.*,s$$J* t THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya I' (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) I Vol. CXV[-No.34 NAIROBI, 2nd April, 20Ls Price Sh.60 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZETTE The Commssions of Inquiry Act-A Commrssron of Inquiry to Inqure mto the Petition to Suspend the Makuenr County Govemment........ The Kenya Media Training College Act-Appoinhnent.. The Copyright Act-Declarafion of a Collecting Societies The Kenya Instiute of Curriculum Development 7N .. 740 Le gis lative Supplement Provrsronal 741-749 Certificates, erc The Bankrupicy Act-Recervrng Order and Creditors' Meeting............... The Application for Lrcences.................. Physrcal Planning Act-Completion DevelopmentPlurs of Appeals Tribunal Aca, 2013- Commencement.......... 750 34-The Public Finance Management 750 35-The Public Entities (State Organs).....-........ 750-151 (Natronal Government) Regulations, 2015........................ Finance Management (County Govemments) Regulations, 201 5 ................ ....- Part 751 ........ The Envronmental Management and Co-ordinatlon 32-The Tax PAcE 33-The Public Finance Management ActDeclaration of the National Govemment The Kenya Information ard Communrcations ActThe Companies Act-Intended Dlssolutlon, erc..................... LEGAL NoTICE No. 749 Co-operative Societies Act-Appomtrnent of Liquidaton/Cancel lations, etc........ The SUPPLEMENT Nos.3l,32 and 33 Act741 Act-Issue of '758-:159 '7q ... Appoinunent ....... Registration PAGE 756-'758 7q Court of Appeal-Faster Vacation, 2015................ The tand Norc ESIC o n t d.) PAGE Act- Environmental Impact Assessment Study Reports.......... SUPPLEMENTNo.34 '75tJ55 I-oss of Share Certificate................. 755 Closure of Roads and Footpaths..... 156 National Assemblv Bills, 2Ol5 PAGE The Warehouse Recerpts Systems Brll,2015.... l8l ltts I i i 7N 2nd April,2015 THE KENYA GAZETTE , qq4RIqPHD4, GAZETTENPTICENo. 2I20 I[Qaggue Ngticp, No. I 735 of 2Q 1 5, Ca$se, Nq" 2 3 af 2o 15, anu nd tk,. gp,tttiqq,E{F. q4Ep, printed r aq F,rednc\ Ewup. Na4rnga" tq, resd "qednqf q wirett{r$|+SaL' COURT OF APPEAL EASTER VAcATI0N, 20 I 5 THE Easter vacation shall commence on Thursday, the IN, Gazettf, lh\iqg, No. 9213 aad 9262'qf tZQl*t awen4,natt"s IDa, Qa$a' Wi+1t4 16 "D+. Q+++.,\pS-e. (lrtvpstmenqs) Lirrilp,d :tq .reqd q(Qqnqq+{g Liqfted". s \qse. Qqqup, "Jottqffler , rgod "Job4 Peter Mbogua" and,L.R, No. pr-in4(,as L.R. MhUS$+" 2o?l&?l' tq red L.R, 2o9ll 6035". ' IN$azetl+.\qqqe.No &p5& g of 2O14,amenl th mlCF, 26th March, 201 5 and ehall ,terminate on Tuesday, the l4th Aprrl, 2015 During the vacatlon, the Regrstry of the Court wlll be open to the public from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon on all weekdays except Pubhc Hohdays. A Judge will be in attendanc.e for the disposal ofany urgent busrqess. Dated the,24th March, 2015. t WILLY MUTUNGA, ChiefJustice. of IN.Qp"tte l'{ettge.No" 20tIof ,20I5, amendtlrc expression "issue a qgy,l4n{ titto. deed" ta read "opeiltg of a new regrster" where rt aFffiSIlt GAZErTENorcENo. 2121 THE KENYA MEDIA TRAINING COLLEGE ACT q+?,ry{FIJqTIq& Na. 2 I I e, (Cap.26l) THEqAMMISSIONS OF INQTJIRY ACT APPoINTMENT (Cap. tO2) IN EXERCISB of the powers conferred by section 9 (l) of the Kenya Medrcal Training College Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Health CoMMISSIoN oF INQUIRY 4iaa|(MlS${9N, ro INQUIRE INro rHE PETITIoN ro appointsANDERSON YERI KAZUNGU S{iSfEI'+N trTM MAKUENI COI.INTY. GOYERNMENT IN' E)(TBQIS,E r o{, th€ " poxers. conferred r by., section, 3, of r thq Uhuru (rnyatla, President and Cor,nm+:etCEs of , I4triry Act, Qop,mapdgr.;iq-Chryf pf the Defence Forces of the Republic of Kenya, do"direc[fu,cpraqiqqioners to hold an. inquiry with imrledrate effect. I . Tfe, tEpgS I, of, ref,erence to,be a,[qa{d,rnprnbpr of the Kenya Medical Tramrng College, for a perrod of three (3) years, wrth effect from l5th January,2015. Th'e appointmentofCaren Aoko Oyugi+, is revoked. thEq, mgujre into. allggptions in the Petition that the Qqyef+menfi, of Makueni' caapp1,flj6cfu ge its constitutional mandate; GAzE.f TFINSTIC F-No. 2 (No. t2 of200l) iq completely dysfunctional and DECLARATIoN oF A COLLECTING SOCIETY (d) recommend such legal or administrative measures as the Commiqsiqn rq4y deem necessary, and to report its findrngs a4d pecpppendations within six (6) months. I4,1he disghqrge of its mandate, the Commissron I?2 THE COPYRIGHT ACT County (c) perform any other task that the Commission may deem necessary in fulfilling the foregoing terms of reference. may- lN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 46 (2) of the Copyrrght Act, the Kenya Copyrrght Board declares the Performers Rights Soclety of Kenya to be a collectrng society for all relevant copyright owners for a period of one ( I ) year, wrth effect fiom the I st January. 201 5. Dated the 3rd March, 2015. TOM MSHINDI. (q) rpeive vrews from members of the pubhc and receive written a44/or, orel statements from any person with relevant informatron and (i) I Cabinet Secretary for Health. Mekueni Coun{' Qo,vef+gpnt, has irretrtevably ken down,lviththe.CoUnE Assembly operating as a parallel Goyernment rg, the County Govemment under the leadership of thq QQJernerl 2. 1 JAMES W. MACHARIA, shall be to: bro, (&) I Dated the l3th March, 2015. (c)i+g$4p in[o, the circumstanaes leading to the assertions in the h!{,9n, I Charrntan, Kenya Copyright Board. may- MARISELLAOUMA. use any prevlous reports rn the matter; t- Executive Director, Kenya Copynght Board. (ii) receive expert opinion in any relevant areas; (D) determine its rules of procedure and develop its own work plan; (c) pFhlinh iq rylps of procedure n t GAZEmE NoTIcE No. 2I23 THE COPYRIGHT ACT the Kenya Gazette; (d) sumfllan,fllly person or persons concemed to testrfy on oath and tq,ppdHf,e.alil,books, valuations or any other documents that thf; Sommlsslon maY require. (e) detemunq the hours and trmes and places for sittrngs; (fl hold the inquiry in public but may hold pnvate heartngs whenever it becomes necessary. 3. The CommiSiqn shall have all the powers necessary or expedient to effectively discharge its mandate, rncluding the power to requlre co-operation from public and state officers from Makueni County. (No. 12 oJ2O0l) DECLARATIoN OF A COLLECTING SOCIETY IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 46 (2) of the Copyrrght Act, the Kenya Copyright Board declares the Kenya Association of Music Producers to be a collecting society for all relevant copyright owners for a period of one (l) year, wlth effect from the I st January, 20 l5 Dated the 3rd March. 20 15. TOM MSHINDI, Charrman, Kenya Copyrtgltt Board. Dated the 6th March,2015. UHURU KENYAT-TA, President- Executrve MARISELLA OUMA, Drector, Kenva Copyright Board. J 2nd,{pril,20l5 741 THE.KEliI'TA'GhzgtITE GAzE'rrE NorrcE No. 2124 CFaBrtENdif Crtiqo. ' ,w.3,6f,2012) IssUe on e' Fft ovrsloNAL CERTTFTcAtE APPOhITMEN-f .JULIUS OUMA,JWAN (DR.) to lbe .the 'Eiroctor of ,the Kenya,Institute'dfrCufficulum tDevglopmddt for a rperiod of five (5) years, with effect from the l2th November, 20114. FETER BRASIUS KINYANJUI, Chairperson, rKenr-u Institute oJ C urriculum' Developmenr Councll. 'WHEREAS'SafibJl'W. Y'.ruruu, of 'P.o. Bcix lf[b, ttii in hr" Repildt ic' of kehlia,' is, regi$tcieh as prophetor in' te*Sthdft ' tritdiest ot ' thdi land contathinE' f/2'hectari' or' ihercabodts. U.t IHXE kl(nU\+h is \o. lbt$Hit,ruv 1956r?5, struere,wurfirr itruere,wjtnrn wui Wui Tbwri.ittrb,lh hdih Td+Bu lbt$Hit,Iuv '1956r?5, vtitue, tif ,a,cdhlffcute' 6f rt,etse, re'dilrerch.hs'clR. S*!7t.'UttU'Si'dro',i, srrfffdie[tqd$itfdlce txxtbtxrr ruhhficch, tu*lruw t [+Ittht \efikcehlfi cutie dtitcasbl htstu6uhltoh,,$6rtcb, is ltrrcn rt*lt,{frtrrtFetat}lFltfuh, tif"$iltty (6O).Uays:from ttre.date trereof. I.1't 11rgi11s-arptoililfUh{.t'LEitifielte'6f tltlerprt vibdb' that, ho objectibn hhs' bech'recilvcd'rrt1g15tffitipCtl6d. r Dateb the2nd Aptll, 2015 * tet MR 056#9 GJMEITE NoTICE,No. 2 I25 h(IT TiIEI LAN}f,.EdISMAhION II'HE.KENYA INSTIIIT.]:TE, OF CURRICULUM' DEVEL,OPMEh]IT ACT (No.4 of2o13) IN EXERCISE of,the powers conferred'by scction 14 of the,Kerrya Institute of Curnculum Development Act, 2013, the Coutrcll of '[he Kenya Instltute of Currticulum !Development appoints - I tts l.'c.vxNjdlir. stt d r ay'fi k t',Wbt*bh so €haET'tuNdffCEINb.4H9 ILAND REGISTRATITION ACT ' tfHst (No.3 of2ot2) l l'{r.l#kpdrsTRATroN AC,r ,dto.s,'ot4dt2l ISSUEiOF A'PROVISIONAL.CBRTIFICATE IIdUT-tB S,1{ERE.AS Emerald Villas Lrmrted, a Lmited,habihty company, of F.O Eox il,1866-'00400, Narrdbi un'the .Rqpublic df tKbnya,.is rqistered as prqpnotor.lessee of all that plece of land known as L.R. No. 209/10345/5, situate in the,city of Nairobi in the Nairobi Area,,by virtuc of a leas€ regr60ored as dR. 6982911, and whereas suffroisrit evidence has been adduced to show that the said'lease has been'lost, notioe 'is givon &rat dtcr rthe e4piratron of srxty (60)'duys 'from'ihe,date heroof, I shalil issue a provisronal cemificste of ti{Ie,provided rlhst no oblootixr lrras hwn rcceived wilhim dhatperriod. Ddcd &e 2Dd ,{iplt[, 20[5. ts IF AUIIEIIO, Regittror af titlet, Ndirdbi MRt7(}56566 dr ntPnovlCrtiiid r-(cihtlFlcntr wllEFEht turrudt w. Muflrfl{i.'drtP:o.iBb* rB0. vbi ih the Rdilldtic,df li$tlyh,rtsirbpltitereb as'prdpfietbr'inrleasehbld tnreteJt, dt 'hs'Nb. thHi ltdn8 sbilHlHlu nectur. .0. litrdreibouts, rRntiNh rl\, ls56l9T0, yltudre \r,itHh Vbi trohhshlD'rh Thlu ft\tdth:Di*ttjit, v titur bf h,iflttllf,fl tu,di le'*$a' ft HiSte fuL ab'ciR. zszlb, uilb SIBEa': blffi I r srlfiidrdltrd,i&Mb lxu. tuaen,u&8[laf, tto {how,trrht'trc'auft 'celillii[G df ldhrelhashfl*Ihlkilr,rttrttldt'ls Iil}dhlthut'[ftdr the'e]Elrdtidh of sixry ,(60) ddy6tfrdttrtlrc,[detnurodr,ti{Hdh'N$ub,htflfbviitOtr{rurtificate or ritle,provilted thdtrho dbjection,has'been'receivld *,i|i11'61tift/lU&. lDdrbt rthb ?ht Atpil t. rJd t3. rr.'o.V4{I,lfCfft. \iHimifrib GAZETTE No'ficE t Re gi t ffi r fj,fl ites.\ha$lio'". h+o. 2126 GMEfiIENCfiIIdEINO. 2h THE IAN{D R.EGISTR.AfiON ACT IssUE IHE EA|!D iRtEofs irtRiirtlON' {No.I of ?fr12) oF A Kou$oNAL C,ERTIFICATE April.20l5. MR/7056517 Re g rei ,Nb..!(d/20{2) WHEREAS Cerato Girovanm, of P.O. Box 1432, Malmdr rn the Rcpublic of Kcnya, is regisrcrcd as propnetor in *eesefuold n*ereg of that land known as No. 624l\{ambrui Chad€t No. 3, situale witha.n Malindr Municipality in Kilifi District, by vimre of a certiiEcarc cf lcasc r€glstercd as C,R. 3zl0l5/1, and whercas suffrcrentosidcncc hrs been adduced to show that dr€ sakf ccrtifrceb of lea.$ h.a,s bocn lost, notrcc is givcn that efter the erpiration ofsixty (6O) days &om itrc drrc hereof, I shall issue a prcvisionf,l certificatc of titk provklod ilut tro objection has been rcceived within that pcriod. Dated thc 2nd 5O J.G. WANJOHI. istrar o! Tit h s, llomhasa TsSIIIE{dFiA,NE+UUAN,b iI'ITIE,Bddb wl{ffiEts Dons A,&o O&ilb, sf P$. tsof .$..:sUrua, m.t" (oq,r tu rreg{crdrdit .ris Shofliiutdr'li' iustJruiq'or\,qJ*ttlp hfr€re$ of {M rpir:oe d tar*t,cuuulrtlrr! S:tl6 ittegtire 'dr {l'ldiiru6tts, sirde in 6e 6idfiior of klsur+tr, tnttgisteret U,i{* tile Nd. Kisd/Kao[e/50'fi6i {.d \sdH6r68 ,*ffrHtrt bvttld.tlci ilA} hh\ dnrend o $rov tur d* hd rifi. teid hdiflde,*r.hJdrhiat'Uidt' \6lq ndir is giwr {hd {frtfi {he expMoon \rf Vi*ry '(di) days hdm rtre date nepuulic of hcr€of. I sL.ll is$e a new ,Eide bc{r rcocived wtilltir th&pcriod. D{od ttc 2rrd Apiil }0t5 .deed provided ihat tio t#Jecttoh has MRrr054343 GAzErrE NoTrcE No. 2127 TT{E GilzErrENOncENO,2l3l LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRAITON (No.3 ofz0tZ) (No. IssUE oF PRovISIoNAL CERTIFICATES (l) Manfrcdi Manfredo and (2) Hay Maria Grazia, P.O. Box 1432, Malindi rn the Republic of Kenya, are of registered as proprietors in leasehold interest of that land known as Charlet No. 102 parcel 657 and 654/Mambrui, situatc within Malindi Munrcrpalrty in Kilifi District, by virtue of a ce(ificate of lease registered as C.R. 29820/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said certlficates of lease have been lost, notice rs given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue provisional certificates of title provrded that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd April,2015. ACI o/20t2) ISSUE oT A NEW LANDitlTT-E DEED WHEREAS both 3 WHEREAS Peter Obaye Mwando, of P.O. Box I, Matee in ihc Republic of Kcnya, is rtgistered as proprietor in absolute owneithip interest of that piecc of lend esot*ining l,4l hcctares ot thetcab&t, situate in the districl q{ [,]uin Girhu, regiete$d under titlc Ns. Uatttl ild wbcreas xlffieliill is$ed thqQaf her bftfl tpslt. qpuae +, EreQ +tr qtw'lhp erpfrdioo of six$ (60), @yn fi96 t6g 4e{Q, hF f4[. ! shellr nsqe a new title a'ed. providtif $at r'9 obigCtig,l. hm.Qf*. ryf"jyed within that periodt psrrd thru z.nd] ,xqr|l|.291-I, Gishu/Ngenytltl Spttleseflt Splend,52s, evidene fei Um iddmd $ rlow ihart *p hnd tib ddd [ $#mill' J. C. WANJOHI, MR/7056514 Re gislra r oJ Ti tle s, Mombasa. r!ffizpf*4lD ?,?'1, k : llt|ff,, r i -,'i rP fr tr h rlt.m& !' s 742 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAZEmE NOTICE No. 2I 32 2nd April,2015 No. 2136 GAZETTE NoTtCE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No.3 o/2012) ISSI.TE ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Kamau Ndatho, of P.O. Box 1914-30100, Eldoret the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in rn absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containrng 1.694 hectares or thereabout, srtuate in the drstrict of Uasin Gishu, regtstered under trtle No. Ngena/I\4egun Block 3 (Kimuri)/158, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereoi I shall issue a new title deed provrded hectares or thereabout, situate in the drstrict of Kakamega, registered under trtle No. Kakamega/Sango/1609, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is giyen that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new tide deed provrded that no objection has been received within that perrod. Dated the 2nd April,2015 that no objection has been received wrthin that period Dated the 2nd April' WHEREAS Francis Lugalia Mavisi, is registered as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of that prece of land containing L20 J. M. FUNDIA. 2015' E. J. KETER. Itt nd l||IR.17054449 Re g istrar, Ka ka me ga District. l,and Registrar, Uasut Gtshu Drstrrct MR/70521450 GAZEITE NoTICE No. 1 37 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT No. 2133 GAZETTE NoTICE 2 (No. 3 o/2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) ISSI.IE oF A ISST]E OF A NEw LAND TTTLE DEED WHEREAS Charles Muriuki Karenga, of P.O. Box 49, Mukurweini in the Republic of Kenya, ls reglstered as propnetor ln absolute ownership interest of that piece of land contarnrng 0.0825 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Nakuru, regrstered under title No. Bahati./Kabatinr Block l/10368, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provided that no obJectlon has been recerved wlthln that period. Dared rhe 2nd NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Waiya Gitau (ID/9815119), of P.O. Box 844, in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 2.02 Narvasha or thereabout, srtuate in the district of Naivasha, regrstered under title No. Kilabe/Kijabe Block 113296, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice rs given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof. I shall issue a new title deed provided hectares that no oblection has been received wrthin that penod. Dated the 2nd April,2015 J. Innd MRt7054474 April.20l5. Re B M. MWAURA, rstrar, N aiv as ha Drstrtc t. C. O. BIRUNDU. MR/7054491 lnnd Registrar, Nakuru Distnct GAZE.TTE NoTICE No. 2 GAZETTE NoTICE 2 I 38 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT I34 (No.3 o/2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ISSI-IE OF A (No.3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Fatuma Kanaga Yusuf, is registered as proprietor ln absolute ownershrp interest of that piece of land contarning 0 g hectare or thereabouts, sltuare tn the district of Kakamega, registered under trtle No. Butsotso/Shikotil1643, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no obJectron has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd Aprrl' No. 2015 the district of Naivasha, regtstered under tttle No. Naivasha/Mwrchiringiri Block 411578, and whereas suffictent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provrded that no objectron has been received withln that period. Dated the 2nd April,2015. S. J. MR/7056704 Iand Re M. FUNDIA, W. MUCHEMI, Land Registrar, Naivasha District MR/7056546 gistrar, Kakante ga District GAZET-IE NoTIcE GAzEmE NortcE No. 2135 No. 2I39 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20t2) (No.3 o/2012) ISSTJE OF IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED YiHEREAS Luka Kadima Wandeara, rs regrstered as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.36 hectare or thereabouts, situate in ilis j.i-"1-rict of Kakamega, regrstered under title No. SAVanga/Bukayall24l, uni ;"hereas sufficient P 'dence has been adduced to show that the land 1r1ls dged issued 'of has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration ot S^ixty -rys from the date hereof, "bjection NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS (l) Mary Wangu Chege, (2) Nduta Nlenga Waititu and (4) Wan;iku Wango, all of P.O. Box 1 I l, Kikuyu in the Republtc of Kenya, are reglstered as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land contarning 1.200 hectares or thereabout, sltuate in i shall rssue a new title deed provid6d has been recerved .vithin that period. he 2nd April.2015. period. Dated the 2nd "T- Llnd M. FUNDIA, Distri ct' Re g$trar, Kakn'ilr 8a A NEW LAND TI.ILE DEED WHEREAS Eunice Mukenyr (1D124301299), of P.O. Box 266220100, Nakuru ln the Republic ofKenya, ts registered as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of that Ptece of land containing 0.O429 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Naivasha, registered under title No. Miti Mingr/Ivlbaruk Block 5/1570 (Krungururia), and whereas sufficient evtdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the exprratton of sixty (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provided that no objectron has been received within that MR/7054438 April.20l5. S. W. MUCHEMI, Lan d Re gis trar, Naiv as ha Distric t. a- 743 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2nd April, 2015 No. GAZETTE NoTIcE GAZE-TTE NOTICE NO. 2 I4O 2 I 44 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 a/2012) (No. 3 o/2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Julia Wanjiru Njuguna (1D19324421), of P.O. Box 132, Kikuyu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.02165 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Naivasha, registered under title No. Miti Mingi/Miti Mingi Block 9/982 (Ndrun|, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that WHEREAS Abraham N3uguna Mbugua (1D13220977), of P.O. Box 2406{0202, Narrobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.035 hectare or thereabouts, situate rn the district of Kiambu, registered under title No. Githunguri/Githunguri/3486, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is grven that after the exprratron of sixty (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been recerved within that period. period. Dated the 2nd April,2015. Dated the 2nd April,2015. R. K. ltnd MR/705,1469 MARITIM, Registrar, Naivasha Distnct. GAzErrE NoTICE No. 214I W, N, MUGURO, Land Registrar, Kiambu District MR/?o54460 GAZETTENOTCENO.2I45 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No. 3 a/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Mbeke Munguti Mwakavi, of P.O. Box 1331-90100, Machakos in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor rn absolute ownership interest of that piece of land contarning 0.23 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the distnct of Machakos, registered under title No. Muputi/I(ima Kimwe/2893, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been recerved within that period. WHEREAS James Kinyanjui Gitimu, of P.O. Box 63123-00619, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.301 hectares or thcreahut, situate in the district of Kiambu, registered under title No. GithungurilKiaiial2l42, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice rs given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a n€w title deed provided that no obFction has been received wrthin that period. Dated the 2nd April.20l5. Dated the 2nd ltnd MR/7054407 G. M. NJOROGE, Registrar, Machakos Distnct GAZETrENoTIcENo.2I42 W. N. MUGURO, ktnd Registrar, Kiambu District. MxJ?054420 GAZE-I-IE NoTICE No. 2 146 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No. 3 a/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TI'TLE DEED WHEREAS Penina Waceke Gitahi (ID/28834O6), of P.O. Box 19, Machinery in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.045 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Nyandarua, registered under title No. Nya/Kipipiril23O7, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days fmm the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd April. 2015. v[Rn054472 April.20l5. ISST,E oF A NEw LAND fiTLE DEED WHEREAS Peter Njuguna Gitimu (ID/431O472), ot P.O. Box 63123-00619, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.301 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kiambu, registered under title No. Githunguri/Kiaiial2l43, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land tide deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objectron has been received within that period. . W. KARANJA, Land Registrar, Nyandarua/Samburu Distncts J. Dated the 2nd April,2015 W. N. MUGURO, I-and Registrar, Kiambu District MR/7054331 GAzE"rrE NcrncE No. 2143 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAzEmE NoTICE No. 2147 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) ISSTIE oF A WHEREAS Peter Kabindu Mukoma (1D1575O394), of P.O. Box 203-20300, Nyahururu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that plece of land containing 0.M0 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Nyandarua, registered under title No. Nyandarua,4rshau Mbuyu Block 2 (Karai)1842, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd April,2015. MR/7054486 Land (No. 3 a/2012) NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSI.JE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Peter Kibuika Njuguna, of P.O. Box 72-{0900, Kiambu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.035 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kiambu, registered under title No. Ndumberi/Riabai/4887, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new tide deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd April,2015. Re N. G. GATHAIYA, gis trar, Nyandarual Samburu Di stric ts. MR/7056543 ltnd K. G, NDEGWA, Registrar, Kiambu District THE KENYA GAZETTE 744 GAzE-mENorrcENo.2l48 2nd April, 2015 GAZETTENoTcENo.2l52 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No.3 a/2012) ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Giathi Kieya, of P.O. Box 70340217 , Limuru in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor rn absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.81 hectare or thereabouts, WHEREAS Benard Mwai Munene (ID/5388532), of P.O. Box 322, Sagana in the Repubhc of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.313 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kirinyaga, registered under title No. Kiine/Saganall6zl, and whereas sufficient evidencc has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued trereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratlon of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objecuon has been received within that penod. situate in the district of Krambu, registered under title No. Limuru/Bibinoni/2586, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. hereof, Dated the 2nd April' 2015 F. AKIN'I. Ltnd Registrar, Kiambu District. Mx.J'7054422 GAZE-TTE NoTIcE No. 2 I49 Dated the 2nd April' 2015' K. MUTHEE, Kirinyaga District. J. MR/7056539 Land Re gistrar, GAzEffE NOTCE NO. 2153 TIIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of 2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Esther Warrimu Njoroge (ID/0899133), of P.O. Box 167, Kiambu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of Iand containing 0.28 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kiambu, registered under title No. Githunguri/Gtthiga/2732, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Iss[TE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Jammy Wanyama Namurambi, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 26.0 acres or thereabout, situate in the district of Bungoma, title No. E. Bukusu/S. Kanduyi/85, and whereas sufFrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. registered under Dated the 2nd April' Dated the 2nd April, 201 5. W. N. MUGURO, Land Registrar, Kiambu District. MW7054420 c. o. .NGUTU, Land Registrar, BungomalMt. ELgon Districts. MR/7056538 GAZErIE NONCE NO. GAZE-|IE NOTICE NO. 2150 2015 21 54 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 a/2012) (No. 3 a/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Charles Gatu Kanyaga (ID13388764), of P.O. Box 9010300, Sagana in the Repubhc of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in WHEREAS Fwamba Fwaro Mbinga, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 13.5 acres or thereabout, situate in the district of Bungoma, registered under title No. E. Bukusu/S. Kanduyil99l, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. absolute ownership interest of that hectares or thereabout, situate piece of land containing 2.31 in the district of Kirinyaga, registered under title No. Kiine/Rukanga/l310, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objectron has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd April' 20 15 J K. MLTTHEE, Iand MRfl054496 GAZET-IE NoTIcE No. 21 5 Re gistrar, Kirinyaga District. Dated the 2nd April' NoTcE No. 2I55 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No.3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS James Muchiri Muriithi (lDllll70264), of P.O. Box 391, Kerugoya in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing O.202 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kirinyaga, registered under title No. Kabare,Njiku/1484, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notlce is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objectron has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd April' 2015' WHEREAS Noah Agawo Orata, (1D13326688), is registered as in absolute owncrship interest of that piece of land containrng 1.7 hectares or thereabout, sioate in the district of Homa Bay, registered under title No. West NyokaUKagandal449, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereol I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that proprietor period. Dated the 2nd APril' K. MUTHEE. Land Re gistrar, Kirinyaga District J. MR/7056579 p. K. 'IBUCHI, Land Registrar, BungomalMt. Elgon Districts. MR/7056538 GAZETTE I 2015' NrRt7056522 2015' v. K. LAMU, land Registrar, Honw Bay District. 2nd April, 2015 745 THEKENYA GAZETTE GAzErrE NorrcE No. 2156 GAzEmE NorrcE No. 2160 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No.3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Ministry of Agriculnre, of P.O. Box 71, Homa Bay in the Republic of Kenya, is rcgistered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piecc of land containing 8.20 hectares or thcreabout, situate in the district of Homa Bay, registercd under title No. Kanyada/K./Kalanyal4$9, and whereas suffrcicnt evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereoi I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Joseph Krmanr (ID/7802639) and (2) Irene Wangui Kimani (ID/9926100), both of P.O. Box 25048, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors in absolute ownership intcrest of that piece of land containing 0.095 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kajiado, registered under title No. Dated the 2nd April' 2015' WHEREAS NgongA.lgong/33949, and whercas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hcreoi I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. v. K. LAMU, MRi705442s (l) 2015' Dated the 2nd April' c. w. MUM., l,and Registrar, Homa Bay District. Land Registrar, Kajiado North District. MR/7056544 GAZErIE NoTIcE No. 2I57 GAzE"rrENoncENo. 2161 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No. 3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEW LANDTITLE DEED WHEREAS (l) Kimani W. Chege (ID/8383980) and (2) Kariuki ISSI.,E oF A J. Kimani (ID/8383981), both of P.O. Box 441-{02n6, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, are regislered as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 2.0 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kajiado, registered under tifle No. KajiadoiKitengelalz6l, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd April,2015. MR Dated the 2nd April,2015. I. N. KAMAU, Land Registrar, Kajiado District. 054485 GAzErrE NC/IICE No. 2158 MR T. M. OBAGA, Land Registrar, Narok District. 056524 GAzE'mE NcflcE No. 2 162 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No. 3 o/2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TI.TLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LANDTITLE DEED WHEREAS Joyce Nyawira Kagunda, of P.O. Box 48231, Nairobi of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute owncrship interest of that piece of land containing 0.53 hectare or thercabouts, situate in the disrict of Kajiado, registered under title No. Ngong/Ngong/14663, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after thc expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hercof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has bcen received within that pcriod. in NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Olparan ole Kasura (ID/d884651), of P.O. Box 22720500, Narok in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.07 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Narok, registered under title No. Cis-Mara/Ilmashariani-Morijofr54, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thcreof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. the Republic in WHEREAS Partetu ole Pesi (ID/9882749), of P.O. Box 40, Narok the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute owncrship interest of that piece of land containing ffi.62 hectares or thercabout, situate in the district of Narok, rcgistered under title No. Cis-Mara/Koiyaki-Dagurugurueti/1659, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd April,2015. Dated thc 2nd April. 201 5. C. M.GICHI.]KI, MR Land Registrar, Kajiado North District. 0s4396 GAzEmENoflcE No. 2159 T. M. OBAGA, Land Registrar, Narok District. MRn056524 GAzErrE NcrncE No. 2 1 63 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No.3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Joseph Njaaga Motamperia (ID/1354069), of P.O. Box 57512-O0200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land WHEREAS Mary Asungira Chekuku, of P.O. Box 354, Kapsabet in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.06 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Nandi, registered under trtle No. Nandi./Kamobo/352o, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. containing 0. I hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kajiado, registered under title No. Ngong/1.{gong/65318, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a ncw title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd April' 2015 Dated the 2nd April. 201 5. c. M. .ICHUKI, N[Rf1054432 Land Registrar, Kajiado North District MRn05443l E. A. ODERO, Land Registrar, Nandi District 746 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAzE'r-rE Nol'rcE No. 2164 2nd April, 2015 GAzErrE No'ncE No. 2 168 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of 2012) (No. 3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSTIE oF A WHEREAS Edward Kipkoske Chemursii, of P.O. Box 468, Kapsabet in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp lnterest of that piece of land containrng 5.04 hectares or thereabout, situate rn the district of Nandi, registered under title No. Nandi/IGmobo/4258, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land tille deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days ftom the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd Apnl,2015. WHEREAS (l) NEw LAND TITLE DEED Agnes Wainoi Ngure (ID/1880958) and (2) Irenc Nyokabi Kibom (ID/0985730), are registercd as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.458 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Thika, regisrcred undcr title No. Ruiru/Ruiru East Block 2/251, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd April. 201 5. E. A. ODERO, Land Registrar, Nandi District MRJ7054431 GAzErrE NoTIcE No. 2165 B. K, LEITICH, Innd Registrar, ThiLa District. MR/7056739 GAZE.TTE NoTIcE No. 2I69 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No. 3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Davrd Mmbwanga Muhndi, of IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED P.O. Box 23092- O0100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, rs reglstered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0 04 or thereabouts, situate rn the district of Sabatia, registered under title No. N/I\,laragolilLtsengehl952, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty hectare (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no oblection has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd Apnt.20l5. K MR/7054430 M. OKWARO. WHEREAS Sname Mbandi Kagai (ID/928ztOl4), is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.10 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Mbeere, registered under title No. Mbeti/Gachokall782, and whercas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd April' 2015' N. K. N'AGA, Land Registrar, Mbeere District. MR/7054414 Land Registrar, Sabatia Distrrct. GAzE-rrE NoTCE No. 2170 GAzEmENoTCENo.2l66 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No. 3 o/2012) ISSI.IE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Tuitoek Cheboi, of P.O. Box 43, Eldama Ravine in the Republic of Kenya, rs regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownership rnterest of that prece of land containing 38.0 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Koibatek, registered under title No. Banngo/Sabatia-103/158, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that perrod. Dated the 2nd WHEREAS James Mutemi Muthangya, of P.O. Box 293, Ruiru rn the Repubhc of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp interest of that plece of land contarning 0.06 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the drstrict of Mwingr, registered under title No. MwingVKanzanzul3562, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced trc show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce is given that after the explration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new tltle deed provided that no objection has been received wlthln that penod. Dated the 2nd April,2015. Apnl.20l5. J. N. O. ODHIAMBO. MW7054454 l-and Re gt strar, Ko i bo te k D istric t. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No 3 a/2012) ISSIJE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS John Titiya Kimoine, of P.O. Box 341, Krlgons in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership of that piece of land contarning 5.24O hectares or thercabout, in the district of Transmara, registered under title No Transmara/Kapune/11, and whereas sufficient evidence has been interest situate adduced to show that the land tltle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new tltle deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. 2015' WHEREAS Richard Muithi Mwikya, of P.O. Box 1382, Kitui in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as prcprietor in absolute ownershrp interest of that piece of land containing 8.8 hectares or in the district of Kitui, registered under title No. Yatta B2lKwa Yonzal24l, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. thereabout, situate Dated the 2nd April. 201 5. s. w. GITHINJI, MR/7056535 District GAZETTENoTICENo. 217I GAZETTENoTICENo 2167 Dated the 2nd Apnl' M. KANUA, I-and Regrstrar, Mwingi l,MR17056527 It n d Re gis trar, Transmara District F. M. - MR/7056525 Itnd MUTHUI, Registrar, Kitui District. 2nd April, 2015 747 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAzEmENoncENo.2172 GMETTENCflCENO. 2176 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND R.EGISTRATION ACT (No.3 a/2012) (No.3 of20l2) IssUE oF A NEw LANDT]TLE DEED REcoNsTRUC.floN oF LosT oR DESTRoYED LAND REOISTER WHEREAS Joseph Otwane Otwane, is registered as proprietor ln absolute ownership interest of that prece of land containing 10.85 hectares or thereabout, situate in the disfict of Busra, regrstered under title No. Bukhayo,/Lupida/1472, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. WHEREAS Agropack Limited, of P.O. Box 356, Nakuru rn the Republic of Kenya, is reglstered proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 25009. situate in Kiambu District, by virtue of a grant registered as I.R. 8487611, and whereas the land register in Dated the 20th February,2015. T. M. CHEPKWESI, BusialTeso Districts. MR/6901319 GAzEmE NcrncE No. 2173 Dated the 2nd April,2015. MR W. M. MUIGAI, Rc gi strar, Nai ro b i. Land 05.+,{00 GAzErrE NoIIcE No. 2 177 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 oJ20t2) (No.3 oJ2ol2) ISSTJE OF A NEW LANDTITLE DEED REcoNsTRUcl.IoN oF LosT oR DESTRoYED LANDREGISTER WHEREAS Moses Kaberi Kariuki, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land situate rn the district of Kwale, registored under title No. Kwale/Diani Complex/399, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall tssue a new title deed provided that no objection has been recerved within that period. Dated the 2nd April.20l5. i MR respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and whereas efforts made to locate the said land register have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereoi the property register shall be reconstructed under the provisions of seetion 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no oblection has been received within that period. C. K. NG'ETICH, Land Registrar, Kwale District. 056531 WHEREAS Fairways Royale Company Limited, of P.O. Box 1588, Sarit Cenre, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 209/19344, situate in the city of Nairobr, by virtue of a certficate of title registered as I.R. 125842, and whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and whereas efforts made to locate the said land register have farled, notice is given that after the expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the property register shall be reconstructed under the provisions of section 33 (5) of the Act, provrded that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd April. 2015. W. M. MUIGAI, Re gistrar, Nairobi. MR/7056548 Land GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 2174 TI{E LAND R,EGISTRATION ACT i I I i I I I I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT IssUE oF NEw LAND TTTLE DEEDS (No.3 oJ2Or2) WHEREAS Phoebe Adhiambo Muga (1D122722602), of P.O. Box 1285, Ukunda in the Republic of Kenya, is regstered as pmprietor in absolute ownership interest of those pieces of land situate in the district of Kwale, registered under title Nos. Kwale/Diani Complexil333 and 635, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deeds issued thereof have bcen lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, strall issue new title deeds provided that no objection has been recelved within that period. I Dated the 2nd April.20l5. C. T* GAzE-mE NoIIcE No. 2178 (No.3 a/2012) K. NG'ETTCH, Iand Registrar, Kwale District. MR/705.r415 RECONSTT,UCTON OF LOST OR DESTROYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Wambugu Ireri (deceased), of P.O. Box 607560020, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered pmprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 2O91ffi11628 @ng. 209l4/ol), situate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue of a grant registered as l.R. 3772011 , and whereas the land register rn respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and whereas efforts made to locate the said land register have failed, notice rs given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the property register shall be reconstructcd under the provisions of section 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no objection has been rcceived within that period. Dated the 2nd April.20l5. W. M. MR land 056743 Re MI]IGAI, gi s trar, Nair ob i. GAzErrE NcrncE No. 2175 TIIE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAzErm NorrcE No. 2179 (No.3 of2ol2) [l I i ; T}IE LAND REGISTRATION ACT REcoNs.tRUcToN oFLoST oR DESTRoYED LAND REaISTR WHEREAS Treadsetters Tyres Limited, of (No.3 of2ol2) P.O. Box 45242- 00 100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered proprietor of an estate in fee simple of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 336/69 (orig. 336lan), situate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue of a conveyance registered in Vol. N 58 folio 27O, and whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and whereas efforts made to locate the said land register have failed, notice is given that after the r expintion of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the property register ) shall be rcconstructed under the provisions of scction 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no objection has been rcceivcd wrthin that period. I I I ti t Dated the 2nd MRn03t45E furil,2015. W.M.MUIGAI. Land Ra4istrar, Nairobi. RECoNSTRUCTIoN oF A DEEDFILE WHEREAS Susan Akinyi Wakiaga, of P.O. Box 3019-O0l0O, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered proprietor lessee of all that prece of land known as L.R. No. 1O9TO83, situat€ in the city of Nairobi, by vrmre of a grant registered as l.R. 2326211, and whereas the deed file in respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and whcreas efforts made to locate the said deed file have faile4 notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from he date hereoi the deed frle shall be reconstructed under the provisions of section 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd April,2015. W. M. M{JIGAI, MRfiA56T4L Land Rc gisnar, I$airob i. 748 THEKENYA GAZETTE 2nd April, 2015 earlier to the said Lilian Wambui Macua (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. GAzE-rrE NoTCE No. 2180 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Dated the 2nd (No.3 of20r2) April.20l4. W. N. MUGURO, RECONSTRUCTION OF LOST OR DESTROYED LAND REGISTER Iand Registrar, Kiambu District. MR/7056516 WHEREAS Agnes Wairimu Kanyi, of P.O. Box'75719, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered proprietor in fee simple of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 7413, sifiate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue of a conveyance registered as rn Vol. N 39 Folio 52, and whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and whereas efforts made to locate the said land register have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the property register shall be reconstructed under the provisions of section 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 2nd April,2015. W. M. MUIGAI, Land Registrar, Nairobi MR/7054498 GAzE-rrE NoTIcE No, 2 I 8 1 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 oJ2Ol2) OPENING oF A NEw REGISTER WHEREAS Peter Lekerian ole Kepaeka (IDll11274a9), of P.O. Box 53441, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 16 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kajiado, registered under title No. Kjd/I-oodariaUl203, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land register issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall open a new land register provided that no objection has been received wlthin that period. Dated the 2nd April' GAZE.I-TE NoTcE No. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) REGISTRATION OF INSTRI.JMENT WI{EREAS Waithaka s/o Kamau (deceascd), is registered as proprietor of that piece of land containing 1.30 hectares or therabout, known as Kiambaa/Thimbiguall374, situatc in the district of Kiambu, and whereas the Chief Magistrarc's Court of Kenya at Kiambu in succession cause No. 130 of 2003 has issued grant of letters of administration to Stephen Kamau Wainaina, and whercas the land title dced issued earlier to the said Waithaka s/o Kamau (deceased) in respect of the said piece of land by the land rcgistrar has becn reported missing or lost, notice is given ttrat after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has becn received within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed wrth rcgistration of the said instrument of R.L. 19 and R.L. 7, and upon such registration thc land title deed issued earlier to the said Waithaka s/o Kamau (deceased), shall be dccmed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 2nd April,2015. K.G. NDEGWA, Land Registrar, Kiambu District. I,MPJ7054r'.22 GAzErrE NorcE No. 2l 85 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT 2015' (No.3 of2ol2) R. K. KALAMA, REGISTR ATION OF INSTRUMENT l.and Registrar, Kajiado North District. MR/7054409 WHEREAS Andrew Mburu Mungai (deceascd), is registercd as of that piece of land containing 3.345 hcctares or thcreabout, known as Nyandarua/Ikhuruf2'1ffi, situate in thc district of Nyandarua, and whereas the scnior resident magistratc's court at Engincer in succession cause No. 65 of ?113, has issued grant of letters of administration to (1) George Nganga Mburu (1D124949485) and (2) Ndinguri John Mungai (ID/14418710), and whereas the land title deed issued earlier to the said Andrcw Mburu Mungai (deceased) has been reported missing or lost, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provid€d no valid objection has becn received within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land titlc deed and proceed with registration of the said instrument of R.L. 19 and R.L. 7, and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Andrcw Mburu Mungai (deceascd), shall be deemcd to be cancelled and of no proprietor GAzE.mE NoTIcE No. 2182 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) Loss oFGREENCARD WHEREAS Bakari Abdalla Mwawasaa, of P.O. Box 299,Kwale in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of that piece of land known as Kwale/Shimoni/184, situate in the district of Kwale, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the green card issued thereof is lost and efforts to trace it ln the office have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, provided that no valid objection has been received within that period, I shall issue a new green card. Dated the 2nd 21 84 April.20l5. C. K. NG'ETICH, effect. J. Land Registrar, Kwale District. MR/7056521 MW'l054462 GAZE-TTE NoTICE *l Dated the 2nd April,2014. Land Re gistrar, W. KARANJA, Nyandarual Samburu Districts. No. 2I83 GAZETTE NoTICE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT =l No. 2I 86 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2ot2) (No.3 of2ot2) REGISTRATIoN oF INSTR I,,MENT REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRI,MENT WHEREAS Lilian Wambui Macua (deceased), is registercd as proprietor of that piece of land containing l.4l hectarcs or therEabut, known as Kiambaa,tKihara/1345, situate in the district of Kiambu, and whereas the chief magistrate's court at Kiambu in succession cause No. 375 of 2009, has issued grant of letters of administration to Lucy Mbaire Machua, and whereas the land title deed issued earlier to the said Lilian Wambui Macua (deceased) has been reported missing or lost, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend !o dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with registration of the said instrument of R.L. 19 and R.L. 7, and upon such registration the land title deed issued WI{EREAS Grace Ncekei Kiara (deceased), is registered as proprietor of that piece of land known as Abogeta./U-Kithangari/1664, situatc in the district of Mcru, and whereas the High Court in succession causc No. 337 of 2011, has issued grant of letters of administration and certificate of confirmation of grant in favour of Florence Ngeta Miriti, and whereas the said court has exccuted iul application to be registercd as proprietor by transmission R.L. 19, and whereas the title deed in respect ofthe said piece ofland is lost, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title I I I I I I I t I 2nd April,2015 deed and proceed with regrstration of the said application to be registered as proprietor by transmission of R.L. 19 rn the name of Florence Ngeta Miriti, and upon such registratron the land title deed issued earlier to ihe said Grace Ncekei Kiara (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 2nd April.2014. H. S. W. MUSUMIAH, Iand Registrar, Meru District. MR/7056504 Court.-HighCourt of Kenya at Mihmani. Date of order.-6th March, 2015. Cause Whe (No.3 of20r2) RECISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT 2014 L. K. MUGUTI, Land Regstrar, Makueni District. MR/7056532 Date oJ ue. 2I88 c re d itor -Sbeia s' me e tin g. -30th May, 20 I 5 House, Ground Floor Deputy Official Recewer 2I90 GAzE.mE NoTICE No. THEBANKRUPTCY ACT (Cap.53) RECEIVING ORDER AND CREDIToRS. MEETING (Under Rule 145 ofthe Bankruptcy Rules) De btor' s name. Addres -Kimweli Malombe. s.-P.O. Box I 4 17 -90200, Kitui. D e s c ription. -Businessman. Date of fling petition.-lDrh February,2015. Court.-High Court of Kenya Date oJ order. at Milimani. February, 20 I 5. -27th No.-5 of 2015 ther debtor's or creditor's petition. -Debtor's petition. Act or acts of bankruptcy.-Inability to pay debts. Whe THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (Cap.53) Date of creditors' meeting.-2lth April,2015. REcEIvINc ORDER AND CREDIToRS, MEETING (Under Rule 145 oJthe Bankruptcy Rules) De btor's narze. -Sureshbhai Ranchod Sodha. Addre ss. -P.O. Box 45 I 2G{0500, Nairobi. i bankruptcy.-Inability to pay debts. lnst day of filmg proof of debtforms -29th May,2015. Dated the l lth March. 2015. MARKGAKURU, Cause GAzE.mE NoTIcE No. btor's or c redfior's petilion.-Debtot's petition trRJ7054437 WHEREAS Wambua Kyalo Mulinga (deceased), is registered as proprietor of that piece of land known as Kathonzweni/Thavu/554, situate in the district of Kathonzweni, and whereas the principal magistrate's court at Makueni in succession cause No. 4 of 2014, has issued grant of letters of administration and confirmation to Nthenya Wambua Kyalo, and whereas the land title deed issued earlier to the said Wambua Kyalo Mulinga (deceased) has been reported missing or lost, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with registration of the said instruments of administration and confirmation, and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Wambua Kyalo Mulinga (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 2nd April' de Time.-2.30.p.m. 21 87 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT |' No.-2 of 2015. ther Act or acts of Ve n GAzE'rrE NcrncE No. 749 THE KENYA GAZETTE Venue. - Sheria House, Ground Floor Time.-2.30. p.m. Inst day of filing proof of debtJonns.-24th April,20l5. Dated the I lth March. 2015 MARKGAKURU, D e s c r ip tio n. -Businessman. Date of filing petition.-7th January,20l5. ] De p uty Ofic MRt705443'7 ial Re c e iv e r. Court.-High Court of Kenya at Milimani. GAzEmENorrcENo. 2191 Date of order.-20th February,2015. lI Cause No.-1 of2015. Whe t he I r de Act or acts bto r' s oJ o r cre dito r' s p e titio n. -Debtor's bankruptcy.-lnability to pay debts. Date of first creditors' meeting.-2Oth Venue. RECEIVING ORDER AND CREDIToRS, MEETING April,20l5. (Under Rule 145 ofthe Bankruptcy Rules) Debtor's name.-Hamisi Ali Kote. -Sheia House, Ground Floor. Addre ss.-P.O. Box 2l Time.-2.30.p.m. - THEBANKRUPTCY ACT (Cap.53) petition. Last day offiling proof ofdebt forms. - I 8th April, 201 5. MARK GAKURU, Dep uty Oficial Re c e iv e r. 21 89 (Cap.53) RECEIVING ORDER AND CREDIToRS, MEETING (Under Rule 145 ofthe Bankruptcy Rules) btor's name. - Ashw inkumar Ranchodas Sodha. Address.-P.O. Box 45 I 264050O, Nairobi. -7 pe tit ion. - 19th February, 20 1 5. Date of order.-27th February,2015. No.-8 of2015. th l^nnary, 2015. petition.-Debtor's petition. Act or acts of bankruptcy.-Inability to pay debts. Date of creditors' meetrng.-2l\h April,2015. Ve nue. -Sheria House, Ground Floor. Time.-2.3O.p.m lnst day offilrng proof of debtforms.-24th April,20l5. Dated the l lth March.2015. De s c rip tio n. -Businessman. Date oJ filing petition. -O0606, Nairobi. Whether debtor's or creditor's THE BANKRUPTCY ACT De 8 I Businessman. Court.-HighCourt of Kenya at Milimanr. Cause GAzEffE NorrcE No. - Date of fi ling Dated the I lth March, 2015. MN105M37 De sc r iptio n. MARK GAKURU, MN705443'7 De p uty Ofic ial Re c e iv er. 750 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAZETTE NoTCE No. 2I 92 GAZETTE NoTIcE 2nd April,2015 No. 2194 THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT THE KENYA INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ACT (Cap. 490) (Cap.4llA) APPoINTMENT OF LIQI.IDAToRS/CANCELLATIoNS WHEREAS I am of the opinron that the followrng Co-operative Societies should be dissolved pursuant to section 62 of the Cooperativc Societies Act, I cancel the registration of these cooperative societies and order that they be liquidated and take notice that the order shall take effect immediately. of the Societres may within (30) days from the date of this Order appeal to the Cabinet Secretary for Industrialisation and Enterprise Development against the cancellation order. Any membe(s) And further, pursuant to section 65, I appoint the following officers to be liquidators for a period of not exceeding I (one) year and authorize them to take into their custody all prop€rtres and documents ofthe said societies including such books anddocuments as are deemednecessaryforcompletion of the liquidation. Name oJ Society CSlNo. Hisa Sacco Sociery Limite< 11470 Liquidator/Address. Jane Ngaruiya (Mrs.), P.O Box 30202. Nairobi Kandara F.C.S. Limited 330 Posta Investments, Co- 8494 Antony M. Waithaka, P.O Box 126. Murane'a Raphael Maseki, P.O. Bor 8827 NOTICE is grven that the following applicants have, pursuant to the provisions of the Kenya Information and Communications Act, made applications to the Communrcations Commission of Kenya for the grant of licenses as appears against their respective names. Name and Address Meru Shuttle Lrmited, P.O. 0200, Nairobi Box1883- National Cargo Services Limited, Box 61 70,6-00100, Nairobi P.O. Intra country postal/courier Regional postal /courier The reason for the grant of the hcense is to enable the applicants to operate and provide Postal/Courier and Network Systems and Scrvices as indicated above. The grant of the licenses may affect public and local authorities, companies, persons or bodies of persons within the country. Any public or local authority, company, person or body of persons desirous of making any rcpresentation on or objection to the grant of the licenses as aforesaid must do so by letter addressed to the Director- Sarah Wangeci (Mrs.), P.O Box 639-00900, Kiambu such representation or objection. Dated the 20th March,2015. Commissioner for MUSYIMI, I GAZETTE NoTIcE No. THE COMPANIES ACT (CaP. 49O) (Cap.486) APPoINTMENT oF LIQI.nDAToRS INTEI.IDED DISSoLTmoN (Extension Order) PURSUANT to section 339 (3) of thc Companies Act, it is notified that at the expiraton of three (3) months fromthe date the register of FOLLOWING non-completion of the liquidation exercise for the underhsted Co-operative Societies within the spec.ified period, it has been deemed necessary that the same be extended: Number NameofCompany Name oJSociety c Al-Mumtaz Polyhene Limited AIken Dcvelopers Limited Afrihant Wholesalers Limited Brij Holdings Limited Coochy Company Limited Cousin Service Station Limited Darshill Hardware (Kericho) Limited Dola Trading Company Limited Eva Model Limited Executive Air Services Limited Executive Jet Services Limited East Kenya Bottlers Limited Farmer Market Services Limited Goldcn Crust Limited Galu Beach Hotels Limited Hedgers Limited Honey Comb food Industries Limited Imaging Solution (Kenya) Limited Inland Chemical Industries Limited Joba Driving School Limited Kirkdale Limited Kirichwa Limited Kipctro Limitod Megatrome Limited Mio Gemoro Limited Mocoh Petroleum Limited Nanak Enterprises Works Limited Nonyo Investrnent Company Limited Nomic Capital Limited Norlake Investments Limited CS/No. LiquidatorlAddress Eltex Sacco Socicty Limite< 2699 Bookies Sacco Society 2886 Limited fi45 Resort Kenya Sacco Society 466r 280 10550 George Ogaloh, P.O. Box 1609, Nakuru 9330 Teresia Ngari (Mrs.), P.O Box 30202, Nakuru ml3 Mary Olendo (Mrs.), P.O. Box 30202, Nakuru Samwel Wambugu, P.O. Box 84. Eldoret Stephen Kihanya, P.O. Box 30202, Nairobi N. M. Omari, P.O. Box 57321 17. Naivasha Limited Igembe F.C.S. Limited 412 2tt4 Ulinzi Sacco Society Limited Kenton Kijabc Hill F.C.S 1499 Limited Dated the 20th March,2015. L. M. MUSYIMI, Co-operative Developmcnt. P. MRnO544t'7 Commissioner for { { t { I ,1 I 1 i companies and the company shall be dissolved. c c c c c c c c c c c 99908 127949 91466 120t27 167870 4366r 125980 154283 14632 32877 18526 18254 cPR/20t Limited Uchaguzi Sacco Society John Chrys Otieno, P.O. Bo) 84. Eldoret Esther N. Onchieku (Ms.), P.O. Box 30202, Nairobi James M. Muli, P.O. Box 90333. Mombasa Messrs. Rosaline Mwithiga, P.O. Box 30202, Nairobi Philips A. K'Oremo, P.O. Box 40811, Nairobi. I 2 I 95 THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT Limited Trident Sacco Society Limited Nairobi Railways Consumer Co-operative Society Limitcd Nakuru Milele Sacco Socic8 Limited I FRANCIS W. WANGUSI, Director-Gcneral. Co-operative Development. GAzE'mE NoTrcE No. 2193 Hewani Sacco Society 1 Dated the 30th March,2015. P. L. M, MR/70544t 7 Ucense Category General, Communications Authority of Kenya, Waiyaki Way, P.O. Box 14448-{080O, Nairobi indicating the License Category on the outside of the cover enclosing it on or before expiry of thirty (30) days from the date of this notice and must forward to the applicant a copy of zt08l I . Nairobi ooerative Societv Ltd. Numa F.C.S. Limited APPUCA.T'IoN FoR LICENSES c 4/1 6 198 I 50601 c34235 c c 168496 110078 c207 cPR/2014/130t l6 c99724 c 7288 c l58st3 c r09390 c c 91379 160223 c86922 c 50051 c 145172 145330 51773 c c a + GAzEmENcflcENo. 2198 Number Name ofCompany c Pram Construction Company 87601 cPw2ot4lt46750 c 159172 cPR/2014/1301 THE PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT llimited Relax Refl exology Limited Sahani Na Vituu Limited Super Springs Enterprises Lrmrted Universal Plaza Limited Yannis Enterprises Limrted cPN2010t3326't cPR/2013/l 00743 l6 (Cap.286) CoMPLETIoN oF DEVELoPMENT PLANS (PDP No. Rl6312015l01 for Narok local Physical Development Plan) NOTICE is given that the above-mentioned part development plan l5th February,20l5 completed. was on Dated the 25th March, 2015. for GAzE'rrE NcracE No. 21 751 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2nd April, 2015 Re gis trar H. NYOKABI, of Compan ies. The part development plan relates to land situated within Narok Township, Narok County. Copies of the part development plan has been deposited for public inspection at the offices of the County Physical Planning Offrcer, Narok, County Commissioner, Narok, Chief, Townshrp Location and Director of Physical Planning, Ardhi House, Nairobi. 96 KYALUNGULU LIMITED COMPANY The copies so deposited are available for inspection free of charge Planning by all persons intcrested at offices of County Physrcal (Company No. C 103096) Officer, Narok, County Commrssioner, Narok, Chref, Township location and Director of Physical Planning, Ardhr House, Nairobi, EXTRAoRDINARY GENERAL MEETING between the hours of 8.00 a.m. to 5.(X) p.m. Monday to Friday. NOTICE is given that an extraordinary general meeting of the company will be held at Parkside Towers, on 7th May, 2Ol5 at 2.N p.m. to consider and if found fit, apprcve the following matters: "To consider the liquidator's account on how the winding-up of the company has been conducted and how any property of the company was disposed off: Note.-A member is entitled to appoint another person as his proxy to exercise all or any of his rights to attend and to speak and vote at the meeting. A proxy need not be a member of the company. Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in connection with or objection to the above-named part development plan may send such rcpresentations or objections in writing to be received by the Director of Physical Planning, P.O. Box 45025, Nairobi and the Chief Officcr, Physical and Ufuan Development, P.O. Box 753, Narok, within sixty (60) days from the date of publication of this notice and such rcpresentation or objection shall state the grounds on which it is made. Dated the 17th March,2015. L. K. KIENI, for Director of Physrcal Planning MR/7054488 ROBERT MBUGUA, MR Liquidator. 056715 GAzE'rrE NoncE No. 21 99 THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND CO-ORDINATION ACT GAZET.IE NoTcE No. 2I97 (No. 8 of 1999) THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT THE PI{YSICAL PLANNING ACT AUTHORITY (Cap.286\ E}WIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT - RONGAI 4OOKV TRANSMISSION LINE IN NAKURU COUNTY FOR THE PROPOSED MENENGAI CoMPLETIoN oF PART DEVEI0PMENT PI.ANS (PDP No. CKN222| l4l0l for Etisting Sites for Kibirigwi lrrigation Farmers Co-operative Society Limited and Asnstant County Commissioners ofice) INVITATIoN oF PUBUC COMMENTS NOTICE is given that the above-mentioned part development plans were on 2lst October, 2014, completed. The part development plans relate to land situated within above prcposed project. the Kirinyaga County. Copies of PURSUANT to regulation 21 of the Environmental Management and Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003. the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has receivcd an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the The hoponent (Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limircd) is pmposing to construct, own and opemtea 4O0kV electricity the part development plans have been deposited for transmission line from Menengai to Rongai Nakuru County. public inspection at the offices of the County Physical Planning Officer, Kirinyaga, County Commissioner, Kirinyaga Central and The proposed transmission line will traverse Rongai sub-county from Menengai crater through Ol-Rongai, Makutano, Kampi ya Moto, Deputy Commissioner, Kirinyaga West. kngenet to Salgaa in Rongai location. The copies so deposited are available for inspection free of charge by all persons interested at offrces of County Physical Planning of the Officer, Kirinyaga, County Commissioner, Kirinyaga Central Deputy Commissioner, Kirinyaga West, between the hours of and 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday. The following are the anticipated impacs and proposed mitigation measures: Any intrer€sted person who wishes to make any representation in connection with or objection to the above-named part development plans may scnd such reprcsentations or objections in writing to be rcceived by the County Physical Planning Officer, P.O. Box 483, Kcrugoya, within sixty (60) days from the date of publication of this notice and such reprcsentation or objection shall state the grounds on which it is made. Dated the 23rd March,2015. Impacts Tenestrial habitat alteration for Director oJ Physic-al Planaing. Mitigation measures . Rc-vegetation of disturbcd areas with native plant specles. . Undertake selective clearance by removing tall woody species leaving saplings, for quick regeneration of vegetation along the way-leave. Noise and vibration W. L. LOKA, MR17056502 The scope covered various activities related to; construction works proposed development which included ground preparation, construction of the 400/33kV substations and 400Kv electrical transmission line; operation; and decommissioning. . Sensitise the rr,orkforce and truck drivers on issucs of cquipment mainlenance. Supenvise construction traffic, maintain plant and equipnrnt, 2nd April, 2015 THE KENYA GAZETTE 752 undertake construction only during the of the neighbours, workers to wear ear plugs, muffs as part of the personal protective gear. . Risk of fire daytime for peace to slow progr€ss firefighting access. . Regular maintenance of site equipment. Risk of leaks or spills Investigate the possibility of catalytic Enforce speed limits for construction vehicles during construction, design a fire Electrocution from power lines live . A live power distribution lines beforc rvork is performed on, or in close proximity, to the lines. Ensuring that live-wire work Workers should not approach exposed energircd even terrain during the transportation of using alternative routes or use light vehicles whcre appropriate. soil erosion and safeguard with local in the area to complement natural vegetation Re-plant degraded areas species common regeneration to improve ground cove. Air Pollution (dust, tucl Confol speed of construction vehicles. cmissions) if properly trained (a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, P.O. Box 67839-00200, Nairobi. (D) Nairobi. (c) County Director of Environment, Nairobi County. Water should be sprayed during the of plant and of construction vehicles should be carried out in the Contractor's camp and a recognized garage. Maintenance Propcr storage, handling and disposal of oil wastes from machinery, discourage servicing of machinery and vehicles. Management of solid waste Mombasa Road, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Mtneral Resources, NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box 30521, Environment Management Authority invites of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the members Director-General, NEMA, making process of the plan. !o assist the Authority Provision of dust masks for use when working in dusty conditions. . off (d) County Director of Environment, Nakuru County. equipment. Contractor must dispose solid wastes away from the site to an approved disposal site. Temporary pit latrine for construction workers. Solid waste holding bins (segregarcd into different compartments), engage approved refusc handling agents for the various waste types emanating from the building, carry out an annual waste audit to determine quantities and characterization of wastes and hence mode of disposal, identify hazardous wastes for specialized disposal. unless the The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection during working hours at: The National Regular maintenance an conductive part Prohibit idling of vehicles. construction phase on excavated areas. Contamination of ground and surface water or worker is : - properly insulated from the energized part with gloves or other approved, insulation; the energized part is properly insulated from the worker and any other conductlve object; the worker is properly isolated and insulated from any other conductive object (liveline work). The contractor should avoid steep reduce is conducted by trained staff. erection of riverbank pmtection. ensure is maintained. towers should be used for re-filling and should not be left exposed to wind or water for long periods. to to maintenance system Deactivating and properly grounding opportunities. Riverine vegetatlon should be mrnimally disturbed during the construction phase be physical integriry of structures Erection of bumps where human and vehicular traffic have high interaction construction material by equipment and typically must monitored. to the traffic for the suppression requirements, Ensure appropriate road safety signage. Soils excavated firefighting adhere to applicable burning regulations, separate vehicle entry different from the common entrance with the residents, Soil erosion system that ' fflffl*l""oiH'id[.J:$:?",T",il Dispose of oil residues carefully. Ensure all drivers adhere laws and requirements. of fire safety includes training, Provision machinery, vehicles and equipment; and no buming activities to be allowed close to or within the site. Safety procedures for fuel storage and refuelling. sEeamline traffic flow into and out of the premises, initiate changes in traffic flow in the micro-area upon commissioning, install approximate cautionary signage for motorists entering the premises. of fires and allow equipment; regular maintenance of converters. Road safety Establishing a network of fuel breaks of less flammable materials or cleared land in the dccision z. o. ouMA, for Director-General, MR/6992961 N ational Environment Matwgement Authority. GAzEmE NoTIcE No. 22OO THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND CO.ORDINATION ACT (No.8 of1999) THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED 4OO SILALI - RONGAI I5O KM 4MKV DOUBLE CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION LINE TRAVERSING NAUDO, LORUK, MARIGAT, AND EMINING IN BARINGO COUNTY AND TERMINATES AT SAIGAA, RONGAI IN NAKURUCOI.JNTY INVITATION oF PTIBLIC COMMENTS PLJRSUANT to regulation 21 of the Environmental Management and Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has 2nd April,2015 753 THE KENYA GAZETTE reccived an Environmenial Impact Assessment Study Report for the After construction, natural above proposed project. should be restored in non-operational areas of the site and/or additional The Proponent (Kenya Electricity Transmission Company KETRACO) is proposing to install a 150km,400 kV transmission line to link Silali and Rongai. It traverses through Naudo, loruk, Marigat, Emining in Baringo County and terminates at Salgaa, Rongai, Nakuru County and has a way leave of 60m. The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation landscape planting with local indigenous species used to improve views into the site. Vehicular and human traffic impacts mcasurcs: Impacts (RAP) study along the l50km line route. Firc risk of PAPstt Stmctures Liquid and solid wastes environmental protection and safety. and Provision Liaison with the local County authorities on suitable dumping site for generated waste. Excavated appropriate soil to be used for backfilling. containers. Train workers on fire risk management No buming of any materials should be Norse and vibration impacts Limit clearance of vegetation to the way leave row area (60 metres). Selectively clear vegetation. Remove only tall woody species and leave saplings for quick regeneralion of Use of noise protection devices when working with noisy equipment. The contractor will also be expected to use serviceable equipment with low noise emission and insfruct truck and machine operators to avoid raving of permitted at the site. engines. Rock blasting impacts The contractor should provide safety vegetation along the way leave. signage, humps, banksmen. Re-afforestation outside the wayleave area ensuring that invasive tree species Watering to suppress dust. such as the prasopis Ensuring proper blast design and drillerblaster communication. juliflora are planted away from the wayleave. Carry out inspection prior to loading and Soils excavated from tower foundations firing of the blast. used for backfilling. Controlling access to the blast area, and Excavated soils should not be left using a blasting shelter. exposed Use of an experienced driller to detect potential problem areas such as voids, mud seams, incompetent rocks, and to wind or water for long periods. Excess soil should be well evened out on site. The contractor should avoid steep terrain during the transportation of construction material by using other irregularities by observing the progress of drilling. Air pollution (dust and exhaust emissions) alternative/existing routes. Re-plant degraded areas with Sensitization of natural vegetation regeneration areas. Regular maintenance of oil, fuel and other hazardous material to be done in appropriate containers. Storage and transportation of dust masks for use when working in dusty conditions. Use of Availing spillage kits includrng suitable machinery PPE in storage areas. emission. Employment of local labour waste managemcnt regulations 2006. Adhercnce to EMCA serviceable vehicles and to avoid excessive smoke of local labour in of local leaders in Maximise use execution of construction activities in which they are qualified for. Involvenment Regulations on water quality. and Provrsron spillages. Proper management of waste containers, litter and other waste generated during of plant cquipment. Training of site workers on handling of in compliance with on Water should be sprayed during the construction phase on dusty excavated and improve ground cover. construction workers environmental protection and safety. Control speed of construction vehiclcs local species common rn the area to enhance Visual and aesthetic impact on of solid waste management facilities for the temporary storage and segregatlon of waste prior to disposal. . Re-route and Re-alignment costs. o Ensure firefighting equipment is and transported in Water pollution workers Sensitization of Fair Flammable matenal should be stored Soil erosion vegetation landscape planting with local indigenous species used to improve views into the site. provided at active site. loss of flora and fauna planning of power line and power line right-of-way locations should be restored in non-operational areas of the site and/or additional Displacement of persons, . Continuous community sensitization and loss of land and land awareness creation regarding the project. use rights . Detailed Resettlement Action Plan compensatlon Land. Extensive public consultation during the After constnrction, natural Mitigation Measures . RAP Implementation - vegetation recruitment process. Bird mortalities Undertake wire marking to alert birds to Routine inspection. the presence of power line. Maintenance records. Build raptors platforms on top of pylons for roosting and nesting. Extensive public consultation during the planning of power line and power line righrof-way locations. Aircraft navigation safety . Install visual markers for light aircraft. as an indication 1 I 754 THE KENYA GAZETTE Obtain KCAA approval for tower heights. Electrocution from power lines hve . Ensuring physical integrity of structures is maintained. Deachvating and proper grounding of live power distribution hnes before work is performed on. or in close proximity to the lines. Ensuring that live wire work is conducted by trained workers only. 2nd April, 2015 'The main aim of the pmject is to prospect, quarry diatomite and associated mcks, process and package for sale on medium scale both locally and intemationally. The development is intended to contribute to the supply of quality dratomite to the local market and for export. The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation measutes: Mfiigation Measures Impacts Vegetation loss and erosion soil . Ensuring the workers are properly isolated and insulated from any conductive object (live of struchires to undertaking work. Working at heights Testing during maintenance - line work). for integrity prior Implement a fall protection program that includes training in climbing techniques and use of fall protection measures. Proper roof catches and gutters Inspection, maintenance Temporary storage tanks Use materiars put in place to control the of where appropriate. I::i:::ccessroads (a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, P.O. Box 67839-00200, Nairobi. off Mombasa Road, progressively brckfill the dugout trenches immedrately behind the abandoned mine. This combination of mining and backfilling leaves only minimal sized mrne pit opening at any The Proponent will do landscaping, and fill the depressions including borrow torrential rains may Sporadic frll up pits still in use with water. In such cases supplemental pumping into suitably designed drainage outlets into the seasonal stream will be ensured. The quality of the discharged water will be monitored in keeping with the legal Notice 120,of2006. Loss of plant life and Although plant diversity is low at the the proponent will associated bio proposed sltc, communities incorporate greater spccies diversity in their rehabilitation and landscaping progtlmmes. The services of knowledgeable curator/botanist will be Z. O. OUMA, for Director-General, MR/6992961 The stripped topsoil and tailings from the screening process will be used to pits and disused quarries. Nairobi. making process of the plan. b€ Water Quality Regulations 2006. Ponding risk from construction Principal Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources, NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box 30521, (c) County Director of Environment, Baringo County. (d) County Director of Environment, Nakuru County. The National Environment Management Authority invites members of the pubhc to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of pubhcation of this notice to the Director-General, NEMA, !o assist the Authority in the decision will given time. Care will be taken not to interfere with the course of the seasonal steams, by leaving clearance of at least 30m from the operations points. This is in keeping with the lcgal Notice l2O - Remove all solid and liquid wastes. . (D) Soil and bedrock disturbance and landscape interference Remove all plant and equipment. The full report of the proposed project ls available for inspection during workrng hours at: will be possible supplied o trap this water for irrigating planted vegetation. helmets and other protective . IJ;:"'ffi:::, to increased runoff. and : ilJiil:"JT::':ii:*:";l'":'";,." . . will be completely cleared ensure minimum vegetative disturbance. devices. demorished will unde(ake grass planting as the construction progresses to avoid the soils being washed or carried by wind. Places of least.vegetation cover will be identified for the campsite and only construction points replacement of fall protection equipment rransmiss,on,ine Chuanshan Intemational National Environment Manage ment Authority. employed to implemcnt this feature. Close collaboration and assistarrce will GAZETTE NoTIcE be sought and built with the Kenya Forest Service at Kabamet and the Kenya Forestry Research Institute, for supply of appropriate forbs seeds and No. 220 I THE E}.IVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND CO-ORDINATION ACT (No. I establishing tree nurseries of 1999) THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Increased surface runoff and soil erosion ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED QUARRYING, EXCAVATION AND PROCESSING OF DIATOMITts AT KOSITEI, POKOT EAST SUBCOUNTY, BARINGO COI]NTY the Since the area is arid and semi-arid the amount of continual runoff will be minimal and thereforc of little impact. However, the proponent will constnrct surface rainwater trap-pits and cut-off drains to check occasiooal runoff. Roof catchm€nt's gutters conn€cted to tanks INVITAT.IoN oF PUBUC CoMMENTS will harvest PURSUANT to regulation 2l of the Environmental Management and Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has received an Environmental Impact Assessmcnt Study Report for the above pmposed projecr The Proponent (Chuanshan Intemational Mining Company Ltd) is proposing to Quarry, Excavate and Process Diatomite at Kositei, Pokot East Sub-County, Baringo County. in rehabilitation Programme. excess rainwater. The water would also be used for irrigating planted vegetation, outdoor cleaning such as of vehicles and toilet cleaning, thcreby reducing demand on Water supply. and engine exhaust Prompt compmtion of loosc soils and aggressive grass replanting rill be gases implemented- Air pollution from dust The distance to the I ! t 2nd April, 2015 755 THE KENYA GAZETTE r I nearest population concentration chances of falls on the road. Assistance will be sought from Traffic Department where necessary. is about lkm. The impact of the dust to the surrounding people is therefore unlikely. Water will tre sprinkled onto disturbed off-pit soil to the reduce flying dust. However, the mining operation will produce very little dust since the Health deterioration facility workers of Dust containment and suction systems will be installed. Use of PPEs will be strictly enforced. Welders will be provrded wrth respirators, eye protections and dustcoats to mlntmlze clays on the diatomite-bearing horizon are normally saturated with water. Employees/construction workers wrll be provided with personal protective equipment (PPE), to reduce possible dust and noxious gas inhalation. Altematron of soil geochemistry . inhalations. Regular medical checks will have form part of the facility's regular routine, to avoid rncrdences of infections such as cholera, bilharzias and malaria. Swapping of work statrons for staff will reduce level of exposure. from the avarled minerals through botanical experts. Otherwise, backfilling The contractor will ensure that the required noise levels are observed during the decommissioning phase. Noise pollution will recognize the depth origin of the overburden and tailings, where the latter will go in first. connected to the Munrcipal sewerage network. The staff will not be residing on site but appropriate sized potable septic tanks will be availed to staff during their working hours. Quality standards will be adhered to through initial testing and Noise surveillance instruments will be availed periodically to check on any This area is not Waste into the environment excesses. Bodily inluries and . The contractor will ensurc supervision of work and handling of equipment is restricted to only skilled and experience accidents personnel to lrgal Notice 120, of 2OM. will ensure that a The in Surface and ground water. contamination The SL has seasonal surface running streams. The project will have an adequate drainage on site contalnment to minimrze uncontrolled storm water. Well-documented procedures for maintenance of the drainage systein will be rmplemented and staff will be trained waste will never be allowed into the environment; proper containment and accidental spill absorption regime will be implemented at all time. Vegetative pollutant traps and continual monitoring of the waters on site and surrounding areas will form part of the pollution control efforts by accordrngly. . Use of PPE like trec planting manure. A Good housekeeping as part of the company pohcy will be implemented at the facihty. Oil through social interaction Special trainings will be conducted for employees on HIV, and related social health risks. The company, through its social responsibility, will extend community education into (a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, P.O. Box 67839{0200, Nairobi. (b) Principal Secretary, Ministry Resources, of be Mombasa Road, Environment and Mineral NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box 30521, Nairobi. (c,) County Director of Envrronment, Narrobr County. (d) County Director of Envrronment, Banngo County. The National Environment Management Authority invites of the public to submlt oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the members Drrector-General, NEMA, making process of the plan. to assist the Authority in the decision p,k2;3!!*;*, MR/7054298 GAZETTE National Enwronment Management Authority. NoTICENo,2202 MBOI-KAMITI FAMERS COMPANY LIMITED the Head Office: P.O. Box 300-00900, Kiambu (Incorporated in Kenya) . The contractor will ensure that operations of most of the machinery such as excavator, loader shovel and graders are concentrated within l00m- l-oss oF SHARE CERTIFTCATE Certificate No.8965 in the name oJ Rechal Wanjiku Kiigi. surveillance instruments will be availed periodically to check on any excesses. WHEREAS Rechal Wanjiku Kiigi, is registered as proprietor of share Certificate No. 8965 in Mboi-Kamiti Famers Company Limited, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the sard share certificate has been reported lost. Notice is given that after the exprry of thirty (30) days from the date hereof a new share certrficate will be issued by the said company to Rechal Wanjiku The highway is not a busy Kugr. dwellings in the SL area accidents off the radius and that all workers are provided with and using PPE such as earmuffs. Although there are no residential Traffic congestion and will The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection during working hours at. surrounding areas. Norse pollutron nuisance earmuffs enforced. the company. Disease ransmission accidents. compensation in case of injury or loss. PPE like helmets, overall, nose and eyes protection hand gloves and boots, all of suitable quality will be used. licensed private company specialized the handling oil and solid waste will be enlisted. Biodegradable kitchen waste will be composted on slte for prevent Debriefing on safety procedure for site workers will precede any such works. Both the contractor and proponent will observe work ethics and worker's periodic monitoring rn line with the requlrements of NEMA contained in the proponent medrcal cover. Sanitation related education and practice would Beneficial use will be made of these chemical dynamics by investing on plant species that can utmost benefit efficient absorption. Assrstance wrll be sought from KEFRI and other soil and will be done and records maintained of the employees. Staff workrng at the plant noise one. Logistical procedures will ensure ease of movement. Materials will be packed properly in specialized carriers to reduce Dated the 19th March,2015. MR/70521468 JEAN KIARIE & COMPANY, for Rechal Wanjiku Kiigi. Advocates 756 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2nd April, 2015 GAzErrE NoncE No. 2207 GAzErrE NcrncE No. 2203 WILLIAMSON TEA KENYA LIMITED BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED CLoSURE oF RoADs AND FooTPATHS (Incorporated in Kenya) NOTICE is given to the effect that all private roads and footpaths on the estates named below owned and controlled by Williamson Tea Kenya Limited, will be closed to the public on Tuesday, 3lst March, 20t5. Changoi Tea Estates (Kericho) L.R. Nos. 825511 urd 6c0ll4. Kaimosi Tea Estate (Kapsabet) L.R. Nos. 1892193D4195196 md 99. Kapchorua Tea Co., Ltd. (Nandi Hills) L.R. No. 11770. Tinderct Tea Estates (1989) Ltd. (Songhor) L.R. No. I 1490. Dated the 23rd March,2015. Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-00100, Nairobi LOSS OF POLICY Policy No. 16l-'13'74 in the name and on the liJe oJ Serah tilanjiku Njuguna. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future transactions. WILLIAMSON TEA KENYA LIMITED, MRt7056542 Director, MR/70544m U nde rwr J. K. MITEI, iting Manage r, Life. GAzEmE NoTIcE No. 2204 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPA}.IY (K) LIMITED GAZETTE NoTICE (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporatcd in Kcnya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-00lfi), Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30375{n100, Naircbi IOSS oF PoLIcY Policy No. 162-139 in the name and on thc life of Alfred Ngondu Munzyu. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future transactions. MR 054489 U nde No. 2208 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) UMITED J. K. MITEI, rutriting Manage r, Life. GAzErrE NcrncE No. 2205 Loss oF PoUcY Policy No. 16l-1213 in the name and on the lile olJoseph Sode Kame. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future transactions. J. K. MITEI, U nderwr itin g Mina g e r, LiJe. MR/7054490 CAzErrE NorrcE No. 2209 BRMSH AMERICAN INSURANCECOMPANY (K) LIMITED BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) ( Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-{0100, Nairobi Head Offrce: P.O. Box 30375-{0100, Nairobi LoSS oF PoUcY Loss oF PoucY Policy No. 4ffi-302 in the namc and on the life of Sanael Nzioka Mutiso. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the dato of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future transactions. MR J. K. MITEI, U nde rwritin g Mana g e r, Life. 05,+489 GAzEmE NsrIcE No. 2206 Policy No. 16l-13367 in the name and on the life Murithi. oJ Catherine Kinya REPORT having been madc to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Compmy (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future transactions. J. K. MR/7054490 U nde rw MITEI, ritin g Mana g e r, Life. GAzErrE NcrncE No. 2210 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPA}.IY (K) LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Offrce: P.O. Box 30375-O0100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-00100, Nairobi Loss oF PoUCY Policy No. Irss l2l-1833 in the name and on the life of Nargis Abdull Bachoo. future transactions. Dated the l4th March.2015. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirry (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 25th March,2015. J. 05,+489 Poucy Oduwo. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all MR oF Policy No. 125-66,62 in the name and on the life of Noah Akala K. MITEI, Undetwritin g Mana ge r, Life. MR/7056711 J. K. MITEI, U nde rwr itin g Manag e r, Life. 2nd April, 2015 757 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAZETTENoTIcENo. 22I I GAZETTE NoncE No. 22I5 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-O0100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30059-{0100, Nairobi Loss oF PoLICY Loss oF PoLICY Policy No. 16l-7583 in the name and on the life of Emmanuel Sikaku Wanjala. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 25th March,2015. Policy No.37finl55 in the name of Simon KipngetichYegon. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of duplicatc of the above numbered policy, the original having been reponcd as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of thrs notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. Datcd the 2lst November, 2014. J. K. MITEI, U nderwritin g Mana ge r, life. MR/705671I GAZETTE NOTICENO.2212 DAVIDKOIGI, MRn054/.24 GAzE'rrE Offcer, Claims. NorcE No. 2216 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30375{D100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30059-O0100, Naimbi I,sS oF PoUcY Policy No. 161-10012 in the name and on the life of Beatrice Jepkosgei Kipsang. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance Company (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future tlansactions. Dated the 24th March,20l5. K. MITEI, U nde rwriting Manager, LiJe. 056711 APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of duplicate of the above numbered policy, the original having been report€d as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodgcd to thc contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the solc cvidcnce of the contract. Dated the 2lst November,20l4. J. MR LOSS OF POLICY Policy No.370l15m in the name of Elizabeh Akinyi Oduge. GAzErrE NcrflcE No. 2213 DAVID KOIGI, Oficer, Claims. MRrl054424 GAzE'rrE NorrcE No. 22 l7 OLD MI,]TUAL LIFE ASSURANCECOMPANY LIMITED OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (incorporated in Kenya) Head OfFrce: P.O. Box 30059-{0100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box [,sS LOSS OF POUCES (l) Salma Khaffan Abdulla Mazrui and (2) 6004447 Salma Khaffan Abdulla Mauui. Policy Nos.370001205 in the name ol APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of duplicate of the above numbered policy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the offrce of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. Policy No.6001304 in the name of Joseph Odhutto. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of duplicate of the above numbered policy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged o the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidcnce of the contract. Dated the 2lst November, 2014. Dated the lTth March,2015. LUCY KINUTHIA, Oficer, Claims. MW7056518 30059{100, Nairobi oF PoLIcY DAVIDKOIGI, Oficer, Claims. MRn054424 GAzErrE NcrncE No. 2218 GAzEmE NcrncE No. 2214 OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSI,]RANCECOMPA}.IY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30059401ffi, Nairobi Head Offrce: P.O. Box 30059-{0100, Nairobi . [,OSS OF POUCY Policy No.37009848 in the name of Antony Mbugua Malei. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of of the above numbered policy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. duplicate ltcks Maonga. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of of the above numbered policy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaccd. Notice is given that unlcss objection is lodged to the contrary at the olfice of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. duplicate Dated the 2lst November,2014. Dated the 20th March.2015. MN7054424 [-oss oF PoucY Policy No.6001495 in the name ofJohn LUCYKINUTHIA, Oficer, Claims. lvfI.n054424 DAVIDKOIGI, Oficer, Claims. 7s8 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAZETTE NoTICE 2nd April, 2015 GAzEr-rE Norrc No. 2219 E No. 2223 OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED MADISON INSURANCE Loss oF PoLICY (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30059{D100, Nairobi Loss oF PoLrcY Policy No.37004358 in the name oJ Mary Njeri Mbugua. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of of the above numbered policy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of thrs notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. duplicate Policy No. IS 3270263 in the name of Nyamita Joseph Kepher, Box 95350, Mombasa. MN7054424 Officer, Claims. will be issued. Dated the 19th March,2015. JOSEPHAT MUTHWII, rwritin g Mana g e r, Lifc. MR/7056537 GAZETTE GAzErrENorICENo.2220 U nde NoTICEN0.2224 MADISON INSURANCE OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Loss oF PoLIcY (Incorporated in Kenya) Policy Head Office: P.O. Box 30059-{0100, Nairobi Loss oF PoLICY Policy No.37000525 in the name oJ James P.O. NOTICE is given that evidence of loss or destmction of the abovc policy documents has been submitted to the company and any person in possession of the policy documents or claiming to have interest therein should be communicated within thirty days (30) by registered post with the company, failing any such communication certified copies of the pohcies which shall be the sole evidence of the contracts Dated the 2 [ st November, 2014. DAVIDKOIGI, oJ Ngugi Gathaiya. APPLICATION has been made to thrs company for the issue of of the above numbered pohcy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notrce is glven that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the officc of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of thls notrce, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evrdence of the contract. duplicate No.lJ 3238803 in the namz of Kinuthia Jane Wambui, of P.O. Box2l089, Nairobi. NOTICE is given that evidence of loss or destruction of thc abovc policy documents has been submitted to the company and any person in possession of the policy documents or claiming to have interest therein should be communicated within thirty days (30) by registered post with the company, failing any such communication certified copies of the policies which shall be the sole evidence of the contrace will be issued. Dated the 16th March,2015. JOSEPHAT MUTHWII, Dated the 21st November.20l4. DAVIDKOIGI, MN7054424 Undenvriting Mdnager, Life Business. MR/7056537 Officer, Claims GAzEmE NoncENo.2225 GAzE,rrE No]lCENo.222I UAP LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED ICEA LION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 46143-O0100. Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 23842{0100, Nairobi Loss oF PoLICY LoSS oF PoLIcY Policy No.020/AEN/08973 m the name of Chemweno Lilian. Policy No. MP02978 in the name of Edwin Wanjala Wanyonyi. IT IS reported to the company that the above numbered life policy is lost or stolen. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the head office of thrs company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a special policy will be issued to the life APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of of the above numbered policy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaccd. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the offrce of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. assured. Dated the 9th March,2015. duplicate Dated the 18th March.2015. MUIRI WAICHINGA, MN7054444 Manager, Ordinary Lifu Operations HARMON MULE, GAzEmE GAzEmENoTcENo 2222 NorcENo.2226 CHANGEOFNAME ICEA LION LIFE ASSI.]RANCE COMPANY LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 46143-{0100. Nairobi LoSs oF PoLICY Policy No.020|CEA/010982 inthe name of Toto Saidi. IT IS reported to the company that the above numbered life policy is lost or stolen. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the head office of this company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a special policy will be issued to the life assured. Dated the 9th March,20l5. MUIRIWAICHINGA, I,IR?054144 Manager, Ordinary Life Operations Claims Assistant. MR/70521459 NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 15th December, dlly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 515, in Volume Dl, Folio 471728, File No. MMXV, by our client, Daniel Ngunjiri Kimondo, of P.O. Box 69565-{0400, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as 2O14, Daniel Wamugunda Krmondo, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name Daniel Wamugunda Kimondo and in lieu thereof assumed and adoprcd the name Daniel Ngunjiri Kimondo, for all purposes and authorizes and rcquests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Daniel Ngunjiri Kimondo only. WAMBUGU & MURIUKI, MR/7054419 Advocates for Daniel Ngunjiri Kimondo, formerly known as Daniel Wamugunda Kimondo. 2nd April. 2015 GAZETTE 759 THE KENYA GAZETTE NoTICEN1.2227 GAZETTE NoTICE NO. 223 I CHANGEOFNAME CHANGEOFNAME NOTICE rs grven that by a deed poll dated lTth December, 2014, duly executed and registered rn the Regrstry of Documents at Narrobr as Presentation No.2808. in Volume D1. Foho 13/193. Fite No. MMXV, by our client, Rose Martha Kiamba Musyoka, of P.O. Box 201 91-{0200, Narrobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Rose Ma(ha Kiamba Mutrso, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her former name Rose Martha Kramba Mutiso and rn lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Rose Martha Kiamba Musyoka, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address her by her NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 8th August.2014, duly executed and regrstered rn the Regrstry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentatron No.2421, in Volume Dl, Folio 183/2828. File No MMXIV, by our client, Losur Emmanuel, of P.O. Box 242, Kapengula in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Lorekou Lorrtei, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name Lorekou Loritei and rn lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Losur Emmanuel, for all purposes and authorrzes and requests all persons at all times to deslgnate, describe and address assumed name Rose Martha Kramba Musyoka only. MR/7054416 Advocates him by his assumed name Losur Emmanuel only. KATINA & COMPANY, Arlvocates Jor Insur Emrnanuel, formerly known as lnrekou loritei. MR/7054461 S. M. RIGHA & COMPANY. for Rose Martlru Krumba Mus1,oka, fornterly knov'n as Rose Martha Krumba Mutiso. GAZETTE NoTICENO.2232 CHANGEOFNAME GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 2228 CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is grven that by a deed poll dated l3th January, 2015, duly executed and regrstered rn the Regrstry of Documents at Nalrobi as Presentation No. 2688, in Volume Dl, Foho 411122, Flle No. MMXV, by our client, Peter Donald Williams, formerly known as Paul Amadr Odhiambo, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of hrs former name Paul Amadi Odhrambo and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Peter Donald Wilhams, for all purposes and authonzes and requests all persons at all trmes to designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Peter Donald Wrlhams only GITHINJI & ASSOCIATES, for Peter Donald Wlliams, formerly known as Paul Amadi Odhambo MR/7056515 NOTICE is grven that by a deed poll dated l5th November, 2014, dtly executed and regrstered in the Registry of Documents at Narrobi as Presentation No. 1289, rn Volume Dl, FoLo 41912974,F1te No. MMXIV, by our chent, Monrcah Jepkemoi Koech, of P O. Box 209, Iten rn the Repubhc of Kenya, formerly known as Joyce Jepkemboi Koech, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her forner name Joyce Jepkemboi Koech and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Monicah Jepkemoi Koech, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to desrgnate, describe and address her by her assumed name Monicah Jepkemor Koech only. CHEMWOK & COMPANY, MW7054471 Advocates Jor Monicah Jepkemoi Koech, formerly known as Joyce Jepkemboi Koech. Advocates GAZETTE NoTCE No. 2233 CHANGE OF NAME GAZETTENoTICENo 2229 CHANGEOFNAME NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 17th February,20l5, duly executed and registered in the Reglstry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentatron No.519, in Volume Dl, Folio 39/519, File No. MMXV, by our client, Valerie Odinr Ngatta, formerly known as Drana Casper Odini (through my mother and best friend Susan Wamaitha Kamau), formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her former name Diana Casper Odinr and rn lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Valerie Odrnr Ngatta, for all purposes and authonzes and requests all persons at all times to desrgnate, descrrbe and address her by her assumed name Valene Odrni Ngatta only. MWAMUYE, KIMATHI & KIMANI, MR/7056508 Advocates for Valerrc Odmt formerly known as NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated l4th November, 2014, duly executed and registered rn the Regrstry of Documents at Nairobr as Presentation No 4308, in Volume D1, Folio 42112994,File No. MMXIV, by my client, Liza Njoki Colbeck Rogers, of Bamet, I-ondon, in the United Kingdom, (as the mother and next friend of Matthew Lawrence Colbeck Rogers (a minor)) formerly known as Matthew Lawrence Rogers on his behalf, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of hrs former name Matthew Lawrence Rogers and in heu thereof assumed and adopted the name Matthew Lawrence Colbeck Rogers for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address hrm by his assumed name Matthew Lawrence Colbeck Rogers only. KIMAMOKURIA, MR/7056530 Ngottct, Diano Casper Odini. for Matthets l,awrence Colbeck Rogers (a minor), Jonnerly known os Matthew ltwrence Rogers. Ativocate GAzErrE NoTICE No. 2234 GAZEmE NoncE No. 2230 CHANGEOFNAME CHANGEOFNAME NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 8th August, 2014, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No 2420, in Volume Dl. Foho 184/2837. File No MMXIV, by our chent, Wilham Ksang Longolekechen, of P.O. Box 184, Kapenguria ln the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Wilham Kiptum Emmanuel, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of hrs former name William Kiptum Emmanuel and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Wrlham Ksang Longolekechen, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all trmes to desrgnate, descnbe and address hrm by hrs assumed name Wrlliam Ksang Longolekechen only. KATINA & COMPANY, MR/7054461 Advocates fttr Willrum Ksang Inngolekechen, fornerly kttown as William Kiptum Emmanuel. NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated lTth November, 2014, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobr as Presentation No. 4309, in Volume Dl, Folio 42ll2995,File No. MMXIV, by my client, Liza Nloki Colbeck Rogers, of Bamet, London, in the United Krngdom, (as the mother and next friend of Isobel Anne Colbeck Rogers (a minor)) formerly known as Isobel Anne Rogers on her behalf, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her former namc Isobel Anne Rogers and in heu thereof assumed and adopted the name Is,bel Anne Colbeck Rogers for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all trmes to designate, describe and address her by her assumed name Isobel Anne Colbeck Rogers only KIMAMOKURIA, MR/7056530 for Isobel Anne Colbeck Rogers (a mtnor), formerly known as Isobel Anne Rogers. Advocate 760 THE KENYA GAZET-,|E NOW ON SALE THE NATIONAL POVERTY E,RADICATION PLAN (leee-201s) Price: KSh. 500 20L0t2011 ANNEX OF ESTIMATES OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE OF STATE CORPORATIONS OF GOVERNMENT OF KENYA FOR THE YEAR ENDING 3OTH JUNE,2011 Price: KSh.250 PUBLIC SECTOR WORKPLACE POLICY ON HIV/AIDS 2nd April, 201 5 RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING POLICY FOR PUBLIC Sf,,RVICE May, 2005 Price: KSh.25A SESSIONAL PAPER NO. 2 OF 2OO5 On Developrnent of Micro and Small Enterprises for Wealth and Employment Creation for Poverty Reduction Price: K,Sft. 300 SESSIONAL PAPER NO. 9 OF'2OO5 ON FOREST POLICY Price: KSh.300 April,2005 Price: KSh.3A0 E.GOVERNMENT STRATEGY The Strategic Framework Administrative Structure, Training Requirements and Standardi zatron Framework STRATEGY FOR REVITALIZING AGRICULTURE (2004-2014) March, 2004 Price: KSh.200 March, 2004 Price: KSh.300 ECONOMIC RECOVERY STRATEGY FOR WEALTH AND EMPLOYMENT CREATION (2003-2007) Price: KSh. 500 REPORT OF THE JUDICTAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO THE GOLDENBERG AFFAIR October,2005 Price: KSft. 800 t i i i i 2nd April,2015 -NATIONA.L DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2002-2008 i l I I l t 161 THE KENYA GAZETTE Effective Management for Sustainable Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Price: KSh.750 TREASURY MEMORANDUM OF THE IMPLEMENTATION STATUS ON THE SEVENTH REPORT OF THE PUBLIC INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE Volume II t I t t t ) I l i THE KENYA COMMUMCATIONS ACT (No. 2 OF 1998) t999 Transfer of Assets Telposta Pension Scheme Price: KSh.200 - Transfer and Vesting of Assets and Liabilities The Communications Commission of Kenya and the Postal Corporation of Kenya - Transfer of Employees of the Kenya Posts and Telecommunications Corporation t I THE REPORT OF THE CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR GBNERAL TOGETHER WITH THE APPROPRIATION ACCOUNTS AND OTHER PUBLIC ACCOUNTS AND THE ACCOUNTS OF'THE FUNDS FOR THE YEAR 1996t97 Price: KSh. 5,000-per set af 5 (Kenya Gazette Supplement No.59). Volumes Price: KSh.550 SESSIONAL PAPER NO. 1 OF 1999 ON NATIONAL POLICY ON WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT t t I t t r I t tI t THE KENYA COMMUNICATIONS ACT (No. 2 OF 1998) Transfer and Vesting of Assets and Liabilities Telkom Kenya Limited Ministry of Water Resources - (Keryta Gazette Supplement No. 59A and 598) Volume I (59A) Price: KSh. 1,300 Volume I (598) Price: KSh.90O Price: KSh.200 REPORT OF THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE ON THE GOVERNMENT OF KENYA ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR r995t96 Volume Il Price: KSh.500 762 THE KENYA GAZETTE NOW ON SALE ECONOMIC SURVEY,aOII Price: KSlz. 1,000 THE FINANCE BtLL,20t4 Price: KSh.235 2nd April,2015 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE KENYA GAZETTE THE following notes are for the guidmce of persons submitting rnclusron rn Lhe Kenya Gdaette, Supplement,etc. "opy" for ) The Kent'a Gqzette contans Notlces of a general nature whrch do not affect legrslatron They re, therefore, submrtted to the Government Printer directly. 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