Kensington Elementary School Judy Sanders, Principal March 5, 2015 At the end of last week’s Parent Ed. Night, many parents requested more information about writing. The most frequently asked questions focused on how parents can help their children with writing at home. Your child’s teacher will likely have suggestions that are specific to your child and his/her grade level. My suggestions are more general; I hope you find them useful. • Children and adults benefit from talking about what they want to write about. Create a climate in your home that is filled with words – talk to your children about experiences that you share, places that you go, and things that interest them. If they have an assignment to write about something, let them talk it out first. Write down some of the key things that they say so that they will have a bank of words to use when they sit down to write. Let them think out loud before they try to put their ideas on paper. • Use writing to communicate with your children. Leave notes on their pillows or tucked in their lunch boxes. Ask them a question in writing, and ask them to leave the answer under your pillow or by the front door. Make it fun, and show them that writing is a tool for sharing ideas, not just a chore that we do for school. • When your children ask for help with writing, be as helpful as you can be. Help them figure out what they want to say. Resist the temptation to be critical, and instead delight in their ideas and praise their efforts. When your children share their writing, be primarily interested in the content, not the mechanics. • Encourage children to use writing for authentic communication. Suggest that they write for information about possible vacation destinations, ask them to make a shopping list for you, encourage them to write letters (or emails) to relatives or friends. If they have a complaint about something, suggest they write a letter communicating their thoughts. Writing for real purposes can be very rewarding, especially when a child gets a written response. • Become an active participant in your children’s education as writers. Just as you read to your children and let them see the pleasure you get from reading, so should you write with them and let them see you use writing as a tool for communication. Let them see you revise your writing; read your own writing to them and ask for suggestions about how you might make it better. Upcoming Dates to Remember: March 5 – PTA meeting – LCFF/LCAP and Common Core March 19 – Open House March 20 – Report cards distributed Get Involved—Join the PTA Board Nominees for 2015-2016 The Kensington Hilltop Elementary School PTA presents the following nominees for our 2015-2016 Officers: President: Kari Tindol Secretary: Julie Gantenbein Treasurer: Jenny Chan First Vice President, Carnival Chair: Yvonne Lau Second Vice President, Legislative Chair: Renee Rubin Ross Third Vice President, Room Parent Coordinator: Sherry Garcia Fourth Vice President, Communications Director: Megan Sherman Auditor: OPEN Historian: OPEN The following positions are appointed by the PTA President: Parliamentarian: OPEN Emergency Preparedness: David Kwett and Christina Pollock Hospitality: Sarah Schroeder & Jasmine Kroese Kenvue: OPEN Membership: Cheri Troxell Outdoor Classroom: Kate Verhoef Safe Routes to School: Leslie Reckler To find out more about how you can involved, contact the Nominating Committee: Andrea Tung, [email protected] Natasha Benjamin, [email protected] Jenny Chan, [email protected] KHS PTA Announcement March 2014 News from Outdoor Classroom Join us Sunday, March 8th from 9 - 12 Thank you to the volunteers who came to help weed and prune the school yard over the Presidents’ Week break. 8LI'EPMJSVRMETSTTMIWERHSXLIVWTVMRK¾S[IVWEVI starting to bloom and now we can enjoy the show! We’ll be working again this Sunday March 8th from 9 till noon if anyone wants to help. Thanks to the dozen or so 5th and 6th graders who volunteered to collect trash last Friday. Your stewardship is appreciated and it really makes a difference. Next month it’ll be the fourth graders’ turn and we look forward to a great turnout! Thank you to Room 5 for taking over the bird feeding station for the rest of the school year! Chickadees, towhees, and dark-eyed juncos have already been spotted there and with your help many more species will be coming by to enjoy their “smorgas-bird”! Finally, we’ve already begun working to make this year’s Carnival plant sale a big success. If you have any plant cuttings, divisions, or “pups”, pots of any shape and size, or decorative baskets that you could donate, please contact Kate at [email protected]. Thanks! Kate Verhoef, PTA Outdoor Classroom Chair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Healthy Habits include Be active—walk to school Eat healthy foods—mmmm, fruits & veggies Talk to loved ones about living long, healthy lives—manage blood pressure & stress ! The American Heart Association is gladly taking modest monetary donations—please return pledge sheets to your classroom teacher ASAP. 2015 YEARBOOK! Dont miss your chance! Deadline to guarantee your copy is 3/30/15 Treasure the memories! The Kensington Hilltop School Yearbook featuring special moments from Kindergarten through grade 6. Just $30.00 per copy. Order online at Or You can also pay by check — make your check payable to ¢.()8SSHU*UDGH)XQG£DQGGURSLWRIILQWKHVFKRRORIҕFH Or Simply click on the big blue button on the right column of the Thursday Packet.
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