KREOA NEWS [email protected] V o lu me 1 , I s su e 3 N o v e mb e r 2 0 1 4 - Jan u a ry 2 0 1 5 530-589-2665 Daily visitors on the Ridge Photo by Jodi Vantine Inside this issue: HOLIDAY HARVEST Holiday Lights & Decorations Contest Entry Flier SAVE THESE DATES: Friday, December 13th and Saturday, December 14th, President’s Message 2 KREOA is sponsoring a “Holiday Harvest Food Drive.” All donations received from this food drive will be donated to The Oroville Rescue Mission. Safety Committee 2 October Yard Sale 3 Volunteering 3 Thanksgiving Dinner 4 New Year’s Eve Party 4 Donations of non-perishable food items should be brought in boxes or bags to the KREOA Food Drive “Donation Station” in the parking lot at the Lake Oroville Golf & Event Center between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on both Friday, December 13th and Saturday, December 14th. For more information, please call Marybeth Little at: 589-5147 or by email at: [email protected] MEMBERSHIP CARDS UPCOMING EVENTS December 13 & 14 - Holiday Harvest Food Drive December 15 - Holiday Lights & Decorations Contest December 18 - Awards & Tree Lighting Ceremony December 31 - New Year’s Party KREOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND COMMITTEES Marty Grant… President Open…………..….Architectural Gary Shoop… Vice President Joe Armor………...Safety Open ……….. Secretary Marybeth Little…...Special Events Susan Brown...Treasurer Open………………Nbrhd Quality Jodi Vantine……….Publisher There is a Board approved KREOA membership card waiting for you. Come to the Holiday program at the Events Center on Dec. 18th and pick up your card, showing you are a current paid member from a table hosted by the Board. What can you use your card for you ask...we are working on merchant discounts. The Kelly Ridge Golf and Tennis Club and Events Center is going to provide significant discounts for members in good standing. That includes swimming, golf, tennis, meals and events. As soon as negotiations are completed by our president and in writing, we will post the information on our web site (which we plan to update). We’re working on other discounts from local businesses also. Want to help round up more discounts and benefits? Call Marty with your ideas and help us grow the value of our card. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Fall weather has set in and we saw some of that wet stuff coming down from the sky...hooray! The Board has been hard at work planning events, meeting with residents, and preparing for the retirement of KREOA Bookkeeper, Linda. We will all miss her and the spirit she brought to KREOA, but understand her wish to retire and make room for other things to occupy her time. Please be prepared for receiving a form asking you personally what you would like to see and asking your feedback on what we are doing. Please take a few moments and fill it out. Answers will be compiled and the overall results shared with you in an upcoming newsletter. Meanwhile, don’t wait to let us know what you would like. Please email me with your ideas ([email protected]) . They will be shared with other members of the Board. Feedback from members so far is that most are pleased with the direction of the Board and the energy we are putting into our association. Please share your email contact information with us. It will be held strictly confidential, with only Board members and staff having access. That way we can stay in touch with you more frequently. We would like to encourage a friendly, supportive, safe, proud and beautiful neighborhood that people will want to make their home. Now, if we could just get that lake filled up again… If you, or someone you know is interested in serving on the Board and has expertise to help balance us out, please let us know. We are currently looking for someone who has expertise in architecture or building trades that could fill Fred’s place on the Board. Applications are available from the KREOA office. See you at our events during the holiday season… Marty Be a S.T.A.R.S. volunteer with Butte County Sheriff - 530-538-7820 for information SAFETY COMMITTEE We are all privileged to live in Kelly Ridge, a community blessed with natural beauty, the second largest lake in California, and wonderful people who want to enjoy life to the fullest. Compared to most other areas, we are fortunate to have a very low rate of major crimes. Unfortunately, the rate of lesser crimes seemed to be on the increase. These include, mail theft, vandalism, gas theft, and door to door/telephone/email scams. While the Butte County Sheriff is the first resort for addressing all criminal activity, the KREOA Safety Committee is committed to addressing our member’s safety concerns. We are working to implement various ideas to help combat this criminal activity and increase the safety of our residents. In several cases, these crimes are being committed by outside criminals who come into our community to take advantage of what they see as easy targets of opportunity. . A few ideas presently being discussed include: Establishing neighborhood watch groups and installing neighborhood watch signs Installing neighborhood security cameras Working collaboratively with the S.T.A.R. Sheriff community interaction and awareness. volunteers program and other KREOA committees to improve If you would like to volunteer to assist us, contact Joe Armor, Safety Committee Chairman. Page 2 Volume 1, Issue 3 YARD SALE CARAVAN A BIG SUCCESS ! Marybeth Little On Saturday, October 18, 2014, KREOA sponsored its first Yard Sale Caravan event. 25 KREOA homeowners hosted yard sales on their properties between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The streets of Kelly Ridge were packed with cars and hundreds of happy yard sale shoppers from as far away as Redding, Reno, Auburn and Fresno. We could hardly believe the excitement this event created far and wide. We could not have hoped for a better result! Our yard sale sellers reported excellent profits from their one-day yard sale. Many sellers also reported selling out of everything they had set out for sale. On average, our Yard Sale Caravan sellers made between $300.00 and $500.00...a few even reported as much as $700.00. We were also fortunate enough to have four S.T.A.R.S. officers in two sheriff’s cruisers patrolling all of the selling locations throughout Kelly Ridge from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Happily, the S.T.A.R.S. officers reported that there were no incidents relating to the Yard Sale Caravan activities throughout the entire day. We are eager to let KREOA members know that the Yard Sale Caravan event is only the first of more than a dozen KREOA supported events that will be presented to the Kelly Ridge neighborhood over the next 12 months. A variety of other KREOA sponsored events will be announced in future issues of the KREOA newsletter. One event that is already “in the works” for next April is the KREOA Yard Sale Extravaganza. It will be an even bigger, better version of our recent Yard Sale Caravan event. Watch for the details regarding this event in the February issue of this newsletter. All in all, the KREOA Yard Sale Caravan was a big hit with our membership, sellers and shoppers. We’d like to send out a big thank you to everyone who developed, supported and actively participated in this event. We’re hoping Many thanks to everyone who made charitable donations of useable items. ARC was stationed in the Dam Overlook parking lot for several hours to receive those items left from your yard sale. VOLUNTEERS help out with organization and administration of a Kelly Ridge Welcome Wagon program. A program planning meeting will take place in mid-January with a projected roll-out in late April or early May 2015. Contact Marybeth Little at: 589-5147 or email at: [email protected] KREOA NEWS Page 3 Come to the ridge for a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner Thursday, November 27 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. for $14.95 per person. LAKEVIEW RESTAURANT - call 589– 0774 for reservations NEW YEARS EVE PARTY COMING Right Here to Kelly Ridge - No Need to Drive Down the Hill Plan on coming to our New Year’s Gala at the Kelly Ridge Event Center. There will be live music, dancing, steak dinner, full service no host bar, and a corsage for the ladies who are early birds. Celebrate the New Year every hour on the hour with all the trimmings. This event is in cooperation with the owner of the Event Center. Call Marybeth at 589-5147 for reservations today. Who: KREOA members (at a special price) and their guests What: New Year’s Eve Gala Where: Kelly Ridge Event Center Time: 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. Price: $40 for members (and those in their party) in good standing who are early birds and complete their reservation by December 10th. $55 after December 10th, if space is available. RENTERS of member homeowner properties in Kelly Ridge Estates have a special price also. $50, if reservation complete by 12/10. $65 after 12/10, if space is available. UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS PERMIT NO. 68 A D D R E SS SE RV ICE RE QU E S TE D K e l l y R i d g e E st a te s O wn er s’ A ss o ci a ti on P . O . 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