American - Kansas City Health and Wellness Magazine

Mirabile M.D. combines bio· jdentieal hormone replacement therapy, Medj·Weight/ou, MedCosmetic
and gynecology. Under the ownership of our on-site physician, James Mirabile MD, we are your
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She's the definition of a great mom.
So give her the definition of great care.
mom (mOm) noun
1. Baker of world's
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of boo- boos. 3. Giver
of unconditional love .
Should the time come when Mom requires a higher level
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Call 1-800-651-5632 to request a brochure or schedule a
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Tallgrass Creek
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13800 Mele. lf Ave nue. Ove ,l.nd Pork. KS 66n3
Are you caring
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Call for an appointment at any of these 4 loca tIOn s:
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a Healtlly Ulestyle
Security DIsability Cases
National Stroke Awareness
Month: Joe's Story
10 Supplements That Can
Impro.... Your Quality of Sleep
19 Non-Surgical Root Canal
Loe&l KC Women Find
RaIle! fof Neuropathy Pain
18 Helping Clients Win Social
Control Yoo. Blood Pressure
............ ~
May 2015
What Happens When Mom
Therapy Relieves Pain
CaptUIll Ufe's GllIatest
The Stroke Experience Kick-off
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
5:30-7:30 p.m.
MldAmerica Rehabilitation
Hel ping Studetlts Succeed
In All Aspects of Ufe
24 Addressing MEIIltall-lealtll
NMd s exira care?
Before Stage 4 (fB4Stage4)
Usten Upl
May Is Better HearIng Month
Advanced Treatment
for Bunions
16 Bnlln Tumor AwarwMH
NeuroB/818 System:
A Cutting Edge New Tool to
Resect Brain TufTlOQ
KiC k-off includes a meet and g reet
witll ellene Sut her, M.D.. stroke
prog ram director at Mid America
Rehabilitation Hosp ital.
Participants are able to:
Be Red Cross Ready
Tornado Safety Clle<:kllst
Mile Against Melanoma
- Connect with otller s
affected by stroke
Splt1tual Wellnesa:
Follow The Leader
- Gain k oow~ge
• Offer support
• Share ideas
RSVP to Tonya Pride
at 913 'U4-3731 or
lonya.prlda$lIeallllsOIJlh .com
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6 Health & Wellness May
201S . Kinin City
with a Healthy Lifestyle
By Cori Colombe, 85, CHC
Medi-Weigi i~, a ctMsion 01' Mirabile M.D. Beauty, Health & ~
hethef you have hi&h blood pressure Of not,
it 15 ImpolUnt to undersliind the d'lllitn
and know how hlill blood pressure can
affect you or your loved ones. Accordi"l to the centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 10
million A.meric.;In .. dults h_ hiSh blood jlfe:ssure • that's
1 of eYelY 3 adults. Althoulh hl,h blood pressure Is most
common in adults, it can affect children too.
What Is Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure Is the foro! of blood push lnj illillnst the
willi of the iirte~s n the heart pumps the blood. If this
pressure elevates and 5IiIVS high over ~me, It puts lIr"in on
the heart and blood vessels, which can cause damaBe to
the bodyin manywavs. This eondition Isdlagnosed as high
blood pressure or hypertension and milY lead to coronary
heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure, as well as other
health problems. The coe has repoo1ed that about 1 of S
American adults with hllilh blood PfHSUre s~1I do not know
that they have It and ~arty 1 of 3 have pre-hypertenslon ·
blood pt'emlre numbers that are hi,ner than 1'IOIl'na1, bul
i'IOI yet In tile hllh blood pressure ranlile.
With iii IIltle undel'litand lnl and some knowledBe on how our lifestyle affects
the numbel'li, we can Improve our odd s against hypertension. Durlnl each
heart beat, our blood pressure varies between a mixlmum (systolic) and a
minimum (diastolic) pressure. In a blood pressure readlnl, systolic pressu r e Is
represented by Ihe top number and the diastolic pressure Is repres<!Oled by
the bottom number. You mOSI often will see blood pressure numbers wri tten
wilh Ihe systolic numb er above or before th e diastolic number, such as 120/80
mmHg. The mmHG Is mlilimelel'li 01 mercury · Ihe units used to measure blood
pressure . The table below shows normal blo od pressure numbers for adults. It
also shows which numbel'li put you at a Breater ris k for heillih problems .
Many of us Iilel our blood
pressure tiken iit a dOOor's
office Of tile local druB
5IOfe, but have liltle knowI·
edge 01 what the numben
actually mean. You can have
hif;h blood pre:ssure for
years without any warni"l
silnS or symptoms. EYen
without symptoms prMent,
this puts undue stress on
tile cardiovascular system.
Regularcheck·ups with your
health care provider can
help detect pre·hyperten·
sion or hypertension.
less than 120 and less than 80
K"nsas City -
Lifestyle plays an Important role in
reducing your high blood pressure. If you
successfully control your blood pressure
with a healthy lifestyle, you may avoid,
delay or reduce the need for medication.
There are several things yo ... can do to keep
your blood pressure in a healthy range.
Ways to Keep Your Blood Prenure In a
Healthy Range:
Get your blood prenure cheeked re, ... larty.
Make sure you have your blood pressure
cheded annually by your health care
provider. If you have already been diagnosed with heart disease or other risk
factors for heart disease, you should be
monitored more closely.
Maintain a healthy welaht throuah diet
and e.erelse.
The more you weigh the more blood you
need to supply o)(Vgen and nutrients to
yo ... r tissues. As the volume of blood circulated through your blood vessels increases,
so does the pressure on your artery walls.
Losing as little as 10 pounds may help lower
your blood pressure. tn general, the more
weight you lose, the lower your blood
pressure. Losing weight also makes any
blood pressure medication you are taking
more effective. In addition to a healthy
diet, a dally dose of 'good bacteria' or problotics could help to lower blood pressure,
particularly in people with higher readings,
according to a study from the Griffith
Health Institute and School of Medicine in
Australia. One theory is that the 'good'
bacteria counteract the Inflammatory
process linked to heart disease.
the run, and juggling too many things. This
can put additional stress on the body. Stress
comes In several forms - physical, chemical,
and mental. It is difficult to completely
eliminate stress, however, there are many
ways we can reduce our stress or, at a
minimum, decrease our reaction to certain
stressors that will have a positive impact on
our overall health. A recent study by Brown
University found that people who are
'mindful' (they have a heightened sense of
what they're feeling and thinking at any
given moment) are 83" more likely to have
a healthy heart. Practices such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga and pilates are
very helpful In helping bring awareness to
our stress levelS.
We Can Helpl
Medi-Weightloss· is a physician-supervised,
three-phase weight loss program that
provides you with the tools you need to
succeed. The program Is a low carbohydrate, low calorie nutrition program. The
combination of a nutrition program based
on your lifestyle, our exclusively formulated nutrition Signature Supplements,
vitamin and minerai based Injections, and
FDA approved prescri ption appetite suppressants (If prescribed) work together to
appetite and keep you feeling great during
your weight loss process. Join Medl.
Welghtloss In May and receive $500ff1 0
Call 913.888.1546 to learn more.
"Discount applies to Initial Visil. CannOI be
combined with other discounts including
Prepaid Plans. Call for full details.
Red ... ee Streu.
Awareness Is key here. first, recognizing
that you are stressed and, secondly, being
aware of how you handle that stress. In
today's fast paced environment, people are
either over or under e~ e rcjsing, eating on
2015 Health &
Cori Colombe, BS, (HC
Cori graduated with a Bachelor of Science
degree from Arirona State University and a
Masters in Business Administration from
Baker University. However, it was her passion
for holistic health that led her to study Integrative Nutrition through Columbia University in New York City and to become a
Certified Health Counselor. Cori has been in
the Health & Wellness indu5lry since 2006.
She loves to travel with her husband and
their 3 boys.
The one that works!'
B[i\.U1Y H [i\.LTH & W[lLN[SS
4550_ IO!IIJI-. Suite 130. o.o.Iol"Id _lIS 6&211
Join Medi·Weightloss in May
913-888-7546 I IIIWW.MirabileMO.oom
Mifllbile M.D. combines Medi-Weightlou.
MedCO$lIteIic, Gynecology and B;~ldenlical
Ilormone Replacemenl Therapy. Under !he own·
ership oftruW"d physician. JamtS Mirabile. MD.
we are your "",,"stop shop for total .... cllnt$<.
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Your Initial Visit!
8 Health & Welr.ew May
201 S
KlnSIl City
Two Free Neuropathy R,II, I T..atments!
Local KC Women Find
Relief for Neuropathy Pain
Our clinic Is a luder In the natural manale·
ment of neuropathy and we are very plea.ed
to be able to brin, cuttln, ed8e therapies
from all over the country under """ roof to
help our patients. Often people with this kind
of pain or numbrleSl Cin think Ihat their
options are limited or that they don't have
any and we hi~ fotInd 1~l lhls $Imply isn't
true. We Irt so conlldentln our protocols that we live people with neuropalhy IWO
'r" treatmenllto ' " If our PfOCram 15 rl&ht
for them , If they not\« an improvement In
their symptoms after IWO treatmenll, then
we continue trutment . If not, lhen we know
they I.en't I andidate lor our a.e.
By Dr. Kyle Gulledge
europ,uhy, a condition of deCtMrnlnc
r"ltM! tissue. affects millions of people
~ year. $ymptCIfM Indudt burnIti& PiIn.
numbntls. tircfi ..... and extreme sensltMties In the
extremities, most <;ammon'y the iowt'< ~ and
left.. The most common kind of neul"OlNtI"Iy Is ailed
per;pherll ntl,llOpilthy, meanln, that I _
outside of the spinal cord Is iff«ted . For some
people that h~ neul"OlN1hy, it Is In IncoorIw
n~e,losinc sensation In their feet or hands while,
for others. it Is a dtbllit,uirc c;ondition c:ompromis·
Inltheir ability to walk and be Ktiw. Reprdless of
the symptoms, the c;ondition of neuropathy Is the
same, the nerws of tht body art dt,enerltina.
Most Common Cluse ofhripheral Ne uropathy
Often neuropathy Is a compllQtion of Inother
underlyinl disease such is diabetes, which Is the
most common Cluse of peripheral neuropathy. In
some cases, when there Is no underlylnl dlsene
state, It is known is idiopathic, meanlnl no known
<:;Iuse. As neuropathy affects mort and mort
people, we are left looking for anlwel"$. Oruluuch
., LyrIc;I, Gabapentin and othel"$ an be effective at
treating the neuropllthk: pa in, but Often 1111 short
of correctlnl the ause of r"lturopathy, meinlna
thit if the drillS are stopped, the pain wi" h'lcrtase.
The Neprn.. (~ of Poor Quality Nutrition
Neuropathy was mort widely undtl"$tood ind
studied In World Wir II when Gl's and cMbns In
war torn artu didn't have KCflS to quality nutn.
tion for Ionc periods of time. Tltb pve uS In
unprecedented opportunity to study the effeas of
Ionc term, poor quality nutrition. Poor qwlity
nutrition austS the most compl" nils to su~r
the most. In fXl, lhey fotInd th.t the nervti
.~ the seve-rest and most common lesions.
These findings Wert the S<lme regardlen of where
somfOne wis on the pliMt, the only common
denominator wn 10", lerm, poor qUllity nutri·
tion. Unfortunately, we irt seelna a IImllir reduction In qualily nutrition In our foods today. More
and mOre people are utin, foods thil are hllh In
alories buliow In nutrition. Fast Ind cheap muls
II yo<I or I loved """ Is sufftrinlL all our
office today for I COIlSult.;ltion and two free
tleatments to see II you qUilify lor our
pro,rJm . Call True Hultl. al (9131338·1112
to lChedule your Iree consultation and relief
treatments todayl
are con~nlent but lack the necesS<lrv enrymes,
vitamins, and minerals needed 10 run the cells
of the body. This malnutrition affects the
nervoys system and sets us YP for symplomsof
Client Testimonial"
"Toda~ / COn 1t0n'Jtly JOy I'~e ne ver Jelt
better. I lta~' 0 n, w l, v,1 of 'n"l1~ and I
Ito~e 10Jt fit, numbn.n ond burnlnllin my
Je et."· l(otlle rln.
In the Vietnam war, we saw the effects of toxic
mittrlals like IOgen! orange and SlOW thilt loxlns
could cause neuropathy as well. Today, drugs
like chemotherapy agents are common causes
of neyropathy because 01 how to. i, they are to
the cells of the body. They an be necesS<lry 10
sa~ lives but ilso have side effects. With the
amount 01 chemicals thit we have in our envi·
ronment today, pius the level of nutritional
defidet'\CY, It Is no wonder why so many people
suiter with neuropathy.
T.... atment 0pt\0M
The solution for the symptOmS of ntUroplltl"ly is
10 fully nourish the cells and rert'I<M! the tOlCic
d'lemic.als In the body t~ ire preventin8 the
cells from wor1<inl properly. We have fotInd that
the comblnitlon of these two procedures, plus
supple ..... nts thit refuel the nutrition of the
MM! cells. ,Ne a person lhe beSI chance of
healins their neuropathy. There are many
cuttina edle technolo8ic.a1 advionces thaI an be
added also, including Specific electric.altherapv
and LEO photo-II8ht therapy Ihil will improve
th, outcomes of neuropathy trutment.
"/ WaJ to~ lnlllS m, d/colfons for diabetes
and afller lIeo/flt /nueJ and now I don 't
fob OilY, I , all,,/.d tit. surll' ')' to
a mputate my " ll due to comp l/colfo"J of
dlobeteJ bffOUJ. of tltls progrom .•• Nan
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WWW .kChealth a _ _ _ _
10 Hea~~&Welne" May
2015 - Kanus CIty
Supplements That Can Improve
Your Quality of Sleep
By Larry Pribyl, ODS
let old«, we may experience problems leninl to slttp,
stayinS aslttp or, at the very least, settinS the de<:p relaxins REM
slttp (Rapid Eye Movemenl) that is needed t(I feel refreshed, sharp
and energized the nexl day. Harvard reS<'a.rchers say by the time we re""h
age 65, we're sprndinsless lhan 5% of our lime e""h nighl SeninS Ihal
de<:p, rejuvenalins REM slttp. Compare that to lhe averale adult who
spends about 20% in REM sleep. Lack of REM Ilttp may ilK!'Case your risk
of de\'elopina mild cOi"itiv~ impairment Of • more serious disorder affecl.
ing coordination. Some1imes OUr brains arc 50 "busy,M '"'C can 'I iCCm 10 fan
asleep al aU---.even though '"'C may be exhausted. Or we may be awakened
prem.lturcly..wl be UMble 10 get back 10 Ilttp. The thoughts. all.(ietics and
corIccT"M take over..wl we can no lon~ relax and f.n back 10 slttp. Maybe
the spouse', ,nonns is kctping you from gelling hack 10 skep IS wcll.
Taking .5- HTP C.n Impl"CI'A Qu"lIty ofSIHP
A nalurally occurrinl .."ino ""id called 5-Hydro,ytryplophan, 5·IITP fo r
.hon , hu been shown 10 significanlly improve quality ofslecp by utending
Ihe REM phase. It also ilKreases the deep .Ieep slagcs of nOn· REM sleep
wilhout inc:reasing 100al sleep lime. Th~ Nalional InSlitUles of He.hh and
Slanford UniveniTy condut:led a diniu] study on REM slctp. They found
those people who took 5-HTP increased Ihe &IIIOUnl of REM slttp they
enjoyed II nisht by as much as S3%. This un amounl c ... make I rell dif.
fercncc in how ml.lCh more ICSled ..wi Ilert you fecI.
Th' EffKt 0' Serotonin "nd GABA on SiMp
"'Iso, as we Ige, our brain may prodl.lCe less and less JCrOIOnin..wl GAB ....
These brain chemicals Ire nccdcd 10 lignal WI iI'S lime to sleep. Lack of
S<'rotonin will disrupt your sleep or kttp you from f.lIing asleep or ~ven
miller depression or ... xiety. The O1b~r brain chemical we need is g.."ma·
aminobulyric ""id Of GAS .... GABA has a calming and relaxinl cffecl and
ge," your mind and body ready for sleep. G ABA suppresses ucessive brain
activity and will c.lm those "",ing Ihoughts .... Harvard Medical ~hool
.tudy found Ihat people wilh sleep prohlerru had 30% less GAOA in Iheir
brains than lhose who slepl nonnaHy. A I""k of this chemical Can keep you
from gelling Ihe deep restful REM sleep because GAS ... promolCS alpha
waves in the boa'n . Alpha Wlva ususHy oecur when you'", feclinl relaxed.
They help offS('\ beta wavcs lhal take over wben your brain gelllOO "busy.M
... penon can raillC their serotonin levels even higher by willi vitamin 86
alonl with 5_IlTP, Laboralory !'CSCarch shown Wt taking vitamin 86
can increase lICfOIonin I~vels by as ml.lCh as 60%. Vitamin 86 is IoClually
required by your body t(I make lICfOIonin. Older adulll often suITer unknow·
ingly from I dcficiclKY of vitamin B6. Taking GAB ... as I supplemenl
also been proven t(I redl.lCe Siress and """iety.
H, lp'ul Suppl, m, ntJ'
Additional supplement. that CIUI help a person relax
and improve the,r qUSlily of sleep all::
• Taurine (an .."ino sulfonic acid often Il:fcm:d 10 as
... .."ino acid··incruscs GABA l!:Vell and ill
stress buster)
• J....tbcminc 50 mg, (raises Ie.'els of llCrOlOlliD mel GABA)
• Niacinamide (bener J<noo,." as vitamin B3) 1ov."eB IUCS5 ..wi atlivalCS
GABA rttepIOn
• Passion flower UUKI (Iowcn conisollc'o"Cls and promoIcs relaxllion)
• Magnesium (helpful for IClcnmPS and unintended leg movements)
KSnoring ill Probl, m".,
Ih~ only thina keeping you from liming a good nighl'S sleep is your
spouse's snoring, then come lee US about lUI oral sleep appliance! An oral
sleep appliance mtly be exaclly whal is nceded 10 gCl bad the rcs1ful sleep
you deserve. Give us • call II 816-79S-1000 for a consul1ation.
Lury Pribyl, DDS, !tal b«to j~ pri,""u prtJCtice ........ I~irly j/w ytGn. lie !tal ~is
MtulCT of £x«lIelttY: AJIOft"br" AcaJo"y of era"iofacitU Pili,.. M I.r d l);~
"",U: A~ 1Iod'fl of ~"Idl S/Np Mhlidtet:, aNI d ~u: ,(<'IJdaoy of
ClilIWI SJ«p ~ DUdpliIID. He sp«i4Jiu:l1to _ ' " MoJ, IWd. aNI
focW 1'<'1" tu ..wI tu dn.uU 11«p -.liei...,. His I"'i""'~ a>oIOafi"oM uprrII fIr
tIo4e fold, ~ M !tal txl/lllrrJ .WNInJ.1 of ("(Mriltui"g NucdlitM b", I"
pMl grodwa,e ItMtlia.
;((1 Puin
"" """"", Tre-otrnetrl Ctntef for.
HtodocM" TMJ · S...arIr>g' SlHp Apnto. Cronlofoelal
qal _
c. ... _
. SuIte 212.. ."'opo_nc•.
816·795·1000 or 1-866-No·Snore (1·866·667·6673)
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K"nsas City - M"y 2015 He"lth &
What Happens When Mom
Extra Care?
How to find the right Alzheimers or dementia care for your senior parent.
he C<lred for you with patience and
love, and you want to return her gift.
But what happens if Mom requires a
higher level of care? Where should you turn?
Here are the most important questions to ask
when weighing your options lor memory
care, courtesy of the senior health specialists
at Tallgrass Creek retirement community in
Overland Park.
How much attention will Mom receive?
You don't want caregivers who simply "check
in" now and then , You want a skilled team of
experts w ho are here 24 hOUrs a day, 7 d ays a
week. At Tallgrass Creek, caregivers take the
time to get to know eaCh guest on a personal
level. BeC<luse of this close relationship, they
can coordinate Mom's C<lre, address her
unique needs, and celebrate her successes-no matter how small.
Is tills a Ilood fit for Mom ?
When it comes to Mom, · one size fits all"
sim ply won't do. She's 1(l(l% unique, and
deserves a team who will treat her that way.
Tallgrass Creek recognizes tha t each guest is an
exceptional Individual with their own interests,
backgrounds, and abilities. That's why the
dedicated team develops a customized and
holistic care plan to treat Mom as a whole
person, not just a patient. The philosophy 01
care at Tallgrass Creek is simple: ·We treat
your mom li ke we would treat ou r mom."
To learn more about memory care in Overland
Part, C<l1I 913-7S2-9529 for your FREE Tallgrass
Creek brochure, or schedule a tour. Your loved
one doesn't have to be a current resident to
receive care here.
You, Tal/&rass Creek Medical Provide,
Austin T. Welsh, Jr., M.D.
Dr. Welsh received his baChelor's degree from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.
and his medical degree from
Boonsholt SChool of Medicine
in Dayton, Ohio. He completed his residency in
Family Medicine at Mercy MediC<lI Center in 51.
louis, Missouri. Or. Welsh is Soard Certified in
Family Practice with added qualifiC<ltions in Geriat·
ric Medicine; he trained at the GeriatriCS FellOW'
ship program at the John A. Bums School of
Medicine in Honolulu, Hawaii, He joined Taligrass
Cree k in October 2007.
Will She retain her Independence?
The right memory C<lre will enh ance Mom's
sense 01 independence, not diminiSh it. Ask
this important question when considering the
options: " How specifiC<llly will MOm stay
engaged and independent here?" For
example, Tallgrass Creek offers a w ide range of
programming and activities to keep your loved
one active and involved. And beC<luse C<lregiv_
ers develop a personal interest in each guest,
they know and respect Mom's interests,
talents, and preferences.
~ ~ive the be$1, rno$ expetil!<oced care?
It's essentia l to find a memory care option that
specialileS in senior care and backs up their
prOmi~ with SOlid experience. As part of the
Erickson Living- family 01 continuing care retirement communities, Tallgrass Creek is backed by
3O-plus years of expertise in the field of senior
health. The Overlarxl Park community employs
full-time doctors and a team of health C<lre professionals who understand the unique needs of
older adults.
All caregivers e~perience moments of
stress, sadness, and anxiety. How can
you keep t hese feelings from affecting
your o w n health and well -being? Follow
these 6 rips :
1, Take time for you, Schedule some time
to read, walk, or watch a favorite show.
2, Try laughter therapy, Watch a comedy
or call a friend WhO makes you laugh.
3, Eat, , Ieep, exercl,e, Don't neglect your
o wn health and fitness.
4, Join a ,upport group, Share your
fee lings w it h people WhO understand.
5, Ask for help. It 's okay to lean on family,
friends, and professional caregivers.
6 _Know you r options today, so you won' t
have to make snap decisions tomorrow,
Tallgrass Creek is accepting reservations for
assisted living and memory care.
Call 913· 752 · 9529 for more information,
or request a brochure.
Tallgrass Creek
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Overland Pa rk, Kansas 66223
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12 Health &- Welness M. Y
Why is it better to treat hearing loss sooner rather than later?
dentifying and addressing hearing loss early
bnngs many benefits. From enhancing your
quality of life. to helping protect against several
health consequences linked to unaddressed hearing
loss, thc case for early treatment is strong.
Perhaps the most compelling reason to never put offa
hearing test and treatment, however, is simply this:
We '"hear" with our brain, not with our ears. When we
have a hearing loss, the connections in the brain that
respond to sound become reorganized.
f ortunately, for many people. hearing aids can
provide the sound stimulation needed for the brain to
restore the nonnal organization of connections 10 its
"sound centcr" so it can more readily react to the
sounds that il had been missing and cognitivcly
process them.
In fact, the vast majority of people with hearing loss
can benefit from hearing aids . And dramatic new
technological advances have completely transfonned hearing aids in recent years, making them
more effective. comfortable, and easy to usc. So the
sonncr you identify hearing loss and start using professionally filled hearing aids, ifrecommended by a
hearing healthcare professional, the sooner you'lI
begin to reap the rewards ofbener hearing.
The benefits of early treatment on
quality of life and health
For many years, experts have known the positive
impact that addressing lIearing loss has on quality of
life. Research shows that many people with hearing
loss who use hearing aids see an improvement in their
ability to hear in many scnings; and many see an
improvement in their relationships at home and at
work, in their sociallivC$, and in their ability to com~''''RICAN ACADEMV OF ~UD I <XOGV
municate effectively in most situations. Many even
say they feel better about thcms<:lves and life overall.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www . kcheatthandwe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Kansn City
More recently, however, researchers are discovering a
significant link between hearing loss and other health
issues, such as cognition, dementia, depression, falling,
hospitalization, mortality. and overall physical and
mental health.
May 2015 Health & Wettness
'0 decibe's (dB)
To get a fuller sense of why it's so important to treat
hearing loss sooner rather than later, just consider the
latest research on hearing loss and these seven health
1. Cognition: Specifically. untreated hearing loss interferes with the listener's ability to accurately process the
auditory infonnation and make sense of it. You have to
put in so much effon just to pen:eive and understand what
is being said that you diven n:sources away from storing
what you have heard into your memory.
. SnowmobIles
. MP3 players (at full volume)
2. Risk of dementIa: A study by researchers at Johns
Hopkins and the National Institute on Aging found that
seniors with hearing loss are significantly more li kely
to develop dementia over time than those who retain
their hearing.
' Lawnmowers
, Power toots
. HaIr dryers
Over 85 dB for extended periods can cause permanent heaTIng loss
3. Brain shrinkage: Results of a study by researchers
from Johns Hopkins and the National institute on Aging
found that although the brain becomes smaller with age.
the shrinkage seems to be fast-tracked in older adults
with hearing loss.
4. Risk of falling: A Johns Hopkins study showed that
people in middle age (40-69) with even just mild
hearing loss were nearly three times more likely to have
a history of falling_ The intensive listening effort
demanded by unaddressed hearing loss may take cogni tive resources away from what is needed for balance and
gait. cxperts have suggested.
5. Increased hospitalizatIons: A Johns Hopkins
study found that older adults with hearing loss were
32% more likely to have been admiued to a hospital
than their peers with normal hearing and they were
36% more li kely to have prolonged stretches of ill ness
or injury.
6. DepressIon: Several studies have found a link
between depression and hearing loss. A Joluts Hopkins
study found that older adults with hearing loss were
57% more likely to have deepepisodcs of stress, depression or bad mood than their peers with normal hearing.
Alarm clocks
. No<mat CQIlversatOOll
Leaves rustling
May is Better Hearing Month.
Take action now and get the help you need. If you or a loved
one are experiencing signs of hearing loss. DO NOT WAIT.
Ca"'....... af'hi< ~"kk -.. "pi"Uti wil.I'"''''''wi(,Itfrom 1M 8,,,0' J/~rl"lIItSIiII". ~1tkh _j'oul>dN /. 197J
/(} roNiucr """,rdt aM ,~ in M.mng Mail. NIo<t1'i<>" ~'ilh 'M goo! af "'/ping f>'(1pI. wil. ""'ring /,,.. /(}
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leIlIkrs in Minimally
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Social Security
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with a combined SO years of general surgery experience.
On stafT at Lee', Summit Modio.l Cent.r. St. Mory'. Mod;c.l Cent",.
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Trum&n Modical Cent'" .1 Lakewood.
Kan ••• City - May 201 S Health & Wellness
Advanced Treatment for Bunions
By Dr. Thomas F.
6arTbfniSta, OPM
bunion is the enlargement of the big
toe joint that causes the big toe to drift
IOwards the second toe. If you imagine
a gum ball sized bone enlargement stuffed in
your shoe next to the big toe, that's the type of
pain bunion sufferers walk around with daily.
Heredity a Main Cause
Bunions are oommon and may be caused by
many reasons. mainly heredity that causes the
bone to develop incorrectly and is exacerbated
by tighter shoes. If left unlrealed. il can be<:ome
progressively worse and the serond toe may
overlap the big toe eventually causing secondary
pain under the ball of the fOOl and hammer toes.
Bunions can occur in 15% of the population and
women are more commonly affected than men.
New Advancements in Treatment
When treating bunions, there are limited nonsurgical cboices: changing shoes 10 reduce rubbing
and using a shoe with more space for your toes.
New advancementS in surgical com:ction can oow
be performed with excellent success. The pr0cedure involves going 10 a surgical center and Wlder
sedalion removing the bunion and realigning the
bone which is held in plate with two small screws.
Proven Advanced Technique
Relief comes from a proven advanced technique
that I have performed over the lasl 30 years. II
invol'"e$ removing the bunion enlargement and
realigning the bone. Using the SwissComprcssion
Technique. il takes less than a hour to complete the
correction and the benefit of this new procedure is
the ability to walk on your foot righl away.
Also. yoo can stan early range Qf mocion to help
prevent stiffness 10 the big toe joint. Thc incision is
nonnally small and can be closed by using a
plaslic surgery technique that reduces scarring and
many limes the patienl can be back to work and in
a shoe very quickly. We take an x·ray with a mini
c-arm befQl'C and after the surgery and I will send
you home with a copy to sec the correction.
Follow-Up Care
I will call you al home that evening 10 make sure
you are doing well and review any questions.
Patients normally have only mild pain which is
controlled by taking pain medication regularly to
break the pain cycle. We see you back within the
week fQr follow_up care.
Our practice treatS problems Qf the fOOl and
ankle including Heel Pain. Bunioll$, Ingrown
Nails, Warts, Neuromas, Nail Fungus and
Plantar Fasciitis. We use advanced techniques
such as Shockwave. Platelet Rich Plasma Inje.:tion (PRP) and Laser Nail Fungus treatments.
To leam more about bunions or to schedule an
appointmem fw any of the problems listed
above. go to kcfooteare.eom Or call Our main
phone number. 816-461-7755 . We have offices
conveniently localed in O verland Park. Independence, Kansas City Nonh and Mid~own.
About Dr. Thomas F. Bembynista
Dr. ThQmas Bembynista has been in practice
Specialists in Foot and Ankle PToblems
for 30 years. He speaks across the country and
Podiatrists specialize in diagm>sing and lrealing
develops webinars for the treatment of nail
foot and ankle problems. Our education is a four
fungus and other foot and ankle problems. He
year medical education focused On problems
is Board Cenified by the American Board of
affecting the fOOl and ankle. followed by a
Podia~ric Surgery. He Qffers expen, professurgical residency. PodiatristS need 10 have
sional proiatric services. focusing on patienl
expertise in onhopedics. radiology. general
care and responding IQ his patients' needs.
problems of the fOOl. and surgery.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www . kchealthandwe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
16 Health&Wellne$$ May
Kansas City
NeuroBlate System:
A Cutting Edge New Tool to Resect Brain Tumors
By Paul J. Camarata, M.D., FAANS, FACS
ay is Nalional Brain Tumor Awareness Month_ Acoon;Iing tQ the Ameri·
can Bram Tumor AssociatIOn. nearly
70,000 new cases of primary brain TUmors will
be diagnosed this year, representing the leading
cause of cancer-related deaths in males and
fe!l1llles younger than 20_
This month is an oppOJ1unity for uS 10 come
together tQ highlight the tributes and triumphs Qf
every<:>ne impacted by brain TUmors and 10 raise
awareness of new resources and technological
innovations in the medi,,1 community.
What's new In Ne urQsurge ry7
The University of Kansas HQI;pitalllQw offers the
NeuroBiatt'll S)lStem, a surgical technology dute
uses a pulsed laser to deliver targC1ed to
abnormal brain tisslI<' _ The NeuroBlate S)lStem
combines magnetic fCS()nance imaging (MRI)
and soflware-based visualization 10 allow
surgco;ms IQ remotely destroy and CQagulate
TUmors at multiple locations in the brain, at the
surface or deep inside, through a computCf
module. During a procedure with the NeuroBlate
System, a surgeon makes a small IIole in the
skull, approximately as wide as a pencil, and precisely guides a laser probe via an MRI compatible robotic driver 10 apply controlled amounlS of
heat until the targeted tissue is destroyed.
In traditional brain tumor surgery, physicians use
M RI following a procedure to determine if tile
lesion has been n:moved. Wi th NeuroBlatc,
however, the iurgren uses real·time MRI visualization throughout the procedure, which
improves surgical decision making, which!l1lly
translate inlO bencr clini,,1 outoomes_ NeuroBiate
alS() provides a clinical solution for reaching some
twnoo; that are difficult 10 access with standard
surgery. presenting a new <Iplion for treating tumors
that wen: previously oonsidered inoperable.
who receive the minimally invasive MRI guided
roootic laser NeuroBlatc method may experience
less pain and reduced hospital length of stay. '.0
What ar, th, ben efilS?
The NeuroBlatc System has the ability to remove
diseased tissue, including twnors and lesions and
other brain oofl tissue intracranial growths. while
leaving healthy tissue unhanned. Compared with
the traditional open surgical approach, patients
ProprIe tary software provide s visualJution
0 1 a targe t le sion
K"nsas City -
20 t 5 He,,1th & Wellness
• •
• ••••••
Where tan I go for more Informatlon1
Paul J_ Camarata. M.D., FAANS. FACS
Please discuss your condition with your doctor. For information about brain tumors and treatment options, please
visit website contains useful infonnation including quest ions \0 ask your
doctor and a glossary of trons to help patients and their
famil ies better understand brain tumor di agnoses and options.
Dr. Cama~ata has been Chai~man of Ihe
Departmem ofNeurosurgery at Ihe Un;'wsity
of Kansas Hospilal since ]010. He is a
graduate of Stanford Uniwrsity. The Uniwrsity of Kansas School of Medicine and com·
pleled neurosurgical residency and fel/o"'sMp
training allhe University o/Minnesota.
Additionally, you can visit www.KUMed.comlneurosciences
or call 913-588-6122 to speak with a mcmber of the University of Kansas Hospital neurosurgery team. The University of
Kansas Hospital has risen to the national rank of 12 in ncurology and neurosurgery programs in the latest U.S. News and
World Report Rankings.
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18 Health&Wellne$$ May
Kansas City
Helping Clients Win Social
Security Disability Cases
I is a fruslraling feeling 10 work Iwd your
whQlc life 10 support y(lur~e1f and your
family only 10 suffer a dcbilitaling injury or
illneSll thai ~uts your can:er short. U's even more
fi'ustraling when Social Securily, the g<lvrnuncnl
safety-JlC1 thai you have been oontribuling 10 for
years, denies your daim 10 oolloct Social Security
Disability benefits.
AI the Law OfJi~es of Sharon 1. Meyers, in
Kan5.aS City, Missouri, we understand how Ihe
fruslralion caused by 001 being able 10 go 10
W<ID;. is compounded by the s~ss of facing
mounling bills and oot having sufficient income
to pay them.
Our first message is not 10 panic if your initial
application for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSm) or Supplemental Security Income
(SST) has bttn denied. Some 80 percent of firsttime applicants are denied benefits by the Social
Security Administrati(lll.
OurCompensatlon Hinges Upon Your Success,
We take all
and SSI cases on a COIItingency
fee basis. which means you do oot pay allOrney
fees Wlless your claim is approved.
It is common and important to appeal a denial
of an initial SSDI or SS I claim. The key is to be
persistent. And it hcips to enli"itthe scrvi~es of
an experienced Social Seeurity disability
lawyer who understands the complex application process.
OurexperiefKed legitltNm - and it truly is a
team effort at the Law OffICes of Sharon J.
Meyers -
We know whal son of informalion wins Social
Securily disability cases. Once you scloct lIS 10 represent you. we take the lead in gathering all of the
medical records and additional informati(lll that is
n«essary to support your daim . We handle all communication with your do<;l<:n, submit all forms t(l
the Social Security Administration and monitor
every deadline for you. We present your strongest
legal arguments to the decision-makers who will
approve your claim, including the administrative
law judge (AU). if your case reaches that level.
Thelmportante OfTre.ting ElICh case
Indlvld .... lly
Although we have secn every son of situation
imaginable in more !han 30 years (If practicing
Social Security disability law, "'e still review each
case on its OWII merit. We use tbe best pracli~es,
but we don'l follow formulai~ approaches.
Bringing your Wlique slOry 10 life for lhose who
will review - and ullimalcly approve - your
claim is the best way 10 ensure success.
11 is our mission 10 help Iwd-"'Orking Kansas and
Missouri residents obtain !he bcnefilS they have
earned. The first step 10 receiving your benefits is
providing us with the opportunity 10 review !he facts
of your case during a free consultation. so we <;an
rccommcnd the best Slcps 10 take.
To talk with a Social Security disability lawyer
serving Kansas and Missouri. call816-753-3929 and
schedule a free consultation. You <;an also contact us
online al www.SharonMcycrsLaw,comandsomeone
from our Icgalteam will get in touch with you.
has helped thousands of Missouri and
4050 Pennsylvanla A,,~ue. Sulle 2 10
Kansas residents receive the full disability
Kansas CIty, M0 64 lll
benefits they deserve. We an: a local firm that was
Phone: 816· 75].3929
established in 1981, and "'e an: entirely focused
F~ 8H).7SH1274
on Social Security disability law.
'''''w.sha.-onM~"eJ$l..a .... com
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www . kchealthandwe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Non-Surgical Root Canal
Relieves Pain
By Valencia Endodontic Associates
Whalls Endodontics?
Endodontics, or Root Canal Theo'apy. Is a bo'anch of
dentistry recognized by the Amencan Dental Association ilMllving treatment of the center of the tooth, the
pulp. and surrounding tissues of the tooth. A root
canal is one of the most common dental procedures
performed 10 ~1Ie'¥e the pain of toothaches caused
by inftammation Of infection of the pulp tissue.
Infetted Pulp TIssue
Inflamed Pulp TIssue
Root C.n.1 The ..". Relle'tes hln
The very words "Root Canal " can conjure up images
of pain. In fact, root canal malman! relieYeS dental
pain. Trained in the latest techniques and state-of·
the-art technology. our e.>pert team led by respected
Endodontic specialists, Or. Ronald Wol lard and Dr.
Chad Wollard, will ensure )I:Iu receive the best
possible Eododootic care, from the simplest to the
most complicated case.
Symplom$ Requiring Root CIInal Therapy
TheIl! are numerous symptOOlS associated with a tooth
that needs root callill treatment. SiflS of infection aod
inllallVTlMion can be ideotffied as pain in tile tooth and
gums. Wlduding; $\\OlI~ng or tendemess. prolonged sen.
sitMty!(l heat or cold, 01' discolcltation of the tooth. The
inllammalion or infection may be a resu~ oftootll dec3)\
periodontal disease, repeated dental procedures 00 a
tooth, or acrack or chip in the !OOUl.ln addrtion. asharp
bIoN to a tooth ITIa'I cause pulpal damage eYefl ~ the
!DOth has 00 visible chips or C!iICks. If left untreated, ~
can cause pain Of lead to an atlscess.
Root canal treatment should take place I:lefore the
infectioo getS too serious. An Endodontist JefOOYeS
the diseased pulp to save the tooth and pteYem
further infectioo and Inflammation fI'om spreading to
the surrounding tissues and booe. After successful
Endlldootic treatment, the tooth should feeloormal
jIeI will neYer have any hot or cold sensation.
NOII-StJrglcal Root Clnal TheIlIPY
If jOu ~rience any 01 these symptoms, )Our
den~st wi ll most likely recommend non-surgical Root
C8na l ThelllPl'to elim inate the diseased pulp tissue,
referring you to an Endlldootic specia list. Endlldootic
treatment is often completed in one or two visits and
i!Wlves the following steps:
Create Custom Videos or Live Stream Ufe's Great Moments!
_,_r-.. .
· u..St. ....... VIdooof_~i<M
Proc .........
Manapment of All M.rkell ....
W idd~""
COmmynlatl ..... Ind VIdeo Need"
F.............. "4o<'.
and Manopmont
. ..., _ Re<n</( _ _ ""
. ........... p'oo ........ ..., .....
• r ...... 'oki ... VIdoof<l< LouISchooI
Of ChurcI> b
''''' COlt Tt.rn >! BriJhlSu, COlt ofo...rt.nd P.... ~r."'\Jr'I'S with. friondly rnWi...
.. minder tOol (.on<e< Provo_,ion _th is coo<! "".Ith ",. OWIydoy. _
schedule ,he .ppoim....m, pie... coli u. 10 .... wort your t>o>l effo<1._ ~ con p<o<>de:
>Medic.1 TranSJ>O",'ion
>"'t.1 p,.par.,ion I Food and fluid.
>Ph"m.tV pick·up
>C"lifted Nu, .. As,i'tant POSI~p unde, Ny,,", "'pervlslon
>Pationt/F.mi.,. r.och and 01 physici.n follow up ord.r •
>No hou~y minimum.
• SpMdIW,k ........ Pt ... RoIo.-
. c..t«n VIdeo ProdIKtkln
.. .. "bl:i~
. " ...
J IM WILLIAMS I 3 14 .428.'0 1 0
. . Progress Report: Stroke Death Rate Drops
-16.1 %
Speed to stroke treatment I. crucial to
s.vlng liv•• and reducing dl •• blllty.
'Jr,.. 'Jr,..
Black Qt A/n:;an
We're celebratong progress
but stroke is still a concern.
ill mm
_.- --_.- -_.
...., 3
S P"eh Diffic ulty: Is speech slurred, are they
unable to speak,
or are they hard to understand?
Ifllle person snows any oflhese
symptoms. even if the symptoms go away. call
9-1- 1 and get them to the hospital immediately.
.•., _
More in formation:
H.-.. c-.. ... ...- s..." .... ...."...,.. 5"""'"
0'.11. _ _ _ os..,.lIl.
Arm Weakness: Is one arm weak or numb?
Ask the person to ra ise both arms, Does one
arm drift downward?
T Time to call 9·1 ·1:
_ _ .... _
. . >020 Poo. . . _ _ _
Soure • •
Face Drooping: Does one side of the face
droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile.
""._.. -
I Stroke
Association .
_______________________ www.kcheatthandwe _______________________
Saturday. May 18, 2015
First hlth Church
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Overland PIIrtI. KS 66085
H•• lthy eo. Lunch for Purch•• e: '"
FREE Chlktcare!
Sign up for Lunch or FREE Childcare
at _.kch •• tthw.lln.... com or by
calling 9130239-0777.
22 Health & Wellne$$ May
Kansas City
Capture Life's Greatest Moments!
Create Custom Videos or Live Video-Stream Events with
New Soloshot Robotic Filming Technology
I all slarted with lhe dream of being a big
sportscaster on TV. While SportsCenter hasn't
happened, Ihe experience gairled over a span
of 23 years has been a dream come true for Jim
Wi lliams and Will He Productions.
Over Ihe years, Will He Productions has learrled
Ihal everyor.e has lheir own slory to tell. bul com·
municating Ihal .tory is an art form. That" what
sets his company apart. The underlying theme and
focus i. what Will He Production. is passionate
about uncovering. They want to extract. under.
stand, develop and share. Ultimately, effectively
communlc.ating the story you want to share with
your specific audience.
Recruitment VIdeo for CoIl.
Helping a "1'00'" ~u~ pursue a dream of playing a
COllege sport is easier to capture arld higllltght now
more than even 5 years ago. With SoIoshot Robotic
Technology, fl lming a sport or;tCtivity outside, capturing the movi", person or target at distances up
to 21») feet away, creates incredibly detailed
footage. Incorporating Ihis lechnology into a
recruiting video for COllege bound athletes" invalu·
able at demonstrating their level of skill.
Whether using our new robotic camera technologv
to shoot .. recruitment vkleo of a high school
athlete trying to get noticed by a college coach, a
Good Frklay message bya minist,..,. in your commu·
nity. a fundraising video for your local school or
enurch youth group or, maybe, it is a live videoweaming of a wedding so the bride's grandparents
who cannot travel can waten the ceremony from
Parisi Wi ll He Productions can help with any special
moment you want to capture.
Telllnilhe Story,
5h,,,,",, How tile Kindness of Others Donati", 8100d
A few years ago, Jim was fortunate to know a special
P<ltient who put his life on hold three times a week
for 19 years to get blood transfUSions until medical
advancements were made that eventually cured the
conditioo. Over those two decades, the patient was
able to see his daughter graduate college and give
birth to the grandch ildren he would never have met
if nol for the kindness of others dona~ng blood. Jim
interviewed and shot a video of this person sharing
his experience which was used as a recruitment
video for the Amerkan Red Cross. That is the kind of
story Will He Productions helps telilhal will toveh
your heart and make you want to help others experi'
ence the samel
DI&Jtal Marketi", fo r Medical Pr;octio;es
Will He Productions is expanding their digita l mar·
ketlng efforts to provide Medical Practices the
opportunity to share with other doctors Or medical
school students their success stories and experi.
ences in medicine. Whether live streaming a
teaching conference across the counl,..,. or around
the world, Or capturing a surgical procedure, Will He
Productions Ciln he lp capture your message and
share it with your audierlCe.
About Wlil He Productions
Jim Williams, owner/producer/director at Will He
Productions. started his career as a television news
producer and has been workinS in t~ marJu.tlns and
communications fie ld for more than 20 years. He Is
based out of St. Charles, MO but has influential networking conr.ectlons across the state of MO as well
as nationa lly with network broadcast affiliates. Hi.
bac~round ranges from Healthcare communication
and non'profit wort, to Fortune 500 and employee'
owr.ed companies. Williams Is P<lssklnate about
communicating in a way that ~ople understand t~
first time they hear the message.
In additiorl to custom videos or live streaming of
events, Jim offers management of all marketing. c0m-
munication and video r.eeds from website design to all
platforms of social media to marketing. promotional
and branding services. Whether you need a speech
written, a press release created for your company, a
complete website designed to tell your story In your
company's own words, t~ name of the company
answerstllequestioo-Wil l He?Yes, HeWiI II
TO learn more about Soloshot Robotic Video Tech.
nologv or the full line of marJu.tlng communication.
services available. please contact Jim Williams at
Will He Productions, 314.425.9010.
Jim Williams
..... -
May 2015 Health & Wellness
Kan $U City
Helping Students Succeed
in All Aspects of Life
with honors from the Unl·
versity of Kansas in just
three and a half years in
December, 2010, aN:! has
Partnering with the leadership Institute of Greater Kansas City
to Offer a Summer Success Skills Weekly Program
already written a book
and started her second
By Rachel Lew;s
the New yo.k Times, USA Today, Fox
Business and has been cited in an article in
Forbes on successful businesses. She has
ummer, to many studen", i. the time to
kick bad" relax and enjoy (I'e sun, ... hile
Olhe. studen" h3V(' .'""a"" staned plan.
ning to gel jobs or Internsh ips. No "",tter ... hat
your teen I. planning, II I. Imponant to take •
mental and p~1 break and recharge their bat·
terles, Ho_r, wmmer an also I)e a great time
to excel and gfOYll.
S....:cess Skills Wffkly Summer P tO/I~m
Success Skills Weekly want. 10 ... e student •
• ucceed in all a.pect> of life, $Owe have leamed up
with the Leadership Institute of Greater Kansas City
to offer a summer program. We .... nl teens 10
develop and learn eritial W«eliS skil l. ... hile
receiving is hO<Jrs of leadership certiflcatlon 10 "dd
to their college Or work "",ume •. Teaching the ...
Ie.oonsleads not only to ,reater understandin, of
themselves and their future but Is aloo " strong
talklns polnl In any Interview situation from hlth
ochool.ummer employment to col lege interviews
loS well as the "big job" after college.
Lea. n SIIills To &e Productive Individuals
This summer Intensive will deliver the kroowledge
and skills that are root ta",hI In ochools but are
needed to become prod..ctive ind ividuals. Not
eroough attenrion Is paid to giving teens the skills
they need to help them ""visate the world as wel l
as determining it, future course. The ,ki ll. they ... il l
I)e taughl during the wmmer program an I)e used
In all a.pect. of life from academic< to ,ports and
extracurricular activities a. wel l as inte rvie ... ing and
future business ventures,
worked with students from middle school
through college helping w ith goal setting,
confidence building, study s kills, and
getting ready for "the real world. " She
launched Success SkillS Weekly with her
mother and brother to a ssist students
w ith critical skillS that are needed for
success, but not being tausht anyw here.
Rachel is a member of t he Junior t eague
of Kansas City, and was selected as a Belle
of t he American Royal in 2011 and has
been "n active volunteer for the SOTAR
and the American Royal organizations. She
for d"riflCiltion. more information, o. even personal
quMtjons r"aled to I~' goals aOO how ben 10 plan
lor their future. Each of the ... ebinars ... iII be two hours
in length "00 will cover the following topics: communi·
cation, time management, conflict rMOIutIon, goal
setting. positive impact, and recogn izing key moment>
lkey moments Is a part of one of the most highly asked
for lopics - Emotionalinteliitencej. After completion
of the progr.Im, the students will receive a mailed cer'
Mcate from lhe Le"dership Instltule of Gre"W !(ansas
aly aOO can then add the certified leadership Iralnlng
hours to their re ... me.
Stand Out From The Crowd
We hope that we can help yO<J Or YO<Jrt..en stand O<JI
from the crowd and Ie"rn these much needed skills.
Akhough summer can be a ... aoon of fun and rela.arion, it can aloo be your ch,,;ce 10 make il a produc·
tlve season lOS well. We hope yO\J do bothl We ... anl
swdents to use thl. ~me to sel ahead ar><! stay ahead.
The ,ummer program
...ill contain six webinars
and acceSs to three
months of specially de·
weekly success
TO lurn more "bout Ihe 5<omme. Success Skills
skills, .s wella. podca.!>
W..ekly ProSram, plea... contact u. at
and calls. They can use
info@'SuccessSkilisWeekly,com Or
the call. to a.k q..esbon.
. kchealth afor
in/ormation . _ _ _
Get Ahead.
Stay Ahead.
She has been interviewed by
is also an Assistant Dance and Cheer Team
Coach at her high school alma mater.
" 'C
" 'E"'Si'o
If ~ would IiIIe more information about a
sueom $kiII$ procram for ~r middle $ChOOI,
hich school or col. . . . . student please visit
wwwS."T'HS' _II ~
directly • • Jd\ or
caII l -8n-l12-S019,
24 Health &- Welness May
2015 • Kanus City
May is Mental Health Month
hen we think about cancer,
hean disease, or diabetes, we
don't wait years 10 treat them.
We stan before Stage4----we begin with
pre'"Cntion. When people are in the first
stage of those diseases, and are begin.
ning to show si8J1s of symptoms like a
pc-rsistenl cough, high blood pressure,
Or high blood sugar, we try immediately
to reV<.:rse these symptoms. We don't
i8J1ore them. In fact, we develop a plan
of atlion to reverse and somcIimes ~top
lhe progression of the disease. So why
aren't we doing the SIllm for individuals
who are dealing wilh poICnlially serious
'"""tal illness?
Early Warning SIgna
WhCfl you or SOmOOl1e dose to you
stans to experience the early waming
signs of mental illness, knowing what
the risk factOl'$ and symptoms are will
help to .:<Itch them early. Often times,
family and friends are the Ilrst to step in
10 sup]>Ofl a person through these early
stages. Experiencing symplOms such as
loss of sleep, fecling tired for nO
reason, feeling low, feeling anxious, or
hearing voices shouldn't be ignored Or
brushed aside in the hopes that they go
away. Like other diseases, we need to
address these symptoms early, identify
Ihe underlying disease, and plan an
appropriate course of action on a path
IOwards overall health. MCfltal health
Screening Tools Can Help
Mental Health America's scm:ning
tools can help. Taken online at,a scm:ning is
an anonymous, fm: and private way to
learn about your mental health and see
if you are showing warning si8J1s of a
mental illness. A scm:ning only takes
a few minutes, and after you are
finished you will be givCfl infonnalion
aboul the next steps you should take
based on the results. A scm:ning is not
a diagnosis, but it can be a helpful 1001
for starting a conversalion with your
doctor or a loved one about your
mental health.
Mental Illnesses are Common
and Traatablal
This May is Mental Health M(mth.
Mental Health America of the Hean.
land is raising awareneSS of the
imponant role mental health plays in
our lives and encouraging members
of tile community 10 learn mOre about
their Own mental health and to take
action immediately ifthey are experi.
endng symptoms of a mental iIIness_
Mental illnesses are nOI only
common, they are trealable. There isa
the Way We Think
Mental Health Matters For Everyone
,t t. t t =,~t:~n5
11°· .
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.-Po-_Iop '
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Risk Factors
wide variety of treatment options for
menial illnesses ranging from talk
therapy to medication 10 peer support,
and it may lake some lime for a
conditioll$ should be addressed long
person to find the right treatment or
before they reach the most critical
points in the disease process----t>cfore
combination of treatments that works
Stage 4. Many people do not seck treat.
best for them. But when they do, the
mC1lt in the early stages of ~nlal ill.
results can be truly amazing and life
nesses because they don't reco8J1ize the
changing. Mental Health America of
symptoms. Up to 84% of the time
the Heartland wants to hdp people
between the first si8J15 of mental illness
learn whal they Can do both 10 protect
and Ilrst treatment is spenl not =og.
their menial health and know the
nizing the symptoms.
signs of menIal illness #B4Stage4 _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www . kc heatth a nd we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
May 2015 Health & Wellness
Kansu Cit.
Symptoms and Warning Signs
Who" ... ""~ ~". Ngln to . . ....1... <0 .~"'P"
Cost of Waiting Until Stage 4
..'" of ......'.1 h••1th tondltlo.>, 'MY
......1<1"', boo 'V""'" 0' b,.,hod •• Id. In th. ho .... ,ha, .hoy go . ...... Ukot (>thO' "'oah
to"dltto" •. _.Hd to odd,... 1M
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It .... th ...", to mt<Ik .. '", to _
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Early · ····· ························· ···· ····· ········ · late
Stages of Mental Health Conditions
--., ----
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Mental Health America
B4Stage4 may
111 r".book'omI""""_..·oA""''''.
Mental Healt h America
U 'E\oI,,-,
Take Action Earty!
h's up 10 all ofus 10 know the signs and lake aClion so Ihal mental illnesses can be caughl early
and trealed, and we can live up 10 our fu ll polenlial. We know WI inl .......ening effeclively during
early stages of mental illness can saVe lives and change Ihe InIjeclories of people living with
menial illnesses. Be aware of your mental heallh and get screened #B4S1age4 today!
For help finding trealmcnT, suppon groups and orher mental health "'SOUJ'Ces, please contact
Mental Heallh America of the Heartland aI913·28 1·2221 or visil us online al
_______________________ www . kc health a nd we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
of t he Hea rtland
26 Health & Wellne$$ May
Kansas City
Be Red Cross Ready
Torna(J.o Safety Clieclilist
A tornado is a violently rotating column of
air extending from the base of a thunderstorm
down to the ground. Tornado intensities are
classified on the Fujita Scale with ratings
between Fo (weakest) to F5 (strongest). They
are capable of completely destroying wellmade structures, uprooting trees and hurling
objects through the air like deadly missiles.
Although severe tornadoes are more common
in the Plains States, tornadoes have been
reported in every state.
Red Cross
For more information on disaster and emergency preparedness, visit
CopyrighI C> 2OO!l by ltIe ~n NatioMI Red Cross I Stod< No. 5!16~
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www . k chealth andwe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Kilnsas City - Io4i1Y 2015 Health & Wellness
What s hould I do to prepare
for a tornado?
'Vltat should I do if a torn ado
is threate ning?
o During any storm, listen to local news Or
o "The safest place to be is an underground
a NOAA Weather Radio to stay informed
about watches and warnings.
o Know your community's warning
system. Communities have different
ways of warning JWidents about
tornados, with many having sirens
intended for outdoor warning puf1>OSe5.
o Pick a .safe room in }'(Iur home where
household members and pets may gather
during a tornado. This should bea
basement, stonn cellar or an interior
room on the lowest floor with no
o Practice periodic tornado drills SQ that
everyone knows what to do if a tornado
is approaching.
o Consider having your safe room
reinforced. Plans for reinforcing an
interior room to provide better
protection can be found on the I'EMA
Web site at http://www.fe m
pl a n / pr-evenl/ rms / rmSP453.s h l m •
o Prepare for high winds by removing
diseased and damaged limbs from trees.
o Move orsecure lawn furniture, tnsh
cans, hanging plants or anylhing else that
can be picked up by the wind and become
a projectile.
o Watch (or tornado danger signs:
shelter. basement Qr safe room.
o [f nQ underground shelter
safe room
is available, a small, windowless interior
room or hallway on the lowest level of a
sturdy building is the .safest alternative.
• Mobile homes are t>Q\ .safe during
tornadoes or other severe winds.
• 00 not seek shelter in a hallway Or
bathroom Q!" a mooile home.
• [fyou have atteSS to a sturdy
shelter or a vehicle, abandon your
mobile hQme immediately.
• Go to the nearest sturdy building Or
shelter immediately, using your
seat belt if driving.
. 00 not wait until you see the
o [f you are caught outdoors, seek
shelter in a basement, shelter Or sturdy
building. If )'()u canl>Qt quickly walk
to a shelter:
• Immediately get into a vellic1e,
butkle your seat belt and try to
dri'"" to the closest sturdy shelter.
- [f flying debris occurs while you
31"\! driving, pull over and park.
Now you ha'"" the following
options as a last resQrt:
- Stay in the car wi~ lIthe seat belt
On. Put your head down below
the windows, covering with your
hands and a blanket if ]X>SSible.
• [fyou can safely get noticeably
lower than tile level of the
roadway, exit your ear and lie
in that area, oovering}'(lur
head with your hands.
What do I do after a tornado?
o Continue listening to local news or a
NOAA Weather Radio for updated
infonnation and instructions.
o If}'(lu are away from 1I0me, return only
wilen authorities say it is .safe to 00 SQ.
o WearlQng pants, a long-sl"""""\ sllirt and
stu rdy shoes when examining }'(Iur walls,
doors, stain;ases and windows for damage .
o Watcll out fQr fallen power lines or
broken gas lines and report them totlle
utility oompany immediately.
o Stay out of damaged buildings.
o Use battery-powered flasillights when
examining buildings- do NOT use candles.
o If}'(lu smell ga.'I or hear a blowing Qr
hissing noise, open a window and get
eveJ)'()ne out of tile building quickly and
call the ga.'I company (If fire department.
o Take pietures of damage, both of the
building and its contents. fur insurance
o Use the telephone only for emergency
o Keep all of your animals under your
direct oontrol.
o Clean up spilled mediea~ions, bleaches,
gawline or Qlher liquids that
could become a fire hazard.
• Dark. often g~ish clouds- a
o Check for injuries. If you are trained,
phenomenon caused by hail
provide first aid to pel"SQns in need until
• Wall cloud- an isolated lowering of
emert;ency responders am>"".
the base of a thunderstonn
• Cloud of debris
• Large hail
• Funnel cloud- a visible rotating
- Your choice should bedriven by
Red Cross
extension of the cloud base
you r specifil! cin.:umstalll'es.
• Roaring noise
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www . kc health il nd we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
lou lly sponsored by
K~" ...
eat tresh~
,.~ . -­
s ......,.....
Kilnsas City - Io4i1Y 2015 Heillth & Wellness
Miles Against Melanoma
By Lynne Berend, Direclor
y daughter was 30 ye~ old when sbe died of Melanoma a few
yean ago. Melanoma currenlly has no cure. We learned about Miles
Against Melanoma on the inlemet from a woman who founded the
organization. Linle was known aboUI this cancer and we have found tber. is
liule money 10 research Melanoma. So we decided 10 stan a chapter in
Kansas City. On May 30, 2015, we will celebrate our 51h Annual Miles
Against Melanoma KC Sk WalklRun and Kid's Run.
This Clnc. r has trlpl+d In th. last 10)'Un to In Illrmlng rlt • •
Th. nHod for mo... 1 . I. .nfll 1110 9 ... t.
If you need a tan 10 look good,
there are other alternaTives
such as spray tans or Ihe new
tanning mousse. ll!ere is DO
Cure for Melanoma bul recenl
research has clinical lrials
going on and SO far Ihey an:
showing promising signs.
WIYSYou Cln fight Mellnoml
• Education aoo Public Awareness
• Run, Walk or Volunteer at a 5k
• Someone dies every 57 minules of Melanoma
, Donate Money for Research
- Curren! eSlimates are thai I in 5 people will develop SOme type
• Beoome a Sponsor for a 5k
• Melanoma represents 4% of all skin cancers, but 79% of all
skin cancer deaths
Miles Agilinst Meillnomil KC Sk:
When I am asbd why we
do this each year, I tell people,
I couldn't 5aVf' my
daughter's lif!!, but I will
help lOve IOmeone else's
lif!! ond help /jnd 0 curel
• Melan<)ma is Ihe most common cancer in young adults between
21).30 ycars of age
Mark your calendan for the Miles Againsl Melanoma KC Sk (MAM KC Sk)
and Kid', Run, May 30, 2015, 8 am al Lal:e Remembrance, 2100 NE Duncan
- Melanoma is Ihe primary cause of canCer death in women
bet""een 25-30 years old
Road. Blue Springs, MO. Day of race packel pick up Or regislration runS from
6:30 am -7:45 am. Early packet pick up will be on May 29th from 3pm to
7pm al Garry Gribbles in Independence. MO.
- Mclanoma is Ihe number 2 cauSe of cancer death (after breast cancer)
in women between 30·35 years old
- Melanoma sirikes people of all ages (including children). all races,
all economic levels and both sexes
$70,000 for research. Help uS raise even nlO<e this year 10 fightlhis deadly
disease! For questions or 10 learn more, ull 816-786-5401 or visil US online at
- One blislering sunburn from childhood can affecl you as an adult
- Use ofa tanning bed gives you a
developing Melanoma
Help find II Cure
Last year, all of the MilesAgainst Melanoma Chapters combined raised over
grealer chance of
- Sed shade from 10;00 am 10 4:00 pm as the sun 's rays are highesl
at these times
- Always put SunSCreen On every time you go outside: at leasl
30 SPF UVA and UVB
Miles Against Melanoma KC Sk Walk/Run and Kid's Run
Saturday, May 30, 201 S
Lake Remembrance
2100 NE Duncan Road
Blue Springs, MO
6:45 - 7:45 am: Regislralion
and Pa.cket Pick Up
8 am: WalklRun Begins
ChOKk Your Bod,
Check your body all the
time. The liniest liule
0... Mission
mole or freckle can
Miles Againsl Me/a""",a is a ~a/ional a'8ani:a,ion Ihal began in 2010. Our
change color or shape
miJJiOlt is to provide the public with edUC(ltiOlt regarding the ""'","'e
at any time. Schedule
da",aging ~ffeclS of Ihe su~ and /ann/ng d""ices. Tlrrough MAM. ...,. provide
an appointmenl regufunding for a"."",,,ess. educa,ion, advocacy a"d resea,..,h for skin c"nce~
larly with a DermatoloMelanoma and cancers ",Iated to .Hn caltce~ TIre Miles Agai",t Mela~oma
gisl 10 stt! if you have
KC ewnl ... iII raiu mo~cy 10 supparl Mela""",a ",searr:h. educalio~ """
Melanoma or any type
ad"""a'Y. and wsis'fa",mes wilh Melanoma wlw a", ilt financial need.
of skin cancer.
_:..:.:::.:::.:::.:::.._ _ _ _ _ _ _:.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.::WWW . kchealthilndwe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Addiction Medicine Clinic
"Anyone can be addicted to opiates .... ..doctors, lawyers,
college students, profess ional ath letes, your neigh bor.... .
even you r own child."
Dr. Petersen is a graduate of Northwest Missouri Sta te University and the
Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences. He trained in Internal
Medicine/Pediatrics at Texas A&M Scott & W h ite Memorial Hospital in Temple,
Texas. He is an American Board of Internal Medicine cert ified physician that
has practiced Emergency Medicine for 12 years. Over the years, he has seen so
many families who have suffered devastation from opiate addiction. He has
since developed a passion for Addiclion Medicine and the incredible feeling it
brings when you see a patient move toward recovery.
iCARE Addiction Medicine Clinic
550 Rush Creek Pkwy., Suite B I liberty, MO 64068
Phone: (8 16) 875-4325 I
www .kchealthandwe
Follow The Leader
By Jinvny Page.
01 Christian Athletes
"Therefore. be imilMorsofGod, as dearlylaved
childre~. And ...alk i~ la'"!', as Ihe Messiah also
loved us and ga,"!' Himself for us. a sacrificial
a~dfrogranl offering 10 God."'
- Ephesians 5.-11
ave you ever played the game,
'"Follow The Leader?"' It's a
copycat game in which people in
a group imitate the actions of the
leader. and the person in the middle tries to
figure out who the leader is. They may walk
funny, do jumping jacks or clap their hands. but
the person who is "i(' must idcntifythe leaderthe One person whom everyone else is copying.
On fields. tracks and courts all over the world.
players are following their leadCTS-<:oaches.
They are watehing what they do. hearing what
they say and reading their boxly language. They
see their emotions in the heat of competition.
They see facial expressions and hear hal€lime
spc<Xhes. learning habits and beliefs. And. like it
or not, they arc not only taking notes, but they
are following their leader. Tlle coach influences
athlctcs mentally, emotionally, physically. spiri_
tually and relationally. Young athletes arc
leaming behaviors from their roaches that will
shape their futures-----both who they will become
and how they are li kely to behave.
Paul tells us in Ephesians 4 and 5 to be imitators of
G od. We are, quite simply, 10 follow our Leader.
We are 10 do what He did. lesus tells us in Luke
9:23: ..... if anyone wants 10 COme ",ilh Me. he
must de~y himself. lake up his cross daily, and
follow Me. ..
How COaches Can Follow T11e Leader
As we follow Christ, others follow our example.
But as coaches, we must first follow our Leader,
then lead other.!. Here's how that will look
and sound:
As we follow God, He changes the way We think.
He replaces our temporal perspective with an
eternal One. He shows us that ifs never enough 10
win on the field but lose in life . lie replaces our
negativicy and pessimism with possibility and
belief. Making excuses and blaming others
becomes 8 thing of the past.
As we follow God, He changes the words
Coaches Often Considered No.1 Influence
Coaches spend more time with kids than most
parents do. so ifs no! surprising coaches are o€len
considered the No. I influence in the lives of
)'OWlg people. With so much at stake, is it possible
for roaches to have a lasting. positive influence on
their athletes' Yes' Coaches will never be perfcct
role models.
if they try to be, it will break
them. But there is one thing they can do that rises
above all othcrs-Follow The Leader.
Kansas City - t.4ay 2015 Health & Wellriess
As we follow God, He changes how we
express our emotions.
He replaces inappropriale emolional oUlrunts
wilh peace in the midsl of the stonn. The circum·
SlanCes on the field do not dictate the condition of
our heart or our ability to conlJOl Our emotions.
How we rt'Spond 10 adversity models strength
and steadiness. and we grow in our ability to
show love and acceptance.
we speak.
He replaces words that tear down with words that
build up. As He gets ahold of our heart, He makes
it more and more difficult 10 be critical and becomes more difficult to use profanity or to shame a kid in front of their peers. We
~ome encouragers who help others be the best
they can be.
As we follow God, He changes our spiritual foundation.
He replaces our desire to have control with the
faith that He is in control. When we know and
grow in Jesus, we have a growing desire to plant
seeds that lead to a life of lasting significance
instead of shon-tenn success. We build our life
On what Our Leader says, walking mOre by faith
and less by sight.
Be the Kind of Leader Worth Following
Every coach has followers. But to be the kind of
leader wonh following. we must follow The
Leader. Let's surrender every area of life to God
and imitate Him.
Colossians 3: 17 says it this way: "And whatever
you do. in word or in deed, do everything in the
name ofthe Lord Jesus. giving thanks to God the
Father through Him."
About the Author
For near1y 20 years.
Jimmy Page was
involved in various
leadllfShip roles in
the medical litness
industry. As the former
national director 01
FCA's Health and
Fitness Min istry, Page
now SONes as one of
dents 01 field min,stry and is the co·author
of the booI<.s WisdomWatks. WisdomWatks
SPORTS and One Word That Will Change
Your Ule. He and his wile, lvelisse, reside in
Reisterstown. MO wrth their lou.chitdren .
As we follow God, He changes our
physical health.
l ie replaces unhealthy eating habits with foods
that bring life and health. If we demand that our
players are physically ready for competition, we
should e~pect nothing less from ourselves. We
must model healthy hehaviors if we hope to be our
FCA in Kansas City
Interested in the FeHows/lip 01 Christian
Athletes? For local ministry opportunities
and events, visit Metro Kar1sas City FCA at or call tsl6} 89:2-1137 or contact the
National Support Center at (8 16) 289-C909
o r (800) 289-0909.
a positivea influence
that lasts._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
State-of-the-Art ChIropractIc ServIces & Care
• Overall Pain Relief . Neck and Back Pain
• Knee Pain . Nutrition/ Weight loss/ Detox • Migraines