KENYA CHEMICAL SOCIETY P. O. Box 52428--00200, Nairobi. Website: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAFETY AND SECURITY TRAINING FOR CHEMICAL INDUSTRY 1 s t – 4 t h December 2014 KCS seeks to develop and promote activities that promote best practices in chemical security and safe management of hazardous chemicals. One of the objectives of this course is to provide technical expertise and training to improve security and safety best practices. The Course will be held at the University of Nairobi, College of Biological and Physical Sciences (Chiromo Campus), Department of Chemistry from 1st – 4th December 2014. CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 1 Purpose of the Course ............................................................................................................................... 2 Registration ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 Registration form (Cemical Safety and Waste Management ) ...................................................... 2 Payment of Registration Fees ................................................................................................................... 3 INTRODUCTION As Kenya becomes more economically competitive and strives to increase its chemistry activity, it will be faced with many challenges in improving laboratory safety and security. The Kenya Chemical Society seeks to develop and facilitate activities that promote best practices in safe and secure management of hazardous chemicals. The Chemical Safety, Security and Waste management training course course will provide the necessary technical expertise and training to improve safety best practices in the chemical and allied industries in Kenya. The training will cover a broad range of industrial chemical safety and security topics. Each training session can be tailored to address the following chemical industry sectors: Pharmaceuticals; Fertilizer and Agricultural Chemicals; Petroleum and Petrocehmical; Research and Technologists in academic and research institutions. PURPOSE OF THE COURSE The course is intended for participants with a background in chemistry, chemical engineering or in the chemical industry who are working in industry, secondary schools and university chemical laboratories or are involved in the formulating or implementing chemical-safety policies in their organizations. The course participants will be expected to gain the skills required to implement modern technical-safety practices and to fulfil their responsibilities to develop sustainable safety management related to the chemical industry and chemical laboratory management.General safety hazards in the Pharmaceuticals; Fertilizer and Agricultural Chemicals; Petroleum and Petrochemical; Research and Technologists in academic and research institutions include, but are not limited to, high or low temperature and high pressure processes, energized electrical work, elevated platforms/fall hazards, hot work, confined spaces, and ergonomic or repetitive stress hazards. REGISTRATION Kindly fill the Registration form below and submit together with a copy of the (scanned) bank deposit slip (see bank details below) to the either of the undersigned: Dr. Austin Ochieng Aluoch Organizing Secretary, Kenya Chemical Society – Nairobi Chapter P. O. Box 52428 – 00200, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 735 262907 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Dr. Dickson Andala Vice Chariman, Kenya Cheical Society – Nairobi Chapter P. O. Box 15683-00503, Nairobi Tel :+254 705 204610 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] REGISTRATION FORM (CEMICAL SAFETY, SECURITY AND WASTE MANAGEMENT ) (Mr, Mrs., Surname Ms): Other Names TITLE (Prof., Dr., MSc., BSc, BPhil, HDip, Dip, Occupation Student): Institution / Organization Work Address Work Tel. No. Mobile Tel. No. Email: Particiapnts are required to make their own travel arrangements. Accommodation may be arranged for participants travelling from outside Nairobi, on request, if this is submitted before 15th November 2014. PAYMENT OF REGISTRATION FEES Bank National Bank of Kenya Branch Ruiru Branch (Branch Code – 12044) Account Name: Kenya Chemical Society - Nairobi Chapter Account No. 01242059263600 Bank Address: P. O. Box 1688 - 00232 SWIFT CODE: NBKEKENXXX Reference / Naration Chemical Safety Security Training and Full name of Participant Please make registration payment of KSh 15,000 (KCS members) and KSH 20,000 (non- members) COURSE ON SAFETY AND SECURITY TR AI NI NG FO R CHE MIC AL I NDUS TRY 1 s t – 4 t h Dece mber 2014 TENTATIVE PROGRAMME TIME ACTIVITY Resource Person Session Chair 1st December 2014 Veronicah Masila / Jane Arrival and registration Chairman – Dept. Of Chem - UON 8.30 – 10.00 am Openning Address Dean - CBPS Dr. Machocho Principal - CBPS 10.00 – 10.30 am 10.30 - 1.00 pm Tea Break / Photo Session Chemical Safety and Security Concepts Dr. Patricia Gitari Occupational Safety & Health Dr. Faridah Were 1.00 – 2.00 pm 2.00 – 4.00 pm Dr. Machocho Lunch Break Safe use and Storage of Chemicals Dr. Kiptoo Safety in the Laboratory Fred Mwazighe Dr. Andala 4.00 - 4.15 pm NESVAX Tea Break and Close 4.15pm TIME ACTIVITY Resource Person Session Chair 2 Decemeber 2014 8.00 – 10.30 am Emergencies / Chemical Spills Dr. D. Andala Radiation Safety Mr. Mayaka Transporation of Chemicals Dr. A. Aluoch 10.30 – 10.45 am 10.45 - 1.00 pm Tea Break Waste Management and Disposal Maureen Njeri Chemical Waste Management Companies in Kenya Philip Mwabe 1.00 – 2.00 pm 2.00 – 4.00 pm Dr. H. Njenga Lunch Break Fire Safety / Hazards / Explosion Sammy Kimanyano First Aid Fred Majiwa 4.00 - 4.15 pm MERC MILLIPORE 4.15 pm Tea Break and Close TIME Dr. Kiptoo ACTIVITY Resource Person Dr. Aluoch Session Chair 3 December 2014 8.00 – 10.30 am Hazard Assessment Disaster Communication Dr. H. Njenga Dr. Andala 10.30 – 10.45 am 10.45 - 1.00 pm Tea Break Case Study of UON Chemical Waste Management Dr. Mwaniki Green Chemistry Dr. Naumih Noah 1.00 – 2.00 pm Lunch Break 2.00 – 3.00 pm Lab Excercise 3.00 – 4.00 pm Assessment test / Evaluation F. Mwazighe / Dennis Osoro Dr. Andala 4.00 - 4.15 pm Tea Break 5.00 pm Issuuing of Certificates / Cocktail TIME Dennis Osoro ACTIVITY Resource Person Session Chair 4 December 2014 9.00 – 1 pm TIME Excursion to Industry ACTIVITY Resource Person 5 December 2014 Departure Session Chair
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