ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PRODUCT DESIGN SPECIFICATION PS-00008-1 REV 04 April 6, 2015 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 2 of 28 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY REV DEVELOPER 01 Ilya Grigoryan 02 Ilya Grigoryan DATE COMMENTS 03/15/2013 Initial 09/05/2013 - Revised table of “Completion Codes” to add the new error codes (see §2.3.1) - Added support for configuring the serial port for operation in RS485 compatible mode (see §4.2.1); - Added XMOD IMAGE 51 command to load the patch files of Wi-Fi transceiver (see §4.3.1); - Provided some clarifications for XMOD commands (see §4.3.1 and §4.3.2); - Added SIM command (see section 4.4); - Added ENRLL command (see section 4.5); - Made small corrections and changes over the whole document. 03 Gagik A. Haruty 12/28/2014 In this revision: - - - 04 Lucine Stepanyan Armen Khanjyan 04/06/2015 - Revised §3.3.3 to clarify the settings defined by LINK SPACE command; Added §3.3.4 dedicated to LINK RATE command; the description is revised to emphasize the difference between SPACE and RATE parameters and modify the coding for supported symbol rates; Revised §3.3.5 to combine description of LINK UCHAN and LINK MAP commands intended for settings using Channel Map; Increased the number of channels in Channel Map to allow up to 50 channels to be defined (see §3.3.5); Revised §3.3.6 to clarify the Carrier Frequency calculation formula for channel number set by LINK CHAN command. Changed KWC logo Added Lightweight Mesh protocol This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 3 of 28 TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1 INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________________________ 6 1.1 SCOPE AND PURPOSE _______________________________________________________ 6 1.2 GLOSSARY ______________________________________________________________ 6 1.3 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ____________________________________________________ 7 1.3.1 Company Internal Documents _________________________________________ 7 2 DESIGN OVERVIEW ________________________________________________________ 8 2.1 SERIAL INTERFACE OPERATION MODES ___________________________________________ 8 2.2 SWITCHING OPERATION MODE ________________________________________________ 8 2.2.1 Switching to Command Mode _________________________________________ 8 2.2.2 Switching to Data Mode ______________________________________________ 9 2.3 COMMAND LINE INTERFACE CONVENTIONS ________________________________________ 9 2.3.1 Syntax of CLI Commands _____________________________________________ 9 2.3.2 Advanced CLI Command Mode ________________________________________ 10 2.3.3 Debugging CLI Command Mode _______________________________________ 11 2.4 GENERAL PURPOSE CLI COMMANDS ____________________________________________ 12 2.4.1 SAVE Command ___________________________________________________ 12 2.4.2 BOOT and DBOOT Commands ________________________________________ 12 2.4.3 DATAMODE Command ______________________________________________ 12 3 CONVENTIONAL USER CLI COMMANDS _______________________________________ 13 3.1 CONVENTIONAL USER CLI HELP COMMAND ______________________________________ 13 3.2 ATI COMMAND__________________________________________________________ 13 3.3 LINK COMMAND ________________________________________________________ 14 3.3.1 MOD Parameter ___________________________________________________ 14 3.3.2 PWRB and PWRL Parameter __________________________________________ 14 3.3.3 SPACE Parameters _________________________________________________ 15 3.3.4 RATE Parameter ___________________________________________________ 15 3.3.5 UCHAN and MAP Parameters _________________________________________ 15 3.3.6 CHAN Parameter ___________________________________________________ 16 3.3.7 PROT Parameter ___________________________________________________ 17 3.3.8 SCRAM Parameter _________________________________________________ 17 3.3.9 FEC Parameter ____________________________________________________ 17 3.4 SLEEP COMMAND _______________________________________________________ 17 3.4.1 WAKEUP Parameter ________________________________________________ 18 3.4.2 QUIET Parameter __________________________________________________ 18 3.4.3 TIMER Parameter __________________________________________________ 18 3.5 NCC COMMAND _________________________________________________________ 18 3.5.1 LLPT Parameter ____________________________________________________ 18 3.5.2 WIFI Parameter ____________________________________________________ 19 This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 4 of 28 3.6 STATE COMMAND _______________________________________________________ 19 3.6.1 STS Parameter_____________________________________________________ 19 3.6.2 STAT Parameter ___________________________________________________ 20 3.6.3 SYSSTS Parameter __________________________________________________ 20 4 ADVANCED CLI COMMANDS ________________________________________________ 21 4.1 ADVANCED CLI HELP COMMAND _____________________________________________ 21 4.2 DPORT COMMAND_______________________________________________________ 21 4.2.1 PRIME Parameter __________________________________________________ 21 4.2.2 TIMEOUT Parameter________________________________________________ 22 4.2.3 ECHO Parameter ___________________________________________________ 22 4.2.4 RATE Parameter ___________________________________________________ 22 4.2.5 BITS Parameter ____________________________________________________ 22 4.2.6 PARITY Parameter__________________________________________________ 23 4.2.7 FLOW Parameter __________________________________________________ 23 4.2.8 STOP Parameter ___________________________________________________ 23 4.3 XMOD COMMAND _______________________________________________________ 23 4.3.1 IMAGE Parameter __________________________________________________ 23 4.3.2 CFGDN Parameters _________________________________________________ 24 4.3.3 CFGUP Parameter __________________________________________________ 24 4.4 SIM COMMAND _________________________________________________________ 24 4.4.1 PROB Parameter ___________________________________________________ 24 4.4.2 WTIME Parameter _________________________________________________ 25 4.4.3 PRIOR Parameter __________________________________________________ 25 4.5 ENRLL COMMAND _______________________________________________________ 25 4.5.1 STS Parameter_____________________________________________________ 25 4.5.2 DCRTFUP Parameter ________________________________________________ 26 4.5.3 NSKDN Parameter__________________________________________________ 26 4.5.4 DLTCRT Parameter _________________________________________________ 26 4.5.5 KEY Parameter ____________________________________________________ 26 4.5.6 SCRTFDN Parameters _______________________________________________ 26 4.5.7 DCRTFDN Parameters _______________________________________________ 26 4.5.8 MKUP Parameter __________________________________________________ 26 4.6 TEST COMMAND ________________________________________________________ 26 4.6.1 TSTSGL Parameter _________________________________________________ 26 4.6.2 SETFRQ Parameter _________________________________________________ 27 4.7 EXIT COMMAND _________________________________________________________ 27 5 SYSTEM DEBUGGING CLI COMMANDS ________________________________________ 28 5.1 DIRECT READ/WRITE REGISTER COMMANDS ______________________________________ 28 5.2 SPECIAL SET OF DEBUGGING COMMANDS ________________________________________ 28 This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 5 of 28 LIST OF TABLES: TABLE 2-1 TABLE 3-1 TABLE 3-2 TABLE 3-3 CLI COMMAND COMPLETION CODES ________________________________________ 10 STS PARAMETER LIST __________________________________________________ 19 STAT PARAMETER LIST _________________________________________________ 20 SYSSTS PARAMETER LIST _______________________________________________ 20 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS: FIGURE 2-1 FIGURE 3-1 FIGURE 3-2 FIGURE 3-3 FIGURE 4-1 SCREENSHOT OF ADVANCED CLI MODE ______________________________________ 11 CONVENTIONAL USER CLI COMMANDS USAGE _________________________________ 13 ATI COMMAND DISPLAY ________________________________________________ 13 STATE STS COMMAND DISPLAY __________________________________________ 19 ADVANCED CLI COMMANDS USAGE ________________________________________ 21 This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 1 1.1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 6 of 28 INTRODUCTION SCOPE AND PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to introduce the Command Line Interface (CLI) that is developed to setup, control and monitor Antel Systems’ radio products of Knightsbridge Wireless Communications. The document is structured as follows: 1. Chapter 1 (this section) provides general information such as used acronyms and definitions, references and specifications, etc. 2. Chapter 2 overviews and introduces the conventions and syntax used for Antel Systems’ CLI commands, the CLI operation modes as well as the general purpose CLI commands that are applicable for all CLI modes. 3. Chapter 3 describes the commands that are used in Conventional User CLI Command mode. 4. Chapter 4 describes the commands that are used in Advanced CLI Command mode. 5. Chapter 5 describes the commands that are used in Debugging CLI Command mode. 1.2 GLOSSARY ATE CLI CTS CR DHCP DTE DTR FEC FSK GMSK GUI IP OEM LF MQAM N/A Automatic Test Equipment Antel Systems’ proprietary Command Line Interface Clear To Send data flow control line of asynchronous serial interface Carriage Return Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol of TCP/IP protocol suite Data Terminal Equipment Data Terminal Ready Forward Error Correction coding Frequency Shift Keying Minimal Shift Keying with Gaussian filtering Graphical User Interface Internet Protocol An original equipment manufacturer refers to the company that originally designed and manufactured the product using components made by the third-party companies. Line Feed Multi-Level Quadrature Amplitude Modulation A common abbreviation in tables and lists for Not-Applicable, Not-Available or NoAnswer This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 NCC RF RTS SNMP SPI TBD TCP TCP/IP TMC TMC+RS TRIP UART UHF USB 1.3 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 7 of 28 Network Connectivity Configuration Radio Frequency Ready To Send data flow control line of asynchronous serial interface Simple Network Management Protocol of TCP/IP protocol suite Synchronous Peripheral Interface A common abbreviation for To-Be-Determined, To-Be-Developed or To-Be-Defined Transmission Control Protocol Protocols suite used for Internet global network Trellis Modulation Code error correction coding scheme Trellis Modulation Code + Reed-Solomon error correction coding scheme Temporal Key Integrity Protocol Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Ultra High Frequency Universal Serial Bus APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 1.3.1 Company Internal Documents ES-00024-1 Antel Data-link Protocol for sub-1GHz-band Radio Network, Engineering Design Specification (subdocument of ES-00024-0) ES-00026-0 Mu-Sys UHF and Wi-Fi Radio Communication Module, Engineering Design Specification (main document) ES-00032-2 Extended Configuration Files for Antel Radio Products, Engineering Design Specification (subdocument of ES-00032-0) MS-00022-0 Multi-System Radio Platform for Wireless Supervisory Network, Marketing Requirement Specification PS-00008-0 Antel PicoCell Base Station Product, Product Design Specification (main document) PS-00026-1 Command Line Interface for Mu-Sys UHF and Wi-Fi Radio Communication Module, Product Design Specification (subdocument of PS-00026-0) PS-00052-0 Antel Microcell Base Station Product, Product Design Specification (main document) PS-00064-0 Enrollment Application Software, Product Design Specification (main document) This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 2 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 8 of 28 DESIGN OVERVIEW The user interface of Antel Systems’ Products includes easy-to-use proprietary command line interface (CLI) that facilitates the Unit Configuration, Debugging and the System Status Monitoring. The CLI also provides access to the System Files like User Defined Configuration File and Software Image (for details on system configuration files’ structure and files’ location in flash memory refer to engineering design specification ES-00032-2, Configuration File Structure for Antel Systems’ Products). The Antel Systems’ radio products can be equipped with two serial ports UART and USB. If two ports are available in the system, then one of two ports shall be set as a Primary and the second one becomes the Secondary port. 2.1 SERIAL INTERFACE OPERATION MODES Antel Systems’ serial ports can be set to operate in command and data modes. The powered up Antel radio modem is set for operation in Data mode, when the data received from the DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) are transferred over the wireless link and the data received from the wireless link is sent to the DTE through the serial port. In Command mode, the CLI interface is activated to provide the configuration, debugging and monitoring of the radio’s status and operation statistics. The Command mode also has two operation modes: Echo On and Echo Off. At power up, the serial interface that is selected as Primary Port (UART or USB Device) starts operation in Data mode. However, the Primary Port can be switched to Command mode when there is a need for switching. Meanwhile, the Secondary port is able to operate in Command mode only. The radio modem will response with an error code (see Table 2-1) when the user (DTE) tries to switch the Secondary port to the Data mode. 2.2 SWITCHING OPERATION MODE 2.2.1 Switching to Command Mode To switch to Command mode the special byte-sequences with special meanings are used: Escape-Sequence: “++++” with 20 ms guard time before and after the command characters Escape-Acknowledge: “@00<CR><LF>” 20 ms toggling on the CTS control line is needed to acknowledge switching from Data to Command mode and vice versa. In Command mode, the radio modem’s serial port must keep CTS line always active. Below are the states of the switching “Happy Flow”: 1. In data-mode, the unit starts looking for the Escape-sequence if there is no data from DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) for more than 20 ms (Start Guard Time). This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 9 of 28 2. If the unit detects the Escape-Sequence: The transmitter continues sending over the air the data received from DTE before Escape-Sequence and buffers the data from DTE; The Receiver immediately stops forwarding to DTE the data received over the air and buffers it instead. 3. The radio modem waits for 20 ms and then sends Escape-Acknowledge to DTE if there is no data from DTE during 20 ms of Stop Guard Time. 4. The unit goes to command mode and discards Escape-Sequence from input buffer. The modem is immediately ready to receive commands. At the same time, it continues buffering the data received over the air since step 2. Note: During its waiting in step 3, the radio modem receives the data from DTE: The unit sends buffered Escape-Sequence from DTE to the air; The unit sends all buffered data received from the air since step 2 to DTE and stays in data-mode (i.e. transmits data received from DTE over the air – including the just received, unexpected, data and forwards data received over the air to DTE.) 2.2.2 Switching to Data Mode DTE sends the CLI command “DATAMODE<CR><LF>” to the radio modem (refer to §2.4.3 for DATAMODE command description.) Unit answers with Escape-Acknowledge (“@00<CR><LF>”) and immediately goes to data-mode, so that the DTE can start sending data as soon as the Escape-Acknowledge has been received. If no valid CLI commands received from DTE within 60 sec, the radio modem will automatically switch back to Data mode. Note: The data received over the air could be lost due to receiver buffer overflow, if the radio system stays in Command mode longer than 15 seconds. 2.3 COMMAND LINE INTERFACE CONVENTIONS 2.3.1 Syntax of CLI Commands The following convention is implemented in Antel Systems CLI: The Carriage Return/Line Feed (<CR><LF>, <0x0D><0x0A>) is a delimiter of commands and replies; The format of regular CLI commands is Command [Parameter Name] [Parameter Value]; A command with the certain [Parameter Name] and blank [Parameter Value] requests to display the current settings for a given parameter; The commands intended to display the read-only parameters such as system status and statistics have a shortened format: Command [Parameter Name]; This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 10 of 28 The general purpose commands do not have neither [Parameter Name] nor [Parameter Value]; If ECHO option is Off, the “@” character followed by the 2-digit number indicates the command completion code in reply to CLI command (refer to Table 2-1 for description); If ECHO option is On, an error message with the HELP information will be a reply to erroneous CLI command; If ECHO option is On, the “<CR><LF>” reply delimiter is followed by the “CLI>”, or “ADV”, or “DBG>” to prompt the user to enter the CLI command; If ECHO option is On, the “Up” and “Down” arrow keys allow user to scroll through the history of previously used CLI commands and then edit the selected CLI command; A command followed by “/?” displays a command usage; A command with the certain [Parameter Name] followed by “/?” displays the format and range of variables; The CLI commands are not key sensitive; small, none capital letters can be used. Table 2-1 CLI Command Completion Codes Completion Code 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Description No error; the command run successfully Command syntax error Invalid Command Invalid Parameter Invalid Argument Value Out-of-Range Setting Conflict The parameter is read-only Missed [Parameter Value] Missed file; the specified file was not found Cannot switch to Data mode on Secondary port File receive error File transmit error Unspecified Error 2.3.2 Advanced CLI Command Mode The Advanced CLI commands are for configuring some advanced sections of the radio modem and for loading the functional images of baseband processor. This mode is primarily intended for using in product development phase for debugging and production to test and calibrate the radio modem. Specifically, the ATE station (Automatic Test Equipment) can use this set of commands. Note: For non-advanced users, the using of Advanced CLI mode is strongly NOT recommended – it may harm the system configuration. This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 11 of 28 To enter the Advanced CLI mode, the user shall press Ctrl+A, which generates 0x01, a transmission control character in C0 table of ISO 646 standard. In response, the radio modem replies with the “Are you sure you want to enter the Advanced Mode?” confirmation line. To confirm and enter the Advanced CLI mode the “Y” and <CR> <LF> shall be entered. Otherwise, the entered “N” and <CR> <LF> will order the radio modem to stay in the User CLI Command mode. In Figure 2-1, the sequence of CLI commands that are used to enter the Advanced CLI mode are pictured. The CLI prompt for Advanced CLI Command mode is “ADV>”. The EXIT command of Advanced CLI Command mode returns the Antel radio modem into the conventional User CLI Command mode (no confirmation is required when turning back to User CLI Command mode.) The detailed descriptions of available Advanced CLI commands are presented the Chapter 4 of the given specification document. Figure 2-1 Screenshot of Advanced CLI Mode CLI> (Ctrl+A Pressed) Are you sure you want to enter the Advanced Mode? N CLI> (Ctrl+A Pressed) Are you sure you want to enter the Advanced CLI Mode? Y Caution: The unfit operation in Advanced CLI Mode is NOT recommended for nonadvanced personal. To exit the mode, either reboot the unit or enter the EXIT command. ADV> EXIT CLI> 2.3.3 Debugging CLI Command Mode The Debugging CLI commands are intended for using in product development phase to debug the software and to perform the final tune for programmable hardware operation modes. Note: The Debugging CLI Command mode will be supported only by the versions of runtime software that are used in the product development phase (the released to production Antel Systems runtime software will not support the debugging commands.) To enter the Debugging CLI Mode, the user should press Ctrl+D. The CLI prompt for Debugging CLI Command mode is “DBG>”. The EXIT command of Debugging CLI Command mode returns the Antel radio modem into the conventional User CLI Command mode (no confirmation is required when turning back to User CLI Command mode.) The descriptions of available System Debugging CLI commands are presented in Chapter 5 of the given specification document. This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 2.4 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 12 of 28 GENERAL PURPOSE CLI COMMANDS The SAVE, DATAMODE, BOOT and DBOOT commands are the general-purpose CLI commands and they are applicable for all three CLI operation modes: User, Advanced and Debugging. 2.4.1 SAVE Command The SAVE command is intended to store into the User Configuration file the radio modem’s currently used configuration. The BOOT command applied after SAVE command will activate the configuration stored in the User Configuration file (see §2.4.2). 2.4.2 BOOT and DBOOT Commands The BOOT command is intended to reboot the radio modem and activate the user settings that are stored in the User Configuration file. When the DBOOT command is executed, the factory default settings that are stored in the radio modem’s Factory Configuration file is activated after reboot. To save the factory default settings in the User Configuration file, the SAVE command shall be used after system reboot (see §2.4.1). 2.4.3 DATAMODE Command The DATAMODE command is used to exit explicitly the CLI Command mode. Note: The DATAMAODE general-purpose CLI command is not applicable for Secondary port of Antel radio modem (refer to section 2.1 for information on Secondary port.) This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 3 3.1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 13 of 28 CONVENTIONAL USER CLI COMMANDS CONVENTIONAL USER CLI HELP COMMAND The HELP command is used for getting the information about the Command Line Interface usage. By typing the HELP command, the list of available commands is retrieved: Figure 3-1 Conventional User CLI Commands Usage HELP – Display this usage ATI – Display Product ID along with Hardware/Software Configuration LINK – Set RF Link Operation Mode SLEEP – Set Sleep Mode Configuration NCC – Set Network Connectivity Configuration STATE – Display Status and Statistics SAVE – Save current settings into the User Configuration file BOOT – Reboot the radio modem DBOOT – Reboot the radio modem using factory default settings DATAMODE – Exit Command mode [COMMAND] /? – Display Command Usage 3.2 ATI COMMAND The ATI command is used to retrieve from the Factory Configuration file the radio modem’s identification information such as the Product ID (model), Product and Manufacturing Serial Number, Hardware version/revision, loaded runtime software version/revision, etc. For details on the retrieved identification information and Antel Systems radio product’s Factory Configuration file structure refer to ES-00032-2 engineering design specification document. The ATI command without Parameter Name displays the complete product identification information as it is shown in Figure 3-2: Figure 3-2 ATI Command Display Antel Systems PicoCell Radio Modem, Knightsbridge Wireless Communications Product ID: 4105SW Product S/N: 000000020303 MFG S/N: VT12345 Hardware: AP-00010-010_R01 Runtime Software: PC_SW_V01.00.030 GMSK Image: GMSK_FI_V1.0.0.1 MFSK Image: MFSK_FI_V2.0.0.1 MQAM Image: MQAM_FI_V4.0.0.1 This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 3.3 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 14 of 28 LINK COMMAND The LINK command is a read/write command responsible for configuring the radio’s operation mode. It has eight parameters listed below: MOD PWRB or PWRL SPACE RATE CHAN or UCHAN MAP PROT SCRAM FEC 3.3.1 MOD Parameter The MOD parameter of LINK command is intended to select the modulation type used in narrowband wireless link: 1 – 4QAM with automatic modulation detection by a receiving 2 – 16QAM with automatic modulation detection by a receiving 3 – 64QAM with automatic modulation detection by a receiving 4 – 2FSK (reserved for OEM customers) 5 – GMSK 6 – 4FSK 7 – 4QAM 8 – 16QAM 9 – 64QAM Note: The QAM modulations are not used with the Third-Party legacy data-link protocols such as Pacific Crest “Transparent w/EOT” and “Satel 3AS” (see also §3.3.6.) 3.3.2 PWRB and PWRL Parameter The PWRL parameter of LINK command is intended to set the RF output power level. Up to eight power levels can be set for of Antel Systems radio transmitter. The RF output power for selected level is defined in the Factory Configuration file of Antel Systems radio product (for details on Factory Configuration file structure refer to ES-00032-2 engineering design specification document.) The LINK PWRL command with “0” parameter value is reserved for future use, to provide the automatic power level selection for radio devices operating as remote station in Antel System wireless network (see also §3.5.1.) The PWRB parameter of LINK command sets the RF output power in dBm. The command is intended to provide compatibility with the legacy systems and it will be supported only by OEM versions of embedded software. This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 15 of 28 3.3.3 SPACE Parameters The SPACE parameter of LINK command is supported by Antel System narrowband radio products for CLI compatibility with the legacy radio products. The LINK SPACE command is intended to specify the frequency setting step size and the radio waveform’s symbol rate. Below is a list of valid SPACE parameters: 0 – 25 kHz channel spacing with predefined 9600 baud symbol rate and 6.25 kHz frequency setting step size (the default setting) 1 – 12.5 kHz channel spacing with predefined 4800 baud symbol rate and 6.25 kHz frequency setting step size 2 – 20 kHz channel spacing with predefined 8000 baud symbol rate and 5 kHz frequency setting step size Note: The frequency setting step size defined by LINK SPACE command is used to calculate the carrier frequency defined by LINK CHAN command (see §3.3.5). The LINK RATE command is capable to change the predefined radio waveform’s symbol rate (for details refer to §3.3.4). 3.3.4 RATE Parameter The RATE parameter of LINK command allows user to change the symbol rate that was predefined by the LINK SPACE command. The LINK RATE command sets the symbol rate, which along with the selected modulation level defines the wireless link’s data rate and, consequently the occupied frequency bandwidth. Thus, this command allows user to select the symbol rate that is optimal in terms channel spacing utilization and wireless link system gain: 0 – 9600 baud 1 – 4800 baud 2 – 8000 baud 3 – 2400 baud 4 – 4000 baud 5 – 7200 baud 6 – 12000 baud 7 – 14400 baud 8 – 16000 baud 3.3.5 UCHAN and MAP Parameters The UCHAN parameter of LINK command selects the channel number from the Channel Map that is defined by user as transmission Carrier Frequency in Hz, symbol rate in Bauds, and maximum allowed output power level in dBm. The maximum number of entries in the user defined Channel Map is 50. This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 16 of 28 The UCHAN parameter with “0” parameter value is reserved for Automatic Frequency Scanning mode. The LINK UCHAN 0 command also forces the radio modem to continue scanning starting from the channel currently selected by automatic scanning algorithm. In Automatic scanning mode, to check the frequency channel currently used or scanned, the STATE command must be used (see section 3.6). Note: LINK UCHAN command can be processed only if the Channel Map is defined; the Antel Systems TuneApp application software is intended to generate the Channel Map (refer to PS-00007-0 product design specification document). The MAP parameter of LINK command retrieves the map of allowed frequency channels. Each entry in the retrieved Channel Map is delimited by the “<CR><LF>” and it consists of three configuration parameters separated by commas – Carrier Frequency in Hz, symbol rate in Bauds and maximum allowed output power level in dBm. Escape-Acknowledge („@00<CR><LF>“) sequence is used as end-delimiter of the retrieved Channel Map. The number of entries in the channel map does not exceed 50. Note: The Channel Map cannot be modified through Command Line Interface; the Channel Map medication shall be done with the help of Antel Systems TuneApp application software (refer to PS-00007-0 product design specification document). 3.3.6 CHAN Parameter The CHAN parameter of LINK command is supported by Antel System narrowband radio products for CLI compatibility with the legacy radio products. This parameter selects the Carrier Frequency number, which is used to calculate the carrier frequency as follows: FREQ = START_FREQ + (CHAN-1)STEP Where: STEP – is 6.25 or 5 kHz frequency setting step that is defined by LINK SPACE command (for details refer to §3.3.3). START_FREQ – is a frequency band starting frequency. As an example, for radio transceiver operating in UHF band (410 to 470 MHz) the START_FREQ = 410,000,000 Hz CHAN – is a Carrier Frequency number that is set by LINK CHAN command. As an example, the UHF band (410 to 470 MHz) radio transceiver will have [1 – 9601] carrier frequencies, when 6.25 kHz frequency setting step is set through LINK SPACE command. Note: LINK CHAN command changes the carrier frequency set through LINK UCHAN command, whoever, it does not modify the allowed maximum output power level that has been defined by LINK UCHAN command. This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 17 of 28 3.3.7 PROT Parameter The PROT parameter of LINK command is intended to set the data-link protocol for communication over the narrowband wireless link: 0 – Reserved for future use 1 – Antel Transparent (Radio-to-Serial Port) 2 – Antel Bridging (Radio-to-Bridging Agent) 3 to 11 – Reserved for future use 12 – Transparent w/EOT (used with GMSK and 4FSK modulations) 13 – Lightweight Mesh (wireless mesh network protocol) 14 – Reserved for future use 15 – Satel 3AS (used with 4FSK modulation) Note: Pacific Crest “Transparent w/EOT” and “Satel 3AS” data-link protocols cannot be used for the multi-level QAM modulated waveforms (see also §3.3.1). 3.3.8 SCRAM Parameter The SCRAM parameter of LINK command is intended to enable/disable the scrambling option for the data transferred over the narrowband wireless link: 0 – No Scrambling (1 – 255) – Seed for the Pseudo-random scrambling sequence generator 3.3.9 FEC Parameter The FEC parameter of LINK command is intended to select the FEC (Forward Error Correction) scheme that shall be used improve the narrowband wireless link performance: 0 – Disable FEC 1 – Enable Hamming (7,4) 2 – TMC (Trellis Modulation Code) 3 – TMC + Reed-Solomon(45,33) 4 – TMC + Reed-Solomon(120,88) 5 – TMC + Reed-Solomon(120,104) Note: The Reed-Solomon encodings are not used with the Third-Party legacy data-link protocols such as Pacific Crest “Transparent w/EOT” and “Satel 3AS” (see also §3.3.6.) 3.4 SLEEP COMMAND The SLEEP command is intended to enable and disable the power saving sleep mode and define the sleep mode settings. The SLEEP command has three parameters listed below: WAKEUP QUIET TIMER This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 18 of 28 3.4.1 WAKEUP Parameter The WAKE parameter of SLEEP command allows user to set the power saving operation mode. The sleeping radio modem can be wakened up by the built-in timer or by the toggling on the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) input control line. The user can select one of two wakening up conditions or both of them: 0 – Disable Sleep mode 1 – Wakeup by Timer 2 – Wakeup by toggling on DTR (Data Terminal Ready) input control line 3 – Wakeup by Timer and/or toggling on DTR input control line 4 – Wakeup by USB port 5 – Wakeup by Timer and/or USB port 6 – Wakeup by USB port and/or toggling on DTR input control line 7 – Wakeup by Timer and/or USB port and/or toggling on DTR input control line 3.4.2 QUIET Parameter The QUIET parameter of SLEEP command is used when power saving mode is enabled (see §3.4.1). The "Quiet time" parameter defines the length of the quieting: 0 – Go to sleep, immediately (1 – 255) – Go to sleep, if there is no activity on serial port(s) and wireless link for 100 ms to 25.5 sec 3.4.3 TIMER Parameter The TIMER parameter of SLEEP command is used when power saving mode is enabled (see §3.4.1). The "Wakeup time" parameter is defined as follows: 3.5 (0 – 255) – Wakeup by internal Timer after 1 to 256 sec of sleeping NCC COMMAND The NCC command (Network Connection Configuration) is intended to define the network connection settings. This command has two parameters listed below: LLPT WIFI 3.5.1 LLPT Parameter The LLPT parameter of NCC command is used to define the radio modem’s link layer position in the topology (LLPT) of point-to-multipoint (PMP) wireless cluster: 0 – Remote 1 – Base 2 – Cluster Base This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 19 of 28 3.5.2 WIFI Parameter The WIFI parameter of NCC command is used to define the Wi-Fi network type and it is coded as follows: 3.6 0 – Ad-Hoc 1 – Connect automatically to Wi-Fi Access Point when it is in range STATE COMMAND The STATE command is used to display the operating status of the system and its wireless link, as well as a statistics that is gathered during system operation. This command has three parameters listed below: STS STAT SYSSTS 3.6.1 STS Parameter The STATE command with STS parameter is used to request the narrowband wireless link status. The brief descriptions of status parameters along with the expected values of parameters are presented in Table 3-1: Table 3-1 SYNC RSSI SNR EVM BER FRQERR UCHAN STS Parameter List Description 1 – Indicates the link established, 0 – if the link is not established yet. -30 dBm to -120 dBm – Indicates the Receive Signal Strength. The receive signal strength indicator is equal to -147 dBm if there is no signal received from transmitter. Indicates the received Signal-to-Noise-Ratio in dB. Indicates the received signal Error Vector Magnitude in %. 1.0E-6 to 9.9E-3 – Indicates the BER level. Displays the carrier frequency offset error in Hz. 1 to 32 – Displays the selected or currently scanned frequency channel (if automatic frequency scanning mode is selected see §3.3.5). The narrowband wireless link status is displayed as it is shown in Figure 3-3: Figure 3-3 STATE STS Command Display SYNC = 1 RSSI = -110 dBm SNR = 23 dB EVM = 5% BER = <2.3E-5 FRQERR = -340 Hz UCHAN = 10 This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 20 of 28 3.6.2 STAT Parameter The STATE command with STAT parameter is used to request the activity statistics for narrowband wireless link. The STAT parameter list along with the brief descriptions of displayed values is presented in Table 3-2. Table 3-2 TXCNT RXCNT ERRCNT STAT Parameter List Description Transmit counter indicates the number of frames sent over the narrowband wireless link. Receive counter indicates the total number of frames received over the narrowband wireless link. Error counter indicates the number of erroneous frames received over the narrowband wireless link. 3.6.3 SYSSTS Parameter The STATE command with SYSSTS parameter is used to display the operating status of the system. The SYSSTS parameter list along with the brief descriptions of displayed values is presented in Table 3-3. The response of STATE command indicates “N/A” for the parameters that are not supported by the specific hardware platform. Table 3-3 PWRIN PGOOD TEMP SYSSTS Parameter List Description The voltage level on power-in line is displayed in V. PGOOD signal (0 or 1) indicating the output status of DC/DC regulator supplying RF circuit. Some Antel Systems radio products are not equipped with the dedicated DC power supply for RF circuit. The temperature level inside of the radio enclosure displayed in C°. Some Antel Systems radio products are not equipped with temperature sensor. This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 4 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 21 of 28 ADVANCED CLI COMMANDS 4.1 ADVANCED CLI HELP COMMAND The HELP command is used for getting the information about the Advanced CLI command usage. By typing the HELP command, the list of available Advanced CLI commands is retrieved: Figure 4-1 Advanced CLI Commands Usage HELP – Display this usage DPORT – Set Data Port configuration XMOD – Load and fetch the files to and from the radio modem SIM - Set SIM parameters of LLC ENRLL - Organizing enrollment process TEST - Facilitate the radio module calibration EXIT – Exit from Advanced CLI Command mode SAVE – Save current settings into the User Configuration file BOOT – Reboot the radio modem DBOOT – Reboot the radio modem using factory default settings DATAMODE – Exit Command mode [COMMAND] /? – Display Command Usage 4.2 DPORT COMMAND The DPORT command is responsible for configuring radio’s serial ports (UART and USB). It has six parameters listed below: PRIME TIMEOUT ECHO RATE BITS PARITY FLOW STOP 4.2.1 PRIME Parameter The PRIME parameter of DPORT command is intended to select the primary serial interface that can be shared for data and commands: 0 – UART with RS232 (or TTL/CMOS) on physical level 1 – USB Device 2 – UART with RS485 on physical level, as Slave 3 – UART with RS485 on physical level, as Master Note: RS485 standard for physical levels on asynchronous serial port is supported by the hardware of “MicroCell” and “PicoCell+” and it is not supported by “PicoCell” and OEM radio modules. This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 22 of 28 4.2.2 TIMEOUT Parameter The TIMEOUT parameter of DPORT command determines the maximal length of pause between two bytes consecutively received via serial data port from DTE, which is an indicator of End-of-Transmission (EOT) from DTE. The range of specified TIMEOUT setting is 1 ms to 255 ms, while ‘0’ – is used to order the data transmission over the radio link without waiting for EOT from DTE. 4.2.3 ECHO Parameter The ECHO parameter of DPORT command is used for switching between Echo On and Off modes. For PicoCell radio modem, the echo is On, by default. However, other Antel products may have Echo Off, as a default setting. To switch the Echo On and Off, the following parameter values shall be used: 0 – Echo Off 1 – Echo On 4.2.4 RATE Parameter The RATE parameter of DPORT command is intended to set the speed of the data transmission through the asynchronous serial port (UART) of Antel Systems radio device: 0 – Reserved for automatic data rate detection 1 – 1200 baud 2 – 2400 baud 3 – 4800 baud 4 – 9600 baud 5 – 14400 baud 6 – 19200 baud 7 – 38400 baud 8 – 57600 baud 9 – 115200 baud 10 – 230400 baud 4.2.5 BITS Parameter The BITS parameter of DPORT command is intended to define the byte size of the data to be sent: 0 – 8 bits 1 – 7 bits 2 – 6 bits 3 – 5 bits This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 23 of 28 4.2.6 PARITY Parameter The PARITY parameter of DPORT command is intended to choose the error detection mode: 0 – None 1 – Odd 2 – Even 4.2.7 FLOW Parameter The FLOW parameter of DPORT command is intended to define the Flow Control setting – the way of controlling the data transmission. It includes transmission pause and resume: 0 – None 1 – Xon / Xoff 2 – Hardware (RTS/CTS) 4.2.8 STOP Parameter The STOP parameter of DPORT command is intended to define the size of the character that stands as the end of the sending data: 4.3 0 – 1 bit 1 – 1.5 bit 2 – 2 bits XMOD COMMAND The XMOD Command is intended to load into radio modem the customer specific embedded software module(s), functional images of narrowband baseband processor and system configuration files. It is also used to fetch from the radio modem the User settings file. The loading and fetching both are using X-Modem protocol for file transferring operations. The complete list of XMOD command’s parameters is following: IMAGE CFGDN CFGUP 4.3.1 IMAGE Parameter The IMAGE parameter of XMOD command is intended to activate the X-Modem protocol and specify the loadable software image file’s functionality and location/address in the system’s flash memory, where the loaded file shall be saved: 0 – load an optional, custom-specific factory embedded software module(s) 1 – load an optional, custom-specific embedded software upgrade/update 11 – load functional image of Baseband Processor Firmware 1 (GMSK Modulation) 12 – load functional image of Baseband Processor Firmware 2 (GMSK Modulation) 21 – load functional image of Baseband Processor Firmware 1 (MFSK Modulation) This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 24 of 28 22 – load functional image of Baseband Processor Firmware 2 (MFSK Modulation) 41 – load functional image of Baseband Processor Firmware 1 (MQAM Modulation) 42 – load functional image of Baseband Processor Firmware 2 (MQAM Modulation) 51 – load patch files of Wi-Fi radio transceiver (for PicoCell only) Note: The IMAGE parameter of XMOD command is supported only by manufacturing edition of embedded software. The XMOD IMAGE 0 and XMOD IMAGE 1 commands are reserved for future use, to provide the loading of custom-specific software module(s). 4.3.2 CFGDN Parameters The CFGDN parameter of XMOD command is intended to activate the X-Modem protocol and specify the loadable configuration type to determine the location/address in the system’s flash memory, where the loaded file shall be saved: 0 – load the user defined radio modem settings file 31 – load the radio modem’s factory configuration file 32 – load the radio modem’s calibration tables file Note: The XMOD CFGDN 31 and XMOD CFGDN 32 commands are supported only by manufacturing edition of embedded software. 4.3.3 CFGUP Parameter The CFGUP parameter of XMOD command is intended to activate the X-Modem protocol and specify the loadable configuration type to determine the location/address in the system’s flash memory, from where the file shall be fetched: 4.4 0 – fetch the user defined radio modem settings file 31 – fetch the radio modem’s factory configuration file SIM COMMAND The SIM commands are used by Host on base station to set the parameter for collision avoidance protocol that is used utilized in SIM/RIM process. For this purpose, the SIM command is using the following parameters: PROB WTIME PRIOR 4.4.1 PROB Parameter The PROB parameter of is used to set the media access probability that is defined by the base station through the SIM command for RIM responses. The remote units shall response to SIM command if randomly generated probability is greater or equal to probability set via SIM PROB This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 25 of 28 command (for details on SIM/RIM protocol refer to “Antel Data-link Protocol for sub-1GHzband Radio Network” engineering design specification, ES-00024-1.) The RIM response probability is coded as follows: ‘0’ – probability = 1; ‘1’ – probability = 0.5; ‘2’ – probability = 0.333; ··· ‘7’ – probability = 0.125 4.4.2 WTIME Parameter The WTIME parameter is intended to setup the waiting time that is set by base station through the SIM command for remotes participating in RIM response contest (refer to “Antel Data-link Protocol for sub-1GHz-band Radio Network” engineering design specification, ES-00024-1 for definition of waiting time.) The range of set WTIME parameter is [0-255], where ‘0’ means that the remote unit is allowed to send the RIM response regardless of how long the participating remote waiting for service in SIM/RIM process. 4.4.3 PRIOR Parameter The PRIOR parameter is intended to set the priority level that is used by base station to compose the SIM command. The remotes with priorities greater or equal to priority specified in SIM command are allowed to reply with the RIM response (see also ES-00032-2, “Extended Configuration Files for Antel Radio Products” specification document). 4.5 ENRLL COMMAND The ENRLL command is intended to organize the unit’s enrollment process (for details on ENRLL command and its parameters refer to product design specification PS-00064-0, Enrollment CLI Commands). The parameters of ENRLL command are listed below: STS DCRTFUP DLTCRT NSKDN KEY SCRTFDN DCRTFDN MKUP 4.5.1 STS Parameter The STS parameter intended to get enrollment Status. This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 26 of 28 4.5.2 DCRTFUP Parameter When the device is already enrolled, it has the Certificate and the ENRLL DCRTFUP command initiates the transmission of unit’s Certificate using XMODEM protocol. 4.5.3 NSKDN Parameter If Status is clean and this is the first enrollment of the device, the NSKDN parameter is setting the network secret key of device. 4.5.4 DLTCRT Parameter The DLTCRT parameter is deleting Certificate, cleaning the device and setting status back to 1 again. 4.5.5 KEY Parameter The KEY parameter is generating the public and private keys of RSA. 4.5.6 SCRTFDN Parameters The SCRTFDN parameter intended to receive the Server Certification using XMODEM protocol. 4.5.7 DCRTFDN Parameters The DCRTFDN parameter intended to receive the Device Certification using XMODEM protocol. 4.5.8 MKUP Parameter The MKUP parameter intended to get unit master key encrypted with public key of Server Certification. 4.6 TEST COMMAND The TEST command is intended to facilitate the radio module calibration. It also can be used during system troubleshooting and FCC/ETSI certification. 4.6.1 TSTSGL Parameter The TSTSGL parameter of TEST command orders the radio modem to generate the test signals that are useful for debugging and troubleshooting of radio transmitter. The TSTSGL parameter list is presented below: 0 – stops the testing signal generation; 1 – Continuous Wave (CW) or not-modulated signal; 2 – Continuous bit streams of all 1-s (4QAM modulated); 3 – Continuous Pseudo-Random bit sequence of at least 511 bits; 4 – Continuous Double Sideband signal (GMSK modulated); 5 – Continuous Single Sideband (SSB) signal This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 27 of 28 Note: The test signal generation can be also halted by the system reboot (see BOOT and DBOOT commands) or exit from Advanced CLI mode (see EXIT command). 4.6.2 SETFRQ Parameter The SETFRQ parameter of TEST command orders the radio modem to set the carrier frequency that is defined in Hz by [Parameter Value]. The TEST SETFRQ command, with blank [Parameter Value] displays the current frequency setting in Hz. Note: The carrier frequency set through the TEST SETFRQ command cannot is valid only for test mode. The radio modem will return to the carrier frequency that is defined in the User Configuration file. 4.7 EXIT COMMAND The EXIT command order radio modem to switch to User CLI Command mode. The EXIT command is used in both Advanced and Debugging CLI Command modes (see Chapter 5). The EXIT command completion is indicated by the “CLI>” prompt. This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288 ANTEL SYSTEMS RADIO PRODUCTS COMMAND LINE INTERFACE PS-00008-1 5 Revision: 04 Issue Date: 12/28/2014 Page: 28 of 28 SYSTEM DEBUGGING CLI COMMANDS The System Debugging group of CLI parameters is intended to support engineering development process, product manufacturing and product certification. This set of commands is intended for using during product development. 5.1 DIRECT READ/WRITE REGISTER COMMANDS The parameters of this group provide direct read/write access to the system operation control registers of software configurable devices of radio system: 5.2 Modulation/Linearizer – ml Baseband Processor – bb Local Oscillator/Synthesizer – lo RF Front-end of long-range radio transceiver – rf User Interface – if SPECIAL SET OF DEBUGGING COMMANDS The debugging group of CLI commands also includes a special set of commands intended to set special operation modes useful for product debugging, testing and certification: Special Set – sp This document may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by KWC’s personnel. Any changes will be noted in the Document History section of the report. Knightsbridge Wireless Communications 85 S. Market Street, Suite #600, San Jose, CA. 95113 U.S.A., +1(408)837.7288
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