Kensington Elementary School Judy Sanders, Principal March 26, 2015 Beginning the week of April 20, and continuing until mid-May, all public school students in grades 3-6 throughout the state of California will be participating in the Smarter Balanced Assessment Program (SBAC) testing. This is the second year of the computerized Common Core assessments, and this year’s test results will be reported to schools and families. The purpose of the SBAC tests will be to evaluate the students’ progress toward college and career readiness. In addition to these computer-based assessments, this year students in grade 5 will take a paper-pencil test focused on grade level science standards. Your child’s teacher will give you specific information about the test schedule for his/her classroom. During the testing dates for your child’s class, please be sure that your child arrives at school on time. Testing often begins first thing in the morning, and once the test has started, late students will not be allowed to enter the computer lab. Please do not schedule medical appointments during this time, and do what you can to make sure your child is not absent unnecessarily. Students who are well rested and have had a nourishing breakfast are more prepared for the demands of the tests, as are students who feel calm and relaxed. If your child’s teacher sends home suggestions for review and practice, encourage your child to take advantage of these opportunities. Remind your student of the importance of reading directions carefully and encourage him/her to do his/her best. Talking with your child about the test can help to relieve the anxiety often associated with test taking. Our students will be taking tests for the rest of their lives; help them to put this experience in perspective. Upcoming Dates to Remember: • April 6 - 10– Spring Break • April 15 – School Site Council – 6:30 – Faculty Room • April 17 – Art Night – 6:30-8:00 – MPR • April 20 – SBAC Testing begins • April 23 – Science Fair • May 1 – Coffee with the Principal • May 7– PTA meeting • May 9 – School carnival 7KHVSHOOLQJLVGRQHQRZPDNHHYHU\ZRUG FRXQW 6SHOOD7KRQ3OHGJHVDUH'XH$SULOUG 7ZRZD\VWRUHWXUQSOHGJHVGRQDWLRQV 5HWXUQFKHFNVSD\DEOHWR´.()µDQGSOHGJHVKHHWVWR WKHPDLQRIILFH DQGRU 2QOLQH:KDWFRXOGEHHDVLHU""*RWRZZZ NHQVLQJWRQKLOOWRSRUJVSHOOWRGRQDWHWRGD\ 4XHVWLRQV"&RQWDFWVGXG]LF#JPDLOFRP KENSI NGTON E D U C A T I O N FO UNDATION 90 H IG H LAND B O U L E V A R D K E N SI N G T O N CALI F 94708 5 1 0 - 2 3 1 - 1 4 1 5 KEF needs YOU! The Kensington Education Foundation is a volunteer parent run organization and we need parents to help us on the KEF board of directors. All types of skills are useful and fresh perspectives help our school to be more successful as we grow our programming and fundraising. Please consider giving some of your precious volunteer hours to KEF! Our most crucial need for the 2015-16 school year is a Human Resource Specialist KEF employs over 20 staff and we need someone with HR skills to join our team. If you are interested in learning more about the KEF board of directors, please contact Bhrett Lash at [email protected]. KHS PTA Announcement Help make our children’s days happier Volunteer for Yard Duty! Monday - Friday 11:30 - 12:50 There is no better way to learn more about your child’s day than participating at school, and Yard Duty is the perfect way to start! All relatives are welcome to join in! Adult presence on the yard is critical in ensuring the well-being of our children. We are looking for volunteers at any level, daily, weekly, or substitute. Sign up to help our children and community! We are looking for a Yard Duty Coordinator and volunteers for the yard. Ready to sign up? Have questions? Contact Megan Sherman at [email protected] or 510.528.8948. 2015 YEARBOOK! Don’t miss your chance! LAST WEEK TO GUARANTEE YOUR COPY! After this month yearbooks will be sold ҕUVWFRPHҕUVWVHUYHXQWLOVROGRXW Treasure the memories! The Kensington Hilltop School Yearbook featuring special moments from Kindergarten through grade 6. Just $30.00 per copy. Order online at Or You can also pay by check — make your check payable to ¢.()8SSHU*UDGH)XQG£DQGGURSLWRIILQWKHVFKRRORIҕFH Or Simply click on the big blue button on the right column of the Thursday Packet.
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