Unit Rate with Fractions

Unit Rates with Fractions Items only appear on Calculator Sessions 1. Angel and Jayden were at track practice. The track 2. Angel and Jayden were at track practice. The track !
is kilometers around. is kilometers around. !
• Angel ran 1 lap in 2 minutes. • Jayden ran 3 laps in 5 minutes. How many minutes does it take Angel to run one kilometer? 3. Angel and Jayden were at track practice. The track • Angel ran 1 lap in 2 minutes. • Jayden ran 3 laps in 5 minutes. How many minutes does it take Jayden to run one kilometer? 4. Angel and Jayden were at track practice. The track !
is kilometers around. is kilometers around. • Angel ran 1 lap in 2 minutes. • Jayden ran 3 laps in 5 minutes. How far does Angel run in one minute? • Angel ran 1 lap in 2 minutes. • Jayden ran 3 laps in 5 minutes. How far does Jayden run in one minute? !
5. Angel and Jayden were at track practice. The track !
6. A crew of highway workers paved mile in 20 !"
minutes. If they work at the same rate, what portion of a mile will they pave in one hour? !
is kilometers around. !
• Angel ran 1 lap in 2 minutes. • Jayden ran 3 laps in 5 minutes. Who is running faster? b.
7. Betty makes pies. To make 6 pies, she uses 7 !
cups of flour. How many cubs of flour are needed to make 1 pie? 9. One lap around a track is equal to one-­‐fourth of a mile. A horse ran a distance of 8 laps in 2 minutes and 30 seconds. What was the horse’s average speed in miles per minute? !
11. A recipe calls for cup of sugar for every 4 !
teaspoons of vanilla. How much vanilla should be used for every 1 cup of sugar? !
A. !
8. Ms. Robinson gave her class 8 minutes to read. Carrie read 3 ½ pages in that time. At what rate, in pages per hour, did Carrie read? 10. A bathtub fills at a constant rate. The amount of !
water in the tub increases by gallon every !
minute. What is the unit rate at which the bath rub fills? !
12. A second recipe calls for cup of sugar for every !
teaspoons of vanilla. What is the unit rate of cups per teaspoon? !
B. 2 !
C. 4 !
D. 6 !
13. Laura jogs at a rate of 2 miles every hour. What !
is her speed in miles per hour? 14. Three students ran ½ mile around a track. The table below lists the time each student took to run around the track. Complete the table by calculating the average speed of each student in miles per hour.