Company Profile / Business Plan HAZS Corporation Management Principle We aim to be a risk management company capable of providing original solutions to new risks. In areas requiring active risk-taking challenges, we will utilize our consultation skills and help companies develop a robust business structure. Management Vision HAZS was established to provide solutions to issues confronted by B-to-C companies, based on its expertise in the credit industry, accumulated through long years of experience by the president of HAZS. Risk management regarding personal information protection and information security Risk management of small-scale credits Development of systems for payment/credit management and customer management HAZS will promote trusting market transactions by utilizing the above expertise, and thereby contribute to society and develop into a public-serving company. “FY2007 Survey on IT Utilization in Japan” General image of Internet businesses surrounding the consumer Source: METI materials Consultation Services Privacy consultation Preparation of in-house manuals TRUSTe certification examination agent Privacy mark acquisition consultation Small-scale credit risk management Know-how on the recovery of small-scale credits, for online businesses Systems consultation Know-how on payment systems and customer management systems Privacy Consultation (Support Services for Personal Information Protection and Information Security) Assistance for preparation of in-house personal information protection manuals We produce and sell in-house manual templates containing the essential points of METI’s “Guidelines for Personal Information Protection Laws Concerning Fields of Economy and Industry.” TRUSTe examination and consultation TRUSTe is a privacy certification organization established in 1997 in the United States. It operates the “Third-party Privacy Seal Program,” which aims to foster trust and confidence between online businesses that handle personal information and individual users, through third-party privacy examination and certification. HAZS is one of 50 designated TRUSTe certification examination agents in Japan. Our services include TRUSTe Seal Program examinations and certification consultations. Privacy mark acquisition consultation We provide consultations on building and operating personal information protection systems that conform to the Japan Industrial Standard JIS Q 15001 (personal information protection management systems – requirements). Size of the Information Security Market Information security market (total: 693.8 billion yen) Information security tools market (345.3 billion yen) Information security services market (348.5 billion yen) HAZS operates in the information security services market. Security consultation Security system construction services Security operations/management services Security training Information security insurance (77.4 billion yen) (140.8 billion yen) (96.8 billion yen) (24.0 billion yen) (9.5 billion yen) *HAZS provides services in the red markets. Small-scale Credit Risk Management Internal controls for online businesses Adopting a deferred payment system increases sales. * The deferred payment system itself gives the impression that the company is trustworthy. There is a general trend in society to offer deferred payment as an option. * A revision of the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions was discussed by the Industrial Structure Policy Council (an advisory council to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry) in 2007. Existing credit management (recovery) manuals do not provide sufficient information on processing small-scale credits. * There are only manuals related to securities. Large credits = preservation of securities Small credits = quality management Improve the rate of credit losses and aim to optimize costs. * This can be achieved by integrating credit exposure management, credit monitoring, and depreciation management. Size of the Small-scale Credit Market Online business market 46.7 trillion yen (FY2010 JADMA statistics) If, supposing the credit-loss ratio of online businesses is 1%, credit losses in the market would amount to 46.7 billion yen. Why HAZS? Experience in credit recovery Risk management consultation skills Predictive analysis skills Inextricable link with personal information Internal controls for online businesses Expertise in online businesses Knowledge of payment infrastructures Achievements in systems development Sales Channels Expansion of business opportunities through tie-ups Selection of a partner in anticipation of synergistic effects Advertising agency: Partnership with an advertising agency that does business with online businesses Payment services company Sales through introductions and intermediations Sales through the personal network of the corporate representative Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry Utilization of the achievements of 80,000 member companies Mail order advertising agency Company Profile Name Director Address Establishment Capital Description of business URL HAZS Hiroki Azuma, President 6-2-6 Kojimachi, Chiyoda, Tokyo 102-0083, Japan October 23, 2007 5,700,000 yen (scheduled to be increased in October 2010) Information security consultation Small-scale credit risk management System development contract service Analysis and solutions Sales agent of various software programs Clearance systems consultation Planning, production and maintenance of websites and e-commerce (EC) sites
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