LTD CHANDRASEKHARAN NAIR STADIUM, KERALAPOLICEHOUSINGAND CONSTRUCTTON CORPORATION - 695033 PALAYAM,THIRUVANANTHAPURAM Dated:04/03l2OLs NIT No.KPHCCI LOI 2OL4-2OL5I FCA NOTICEINVITING TENDER the nameof work are invitedfrom approved Sealedcompetitivepercentagerate tendersin sealedcoverssuperscribing and eligible contractorshaving valid registrationwith Kerala State PWD, CPWD, KSEB,KWA etc.and specialised firmsfor the followingworksupto 2.30 PM on 12 l03l2OLS and will be openedon the sameday at agencies/Reputed 3.00 PM. sl. PAC (Rs.) Name of Work No EMD (Rs.) Time of completion Cost of Categoryof Tender Contractor Form (Rs.) THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 1 Construction of B type dormitoryat PHQ, 22,76,070.00 50,000 5 months 5000+vAT c and above 8,47,368.00 2t,200 2 months 1700+VAT D and above 8,47,368.00 2t,200 2 months 1700+vAT D and above 43,23,876.00 50,000 4 months 5000+VAT C and above 2 months 1500+vAT D and above 2r,200 2 months 1700+vAT D and above 16,60,506.0041,550 2 months 5000+vAT C and above Thiruvananthapuram(DSR 2014) 2 Construction of dormitorv at Kazhakkoottam PS(DSR 2014) 3 Constructionof dormitoriesat Parassala PS(DSR 2014) 4 Construction of CoastalSecurityPoliceStation 2014) at Muthalaoozhi(DSR KOLLAM of dormitoryat Kottarakkara 5 Construction 7,38,456.00 18,500 policestation(DSR 2014) PATHANAMTHITTA 6 Construction of dormitory at Vadasserikkara CI 8,47,368.00 Cffice(DSR 2014) ALAPPUZHA 7 3onstructionof dormitoryat NooranadCIAT School(DSR 2014) IDUKKI 8 Construction of WPCRestRoomand Toiletfor 2 months 1150+VAT D and above 8 , 6 1 , 3 5 2 . 0 0 21,600 2 months 1750+VAT D and above 2I,400 2 months 1750+VAT D and above 8,47,746.00 2r,200 2 months 1700+VAT D and above 8,47,746.00 2I,200 2 months 1700+VAT D and above 8,47,746.00 2I,200 2 months 1700+VAT D and above 27,55,4I7.00 50,000 3 months 5000+VAT c and above Assistance Centreat Chavakkadu, Thrissur(DSR21,55,4t7.00 50,000 3 months 5000+vAT c and above 3 months 5000+VAT c and above WomenVisitorsto PoliceStationat 5,63,701,00 14,100 Thodupuzha, Idukki(DSR2014) ERNAKULAM 9 Construction of dormitoryat Mattanchery Police station(DSR 2014) 10 dormitoryat Firstfloor of CI THRISSUR 11 Construction of dormitoryat Kunnamkulam policestation(DSR 2014) t2 Constructionof dormitoryat ChalakkudyCI Office(DSR 2014) 1 3 Constructionof dormitory at KAPI Bn(DSR 2074) 74 Construction of TouristProtectionAnd Police Assistance Centreat Varandarapally, Thrissur(DSR 2014) 1 5 Construction of TouristProtectionAnd Police 2014) PALAKKAD 1 6 Construction of TouristProtectionAnd Police Assistance Centreand WPCRestRoomat Parambikulam, Palakkad(DSR 2014) t7,t2,493.00 42,850 of Visitors roomand WPCRRat Construction Town Southand TrafficP S at Palakkad(DSR 11 , 1 4 , 1 0 1 . 0 027,900 3 months 5000+vAT c and above 7,57,413.00 18,950 2 months 1550+VAT D and above 28,14,001.0050,000 4 months 5000+vAT c and above 2 months 1650+VAT D and above 8,83,000.00 22,700 2 months 1800+VAT D and above 8,83,000.00 22,100 2 months 1800+vAT D and above 42,03,150.0050,000 4 months 5000+VAT C and above 7,80,817.00 19,600 2 months 1600+vAT D and above 7,80,817.00 19,600 2 months 1600+vAT D and above 3 months 5000+vAT c and above 2014) of dormitoriesat Agalipolice 18 Construction 2014) station(DSR Station of dormitoryat Repeater 1 9 Constructron 2014) Palakkad(DsR Nelliyampathy, MALAPPURAM of dormitory at Vazhikadavu 20 Construction 8,01,583,0020,05d' 2014) Policestation(DSR KOZHIKODERURAL of dormitory at Koorachund 21 Construction PS(DSR 2014) of dormitoryat Kodencherry 22 Construction 2014) Policestation(DSR of CoastalSecurityPoliceStation 23 Construction 2014) lt ElathurKozhikode(DSR WAYANAD Out of dormitoryat Khorome 24 3onstruction rost(DSR 2014) of dormitoryat Thalappuzha 2 5 Construction 2014) Police station(DSR KANNUR AndPolice 26 Construction of TouristProtection Kannur(DSR 17,69,742.00 44,250 Assistance Centreat Dharmadam, 2014) of dormitory Kathiroor . 7 Construction 2 months 1800+vAT D and above 8,81,000.0022,050 2 months 1800+VAT D and above 8,81,000.0022,050 2 months 1800+vAT D and above 8,81,000.00 22,050 ( 2 months 1800+VAT D and above 8,81,000.0022,050 2014) Kannur(DSR KASAMGOD of dormitoryat Kasaragod 28 3onstruction 2014) PS(DSR 29 Constructionof dormitoryat BekalPS(DSR 2014) of dormitoryat PeriYa Construction 30 DetachmentCamp,KAPIV Bn(DSR2014) pm Tenderforms can be obtainedfrom the KPHCCHeadOfficeon all workingdays and upto 12 Io3lzOLs at 12.30 rpplyingwith valid RegistrationCertificateand Experiencein Civil works. The E.M.Dshould be in the form of D'D only The tender without E.M.Din the form of DD will be lrawn in favor of the CMD,KPHCCpayableat Thiruvananthapuram. ;ummarilyrEected. NB:- 1. Tenderforms will be issud to contactors only if they prduce valid license and expenience ceftifiate in havrng extutd civil wod<s permanent Accpunt Number (PAN) of the ontractor should fu fumishd in the tender. 2. 3 . The contractor shall be liable to py all the existing and futurc statutary taxes. 4 . The conbactor or his/her representativeshould fu present at the ttme of opening of the tender. 5 . The anractor shall fu personatlypresent for nqotiation, if any ,and signing of agrrement No nqotiation and signing of agrrement will be done in the absenceof contractor. 6 . The contactor will bring his/her tatest pssport size photograph at the time of signing agrement 7 . proxy tenderc will not be arceptd. Sudt prory tendererc will atso fu liabte to criminal action and cancellationof the work awardd to them. g . The CMq KqHCCreseruesthe right to rejxt any tender without assigningany reason what so euer. Howr, \tr-^t'A . .k _ 3 - [ 6 CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR
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