5 Home Remedies to Remove Seborrheic Keratosis

5 Home Remedies
to Remove Seborrheic Keratosis
Sebhorreic keratosis are common, yet harmless skin lesions that appear during adulthood.
Sebhorreic keratosis are also known as barnacles of the skin or brown spots. Although there’s
no known way to prevent this skin condition from happening in the first place, there are
several treatment options if you’re looking to remove them for cosmetic reasons. Many
of these treatment options can be done in the comfort of your own home—in many cases,
using items you already have around your house. Here are five easy, home
remedies you can try today.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
Here’s something you probably already have in
your cupboard: Apple cider vinegar. Simply soak a
cotton ball the same undiluted apple cider vinegar
you use for cooking, then press it against the growths
on your skin. You can also use a bandage to keep
the cotton ball in place. Results vary for everyone.
Some see sebhorreic keratosis fall off after just a
couple days of treatment, whereas others notice
them scabbing over and only partially falling off.
2. Hydrogen Peroxide
Another household item you might have in your
medicine cabinet is hydrogen peroxide, which can
be used to decrease the appearance of sebhorreic
keratosis lesions. Apply the peroxide directly to the
growth and you may notice the growths begin to
turn pink. Eventually, scabs will develop and fall
off, helping fade the sebhorreic keratosis over a
periodic basis.
3. Vitamin D Supplements
Remove sebhorreic keratosis can be as easy as adding
a pill to your routine. Research has found that there’s
a link between skin growths and a lack of vitamin D.
So just increasing your intake of vitamin D will deliver a
boost to your skin’s healthy and in the process,
may help remove sebhorreic keratosis. But talk to
your doctor before supplementing with vitamin D,
because in some cases, excess fat-soluble vitamins
like this can lead to excess levels in your body.
4. Wart Removers
Okay, this one might seem a little strange, but in
many cases, it works wonders. Everyday wart
removers like Dr. School’s Freeze Away can deliver
a powerful, yet safe freezing effect to sebhorreic
keratosis spots on your skin. To try it for yourself,
simply apply the wart remover directly to the growth.
Most people have luck after a couple of attempts, but
your success could take more or less applications.
5. Honey, Lemon Juice and Turmeric
Chances are your spice cabinet already includes most
of what you need to create a homemade solution
that helps remove sebhorreic keratosis. Simply mix 2
teaspoons of lemon juice with 1.5 teaspoons of raw
honey and ¼ teaspoon of turmeric. Then apply this
solution directly to the dark growths on your skin
with a cotton ball or wash cloth, wait a few minutes
and rinse with water.