Applications for Head Boy / Head Girl

Applications for
Head Boy / Head Girl
Applications are invited from current Year 10s for student leadership team 2015-16.
There are 4 post available:
Head Boy
Head Girl
Deputy Head Boy
Deputy Head Girl
Application forms are available from Reception.
Closing date: Friday 24th April 2015.
Please read the following slides which give details of what the job entails, what
characteristics you need, the application process and the minimum expectations.
Successful applicants will be shortlisted and invited for interview.
Interview date to be confirmed.
Good Luck!
What does the job entail?
 Representing the school and student body at a variety of public functions
during the year, including year 6 open evening and awards evenings.
 To be internal and external ambassadors for the school and to act as role
models for all students at KRS.
 To give key presentations about the school, for example to prospective
parents and students.
 To greet important visitors to the school.
 To plan and present at least one assembly to all year groups.
 To report to the leadership team every term.
What characteristics will you need?
 Good communication skills.
 Confidence.
 Problem solving abilities.
 Responsibility.
 Delegation.
 Approachability.
 Trust.
 Leadership.
The application process
If you wish to run for head boy or head girl (deputies will also be selected from the
applicants) you must provide the following:
1. A completed nomination form signed by two members of staff.
2. A formal letter of application, addressed to the Headteacher, which covers the
following points explaining why you believe you will make a good head student
(please limit this to one side of A4).
 How will you continue to support the ethos of the school?
 The specific contributions you will make to the life of the school.
 Your personal qualities.
 Your style of leadership.
 How will you promote yourself as a positive role model for peers and younger
students? Give specific examples of achievements which demonstrate these
Minimum expectations
 At least 95% attendance.
 Making at least expected progress in
English, Maths and 3 other subjects.
 Few, if any, kick outs.
 Zero fixed term exclusions .
 Evidence of extra curricular activity.