Church of the Ascension P ARISH M ISSION S TATEMENT : W E J OYFULLY P ROCLAIM , C ELEBRATE , W ITNESS , AND S ERVE J ESUS C HRIST (913) 681-3348 • 9510 W. 127th St. • Overland Park, KS 66213 • [email protected] SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:15 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:45 a.m., 5:00 p.m. WEEKDAY MASSES Monday-Friday: 6:45 a.m., 12:00 noon Saturday: 8:30 a.m. RECONCILIATION Tuesday: 6:15 a.m., 11:30 a.m. Thursday: 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 3:30 p.m. ANOINTING OF THE SICK 1st Thursday of the Month: 6:30 p.m. OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. ROSARY Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Monday-Friday: 6:20 a.m. Thursday: 6:30 p.m. Church of the Ascension 4th Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 ASCENSION THIS WEEK STEWARDSHIP CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sunday, April 26 Sunday Scripture, Conf. Rm. 9:15AM Donuts, Parish Hall After 8:15AM and 10:00AM Masses K4C Classes 10:00AM AA Mtg., St. John Rm. 1:00PM First Communion Mass, Church 2:00PM Al Anon Mtg., St. John Rm. 4:00PM S&L 6:30PM SOR Year 1 6:30PM Monday, April 27 Ladies Bridge, St. John Rm. Finance Council Mtg., Conf. Rm. St. Dismas Prison Ministry, St. Luke Rm. School of Faith, Church Men’s Basketball Age 21+, Gym Tuesday, April 28 Shalom House Dinners Safe Home “I am the good shepherd...and I lay down my life for the sheep…and they will heed my voice.” John 10:14--16 When you pray, do you only ask Jesus for things that you want? Do you ever ask Jesus what He wants you to do? How do you listen for the response? The answer is usually in “quiet whispers”. Take time in silent, daily prayer to hear His answer. 12:30PM 5:45PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 8:15PM My Gift of Treasure Dropoff before 3:00PM Leaving at 5:30PM Wednesday, April 29 SOR Zoom-HS Group, Youth Rm. AA Mtg., St. John Rm. Legion of Mary, St. Martha Rm. Men’s Basketball Age 21+, Gym Financial Update 5:30PM 6:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 8:15PM Thursday, April 30 No events scheduled. Friday, May 1 Men of Ascension, St. Luke Rm. Saturday, May 2 AED and CPR Class, St. Luke Rm. Public Square Rosary, Parking Lot Catholic Charities Food Drive, Parking Lot 6:00AM 9:00AM 12:00PM Before 4:30PM Mass Weekly Offertory: April 18-19 $ 51,149.69 Monthly Autodebit: March 650 Families on Autodebit $ 179,608.88 YTD: March, 2015 $4,499,083.85 Registered Families 3,199 HONOR YOUR MOTHERS Cards Available Now! May 10 Sunday, May 3 Catholic Charities Food Drive, Parking Lot Before All Masses Sunday Scripture, Conf. Rm. 9:15AM Donuts, Parish Hall After 8:15AM and 10:00AM Masses AA Mtg., St. John Rm. 1:00PM First Communion Mass, Church 2:00PM Al Anon Mtg., St. John Rm. 4:00PM S&L 6:30PM SOR Year 1 6:30PM Face to Face, Church 7:00PM Ascension is doing a very special celebration on Sunday, May 10. Cards are available in the Parish Office and Gathering Area for Mothers both living and deceased. The cards will be directed to support Pro-Life, a suggested donation of $5.00 is requested. We hope that this will be a wonderful way to show your love and appreciation on this important day. The priests will include all Mothers in their silent personal intentions at the Mass; however, the names will not be included in the bulletin. Thank you. SPECIAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Do you love your faith? Would you be willing to share it with our young parishioners this June? You are personally invited to consider being a catechist for our Summer SOR Program which is from 9:00am to 12:30pm June 15-26. Please call the SOR office to volunteer or for more information at 681-7683. First, 3rd6th grade spots are available. 2 Church of the Ascension 4th Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 ASCENSION THIS WEEK (Continued) ZOOM April 29, 6:00PM Youth Rm. Small groups are now forming for study of the book, “Love Is Our Mission, The Family Fully Alive,” which is a preparatory catechesis for the World Meeting of Families that will take place this fall in Philadelphia. All high school students are invited to join us for Zoom (food, fellowship, & small groups) in the Youth Rm. Dinner starts at 6:00pm. Event runs until 8:00pm. The books can be purchased in the parish office or by contacting Ray Martin. The cost is only $8.00 each. LEGION OF MARY April 29, 7:00PM St. Martha Rm. If interested in leading a small group or using this book study for personal of family enrichment, please contact Ray Martin in the parish office or via email: [email protected]. AED & CPR CLASS Sign Up Now!!! Beginning May 2, 9:00AM St. Luke Rm. The training will be held on Saturday, May 2 or June 6 from 9:00am-11:00am, or Monday, May 11 or June 22 from 6:30pm-8:00pm in the St. Luke Rm. Each session is limited to 15 people. Learn to do CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary-Resuscitation) and use the AED (Autonomic-External-Defibrillator), and potentially save a life from a heart attack (sudden cardiac event). To register email Jean Hinman at: [email protected] or from our website: and scroll down to Quick Links. SUNDAY SCRIPTURE STUDY MAJOR PROPHETS April 26, 9:15AM Conf. Rm. The study is from 9:15am-10:45am in the conference room off the gathering area. Want to join or need a book or for more information call Paul O’Connell at 913-888-2130. PUBLIC SQUARE ROSARY May 2, Noon Ascension Parking Lot ST. DISMAS PRISON MINISTRY MEETING April 27, 7:00PM St. Luke Rm. CATHOLIC CHARITIES FOOD DRIVE May 2-3, Before All Masses Ascension Parking Lot The items needed include: jelly, peanut butter, canned fruit, canned peas, spaghetti sauce, canned tomatoes, canned miscellaneous vegetables, cream of chicken or mushroom soup, mac & cheese, hamburger helper. Any questions, call Joe or Johnette Martin at 481-8663 and God Bless! NEWCOMERS welcome! We provide to all persons incarcerated in Johnson County jails, juvenile facilities (in both Wyandotte and Johnson County), weekly access to Mass, Communion Service, Catechesis or Scripture Study, and facilitate regular access to Sacrament of Reconciliation. We participate in a letter-writing mentoring program and Mentor for Success through the State Prisons. Kids can participate (and adults) by making cards with pictures drawn, Bible verses, messages of hope, etc. using card stock, construction paper, magic markers or colored pencils (no crayon, please), and first names only. Visit our website at This is an Ascension ministry in conjunction with other parishes, all are welcome and needed! For more details, contact Jean at Ascension [email protected]. DID YOU KNOW? CATHOLIC FACT Vocations to the Priesthood Did you know that the number of men being ordained a priest are on the rise? 525 men are expected to be ordained priests in 2015. This is an increase of 24.7% from last year. The average age of those to be ordained is 31. 3 Church of the Ascension 4th Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS ST. MARY’S FOOD KITCHEN Pans Available - May 2-3 May 8 Drop-off by 8:30AM Parish Hall A2J May 7, 5:30PM Youth Rm. A2J is calling all 6th & 7th graders and your friends. Please come join us for youth group! We meet every first and third Thursday of the month from 5:30pm-6:30pm in the Youth Room. Parents keep any eye out for our A2J email updates and off-campus events. We encourage all 6th & 7th graders to come experience our A2J culture of love, laughter, fun, food, faith and fellowship and let's not forget our famous "Candy Toss.” Most importantly we do this all in the presence of Jesus as we better ourselves as good Catholic ladies and gentlemen. Any questions about volunteering as a team leader or donating food please call, Heath Cole 913-706-2254. Please leave your donation of either fried chicken or garden salad in the lower level of the church. Fried chicken should be fully cooked and salad prepared without dressing. Pans will be available in the gathering area next weekend, May 2-3. Food should be delivered no later than 8:30am in the morning of Friday, May 8. For questions, please contact Dee Winters at 681-6112. To sign up please go to our website: /Quick Links/Current Volunteer Sign-ups. FACE TO FACE (Family Adoration) May 3, 7:00PM Church MAY CROWNING MASS Sign Up Today!!! May 10, 10:00AM Church Join us in our beautiful Sacred Space for an hour of family prayer time with live praise music and worship as well as Eucharistic Adoration and a student-led meditation. This is an all-ages event! Come and go as needed. If you have a child who is making their First Holy Communion this year, and you would like for them to participate in the May Crowning Mass, please contact Mary Jon Mauk at [email protected]. END OF LIFE DIRECTIVES AND THE ETHICS BEHIND THEM May 4, 7:00PM St. Matthew Rm. Join us for a discussion and learn the Catholic Teachings on Ethical and Religious Directives at the end of life. This will include an overview of the End-of-life Directives, as well as emphasizing to name a healthcare proxy or Durable Power of Attorney. Dr. Catherine Powers, a Nativity Parishioner, Medical Director of Catholic Community Hospice, and Member of the Archdiocesan Ethics Council will be the speaker. Please email Jean for questions, [email protected]. BLOOD DRIVE: WE NEED DONORS! Be a “LIFE SAVER” Reserve the date!!! May 11, 1:00PM-5:30PM Be a hero and give the gift of LIFE in honor of our mothers! A 2007 University of Minnesota study estimated that about one-third of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood. To make an advanced appointment: go to, then Quick Links/Current Volunteer Sign Ups at the bottom of the Home Page, or just walk in. LOOKING FOR INSPIRATION COME & SEE May 5, 7:00PM St. Luke Rm. ASCENSION BOOK CLUB May 13, 1:00PM Conf. Rm. Join representatives from the Ignatian Spirituality Center of Kansas City for prayer and a brief overview of the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) of St. Ignatius Loyola. The program is based on the conversion experience of St. Ignatius, founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). The Spiritual Exercises include: journaling, praying with Scripture, and meeting weekly with a trained prayer companion. Can’t come on May 5th? Other dates are being finalized in parishes across the metro. and will be posted at For more information, please contact Mary Anne Morgenegg, ISCKC, 816-809-6652. Our book for May is The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd. We will meet on Wed., May 13. at 1:00pm in the conference room. For details call Linda Cook at 897-3201. Come join our discussion! 4 Church of the Ascension 4th Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS (Continued) RENEWING THE FAMILY ONE LESSON AT A TIME NEW FAMILY OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE!!!!! SERVE AND COOK FOR THE HOMELESS!!! Sign up Today!!! May 12 and May 27 FAMILY, CRHP Team, Neighbors, friends…Our Lady of Guadalupe Home, operated by nuns of the Fraternity of Missionaries of the Poor of Jesus Christ, is a safe haven for homeless women. It provides a safe place for them to stay with nutritious meals and offers spiritual counsel to address and help resolve the issues the women guests face. Servers should arrive at Ascension at 5:00pm to pick up desserts in St John's hallway, and pick up the meal in the Ascension kitchen (cooked by the Knights previously), so as to arrive at the Guadalupe Home by 5:30pm to warm the food and prep for dinner. Meal is served cafeteria style at 6:30pm. Desserts need to be dropped off by 4:30pm (if you aren't serving dinner). Please go to our website: Get Involved/Service Opportunities/Our Lady of Guadalupe House or email Jean Hinman at [email protected]. Do you want to find ways to pass on the faith and live it in your family? Did you know Ascension Parish has a program for anyone in Kindergarten – 6th Grade? This program is for children who attend public schools, home school and Catholic schools. Our Catholic Faith is the greatest of gifts to pass onto your children that will affect their whole lives long after they have left home. Family Formation is a truly innovative faith formation program enabling parents to be the primary educators in the Faith. Family Formation revolves around the family. This shared learning experience spills over into the family’s everyday life. Here is how it works - parents and kids come once a month to the parish to learn, and parents work at home on the next three weeks’ worth of lessons. It’s a program that is truly renewing the family one lesson at a time. SAVE THE DATE GARAGE SALE June 10-13 Go to under the School of Religion section to find out more. Spring is coming and while you clean up and clean out, save all: furniture, clothes, books, pictures and ALL YOUR TREASURES for the Annual Ascension Garage Sale! The Garage Sale helps to fund the many ministries we serve and ministries beyond our parish. So clean out a corner of the garage and store everything until drop-off in June. Contact Jean in the office for additional information at: [email protected]. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION’S 25TH ANNIVERSARY We are looking for parishioners who are interested in providing and/or documenting the history of our parish as we look at “A Year of Celebration - Church of the Ascension’s 25th Anniversary,” and celebrating 25 years as a Parish in 2016! If interested, contact Dawnlee Maurer by Monday, June 1 at [email protected] or by calling the church office at 681-3348. DID YOU KNOW Homilies and Full Mass Recordings are on our website, PICTORIAL DIRECTORY In conjunction with Church of the Ascension’s 25th Anniversary, a new pictorial directory will be published. Portraits for this new directory will be taken this summer from July 28 - September 5 so plan now for your family portraits and mark your calendars! More details to come! Homilies and full Mass recordings are on our website under Media, (the 3rd tab to the right on the Home Page). There is both a Watch and Listen tab. 5 VOCATIONS FROM ASCENSION We have been blessed at Church of the Ascension to have a number of our young men and women answer the call of Christ to enter the seminary or religious life. Please join us in thanking God for their vocations. FR. GERARD ALBA Age: 33 Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Son of: Gerardo & Grace Alba Holy Trinity Parish Ordination Date: November 15, 2014 (Priest) What were the greatest influences as you discerned your vocation? My parents influenced me by their own discernment stories and the witness of their vocations in love, and others (priests, married, single, those in the consecrated life) who lived out their vocations with great joy. DCN. GREG BIERBAUM Diocese of Colorado Springs Age: 56 Son of: Bill & Dorothy Bierbaum Ordination Date: May 24, 2014 (Deacon) Late May/Early June 2015 (Priest) What were the greatest influences as you discerned your vocation? First and foremost, my parents and the very faithful Catholic life they taught us as my brothers and I were growing up as well as their sincere and visible respect for the priesthood. The second greatest influence has been my spiritual director of over six years prior to my entering the seminary. BR. JARED LOEHR, LC Legionaries of Christ Age: 29 Son of: John & Barb Loehr Anticipated Ordination Date: June 2018 (Deacon) December 2018 (Priest) What were the greatest influences as you discerned your vocation? What helped me the most to find God's will was adoration, opportunities to serve, and great examples of love from others. BR. LAZARUS SHARPE, CFR Community of Franciscan Friars of the Renewal Age: 27 Son of: Steve & Sue Sharpe Temporary Vows: July 27, 2013 MAX WILBER Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Age: 21 Child of: George & Michelle Wilber Anticipated Ordination Date: Spring 2018 (Deacon) Spring 2019 (Priest) What would you say to a young man/woman as they discerned their vocation? Trust in God. Discernment is an up and down process, but God is with you for every step of the way. If you feel you are being called be not afraid and trust that God will provide for you if you attempt to do His will. I would also highly encourage daily Mass and daily Rosary. SR. PETER MARIE, C.K. Age: 27 Child of: Mark & Julie Lewandowski Anticipated Final Vows: Summer 2019 School Sisters of Christ the King What were the greatest influences as you discerned your vocation? One of the greatest influences during my discernment were my group of friends who loved Jesus and desired to do His will in their lives. Our prayer lives became the source of our happiness which we brought into our relationship with each other. There was no holding back what we wanted to do for God, and we supported each other in our desires. MADELINE RESPELIERS Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia Age: 22 Child of: Patrick & Jeanne Respeliers Entrance Date: August 15, 2014 What were the greatest influences as you discerned your vocation? The greatest influences for me were some friends of mine who were joyful witnesses to what discernment should look like, and my theology professor in Rome, Sr. Catherine Joseph, who is a Sister of St. Cecilia. She was my first exposure to the order. YOU? Please Pray for Them! World Day of Prayer for Vocations April 26, 2015 is World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Consider praying today for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life especially from our own parish and our own Archdiocese. As Jesus said, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest” (Lk 10:2). How to get involved: A Prayer for Vocations Talk about vocations Have you ever told someone that they should think about the priesthood or religious life? Or, have you ever spent time as a family with a priest, religious, or nun? These are great ways to help cultivate a culture of vocations within the family and the parish. Usually the greatest resistance to a vocation that a young man or woman gets is from the family. Read a story or watch a movie Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best! Add some books about famous saints to your reading. If you have children, read age-appropriate stories of saints who were priests and religious at bedtime. When it comes time for family movie night, watch one of the great Catholic films that depict heroic and priests and religious. The conversation afterwards can be very meaningful Pray the rosary for the priests in your life When praying the rosary, offer the first decade for the priest who baptized you, the second for the priest who gave you first Communion, the third for the bishop who confirmed you, the fourth for the priest who did or will witness your marriage (or the bishop who did or will ordain you), and the fifth decade for the priest who will anoint you before your death. Heavenly Father, with a deep trust in the love that flows from the heart of your Son, and by the gifts of your Holy Spirit, Please give us the wisdom and strength we need to follow His call. Grant to the faithful a spirit of generosity, that Church vocations may flourish. Bless our priests with holiness and courage, that they may lead your people to Christ. Help all sisters and brothers to fulfill their sacred promises and so be effective signs of your kingdom. Lord, invite more men and women to your service. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. “A vocation flows from the heart of God and blossoms in the good soil of faithful people.” Pope Francis Offer a holy hour for vocations Spend an hour in adoration specifically with the intention of praying for vocations. Maybe spend some time in that hour writing a letter to a priest, seminarian, or religious telling them that you prayed for them. Befriend priests & religious Invite a priest, sister, or brother to dinner at your home. Personal relationships are key. When kids are comfortable around them, they are far more likely to be comfortable with the idea of a priestly or religious vocation when they are older. 8 Resources: Archdiocese Vocations Office: Learn more about vocations within our Archdiocese ( Invisible Monastery: Join an international community in praying for vocations ( Vianney Vocations: A great source of vocation-related materials ( Church of the Ascension 4th Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 SYMBOLON Church of the Ascension would like to welcome all it’s parishioners to Symbolon Symbolon is a dynamic, state-of-the-art video resource that provides a comprehensive and compelling explanation of the Catholic faith. This resource can be accessed online at home or wherever you are, to grow into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church. ♦ Symbolon is a beautiful 20-episode video series presenting the “big picture” of the Catholic Faith ♦ Filmed on-location in Rome, the Holy Land, Calcutta, and Augustine Institute Studio ♦ Journey through core teachings of the Catholic faith with nationally known teachers ♦ Explanations of the faith that will help you know it, live and articulate it to others Encounter the Catholic faith not just on Sunday, but throughout the week To use this wonderful resource, register at: Ascension Parish code is 42629a Once you complete your user parish registration, log in to start accessing Symbolon. Watch it on your own, wherever and whenever you want, using a smart phone, tablet or computer! Symbolon is Great for … Spouses Learning the Faith Men’s and Women’s groups Parents Teaching Their Children Bible Studies Small Faith Communities Adult Catechesis Individual Faith Formation 9 Church of the Ascension 4th Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 WEEKLY PRAYER NOTE: Please be sure to let us know when your loved one is better. Email Jean Hinman at: [email protected] or call the Parish Office 681-3348. Thank you. Monday 6:45AM 12:00PM April 27 Jerry and Vicki Snyder by Mike Lesson +Betty Major by Steve and Mary Pat Fruin Tuesday 6:15AM 6:45AM 8:00AM April 28 Reconciliation +Anna Crowley by Family +Mercy and Ralph Nodar by John and Millie Nodar Reconciliation +John Wade by Family 11:30AM 12:00PM Please let us know when your loved one is better! Parishioners: Pete Arnold, Charles Arrambide, Margaret Augustine, Kathleen Baldwin, Joannie Basler, Patrick Bins, Jamie Boos, Heather Cardin, Shirley Chenoweth, Tim Cowden, Hunter Cussigh, Chelsea Dalbey, Mike Delaney, Bob and Mary Dinneen, Janet Dodd, Rick Doran, Patricia Dors, Karen Elliott, Joe Esposito, Leona Fladung, Jack Gessler, Robert Gilworth, Scott Graham, Mary Pat Harpenau, Virginia Hermes, Burry Hinman, Barb Hughes, Alice Isom, Louise Larson, Trudy Larson, Helen Legleiter, Jose Martinez, Joe Montgomery, Deloris Moore, Mary Nail, Charles Nutt, Tom Oxley, Kay Raab, Marc Rottinghaus, Guadalupe Sauceda, Martha Schofield, Deidre Sechi, George Shore, Ann Smith, Jill Smith, Ana Sosa de Alonzo, Fr. Tom Tank, Jack Thesing, Dave Watson. Relatives & Friends of Parishioners: Ruth Adams, Rick Alvarez, Sandy Beer, Bill Bins, Sherry Burge, Cameron Burroughs, Sister Mary Concetta Cardinale, Lucille Carolo, Chris Cross, Tami Cross, Paula Darling, Daphne, Evan Davies, Sister Elaine Delaney, Kim Dunn, Dean Edson, Virginia Engel, Jack Ferguson, Ronald Fortino, Charlie Futhy, Kala Groff, Nancy Greenwood, John Grillos, Grant Haden, Jean Hartnett, Willie Hayne, Andrew Heckey, Carl Hodel, Mary Holke, Carol Ingram, Carmen Juasi, Jim and Tom Kinerk, Stan Klimek, Pam Kopplin, Don Kozlowski, Mary Kurt, Anne Latora, Mary Ann Leach, Scott Leahy, Mark Lindstrom, Msgr. Raymond Lopatesky, Jane Mahoney, Joyce Maurer, James McGinnis, Steve McGowan, Sarah McNally, Buzz Meara, Leslie Morley, Martin Murphy, Annie Murray, Beth Nelson, Michael P., Linda Pearson, Jill Pechacek, Frank Pish, Carol Reilly, Ron Reynolds, Jackie Rogers, Ed Roginski, Cathy Rohr, Jason Ross, Patrick Ruelle, Joan Russo, Dan Rynard, Lucca Sachse, Bill Schaefer, Jamie Scheibach, Robert Schmidt, Kim Scholz, Bonnie Schrick, Elle Schwartz, Caren Smith, Reverie Smith, Claude Snyder, Kay Snyder, Jacob Sprinkle, Joyce Stallbaumer, Francis Sudbeck, Jennifer Tarpin, Greg Trunzo, Monica Vance, Marilyn Vaughn, Michele Vigil, Doug Ward, Michael Ward, Fran Waymire, Michael Wellinghoff, Tina White, Noah Wilson, David Wiltgen, Kathy Wright. Wednesday April 29 +Geraldine Temple Williams by Cindi, Chet, 6:45AM Walter and Matthew Surmaczewicz +Larkin Family by Stroh Family 12:00PM 12:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM April 30 Children of Dan and Stephanie Jacobson by Dan and Stephanie +Bob Healy by Schmidt Family Weekly Rosary Reconciliation Friday 6:45AM 12:00PM May 1 +John Kavanaugh, Larry Kuehl by K of C +Frank and Fanny Cook by Cook Family Saturday 8:30AM 3:30PM 4:30PM May 2 +Bob Healy by Peggy Parish Reconciliation +Max Niederer Fr. Alessandro by Mullen Family Thursday 6:45AM 9:30AM 10:00AM May 3 +Donald McCormick by Schmidt Family Weekly Rosary Ascension Parishioners 11:45AM +Joanie Raab by Family Fr. Nathan 5:00PM +Mickey Eich by Rick, Laura and Kevin Fr. Alessandro Sunday 8:15AM Fr. Nathan Fr. Alessandro Unforeseen circumstances may require a change in the priest schedule. 10 Church of the Ascension 4th Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 WEEKLY PRAYER Fourth Sunday of Easter The Rejected Savior New Parishioners In the reading from Acts, Peter explains to the leaders of Israel how they cured a crippled man. They probably expected Peter to take credit for the cure, so they were waiting for him to hang himself by his words. Peter, of course, gives the credit to Jesus and then makes two important points. First he calls Jesus the “stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.” This quote from Psalm 118 was used often by the early Christians to show that Jesus was rejected by fellow Jews when he was crucified, but was actually doing God’s will when he gave his life on the cross. Thus he became not just a martyr, but the savior of the world. This gave comfort to those who had expected the leaders of Israel to follow Jesus and recognize him as the Messiah. It also told those leaders that they could be forgiven for crucifying Jesus if they would simply repent. The second point made by Peter was that Jesus is the one and only savior of the world. In those days, the Roman emperor was considered to be a god and was called a savior. Peter says this to the leaders because they had to obey the emperor and his appointed rulers over Israel. While we no longer look to politicians to be saviors, we need to remember that Jesus is the Savior: he forgives our sins, shows us how to love God and our neighbors, and hears our prayers. He lives in us to support us when the answer to our prayers is “no.” And in the end, he is with us when we die to bring us to eternal life. When we love others (and are loved by others) we experience a taste of God’s love. Now the choice is yours: to reject the Savior or make Him the cornerstone of your life. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Castilla Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jurado and Family Mr. Emmanuel Mathew & Mrs. Roslin George and Family Ms. Cassandra O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. David Poppe and Family Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Silk Mr. & Mrs. Mike Welch and Family Mr. Adam Zahn Ms. Caitlin Gray Mr. Dan Zarazan Ms. Kelly McGonegle Mr. & Mrs. Bob Bowen and Family Ms. Haley Freeman Mr. Jacob McFarland Together For Life Kaylee Joerger and Colby Rieke Banns of Matrimony Kaleigh Hudson and Salvatore Capra Alison McDaniel and Brian Krumbiegel April 27 - May 3 From Death to New Life Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 - 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 or (for the memorial) Gn 1:26 - 2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Ps 90:2-4, 12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26-28, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Millie Lally Mike Marks, Father of Brad Barbara Howard , Wife of Robert John Opelka, Father of Mike Mary Welch, Mother of Kay Vanoverschelde Pat White , Husband of Linda Jim Bob, Husband of Lynn Phil Rauen, Husband of Evelyn If you have a relative or friend serving in the Armed Forces whom you would like for us to pray for, please add him/ her to the list located in the gathering area. God Bless our soldiers! Prayer Partners Intention Voicemail Number 1 -888-684-6555 Thank you! 11 Church of the Ascension 4th Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 MINISTRY NEWS \ Join your 55+ friends for the second Cd of Father Barron's Catholicism, “A Journey to the Heart of Faith,” on Wednesday May 13, in the St Matthew Rm. following noon Mass. Lunch will be served for a cost of $5.00 payable in the church office by May 8. MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Mothers of Young Children (MOYC) provides expectant moms through moms with SECOND GRADE age children spiritual enrichment and fellowship. To join, contact Stefanie Spencer [email protected] or phone 913-461-9410. The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal organization open to all Catholic men ages 18 and over. May Monthly Meeting It's time for our End of the Year Party! We are going to have a fiesta at the church! We will have Mi Ranchito and drinks as we enjoy the slideshow and take care of any MOYC business/info that is left to cover. The event will be May 7, at 7:00pm in the St. Mark and St. Matthew Rooms in the lower level of the church. Please RSVP to the evite in the weekly email by May 1 so we have accurate numbers for the food. Interested in joining the Knights? Call Greg Wuller at 913-484-1026 or David Whitaker at 913-626-2676. The Knights moving up - On Saturday, April 18 the following Knights went through the 2nd/3rd Degree Exemplification up in Leavenworth, KS: Joe Carnelia, Jon Christiansen, and JD Martin. Congratulations on attaining these Major Degrees. Moms at Mass Come join us the first Friday of every month at noon Mass. It’s a great way to expose our little ones to Mass! We will be sitting either in the cry room or the pews directly in front. Knights are straight shooters……and good shots. A team of Ascension Knights participated in the Knights of Columbus Sporting Clay Shoot on Saturday, April 11. Si Korte, Mike Rottinghaus and Doug White took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in the Knights Division, and Dean Moore took 2nd place overall in the tournament. Congratulations on some great shooting. LEAVEN NEWSPAPER If you are not receiving the Leaven, and would like to: please email Maggie Wright at [email protected] or call the parish office. Thank you. Columbian Squires is an organization for Catholic boys between the ages of 11 and 18. For information on joining, contact Mic Giess at [email protected]. UPCOMING EVENTS (Sign up on our website for activities). St. Thomas Aquinas will be holding their annual Saints Walk for Life on Saturday, April 25, and the Knights will be providing traffic control to ensure the walkers safety. Contact Joe Kennedy for additional information. QUICK LINK!!!! There is a new link on the website so you can quickly view, and sign up to help with whatever needs are currently being filled by Ascension. Go to, and scroll to below the opening pictures to “Quick Links,” and see how you and /or your family can be of service. PS: Anytime your kids help with cooking the meals or desserts and/or shopping for ingredients, or serving the homeless and hungry can be counted as volunteer hours!!!! Contact Jean with any questions, [email protected]. First Degree Initiation - April 27, 6:30pm in the parish hall. Knights State Convention - May 1-3 in Topeka, KS. Family Fun Knights at the T-Bones game - Friday, June 5. Wine tasting and dinner to benefit the Villa St. Francis on June 27. Knights Golf Tournament will be held on Sept. 25 at Falcon Ridge Golf Course. Details will be announced soon. 12 Church of the Ascension 4th Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 MINISTRY NEWS (Continued) PERPETUAL ADORATION SCHOOL How Can We Help? Stewardship Day - April 21 Holy hours needing weekly prayer partners are: Sunday at 11:00am and 1:00pm Monday 7:00am and 9:00am Thursday at noon and 10:00pm Friday at 3:00pm and 5:00pm Saturday at 4:00pm The 7th and 8th grade Ascension Catholic School students were active for Stewardship Day this spring. On April 21st, the students and parents ventured to over 30 organizations to help with tasks such as: cleaning, organizing, painting, and working with residents. They went to service organizations including: The Niles Home, Horizon’s Academy, and Catholic Charities. The students were thrilled to be out in the community helping others. As one student exclaimed, “It was a great feeling to help others as Jesus did. I enjoy giving back to the community in any way I can.” The amazing day ended with a very powerful time in Adoration thanking Jesus for this opportunity. Also, if you can sub for others that are away, please go to the list at: and sign up for an hour. Contact Debbie at [email protected] or 913485-8918 if you need a substitute, can take a permanent Holy Hour, or have questions. SCHOOL OF RELIGION Office hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00AM - 4:00PM 681-7683 Vacation Bible School (June 1-5) Sign-ups at Summer SOR Program happening June 15-26 is enrolling students 1st, 3rd - 6th grade. Our young parishioners attend from 9:00am to 12:30pm Monday - Friday for two weeks and then attend four enrichment sessions during the year. To find out more about this program or to register please go to Volunteers for both Summer SOR and VBS are needed. Confirmation Celebration – S&L will meet two more times after Confirmation. April 26 will be a wonderful celebration, and an introduction to ZOOM – the awesome Youth Ministry at Ascension. We will have food and a great celebration. 13 Church of the Ascension 4th Sunday of Easter COMMUNITY NEWS April 26, 2015 LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday – May 2 - 4:30PM Greeters: B & A Fisher, B Dierks Sacristan: N & S Huddlestun Servers: M Bridges, A Fischer, L Fischer Ushers: C Verville, J Krizman, C Jacobs, R Schwind, D Sosna, D Long Lec/Com: White, Hendel E.M: N & S Huddlestun, P Sykes, K & S Talken, C Thorendahl, M Tracy, A & R Washburn, G Whyte, D Wille, R Commodore, B Dierks, K Farnan, C Geiger, J Godar Kreiter, K Hane CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY SPIRITUALITY PROGRAM INVITES YOU TO A SILENT, EIGHT-DAY, DIRECTED RETREAT Register by May 1 May 28 - June 6 Griswold, Iowa Please join us where you can contemplate, reflect and rest in the presence of God. Directors will be Christian Spirituality graduate faculty and graduate students trained in the contemplative evocative approach of spiritual direction. Space is limited. Final date to register is May 1; $550.00 includes: rooms, meals and daily spiritual direction. A $100.00 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your registration. For more info, contact Colleen Hastings at (402) 280- 2423. "Silence is God's first language.” Sunday – May 3 - 8:15AM Greeters: C & K Ward, T & C Hall Sacristan: D & K Schemmel Servers: A Winkler, J Winkler, C Winkler Ushers: T Ingram, A Flucke, J Flucke, S Gengler, P Healy, R Kneib, D Levell, R Vosters Lec/Com: Doherty, Fredrichsen E.M: D & K Schemmel, F Mader, M Maurer, J & S McAuliffe, T O'Connor, B O'Donnell, Z Olson, C Oxley, C Reynolds, ML Rottinghaus, M Scholz, J Seberger, M & T Severino, M Tira 30TH ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC BENEFITING GUARDIAN ANGEL FUND AT SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS June 8, 11:00AM Milburn County Club Sunday – May 3 - 10:00AM Greeters: Kirilov Family Sacristan: A & R Lenertz Servers: G Roberts, L Shaw, M Thomas Ushers: W Parsons, D Geck, E Kelly, J Kennedy, D Lisak, J Searle, M Stolte, D Vater, J Woodruff Lec/Com: Moloney, Ross E.M:A & R Lenertz, A Murphy, K & P Murphy, M Peterson, S Penn, J Pottier, A Rickert, K Rock, C & R Shaw, C Sroor, A Steenson, L Stevens, M Stoll, C & R Stump The 30th Annual Saints Golf Classic in memory of Coach Mirocke and benefiting the Guardian Angel Fund at Saint Thomas Aquinas High School is Monday, June 8, 2015, at Milburn Country Club. Lunch will be at 11:00am, shotgun start, followed by a buffet awards dinner. Go to for individual golf entry and sponsorship opportunities and benefits. Sunday – May 3 - 11:45AM Greeters: R Delaney Sacristan: T Walters, B Dondlinger (Sac) Servers: E LaSala, C McCormick, S O’Dell Ushers: T Lehr, L Estrada, N Gould, F Montalvo, T Warriner, G Sailor, J Sailor Lec/Com: Lewandowski, Gregson E.M: T Walters, B Stretz, D Sutton, C Taylor, R Ullmann, D Urkevich, N Volz, K Werkowitch, G & T Anthone, M Anthone RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND RCIA POSITION AVAILABLE Church of the Nativity, 3800 W. 119th Street in Leawood, is looking for a Coordinator of the Religious Education Program and an RCIA Director. These could be combined into one position, or remain two separate positions as they have been in the past several years. Qualified applicants must be faith-filled practicing Catholics with appropriate skills and educational background. Call the Parish Office, 913-491-5017, for an employment application or download from our website at Sunday – May 3 - 5:00PM Greeters: G Ruttman Sacristan: B & S Dickerson Servers: J Tenbrink, N Weaver, J Shepherd Ushers: B Shea, B Gilworth, K Shea, B Shea, N Shea, C Cardin, I Cardin Lec/Com: Rodriguez, Blakeney E.M: B & S Dickerson, B Soukup, K Uebelhart, D & D Warlick, A Weaver, G Wilferth, M Winters, C Boudreaux, Don Brazen, J Carley, A & H Cole, R Cotter Donuts: 8:15AM – D & T Clune, B Dierks 10:00AM – M Flannagen, J & V Gasparovich Counters: May 4: N/S Huddlestun, A Kernan, J & J Monty, J Riscoe, A Suchma, L Huston(Sub) 14 PARISH STAFF PARISH OFFICE : Phone 681-3348; Fax 681-3517 Monsignor Thomas Tank Pastor Father Nathan Haverland Parochial Vicar Father Alessandro Borraccia Parochial Vicar Dorothy Brandwein Music Director Virgil Crumpton Maintenance/Head Custodian Denise Greene Adult Faith and RCIA Secretary Jean Hinman Ministry of Care Director Ray Martin Social Media and Family Life Director Dawnlee Maurer Parish Life Coordinator Jan Montalvo Receptionist Sharon Weems Parish Administrator Liz Willman Adult Faith and RCIA Director Maggie Wright Communications Coordinator SCHOOL OF RELIGION 681-7683; Fax 681-7634 William O’Leary Director Tricia Baldwin Administrative Assistant YOUTH MINISTRIES 681-7683; Fax 681-7634 Joe Passantino High School Youth Director Chelsea Pratt High School Youth Director Heath Cole Jr. High Youth Coordinator ASCENSION CATHOLIC SCHOOL 851-2531 Fax Number 851-2518 Becky Wright Principal Andrew Legler Assistant Principal Janet Eckert Administrative Assistant Karen Kellerman Administrative Assistant NEW PARISHIONERS Please see Parish Registration info. on our website. VISITS FOR THE HOMEBOUND/HOSPITAL VISITS Please contact Jean Hinman to schedule. BAPTISMS Please call the Parish Office for class information and scheduling. MATRIMONY Please contact one of our priests six months prior to wedding. WEDDING COORDINATORS Dorothy Long - 681-1289; Karen Pierpoint - 558-3403 ANNULMENTS Contact Father Tom or Father Nathan Please go to to see a listing of staff email addresses. PARISH MINISTRY CONTACTS LINEN CARE LITURGY MARDI GRAS MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Mary Jo Doherty 685-8313 Russ Engel 469-1918 Dawnlee Maurer 681-3348 Denny & Karen Schemmel 897-5079 MARRIAGE & FAMILY ENRICHMENT Liz Willman 681-3348 MARRIAGE PREP/NFP Bruce & Mona Snider 851-1231 MEN OF ASCENSION Mike Fischbach 469-5325 MOYC Abby Walter 839-9403 MUSIC FOR LITURGY Dorothy Brandwein 681-3348 NEWLY MARRIEDS Ignacio & Kate Contreras 714-335-8775 NURSERY Carol Rephlo 897-3377 PARISH COUNCIL Father Tom 681-3348 PARISH LIFE COMMITTEE Dawnlee Maurer 681-3348 PERPETUAL ADORATION Debbie Engel 485-8918 PRAYER PARTNERS Matt Wasko 749-3442 Sherry McAuliffe 681-6824 PRISON MINISTRY John Stanley 685-0351 RCIA Liz Willman 681-3348 RETROUVAILLE Joe & Danette Searle 681-2040 RESPECT LIFE John & Melissa Joerger 549-4406 RESPITE CARE Mary Ann Woodward 897-3258 SACRISTAN Scott & Nancy Huddlestun 269-6288 SOCIAL CONCERNS John Kratofil 768-8379 ST. LUKES SOUTH EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY Marguerite Enlow 897-5623 USHERS Jeff Frederes 681-2195 WEEKLY FAMILY ROSARY Jean Hinman 681-3348 WELCOMING Dawnlee Maurer 681-3348 WOMEN OF ASCENSION Teresa Davis 526-4570 55+ FELLOWSHIP Laverne O’Neill 766-3011 ADDICTION SUPPORT George Crossland 451-3296 ADULT FAITH LIBRARY Kim Sutton 897-6593 ALTAR SERVERS TRAINING Bryan Didier 705-0266 SCHEDULING Jeremy Didier 908-2566 ARTS & ENVIRONMENT Sarah Devore 851-9406 ATHLETIC DIR. (CYO) Tim Davidson 685-5877 BASKETBALL MEN’S Rob Spaedy 816-506-3706 BEREAVEMENT GROUP Denny & Karen Schemmel 897-5079 BOOK CLUB Linda Cook 897-3201 BRIDGE: COUPLES John & Kathleen Hlavacek 897-0495 LADIES DAYTIME Sue Reed 940-0978 LADIES EVENING Louise Kramer 766-0973 CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Karen Newkirk 814-9009 CHILDREN’S MINISTERS Heather Kuo 681-3698 OF THE WORD COLLECTION COUNTERS Annette Mellard 851-1349 COVERED IN PRAYER Susan Wolfgang 910-3099 DONUT COORDINATOR Nila Henderson 481-8608 EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY Craig & Judy Arnold 685-9305 SCHEDULING Mike Smoots 685-0118 FINANCE COUNCIL Sharon Weems 681-3348 GREETERS LeeAnn Cure 488-4761 GYM COORDINATOR Mark Thomas 579-4434 HELP FOR PARISHIONERS Jean Hinman 681-3348 HOMEBOUND EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY Jean Hinman 681-3348 ILLNESS & CAREGIVERS Marina Carrizosa-Ramos 416-0355 SUPPORT GROUP Cathy Oxley 681-9982 INTL. MISSIONS Ed Herman 897-0082 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Mark Short 653-6814 LECTORS Jim Baldwin 816-803-4505 LEGION OF MARY Dick Kane 484-7402 Please go to to see a complete listing of all of our ministries. 15
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