April 2015 killarneyschool.ca (204)523-4696 KCI STUDENT LED CONFERENCES Wednesday, April 15 & Thursday, April 16th High School Students and the Graduation Portfolio: The Student Led Conference (SLC) evening’s format will be as follows: Senior High SLC will be held from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. each night. The students will meet with you in their Advisor Group classroom. Parents will sign up for a particular time to have their SLC. Please phone the KCI office (523-4696) after 10 a.m. each day to set up a conference time. If you would like to see an individual teacher privately you may arrange a 15 minute appointment at this time as well. When you phone to book an appointment time, the secretaries will let you know if a teacher has requested an appointment with you. Student Led Conferences will be held every 15 minutes on each evening beginning @ 6 p.m. and concluding at 8 p.m. There will be at most 3 meeting at one time in each room. Please contact the school for more information. K-8 Students: Your child’s individual classroom teacher will schedule a time for your Student Led Conference and let you know when you need to come. Student Led Conferences are an opportunity for students to discuss skills, abilities and learning goals with their parents/guardians. If you have any questions about Student Led Conferences please feel free to drop in or telephone the school at 523-4696. Sincerely, Terry Beazley, Principal Giselle Beaupré, Vice Principal This Month at Killarney School April 6 ~ P.D. Day - No Classes April 15-16 ~ Book Fair April 10 ~ MADD Presentation (Gr. 7-12) April 20 ~ Horizons Conference (Gr. 8-12) April 10 ~ Killarney School Pink Shirt Day April 24 ~ MuchMusic Video Dance (Gr. 7-12) April 10 ~ Middle Years Dance (Gr. 5-8) April 24 ~ Elementary Assembly “Champions & Stars” April 11-15 ~ Senior Band Edmonton Trip April 24 ~ High School Assembly “Be The One” April 15 ~ Grade 9-12 Report Cards April 15-16 ~ Student Led Conferences Top 3 Math Tips For Parents CBC Radio Anna Stokke is a math professor at the University of Winnipeg who was stunned to learn the approach to teaching math had changed by the time her daughter was in grade three. That realization led to huge changes in her family’s life, along with big changes to math curricula in Western Canada. Click the link below to hear Anna's story, and take a look below for her tips. Anna Stokke's Top Math Tips 1. Make sure your child memorizes their times tables. This takes a lot of work and sometimes it seems like the child is never going to get it but they eventually do. Make sure they memorized all their times tables up till 9x9, 12x12 even better. 2. Make sure your child has mastered the conventional methods for doing arithmetic. Addition with a carry, subtraction with a borrow, long division, multiplication. And make sure they learn it through lots of practice at home. 3. Go down to your local bookstore and pick up JUMP Math workbooks for your child’s grade. It’s an excellent program and it’s really easy to work with and kids love it. It teaches in incremental steps written by a Canadian charity. If you pick that up and work with your child regularly, that will really help them a lot. http://www.cbc.ca/radio/dnto/crunching-numbers-close-encounters-with-math-1.2990407/three-topmath-tips-for-parents-1.2991943 Friday, April 24th 7-11PM Grade 7-12 $10 admission Killarney School Pink Shirt Day—Friday, April 10th Pink Shirt Day began back when David Shepherd and Travis Price from Nova Scotia noticed that a kid in grade nine was getting picked on at their school because he wore a pink shirt. They got together with a couple of other friends and planned to wear pink shirts to help defend this boy. That night they went to the store and got 50 pink tank tops, then sent out the message to the boys at their school. The next day as the bullied boy walked in, it seemed like he had a huge weight taken off his shoulder’s. After this event the boy was never bullied again and schools across Canada have taken on Pink Shirt Day. Killarney School is holding our Pink Shirt Day on Friday, April 10th. Please wear pink to show your support for the cause. Bike to School Month is May 4 – June 3. Clean Air Day 2015 wraps up the month on Wednesday, June 3rd. Bike to School Month, together with Clean Air Day, gives schools a special chance to encourage students to bike, walk or skate to school. The events are a chance to celebrate our environment by keeping our air clean, to share travel safety skills with children, to bring safety to our neighborhoods and reduce crime, to address traffic congestion, pollution and speed around our schools, and to spend valuable time with one another. All great reasons to get your school and community involved! Thousands of Manitoba school children will join students from across Canada to celebrate biking and walking to school this Spring. Join the celebration! Please be advised that we recommend that Kindergarten & Grade 1 students are NOT to ride their bikes to school, unless supervised by a parent. This is for safety reasons only. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school. Thank you for your cooperation. Depending on the street you live on, how far away from the school you are, and how old you are, it may be best to have a parent walk with you to school or to participate in a planned Walking School Bus. If you travel alone, make sure someone responsible knows the route you are planning to take. Have a parent walk or bike with you to establish what the safest route to school is. This can help you outline the potential traffic hazards in the area and help you recognize key landmarks to help you find your way. There is safety in numbers. Ask your parent to check with other parents on your street to see if there are any other kids walking or biking to school. If there are, you could join in and form your own ‘Walking/Cycling School Bus’ with a volunteer parent walking or biking with everyone to school to ensure your safe arrival. Ask your parent(s) to teach you the ‘rules of the road’. Get help crossing the street and cross where there are school patrols or marked crosswalks. They are there to help you. Obey the crossing signals and cross only when clear. Be extra alert at intersections without lights. Know the stopping zones; always stop at driveways, alleys and areas without curbs and never run onto the street. Always walk on the sidewalk when there is one. If there are no sidewalks, walk as far away from the road as possible and walk facing the approaching traffic. 1 Source: Safe Kids Canada, Community Action Kit for Pedestrian Safety, 2002. Middle Years Student Council Chocolate Bar Fundraising Campaign on Now! Thank you for your support! Wednesday, April 15th & Thursday, April 16th 9:00am - 4:00pm, 5:00pm - 8:00pm School Dress Code The school’s dress code is as follows: Students are expected to dress in good taste. The midriff must be covered, as well, shorts and skirts must be of mid-thigh length and shirts should not be low cut (especially if they are revealing excessive cleavage). No tank tops with spaghetti straps, tube tops, halter tops, muscle shirts, or crop tops are allowed. Bra straps should be covered. Items of clothing may not contain offensive messages (explicit or implied), words or pictures. Clothing with alcohol, drug, or cigarette products/ advertising is not allowed. Under no circumstances should profanity appear on clothing. Sunglasses are not to be worn in school. Hats and other head coverings may not be worn in the school. Shoes are to be worn at all times. Gym shoes and a change from classroom clothing are required for Physical Education classes. If a student chooses to dress improperly he/she will be asked to change or will be offered more suitable clothing from the school office. No Ads for Alcohol, Drug or Cigarette Products PRESCHOOLERS TO BE SCREENED DURING PRESCHOOL WELLNESS DAY Once again Preschool Wellness Days will be held in the area. This event is organized and sponsored by the Early Childhood Team, a sub-committee of the Turtle Mountain School Division. The team is made up of local public health nurses, speech/language pathologists, kindergarten teachers, nursery school teachers, the assistant superintendent of student services and daycare coordinators. During the Wellness Days, children from birth to Age 4 will be screened to assess their development in a variety of areas. Professionals will assess the preschoolers for vision, speech/language and health. Children who are enrolled in Kindergarten for the fall of 2015 will be screened at the school in June. The school will set up an appointment for these students in the spring. Preschool Wellness Days will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (last screening will start at 4:30 p.m.) on the following dates: Lakeview Community Church, Killarney – April 15, 2015 Boissevain Mennonite Brethren Church – April 22, 2015 Preschoolers, parents, and grandparents welcome! Day 3 21 Day 4 28 Pasta with Alfredo sauce & garlic bread 27 7 Day 2 14 BBQ Pork on a Bun $3.50 P.D. Day No Classes Sweet & Sour Meatballs With rice $3.50 20 13 6 Mon Day 4 22 Day 3 15 Day 2 8 Day 3 9 Taco in a Bag $4.00 Sloppy Joes $3.50 Day 2 30 Day 1 23 Chicken Fingers & Fries $3.50/4.75 Day 4 16 Chicken Caesar Wrap $4.00 Wed Thu Day 2 24 Chicken Fingers & Fries $3.50/4.75 Day 3 Taco in a Bag $4.00 Fri Day 2 Day 1 Cheeseburger $3.50 Day 3 Pasta with simple sauce & garlic bread $3.00/4.00 Day 1 17 Day 4 10 Chicken Caesar Wrap $4.00 Grilled Cheese $3.00 Hot Pizza Sub $3.00 No Hotdogs on Mondays Hot Pizza Sub $3.00 Day 1 29 Cheese Quesadilla $3.00 Perogies $2.50/4.00 Chicken Burger $3.50 Tue
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