47TH BLUE RIBBON – ÁRKÁD GRAND PRIX I N T E R N AT I O N A L L O N G - D I S TA N C E R E G AT TA – 2 0 1 5 R AC E I N T H E L A K E B A L ATO N C U P S E R I E S NOTICE OF RACE V E N U E A N D D AT E O F T H E E V E N T: B A L AT O N F Ü R E D, 2 – 4 J U LY 2 0 1 5 O R G A N I Z E R : H U N G A R I A N YAC H T I N G A S S O C I AT I O N – H YA RACE OFFICER: KÁZMÉR KEREKES 3 . PA R T I C I PA N T S O F T H E R E G AT TA , ELIGIBILITY 3.1. Classes allowed to enter the race 3.1.1. In compliance with paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the HYA Sailing Regulations for 2015: boat classes classified into Racing Classes II as well as Yardstick group and ORC group. 3.1.2. Foreign boats possessing all documents required by the authorities of their own countries, with the following limitations: – single-hull keelboats and leeboard boats with a total surface area of mainsail and jibs not less than 15 m2 (as prescribed by the class rules or registered in the measurement documents). – multi-hull boats with a total surface area of mainsail and jibs equal to or exceeding 25 m2 (as prescribed by the class rules or registered in the measurement documents) are allowed to enter the “Blue Ribbon” races. 3.1.3. Hungarian resident boats included in the HYA 3.2. Definitions 3.2.1. Traditional single-hull (mono-hull) boats: all the singlehull boats passing the 90° inclining test in compliance with the requirements of the Hungarian National Transport Authority, proving this fact by relevant documents, and on which the crew’s center of gravity (weight) is not placed outside the boat hull (non-trapezoidal boats and boats without framing) shall be deemed to be traditional singlehull boats. The boat classes acknowledged by HYA are automatically entitled to participate in the competition of the traditional single-hull boats. 3.2.2. Open class: All the boats not meeting the requirements for the traditional single-hull boats shall be 1 G R A N D Á R K Á D – Advertisements can be displayed in accordance with the HYA Advertising Rules for year 2015. All boats participating in the Race shall place the self-adhesive labels with the logos of the supporters of the Race on both sides, within 2.5 m from the bow. If the logo is not placed on the boat, a penalty may be imposed. R I B B O N 2. ADVERTISING B L U E The “Racing Rules of Sailing” for 2013–2016 (hereinafter referred to as “RRS”), the Regatta Regulations of HYA for 2015 with the amendments indicated herein, the rules for all participating classes, the YS and ORC handicap regulations as well as this Notice of Race (NOR) and the Sailing Instructions (SI) to be issued later, shall apply for this event. The Blue Ribbon Sailing Instructions shall be available on the hunsail.hu and kekszalag.hu websites not later than 1 June 2015. If there is a conflict between languages, the Hungarian text shall prevail. Register and meeting the requirements of paragraph 1.2. (Eligibility) and paragraph 3 (Official signs, class marks) of the HYA Sailing Regulations for 2015. 3.1.4. The Skiff and Libera type boats as well as all multi-hull boats without cabins are allowed to enter the race if they ensure their escort by motorboats of adequate size which possess the relevant operation permissions for Lake Balaton. The escorting motorboat shall be able to reach the required speed and to accommodate the crew of the escorted boat in addition to its own crew. The commander/driver of the motorboat shall sign a written obligation to escort and rescue the sailboat within a 100 m distance, during the whole race. The escort motorboat shall keep on board a radio receivertransmitter unit (Balatrönk and VHF) and a mobile phone, which enables the crew to make general emergency calls and to contact the organizers of the race. The organizers of the race shall be entitled to supervise the escorting boats during the whole race. If the activities of a supervised motorboat do not meet the relevant requirements, the sailboat escorted by it can be excluded from the race. No escorting motorboats are obligatory for the boat classes acknowledged by the Hungarian Yachting Association. 3.1.5. All the Skiff/Libera type and/or single-hull boats which are proven to have not performed and not passed the so called “inclining test” shall exclusively be allowed to enter the race in the “Open class”. The relevant tests shall be carried out by the Technical Committee. The boat classification shall be performed based on the measurement records validated for year 2015 within the HYA Large Boat Register. Deadline for performing the inclining test: 30 June 2015. 4 7 T H 1. RACING RULES P R I X CHAIRMAN OF THE PROTEST COMMITTEE : MRS. GABRIELLA TUSNAI classified to “Open class”. All the multi-hull boats without a cabin shall compete in “Open class”. 4 7 T H B L U E R I B B O N – Á R K Á D G R A N D P R I X 3.3. Eligibility for participation 3.3.1. The Hungarian competitors must meet the requirements of the HYA Sailing Regulations for 2015, paragraph 1.1. (Eligibility for participation). 3.3.2. The foreign competitors shall be members of clubs or organizations, which are recognized by their national sailing federations. 3.3.3. Competitors with starting permission: the owner of the boat or the responsible person may invite one or more guests not being eligible competitors in sailing, above the specified minimal crew, to participate in the race. The total number of persons on board must not exceed the maximum number of crew indicated in the boat bill. Requirements for obtaining a starting permission: – admission declaration by the responsible person on board, – minimal age of 17 years (reached by 31 December 2015), – certificate from a sport-physician issued for the name of the given invited person which allows him/her to participate in the competition, – written declaration by the invited person to comply with all the regulations relating to the given race, – payment of an entry fee of 22,000 HUF. The competitors with starting permissions will be indicated in the scoring list with a sign (RE). 3.3.4. Participation of competitors aged 14 or younger (born on or after 1 January 2001), being officially certified in sailing sport (called “mocó” in Hungarian): no more than 1 person in case of at least 4 eligible registered competitors on board and 2 persons in case of 6 or more eligible registered competitors on board. This limit must not be exceeded in any case. 3.3.5. Considering the long distance of the race and the necessity of navigation at night as well as possibly in stormforce winds, the organizing committee accepts the entry of only those boats which are operated by at least 3-man crews if the class specification does not define more than this. All members of the crew must reach the age of 18 years before the starting date of the race. The number of crew including guests with starting permissions shall not exceed the number indicated in the boat bill or the measurement certificate. Independently of the boat documents, the organizers determine a maximum crew of 12 people. 4 . B O AT C L A S S E S 4.1. Open class Single-hull and multi-hull boats meeting the requirements described in paragraph 3. These boats are scored in the absolute order of arrival at the finish line or in the following categories within the combined multi-hull class, based on the ranking: – M0 class (with hull length exceeding 35 feet), – M1 class (with 28-35 feet hull length), – M2 class (with 21-28 feet hull length), – M3 class (with hull length less than 21 feet). If the number of entered boats within a class is less than 8 determined as a minimum, these boats will be scored in a combined group of higher class. 4.2. Racing classes II (see Racing Rules, paragraph 5.2) 2 4.3. Other boat classes – Class 40 Cruiser, – Class 22 Cruiser, – Elan 310 Class, – Sudár Sport Class. 4.4. Yardstick Scoring Groups – Yardstick I/1 group (YS No. 89 & below) – white ribbon – Yardstick I/2 group (YS No. 90-99) – red ribbon – Yardstick II Class (YS No. 100–109) – yellow ribbon – Yardstick III/1 group (YS No. 110-115) – green ribbon – Yardstick III/2 group (YS No.116 & above) – orange ribbon The above modifies paragraph 5.3. of the Sailing Regulations. 4.4.1. The mono-hull boats not listed above will be scored with the relevant Yardstick group according to their YS numbers. The boats registered in foreign lists will be scored in the relevant Hungarian classes or in the YS group, according to their German YS numbers. Those foreign boats which do not have either Hungarian or German YS numbers will be uniformly scored in the YS-I group with YS number 65. 4.4.2. The boats competing in the YS and ORC group – independent of their sail signs – must wear the abovementioned ribbons (with a size of 5–7 cm x 1 m) on the aft (or side) shroud. 4.5. ORC Scoring Group – blue ribbon During the entry procedure all boats possessing ORC measurement certificates can ask to be allowed to start in the ORC group. If the number of the entered boats does not reach 14 determined as a minimum, these boats will be scored within the YS handicap system. The chosen scoring group cannot be changed after the closure of the entry procedure. 5 . E N T RY 5.1. Preliminary entry for foreign competitors by e-mail: [email protected]. 5.2. Preliminary electronic entry: The eligible competitors possessing racing permissions from HYA for 2015 can send their electronic entries through the VIHAR system from 10.00 hours on 1st May to 20.00 hours on 01 July 2015. Those teams entering the race and paying their entry fees by 31 May 2015 will be granted a 10% discount. Those teams finalizing their entries and making their payments between 1 June and 23 June 2015 shall pay the entry fee indicated in this Notice of Race. Those teams finalizing their entries and making their payments between 23 June and 1 July 2015 shall pay an entry fee increased by 10% compared to the entry fee indicated in this Notice of Race. The electronic pre-registration shall be finalized at the times and places indicated below, at a separate special desk, where: – all the necessary documents proving compliance with the entry conditions and all documents not registered in the VIHAR system shall be presented; – the representative of the crew shall sign the entry; – the entry fee shall be paid; – the representative of the crew will be given the entry package of the boat and will acknowledge the receipt thereof with his/her signature. Otherwise the entry of the non-complying crew will be cancelled! Shortening and changing of the course is not allowed. This changes rules 32 and 33 of the Racing Rules of Sailing. 10. ABANDONMENT The organizing committee will not abandone the race even in the event of a storm, except when a relevant order is issued by the Water Police. The helmsman of each yacht is personally responsible for continuing or retiring from the race. 11. TIME LIMIT 12.1. Besides the general safety rules, strict safety rules for long-distance races are in force, namely: 12.1.1. All competing boats must have lifelines that meet the specifications of their building plans. If no lifeline has been prescribed by the building plan(s), in addition to life jackets, the use of a safety-harness with a carbine lock is compulsory for the crew working outside the cockpit when the strength of wind is above 10 knots. 12.1.2. It is compulsory for all competing boats to have one (or more) mobile phone(s) on board, which allow the crew to contact the race management, regatta office or rescue services in case of emergency situation. (The relevant phone numbers will be included in the Sailing Instructions.) 12.1.3. The competitors are obliged to permanently wear their preferably brightly coloured life jackets (or other personal flotation devices) which meet the relevant standards, depending on the storm signals issued by the Balaton storm warning station and the time of the day, in compliance with the following: 7. THE RACE COURSE 8.1. The scheduled starting time for all classes is 02 July 2015 at 09.00 hours. In case of a general recall, the scheduled time of the new warning signal for the repeated start will be at 09.50 hours. 8.2. Postponement of the start: The race organizing committee may postpone the start in case of stormy weather endangering the safety of the yachts or for other reasons. R I B B O N 8 . S TA R T I N G 1st grade 2nd grade (45 flashes per min)(90 flashes per min) Daytime (from sunrise to sunset) – Compulsory Compulsory Night (from sunset to sunrise) Recommended Compulsory Compulsory 12.1.4. The jury of the race will strictly monitor compliance with the Shipping Rules and especially the use of obligatory night illumination. Breach of these rules may lead to disqualification from the race. 12.1.5. Those racing boats obliged to use escorting motorboats under paragraph 3.1.4 of this Notice of Race are allowed to place the main anchors, fire extinguishers and punt poles required by their equipment lists on their escorting motorboats for the duration of the race. The escorting motorboats must be within a 100 m distance from the yachts during the entire race. 4 7 T H The route of the long-distance race is: Balatonfüred (start) – Balatonkenese – Siófok – Tihany Strait – Keszthely – Tihany Strait – Balatonfüred (finish). The distance (measured in beeline) is approx. 150 km. The exact course map indicating the starting and finishing line and the course marks (buoys) as well as the GPS coordinates will be included in the Sailing Instructions. Storm signal G R A N D 1 2 . S A F E T Y R E G U L AT I O N S 6.1. All information for the participants will be displayed on the official notice board, which will be put on the wall of the Regatta Office in the Balatonfüred Training Camp (8230 Balatonfüred, Zákonyi Ferenc u. 8.). Any possible changes in the Racing Rules will be displayed by 22.00 hours on Wednesday 01 July 2015 at the latest on the above-mentioned information board and in the Blue Ribbon Entry Tent. 6.2. The Race Management will hold competitors’ briefings at 19.00, 20.30 and 22.00 hours on Wednesday 01 July 2015 in the Blue Ribbon Entry Tent. 6.3. During the race – from the moment of the departure of the organisers’ boats from the port to the end of the race – all messages of the Race Management relating to the organization of the race, course setting, starting procedure and safety regulations will be transmitted in the assigned VHF navigation channels 78 and 18 (the transmitter working in channel 78 will cover the eastern basin and eastern part of the western basin of Lake Balaton, and the transmitter working in channel 18 will cover the western basin of Lake Balaton). P R I X Boats failing to finish within 48 hours after the start will be scored DNF without a hearing. This changes rules 35, A4 and A5. Á R K Á D 6 . I N F O R M AT I O N F O R T H E C O M P E T I T O R S A N D C O M P E T I T O R S’ BRIEFING 9. SHORTENING AND CHANGING OF THE COURSE – 5.3.1. On 24 June 2015 between 12.00 and 20.00 hours in the Head Office of the Hungarian Yachting Association, 1146 Budapest, Istvánmezei út 1–3. 5.3.2. Entry at the venue of the race in Balatonfüred: On 1 July 2015 between 11.00 and 22.00 hours in the Kékszalag (Blue Ribbon) tent. The organizers will not accept any entries after the above-mentioned date and time. No entry shall be accepted on the day of the race! 5.3.3. Basic entry fee: 9 000 (nine thousand) Hungarian Forints (HUF) per person. Entry fee for competitors born between 1 January 1997 and 31 December 2000: 4 500 (four thousand and five hundred) HUF. The competitors born on and after 1 January 2001 pay no entry fee. At the venue the entry fee can be paid either in cash or by a bank card. 8.3. The boats starting later than 30 minutes after the starting signal shall be scored as ”DNS” (did not start). No 3 B L U E 5.3. Preliminary entry (pre-registration) in Budapest 12.2. Other recommendations It is recommended for all boats to use a GPS device enabling them to determine and specify their exact position in case of emergency situation. VHF radio channel allocation: channel 78 and 18 – race-related information channel 16 – call for help. Use of Balatonhelp operated by the Water Rescue Services. 13. MOORING In the International Yacht Centre, the competing boats can have berths free of charge on the night before the race, if they can find free spaces. Vehicle parking spaces are not available in the training camp. 4 7 T H B L U E R I B B O N – Á R K Á D G R A N D P R I X 14. INSPECTION 14.1. After the finish the organizers will carry out a random inspection of the competing boats and will perform the following: 14.1.1. checking the presence of the safety equipment prescribed by the Safety Regulations and Shipping Regulations; 14.1.2. comparison of the number and names of the people present on the boat with those indicated in the entry forms; 14.1.3. presence of a license for displaying advertisements; 14.1.4. checking the consumption of alcohol and/or banned performance enhancers (dopping) by the competitors. 14.2. Any irregularities and divergence in the numbers and names of competitors, which have been revealed during the inspection shall be a subject for protest and may lead to expulsion from the race. 14.3. The organizers and the judges who will be present on the official control boats (with a label “47th Blue Ribbon”) at the buoys and other places, during the whole race, will strictly check the presence of the compulsory waist and shoulder safety harnesses, life jackets, which facilitate the movement of the crew on the board and ensure their safety in strong winds. 15. SCORING 15.1. Absolute scoring in order of arrival at the finishing line shall be used for all yachts that entered for the race and arrived at the finish. 15.2 All boat classes will be scored in the absolute order of their arrival at the finish line, and in the Yardstick or ORC groups and in the Combined Cruiser classes, Folkboat classes and Cruiser 25 Classe – on the basis of the corrected time in accordance with their handicap numbers. 15.3. In the Open Class the boats will be scored in the absolute finishing order. 15.4. Those boats choosing the ORC Scoring Group will not be scored in their own classes. 15.5. All boats – except for the boats belonging to Open Class – that entered for the race and arrived at the finish line would also be scored on the basis of the corrected time which will be calculated according to their own Yardstick numbers. 15.6. The traditional single-hull boats will also be scored separately, in the absolute finishing order. 4 16. PRIZES 16.1. The fastest boat which will beat the Blue Ribbon record time of 7 hours and 13 minutes (7:13:57) established by Fifty-Fifty in 2014 will be given the title “Holder of the Blue Ribbon Record”. 16.2. The absolute winning yacht shall be awarded the “Balaton Blue Ribbon for 2015” prize and the Ornamental Cup labeled “47th Blue Ribbon Grand Prix International Long Distance Races - 2015” as well as a commemorative plaque to be placed on the boat. The competitors of the absolute winning yacht shall be awarded medals. 16.3. The absolute 2nd–6th placed yachts will be awarded cups and commemorative plaques. The competitors of the absolute 2nd-10th placed boats shall be awarded medals. 16.4. The winning traditional single-hull boat shall be awarded the Ornamental Cup labeled “Winner of the 2015 Blue Ribbon International Long Distance Races in Traditional Single-Hull Boat Class” and a commemorative plaque. The competitors of the absolute winner traditional single-hull boat shall be awarded medals. 16.5. The absolute 2nd–6th placed traditional single-hull boats will be awarded cups. The competitors of the absolute 2nd-10th placed boats shall be awarded medals. 16.6. The winner of all classes which can be scored shall be awarded the Cup labeled “47th Blue Ribbon Grand Prix International Long Distance Races - 2015”, the competitors of the 1st-3rd placed boats shall be awarded medals. 16.7. The special prize “The most successful boat of the classic fleet” among the combined classes, the cruiser classes 70, 50, 40, 30, 22, the Europe 30 cruiser, the jolle 15 and Folkboat classes would be granted to the boat which first arrived at the finishing line in absolute order. 16.8. The special cup labeled “The best navigated boat of the 47th Blue Ribbon Grand Prix International Long Distance Races - 2015” shall be awarded to the boat which achieved the best corrected time calculated in the Yardstick handicap number system among all the boats arriving at the finish line (except for the open class). The 2nd-3rd placed boats scored in the YS system shall be awarded cups. The competitors of the 1st-3rd placed yachts shall be awarded medals. 16.9. The perpetual challenge prize founded in 1996 shall be awarded to the wooden boat built before 1945, which will first cross the buoy at Keszthely. 16.10. The “Evelyn Gordon Prize” named after the helmswoman of the boat which won the Blue Ribbon Races in 1940 and 1942 shall be given to the most successful helmswoman in the absolute scoring. 16.11. A special prize shall be awarded to the most successful boat among the boats operated by purely female crews, based on the absolute finishing order. 16.12. Special prizes shall be given to the youngest and the oldest competitor of the race. P R I X G R A N D The Hungarian Yachting Association is pleased to invite the participants of the regatta to the official reception to be held on Saturday 4 July 2015 at 20.00 hours in Balatonfüred. The program of the Blue Ribbon Festival connected to the Blue Ribbon Regatta will be published separately. All the competitors officially entering the race shall accept that photos and films may be made about the competition, the incoming and outgoing boats as well as the programs on the shore in which both the boats and the people on board can bee seen. These photos and footages – provided that they do not violate any privacy rights – can be used, disclosed, sold and forwarded to third parties by the organizers of the race without any restrictions. They also shall accept that during the entry procedure in Balatonfüred the security cameras may also take photos of them. The competitors entering the race and other participants expressly waive any subsequent relevant claim or claims for compensation. Á R K Á D 18. SOCIAL EVENT – The crews of the boats are fully responsible for their own safety during the events both on the land and in the water, and their responsibility is not limited by either this Notice of Race or the Sailing Instructions or by any other regulations. The responsible person and all the crew of a given boat shall decide for themselves whether they have sufficient qualification to participate in the competition under the given weather conditions. Leaving the port by boat confirms that both the boat and the crew are suitable to compete in the given weather conditions. Each boat is obliged to have a liability insurance of the prescribed value (HUF 5 million). The association, its employees, officials and delegates involved in the organization of the event will not accept any liability whatsoever for any personal injuries, casualties, fatalities or material damage connected with the race, with the participation in the race or which may occur during the race within the framework allowed by the relevant laws. The verification of the eligibility, certificates from sport physicians, insurance and observance of the safety regulations carried out by the organizers is aimed at ensuring a fair competition and does not exempt the participants from their own responsibility for complying with the relevant regulations. By signing the entry form, the responsible person of the boat declares that he/she is aware of the rules and regulations relating to the race and the water transport, he/she accepts them and he/she makes the people in his/her scope of responsibility acquainted with them and he/she will ensure that they will fully observe all these rules and regulations both on the land and in the water during the whole race. We wish you a good following wind! Organizers of the Race R I B B O N The prize giving ceremony is scheduled to be at 18.00 hours on Saturday 4 July 2015, at the open-air Kisfaludy Stage at the entrance of Balatonfüred Port. In order to ensure the undisturbed arrangement of the prize giving ceremony, the winners of the boat classes and the competitors winning the 2nd and 3rd prizes are requested by the organizers to occupy the area reserved for them in front of the stage by 17.45 hours. All the participants are asked to wear clothes appropriate to the occasion of the prize giving ceremony. B L U E 19. LIABILITY 4 7 T H 17. PRIZE GIVING CEREMONY
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