Curriculum vitae et studiorum

Curriculum vitae
Javier Paz-Ares
Personal data:
Nationality: Spanish
Date and place of birth: Nov23rd, 1956
Work address:
Departamento de Genética Molecular de Plantas.
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CSIC) - Campus UAM.
Ctra. de Colmenar Viejo Km. 15,500.
28049 – Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain.
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (+34)915854504
1979. Agronomist
1984. PhD Agronomy. School of Agronomy; Polytechnic UniversityMadrid
Professional and research experience:
1979-84. Predoctoral fellow, Department of Biotechnology, School of
Agronomy -Madrid.
1980-84 Teaching assistant, Department of Biotechnology, School of
Agronomy –Madrid.
1984-88 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Plant Molecular Genetics.
Max-Planck Institute for Plant Breeding, Cologne, Germany..
1988-90 Staff Scientist (Group leader) at Centro de Investigaciones
Biológicas-Madrid, National Research Council (CIB-CSIC).
1990- 94 Senior Researcher at CIB-CSIC.
1994-00 Senior Researcher at Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia (CNBCSIC).
1995-04 Chairman, Department of Plant Molecular Genetics, CNBCSIC.
2000Professor, CNB-CSIC.
Awards and distinctions
Primer Premio Nacional de Terminación de estudios. Ministry of Science
and Education (1979; best national average grades for students graduated
in Agronomy)
Primer Premio de Investigación . Polytechnic University-Madrid(team,
Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado (Best Doctoral Thesis, School of
Agronomy, 1984)
Prize Sala Trepat (1991, France Foundation, for French, Portuguese and
Spanish researchers below 35)
EMBO member, 2002
Granted projects ( since 2001):
Desarrollo de herramientas para el análisis funcional de genomas vegetales y su
aplicación al estudio de los factores transcripcionales MYB. Programa Nacional
de Biotecnología. CICYT, (1999-2002)
Exon trapping insert consortium. V Framework Programme, European Union
Programme, European Union (2000-03). *
Contribución española al proyecto CATMA (Complete Arabidopsis Transcript
MicroArray). Accion Especial Programa Nacional de Biotecnología. MCYT (2002).
CAGE, Compendium of Arabidopsis Gene Expression. V Framework Programme,
European Union (2002-04).
AGRIKOLA, . V Framework Programme, European Union (2002-05).
La respuesta de Arabidopsis al ayuno de fosfato. caracterización de genes
reguladores y efecto de la manipulación de su actividad en la eficiencia de la
utilización de fosfato por las plantas. Programa Nacional de Biotecnología.
MCYT (2003-2005).
Proyecto de genómica funcional en Arabidopsis (GEFA). Programa Nacional de
Biotecnología. MCYT (2003-2005)**.
Respuestas de Arabidopsis al ayuno de fosfato. Análisis global del efecto
regulador de las citoquininas. Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid Programa
Nacional de Biotecnología. (2003-2004).
Role of non-coding RNAs in development and disease (RIBOREG). European
REGULATORs: Exploiting inter-species conservation in promoter sequences to
idenbtify regulators of reproductive development and physiological performance.
Trilateral France Germany Spain initiative on Plant genomics (2004-2007)
Respuesta de las plantas al ayuno de fosfato. Nuevos elementos reguladores, su
modo de acción y potencial biotecnológico.(MEC, 2005-2008)
TRANSPLANTA, Funcion y potencial regulador de factores transcripcionales de
plantas. (CONSOLIDER, 2007-2011)***
PHOSPHASEÑA, Genetics, genomics and proteomics towards unravelling
phosphate starvation signalling in plants (MICINN, 2009-2011)
TRANSNET Transcriptional networks and their evolution in the
Brassicaceae. Trilateral France Germany Spain initiative on Plant genomics
Desarrollo de fertilizantes fosforados de alta eficacia y de lineas
calibradoras para su estandarizacion (Innpacto 2011-2013)
Psignature: Señ alizació n del ayuno de fosfato en plantas. Variació n natural del
transcriptoma y mecanismos de control del regulador maestro PHR1 (MEyC, 20112014)
*, **,*** In these projects I have been the scientific coordinator of the whole programme,
including respectively, 29 ,7, 23 European/Spanish laboratories.
Scientific Publications (since 2001)
Rubio V, Linhares F., Solano R., Martín A.C., Iglesias J., Leyva A., Paz-Ares
J (2001) An evolutionary conserved MYB transcription factor involved in
phosphate starvation signaling both in vascular plants and in unicellular algae.
Genes&Development 15, 2122-2133
Paz-Ares J. et al (REGIA Consortium) (2002) REGIA, an EU project on
functional genomics of transcription
factors from Arabidopsis thaliana.
Comparative and Functional Genomic 3, 102-108
Franco-Zorrilla JM, Martín AC, Solano R, Rubio V, Leyva A, Paz-Ares J.
(2002) Mutations at CRE1 impair cytokinin-induced repression of phosphate
starvation responses in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 32, 353-360
Crowe ML, Serizet C, Thareau V, Aubourg S, Rouze P, Hilson P, Beynon J,
Weisbeek P, van Hummelen P, Reymond P, Paz-Ares J, Nietfeld W, Trick M.
CATMA: a complete Arabidopsis GST database.Nucleic Acids Res. 31, 156-8
Franco-Zorrilla JM, González E., Bustos R., Scaglia F, Leyva A. and PazAres J. (2004) The transcriptional control of plant responses to phosphate
limitation. Journal of Exp. Botany 396, 285-293
de Leon BG, Zorrilla JM, Rubio V, Dahiya P, Paz-Ares J, Leyva A. (2004)
Interallelic complementation at the Arabidopsis CRE1 locus uncovers
independent pathways for the proliferation of vascular initials and canonical
cytokinin signalling. Plant J. 38, 70-79.
Franco-Zorrilla JM, González E., Bustos R., Scaglia F, Leyva A. and PazAres J. (2004) The transcriptional control of plant responses to phosphate
limitation. Journal of Exp. Botany 396, 285-293
Franco-Zorrilla JM, Martín A.C, Leyva A and Paz-AresJ(2005). Interaction
between phosphate-starvation, sugar and cytokinin signalling in Arabidopsis and
the roles of cytokinin receptors CRE1/AHK4 and AHK3. Plant Physiol, 138:84757.
Gonzalez E, Solano R, Rubio V, Leyva A, Paz-Ares J.(2005) PHOSPHATE
TRANSPORTER TRAFFIC FACILITATOR1 is a plant-specific SEC12-related
protein that enables the endoplasmic reticulum exit of a high-affinity phosphate
transporter in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 17: 3500-3512
Catarecha P, Segura MD, Franco-Zorrilla JM, Garcia-Ponce B, Lanza M,
Solano R, Paz-Ares J, Leyva A. (2007) A Mutant of the Arabidopsis Phosphate
Transporter PHT1;1 Displays Enhanced Arsenic Accumulation. Plant Cell.
Franco-Zorrilla JM, Valli A, Todesco M, Mateos I, Puga MI, Rubio-Somoza I,
Leyva A, Weigel D, García JA, Paz-Ares J. (2007)Target mimicry provides a
new mechanism for regulation of microRNA activity. Nat Genet. 39:1033-7.
Rubio V., Bustos R., Irigoyen ML., Cardona-López X., Rojas-Triana M., PazAres.J (2009) Plant hormones and nutrient signalling. Plant Mol Biol. 2009, PMID:
Todesco M, Rubio Somoza I, Paz-Ares J, Weigel D. (2010) A Collection of
target mimics for comprehensive analysis of microRNA function in Arabidopsis.
PloS Genetics. 6(7): e1001031
Bustos R, Castrillo G, Perez J, Rubio V, Solano R, Leyva A, Paz-Ares J.
(2010) A central regulatory system largely controls transcriptional activation and
repression responses to phosphate starvation in Arabidopsis. PloS Gentics. 6(9):
Thibaud MC, Arrighi JF, Bayle V, Chiarenza S, Creff A, Bustos R, Paz-Ares
J, Poirier Y, Nussaume L. (2010) Dissection of local and systemic
transcriptional response to phosphate starvation in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal. 64,
Fernández P, Chini A, Fernández-Barbero G, Chico JM, Gimenez-Ibanez S,
Geerinck J, Schweizer F, Godoy M, Franco-Zorrilla JM, Pawels L, Puga MI,
Paz-Ares J, Goosens A, Reymond P, de Jaeger G, Solano R. (2011) The
bHLH transcription factors MYC3 and MYC4 are targets of JAZ repressors and
act additively with MYC2 in the activation of JA responses. Plant Cell. 23, 701715.
Bayle V, Arrighi JF, Creff A, Nespoulous C, Vialaret J, Rossignol M,
Gonzalez E, Paz-Ares J, Nussaume L. (2011) Arabidopsis thaliana high-affinity
phosphate transporters exhibit multiple levels of post-translational regulation.
Plant Cell, 23, 701
Castrillo G, Turck F, Leveugle M, Lecharny A, Carbonero P, Coupland G,
Paz-Ares J, Oñate-Sánchez L. (2011)Speeding cis-trans regulation discovery by
phylogenomic analyses coupled with screenings of an arrayed library of
Arabidopsis transcription factors. PLoS One. 6:e21524.
Rubio-Somoza I, Weigel D, Franco-Zorilla JM, García JA, Paz-Ares J. (2011)
ceRNAs: miRNA target mimic mimics. Cell 147:1431-2 .(Correspondence)
Lanza M, Garcia-Ponce B, Castrillo G, Catarecha P, Sauer M, RodriguezSerrano M, Páez-García A, Sánchez-Bermejo E, Tc M, Leo Del Puerto Y,
Sandalio LM, Paz-Ares J, Leyva A. (2012) Role of actin cytoskeleton in
brassinosteroid signaling and in its integration with the auxin response in plants.
Dev Cell. 22, 1275-85.
Rojas-Triana M, Bustos R, Espinosa-Ruiz A, Prat S, Paz-Ares J, Rubio
V.(2013) Roles of ubiquitination in the control of phosphate starvation responses
in plants.J Integr Plant Biol. 55:40-53.
Iglesias J, Trigueros M, Rojas-Triana M, Fernández M, Albar JP, Bustos R,
Paz-Ares J, Rubio V. (2013)Proteomics identifies ubiquitin-proteasome targets
and new roles for chromatin-remodeling in the Arabidopsis response to
phosphate starvation. J Proteomics. 94C:1-22.
Castrillo G, Sánchez-Bermejo E, de Lorenzo L, Crevillén P, FraileEscanciano A, Tc M, Mouriz A, Catarecha P, Sobrino-Plata J, Olsson S, Leo
Del Puerto Y, Mateos I, Rojo E, Hernández LE, Jarillo JA, Piñeiro M, PazAres J, Leyva A (2013). WRKY6 transcription factor restricts arsenate uptake
and transposon activation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 25:2944-57
Coego A, Brizuela E, Castillejo P, Ruíz S, Koncz C, del Pozo JC, Piñeiro M,
Jarillo JA, Paz‐Ares J, León J & Transplanta consortium (2014) The
TRANSPLANTA Collection of Arabidopsis Lines: A resource for Functional
Analysis of Transcription Factors based on their conditional overexpression. The
Plant Journal, in press
Irigoyen ML, Iniesto E, Rodriguez L, Puga MI, Yanagawa Y, Pick E,
Strickland E, Paz-Ares J, Wei N, De Jaeger G, Rodriguez PL, Deng XW,
Rubio V (2014) Targeted Degradation of Abscisic Acid Receptors Is Mediated by
the Ubiquitin Ligase Substrate Adaptor DDA1 in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. (en
Jover-Gil S, Paz-Ares J, Micol JL, Ponce MR. (2014) Multi-gene silencing in
Arabidopsis: a collection of artificial microRNAs targeting groups of paralogs
encoding transcription factors. Plant J. 80(1):149-60.
Sánchez-Bermejo E, Castrillo G, del Llano B, Navarro C, Zarco-Fernández S,
Martinez-Herrera DJ, Leo-del Puerto Y, Muñoz R, Cámara C, Paz-Ares J,
Alonso-Blanco C, Leyva A. (2014) Natural variation in arsenate tolerance
identifies an arsenate reductase in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nat Commun. doi:
Puga MI, Mateos I, Charukesi R, Wang Z, Franco-Zorrilla JM, de Lorenzo L,
Irigoyen ML, Masiero S, Bustos R, Rodríguez J, Leyva A, Rubio V, Sommer
H, Paz-Ares J. (2014) SPX1 is a phosphate-dependent inhibitor of Phosphate
Starvation Response 1 in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111:14947-52.
Eva-Maria Willing, Vimal Rawat, Terezie Mandáková, Florian Maumus, Geo
Velikkakam James, Karl J.V. Nordström, Claude Becker, Norman
Warthmann, Claudia Chica, Bogna Szarzynska, Matthias Zytnicki, Maria C.
Albani, Christiane Kiefer, Sara Bergonzi, Loren Castaings, Julieta L. Mateos,
Markus C. Berns, Nora Bujdoso, Thomas Piofczyk, Laura de Lorenzo,
Cristina Barrero-Sicilia, Isabel Mateos, Mathieu Piednoël, Jörg Hagmann,
Romy Chen-Min-Tao, Raquel Iglesias-Fernández, Stephan C. Schuster,
Carlos Alonso-Blanco, François Roudier, Pilar Carbonero, Javier Paz-Ares,
Seth J. Davis, Ales Pecinka, Hadi Quesneville, Vincent Colot, Martin A.
Lysak, Detlef Weigel, George Coupland & Korbinian Schneeberger (2015)
Genome expansion of Arabis alpina linked with retrotransposition and reduced
symmetric DNA methylation. Nature Plants 1, 14023
Christoph J. Thieme, Monica Rojas-Triana, Ewelina Stecyk, Christian
Schudoma, Wenna Zhang, Lei Yang, Miguel Miñambres, Dirk Walther,
Waltraud X. Schulze, Javier Paz-Ares, Wolf-Rüdiger Scheible & Friedrich
Kragler (2015) Endogenous Arabidopsis messenger RNAs transported to distant
tissues Nature Plants, 15025
Chen J, Wang Y, Wang F, Yang J, Gao M, Li C, Liu Y, Liu Y, Yamaji N, Ma JF,
Paz-Ares J, Nussaume L, Zhang S, Yi K, Wu Z, Wu P. (2015) The Rice CK2
Kinase Regulates Trafficking of Phosphate Transporters in Response to
Phosphate Levels. Plant Cell. tpc.114.135335.
Meetings, Invited communications (since 2001)
British Society of genetics . Workshop on Plant genetics, 2002, York, UK.
Regulation of plant responses to Phosphate starvation, role of hormones
Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y biología Molec ular. 2002, León Spain.
Genómica funcional de factores transcripcionales en plantas
Frontiers in Molecular Biology. 2002 Milan, Italy.Phosphate starvation signalling in
13th FESPB Meeting. 2002, Crete. Greece. Phosphate starvation sensing in
British Society of Experimental Biology. 2003 Bristol, UK. Transcriptional control
of phosphate starvation responses in Arabidopsis
Sociedad Española de Genética 2003, El Escorial Spain. Genómica funcional en
Arabidopsis.. Plataformas para el desarrollo de herramientas y recursos
New EMBO Members, “Frontiers in Molecular Biology” 2003. Killarney, Ireland.
Transcriptional control of plant responses to Phosphate starvation
Plant Molecular Biology Programs and Perspectives in an Enlarged Europe
2002. Warsaw, Poland. Plant responses to Phosphate starvation
Symposium of the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center . 2003, Zurich.
Regulation of Phosphate starvation responses in Arabidopsis
Jacques Monod Conference Integrative Biology: Dissecting cross talk between
plant signalling pathways". 2004. Cross-talk among Phosphate starvation, sugar and
cytokinin signalling in Arabidopsis
2nd EPSO Conference: „Interactions in Plant Biology: cells, plants and communities.
2004. Ischia Italy. Genetics and genomics approaches towards unravelling Pi
starvation signalling
5th GABI Status Seminar, 2005, Postdam, Germany. Regulators
Arabidopsis conference, 2006, Madison. Regulation of phosphate starvation
responses in Arabidopsis. Transcriptional control and beyond
15th FESPB meeting. 2006, Lyon France. Genome wide exploration of cisregulatory motifs in Pi starvation responsiveness
EU Meeting on Role of Non-coding RNAs. 2007, A novel regulatory mechanisms
of miRNA activity based on target mimicry
Arabidopsis conference, 2007, Pekin. Phosphate starvation signalling in
IPGSA (International Plant Growth Substances Association) meeting. 2007
Puerto Vallarta. EMBO plenary lecture on Phosphate starvation signalling in plants
Congreso SEFV, 2007 Alcalá de Henares. Nuevos components en la señalización
del ayuno de fosfato en plantas
PGEM meeting, 2007 Tenerife, Coorganizer
Jaques Monod conference on signal transduction in plants 2008.Roscoff
(France) Pi starvation signalling.
EPSO Meeting (2008) Toulon (france). Novel aspects of Pi starvation signalling in
Jaques Monod conference on RNAs at the center of gene regulation
2009.Roscoff (France) Riboregulation in Pi starvation signalling and beyond
EMBO Meeting (2009) Cadiz (Spain). Pistarvation signalling in plants
Plant growth Substances Meeting (2010) Trarragona Spain Control of Pi
starvation response. Transcription and beyond
Wenner-gren sympoium on Adaptive responses during plant development &
evolution (2010) Fiskebäckskil, Sweeden Pi starvation responses in plants
classical and novel mechanisms
SEB Annual Main Meeting (2013) Valencia, Spain, Phosphate starvation
signalling in plants
7th EPSO Conference (2013), Porto Heli Greece. EMBO plenary lecture on
Functional genomics of transcription factors
FESPB meeting (2014) Dublin, Phosphate sensing in plants
The Roots of sustainable Agriculture (2014). Meeting coorganiser and speaker
“News of Pi starvation signalling the PHR1 mastre regulator and the Pi sensor”
Organisation of scientific activities
Coordinator of REGIA, the first large EU project on functional genomics funded by
the EU, involving 29 European laboratories.
Coordinator of GEFA and TRANSPLANTA, the two most important Spanish
projects on Arabidopsis functional genomics, involving 7 and 23 teams.
Co-organiser of 6th Plant GEMS (European Congress on Plant Genomics) (2006),
Tenerife, Spain
Training of young scientists
 Supervisor 14 PhD students and 13 postdocs. Of these, 2 become
Professors, and 9 are staff scientists in academy at present.
Evaluation and management activities
 Member of The Scientific Advisory Board of the French Plant Genomics
Programme, Genoplante (2001- 2005)
 Member of the Advisory board of The Plant Journal (1990-2003)
 Member of the advidory board of Current Opinion in Plant Biology (2011-)
 Member of National and international grant evaluation panels ( Spanish
Ministry of Science and Education and Ministry of Science and
Technology; HFSP, EU)
 Referee of The EMBO Journal, Nature Reviews of Genetics, Plant Journal,
The Plant Cell, Plant Physiology, Plant Molecular Biology, PNAs, etc.