Aim 5: Electrochemical cells Electrochemistry the branch of chemistry that _______________is studies the interchange of electrical and chemical energy. It addresses: -electricity producing a chemical rx or a chemical rx -_________________producing electricity (electrical energy) There are 2 types of electrochemical cells: a) ______________: uses a chemical reaction to the voltaic cell produce electricity the electrolytic cell uses electricity to produce a b) _______________: chemical reaction 1 The Voltaic Cell -The chemical reactions that produce electricity in spontaneously these cells occur_________________. -Voltaic cells contain 2 half cells. ___________ The oxidation half reaction __________occurs in one half cell while the reduction half reaction occurs in the other half cell. -Each half cell contains an electrode and a salt solution. -an electrode is _____________________ a piece of metal that carries a charge There are 2 different electrodes: the ________. the voltaic cell the _____ anode and the_______. cathode In ______________, cathode ______has the positive charge and the ______has anode the negative charge. RED CAT AN OX -the salt solutions found in the two different a common (-) ion The other half cells will contain___________. (+) will be that of the electrode ion___________________________. Table J will tell you which piece of metal is the anode and which is the cathode. -The metal that is higher on the reactivity is always the anode. series_______________ -The metal that is lower on the activity series is always the cathode ______________________. Anode B Cathode Oxidation P Q Reduction _______________________________________ 2 Anode -The metal that is the anode will always be oxidized (lose e-). _______________ are not oxidized the metal itself -The ions in the cell______________, is oxidized _____________. decrease -The mass of this electrode (the anode) will ______ ions are falling off into solution as the because the ________________________________ metal becomes the ion _____________________(by losing its e-s).(the ions have the protons and neutrons which are the two subatomic particles that have mass) -The concentration of the (+) ions in this half cell will increase more ions are falling into the solution. ________because__________________________ Cathode ion in the reduction half cell will be _________ reduced -The ___ cathode. (by gaining e-s) at the________ reduced -The cathode itself is not _________ are reduced not reduced the ions__________. -The metal itself is__________; increase -The mass of this electrode (cathode) will _________ the ions start to "stick" to the cathode. because_________________________________ -The concentration of the cations (+ ions) in this half the ions are leaving the decrease because __________________ cell will _________ solution to reduce on the cathode ____________________________. In the voltaic cell Zn/Zn2+//Pb2+/Pb the reaction that occurs is: The half reactions are: Zn0 Zn2+ + 2ePb2+ + 2ePb0 0 Zn is the anode. The _____ Pb2+ is the cathode. The _____ Oxidation will occur at the _____________. Anode Zn0 _______ will be oxidized. Reduction will occur at the _____________. Cathode Pb2+ _______ will be reduced. 3 In order for the electrons to transfer from the species being oxidized (reducing agent) to the species being reduced (oxidizing agent) they must travel across a wire. -Electrons will always travel from the anode (lose e-) to the ________________ cathode (gain e-). _____________________ As the e- travel, the charge of the solutions would become unbalanced. Something is needed to conserve the charge. salt bridge -A ___________connects the two half cells and provides a path for the flow of ions between the two the migration of ions"). A ("allows for ______________________ cells ___________ __________contains a salt (other than those used in salt bridge the two half cells) in which: cathode and -cations (+ ions) flow to the _________ -anions (- ions) flow to the __________ anode the wire. -e-carry a charge through __________ salt bridge. -ions carry a charge through the ____________ Mark Rosengarten:You Start at the Anode The Electrolytic Cell -electrical energy is converted into chemical energy -the chemical reactions that are produced in electrolytic cells are NOT spontaneous -in an electrolytic cell the anode is + and the cathode is -unlike a voltaic cell, the electrolytic cell has only one chamber anode -oxidation still occurs at the ____________ cathode -reduction still occurs at the ____________ (RED CAT AN OX) anode -electrons still travel from the ___________ to the wire cathode __________ along a ____________ 4 The power source supplying the electrical energy acts as an electron pump. It pulls the e- away from one electrode and pushed them towards the other. The positive terminal of the power source is connected to the anode. This is what pulls the e- away. The negative terminal of the power source is connected to the cathode. Once the power source has pulled all of those e- away from the anode, the e- are repelled and pushed out towards the cathode. reduced -cations (+ ions) still _________at the cathode -anions (- ions) are __________at the anode oxidized -Electroplating is performed via an electrolytic cell. The object to be plated is the cathode. This allows the positive ions from the metal you wish to plate with to reduce on the cathode. The metal used for plating is the anode. Mark Rosengarten: Electrolysis is Smart 5
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