This is the English translation of the original Japanese-language Business Results of KITO COROPRATION (the Company) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015 and is provided for reference purposes only. Readers are advised that the Company does not guarantee the accuracy of the content contained in this report. In the event of any discrepancy between this translation and the Japanese original, the Japanese original shall prevail. Business Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2015 [Japan GAAP] (Consolidated) May 15, 2015 KITO COROPRATION Listed on the TSE 1st Section 6409 URL: http://Kito .com/ Yoshio Kito , President & CEO Shigeki Osozawa Contact TEL: +81-3-5908-0161 Director, Executive Officer, GM, Corporate Management Division Expected date of annual shareholders’ meeting: Expected starting date of dividend June 23, 2015 payment: June 24, 2015 Expected date of filing of annual securities report: June 24, 2015 Preparation of supplementary financial document: Yes Results briefing: Yes (for institutional investors) Company Stock Code Representative (Rounded down to the nearest million yen) 1. Consolidated business results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015 (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) (1) Consolidated results of operations (% change from the previous corresponding period) Net sales Operating income Ordinary income Net income Million yen % Million yen % Million yen % Million yen % FY ended Mar. 2015 49,968 19.4 3,395 (15.2) 3,423 (16.4) 2,026 (14.2) FY ended Mar. 2014 41,855 17.9 4,006 59.6 4,094 67.7 2,361 130.8 (Note) Comprehensive income Fiscal year ended Mar. 2015: 3,741 million yen (16.6)% Fiscal year ended Mar. 2014: 4,484 million yen 81.4% Ratio of operating Net income Diluted net Return on Ratio of ordinary income per share income per share equity income to total assets to net sales Yen Yen % % % FY ended Mar. 2015 77.52 77.11 8.9 6.6 6.8 FY ended Mar. 2014 91.25 90.42 12.3 10.8 9.6 (Reference) Equity in earnings of affiliates: Fiscal year ended Mar. 2015: — million yen Fiscal year ended Mar. 2014: — million yen (Note) Effective October 1, 2014, Kito conducted a 2-for-1 stock split of its common stock. Accordingly, net income per share and diluted net income per share are calculated on the assumption that the stock split was completed as of the beginning of the previous fiscal year. (2) Consolidated financial position Total assets Net assets Shareholders’ equity ratio % 38.9 51.2 Net assets per share Yen 936.83 806.32 Million yen Million yen 63,183 25,626 41,108 22,003 As of Mar. 2015: 24,576 million yen As of Mar. 2014: 21,051 million yen (Note) Effective October 1, 2014, Kito conducted a 2-for-1 stock split of its common stock. Accordingly, net assets per share data is calculated on the assumption that the stock split was completed as of the beginning of the previous fiscal year. As of Mar. 2015 As of Mar. 2014 (Reference) Shareholders’ equity (3) Consolidated results of cash flows Cash flows from operating activities FY ended Mar. 2015 FY ended Mar. 2014 Million yen 3,338 4,056 Cash flows from investing activities Million yen (8,402) (2,729) Cash flows from financing activities Million yen 7,050 465 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period Million yen 9,777 6,219 2. Dividends Annual dividend End of Q1 End of Q2 End of Q3 Year- end Annual Total Dividend payout ratio (Consolidated) Rate of total dividend to net assets (Consolidated) FY ended Mar. Yen Yen Yen Yen Yen Million yen % % 2014 - 15.00 - 25.00 40.00 522 21.9 2.7 FY ended Mar. - 25.00 - 12.50 37.50 654 32.3 2.9 2015 FY ending Mar. - 14.00 - 14.00 28.00 25.7 2016 (forecast) (Note) Effective October 1, 2014, Kito conducted a 2-for-1 stock split of its common stock. Accordingly, the actual dividend amount for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015 prior to the stock split has been recorded. 3.Forecast of consolidated business results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016 (April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016) (% change from the previous year) Operating income Net sales Million yen For the six months ending Sept. 30, 2015 FY ending Mar. 31, 2016 Ordinary income % Million yen % Million yen % 27,000 46.7 1,300 52.0 1,100 23.2 60,000 20.1 5,500 62.0 5,000 46.0 Net income Million yen Net income per share % Yen 500 (0.9) 19.06 3,000 48.0 114.36 ※ Notes: (1) Changes in significant subsidiaries during the period (changes in specified subsidiaries resulting in a change in the scope of consolidation): Yes New: 2 PEERLESS INDUSTRIAL GROUP, INC. Excluded: — Peerless Chain Co., Inc. (Note) For details, please refer to page 6, “2. Status of the corporate group” (2) Changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates, and restatements Changes in accounting policies due to revisions of accounting standards: Yes Changes in accounting policies other than above: No Changes of accounting estimates: No Restatements: No (Note) For details, please refer to “5. Consolidated Financial Statements (5) Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Changes in accounting policies) on page 19 of the supplementary materials. (3) Number of shares issued (common stock) Number of shares issued at the end of period (treasury stock included) As of Mar. 2015: 27,048,200 shares As of Mar. 2014: 27,048,200 shares Number of treasury stock at the end of period As of Mar. 2015: 815,016 shares As of Mar. 2014: 939,966 shares Average number of shares over the period Fiscal 2014: 26,147,003 shares Fiscal 2013: 25,884,032 shares (Note) Effective October 1, 2014, KITO conducted a 2-for-1 stock split of its common stock. Accordingly, the number of shares issued (common stock) is calculated on the assumption that the stock split was completed as of the beginning of the previous fiscal year. ii (Reference) Summary of non-consolidated business results Non-consolidated business results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015 (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) (1) Non-consolidated results of operations (% change from the previous fiscal year) Net sales Operating income Ordinary income Net income Million yen % Million yen % Million yen % Million yen % Fiscal year 24,514 8.6 2,640 10.2 3,062 8.2 1,495 41.4 ended Mar. 2015 Fiscal year 22,577 6.0 2,395 83.3 2,831 50.0 1,057 6.5 ended Mar. 2014 Net income per share Yen 57.18 40.86 Fiscal year ended Mar. 2015 Fiscal year ended Mar. 2014 Diluted net income per share Yen 56.88 40.49 (Note) Effective October 1, 2014, KITO conducted a 2-for-1 stock split of its common stock. Accordingly, net income per share and diluted net income per share are calculated on the assumption that the stock split was completed as of the beginning of the previous fiscal year. (2) Non-consolidated financial position Total assets Net assets Million yen Million yen As of Mar. 2015 44,659 17,257 As of Mar. 2014 29,108 15,859 Shareholders’ equity ratio % 38.6 54.4 Net assets per share Yen 656.72 606.05 (Reference) Shareholders’ equity: As of Mar. 2015: 17,227 million yen As of Mar. 2014: 15,822 million yen (Note) Effective October 1, 2014, KITO conducted a 2-for-1 stock split of its common stock. Accordingly, net assets per share data is calculated on the assumption that the stock split was completed as of the beginning of the previous fiscal year. * Indication of the status of audit-procedures execution This financial summary is not subject to audit procedures pursuant to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan. However, audit procedures were in progress as of the date of report disclosure. * Explanation regarding the appropriate use of business forecasts and other special instructions - Caution concerning forward-looking statements The performance forecasts and other forward-looking statements presented in this summary are based on information currently available and certain assumptions deemed to be reasonable, and are not to be read as guarantees of future performance by KITO . Actual performance, etc., may differ substantially due to various factors. For the preconditions of the assumptions and special instructions regarding the appropriate use of business forecasts, refer to “1. Analysis of results of operations and financial position, (1) Analysis of results of operations” on page 2 of the supplementary materials. - Method of obtaining the supplementary financial documents and the contents of the briefing session Kito is planning to hold a briefing session for institutional investors on Tuesday, May 19, 2015. Materials provided shall be posted on Kito’s website immediately after the session. iii Contents of Attached materials 1. Analyses of results of operations and financial position…………………………………………………………………….. P. 2 (1) Analysis of results of operations………………………………………………………………………………………………….. P. 2 (2) Analysis of financial position ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… (3) Basic policy on profit distribution, along with dividends for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015 and the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Status of the corporate group …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. P. 4 3. Management policy ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. P.7 P. 5 P.6 (1) Basic corporate management policy …………………………………………………………………………………………….. P.7 (2) Target management benchmarks………………………………………………………………………………………………… P. 7 (3) Mid-to long-term corporate management strategy………………………………………………………………………… P. 7 (4) Corporate challenges to be addressed…………………………………………………………………………………………… P. 7 (5) Other important matters concerning corporate management··………………………………………………………………… P. 7 4. Basic approach toward the selection of accounting standards……………………………………………………………… P. 8 5. Consolidated financial statements………………………………………………………………………………………………… P. 9 5. (1) Consolidated balance sheets……………………………………………………………………………………………………… P. 9 (2) Consolidated statements of income/Consolidated statements of comprehensive income ………………………………… P. 11 Consolidated statements of income…………………………………………………………………………………………… P. 11 Consolidated statements of comprehensive income………………………………………………………………………… P. 12 (3) Consolidated statements of changes in net assets…………………………………………………………………………….. P. 13 (4) Consolidated statements of cash flows………………………………………………………………………………................. P. 15 (5) Notes to consolidated financial statements……………………………………………………………………………………… P. 17 (Notes regarding ongoing concern assumption)……………………………………………………………………………….. P. 17 (Important matters fundamental to the preparation of consolidated financial statements) ………………………………… P. 17 (Changes in accounting policies) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Changes in presentation methods)……………………………………………………………………………………………… (In relation to consolidated balance sheets)…………………………………………………………………………................ P. 19 P. 20 P. 20 (In relation to consolidated statements of income)…………………………………………………………………………….. P. 21 (In relation to consolidated statements of changes in net assets)……………………………………………………………. P. 22 (In relation to the consolidated statements of cash flows) ·…………………………………………………………………… P. 24 (Segment information)………………………………………………………………………………………………..................... P. 25 (Per share information)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. P. 26 (Important subsequent events)……………………………………………………………………………………….................. P. 27 Others…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… P. 28 (1) Management changes·…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. P. 28 - 1 - 1. Analyses of results of operations and financial position (1) Analysis of results of operations (i) Results of operations for the fiscal year ended March 2015 In fiscal 2014, the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015, the corporate sector in Japan continued to exhibit an appetite for capital investment by Japanese firms while conditions throughout North America showed positive signs of recovery in corporate sector results. Meanwhile, China experienced a persistent slowdown in its rate of economic growth. As a result, future economic trends in this part of the world remain shrouded in uncertainty. Turning to Asia, signs of stagnation began to emerge. This is expected to dull the momentum of growth. Under these circumstances, the Kito Group continued to carry out its Mid-term Management Plan. Throughout the fiscal year under review, the Kito Group continued to work on (1) expanding its business in emerging markets, principally Asia; (2) strengthening its product lineup; (3) promoting the globalization of production and procurement; and (4) establishing a crane business structure. In fiscal 2014, the fourth year of its Mid-term Management Plan, the KITO Group experienced mixed conditions. The operating environment in Asia and other emerging markets together with demand in China exhibited a greater-than -expected downturn. On the other hand, robust results in the Americas contributed to an overall positive performance. On August 21, 2014, Kito acquired all of the shares of its U.S.-based subsidiary, PEERLESS INDUSTRIAL GROUP, INC. (“PEERLESS”). The company was then included in the scope of KITO’s consolidation as a wholly owned subsidiary from the third quarter of the fiscal year under review. As a result, revenue improved year on year. Against this backdrop, business in the Americas experienced remarkable growth. Trends in Japan were also firm and demand remaining solid which were mainly buoyed by healthy private-sector capital investment. From a profit perspective, earnings declined compared with the previous fiscal year. This was largely attributable to the greater-than-expected downturn in profits in Asia as well as the incidence of expenses, including temporary measures to account for inventory valuation at the time of the PEERLESS acquisition and the reversal of deferred tax assets in line with the decline in the income tax rate, which were higher than estimated at the time the Company announced its forecasts of operating results. Accounting for each of these factors, consolidated net sales were 49,968 million yen (+19.4% compared with the previous fiscal year), consolidated operating income was 3,395 million yen (-15.2% compared with the previous fiscal year), consolidated ordinary income was 3,423 million yen (-16.4% compared with the previous fiscal year), and consolidated net income was 2,026 million yen (-14.2% compared with the previous fiscal year). The Kito Group conducts business activities on a segment basis by location in connection with the operations of Kito Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries. Business results by segment are as presented as follows. Segment Net Sales (YoY change in %) Operating Income (Loss) (YOY change in %) Japan 24,514 million yen (+8.6%) 4,726 million yen (+12.7%) The Americas 21,967 million yen (+68.2%) 744 million yen (-17.6%) China 8,504 million yen (-2.7%) 836 million yen (-12.4%) Asia 5,471 million yen (-17.7%) (374) million yen (Operating income of 459 million yen for the previous fiscal year) Europe 1,692 million yen (+9.5%) 9 million yen (-79.7%) Japan: Net sales climbed 8.6% compared with the previous fiscal year, to 24,514 million yen. This largely supported the continued appetite of Japan’s private sector as well as firm demand from American subsidiaries. Operating income also increased 12.7% year on year, to 4,726 million yen, owing mainly to the impact of the weak yen. The Americas: In the United States, demand remained strong across a wide range of industries and, in particular, the manufacturing sector on the back of an ongoing recovery in the overall economy. Buoyed by contributions from PEERLESS, which was included in the scope of the Company’s consolidation from the third quarter of the fiscal year under review, net sales across the Americas climbed substantially, to 21,967 million yen, up 68.2% compared with the previous fiscal year. Strong results in the United States offset the drop in demand for natural resources, including oil sands in Canada. Accordingly, net sales of existing businesses excluding Peerless on a local currency U.S. dollar basis grew 6.3% indicating continued robust results across the Americas as a whole. The costs associated with the acquisition of PEERLESS were borne by the Company’s local subsidiary in the United States, which undertook the actual purchase. On this basis, operating income came to 744 million yen, down 17.6% compared with the previous fiscal year. - 2 - China: With a persistent slowdown in economic growth, China future remains shrouded in uncertainty. Net sales converted to Japanese yen came to 8,504 million yen, down 2.7% compared with the previous fiscal year. Operating income for the period declined 12.4% year on year, to 836 million yen. Asia: Conditions throughout Asia were impacted by a slowdown in the rate of economic growth in China. As a result, investment demand was weak in such countries as Thailand and Indonesia where growth was expected. At the same time, demand by Japanese companies operating in Thailand was subdued owing mainly to the impact of prolonged political instability. Taking into consideration each of these factors, net sales in Asia totaled 5,471 million yen, down 17.7% compared with the previous fiscal year. On the earnings front, the Kito Group incurred an operating loss of 374 million yen compared with operating income of 459 million yen recorded in fiscal 2013. This substantial deterioration in profit was caused by a variety of factors, including an increase in fixed expenses following the start of operations at a second factory in Thailand last fiscal year and the downturn in profitability of certain large-scale projects. Europe: Demand was strong and net sales in Europe increased 9.5% compared with the previous fiscal year, to 1,692 million yen. Operating income declined 79.7% year on year, to 9 million yen. (ii) Outlook for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016 Looking at the business environment in which the KITO Group operates, Asia and China are expected to exhibit ongoing weak demand. In contrast, North America is projected to remain robust, while demand in Japan is anticipated to be firm. Under these circumstances, the Group will allocate resources to growth regions while looking at ways to expand the scope of its business by pursuing M&A in a bid to further boost operating results. In Japan, sales of manually products are expected to stay strong. This is largely attributable to private-sector capital investment as well as demand from the construction and civil engineering sectors in the infrastructure, recovery, and other fields. The KITO Group will work diligently to increase its market share by continuing to upgrade and expand its product lineup and boosting sales of wire rope hoists. In the Americas, the manufacturing sector is projected to lead robust overall demand. In addition to ongoing efforts aimed at streamlining the supply chain by promoting the local production of certain products, energies will be directed toward strengthening the Group’s lineup of finished products together with the chain, hoist, and other peripheral products of PEERLESS. Complementing these measures, the KITO Group will continue to cultivate markets in Central and South America. On this basis, every effort will be made to secure sustainable growth across the Americas. In China, the pace of economic growth is expected to continue its downward path with demand also remaining weak. Despite these difficult conditions, the KITO Group will continue to cultivate sales routes in the northeastern and inland regions while, at the same time, promoting ongoing efforts aimed at securing an increase in sales volumes. Focusing mainly on Asia, the Group will look to increase earnings in emerging markets. While concentrating on the existing crane business, the KITO Group will also work to expand its maintenance service business and to commence the sale of single unit hoist products. Moving forward, particular emphasis will be placed on capturing the sound capital investment undertaken by the corporate sector and, in particular, the Japanese manufacturing industry. Drawing on this outlook of the future, the KITO Group is forecasting increases in both revenue and earnings in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016. In specific terms, net sales, operating income, ordinary income, and net income are expected to reach 60,000 million yen, 5,500 million yen, 5,000 million yen, and 3,000 million yen, respectively, on a consolidated basis. The outlook for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016 is based on a projected exchange rate of 115.0 yen to the U.S. dollar. (iii) Status of progress under the Mid-term Management Plan With the objective of becoming the “true global No. 1 hoist manufacturer,” the KITO Group is pressing ahead with its Mid -term Management Plan, which covers the five-year period from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 to the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016. Details of quantitative targets and the status of progress are presented as follows. a. Performance targets In the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016, the final year of the Mid-term Management Plan, the KITO Group will continue to steadfastly carrying out the strategies presented as follows. With this as its road map, the Group is targeting 60 billion yen in consolidated net sales, 5.5 billion yen in consolidated operating income, and a 9.2% operating margin for the fiscal year ending March 2016. - 3 - Target figures for the fiscal year ending March 2016 on a consolidated basis Fiscal year ended March 31, 2015 (actual results) Consolidated net sales 49.9 (billion yen) Consolidated operating income 3.3 (billion yen) Operating margin (%) 6.8 Fiscal year ending March 31, 2016 (targets) 60.0 5.5 9.2 b. Regional strategy In the Group’s existing major markets, Japan and North America, we will seek to keep and strengthen our position as well as expand operations based on the relationships of trust that we have been built with our customers over time as well as our strong agency network. In the United States, we will also streamline our supply chain by promoting local production going forward. We will also work to upgrade and expand our product lineup while increasing our market share. Turning to China, we will endeavor to build a distribution network particularly in inland areas in a bid to capture the expandable demand. Meanwhile, in such emerging countries as Thailand, Indonesia, and India, where a distribution network is yet to fully develop, we will work to capture expanding demand through a direct sales system while strengthening our crane business and upgrading our after-sales services. With regard to Europe and other regions, we will branch out from our mainstay market of Germany to expand into Africa and other regions. c. Product strategy We are focusing on the upgrade and expansion of product lineup such as wire rope hoists and theatrical hoists especially in Japan and the Americas. In particular, we are adding the PEERLESS range of products, including below hook device, to our lineup in the Americas. Moreover, we are increasing our solution proposal capabilities by strengthening our crane production capacity particularly in South Korea, Thailand, and India, and bolstering our engineering functions in Japan. d. Manufacturing strategy We are engaging in efforts to increase our overseas manufacturing capacity and expanding production in North America and China in order to decentralize production costs as well as risks. By adding PEERLESS, the largest manufacturer of chains in North America, to the Group, we are taking positive steps toward enhancing the efficiency of our chain product supply chain. Moving forward, the KITO Group will continue to mitigate foreign currency exchange rate risks and reduce procurement prices. e. Corporate management The KITO Group introduced organizational management based on a matrix of regional business-based organizations and function-based organizations to shore up the management of strategic actions as well as profit and loss. In addition, we have been working on the globalization of human resources, hiring non-Japanese executives at overseas offices, and proactively assigning personnel to bases that exhibit growth potential in an effort to secure higher productivity while improving the quality of management as a global corporation. (2) Analysis of financial position (i) Status of assets, liabilities, and net assets Assets: Total assets stood at 63,183 million yen as of March 31, 2015, up 22,075 million yen compared with the end of the previous fiscal year. This was largely attributable to increases in cash and deposits, notes and accounts receivable-trade, merchandise and finished goods, and goodwill of 3,561 million yen, 3,179 million yen, 4,204 million yen, and 3,444 million yen, respectively. Liabilities: Total liabilities amounted to 37,557 million yen, an increase of 18,452 million yen compared with the previous fiscal year- end. Principal movements included increases in accrued expenses, long-term loans payable, and deferred tax liabilities of 891 million yen, 14,781 million yen, and 1,549 million yen, respectively. Net assets: Net assets as of the end of the fiscal year under review stood at 25,626 million yen. This was 3,623 million yen higher than the balance as of March 31, 2014. During the period under review, retained earnings climbed 1,878 million yen, while foreign currency translation adjustment increased 1,752 million yen and minority interests grew 105 million yen year on year. - 4 - (ii) Status of cash flows Cash and cash equivalents as of the end of the fiscal year under review stood at 9,777 million yen, up 3,558 million yen compared with the end of the previous fiscal year. Cash flows from operating activities: Net cash provided by operating activities totaled 3,338 million yen. This was a decrease of 717 million yen compared with the previous fiscal year. Major cash inflows were income before income taxes of 3,671 million yen and changes in inventories of 1,004 million yen. The principal cash outflow was changes in trade payables of 916 million yen. Cash flows from investing activities: Net cash used in investing activities came to 8,402 million yen, up 5,673 million yen year on year. Major cash outflows included payments for the acquisition of tangible noncurrent assets and purchase of investments in subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation of 1,365 million yen and 7,840 million yen, respectively. The principal cash inflow was proceeds from the sales of tangible noncurrent assets of 932 million yen. Cash flows from financing activities: Net cash provided by financing activities was 7,050 million yen, up 6,584 million yen compared with the previous fiscal year. The principal cash inflow was proceeds from long-term loans payable of 15,824 million yen. Major outflows were repayments of long-term loans payable of 5,714 million yen and cash dividends paid by the parent company of 653 million yen. Reference: Cash flow-related figures FY ended March 31, 2011 FY ended March 31, 2012 FY ended March 31, 2013 FY ended March 31, 2014 FY ended March 31, 2015 Shareholders’ equity ratio (%) 53.8 48.5 49.8 51.2 38.9 Shareholders’ equity ratio (on a market-value basis) (%) 35.0 29.3 38.4 67.1 50.7 Cash flows to interest-bearing liabilities ratio (per annum) 1.4 9.6 - 1.6 6.4 51.1 5.4 - 22.8 14.8 Interest coverage ratio (times) Shareholders’ equity ratio=Shareholders’ equity/Total assets Shareholders’ equity ratio (on a market-value basis)=Aggregate market value/Total assets Cash flows to interest-bearing liabilities ratio=Interest-bearing liabilities/Cash flows Interest coverage ratio=Cash flows/Interest payments (Note 1) Figures are calculated using financial data on a consolidated basis. (Note 2) The aggregate market value is calculated based on the number of shares outstanding excluding treasury stock. (Note 3) Cash flow data is based on cash flows from operating activities. (Note 4) Interest-bearing liabilities include all liabilities listed in the consolidated balance sheets for which interest is paid. (Note 5) “Cash flows to interest-bearing liabilities ratio” and “interest coverage ratio” data for the fiscal year ended March 2013 are not listed due to the negative cash flows from operating activities for that particular fiscal year. (3) Basic policy on profit distribution, along with dividends for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015 and the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016 KITO COROPRATION recognizes the importance of returning appropriate levels of profits to shareholders in accordance with the Company’s business results. Of equal importance is the need to expand retained earnings in order to strengthen the Company’s management and operating platforms and to secure sufficient funds to expand business going forward. Based on this understanding, KITO COROPRATION has identified a consolidated dividend payout ratio target of 20% or more after taking into consideration consolidated business results and the status of the Company’s financial standing. Every effort is made to increase the level of dividend payment. In distributing profits to shareholders, KITO has adopted the basic policy of paying cash dividends twice a year. In specific terms, this entails the payment of an interim and period-end cash dividend. For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015, the Company has decided to pay an interim dividend of 25 yen per share and a period-end dividend of 12.5 yen per share for an annual dividend of 37.5 yen per share. This translates to a dividend payout ratio of 32.3%. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016, the Company intends to pay an interim dividend of 14 yen per share and a period-end dividend of 14 yen per share for an annual dividend of 28 yen per share and a dividend payout ratio of 25.7%. Note: Effective October 1, 2014, KITO conducted a 2-for-1 stock split of its common stock. Taking into consideration the effects of this stock split, the interim cash dividend for the fiscal year under review comes to 12.5 yen per share. - 5 - 2. Status of the corporate group The KITO Group consists of KITO COROPRATION and its 20 consolidated subsidiaries. The Group is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of hoisting equipment and cranes. In addition, the KITO Group is divided into five regional reportable segments based on manufacturing and sales systems. These five regional reportable segments are Japan, the Americas, China, Asia, and Europe. Changes in the Group’s affiliates during the fiscal year under review are presented as follows. Americas: During the second quarter of the fiscal year under review, the KITO Group acquired all of the shares of PEERLESS INDUSTRIAL GROUP, INC. As a result, this company and its three subsidiaries were included in the scope of KITO ’s consolidation. Asia: Taking into account its growing importance, KITO HOISTS & CRANES ASIA PTE. LTD., a company that was reported as a non-consolidated subsidiary as of the end of the previous fiscal year, was included in the scope of the Company’s consolidation effective from the second quarter of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015. The followings are the Group’s principal affiliated companies. <Japan> KITO COROPRATION (The Company) Product sales <Americas> • Harrington Hoists, Inc. (U.S.A.) • KITO CANADA INC. (Canada) • KITO DO BRASIL COMERCIO DE TALHAS E GUINDASTES LTDA. (Brazil) <China> • KITO HOISTS & CRANES (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. (China) <Asia> • KITO KOREA CO., LTD. (South Korea) • KITO TAIWAN CO., LTD. (Taiwan) • SIAM KITO CO., LTD. (Thailand) • PT. KITO INDONESIA (Indonesia) <Europe> • Kito Europe GmbH (Germany) Manufacture and sale of wire rope hoists, etc.; manufacture of component parts for KITO ’s products <China> • JIANGYIN KITO CRANE CO., LTD. (China) Manufacture and sale of chain and chain-related products <Americas> •Peerless Chain Co., Inc. (U.S.A.) Manufacture of component parts for KITO ’s products <Asia> • KITO PHILIPPINES, INC. (Philippines) Manufacture and sale of cranes, wire rope hoists, etc. <Asia> • ARMSEL MHE PVT. LTD. (India) Investment holding companies <Americas> • KITO Americas, Inc. (U.S.A.) • PEERLESS INDUSTRIAL GROUP, INC. (U.S.A.) <Asia> • SUKIT BUSINESS CO., LTD. (Thailand) • KITO HOISTS & CRANES ASIA PTE. LTD. (Singapore) Trademark management <Americas> • Har Ki, Inc. (U.S.A.) - 6 - 3. Management policy (1) Basic corporate management policy With the aim of becoming a company that is trusted by its customers, the KITO Group is committed to across-the-board business activities that are based on the following overarching corporate philosophy: · KITO’s mission: Deliver unmatched satisfaction to our customers. · KITO’s quality: Our driving “spirit” is “quality.” · KITO’s innovation: Change and challenge always. · KITO’s fundamental values: Integrity, honesty, pride, and gratitude (2) Target management benchmarks The KITO Group aim is targeting net sales of 100 billion yen through the organic growth of existing businesses and the aggressive pursuit of M&A. Fiscal year ending March 31, 2016 (Targets) Consolidated net sales (Billion yen) 60.0 Operating income (Billion yen) 5.5 Operating margin (%) 9.2 (3) Mid-to long-term corporate management strategy The KITO Group’s mid-to long-term management vision* is “to continually provide value that exceeds customers’ expectations” in order to maximize the value of the KITO brand in the market and “to truly become the global No. 1 hoist manufacturer.” Working toward this goal, each employee is proactively committed to and engaged in the pursuit of “differentiation” as well as “business efficiency” as a basic strategy. * The KITO Group uniform global slogan: “For the Global Next Stage” (4) Corporate challenges to be addressed In order to achieve the above vision, the KITO Group will further strengthen its business operations in the global market as stated in its Mid-term Management Plan that carries through to the fiscal year ending in March 31, 2016. The following four points have been identified as top priorities in order to achieve the level of corporate quality and size necessary to survive against global competition. (i) Manufacture trustworthy products: Identify and thoroughly address the causes of non-conforming products; establish a practice of preventive measure implementation We will provide products and services that enhance the “life-cycle value” of customers (provide long-term benefits) to ensure that our products and services stand out from those of other companies. We will focus on strengthening the quality control and quality assurance system in order to maintain and improve the level of quality—even during a period of rapid sales network expansion. (ii) Put forward product strategies and promote regional business as well as manufacturing strategies We will not only expand our capacity to manufacture cranes at sites where demand is prevalent, but also the engineering function and service system. In this manner, we will improve the skills necessary to provide solutions. In addition, we will intensify the development of wire rope hoist intended for the global market. (iii) Undertake concrete measures in a bid to establish an optimal global supply chain We will address the need for production cost decentralization from the viewpoint of mitigating currency risks (exchange rate risks). We will add the Americas and Asia to our existing major production bases of Japan and China in order to establish a decentralized four-region production system. Moreover, we will also work to optimize our manufacturing structure and systems for chains, principal components for hoist equipment, centering on Japan and the United States. (iv) Nurture global business leaders and establish new global management approaches We will unify members with diverse cultural backgrounds in order to exercise teamwork and develop human resources that can drive forward business operations in the global market. In addition, we will enhance corporate governance in an effort to establish a sound and efficient business management system. We will endeavor to reinforce the Group’s IT platform and build a robust Group-wide IT infrastructure with a view to further expanding our overseas business. (5) Other important matters concerning corporate management No relevant matters to be noted. - 7 - 4. Basic approach toward the selection of accounting standards The consolidated financial statements of the Company are prepared by the KITO Group based on the Ordinance on Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Consolidated Financial Statements (excluding Chapter VII & Chapter VIII) Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance No. 28 (1976). This step is taken to facilitate the comparison between companies and periods. The Company maintains the policy of adopting international accounting standards after taking into consideration a variety of factors and conditions in Japan and overseas. - 8 - 5. Consolidated financial statements (1) Consolidated balance sheets (Million yen) As of March 31, 2014 Assets Current assets Cash and deposits Notes and accounts receivable-trade Merchandise and finished goods Work in process Raw materials and supplies Deferred tax assets Other current assets Allowance for doubtful receivables Total current assets Fixed assets Property and equipment Buildings and structures Accumulated depreciation Buildings and structures (net) Machinery, equipment, and vehicles Accumulated depreciation Machinery, equipment, and vehicles (net) Land Construction in progress Others Accumulated depreciation Others (net) Total property and equipment Intangible assets Goodwill Software Other intangible assets Total intangible assets Investments and other assets Investment securities Deferred tax assets Other investments and other assets Total investments and other assets Total fixed assets Deferred assets Bond issuance expenses Total deferred assets Total assets 6,230 9,414 7,433 1,619 1,274 1,232 745 (29) 27,920 9,792 12,593 11,638 1,798 1,669 1,334 1,707 (55) 40,478 9,916 (5,625) 4,290 14,629 (11,543) 3,086 2,047 203 5,813 (5,436) 376 10,003 10,532 (5,630) 4,901 16,717 (11,919) 4,797 1,658 270 6,097 (5,565) 532 12,161 567 612 14 1,194 4,012 590 4,407 9,009 2 - 9 - As of March 31, 2015 2 * 185 895 901 1,982 13,181 * 38 532 961 1,532 22,703 5 5 41,108 1 1 63,183 (Million yen) As of March 31, 2014 Liabilities Current liabilities Notes and accounts payable-trade Short-term loans payable Corporate bonds redeemable within one year Current portion of long-term debts payable within one year Accrued expenses Income taxes payable Provision for bonuses for employees Provision for product warranties Provision for sales returns Other current liabilities Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities Bonds payable Long-term loans payable Provision for directors’ retirement benefits Net defined benefit liability Deferred tax liabilities Other long-term liabilities Total long-term liabilities Total liabilities Net assets Shareholders’ equity Capital stock Capital surplus Retained earnings Treasury stock Total shareholders’ equity Accumulated other comprehensive income Valuation difference on other available-for-sale securities Deferred gains or losses on hedges Foreign currency translation adjustment Remeasurements of defined benefit plans Total accumulated other comprehensive income Stock acquisition rights to shares Minority interests Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets - 10 - As of March 31, 2015 5,249 1,552 - 6,113 1,689 1,000 1,068 2,629 1,859 1,022 317 54 26 1,378 12,528 2,750 1,013 328 55 402 1,109 17,093 1,000 2,805 157 2,458 70 84 6,576 19,104 - 16,025 181 2,431 1,619 205 20,464 37,557 3,976 5,199 11,599 (423) 20,353 3,976 5,219 13,477 (367) 22,307 (6) 1 - 891 (186) 698 37 914 22,003 41,108 (56) 2,643 (318) 2,269 30 1,020 25,626 63,183 (2) Consolidated statements of income/Consolidated statements of comprehensive income (Consolidated statements of income) (Million yen) FY2013 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) Net sales Cost of sales Gross profit Selling, general, and administrative expenses Selling expense General and administrative expense Total selling, general, and administrative expenses 41,855 26,952 14,903 2 * 2 * 1 * Operating income Non-operating income Interest income Dividends income Foreign exchange gains Other Total non-operating income Non-operating expenses Interest expense Other Total non-operating expenses Ordinary income Extraordinary income Gain on sale of noncurrent assets Gain on change in equity Gain on negative goodwill Surrender value of insurance Total extraordinary income Extraordinary loss Impairment loss Loss on retirement of noncurrent assets Loss on liquidation of subsidiaries Total extraordinary loss Income before income taxes Income taxes – current Income taxes – deferred Income taxes (current and deferred) Income before minority interests Minority interests in income Net income 8,038 2,858 10,897 4,006 49,968 33,143 16,824 2 * 2 * 1 * 10,272 3,156 13,429 3,395 31 2 100 227 361 40 0 112 217 371 157 115 273 4,094 239 103 343 3,423 - 2 10 4 17 4 * 22 5 * 94 6 * 188 305 3,806 1,804 (494) 1,310 2,495 133 2,361 - 11 - FY2014 (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) 3 * 347 - - - 347 4 * 99 - - 99 3,671 1,845 (232) 1,613 2,057 31 2,026 (Consolidated statements of comprehensive income) (Million yen) FY2013 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) Income before minority interests Other comprehensive income Valuation difference on other available-for-sale securities Deferred gains or losses on hedges Foreign currency translation adjustment Remeasurements of defined benefit plans Total other comprehensive income Comprehensive income (Comprehensive income attributable to) Owners of the parent Minority interests - 12 - FY2014 (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) 2,495 2,057 2 7 - 1,986 - 1,989 4,484 (56) 1,865 (132) 1,684 3,741 4,184 300 3,597 144 (3) Consolidated statements of changes in net assets Fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) (Million yen) Shareholders’ equity Capital stock Balance as of the beginning of the period Capital surplus Retained earnings Treasury stock Total shareholders’ equity 3,976 5,199 9,622 (544) 18,254 3,976 5,199 9,622 (544) 18,254 Cumulative effect of changes in accounting policies Balance as of the beginning of the period after reflecting changes in accounting policies Changes during the period Dividends from surplus (323) (323) Net income 2,361 2,361 Purchase of treasury stock Disposal of treasury stock (25) Transfer of loss on disposal of treasury stocks Changes in the scope of consolidation Changes of items other than shareholders’ equity during the period (net) 25 Total changes during the period Balance as of the end of the period (0) (0) 120 95 (25) - (35) (35) - - 1,977 120 2,098 3,976 5,199 11,599 (423) 20,353 Accumulated other comprehensive income Valuation Total difference on Deferred gains or Total accumulated Foreign currency accumulated other losses on remeasurements other translation available-for hedges of defined benefit comprehensive adjustment -sale plans income securities Balance as of the beginning of the period Stock acquisition Minority interests rights to shares Total net assets (8) - (929) - (937) 45 649 18,012 (8) - (929) - (937) 45 649 18,012 Cumulative effect of changes in accounting policies Balance as of the beginning of the period after reflecting changes in accounting policies Changes during the period Dividends from surplus (323) Net income 2,361 Purchase of treasury stock (0) Disposal of treasury stock 95 Transfer of loss on disposal of treasury stocks Changes in the scope of consolidation Changes of items other than shareholders’ equity during the period (net) - Total changes during the period Balance as of the end of the period (35) 2 - 1,820 (186) 1,635 (8) 265 1,893 2 - 1,820 (186) 1,635 (8) 265 3,991 (6) - 891 (186) 698 37 914 22,003 - 13 - Fiscal year ended March 31, 2015 (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) (Million yen) Shareholders’ equity Capital stock Balance as of the beginning of the period Capital surplus 3,976 Retained earnings 5,199 Treasury stock 11,599 Cumulative effect of changes in accounting policies Total shareholders’ equity (423) 20,353 536 Balance as of the beginning of the period after reflecting changes in accounting policies 3,976 5,199 536 12,136 (423) 20,889 Changes during the period Dividends from surplus (653) (653) Net income 2,026 2,026 Purchase of treasury stock Disposal of treasury stock 19 Transfer of loss on disposal of treasury stocks Changes in the scope of consolidation Changes of items other than shareholders’ equity during the period (net) (0) (0) 56 75 - (32) Total changes during the period Balance as of the end of the period (32) - 19 1,341 56 1,417 3,976 5,219 13,477 (367) 22,307 Accumulated other comprehensive income Valuation difference on Deferred gains other available- or losses on for-sale hedges securities Balance as of the beginning of the period (6) - Total Total Stock acquisition Minority interests Total net assets Foreign currency accumulated accumulated rights to shares other translation remeasurements adjustment of defined benefit comprehensive income plans 891 (186) 698 37 914 Cumulative effect of changes in accounting policies Balance as of the beginning of the period after reflecting changes in accounting policies 22,003 536 (6) - 891 (186) 698 37 914 22,539 Changes during the period Dividends from surplus (653) Net income 2,026 Purchase of treasury stock (0) Disposal of treasury stock 75 Transfer of loss on disposal of treasury stocks Changes in the scope of consolidation Changes of items other than shareholders’ equity during the period (net) Total changes during the period Balance as of the end of the period - (32) 7 (56) 1,752 (132) 1,570 (7) 105 1,669 7 (56) 1,752 (132) 1,570 (7) 105 3,086 1 (56) 2,643 (318) 2,269 30 1,020 25,626 - 14 - (4) Consolidated statements of cash flows (Million yen) FY2013 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) Cash flows from operating activities Income before income taxes Depreciation and amortization Impairment loss Depreciation of goodwill Loss on liquidation of subsidiaries Changes in allowance for doubtful receivables Changes in reserve for bonuses for employees Changes in reserve for bonuses for officers Changes in reserve for retirement benefits for employees Changes in reserve for retirement benefits for officers Changes in net defined benefit liability Interest and dividends income Interest expense Loss on the retirement of noncurrent assets Loss (gain) on sales of property and equipment Changes in trade receivables Changes in inventories Changes in accounts receivable Changes in prepaid expense Changes in trade payables Changes in accrued expenses Changes in advances received Others Subtotal Cash received from interest and dividends Interest paid Income taxes paid Refund of income taxes Net cash provided by operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Payments for the acquisition of tangible noncurrent assets Proceeds from the sales of tangible noncurrent assets Payments for retirement of property, plant and equipment Payments into time deposits Payments of investment securities Payments for the acquisition of intangible noncurrent assets Payments of stocks of subsidiaries and affiliates Proceeds from the collection of guarantee money deposited Changes in investments and other assets Purchase of investments in subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation Others Net cash used in investing activities FY2014 (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) 3,806 954 22 167 188 (21) 16 (36) 3,671 1,311 99 252 - 4 69 - (2,133) - 21 2,177 (33) 157 107 (13) (761) 535 290 35 (284) 304 (33) (8) 5,457 64 (178) (1,301) 13 4,056 23 143 (41) 239 8 (351) (189) 1,004 113 (109) (916) 139 79 (98) 5,454 43 (224) (1,939) 5 3,338 (2,087) (1,365) 29 932 (94) - (86) (158) (1) - (353) (42) (45) - 10 5 60 - (5) (2,729) - 15 - (237) 2 * (7,840) 146 (8,402) (Million yen) FY2013 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from short-term loans payable Repayments of short-term loans payable Proceeds from long-term loans payable Repayments of long-term loans payable Redemption of bonds Cash dividends paid by parent company Cash dividends paid for minority interests Proceeds from sales of treasury stocks Others Net cash provided by financing activities Effect of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents Net increase in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents resulting from changes in the scope of consolidation Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 1 * - 16 - FY2014 (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) 576 (1,043) 2,221 (670) (300) (323) (59) 85 (19) 465 15,359 (17,706) 15,824 (5,714) - (653) (55) 59 (63) 7,050 241 1,455 2,033 4,132 3,441 6,219 53 117 6,219 1 * 9,777 (5) Notes to consolidated financial statements (Notes regarding ongoing concern assumption)… No relevant matters to be noted. (Important matters fundamental to the preparation of consolidated financial statements) 1. Matters concerning the scope of consolidation All subsidiaries are included in the scope of the Company’s consolidation. Number of consolidated subsidiaries: 20 Names of consolidated subsidiaries: KITO Americas, Inc. Harrington Hoists, Inc. Har Ki, Inc. KITO CANADA INC. Kito Europe GmbH KITO PHILIPPINES, INC. KITO HOISTS & CRANES (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. JIANGYIN KITO CRANE CO., LTD. SIAM KITO CO., LTD. SUKIT BUSINESS CO., LTD. KITO KOREA CO., LTD. ARMSEL MHE PVT. LTD. PT. KITO INDONESIA KITO DO BRASIL COMERCIO DE TALHAS E GUINDASTES LTDA. KITO TAIWAN CO., LTD. KITO HOISTS & CRANES ASIA PTE. LTD. PEERLESS INDUSTRIAL GROUP, INC. Peerless Chain Co., Inc. SCC JAPAN GODO KAISHA SCC-SECURITY CHAIN (EUROPE) HANDELES-GMBH Effective from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015, PEERLESS INDUSTRIAL GROUP, INC. and its three subsidiaries have been included in the scope of the Company’s consolidation. This follows the acquisition of all of the shares of PEERLESS INDUSTRIAL GROUP, INC. In addition, KITO HOISTS & CRANES ASIA PTE. LTD. has also been included in the scope of the Company’s consolidation effective from the fiscal year under review due to its growing importance. Effective from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015, KIMA REALTY, INC. was excluded from the scope of the Company’ consolidation due to the sale of all of its shares. 2. Matters concerning application of the equity method No relevant matters to be noted. 3. Matters concerning the fiscal years of consolidated subsidiaries The closing date of financial statements is December 31 for the following consolidated subsidiaries: KITO HOISTS & CRANES (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD.; JIANGYIN KITO CRANE CO., LTD.; SIAM KITO CO., LTD.; SUKIT BUSINESS CO., LTD.; KITO KOREA CO., LTD.; KITO DO BRASIL COMERCIO DE TALHAS E GUINDASTES LTDA.; and KITO TAIWAN CO., LTD. Financial statements as of December 31 are used to prepare consolidated financial statements. Any important transactions that took place between December 31 and the consolidated closing date are adjusted as appropriate for consolidation purposes. 4. Matters concerning accounting standards (1) Valuation standards and methods for essential assets (i) Inventories Inventories are posted mainly based on the cost method in accordance with the gross average method (i.e., the write- down method based on deteriorating profitability). (ii) Securities Other securities Securities whose market value is readily determinable: Reported at market value as of the balance sheet date with unrealized gains or losses, net of applicable taxes, reported - 17 - as a separate component of net assets. The cost of securities sold is determined based on the moving-average method. Securities whose market value is not readily determinable: Reported at cost based on the moving-average method. (iii) Derivatives Reported at market value. (2) Depreciation methods for important depreciable assets (i) Tangible noncurrent assets (excluding lease assets) The Group uses the straight-line method. The useful service life is as follows: Buildings 7–50 years Machinery and equipment 9 years (ii) Intangible noncurrent assets (excluding lease assets) The Group uses the straight-line method. Software (for internal use) is based on the straight-line method in accordance with the internal availability period (five years). (iii) Lease assets Lease assets associated with non-ownership-transfer finance lease transactions Lease assets associated with non-ownership-transfer finance lease transactions are posted based on the straight-line method in which the lease term is deemed as the service life with the residual value as zero. (3) Accounting methods for important deferred assets Bond issuance expenses Bond issuance expenses are depreciated based on the straight-line method for the period up until the bond is redeemed. (4) Posting methods for important allowances, provisions, and reserves (i) Allowance for doubtful receivables To prepare for possible losses resulting from uncollectible accounts, an estimated uncollectible amount is posted after conducting a review of general accounts receivables based on the actual rate of losses from bad debts, with collectibility reviewed on a case-by-case basis for specific receivables, such as doubtful receivables. (ii) Reserve for bonuses for employees To prepare for the payment of employee bonuses, a reserve for employee bonuses is posted based on the estimated amount of payment. (iii) Reserve for bonuses for officers To prepare for the payment of officer bonuses, a reserve for officer bonuses is posted based on the estimated amount of payment. (iv) Reserve for product warranties To prepare for the possibility of future payments for free after-sales service for products sold, a reserve for product warranties is posted based on past records of product warranties. (v) Reserve for sales returns To prepare for the possibility of future loss resulting from product returns, an amount allocated to each fiscal year under review is posted based on the estimated amount of possible future loss resulting from product returns that is calculated in accordance with past records of product returns and the gross profit margin. (vi) Reserve for retirement benefits for officers To prepare for the payment of retirement benefits for officers, an amount of payment required as of the end of the fiscal year is posted in accordance with internal rules regarding the reserve for retirement benefits for officers. (5) Accounting method retirement benefits (i) Method of attributing expected benefits to periods In calculating retirement benefit obligations, the Company has adopted the straight-line method for attributing expected benefits up to the end of the fiscal year. - 18 - (ii) Method for handling actuarial difference and prior service costs Past service cost is mainly amortized on a straight-line basis over a certain period (10 years) within the number of average remaining service years of employees as of the time of occurrence. For actuarial difference, the amount proportionately divided by a fixed number of years (10 years) within the number of average remaining service years of employees as of the time of accrual during each consolidated fiscal year is posted as expenses from the consolidated fiscal year following the fiscal year of accrual. (6) Posting methods for important income and expenses Posting method for net sales: The percentage-of-completion method (the rate of progress is estimated based on the cost-to-cost method) is applied to that portion of progress up to the end of the fiscal year under review with a high degree of recognized certainty. The completed contract method is applied to all other operations. (7) Accounting methods for major hedge transactions (i) Hedge accounting methods The Company adopts the deferred and appropriation methods of hedge accounting. (ii) Hedging instruments and items covered Hedging instruments: forward foreign exchange contracts and interest rate swaps Items covered: foreign currency - denominated claims and obligations; scheduled foreign currency - denominated transactions; foreign currency-denominated monetary obligations (iii) Hedging policy In accordance with internal rules, the Company enters into hedge transactions depending on the circumstances in order to avoid any damages associated with future movements in market conditions and fix the level of costs. The Company does not enter into hedge transactions for speculative purposes or to secure any short-term gain. Hedge transactions are conducted within the scope of each subject obligation in order to minimize the risks associated with movements in interest rates and to improve the financial account balance. (iv) Method for evaluating the effectiveness of hedges During the period from the commencement of hedging to the point at which effectiveness is assessed, the Company undertakes a comparison with the cumulative total of market changes in the targeted objects of hedging and the cumulative total of market changes in hedging instruments with respect to interest rate swap transactions in order to confirm hedging effectives. Turning to foreign exchange forward contracts, the Company does not evaluate the effective of a hedge transaction when the key conditions relating to hedging instruments and targeted objects of hedging are identical and the hedging instrument and the targeted object of hedging completely offset anticipated market changes and changes in cash flows from the commencement of hedging and thereafter on an ongoing basis. (8) Amortization method and period for goodwill Goodwill is evaluated on a case-by-case basis and is amortized within the amortization period of up to 20 years based on the straight-line method.Goodwill that is deemed to be of minimal significance is amortized during the fiscal year in which it occurs. Negative goodwill that accrued before March 31, 2010 is amortized over the period of five years from the fiscal year it occurs based on the straight-line method. (9) Scope of funds in the consolidated statements of cash flows Cash on hand and deposits that can be withdrawn at any time and short-term investments maturing within three months from the day of acquisition that are easily cashable and that incur only insignificant risks of value fluctuation are included in the scope of funds in the consolidated statements of cash flows. (10) Other important matters fundamental to the preparation of consolidated financial statements Accounting methods for consumption tax, etc.: Consumption tax and local consumption tax are accounted for based on the tax exclusion method. Non-deductible consumption tax and local consumption tax are accounted for as expenses in the fiscal year under review. (Changes in accounting policies) (Application of accounting standards for retirement benefits) The Company adopted the “Accounting Standard for Retirement Benefits” (Accounting Standards Board of Japan (ASBJ) Statement No. 26 issued on May 17, 2012 (hereafter referred to as the “Standard”) and the “Guidance on Accounting - 19 - Standard for Retirement Benefits” (ASBJ Guidance No. 25 issued on March 26, 2015 (hereafter referred to as the “Guidance”) effective from the fiscal year under review in accordance with the provisions stated in Paragraph 35 of the Standard and Paragraph 67 of the Guidance. As a result, the methods for calculating retirement benefit obligations and service costs have been revised in the following respects: The method for attributing projected benefits to periods has been changed from the straight-line basis to the benefit formula basis. Also, the method for determining the discount rate has been changed from using the duration of bonds that approximate to the average remaining years of service of the eligible employees to a single weighted average discount rate that reflects the periods until the expected payment of retirement benefits and the amount of projected benefits every such period. According to the transitional treatment provided in Paragraph 37 of the Standard, the effect of changing the method for calculating retirement benefit obligations and service costs was recognized by adjusting retained earnings as of the beginning of the fiscal year under review. As a result, net defined benefit liability decreased 822 million yen and retained earnings increased 536 million yen as of the beginning of the fiscal year under review. Net assets per share increased 20.45 yen at the end of the fiscal year. The effect of this change on profit and loss for the fiscal year under review is immaterial. (Changes in presentation methods) (Consolidated statements of income) “Proceeds from sales of scrap” under “Non-operating income,” which was separately listed in the previous fiscal year, is included in “Other” for this fiscal year under review as the amount is below 10% of total non-operating income. To reflect this change in the representation method, the consolidated financial statements for the previous fiscal year have been reclassified. As a result, 39 million yen posted as “Proceeds from sales of scrap” under “Non-operating incomes” in the consolidated statements of income for the previous fiscal year is now reclassified as “Other.” (Consolidated statements of cash flows) “Loss (gain) on sales of property and equipment,” which was included in “Others” under “Cash flows from operating activities” in the previous fiscal year, is now separately listed from the fiscal year under review due to its growing significance. To reflect this change in the representation method, the consolidated financial statements for the previous fiscal year have been reclassified. Accordingly, -22 million yen posted as “Others” under “Cash flows from operating activities” in the consolidated statements of cash flows for the previous fiscal year is now reclassified as two separate amounts of -13 million yen and -9 million yen in “Loss (gain) on sales of property and equipment” and in “Others,” respectively. (Consolidated balance sheets) 1. For the sake of efficient working capital funding operations, KITO has entered into commitment line contracts with Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and three other banks. The amount of commitment lines unexecuted as of the end of the fiscal year under review is as indicated below: FY2013 (As of March 31, 2014) FY2014 (As of March 31, 2015) Total commitment lines Outstanding borrowings 5,000 million yen - million yen 5,000 million yen - million yen Balance 5,000 million yen 5,000 million yen These commitment line contracts contain financial covenants. Details of certain financial covenants are presented as follows: (1) Shareholders’ equity (the total amount of net assets – the amount of new stock acquisition rights to shares – the amount of deferred gains or losses on hedges + the amount of treasury stock) that is calculated on a non-consolidated balance sheet basis as of the end of fiscal 2012 and the end of each fiscal year thereafter must be maintained at an amount that is no less than 75% of the shareholders’ equity that is calculated on a non-consolidated balance sheet basis as of the end of fiscal 2011. (2) In addition, shareholders’ equity (the total amount of net assets – the amount of new stock acquisition rights to shares – the amount of deferred gains or losses on hedges – the amount of minority interests + the amount of treasury stock) that is calculated on a consolidated balance sheet basis as of the end of fiscal 2012 and the end of each fiscal year thereafter must be maintained at an amount that is no less than 75% of the shareholders’ equity that is calculated on a consolidated balance sheet basis as of the end of fiscal 2011. (3) Operating income or loss listed in the consolidated statements of income as of the end of fiscal 2010 and the end of each fiscal year thereafter must not be a loss. - 20 - *2. Items relating to non-consolidated subsidiaries and affiliated companies are presented as follows: Fiscal 2013 (As of March 31, 2014) Fiscal 2014 (As of March 31, 2015) Investment securities (shares) 158 million yen (Consolidated statements of income) *1. Major items and the amounts of selling, general, and administrative expenses are as follows: Fiscal 2013 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) Salaries/bonuses Bonuses for officers Provision of reserve for bonuses for employees Retirement benefit expenses Provision of reserve for retirement benefits for officers Provision of allowance for doubtful receivables Depreciation and amortization Research & development expenses -million yen Fiscal 2014 (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) 3,779 million yen 6 million yen 4,686 million yen 10 million yen 124 million yen 137 million yen 181 million yen 184 million yen 21 million yen 23 million yen 12 million yen 24 million yen 233 million yen 361 million yen 790 million yen 769 million yen *2. Research & development expenses that are included in general and administrative expenses and manufacturing costs are presented as follows: Fiscal 2013 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) General and administrative expenses Manufacturing costs for the fiscal year Total Fiscal 2014 (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) 790 million yen 769 million yen 111 million yen 108 million yen 901 million yen 877 million yen *3. Details of gain on sales of noncurrent assets are presented as follows: Fiscal 2013 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) Fiscal 2014 (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) Buildings and structures -million yen Machinery, equipment, and vehicles -million yen 59 million yen Land -million yen 237 million yen -million yen 347 million yen Total 50 million yen *4. Impairment loss The KITO Group incurred a loss on impairment on the following asset groups for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014: Previous year 2014 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) Location Usage Type Minami-Alps, Yamanashi Assets earmarked for sale Land Showacho, Yamanashi Dormant assets Construction in progress The KITO Group groups assets earmarked for sale and dormant assets by individual asset class. Assets earmarked for sale where their projected sales prices fell below their book values and dormant assets that have no potential for future use were reduced to their recoverable values, and posted as an impairment loss (22 million yen) under extraordinary losses for the fiscal year under review. The breakdown is 17 million yen for land and 5 million yen for construction progress. The recoverable value of the asset group is measured by the net selling price or utility value. Land is estimated based on the amount recorded under sales agreements. - 21 - Fiscal year under review (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) Location Usage Type India Others Goodwill Turning to asset groupings to which asset impairment accounting is applied, the KITO Group groups goodwill by individual asset class. In the fiscal year under review, business conditions in India where there is ARMSEL MHE PVT. LTD., Kito subsidiary, remained difficult and the book value of goodwill fell to the recoverable value. As a result, the KITO Group posted an impairment loss (99 million yen) under extraordinary losses for the fiscal year under review. The recoverable value is measured by the utility value calculated using a discount rate of 12.5%. *5 Details of loss on retirement of noncurrent assets is presented as follows: Fiscal 2013 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) Fiscal 2014 (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) Buildings and structures 94 million yen - million yen Total 94 million yen - million yen *6 Loss on liquidation of subsidiaries Previous year 2014 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) The KITO Group has posted a loss on the liquidation of assets and personnel of an overseas subsidiary that engages in the manufacture and supply of components. (Consolidated statements of changes in net assets) Previous fiscal year (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) 1. Matters concerning outstanding shares As of the beginning Type of stock Increase of the fiscal year Common stock 135,241 13,388,859 (shares) As of the end of the fiscal year Decrease - 13,524,100 Note: The increase reflects the 100-for-1 stock split conducted on April 1, 2013. 2. Matters concerning treasury stocks As of the beginning As of the end Type of stock Increase Decrease of the fiscal year of the fiscal year Common stock 6,043 598,340 134,400 469,983 (shares) Note: Looking at a breakdown of the increase in shares, 598,257 shares are attributable to the 100-for-1 stock split conducted on April 1, 2013, while 83 shares are due to the purchase of odd-lot shares. The decrease in the number of shares is the result of the exercise of stock options. 3. Matters concerning stock acquisition rights to shares Name of company KITO CORPO RATION Details Type of stocks underlying stock acquisition rights to shares Number of stocks underlying stock acquisition rights to shares (shares) As of the beginning of the period Increase Decrease As of the end of the period As of the end of the period (million yen) The 5th stock acquisition rights to shares as stock options - - - - - 16 The 7th stock acquisition rights to shares as stock options - - - - - 8 The 8th stock acquisition rights to shares as stock options - - - - - 3 The 9th stock acquisition rights to shares as stock options - - - - - 6 - 22 - The 10th stock acquisition rights to shares as stock options - Total - - - - 1 - - - - 37 Note: The first day of the exercise period for the 10th stock acquisition rights to shares as stock options has not arrived yet. 4. Matters concerning dividends (1) Amounts of dividend payments Resolution June 20, 2013 Annual shareholders’ meeting Nov. 12, 2013 the board of directors Total dividends (million yen) Type of stock Dividend per share (yen) Base date Effective date Common stock 129 1,000.00 Mar. 31, 2013 June 21, 2013 Common stock 194 15.00 Sept. 30, 2013 Dec. 3, 2013 Note: The increase reflects the 100-for-1 stock split conducted on April 1, 2013. (2) Dividends for which the base date belongs in the fiscal year, but where the effective date belongs in the following fiscal year Resolution June 24, 2014 Annual shareholders’ meeting Type of stock Dividend resources Common stock Retained earnings Total dividends Dividend per (million yen) share (yen) 326 25.00 Base date Effective date Mar. 31, 2014 June 25, 2014 Fiscal year under review (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) 1. Matters concerning outstanding shares As of the beginning Type of stock Increase Decrease of the fiscal year Common stock 13,524,100 13,524,100 (shares) Note: The increase reflects the 2-for-1 stock split conducted on October 1, 2014. As of the end of the fiscal year - 27,048,200 2. Matters concerning treasury stocks As of the beginning As of the end Type of stock Increase Decrease of the fiscal year of the fiscal year Common stock 469,983 452,033 107,000 815,016 (shares) Note: Looking at a breakdown of the increase in shares, 451,983 shares are attributable to the 2-for-1 stock split conducted on October 1, 2014, while 50 shares are due to the purchase of odd-lot shares. The decrease in the number of shares is the result of the exercise of stock options. 3. Matters concerning stock acquisition rights to shares Name of company KITO CORPO RATION Details Number of stocks underlying stock acquisition rights to shares (shares) Type of stocks underlying stock warrants As of the beginning of the period Increase As of the end of the period (million yen) As of the end of the period Decrease The 5th stock acquisition rights to shares as stock options - - - - - 8 The 7th - - - - - 7 - 23 - stock acquisition rights to shares as stock options The 9th stock acquisition rights to shares as stock options - - - - - 3 The 10th stock acquisition rights to shares as stock options - - - - - 3 The 11th stock acquisition rights to shares as stock options - - - - - 6 - - - - 30 Notes: The first day of the exercise period of stock acquisition rights to shares as the 10th and 11th stock acquisition rights to shares as stock options has not yet arrived. 4. Matters concerning dividends (1) Amounts of dividend payments Resolution Type of stock Total dividends (million yen) Dividend per share (yen) June 24, 2014 Annual Common stock 326 25.00 shareholders’ meeting Nov. 13, 2014 the board of Common stock 326 25.00 directors Note: The Company conducted a 2-for-1 stock split on October 1, 2014. Base date Effective date Mar. 31, 2014 June 25, 2014 Sept. 30, 2014 Dec. 3, 2014 (2) Dividends for which the base date belongs in the fiscal year, but where the effective date belongs in the following fiscal year Resolution June 23, 2015 Annual shareholders’ meeting Type of stock Dividend resources Common stock Retained earnings Total dividends Dividend per (million yen) share (yen) 327 12.50 Base date Effective date Mar. 31, 2015 June 24, 2015 (Consolidated statements of cash flows) 1. In relation to consolidated statements of cash flows: The relation between cash and cash equivalents as of the end of the period and the amounts of items listed in the consolidated balance sheets are as follows: (million yen) FY2013 (From April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) Cash and deposits Time deposits (over 3 months) Cash and cash equivalents - 24 - FY2014 (From April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) 6,230 9,794 (11) (14) 6,219 9,779 (Segment Information) [Segment information] 1. Reportable segments (overview) The reportable segments of KITO COROPRATION are units of the corporation, for which financial information is separately available and which are subject to periodic reviews in order for the board of directors to determine the allocation of management resources and to assess business results. KITO COROPRATION manufactures and sells hoisting equipment and cranes. The corporation takes care of the domestic market, while for overseas markets, locally incorporated companies in the regions of the Americas, China, Asia, and Europe are respectively in charge of their own markets. Each of the locally incorporated companies is an independent management unit, plans comprehensive strategies for its products by region, and conducts business operations. Therefore, KITO consists of these regional segments based on manufacturing and sales systems; the five reportable segments are Japan, the Americas, China, Asia, and Europe. 2. Calculation methods for net sales, income or loss, assets, liabilities, and other items of reportable segments The accounting methods used for financial statements of respective reportable segments are basically the same as those stated in “Important matters fundamental to the preparation of consolidated financial statements.” Income of reportable segments is based on operating income, and internal sales and transfers among segments are on a market-value basis. 3. Information on the amounts of net sales, income or loss, assets, liabilities, and other items of reportable segments Previous fiscal year (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) (Million yen) Adjustment Note 1 Consolidated financial statement amount Note 2 Reportable segments Total Japan Americas China Asia Europe Net sales Net sales to unaffiliated customers Net internal sales or transfers among segments 12,849 13,031 8,604 5,829 1,540 41,855 - 41,855 9,727 29 138 819 5 10,720 (10,720) - Total 22,577 13,060 8,742 6,649 1,546 52,576 (10,720) 41,855 Segment income 4,194 903 954 459 45 6,556 (2,550) 4,006 Segment assets 21,310 8,665 8,245 6,258 1,106 45,587 (4,479) 41,108 494 70 246 113 17 942 11 954 11 - 65 97 - 174 - 174 1,642 67 124 565 22 2,422 17 2,440 Others Depreciation and amortization Depreciation of goodwill Increases in tangible noncurrent assets and intangible noncurrent assets Notes: 1. The details of adjustments are as stated below: (1) The segment income adjustment of –2,550 million yen includes transaction offsets among segments (–751 million yen) and Company-wide expenses that are not allocated to respective reportable segments (–1,798 million yen). Company - wide expenses are expenses mostly related to the general affairs, finance and accounting, and corporate planning departments of the parent company. (2) The segment assets adjustment of –4,479 million yen includes transaction offsets among segments (–4,230 million yen) and Company-wide assets that are not allocated to respective reportable segments (66 million yen). Company-wide assets are mainly the headquarters building that does not belong to any of the reportable segments. - 25 - (3) The adjustment in the increase in tangible noncurrent assets and intangible noncurrent assets (17 million yen) is the amount of capital investment in Company-wide assets that are not allocated to the respective reportable segments. 2. Segment income is adjusted to operating income listed in the consolidated financial statements. Fiscal year under review (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) (Million yen) Reportable segments Total Japan Adjustment Note 1 Consolidated financial statement amount Note 2 Americas China Asia Europe 12,751 21,888 8,198 5,442 1,686 49,968 - 49,968 11,763 78 305 29 5 12,182 (12,182) - Total 24,514 21,967 8,504 5,471 1,692 62,150 (12,182) 49,968 Segment income or segment loss 4,726 744 836 (374) 9 5,941 (2,545) 3,395 Segment assets 24,862 28,622 8,718 5,964 1,064 69,232 (6,048) 63,183 578 302 264 148 7 1,301 9 1,311 11 172 0 67 - 252 - 252 894 265 144 97 5 1,408 0 1,408 Net sales Net sales to unaffiliated customers Net internal sales or transfers among segments Others Depreciation and amortization Depreciation of goodwill Increases in tangible noncurrent assets and intangible noncurrent assets 1. The details of adjustments are as stated below: (1) The segment income or segment loss adjustment of –2,545 million yen includes transaction offsets among segments (–459 million yen) and Company-wide expenses that are not allocated to respective reportable segments (–2,085 million yen). Company-wide expenses are expenses mostly related to the general affairs, finance & accounting, and corporate planning departments of the parent company. (2) The segment assets adjustment of –6,048 million yen includes transaction offsets among segments (–6,131 million yen) and Company-wide assets that are not allocated to respective reportable segments (56 million yen). Company -wide assets are mainly those of the parent company’s General Administration, Accounting, and Corporate Planning departments that do not belong to any of the reportable segments. (3) The adjustment in the increase in tangible noncurrent assets and intangible noncurrent assets (0 million yen) is the amount of capital investment in Company-wide assets that are not allocated to the respective reportable segments. 2. Segment income or segment loss is adjusted to operating income or operating loss listed in the consolidated financial statements. (Per share information) Fiscal 2013 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) Fiscal 2014 (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) Net assets per share 806.32 yen 936.83 yen Net income per share 91.25 yen 77.52 yen Diluted net income per share 90.42 yen 77.11 yen Notes: 1. The Company conducted a 2-for-1 stock split on October 1, 2014. Net assets per share, net income per share, - 26 - and diluted net income per share are calculated based on the assumption that this stock split had been executed as of the beginning of the previous fiscal year. 2. The basis for calculating net assets per share is presented as follows: Fiscal 2013 (As of March 31, 2014) Total net assets (million yen) Amount deducted from net assets (million yen) Stock acquisition rights to shares Minority interests Common stocks within net assets as of the end of the year (million yen) Number of common stocks as of the end of the year used for the calculation of net assets per share (shares) Fiscal 2014 (As of March 31, 2015) 22,003 25,626 951 1,050 37 30 914 1,020 21,051 24,576 26,108,234 26,233,184 3. The basis for calculating net income per share and diluted net income per share is presented as follows: Fiscal 2013 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) Fiscal 2014 (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015) Net income per share Net income (million yen) 2,361 2,026 - - Attributable to common stock (million yen) 2,361 2,026 Average number of common stocks during the year (shares) 25,884,032 26,147,003 237,356 139,796 237,356 139,796 Not attributable to ordinary shareholders (million yen) Diluted net income per share Increase in common stocks (shares) Stock acquisition rights to shares (shares) Dilutive shares that do not have dilutive effect and thus are not included in the calculation of diluted net income per share (Summary) The 10th stock acquisition rights to shares: Special resolution passed at the annual shareholders’ meeting on June 22, 2012; passed at the board of directors meeting on May 28, 2013. (Number of stock acquisition rights to shares: 100, Common stocks: 20,000 shares) - 27 - The 11th stock acquisition rights to shares: Special resolution passed at the annual shareholders’ meeting on June 20, 2013; passed at the board of directors meeting on May 27, 2014. (Number of stock acquisition rights to shares: 300, Common stocks: 60,000 shares) (Important subsequent events) Issuance of stock acquisition rights to shares (stock options) On May 15, 2015, the board of directors of KITO COROPRATION passed a resolution to bring up matters for discussion at the 71st annual shareholders’ meeting scheduled on June 23, 2015, in order to issue stock acquisition rights to shares, as stock options, for directors (excluding external directors) and executive officers of the corporation pursuant to Articles 236, 238, and 239 of the Companies Act, and to delegate the determination of stock acquisition requirements for the stock acquisition rights to shares to the board of directors of the corporation. Details are presented briefly as follows: (i) Reason for the issuance of the stock acquisition rights to shares: To motivate and provide an incentive for enhancing the business results and corporate value of the corporation (ii) Number of stock acquisition rights to shares: Up to 1,000 (iii) Type of stocks underlying the stock acquisition rights to shares: Common stock (iv) Number of stocks underlying the stock acquisition rights to shares: Up to 200,000 shares (v) Exercise period for the stock acquisition rights to shares: From the day on which two years will have elapsed from the day when the resolution was passed to the day on which 10 years will have elapsed, and as prescribed by the board of directors of the corporation (vi) Amount of capital stock and capital surplus to be increased in cases where stocks are issued by way of the exercise of the stock acquisition rights to shares: (a) The amount of the capital stock to be increased in the case where stocks are issued by way of the exercise of the stock acquisition rights to shares shall be half of the amount of the maximum increase in the capital stock as calculated pursuant to Article 17 (1) of the “Ordinance on Company Accounting,” and a fraction of less than one yen resulting from the calculation shall be rounded up. (b) The amount of the capital surplus to be increased in the case where the stocks are issued by way of the exercise of the stock acquisition rights to shares shall be the amount calculated by subtracting the amount of the capital stock to be increased as stipulated in (a) from the amount of the maximum increase in the capital stock as in (a). (vii) Other details of the stock acquisition rights to shares: It was defined at the board of directors meeting of the corporation that determines the stock acquisition requirements for the stock acquisition rights to shares. 6. Others (1) Management changes (i) Changes in representatives No relevant matters to be noted. (ii) Other changes in officers (scheduled for June 23, 2015) a. New director candidate Director: Akihide Miyawaki (current Senior Executive Officer, Head of the Corporate Planning Office & the Corporate Management Division) b. Scheduled retiring director Hajime Ito * Mr. Ito, who is scheduled to retire as a director, will continue his responsibilities as a senior executive officer. c. New auditor candidate Kentaro Yoneyama (current General Manager of the Corporate Management Department) d. Scheduled retiring auditor Auditor: Noboru Sato - 28 -
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