Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 Bolangir HOLIDAY HOME WORK, SUMMER VACATIONS CLASS –X याकरण- क ा - दसवीं (HINDI) 1. रस कसे कहते ह? इसके उदाहरण स हत समझाइए। मु ख अवयव को प रभा षत क िजए। रस के 2. रचना के आधार पर वा य के मु ख कार को पाँच-पाँच मु ख भेद को दस-दस उदाहरण स हत समझाइए। सृ जना मक लेखन- 500 श द म नबंध ल खए1) व छ भारत अ भयान 2) मी डया क सामािजक िज़ मेदार 3) लड़का- लड़क एक समान- दोन घर क शान 4) भू मंडल करण के दौर म ह द न- आप अ मत चौधर ह, जो सु भाष नगर जयपु र राज थान म रहते ह। आपने पवतीय थान म पयटन एवं (ओड़ीशा) म रहने वाले अपने म न- कसी दै नक समाचार-प ी मावाकाश अव ध म भारत के मण कया। अपने अनु भव का वणन करते हु ए आयु ध नमाणी बड़माल , बलांगीर जग नाथ बेहेरा को प ल खए। के संपादक को समता कालोनी रायपु र म रहने वाल डी. तीशान क ओर से प ल खए, िजसम कायालय म बढ़ते टाचार क ओर सरकार का यान आक षत कया गया हो। न- आप मोह मद मु न ीश ह, जो बहादु र शाह ज़फ़र माग, नई द ल म रहते ह। अपने नगर के व यु त सं थान के महा बंधक को एक शकायती प ल खए, िजसम पर कारण उ प न असु वधा का वणन कया गया हो। ा के दाय दन म बार-बार बज़ल चल जाने के प रयोजना काय- न1. क ह ं तीन आधु नक काल न क वय क एक-एक क वताओं का संकलन कर प रयोजना काय तैयार क िजए। 2.आपको ह द 3.अपने वषय य पसंद है? ह द क त दन के ख े-मीठे अनु भव को अपनी डायर म रोचक शैल म ल खए। 4.आपको भारत का कौन सा स दय पर एक स च 5.आपके वशेषताओं को रे खां कत करते हु ए प रयोजना बनाइये। थान पयटन एवं आलेख ल खए। व यालय म व यालय प का का मण के लए पसंद है? उस थान के ाकृ तक एवं सां कृ तक काशन होना है । इस हेतु आप भी कोई दो क वताय, दो कहानी एवं अपने जीवन के दो रोचक अनु भव को कला मक शैल म ल खए। तवेदन लेखन- 1. आपके व यालय म स प न ह द पखवाड़ा समारोह पर 2. आप व यालयीन तैय ार क िजए। आलेख लेखन- 1. आपके जीवन का तवेदन ल खए। व छता स म त के स चव ह। व यालय म चल रहे या ल य है ? और इस पर अपने माता- पता क या योजनाएँ बनाई ह? इस पर एक आलेख ल खए। व छता अ भयान पर या राय है? ल य तवेद न ाि त हेतु आपने 2. अपने बचपन के मधु र अनु भव पर एक स च क िजए। यावहा रक काय- आप भ व य म वषय पर व यालय के आलेख ल खए। साथ ह अपने वतमान से उसक तु लना या बनना चाहते ह? अथात कै रयर का चु न ाव कैसे करना चाहते ह? इस ाचाय महोदय से मागदशन लेते हु ए प लखकर उ ह े षत क िजए। SUBJECT :- PHYSICS 1 How do we express electric current? 2. What is an electric circuit? 3. What does a switch do? 4. Conventionally, in an electric circuit the direction of electric current is taken as opposite to the direction of the flow of electrons, which are negative charges. Why? 5. What is the SI unit of electric charge? How many electrons make one coulomb of charge? 6. Define the SI unit of current. 7. Which instrument is used to measure the current flowing in a circuit? How is it connected in the circuit and why? 8. In which smaller units can we measure the small amount of current flowing in the circuit? 9. How are the related to the SI unit of current? 10. What makes the electric charge to flow? 11. State the energy conversion taking place in (a) Electric cell (b) Electric torch 12. Define the electric potential difference between two points in an electric circuit carrying some current. 13. Define the SI unit of Electric potential. 14. Which instrument is used to measure the electric potential difference between two points in a circuit? How is it connected in the circuit and why? 15. State the law relating the potential difference across a conductor and the current through it? 16. The V–I graph is a straight line that passes through the origin of the graph. What do you conclude from this observation? 17. Define resistance of a material. Define its SI unit. 18. Which component is used to regulate current without changing the voltage source in an electric circuit? 19. Why is Tungsten metal selected for making filaments of incandescent lamp bulbs? 20. A torch bulb is rated at 3V and 600mA. Calculate it’s a) Power b) Resistance c) Energy consumed if it is lighted for 4 Hrs. 21. Which will offer more resistance a 50W lamp or 25W lamp bulb and how many times? 22. Why should the heating element of an electric iron be made of iron, silver or Nicrome wire? 23. If a wire is stretched to triple its original length, what happens to its resistively? 24. Two identical resistors each of resistance 10 ohm are connected 1) in series 2) in parallel, in line to a battery of 6volts. Calculate the ratio of power consumed in the combination of resistors in the two cases. 25. A bulb is rated at 220V- 100W. What is its resistance? Five such bulbs burn for 4 hrs. What is the energy consumed? Calculate the cost if the rate is 50paise per unit? 26. Two lamps rated 100W, 220V and 25W, 220V are connected in parallel to 220V supply. Calculate the total current through the circuit. 27. A metallic coil connected to a 220V supply has a resistance of 110 ohm. How long will it take this coil to heat 1kg water from 2o0C to 700C? Assume whole heat produced by coil is taken up by water. (Specific heat capacity of water = 4186 ) 28. Why is much less heat generated in long electric than in filaments of electric bulb? 29. How does the resistance of wire change when 1) Its length is doubled 2) Area is doubled? 30. An electric kettle rated 1000W, 220V is used to bring water at 20 degrees to its boiling point. If the kettle is switched on for 10 minutes. Calculate: a. The resistance of the element of kettle b. Current flowing through the element c. Mass of water in the kettle. 31. A copper wire has a diameter of 0.5mm and resistively of . How much of this wire is required to make a 10 ohm coil? 32. A wire of resistance 5ohm is bent in the form of a closed circle. What is the effective resistance between the two points at the end of any diameter of the circle? 33. What is the effect on resistively of a pure metal with the increase in temperature? Revise the chapter ELECTRICITY for FA1(2015-16) PROJECT:- Prepared any science model of your choice (in group or individual) which may be displayed in Science Exhibition in this session (2015-16). SUB :- CHEMISTRY (CLASS X) 1) Write any 10 Chemical Reactions of the following types:Combination Reaction Decomposition Reaction Displacement Reaction Double Displacement Reaction 2) Write the chemical reaction occur in Biological phenomenon. 3) Write the article of acid and bases used by us in our daily life. 4) Describe the use of baking powder in bakeries. 5) Write any 10 Redox Reactions and identify the substances which are oxidized and reduced in them. 6) Write the use of ph. in our everyday life. 7) Describe the process of black and white photography. 8) Prepare a Power Point Presentation on any topic from your syllabus. Subject: Biology (Science) SECTION–A (HOTS) & PREVIOUS YEARS QUESTION ANSWERS 1) Why do aquatic animals breathe faster than the terrestrial animals? ANS) Because the dissolved oxygen is fairly low in water compared to the amount of oxygen in the air. 1 ½+½ 2) After a vigorous exercise, you may experience cramps in your leg muscles. Why does this happen? 1 ANS) Anaerobic respiration/accumulation of lactic acid/non availability of oxygen. 1 3) Name any two factors which affect photosynthesis. Ans. Factors affecting photosynthesis 1 i) Light ii) Temperature iii) Water iv) Carbon–dioxide (any two) 1 4) What is the function of pancreas in the human digestive system? 1 Ans. Pancreas secretes digestive enzymes as well as the hormones insulin and glucagon. 1 5) What is breathing? 1 Ans. Breathing is intake of O2/O2 rich air and release of CO2/CO2 rich air by the organism. 1 6) How is the process of excretion different from that of Egestion? Ans. Excretion 2 Egestion i) Removal of toxic or excess wastes from the body. i) Removal of undigested food from the body. 1+1 7) Leaves of a healthy potted plant were coated with Vaseline to block the stomata. Will this plant remain healthy for long? State three reasons for your answer. 2 8) How does air reach every cell of an insect? 2 Ans. In insects O2 rich air enters the cell through spiracles, trachea and tracheoles. Thus, every cell gets O2 directly. 2 9) Define respiration. State its two types. 2 Ans. a) Respiration: Oxidation of digested food to release energy. 1 b) Two types:i) Aerobic ii) Anaerobic 1 10) 2 Write the functions of the following in the digestive process : (i) Bile (ii) Bicarbonate secreted by the duodenal wall (iii) Pancreatic amylase 3 Ans. (i) Function of Bile: Emulsification of fat. 1 (ii) Function of Bicarbonate secreted by the duodenal wall: Makes the medium alkaline for the action of pancreatic enzymes. 1 (iii) Function of pancreatic amylase: Breakdown of starch / carbohydrates. 11) Ans. Give reasons for the following : (i) The glottis is guarded by epiglottis. (ii) The lung alveoli are covered with blood capillaries. (iii) The wall of trachea is supported by cartilage rings. 1 3 (i) Glottis gets covered by epiglottis to prevent food from going into trachea while swallowing. 1 (ii) For the exchange of respiratory gases, i.e. O2 and CO2 between lungs, alveoli and blood in blood capillaries. 1 (iii) So that, the trachea should not collapse even when there is not much air in it. 12) 1 In the test tube A and B shown below, yeast was kept in sugar solution. Which products of respiration would you expect in tubes A and B? 2 ANS) In test tube A: Carbon dioxide + Alcohol In test tube B: Carbon dioxide + Alcohol 13) 1+1 A graph was plotted to show the energy output of two types of respiration. Identify the types of respiration denoted by curves A and B. 2 ANS) Curve A – Anaerobic respiration Curve B – Aerobic respiration 14) Write any three points of distinction between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. 3 Ans. Aerobic Respiration Anaerobic Respiration i) Utilises oxygen. i) Does not utilise oxygen. ii) End products are CO2 and H2O. ii) End products may be alcohol or lactic acid. iii) Considerable energy is released. iii) Much less energy is released. 3x1 15) In what three ways respiration in plants differs from respiration in animals? Ans. (i) All parts of a plant, like the root, stem, and leaf perform respiration individually unlike in animals. 3 1 (ii) There is little transport of gases from one part of plant to another, unlike in animals. (iii) Plant respiration occurs at much slower rate than animal respiration 16) Ans. 1 1 Draw a diagram of human respiratory system and label pharynx, trachea, lungs, ribs, diaphragm and nasal passage init. 3 6 Labels: Larynx, Trachea, Primary Bronchus, Lungs 6×½=3 17) What is the need of special tissues or organs for transport of substances in plants and animals? 1 Ans. In order to survive and maintain, all cells require substances like oxygen, water, food, hormones, etc.obtained or synthesised at one part of the body, need to be passed on to another part. 1 18) Differentiate between breathing and respiration. Explain clearly how the air is inhaled and exhaled during breathing in humans. 3 Ans. Breathing is movement of air into and outside the lungs. Respiration: The entire process of receiving the oxygen and its utilization in the body cells to produce energy ½+½ Inhalation: Diaphragm contracts (pulled down), Ribs raised by muscles, Thoracic cavity expands, Air pressure (inside lungs) decreased and the air from outside rushes in. 2x½=1 Exhalation: Diaphragm relaxes, Ribs lowered, Thoracic cavity compressed, Air forced out. 2x½=1 19) 20) Define the terms, 'nutrition' and 'nutrients'. List two differences between 'Holozoicnutrition' and 'Saprophytic nutrition'. Give two examples of each of these twotypes of nutrition. 5 Given below are the diagrams of a variegated leaf, before and after starch test- (a) (b) (c) (d) What would be the colour of the patchy area in case of A and B and why? During the experiment, why is the leaf dipped in alcohol? Why was the plant from which leaf is taken, kept in the dark? What do you conclude from this experiment? 5 ANS) (a) A – Blue black B – Yellow Because of the presence of starch. ½+½+1 (b) It helps dissolve chlorophyll. 1 (c) To use up the stored starch. 1 (d) Chlorophyll is required for photosynthesis. 1 21) Two green potted plants were kept separately inside oxygen free bell jars, one insunlight and the other in dark. Which of the two plants will survive for longerperiod and why? 2 Ans. The plant kept in light will survive for a longer period, because it will carry out photosynthesis, and also respiration by using oxygen produced during photosynthesis, while the other plant will neither carry out photosynthesis nor respiration. (4×½)=2 22) 23) A student unknowingly crushed a cockroach under his shoes. Finding that no red fluid comparable to vertebrate blood came out, he was curious to know whether the cockroaches are at any disadvantage. How will you satisfy his curiosity? 2 Ans. Cockroaches do not have haemoglobin (oxygen carrier), which imparts red colour, air inhaled through stigmata/spiracle, is directly conveyed to the tissuesby means of branching tracheae and tracheoles. (4×½)=2 24) (a) Draw a diagram of human ‘Alimentary Canal’. (b) Label the following on the diagram drawn: Oesophagus, Liver, Gall bladder, Small intestine (c) What is the function of liver in the human body? Ans. a) Fig of NCERT Textbook 2 5 b) 4 Labels: - Small intestine Liver Gall Bladder Duodenum 4x½ c) Liver secretes bile juice 5 1 25) A student dipped the head part of a cockroach and a rat in water. After five minutes, he found that only one of the two animals survived. Which of the two animals might have survived and why? 2 26) (a) What is 'photosynthesis'? Name the four factors which affect the process of photosynthesis. (b) Why is the rate of photosynthesis (i) low in water deficient conditions? (ii) low at lower temperature conditions? Ans. a) i) Photosynthesis : Synthesis of food in the presence of sunlight by green Plants. 1 ii) Factors: Light, temperature, water, CO2 4x½ b) i) The rate of photosynthesis is low in water deficient conditions, because the stomata remain closed in water deficient condition which restrict the entry of CO2 into the leaves. 1 ii) Rate of photosynthesis is low at lower temperature conditions. Therefore at low temperature the activity of enzymes is lowered. 27) 28) 29) 1 A plant is believed to be releasing oxygen during night time. Do you believe in the truthfulness of this statement? Justify your answer by giving the reason. 2 Write one difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs. Give one example from each. 2 Leaves of a healthy potted plant were coated with Vaseline to block the stomata. Will this plant remain healthy for long? State three reasons for your answer. 2 SECTION–B (Acquiring New Knowledge) 1) Find out the Meanings of following terms with suitable examples related to nutrition: (i) Insectivores (ii) Piscivores (iii) Larvaevores (iv) Frugivores (v) Folivore (vi) Granivores (vii) Sanguivores (viii) Detritevores (ix) Coprophagous (x) Cannibals (xi) Scavenger 2) Draw a labelled diagram of digestive system of any ruminant animal e.g. cow (emphasise on 4 chambered stomach) and mention how cellulose digestion occurs in those animals. 3) Draw a labelled diagram of digestive system of an insect e.g. Grasshopper and mention the location and function of each part. 4) Draw a labelled diagram of respiratory system of cockroach and mention the reason for absence of red coloured pigment haemoglobin. SUBJECT:-SST 1. Prepare a handwritten project report of about 6-8 pages about the Nepal Earthquake 2015. The project should include write upon : Epicenter and focus of earthquake Intensity of earthquake Effects on human life Other damages Steps of government International help including India and China Any other The Projects should include Newspaper and magazines cuttings, photographs and learning outcome of this project. 2. Revise the chapters done in the class and prepare a model question paper (40 marks) with their answers in homework note book. It should include 6 MCQs, 4 SA ( 3M), 4 LA (5M) and 2 marks for map pointing. 3. On an outline map of India mark the following and paste properly in your homework notebook. a. Map I :- India: Major Soil Types b. Map 2 :- Tigers reserves of India c. Map 3 :- Major Rivers of India d. Map 4 :- major dams of India 4. Prepare a power point project on the differentcategories of existing plants and animalspecies. The PPT should include following points : Normal Species Endangered Species Vulnerable Species Rare Species Endemic Species Extinct Species The Himalayan Yew Asiatic Cheetah PPT should include Photographs , small videos and animation on related topic. Holiday homework of class x mathematics 1. Show that + is irrational, where p,q are primes. 2. Show that the square of an odd positive integer can be of the form 6q+1 or 6q+3 for some integer q. 3. Prove that √2 + √ is irrational. 4. Find the largest number which divides 318 and 739 leaving remainder 3 and 4 respectively. 5. On a morning walk, three persons step off together and their steps measures 40 cm, 42 cm , and 45 cm respectively. What is the minimum distance each should walk so that each can cover the same distance in complete steps? 6. If the polynomial f(x)=x4-6x3+16x2-25x+10 is divided by another polynomial x2-2x+k, the remainder comes out to be x+a. find k and a. 7. If α and β are the zeros of the quadratic polynomial f(x)=ax2+bx+c, then find the value of I. + ∝ II. - III. + IV. + 8. What must be added to x4+2x3-2x2+x-1, so that the resulting polynomial is divisible by x2+2x-3? Prove the followings 9. sinA(1+tanA)2 + cosA(1+cotA)2= secA+cosecA 10. if x=asec + btan =atan + bsec , prove that x2-y2=a2-b 2 11. √ +√ 12. 13. = 2cosec ( ) 14. √( =cot +tan =p, show that 15. 1+ + = sin )= tan +cot = cosec α 16. Evaluate 3cos680 .cosec220- tan430 . tan 470.tan120.tan600.tan78 0 17. Find an acute angle , when = √ √ 18. If sin3 = cos( -60), find 19. Evaluate - - . . . . 20. Make a project on the history of trigonometry and the application of trigonometry in our daily life. क ा – दशमी : (SANSKRIT) थमपाठतः प चमपाठपय तम ् सि ध व छे दं, ययाः, अ ययाः, पयायवाचीश दाः वलोमश दाःपृ थक् कृ वा ल ख वा आनय। वमन स कम प वषय य उप र एकं नब धं ल ख वा आनय। ==00== मेण
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