Ets+qffi D(Ju]NLoAoEP Fp.!,Lt KENDRIYF VlDYfr If,Yfr '"'css'Tc No. r-l nr-F\ Te,_t_(t^y TENDER INVITM'ION FORM Ref.No.lgqq -L\ol KyAtrsr* z-/ ao$ -t4f rzTo, Mis. /:tt*,..L.L1fh...--.rre-.k forthesupplyof ....*s*.anr:ir*5...$.*.r:. .Xt|) Sub.iecr : Quotation 1 . Sealedquot-ationfor the supply of the articlesshownin the attachedstatementare invited by . the undersigned up to .....3.i.9.9...........P.M. Quotationsshould be sent under strong sealed cover rnarked as Quotation for the supply and not by name.The quotationwill be openedin the office of of..(9.f.+.x.+3...$*.::Utl*...... q P.M.on,(date.) the undersigned at.......3-l.g-t.......... 2. The quotationshallbe submittedaccordinglyto the terms& conditionsspecifiedin paragraphs 3 to 15 Unless specifiedotherwisein the quotation it shall he construedthat the terms & conditionsstipulatedhereunderhavebeenagreedto. a J. The rate shouldbe F.O.R.and shouldincludeexciseduty, salestax, freight charges,any other taxesratesor imposition whateverliable in respectof the supply.The Viclyalayashall not be liable to pay any tax, freight etc'.which hasbeenexpresslystipulatedin the quotationin the eventof acceptanceof the quotation. 4 . There should not be any overwriting or conectionsin the quotation.If a figure is to be amended it shouldbe neatlyscoredout the revisedfigure written aboveand the sameattestedwjth full is liable to 6e rejected. signaturezinddate.In the absenceof attestedsignaturethe qr-rotation 5 . The undersigneddoes not bind himself to acceptthe lowest quotationand are reservesthe right to acceptthe quotationin whole or in part i.e. with respectto all articlesmentionedin t\e:attached statementor in respect.ofany one or rnore than one articles specifiedin the 1-ttach'edstatementas he may decide. 6. On acceptanceof the quotationit wiII becomea contactand shall be boundby the terms and condition of the quotation. hereinafter, calledthecontractor,shalldeposit whosequotationis accepted; 7 . The person/persons an earnestmoney of Rs. l07o alongwiththe quotationwhich shall be refundsin the eventof rejectionof thequotation.The earnestmoneywill be forfeitedin the eventof failure tcicomply with the contract.In the eventof the quotationthe earnestmon-eywill be adjustedtowards SecurityDeposit which shall be payableat the rate mentionedbelow : SecurityDeposit at l0%o If the contractis not agreebleto pay Security Deposit,The reasonsthereof should be specified will reservethelright to acceptor reject the request. and the undersigrtred 8 . If the contractor fails to supply the articleswithin the time stipulatedin the later or acceptance by the undersigned,the undersigncdshall be,atliberty to purchasethe article r'romthe market to get the rest of the contract completed by any other person or firm and the diffefence of price, if any shall be deductedfrom the earnestmoney/Securitydeposit& in caseany amount in excessof the securitydepositis paid by the undersigned,the contractorshall be liable to ' pay this amount. 9 . The quantity articles indicated in the attachedstatementmay be increasedor decreasedat the discretionof the undersignedwithout assigningany reason.In caseand order for any articles is placedfor quantity 100or more one sampleshallbe rbtainedby the schooland no cost will be paid for the same. 10. Prior to acceptanceof the quotation,the undgrsignedreservesthe right to call for sampleor demonstrationandthe contractorshall be liable to supply the sampleor give the demonstration free of cost. 11. In the event of acceptanceof the quotationand placing of the order for purchasethe articles orderedfor would be subjectedto an inspectionby the undersignedorhis representativeand are liable to be rejected if the articles supplied are not according to approvedsamplesS do ', prescribed. not confirm to the specifications No amendmentin the rate 12. The ratesquotedby the contractorshall'holdup to......... 'SalesTax during the period of executionof the contract,will exceptedincreasein the rateof be abcepted. 13, The contractdrs-hallbe requiredto fix a tin liable on the furniture suppliedby him, giving his name and year of manufacture. 14. The amounrof securitydepositshall bdretainedby theVidyalaya for a period of six months from the date of completion of supplies as a safeguardagainst any defect appearing in the articlessuppliedwithin this period. 15. Quotationwhich do not comply with the aboveconditionsare liable to be rejected. 16. These instruction to tendersar€ to be signedby the contractorsand returned with the tender. All the abovecondition are acceptedby me/us Signature of with Witne_ss-I Name AddressOccupation- Witness-Il ^ NameAddressOccuPationr Kendriya VidyalayaNo2 AFS Tezpur ( il 5. Eveningsnacics: Tea-Pakoda Biscuitplct Sewiyaan / Bhujia DaV Rajma/Chana Mixed Veg. Paneer/ Soyabeen Fickle Fapad Sweet. AdqfrErdrqc.-? No'2 VldYailala FiendriYa qeta, da5t rrtcl -A.F.S..TezPut -t DotrsN(o&Dep I ffi FAo r,t KENDRIYfiVIDYf,If,Yfi ffil,,-* N0,2? APs Te_uf ur TENDER INVITAT'ION FORM qq L{ *uuo No. f l,q/A FsT ^ Z/tors- tt/t + I i j Dated...?Sr.9.Y.:!.f-.. M/s........... ;""""""""' Subiect : Quotation forthesupply<.,"rs..(....U^rk...*.,"rJ*. 1 . Sealedquorationfor the supply of the articlesshownin the attachedstatementare invited by the undersigned ..2.7t.A.\.r.J.S.............(date). up to ....?..i..Q.9...........P.M. Quorationsshould be sent under strong sealed cover rnarked as Quotation for the supply of....$$....L.k.*.*.. andnot by name.The quotationwill be openedin the office of the undersigned at......3.;.9.L......... P.M.on ....4k.:.9.!L:.J.f...........,(date.) 2 . The quotationshallbe submittedaccordinglyto the terms& conditionsspecifiedin paragraphs 3 to 15 Unless specifiedotherwisein the quotation it shall be construedthat the terms & conditionsstipulated'hereunder havebeenagreedto. 3 . The rate shouldbe F.O.R.and shouldincludeexciseduty, salestax, freigl-rtcharges,any other taxesratesor imposition whateverliable in respectof the supply.The Vidyalaya shall not be liable to pay any tax, freight etc'.which hasbeenexpresslystipulatedin the quotationin the event of acceptanceof the quotation. 4. There should-notbe any overwriting or corections in the quotation.If a figure is to be amended it shouldbe neatlyscoredout the revisedfigure written aboveand the sameattesteflryith full is liable to 6e rejected. signatureiind date.In the absenceof attestedsignaturethe qr.rotation 5 . The undersigneddoes not bind himself to acceptthe lowest quotationand are reservesthe right to acceptthe quotationin whole or in part i.e. with respectto all articlesmentionedin the attachedstatementor in respectof any one or more than one articles specified in the i ' as he may decide. , -att{chbd,s!4fement 6 . On acceptanceof the quotationit will becomea contactand shall be boundby the terms and condition of the quotation. whosequotationis accepted;hereinafter,calledthe contractor,shall deposit The person/persons an earnestmoney of Rs. 107oalongwiththe quotationwhich shall be refundsin the eventof rejectionof the quotation.The eamestmoneywill be forfeitedin the eventof failure to comply with the contract.In the eventof the quotationthe earnestmon-eywill be adjustedtowards SecurityDepositwhich shall be payableat the rate mentionedbelow : SecurityDeposit at l07o , If the contractis not agreebleto pay SecurityDeposit,The reasonsthereof should be specified and the undersignedwill reservethelrightto acceptor reject the request. 8. If the contractor fails to supply the articleswithin the time stipulatedin the later or acceptance by the undersigned,the undersignedshall be,atliberty to purchasethe article from the market to get the rest of the contract completed by any other person or firm and the diffefence of price, if any shall be deductedfrom the earnestmoney/Securitydeposit & in caseany amount in excessof the securitydepositis paid by the undersigned,the contractorshall be liable to pay this amount. g. The quantity articles indicated in the attachedstatementmay be increasedor decreasedat the discretionof the undersignedwithout assigningany reason.In caseand order for.any articles is placedfor quantity100or moreonesampleshallbe retainedby the schooland no costwill be paid for the same. 10. Prior to acceptanceof the quotation,the undsrsignedreservesthe right to call for sampleor demonstrationand the contractorshall be liable to supply the sampleor give the demonstration free of cost. I 1. In the event of acceptanceof the quotationand placing of the order for purchasethe articles orderedfor would be subjectedto an inspectionby the undersignedorhis representativeand are liable to be rejectedif the articlessuppliedare not accordingto approvedsamplqs4r do '' prescribed. not confirm to the specifications 12. The ratesquotedby the contractorshall'holdup to......... No amendmdnt,inthe rate exceptedincreasein the rate of SalesTax during the period of executionof the contract,will be abcepted. 13, The contractdrsfrallbe requiredto fix a tin liable on the furniture suppliedby him, giving his name and year of manufacture. 14. The amountof securitydepositshall bdretainedby theV.idyalayafor a period of six months from the date of completion of supplies as a safeguardagainst any defect appearing in the articlessuppliedwithin this period. 15. Quotationwhich do not comply with the aboveconditionsare liable to be rejected. 16. Theseinstructionto tendersare to be signedby the contractorsand returnedwith the tender. All the abovecondition are acceptedby me/us Witness-I -i,hs+Wff$i^'' Name AddressOccupation- Witness-tt^ _-ffiii signaturloS{ Station : NameAddressOccuPationr- Kendriya Vidyalaya No.2 AFS Tezpur Regional Sports Meet- 2015 Item List S.No. I Items Event Football Socks(Double) Shorts 2 Kabbadi J Cricket T-shirts( V-neck) Shine Guard Football T-Shirts (Roundneck) Shorts Ankle cap Knee cap T-shirts Trousers Gripper Ball-synthetic B all-leather(4-piece) Thiehsuard Leg guard 4 Kho-Kho Bettine elubs Bat (Enelishwillow) Keeperinner Keeperglubs Keeperpad T-Shirts (Roundneck) Shorts Knee cap 5 6 Swimming (eirls) Swimming ftovs) Ankle cap Swimming costumes Goggles Swimming cap Towels Swimmingcostumes Gossles n Basketball Swimming cap Towels less) T-shirts(sleeve (lone the knee) below Shorts No. of Pairs Size Basketball (boys and eirl Basketball (boardand Spike'sshoes Tae-Kwon-Do Tae-Kwon-Do(shoes T-shirts (round neck Handball( sirls Tus of war Tennisball (cricket)-Vic et- KENDRIYfiVlDYfrLflYfl oou,vL o,rnrl t!6om i t4 E Rs/7E TENDER INVITAT'ION FORM o atea.. ..Ja r 5... f'.4* Ref. No. To, Sub.ject : Quotationfor thesupplyof,.q.f.k/lzr:..Ctr er.t/+-,t.....fu..ka.:.4::*. t . Sealedquotationfor the supplyof the aiticlesshownin the attachedstatementare invited by the undersignedup to ....A..'.H...........P.M . .Aa-:.9.t...A.9.t..5:........(date). Quotationsshoutd be sent under strong sealed cover rnarked as Quotation for the supply of..,...............3......................... andnotby name.Thequotationwill be openedin the officeof P.M.on*t.{................,(date.) the undersigned at.......3'.R......... 2 . The quotationshallbe submittedaccordinglyto the terms& conditionsspecifiedin paragraphs 3 to 15 Unless specifiedotherwisein the quotation it shall be construedthat the terms & conditionsstipulatedhereunderhavebeenagreedto. 3 . The rateshouldbe F.O.R.and shouldincludeexciseduty, salestax, freight charges,any other taxesratesor irnpositionwhateverliable in respectof the supply.The Vidyalaya shall not be liable to pay any tax, freight etcl which hasbeeneipressly stipulatedin the quotationin the event of acceptanceof the quotation. 4. Thereshould-notbe any overwritingor corectionsin thequotation.If a figure is to be amended it shouldbe neatlyscoredout the revisedfigure written aboveandthe sameattesteflwith full signatureiind date.In the absenceof attestedsignaturethe quotationis liable to 6e rejected. 5 . The urtdersigneddoesnot bind himself to acceptthe lowest quotationand are reservesthe right to acqeptthe quotationin whole or in palt i.e. with respectto all articlesmentionedin . the ,attachedstatementor in respectof any one or more than one articles specifiedin the I ' 'T:T::i-lTffiirT;"",I3,,1i',i,1i,0*"-e acontacr and shar beboundby theterms and conditionof the quotation. whosequotationis accepted;hereinafter,calledthe contractor,shall deposit 7 . The person/persons an earnestmoney of Rs. IAToalongwiththe quotationwhich shall be refundsin the eventof rejectionof thequotation.The earnestmoneywill be forfeitedin theeventof failure to comply with the contract.In the eventof the quotationthe earnestmon'eywill be adjustedtowards SecurityDeposit which shall be payableat the rate mentioned.below: f"tutiiy Depositat L07o , to paySecurityDeposit,Thereasonsthereof shouldbe specified If thecontractis not agreeble will reservethelrightto acceptor rejectthe request. andthe undersigned l. If the contractor fails to supply the article; within the time stipulatedin the later or acceptance by the undersigned,the undersignedshall be,atliberty to purchasethe article from the market to get the rest of the contract completed by any other person or firm and the diffefence of price, if any shall be deductedfrom the earnestmoney/Securitydeposit & in caseany amount in excessof the securitydepositis paid by the undersigned,the contractorshall be liable to ' pay this amount. ). The quantity articles indicated in the attachedstatementmay be increasedor decreasedat the discretionof the undersignedwithout assigningany reason.In caseand orderfor any articles is placedfor quantity 100or more one sampleshallbe rbtainedby the schooland no cost will be paid for the same. 10. Prior to acceptanceof the quotation,the undqsignedreservesthe right to call for sampleor demonstrationandthe contractorshall be liable tOsupply the sampleor give the demonstration freeof cost. 11. In the event of acceptanceof the quotation and itacing of the order for purchasethe articles ordered for would be subjectedto an inspection by the undersignedor his representativeand are liable to be rejected if the articles supplied are not according to approvedsamplesS do not confirm to the specification,pres.iib.d. amendmentin the rate 12. The rates quotedby the contractorshalltold up to.....1f.'.1."..4.!.1{No ' exceptedincreasein the rateof SalesTax during the period of executioriof the contract,will be abcepted. 13, The contractdrs-hallbe requiredto fix a tin liable on the furniture suppliedby him, giving his nameand year of manufacture. 14. The amount of securitydepositshall be retainedby theVidyalaya for a period of six months from the date of completion of supplies as a safeguardagainst any defect appearing in the articlessuppliedwithin this period. 15. Quorationwhich do not comply with the aboveconditionsare liable to be rejected. 16. Theseinstructionto tendersare to be signedby the contractorsand retumedwith the tender. All the abovecondition are acceptedby me/us Signature Station: Date: Witness-I Name AddressOccuPation- Witness-Il ^ NameAddressOccupation' H EITF J , ll o-. , (! I lo- ro o t u ! - f ! N = F 6 (,< t]N O o ,0J z, (- ^ q . q 5^! > z z E J E o 5 z e : a o OJ I 6 E x b!' = -c F q) ' ; 3 P O 6 - 0.0 o.o ..o s - c ( o 9 -- ( ! , t n . o d g > h l - l - I ( g t I = - lo 1(, H 'l a l b . O a t^ l z i l I Do,.oxuo*oeol ffi #q trn-o,t,t KENDRIYfiVIDYfiLfiYfr I?,],," i trrllllf rlt^- r rl-lrr.-l . -rt-. I N0,2,A trs T az*f ur TENDER INVITAT'ION FORM Ref.No. tq lq - Lqo f rcrrnFsT_2- o ts_ lt/t.rt / z Mis. Sub1ect: forthesupply*....(.U.*t Quoration ".*lA.#). l. Sealedquorationfor thesupplyof thearticlesshownin theattached statement areinvitedby . ...*Uln.nJ lf. . ....(date). theundersigned up to .....?i.0.P-........P.M strould Quotations b e s e n t u n d e r stro n g se a l e d cover m ar ked as Quotation for the suppl y 2. The quotationshallbe submittedaccordinglyto theterms& conditionsspecifiedin paragraphs 3 to 15 Unlessspecifieclotherwisein {he quotationit shall tre construedthat the terms & conditions stipulatedhereunderhavebeenagreedto. 3 . The rateshouldbe F.O.R.and shouldincludeexciseduty, salestax, freight charges,any other taxesratesor imposition whateverliable in respectof the supply.The Viclyalayashall not be liable to pay any tax, freight etc'.which hasbeenexpresslystipulatedin the quotationin the event of acceptanceof the quotation. A -. Thereshouldnot be any overwritingor corectionsin thequotation.If a figure is to bs amended it shouldbe neatlyscoredout the revisedfigure wdtten aboveand the sameattestedqith full is liable to 6e rejected. signaturezinddate.In the absenceof attestedsignaturethe qr,rotation 5 . The dndersigneddoes not bind himself to acceptthe lowest quotationand are reservesthe right to acceptthe quotationin whole ol in part i.e. with respectto all articlesmentionedin the attachedstatementor in respectof any one or more than one articles specified in the -aitucteOstatementas he may decide. 6 . On acceptanceof the quotationit will becomea contactand shall be boundby the termsand conditionof the quotation. hereinafter, calledthecontractor,shalldeposit whosequotationis accepted; 7 . The person/persons an earnestmoneyof Rs. l07o alongwiththe quotationwhich shall be refundsin the eyentof rejectionof the quotation.The earnestmoneywill be forfeitedin theeventof failure to comply with the contract.In the eventof the quotationthe earnestmon6y will be adjustedtowards SecurityDepositwhich shall be payableat the rate mentignedbelow : SecurityDeposit at l07o t If the contractis not agreebleto pay Security Deposit,The reasonsthereof should be specified and the undersigqedwill reservethelright to acceptor rcject the request. 8. If the contractor fails to supply the article; within the time stipulatedin the later or acceptance by the undersigned,the undersigncdshall be,atliberty to purchasethe article r"romthe market to get the rest of the contract completed by any other person or firm and the diffefence of price, if any shall be deductedfrom the earnestmoney/Securitydeposit & in caseany amount ' in excessof the security,depositis paid by the underbigned,the contractorshall be liable to pay this amount. g. The quantity articles indicated in the attachedstatementmay be increasedor decreasedat the discretibn cif the undersignedwithout assigningany.reason.In.gaseand order for any articles is placedfbr quantity 100or more one sampleshallbe rbtainedby the schooland no cost will be paid for the same. reservesthe right to call for sampleor 10. prior to acceptanceof the quotation,the undernsigned demonstrationandthe contractorshali be liable tOsupply the sampleor give the demonstration free of cost. 11. In the event of acceptanceof the quotationand placing of the order for purchasethe articles orderedfor would be subjectedto an inspectionby the undersignedorhis representativeand are liable to be rejected if the aiticles supplied are not according to approvedsamplesS do ptes.iib.d. not confirrnto the specifications 12. The ratesquotedby the contractorshalltold up to......... \ No amendmentin the rate exceptedincreasein the rateof SalesTax during the period of executionof the contract,will be a0cepted. 13, The contract6rsirallbe requiredto fix a tin liable on the furniture suppliedby him, giving his name and year of manufacture. 14. The amount of securitydepositshall be'retainedby theVidyalaya for a period of six months from the dare of completion of supplies as a safeguardagainst any defect appearing in the articlessuppliedwithin this period. 15. euotation which do not comply with the aboveconditionsare liable to be rejected. 16. Theseinstructionto tendersare to be signedby the contractorsand returnedwith the tender. All the abovecondition are acceptedby me/us Station : Witness-I Name AddressOccuPation- Witness-tl - NameAddressOccuPationt- Name of the Iterns Sl.No ii.l ( Qnty i Mattress P. Pics.P. Day ) Bad Sheet P. Pics.P. Day a J Pillow with Cover P. Pics.P. Day 4 Blanket P. Pics.P. Day ) Chairs P. Pics.P. Day 6 DinningTable P. Pics.P. Day Carpet. Floor Carpet/Green P. Pics.P. Day 8 Tent with waterproof P. Pics.P. Day 9 Tent without waterproof P. Pics.P. Day l0 Tube lights P. Pics.P. Day ll Halogeri P. Pics.P. Day t2 CFL P. Pics.P. Day t3 WashBasinwith Multiple Taps P. Pics.P. Day l4 Watertanks500 liters P. Pics.P. Day 15 Generatorset5KV to 15 kv with oDerator P. Pics.P. Day 16 CarryingCost extra for all items PerTrip .l:;rr W #m"', "ft"--$"9;*p l I
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