KATHERINE M. DELUCA 56 W Hudson St., Columbus, Ohio 43202 985.201.4507 • http://katherinemdeluca.net [email protected] • [email protected] EDUCATION THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, English—Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy Studies. PhD, May 2015. DISSERTATION: Developing a Digital Paideia: Composing Identities and Engaging Rhetorically in the Digital Age COMMITTEE: Cynthia L. Selfe (Chair), Scott Lloyd DeWitt, Brooke Rollins, and H. Lewis Ulman This project examines performative identity rhetorics and composing practices within online spaces, exploring the multidimensional rhetorics that digital citizens engage everyday. Analyzing online compositions and rhetorical behaviors across social media spaces, this project develops a digital paideia to demonstrate how such sites could be engaged in composition classrooms. I situate the rhetorical behaviors and compositions common to online spaces as forms of digital civic engagement, tying contemporary rhetorical activities to the western rhetorical tradition’s civic-minded, classical roots. THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, English—Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy Studies. Master of the Arts, June 2010. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY, English: Writing and Culture. Bachelor of the Arts, Magna cum Laude, December 2007. RESEARCH AND TEACHING INTERESTS • • • • • • Composition Studies and Pedagogy Digital Media Studies Rhetorical History and Theory Feminist Rhetorics and Pedagogy Writing Center Studies and Pedagogy Writing Program Administration FELLOWSHIPS, GRANTS, AND AWARDS • • • • Genevieve M. Critel Leadership Fellowship, 2013-2014 Graduate Associate Teaching Award, The Ohio State University Graduate School, 2013 Eric Walborn Award for Excellence in Digital Media and English Studies, 2013 Travel Award from the Department of English to attend Camp Rhetoric, 2011 DeLuca CV 2 • • Battelle Engineering, Technology, and Human Affairs Travel Grant, awarded by the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives, 2010 University Fellow, The Ohio State University Graduate School Fellowship, 2008-2009 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE GRADUATE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE in Research and Professional Development, Writing Center at the Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing, 2014-2015. • Co-taught courses in writing center studies: Writing Consultant Workshop for graduate students; Writing and Learning for undergraduates. Revised and facilitated annual training for new and returning tutors. Also tasked with updating and maintaining the CSTW web site, developing and improving the Writing Center’s social media presence and output, and worked on other relevant projects as needed. ASSISTANT COORDINATOR, Writing Center at the Center for the Study of Teaching and Writing, Summer 2012- Autumn 2013. • Worked with CSTW staff to facilitate the day-to-day operations of the Writing Center. Developed and provided training for new tutors at the start of each term and provided ongoing training throughout the year. Performed other administrative duties, including creating tutors’ work schedules, overseeing staff projects, corresponding with various offices throughout the university community. GRADUATE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE, Digital Media Project, 2011-2012, Summer 2013, May term 2014. • Provided technology support to instructors and students in the Department of English. Led workshops on various technologies. Worked one-on-one with faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students to trouble shoot technology problems. Performed various administrative duties, including equipment rentals and record keeping. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, Digital Media and Composition Institute, 2009-2011. • Appointed to work with The Ohio State University faculty to plan, organize, and host DMAC institute. Responsibilities include maintaining institute web site, acting as liaison to DMAC participants, and assisting in the planning and organization of the institute. TEACHING EXPERIENCE GRADUATE TEACHING ASSOCIATE, Department of English at The Ohio State University, 20092013. COURSES TAUGHT: • • • • ENGLISH 2269: Digital Media Composing, AU 2012, SP 2013, May Term 2013 ENGLISH 3304: Business Writing, SU 2012 ENGLISH 367.01: Second Level Writing (Digital Media Project section), SP 2011 o Participated in Library Research Pilot in Spring 2011 ENGLISH 269: Introduction to Digital Media Studies, AU 2010 DeLuca CV 3 • o Co-taught in an apprenticeship with Professor Cynthia L. Selfe ENGLISH 110.01: First-Year Writing, AU 2009-WI 2011 o Participated in Laptop Pilot Program in Fall 2010 and Winter 2011 PUBLICATIONS • “‘Can We Block these Political Thingys? I Just want to get f*cking recipes?’ Women’s Ethos and Politics on Pinterest.” Forthcoming in special issue of Kairos, May 2015. • The Rhetoric of Participation: Interrogating Commonplaces in and beyond the Classroom. Co-editor with Paige Banaji (Barry University), Lisa Blankenship (CUNY Baruch), and Lauren Obermark (University of Missouri, St. Louis). Forthcoming from Computers and Composition Digital Press/Utah State University Press. PRESENTATIONS REFEREED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS AND WORKSHOPS: • “Composing for Digital Publics: Classroom Compositions as Public Writing.” CCCC. Indianapolis, IN. March 2014. • “Women’s Ethos and Politics on Pinterest.” Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s). Stanford, CA. September 2013. • “‘Can we block these political thingys? I just want to get f***ing recipes:’ Women's ethos and politics on Pinterest.” Computers and Writing. Frostburg, MD. May 2013. • “ELL Clients in the Writing Center: Training and Supporting Tutors.” Writing Matters in a Changing World. Columbus, OH. February 2013. • “Dissertating Digitally.” Writing Matters in a Changing World. Columbus, OH. February 2013. • “Engaging Fear of/in Digital Spaces.” Computers and Writing. Raleigh, NC. May 2012. • “Critical Emotion/Pathos/Affect and Digital Technology.” Co-presented with William Kurlinkus. THATCamp OSU. Columbus, OH. April 2012. • “Everybody has a Literacy Story: Literacy Narrative Collection, Digital Media, and the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives.” Workshop Coordinator with Deborah Kuzawa. Computers and Writing. Ann Arbor, MI. May 2011. • “Telling Stories about Our (Online) Selves: Online Identity on the DALN.” Computers and Writing. West Lafayette, IN. May 2010. • “Recording, Preserving, and Using Literacy Narratives in Composition Classrooms and Community Spaces.” Workshop. CCCC. Louisville, KY. March 2010. DeLuca CV 4 • “My Photos, MySpace, and 'Me': Rhetorical Performances of Gendered Identity on Social Networking Sites.” Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s). East Lansing, MI. October 2009. • “What if?: Writing Center Lore and Reality.” Respondent. CCCC. New Orleans, LA. April 2008. INVITED PRESENTATIONS AND WORKSHOPS: • “The Rhetoric of Participation and Digital Publishing.” Invited presentation (Skype). English 8120: Writing for Academic Publication. Georgia State University. Atlanta, GA. Autumn 2014. • “Writing in the Digital Age.” Invited presentation (Skype). English 485: Issues in the Teaching of Writing. Lehigh University. Bethlehem, PA. November 2014. • “How to Use a Mac.” Invited to lead workshop. DMAC Institute. Columbus, OH. May 2014. • “Composing Platform Demonstration: Dreamweaver.” Invited to lead workshop. DMAC Institute. Columbus, OH. May 2013, June 2012. SERVICE FIELD: • READER, The Best of the Independent Rhetoric and Composition Journals 2011, Fall 2012. Read and reviewed articles for inclusion in an edited collection by Beverly Moss, Julia Voss, Steve Parks, Brian Bailie, and Steph Ceraso. • REVIEWER, Disability Studies Quarterly Special Issue, 2010. Reviewed article for special issue of DSQ on disability and rhetoric, edited by John Duffy and Melanie Yergeau. • CO-INVESTIGATOR, Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives Research Project. 2009Present. Collect and archive literacy narratives for the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives at The Ohio State University. Collections held across the country. DEPARTMENT: • JUDGE, Genevieve M. Critel Fellowship, Spring 2014. Assisted with judging applicants for this fellowship, reviewing applications and coordinating with other judges to make award decisions. • COORDINATOR, Genevieve M. Critel Excellence in Undergraduate Composition award, Spring 2013, Spring 2014. Collected submissions for this award and helped facilitate the awarding of this scholarship. • TREASURER, English Graduate Organization, 2012-2013. Member of EGO steering committee; helped to organize (responsible for procuring funding and logistical arrangements) and publicize events. DeLuca CV 5 • CORBETT COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE, Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy Studies Program, 2011-2012. Acted as graduate student committee member and collaborated with faculty and graduate students to arrange the annual Corbett Lecture and corresponding graduate workshop. • JUDGE, First Year Writing Program Awards Committees, OSU First Year Writing Program, Spring 2010, Spring 2011. Judged submissions for the Blog Project Award and the Analytical Research Project Award. • PEER MENTOR, OSU Department of English Graduate Studies Program, 2010-2011. Mentored new graduate student in first year of the PhD program. • TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE, English Graduate Organization, 20102011. Represent English Graduate Organization on department technology committee. • EXECUTIVE EDITOR, Commonplace, 2009-2010. Worked one-on-one with students whose essays were accepted for publication to Commonplace online journal. Assisted students through revision and editing processes to prepare essays for publication. • READER, General Education Course Assessment of First Year Writing, 2009. Reviewed and assessed essays for First Year Writing Program and English 110 for Colleges of the Arts and Sciences Committee on Curriculum and Instruction. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: • CCCC • National Council of Teachers of English • MLA REFERENCES Dr. Cynthia L. Selfe, Humanities Distinguished Professor The Ohio State University, Department of English, 421 Denney Hall, 164 W 17th Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43210 • [email protected] 614.546.6855 Dr. Scott Lloyd DeWitt, Associate Professor and Vice-Chair of Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy Studies The Ohio State University, Department of English, 421 Denney Hall, 164 W 17th Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43210 • [email protected] 614.292.4640 Dr. Brooke Rollins, Assistant Professor Lehigh University, Department of English, 35 Sayre Dr., Bethlehem, PA 18015 • [email protected] Dr. Richard Selfe, Director The Ohio State University, Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing, 4132 Smith Lab, 174 W 18th Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43210 • [email protected] 614.546.6854 Dr. H. Lewis Ulman, Associate Professor, Emeritus The Ohio State University, Department of English, 421 Denney Hall, 164 W 17th Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43210 • [email protected]
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