Kate's Home Sweet Home Dog Boarding/Daycare Contract& Pet/Owner Information Sheet Terms: All dogs are boarded and/or daily cared for by Kate's Home Sweet Home Dog Care, or any of its facilities, owners, staff, or volunteers, without liability on their part for loss or damage from disease, death, running away, theft, fire, injury to persons, other dogs, or property by said dog, or other unavoidable causes, due diligence and care having been exercised. I understand that I am solely financially responsible for any damage or harm caused by my dog(s) while under the care of Kate's Home Sweet Home Dog Care. I agree that in admitting my dog(s) to Kate's Home Sweet Home Dog Care, they have relied on my representation that my dog(s) is/are in good health and have not harmed or shown aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person or any other dog. If my dog becomes injured or ill, Kate's Home Sweet Home Dog Care shall have the right to call a veterinarian, as designated below, or to call a veterinarian of their choice; or to administer medicine or give other advisable attention, within their discretion and judgment, and such expenses, being reasonable in amount, shall be paid promptly by me, the owner of the dog. If my dog cannot safely adapt to the group boarding environment, Kate's Home Sweet Home Dog Care shall have the right to place my dog in a traditional kennel of their choice. I have read and understand the terms set forth above. I agree to abide by all the terms, conditions and statements of this Boarding/Daycare Contract. Your dog must be: • Spayed or neutered • Current on Rabies, Distemper and Bordetella vaccines • Flea/tick free and in good overall health • Wearing a quick release collar • Dog and People friendly • Able to pass the interview and trial day Things to know: This is not a kennel it is our home. Your dog lives with us as a pet often going for car rides and hikes. Occasionally a gate gets left open. You are to provide treats and food. Dogs may also get treats and food that Kate’s provides. Don’t bring anything over you want returned. Kate’s has plenty of beds, leashes, and toys. We have a little house at 927 4th Ave West, Kalispell we are working on and we often take the dog with us. • The dogs get left alone in the house and yard if we leave for a few hours. • Ask us about airport car drop off and car storage at $4.00 a day. • • • • • • You know your dog better then we do and may not be a good fit at Kate’s if : • Your dog challenges the fences and gates. • The dog is outside the fence with or without us and takes off to the neighbors or wanders out on the road. • Doesn’t get along with other dogs. Rates for 2015 Service One Dog Two Dogs More then two Dogs Daycare $15 $18 Negotiable Daycare 6+ days (overnights count) $12 $15 Negotiable 1-6 overnights a year or first visit* $35 $42 Negotiable 6+ overnights a year * $25 $32 Negotiable • Daycare is included in overnight boarding. Name of Owner(s):____________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________Date: _________________ Contact Information: Address:_______________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________ ________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name, Address, Phone Number: This has to be someone who will take your dog in case I have an emergency. Or your dog is too hard for me to handle, or fights with other dogs. Veterinary Phone: Tell us about your dog(s): Name: Color(s): Sex: Breed: Weight: Birth date Spayed or Neutered: Things I wonder about when I have your dog. Does your dog chase deer? Or birds? Does your dog challenge fences? Is your dog afraid to thunderstorms? What is the brand of food you feed your dog? (You are to provide food, I’m just curious.) Does your dog have any allergies? Is your dog allowed people food and can they lick the plates? Is your dog allowed on the “dog” couch in our kitchen? Do you want an occasional text telling you how your dog is while you are away or is no news, good news? Anything else you want to tell me about your dog?
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