T2 MRIs (*p<0.05; ***p>0.001). (D) Kaplan–Meier curve showing increased survival with selinexor and KPT-‐276 of 100% and 149%, respec/vely. ©2015 – Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. C D From Green et al . Neuro-Oncology 2014 3 KING Phase II Study Design – NCT01986348 • KPT-330 IN patients with recurrent Glioblastomas (KING) is an open label Phase II study in patients with recurrent gliomas after failure of radiation and temozolomide o ARM A – Surgical Arm for patients who require cytoreductive surgery: ~20 patients o ARM B – Medical Arm for patients not eligible for surgery: ~30 patients • Main Inclusion Criteria: o Patients ≥18 years must have received treatment with prior radiation and temozolomide o Measurable disease according to RANO guidelines, Karnofsky Perfomance Status ≥60 o Prior bevacizumab was not allowed • Primary Objective ARM B o Determine efficacy of selinexor based upon fraction of patients to achieve 6 months PFS • Exploratory Objective ARM A: o Determine tumor concentration of selinexor and molecular effects during treatment o Evaluate efficacy of selinexor for patients undergoing cytoreductive surgery • Treatment Scheme: ARM A & ARM B o ARM A – Patients received 2 doses of 50 mg/m2 selinexor QOD prior to surgery. On the day of surgery, a 3rd dose was administered ~2 prior to surgery. Patient samples were collected for pharmacokinetic analysis predose, 1 hr and 2 hr post dose and during resection of tumor. After recovery from surgery patients resumed selinexor dosing twice weekly for the first 3 wks of a 4 week cycle. o ARM B – Patients receive selinexor 50 mg/m2 twice weekly per 4 week cycle (8 doses per cycle) ©2015 – Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. 4 Patient Characteristics ARM A (N=7) Median Age (Range) Male to Female Median Prior Treatment Regimens (Range) 59 ( 43 – 61 ) 6 Males : 1 Female 1 (1–2) ARM B (N=17) Median Age (Range) Male to Female Median Prior Treatment Regimens (Range) ©2015 – Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. 57 ( 43 – 61 ) 12 Males : 5 Females 1 (1–2) 5 Adverse Events: ARM B AE incidence (% of patients) 70 GR 1 GR 2 GR 3 60 50 N=17 40 30 20 10 A no Vo rex D mi ia ys tin ge g u N sia au D se ia a rr he a F W a ei t i g Th gh u ro tl e m os bo s c N yto eu p tr e n op i a e L e An n i a u k em o p ia H en yp ia on at re B m lu ia rr ed v A isio lo D pe n iz c D z i n ia ry e m ss ou th 0 ARM B: All pa/ents (N=17) were evaluable for safety. The adverse event profile is comparable to that seen in solid and hematological tumor pa/ents studied in Phase 1 trials. Approximately half of the pa/ents (N=8) required dose reduc/ons to 35 mg/m2 primarily due to fa/gue. To improve tolerability, all ongoing and newly enrolled pa/ents will move to a 60 mg (~35 mg/m2) flat dose twice weekly or 80 mg (~50 mg/m2) flat dose once weekly. ©2015 – Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. 6 Selinexor penetrates GBM tumors A [selinexor] (nM) [selinexor] (nM) Patient Tumor (~2 h) Plasma (1 h) Plasma (2 h) Tumor/Plasma Patient Tumor (~2 h) Plasma (1 h) Plasma (2 h)0.08Tumor/Plasma 001007 142 2071 1620 142 2071 1620 0.08 001008 001007 69 1033 722 0.08 69 1033 722 0.08 001009 001008 40 311 645 0.08 40 311 645 0.08 001010 001009 291 NA 1529 0.19 291 NA 1529 0.19 001015 001010 64 986 835 0.07 64 986 835 0.07 301002 001015 211 593 562 0.37 211 593 562 0.37 301020* 301002 39 19 859 0.09 39 19 859 0.09 Average 301020*122 836 967 0.14 Average 122 836 967 0.14 *tumor specimen was collected ~6 hours after selinexor administration *tumor specimen was collected ~6 hours after selinexor administration A (A) Selinexor tumor and plasma concentra/ons in GBM tumors from pa/ents in ARM A. Lower GBM tumor/plasma compared to brain/plasma ra/os in animals may be due to later Tmax in pa/ents (~4 hours). GBM tumors have comparable selinexor plasma concentra/ons at 2 hours to that of other cancer pa/ents. Average selinexor concentra/on of 122 nM in GBM tumors is equivalent to the average in vitro selinexor IC50 of 114 nM in pa/ent-‐derived GBM cells (see bohom of first panel). B Species B [selinexor] - 2 h (nM) Brain/ Plasma [selinexor] - 2 h (nM) Plasma T maxBrain/ (h) Species Plasma (nM) Brain (nM) Plasma Plasma (nM) Brain (nM) Mouse 3970 Mouse 2920 3970 0.71 2920 0.5-1 0.71 Rat 3770 Rat 2730 3770 0.72 2730 0.5-1 0.72 Monkey 5750 Monkey 3530 5750 0.60 3530 1-3 0.60 (B) Brain availability in mice, rats and monkeys. Selinexor was also found to have brain penetra/on in animal models. Plasma and brain 0.5-1 concentra/on are shown 2 hours post 0.5-1 administra/on of 10 mg/kg selinexor. Plasma T max (h) 1-3 ©2015 – Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. 7 KING Patient Case Study BASELINE CYCLE 2 MRI brain scans of pa3ent 301-‐005 from ARM B. 45-‐year old male diagnosed with stage IV glioblastoma mul/form in July 2013. Selinexor was preceded by separate regimens of temozolomide, radia/on, and surgery. Selinexor monotherapy began in April 2014, leading to a par/al response in Cycle 2 with a 100% reduc/on in tumor burden (non-‐ target lesions s/ll present). This pa/ent remained on study 175 days before progressing. ©2015 – Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. 8 ARM B: Efficacy and Patient Duration of Study Days on study A 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 ! ! ! 002-018 301-005 301-013 003-023 002-017 301-001 002-014 003-019 301-022 002-021 002-011 301-003 301-004 003-024 301-012 301-006 003-016 ! ! PR ! On study PD ! WC PR SD PD pending PR=partial response, SD=stable disease, PD=progressive disease, WC=withdrew consent 120 B C 100 N PR SD PD DCR 16 2 (13%) 4 (25%) 10 (62%) 6 (38%) 60 * Responses were allocated by Investigators according to Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) lab based on interim unaudited data and and will be independently verified by a central lab. DCR=disease control rate (PR+SD). 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 301-005 301-013 301-001 002-018 002-017 003-019 003-023 301-004 002-014 301-022 -100 002-021 -80 003-016 Tumor burden (% change from baseline) 80 Best Responses* (ARM B) S e l i n e x o r s h o w s evidence of efficacy in G B M ( a s o f 1 0 -‐ May-‐2015). ARM B pa/ents were evaluable f o r e ffi c a c y . ( A ) Swimmer plot depic/ng /me to response, /me on study and reasons for going off study. (B) W a t e r f a l l p l o t f o r pa/ents with quan/fied t u m o r b u r d e n . P D designa/on not shown was based on clinical symptoms. (C) Best responses and disease control rate (DCR) in ARM B pa/ents. ©2015 – Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. 9 Summary & Conclusions • Selinexor is highly active against patient-derived GBM cells in culture, while sparing normal neuronal and glial cells • Oral selinexor is active in brain orthotopic xenografts • Selinexor reaches concentrations in GBM tumors that are active in vitro against patientderived GBM cells • The most common selinexor-related AEs are thrombocytopenia, fatigue, anorexia, and hyponatremia • Due to high incidence of dose reduction due to Grade 2/3 fatigue, the trial will be amended with two arms with reduced doses o ARM C: 60 mg flat dose of selinexor, twice weekly o ARM D: 80 mg flat dose of selinexor, once weekly • One patient in twelve evaluable patients on ARM B has reached 6 months PFS endpoint • Selinexor shows anti-tumor activity with 13% ORR and 38% DCR in patients with pretreated (temozolomide and radiation) GBM ©2015 – Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. 10
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