pCR®T7 TOPO® TA Expression Kits Version G 082301 25-0263 pCR®T7 TOPO® TA Expression Kits Five-minute cloning of Taq polymerase-amplified PCR products for high-level, inducible expression and purification in E. coli Catalog nos. K4200-01; K4201-01, K4210-01, K4211-01 A Limited Label License covers this product (see Purchaser Notification). By use of this product, you accept the terms and conditions of the Limited Label License. www.invitrogen.com [email protected] ii Table of Contents Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................. iii Kit Contents and Storage....................................................................................................................................... v Product Specifications.......................................................................................................................................... ix Methods........................................................................................................................ 1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 1 Experimental Outline............................................................................................................................................. 4 Designing PCR Primers......................................................................................................................................... 6 Producing PCR Products ....................................................................................................................................... 9 TOPO® Cloning Reaction and Transformation ................................................................................................... 10 Optimizing the TOPO® Cloning Reaction........................................................................................................... 15 Expression of the PCR Product ........................................................................................................................... 16 Troubleshooting Expression................................................................................................................................ 20 Purification .......................................................................................................................................................... 22 Appendix .................................................................................................................... 23 Recipes ................................................................................................................................................................ 23 Purifying PCR Products ...................................................................................................................................... 26 Addition of 3´ A-Overhangs Post-Amplification................................................................................................. 28 pCR®T7 TOPO® Control Reactions.................................................................................................................... 29 Map and Features of pCR®T7/NT-TOPO® ......................................................................................................... 32 Map and Features of pCR®T7/CT-TOPO® ......................................................................................................... 34 Map of pCR®T7/NT-E3 ...................................................................................................................................... 36 Map of pCR®T7/CT-LacZ................................................................................................................................... 37 Purchaser Notification......................................................................................................................................... 38 Technical Service ................................................................................................................................................ 40 References ........................................................................................................................................................... 42 iii iv Kit Contents and Storage Shipping and Storage The pCR®T7 TOPO® TA Expression Kits are shipped on dry ice. Each kit contains three boxes as described below. Upon receipt, store the boxes as detailed below. Box 1 Types of Kits Item ® Storage ® pCR T7 TOPO TA Cloning reagents ® -20°C 2 TOP10F´ One Shot competent cells -80°C 3 BL21(DE3) or BL21(DE3)pLysS One Shot® competent cells -80°C This manual is supplied with the following kits. Kit ® ® pCR T7/NT-TOPO TA Expression Kit with BL21(DE3)pLysS One Shot® Chemically Competent E. coli Application For fusion of your gene of interest to an N-terminal tag pCR®T7/NT-TOPO® TA Expression Kit Catalog no. K4200-01 K4201-01 ® with BL21(DE3) One Shot Chemically Competent E. coli pCR®T7/CT- TOPO® TA Expression Kit with BL21(DE3)pLysS One Shot Chemically Competent E. coli ® pCR®T7/CT-TOPO® TA Expression Kit For fusion of your gene of interest to a C-terminal tag K4210-01 K4211-01 ® with BL21(DE3) One Shot Chemically Competent E. coli Continued on next page v Kit Contents and Storage, continued ® ® ® pCR T7 TOPO TA pCR T7 TOPO TA Cloning reagents (Box 1) are listed below. Please note that the user Cloning® Reagents must supply Taq polymerase. Store Box 1 at -20°C. Item ® Concentration ® pCR T7/NT-TOPO or pCR®T7/CT-TOPO® vector, linearized Amount 25 µl 10 ng/µl plasmid DNA in: 50% glycerol 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4 (at 25°C) 1 mM EDTA 1 mM DTT 0.1% Triton X-100 100 µg/ml BSA phenol red 10X PCR Buffer 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3 (at 42°C) 100 µl 500 mM KCl 25 mM MgCl2 0.01% gelatin dNTP Mix 12.5 mM dATP 10 µl 12.5 mM dCTP 12.5 mM dGTP 12.5 mM dTTP neutralized at pH 8.0 in water Salt Solution 1.2 M NaCl 50 µl 0.06 M MgCl2 Sterile Water -- 1 ml T7 Forward Sequencing Primer 0.1 µg/µl in TE Buffer, pH 8 20 µl V5 C-term Reverse Sequencing 0.1 µg/µl in TE Buffer, pH 8 Primer (CT TOPO only) 20 µl pRSET Reverse (NT TOPO only) 0.1 µg/µl in TE Buffer, pH 8 20 µl 1 M IPTG 1 M in sterile water 1 ml Expression Control Plasmid 0.5 µg/µl in TE buffer, pH 8 10 µl Control PCR Primers 0.1 µg/µl each in TE Buffer, pH 8 10 µl Control PCR Template 0.05 µg/µl in TE Buffer, pH 8 10 µl (pCR®T7/CT-LacZ or pCR®T7/NT-E3) Continued on next page vi Kit Contents and Storage, continued Sequences of the Primers The table below provides the sequences of the T7 Forward, V5 C-Term Reverse, and pRSET Reverse sequencing primers. Two micrograms of each primer are supplied. Primer Sequence T7 Forward TOP10F´ One Shot® Reagents pMoles Supplied 5´-TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG-3´ 327 V5 C-Term Reverse 5´-ACCGAGGAGAGGGTTAGGGAT-3´ 304 pRSET Reverse 325 5′-TAGTTATTGCTCAGCGGTGG-3′ The table below describes the items included in the TOP10F´ One Shot® competent cell kit. Transformation efficiency is at least 1 x 109 cfu/µg DNA. Please note that TOP10F´ One Shot® cells may be ordered separately (Catalog no. C3030-03). Store Box 2 at -80°C. Item Composition SOC Medium 2% Tryptone (may be stored at room temperature or +4°C) 0.5% Yeast Extract Amount 6 ml 10 mM NaCl 2.5 mM KCl 10 mM MgCl2 10 mM MgSO4 20 mM glucose Genotype of TOP10F´ TOP10F´ cells -- 21 x 50 µl pUC18 Control DNA 10 ng/µl 10 µl TOP10F´: Use this strain for general cloning of PCR products in pCR®T7/NT-TOPO® and pCR®T7/CT-TOPO®. Please note that this strain can be used for single-strand rescue of DNA. F´ {lacIq, Tn10(TetR)} mcrA ∆(mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC) Φ80lacZ∆M15 ∆lacΧ74 recA1 deoR araD139 ∆(ara-leu)7697 galU galK rpsL (StrR) endA1 nupG Electrocompetent Cells TOP10F´ cells are available as electrocompetent cells. Please see the table below for ordering information. Transformation efficiency is 1 x 109 cfu/µg supercoiled DNA. Kit ™ Electrocomp TOP10F′ Reactions Catalog no. 20 (5 x 80 µl) C665-55 40 (10 x 80 µl) C665-11 120 (30 x 80 µl) C665-24 Continued on next page vii Kit Contents and Storage, continued BL21(DE3) and BL21(DE3)pLysS One Shot® Reagents The table below describes the items included in the BL21(DE3) and BL21(DE3)pLysS One Shot® competent cells kit. Transformation efficiency is at least 1 x 108 cfu/µg DNA. Store Box 3 at -80°C. Item Composition SOC Medium 2% Tryptone (may be stored at room temperature or +4°C) 0.5% Yeast Extract Amount 6 ml 10 mM NaCl 2.5 mM KCl 10 mM MgCl2 10 mM MgSO4 20 mM glucose Genotypes of BL21(DE3) and BL21(DE3)pLysS BL21(DE3) OR BL21(DE3)pLysS cells -- 21 x 50 µl pUC18 Control DNA 10 ng/µl 10 µl BL21(DE3): F- ompT hsdSB (rB-mB-) gal dcm (DE3) BL21(DE3)pLysS: F- ompT hsdSB (rB-mB-) gal dcm (DE3) pLysS (CamR) The DE3 designation means this strain contains the lambda DE3 lysogen that carries the gene for T7 RNA polymerase under the control of the lacUV5 promoter. IPTG is required to induce expression of the T7 RNA polymerase. The two strains are E. coli B/r strains and do not contain the lon protease. They are also deficient in the outer membrane protease, OmpT. The lack of two key proteases reduces degradation of heterologous proteins expressed in the strains. The pLysS plasmid (CamR) carried by the BL21(DE3)pLysS strain produces T7 lysozyme to reduce basal level expression of the gene of interest. pLysS confers resistance to chloramphenicol and contains the replication origin from plasmid p15A. This origin allows pLysS to be compatible with plasmids containing origins derived from pUC or pBR322 (pMB1 origin). For more information on pLysS, please see page 3. Note: These strains are for expression use only. Do not use these cells for propagating or maintaining your construct. ™ Zeocin Ordering information is provided below if you wish to use Zeocin™ (pCR®T7/CTTOPO only, see page 16). Item Zeocin™ viii Quantity 1g Catalog no. R250-01 Product Specifications Introduction This section describes the criteria used to qualify the components of the pCR®T7 TOPO® TA Expression Kits. Restriction Digest Restriction analysis with the enzymes listed below is performed on each lot of pRSET B and pCR®T7/CT, the parent vectors of pCR®T7/NT-TOPO® and pCR®T7/CT-TOPO®, respectively to confirm their identity. In each case, the supercoiled vector is qualified by restriction digest prior to adaptation with topoisomerase I. Restriction digests must demonstrate the correct banding pattern when electrophoresed on an agarose gel (see below). Please note that the restriction sites used to qualify the parent vectors may no longer be present in the topoisomerase I-adapted vectors. The pRSET B and pCR®T7/CT vectors are 2939 bp and 2681 bp in size, respectively. Vector pRSET B ® pCR T7/CT TOPO® Cloning Efficiency Restriction Enzyme Expected Fragments (bp) BamH I 2939 EcoR I 2939 Bgl I 1322, 1617 EcoR I 2681 Afl III 321, 2360 Dra I 19, 692, 863, 1107 Nco I 2681 Once the supercoiled vectors have been adapted with topoisomerase I, they are lotqualified using the control reagents included in the kit. Under conditions described on pages 29-31, a 500 bp control PCR product was TOPO®-Cloned into each vector and transformed into the One Shot® TOP10F′ competent E. coli included with the kit. Each lot of vector (pCR®T7/NT-TOPO® or pCR®T7/CT-TOPO®) should yield greater than 85% cloning efficiency. Primers Primers are lot-qualified by DNA sequencing experiments using the dideoxy chain termination technique. One Shot® TOP10F′′ Competent E. coli 50 µl of competent cells are transformed with 10 pg of supercoiled pUC18 plasmid. Transformed cultures are plated on LB plates containing 50 µg/ml ampicillin and the transformation efficiency is calculated. Test transformations are performed in duplicate. Transformation efficiency should be greater than 1 x 109 cfu/µg DNA. Untransformed cells are plated on: • LB plates containing 50 µg/ml ampicillin to verify the absence of ampicillin resistant contamination. • SOB plates as a lawn to verify the absence of phage contamination. • LB plates containing Tet/X-gal to verify the presence of the F′ episome and lacIq. Continued on next page ix Product Specifications, continued ® One Shot BL21(DE3) and BL21(DE3)pLysS Competent E. coli 50 µl of competent cells are transformed with 10 pg of supercoiled pUC18 plasmid. Transformed cultures are plated on LB plates containing 50 µg/ml ampicillin and the transformation efficiency is calculated. Test transformations are performed in triplicate. Transformation efficiency should be greater than 1 x 108 cfu/µg DNA. Untransformed cells are plated on: x • LB plates containing 50 µg/ml ampicillin to verify the absence of ampicillin resistant contamination. • LB plates as a lawn to verify the absence of phage contamination. • LB plates containing 34 µg/ml chloramphenicol for selection of pLysS (for BL21(DE3)pLysS only). Methods Overview Introduction ® How TOPO Cloning Works The pCR®T7 TOPO® TA Expression Kits provide a highly efficient, 5-minute, one-step cloning strategy ("TOPO® Cloning") for the direct insertion of Taq polymerase-amplified PCR products into a plasmid vector for high-level, regulated expression and simplified protein purification in E. coli. A choice of kits allows you to fuse your gene of interest to DNA encoding either an N-terminal tag or a C-terminal tag. No ligase, post-PCR procedures, or PCR primers containing special, additional sequences are required. The T7 promoter and T7 RNA polymerase regulate expression in E. coli. The plasmid vector, pCR®T7/NT-TOPO® or pCR®T7/CT-TOPO®, is supplied linearized with: • Single 3´ thymidine (T) overhangs for TA Cloning® • Topoisomerase covalently bound to the vector (this is referred to as “activated” vector) Taq polymerase has a nontemplate-dependent terminal transferase activity that adds a single deoxyadenosine (A) to the 3´ ends of PCR products. The linearized vector supplied in this kit has single, overhanging 3´ deoxythymidine (T) residues. This allows PCR inserts to ligate efficiently with the vector. Topoisomerase I from Vaccinia virus binds to duplex DNA at specific sites and cleaves the phosphodiester backbone after 5′-CCCTT in one strand (Shuman, 1991). The energy from the broken phosphodiester backbone is conserved by formation of a covalent bond between the 3′ phosphate of the cleaved strand and a tyrosyl residue (Tyr-274) of topoisomerase I. The phospho-tyrosyl bond between the DNA and enzyme can subsequently be attacked by the 5′ hydroxyl of the original cleaved strand, reversing the reaction and releasing topoisomerase (Shuman, 1994). TOPO® Cloning exploits this reaction to efficiently clone PCR products (see below). Topoisomerase Tyr-274 O CCCTT GGGA P OH A PCR Product HO Tyr-274 O A AGGG TTCCC P Topoisomerase Continued on next page 1 Overview, continued Regulation of Expression of the Gene of Interest Expression of the gene of interest is controlled by the very strong phage T7 promoter that drives expression of gene 10 (φ10). T7 RNA polymerase specifically recognizes this promoter. For expression of the gene of interest, it is necessary to deliver T7 RNA polymerase to the cells by either inducing expression of the polymerase or infecting the cell with phage expressing the polymerase. In the pCR®T7 TOPO® TA Expression Kits, adding IPTG induces expression of T7 RNA polymerase. Once sufficient T7 RNA polymerase is produced, it binds to the T7 promoter and transcribes the gene of interest. Use of TOP10F´ Cells TOP10F´ One Shot® competent cells, which do not contain T7 polymerase, are included in each kit to provide a host for stable propagation and maintenance of recombinant plasmids. The presence of T7 polymerase, even at basal levels, can lead to expression of the desired gene even in the absence of inducer (see below). In general, this is not a problem, but if the gene is toxic to the E. coli host, plasmid instability and/or cell death results. We recommend that you transform your TOPO® Cloning reaction into TOP10F´ cells for characterization of the construct, propagation, and maintenance. When you are ready to perform an expression experiment, transform your construct into one of the expression strains described below. Regulation of Expression of T7 RNA Polymerase Depending on which kit you have purchased, the BL21(DE3) or BL21(DE3)pLysS strain is specifically included in the kit for expression of T7 regulated genes. These strains carry the DE3 bacteriophage lambda lysogen. This lambda lysogen contains the lacI gene, the T7 RNA polymerase gene under control of the lacUV5 promoter, and a small portion of the lacZ gene. This lac construct is inserted into the int gene, which inactivates the int gene. Disruption of the int gene prevents excision of the phage (i.e. lysis) in the absence of helper phage. The lac repressor represses expression of T7 RNA polymerase. Addition of the gratuitous inducer isopropyl β-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG) allows expression of T7 RNA polymerase. The BL21(DE3)pLysE strain is also available. For more information on this strain, BL21(DE3), and BL21(DE3)pLysS, please see the next page. Regulation of T7 RNA Polymerase by T7 Lysozyme There is always some basal level expression of T7 RNA polymerase. If a toxic gene is cloned downstream of the T7 promoter, basal expression of this gene may lead to reduced growth rates, cell death, or plasmid instability. T7 lysozyme (produced from pLysS or pLysE) has been shown to bind to T7 polymerase and inhibit transcription. This activity is exploited to reduce basal levels of T7 RNA polymerase. T7 lysozyme is a bifunctional enzyme. In addition to its T7 RNA polymerase binding activity, it also cleaves a specific bond in the peptidoglycan layer of the E. coli cell wall. This activity increases the ease of cell lysis by freeze-thaw cycles prior to purification. Continued on next page 2 Overview, continued Expression of Heterologous Genes For expression of non-toxic heterologous genes, either the BL21(DE3) or the BL21(DE3)pLysS strain is suitable for use. Please note that the BL21(DE3) strain allows a significantly higher level of basal expression than that allowed by BL21(DE3)pLysS or BL21(DE3)pLysE. However, recombinant proteins are generally expressed at higher levels in BL21(DE3) cells than in BL21(DE3)pLysS cells. For expression of toxic genes, do not use the BL21(DE3) strain. We recommend using BL21(DE3)pLysS or BL21(DE3)pLysE instead. For more information about pLysS or pLysE, see below. pLysE and pLysS The gene for T7 lysozyme has been cloned into the BamH I site of pACYC184 (Chang and Cohen, 1978; Studier et al., 1990). If the gene is oriented so that it is expressed from the constitutive tet promoter, the plasmid is called pLysE; if it is cloned in the opposite orientation so that it is expressed from the φ3.8 promoter, it is called pLysS. The plasmids confer resistance to chloramphenicol (34 µg/ml) and contain the origin of replication from plasmid p15A. This origin allows pLysS and pLysE to be stably maintained with pUC- and pBR322-derived plasmids in the same host. The differences between these two plasmids are summarized in the table below. Feature pLysS pLysE Relative amount of T7 lysozyme Moderate (may not sufficiently suppress T7 RNA polymerase for expression of more toxic genes) High Growth rate of host No or little effect May cause a significant decrease and/or cell lysis Stability of expression plasmid Increases Increases Lag between addition of inducer and expression of desired gene Short Long Maximum expression level of desired protein No effect May reduce Please note that BL21(DE3)pLysS One Shot® competent cells are supplied in some of the pCR®T7 TOPO® TA Expression Kits (Catalog nos. K4200-01 and K4210-01). In most cases, pLysS supplies sufficient T7 lysozyme to reduce the activity of T7 RNA polymerase while maintaining good growth rates and maximum yield of recombinant protein. If you discover that your gene is still toxic to E. coli, try BL21(DE3)pLysE cells (Catalog no. C6565-03). Please call Technical Service for more information (page 40). 3 Experimental Outline Experimental Outline The flow chart below describes the general steps needed to amplify, TOPO® Clone, and express your protein of interest. Design Primers for PCR Produce PCR product TOPO® Cloning Reaction: Mix together PCR product and pCR®T7-TOPO® vector Incubate 5 minutes at room temperature Transform into TOP10F´ E. coli cells Select and analyze colonies for insert and correct orientation Choose a positive transformant and isolate plasmid DNA Transform BL21(DE3) or BL21(DE3)pLysS and induce expression with IPTG Continued on next page 4 Experimental Outline, continued Detection of Recombinant Proteins Expression of your recombinant fusion protein can be detected using an antibody against the protein itself or against the appropriate epitope. The table below describes the antibodies available for use with pCR®T7 TOPO® TA Expression Kits. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated antibodies allow one-step detection using colorimetric or chemiluminescent detection methods. The amount of antibody supplied is sufficient for 25 westerns. Epitope Plasmid Xpress™ Antibody pCR®T7/NT-TOPO® Anti-Xpress™ R910-25 ™ (-DLYDDDDK-) Anti-Xpress -HRP R911-25 HisG Anti-HisG R940-25 Anti-HisG-HRP R941-25 (-HHHHHHG-) ® V5 Purification of Recombinant Protein Catalog No. pCR T7/CT-TOPO ® Anti-V5 R960-25 (-GKPIPNPLLGLDST-) Anti-V5-HRP R961-25 C-terminal 6xHis tag Anti-His(C-term) R930-25 (-HHHHHH-COOH) Anti-His(C-term)-HRP R931-25 The metal binding domain encoded by the 6xHis tag allows simple, easy purification of your recombinant fusion protein by Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography (IMAC) using Invitrogen's ProBond™ Resin (see below). To purify proteins expressed using pCR®T7 TOPO®, the ProBond™ Purification System is available separately. Additional ProBond™ resin is available in bulk. See the table below for ordering information. Product Quantity ™ ProBond Nickel-Chelating Resin Catalog no. 50 ml R801-01 150 ml R801-15 (precharged resin provided as a 50% slurry in 20% ethanol) ™ 6 purifications K850-01 ProBond Purification System ™ (includes six 2 ml precharged, prepacked ProBond resin columns and buffers for native and denaturing purification) ProBond™ Purification System with 1 kit K851-01 1 kit K853-01 1 kit K854-01 50 R640-50 ™ Anti-Xpress Antibody ProBond™ Purification System with Anti-His(C-term)-HRP Antibody ProBond™ Purification System with Anti-V5-HRP Antibody Purification Columns (10 ml polypropylene columns) 5 Designing PCR Primers Introduction It is important to properly design your PCR primers to ensure that you obtain the recombinant protein you need for your studies. Please use the information below and the diagrams on pages 7-8 to design your PCR primers. Remember that your PCR product will have single 3´ adenine overhangs. pCR®T7/NT-TOPO® is designed to express recombinant protein with an N-terminal tag. Cloning into pCR®T7/NT-TOPO® The forward PCR primer should be designed to place the gene of interest in frame with the DNA encoding the N-terminal peptide. Please refer to the diagram on the next page. Be sure to include a stop codon in the reverse primer or design the reverse primer to hybridize downstream of the native stop codon. If you wish to.... Then... include the Xpress™ epitope and polyhistidine region the forward PCR primer must be designed to place the gene of interest in frame with the N-terminal tag. Please note that at least four nonnative amino acids will be present between the enterokinase cleavage site and the ATG of your gene. Express your protein with design the forward PCR primer to include the following: a native N-terminus, i.e. 1. A stop codon to terminate the N-terminal peptide. without the N-terminal 2. A second ribosome binding site (AGGAGG) 9-10 base peptide, pairs 5′ of the initial ATG codon of your protein. pCR®T7/CT-TOPO® is designed to express recombinant protein with a native N-terminus. Cloning into pCR®T7/CT-TOPO® For maximal expression of native protein, the forward PCR primer should be designed to place the initial ATG codon of the desired protein approximately 9 to 10 base pairs from the ribosome binding site (Gold, 1988; Miller, 1992). This will ensure the optimal spacing for proper translation. Suggestions for primer design are provided in the table below. Use the diagram on page 8 to help you design primers. If you wish to.... Then... Express your protein with a native N-terminus using the vector encoded ribosome binding site design the forward PCR primer such that the initial ATG codon of your protein is 0 to 1 bp from the 5´ end of the PCR product. include the V5 epitope and polyhistidine region the reverse PCR primer must be designed to remove the native stop codon in the gene of interest and preserve the reading frame through the C-terminal tag. NOT include the V5 epitope and polyhistidine region include the native sequence containing the stop codon in the reverse primer or make sure the stop codon is upstream from the reverse PCR primer binding site. Do not add 5´ phosphates to your primers for PCR. This will prevent ligation into pCR®T7 TOPO® vectors. Continued on next page 6 Designing PCR Primers, continued ® The diagram below is supplied to help you design appropriate PCR primers to correctly TOPO Cloning ® ® ® Site for pCR T7/NT- clone and express your PCR product using pCR T7/NT-TOPO . Restriction sites are labeled to indicate the actual cleavage site. The complete sequence of the vector is TOPO® available for downloading from our Web site (www.invitrogen.com) or from Technical Service (page 40). T7 promoter priming site T7 promoter 1 GATCTCGATC CCGCGAAATT AATACGACTC ACTATAGGGA GACCACAACG GTTTCCCTCT RBS 61 Nde I HisG epitope AGAAATAATT TTGTTTAACT TTAAGAAGGA GATATACAT ATG CGG GGT TCT CAT CAT Met Arg Gly Ser His His HisG epitope Polyhistidine (6xHis) region 118 Nhe I CAT CAT CAT CAT GGT ATG GCT AGC ATG ACT GGT GGA CAG CAA ATG GGT His His His His Gly Met Ala Ser Met Thr Gly Gly Gln Gln Met Gly XpressTM epitope 166 EcoR I 211 BamH I CGG GAT CTG TAC GAC GAT GAC GAT AAG GAT CCA ACC CTT PCR A AGGGC CTA GGT TGG GA A Product TTCCCG Arg Asp Leu Tyr Asp Asp Asp Asp Lys Asp Pro Thr Leu ... BstB I Hind III EK recognition site EK cleavage site GAATTCGAAG CTTGATCCGG CTGCTAACAA AGCCCGAAAG GAAGCTGAGT TGGCTGCTGC T7 reverse priming site 271 CACCGCTGAG CAATAACTAG CATAACCCCT Continued on next page 7 Designing PCR Primers, continued ® The diagram below is supplied to help you design appropriate PCR primers to correctly TOPO Cloning ® ® ® Site for pCR T7/CT- clone and express your PCR product using pCR T7/CT-TOPO . Restriction sites are labeled to indicate the actual cleavage site. The complete sequence of the vector is TOPO® available for downloading from our Web site (www.invitrogen.com) or from Technical Service (page 40). T7 promoter priming site T7 promoter 1 Xba I GGATCTCGAT CCCGCGAAAT TAATACGACT CACTATAGGG AGACCACAAC GGTTTCCCTC RBS 61 TAGAAATAAT TTTGTTTAAC TTTAAGAAGG AATTGCCCTT TTAACGGGAA A BstB I Hind III 110 AAG GGC AAT TTC CCG TTA Lys Gly Asn V5 (C-term) Reverse priming site TCG AAG CTT GAA GGT AAG CCT ATC CCT AAC CCT CTC CTC GGT CTC GAT TCT Ser Lys Leu Glu Gly Lys Pro Ile Pro Asn Pro Leu Leu Gly Leu Asp Ser Mlu I 161 V5 epitope PCR Product Age I Polyhistidine (6xHis) region Pme I ACG CGT ACC GGT CAT CAT CAC CAT CAC CAT TGA GTTTAAA CTATATAGAA Thr Arg Thr Gly His His His His His His *** T7 terminator 8 211 TAAAAGAAGA AACCTTAGCT GAGCAATAAC TAGCATAACC CCTTGGGGCC TCTAAACGGG 271 TCTTGAGGGG TTTTTTGCTG AAAGGAGGAA CTATATCCGG ATTAACGCTT ACAATTTAGG Producing PCR Products Introduction Once you have decided on a PCR strategy and have synthesized the primers, you are ready to produce your PCR product. Materials Supplied You will need the following reagents and equipment: by the User • Taq polymerase Polymerase Mixtures • Thermocycler • DNA template and primers for PCR product If you wish to use a mixture containing Taq polymerase and a proofreading polymerase, Taq must be used in excess of a 10:1 ratio to ensure the presence of 3´ A-overhangs on the PCR product. If you use polymerase mixtures that do not have enough Taq polymerase or a proofreading polymerase only, you can add 3′ A-overhangs using the method on page 28. Producing PCR Products 1. Set up the following 50 µl PCR reaction. Use less DNA if you are using a plasmid for template and more DNA if you are using genomic DNA as a template. Use the cycling parameters suitable for your primers and template. Be sure to include a 7 to 30 minute extension at 72°C after the last cycle to ensure that all PCR products are full length and 3´ adenylated. DNA Template 10X PCR Buffer 50 mM dNTPs Primers (100-200 ng each) Sterile water Taq Polymerase (1 unit/µl) Total Volume 2. 10-100 ng 5 µl 0.5 µl 1 µM each add to a final volume of 49 µl 1 µl 50 µl Check the PCR product by agarose gel electrophoresis. You should see a single, discrete band. If you do not see a single, discrete band, please refer to the Note below. If you do not obtain a single, discrete band from your PCR, you may gel-purify your fragment before using the pCR®T7 TOPO® Expression Kits (see page 26). Take special care to avoid sources of nuclease contamination and long exposure to UV light. Alternatively, you may optimize your PCR to eliminate multiple bands and smearing (Innis et al., 1990). The PCR Optimizer™ Kit (Catalog no. K1220-01) from Invitrogen can help you optimize your PCR. Please call Technical Service for more information (page 40). 9 TOPO® Cloning Reaction and Transformation MEND ION AT RECOM Introduction TOPO® Cloning technology allows you to ligate your PCR products into either pCR®T7/CT-TOPO® or pCR®T7/NT-TOPO® and transform the recombinant vector into TOP10F´ E. coli in one day. It is important to have everything you need set up and ready to use to ensure you obtain the best possible results. If this is the first time you have TOPO® Cloned, perform the control reactions on pages 29-31 in parallel with your samples. To maintain the stability of your construct, we recommend that you transform your TOPO® Cloning reaction into TOP10F´ cells first and characterize your transformants in TOP10F´ before transforming the construct into BL21(DE3) or BL21(DE3)pLysS. Expression of T7 RNA polymerase in BL21(DE3) or BL21(DE3)pLysS may be leaky and may lead to rearrangement or loss of your plasmid. Recent experiments at Invitrogen demonstrate that inclusion of salt (200 mM NaCl, 10 mM MgCl2) in the TOPO® Cloning reaction results in the following: • a 2- to 3-fold increase in the number of transformants. • allows for longer incubation times (up to 30 minutes). Longer incubation times can result in an increase in the number of transformants obtained. Including salt in the TOPO® Cloning reaction prevents topoisomerase I from rebinding and potentially nicking the DNA after ligating the PCR product and dissociating from the DNA. The result is more intact molecules leading to higher transformation efficiencies. If you do not include salt in the TOPO® Cloning reaction, the number of transformants obtained generally decreases as the incubation time increases beyond 5 minutes. Important Because of the above results, we recommend adding salt to the TOPO® Cloning reaction. A stock salt solution is provided in the kit for this purpose. Please note that the amount of salt added to the TOPO® Cloning reaction varies depending on whether you plan to transform chemically competent cells (provided) or electrocompetent cells (see below). For this reason, two different TOPO® Cloning reactions are provided to help you obtain the best possible results. Please read the following information carefully. Chemically Competent E. coli For TOPO® Cloning and transformation into chemically competent E. coli, adding sodium chloride and magnesium chloride to a final concentration of 200 mM NaCl, 10 mM MgCl2 in the TOPO® Cloning reaction increases the number of colonies over time. A Salt Solution (1.2 M NaCl, 0.06 M MgCl2) is provided to adjust the TOPO® Cloning reaction to the recommended concentration of NaCl and MgCl2. Electrocompetent E. coli For TOPO® Cloning and transformation of electrocompetent E. coli, salt must also be included in the TOPO® Cloning reaction, but the amount of salt must be reduced to 50 mM NaCl, .2.5 mM MgCl2 to prevent arcing when electroporating. The Salt Solution is diluted 4-fold to prepare a 300 mM NaCl, 15 mM MgCl2 solution for convenient addition to the TOPO® Cloning reaction (see next page). Continued on next page 10 TOPO® Cloning Reaction and Transformation, continued Materials Supplied In addition to general microbiological supplies (i.e. plates, spreaders), you will need the following reagents and equipment. by the User ♦ 42°C water bath (or electroporator with cuvettes, optional) ♦ LB plates containing 50-100 µg/ml ampicillin or Low Salt LB plates containing 2550 µg/ml Zeocin™ (pCR®T7/CT-TOPO® only, see page 16) (see page 23 for recipes) ♦ Reagents and equipment for agarose gel electrophoresis ♦ 37°C shaking and non-shaking incubator There is no blue-white screening for the presence of inserts. Individual recombinant plasmids need to be analyzed by restriction analysis or sequencing for the presence and orientation of insert. Sequencing primers included in each kit can be used to sequence across an insert in the multiple cloning site to confirm orientation and reading frame. Preparation for Transformation Setting Up the TOPO® Cloning Reaction For each transformation, you will need one vial of competent cells and two selective plates. • Equilibrate a water bath to 42°C (for chemical transformation) or set up your electroporator if you are using electrocompetent E. coli. • For electroporation, dilute a small portion of the Salt Solution 4-fold to prepare Dilute Salt Solution (e.g. add 5 µl of the Salt Solution to 15 µl sterile water). • Warm the vial of SOC medium from Box 2 to room temperature. • Warm LB plates containing 50-100 µg/ml ampicillin at 37°C for 30 minutes. • Thaw on ice 1 vial of One Shot® cells for each transformation. The table below describes how to set up your TOPO® Cloning reaction (6 µl) for eventual transformation into either chemically competent TOP10F′ One Shot® E. coli (provided) or electrocompetent E. coli. Additional information on optimizing the TOPO® Cloning reaction for your needs can be found on page 15. Note: The red or yellow color of the TOPO® vector solution is normal and is used to visualize the solution. Reagents Chemically Competent E. coli Electrocompetent E. coli Fresh PCR product 0.5 to 4 µl 0.5 to 4 µl Salt Solution 1 µl -- Dilute Salt Solution -- 1 µl Sterile Water add to a final volume of 5 µl add to a final volume of 5 µl 1 µl 1 µl ® TOPO vector Store all reagents at -20°C when finished. Salt solutions and water can be stored at room temperature or +4°C. Continued on next page 11 TOPO® Cloning Reaction and Transformation, continued Performing the TOPO® Cloning Reaction TOP10F´ One Shot® Transformation Reaction 1. Mix reaction gently and incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature (22-23°C). Note: For most applications, 5 minutes will yield plenty of colonies for analysis. Depending on your needs, the length of the TOPO® Cloning reaction can be varied from 30 seconds to 30 minutes. For routine subcloning of PCR products, 30 seconds may be sufficient. For large PCR products (> 1 kb) or if you are TOPO® Cloning a pool of PCR products, increasing the reaction time will yield more colonies. 2. Place the reaction on ice and proceed to the One Shot® Chemical Transformation (see below) or Transformation by Electroporation (see next page). Note: You may store the TOPO® Cloning reaction at –20°C overnight. 1. Add 2 µl of the TOPO® Cloning reaction from Step 2, above into a vial of One Shot® Chemically Competent E. coli and mix gently. Do not mix by pipetting up and down. 2. Incubate on ice for 5 to 30 minutes. Note: Longer incubations on ice do not seem to have any effect on transformation efficiency. The length of the incubation is at the user’s discretion (see page 15). 3. Heat-shock the cells for 30 seconds at 42°C without shaking. 4. Immediately transfer the tubes to ice. 5. Add 250 µl of room temperature SOC medium. 6. Cap the tube tightly and shake the tube horizontally (200 rpm) at 37°C for 30 minutes. 7. Spread 10-50 µl from each transformation on a prewarmed selective plate and incubate overnight at 37°C. To ensure even spreading of small volumes, add 20 µl of SOC. We recommend that you plate two different volumes to ensure that at least one plate will have well-spaced colonies. 8. An efficient TOPO® Cloning reaction will produce hundreds of colonies. Pick ~10 colonies for analysis (see Analysis of Positive Clones, next page). Continued on next page 12 TOPO® Cloning Reaction and Transformation, continued Transformation by Electroporation Use ONLY electrocompetent cells for electroporation to avoid arcing. Do not use the TOP10F′′ One Shot® chemically competent cells for electroporation. 1. Add 2 µl of the TOPO® Cloning reaction into a 0.1 cm cuvette containing 50 µl of electrocompetent E. coli and mix gently. Do not mix by pipetting up and down. 2. Electroporate your samples using your own protocol and your electroporator. Note: If you have problems with arcing, see below. 3. Immediately transfer the tubes to ice. 4. Add 250 µl of room temperature SOC medium. 5. Transfer the solution to a 15 ml snap-cap tube (i.e. Falcon) and shake for at least 1 hour at 37°C to allow expression of the antibiotic resistance genes. 6. Spread 10-50 µl from each transformation on a pre-warmed selective plate and incubate overnight at 37°C. To ensure even spreading of small volumes, add 20 µl of SOC. We recommend that you plate two different volumes to ensure that at least one plate will have well-spaced colonies. 7. An efficient TOPO® Cloning reaction will produce hundreds of colonies. Pick ~10 colonies for analysis (see Analysis of Positive Clones, below). Addition of the Dilute Salt Solution in the TOPO® Cloning Reaction brings the final concentration of NaCl and MgCl2 in the TOPO® Cloning Reaction to 50 mM and 2.5 mM, respectively. To prevent arcing of your samples during electroporation, the volume of cells should be between 50 and 80 µl (0.1 cm cuvettes) or 100 to 200 µl (0.2 cm cuvettes). If you experience arcing during transformation, try one of the following suggestions: Analysis of Positive Clones • Reduce the voltage normally used to charge your electroporator by 10% • Reduce the pulse length by reducing the load resistance to 100 ohms • Precipitate the TOPO® Cloning reaction and resuspend in water prior to electroporation 1. Pick 10 colonies and culture them overnight in LB or SOB medium containing 50100 µg/ml ampicillin. 2. Isolate plasmid DNA using your method of choice. If you need ultra-pure plasmid DNA for automated or manual sequencing, we recommend the S.N.A.P.™ MiniPrep Kit (Catalog no. K1900-01) or the S.N.A.P.™ MidiPrep Kit (Catalog no. K1910-01). 3. Analyze the plasmids by restriction analysis or by sequencing. Sequencing primers are included to help you sequence your insert. Please refer to the diagram on either page 7 (pCR®T7/NT-TOPO®) or page 8 (pCR®T7/CT-TOPO®) for the sequence surrounding the TOPO® Cloning site. If you need help with setting up restriction enzyme digests or DNA sequencing, please refer to general molecular biology texts (Ausubel et al., 1994; Sambrook et al., 1989). Continued on next page 13 TOPO® Cloning Reaction and Transformation, continued Alternative Method You may wish to use PCR to directly analyze positive transformants. For PCR primers, use a combination of either the Forward sequencing primer or the Reverse sequencing primer of Analysis with a primer that hybridizes within your insert. You will have to determine the amplification conditions. If this is the first time you have used this technique, we recommend that you perform restriction analysis in parallel to confirm that PCR gives you the correct result. Artifacts may be obtained because of mispriming or contaminating template. The following protocol is provided for your convenience. Other protocols are suitable. Important Long-Term Storage 14 1. Prepare a PCR cocktail consisting of PCR buffer, dNTPs, primers, and Taq polymerase. Use a 20 µl reaction volume. Multiply by the number of colonies to be analyzed (e.g. 10). 2. Pick 10 colonies and resuspend them individually in 20 µl of the PCR cocktail (don’t forget to make a patch plate to preserve the colonies for further analysis). 3. Incubate the reaction for 10 minutes at 94°C to lyse the cells and inactivate nucleases. 4. Amplify for 20 to 30 cycles. 5. For the final extension, incubate at 72°C for 10 minutes. Store at +4°C. 6. Visualize by agarose gel electrophoresis. If you have problems obtaining transformants or the correct insert, perform the control reactions described on page 29-31. These reactions will help you troubleshoot your experiment. Once you have identified the correct clone, be sure to purify the colony and make a glycerol stock for long term storage. We recommend that you store a stock of plasmid DNA at -20°C. 1. Streak the original colony out for single colony on LB plates containing 50100 µg/ml ampicillin. 2. Isolate a single colony and inoculate into 1-2 ml of LB containing 50-100 µg/ml ampicillin. 3. Grow until culture reaches stationary phase. 4. Mix 0.85 ml of culture with 0.15 ml of sterile glycerol and transfer to a cryovial. 5. Store at -80°C. Optimizing the TOPO® Cloning Reaction Introduction The information below will help you optimize the TOPO® Cloning Reaction for your particular needs. Faster Subcloning The high efficiency of TOPO® Cloning technology allows you to streamline the cloning process. If you routinely clone PCR products and wish to speed up the process, consider the following: • Incubate the TOPO® Cloning reaction for only 30 seconds instead of 5 minutes. You may not obtain the highest number of colonies, but with the high cloning efficiency of TOPO® Cloning, most of the transformants will contain your insert. • After adding 2 µl of the TOPO® Cloning reaction to chemically competent cells, incubate on ice for only 5 minutes. Increasing the incubation time to 30 minutes does not significantly improve transformation efficiency. More Transformants If you are TOPO® Cloning large PCR products, toxic genes, or cloning a pool of PCR products, you may need more transformants to obtain the clones you want. To increase the number of colonies: • Incubate the salt-supplemented TOPO® Cloning reaction for 20 to 30 minutes instead of 5 minutes. Increasing the incubation time of the salt-supplemented TOPO® Cloning reaction allows more molecules to ligate, increasing the transformation efficiency. Addition of salt appears to prevent topoisomerase I from rebinding and nicking the DNA after it has ligated the PCR product and dissociated from the DNA. Cloning Dilute PCR Products To clone dilute PCR products, you may: • Increase the amount of the PCR product • Incubate the TOPO® Cloning reaction for 20 to 30 minutes • Concentrate the PCR product 15 Expression of the PCR Product Introduction Depending on the kit you have purchased, use BL21(DE3) or BL21(DE3)pLysS cells included with the kit as the host for expression. You will need pure plasmid DNA of your construct to transform into BL21(DE3) or BL21(DE3)pLysS for expression studies. Since each recombinant protein has different characteristics that may affect optimal expression, it is helpful to run a time course of expression to determine the best conditions for optimal expression of your particular protein. pCR®T7/NT-E3 or pCR®T7/CT-LacZ is included for use as a positive expression control. BL21(DE3) and BL21(DE3)pLysS These strains are specifically designed for expression of genes regulated by the T7 promoter. Each time you wish to perform an expression experiment, you will transform your plasmid into BL21(DE3) or BL21(DE3)pLysS. Do not use either strain for propagation and maintenance of your plasmid. Use TOP10F´ for propagation and maintenance of your plasmid. Basal level expression of T7 polymerase, particularly in BL21(DE) cells, may lead to plasmid instability if your gene of interest is toxic to E. coli. For more information on the two strains, please see page viii and page 3. Positive Controls The positive control vectors, pCR®T7/NT-E3 and pCR®T7/CT-LacZ, are included in the kit as expression controls. Details of these vectors are provided on pages 36 and 37. Transform 10 ng of the plasmid into TOP10F´ cells using the procedure on page 12. Basic Strategy The steps below outline the basic steps needed to induce expression of your gene in E. coli. For complete details, please see the next page. I. Isolate plasmid DNA using standard miniprep procedures and transform your construct and the appropriate positive control separately into BL21(DE3) or BL21(DE3)pLysS One Shot® cells. II. Grow the transformants and induce expression with IPTG over several hours. Take several time points to determine the optimal time of expression. III. Optimize expression to maximize the yield of protein. Choice of Antibiotic (pCR®T7/CTTOPO® only) For most purposes, ampicillin works fine for selection of transformants and expression experiments. However, if you find that your expression level is low, we recommend that you use Zeocin™ instead. The resistance gene for ampicillin encodes a protein called βlactamase. This protein is secreted into the medium where it hydrolyzes ampicillin inactivating the antibiotic. Since β-lactamase is catalytic, ampicillin is rapidly removed from the medium, resulting in non-selective conditions. If your plasmid is unstable, this may result in the loss of plasmid and low expression levels. The Zeocin™ resistance protein utilizes a different mechanism of action to confer resistance. It is produced intracellularly and stochiometrically binds Zeocin™ as it enters the cell. This mechanism of action maintains the concentration of Zeocin™ in the medium, while preventing Zeocin™ from killing the cells. If you choose to use Zeocin™ instead of ampicillin, use Low Salt LB medium containing 25-50 µg/ml Zeocin™ (see page 23). Ordering information for Zeocin™ is provided on page viii. Continued on next page 16 Expression of the PCR Product, continued Before Starting Be sure to have the following solutions and equipment on hand before starting the experiment: ♦ 34 mg/ml chloramphenicol in ethanol (for BL21(DE3)pLysS only). Note: Chloramphenicol is required to ensure the presence of pLysS) ♦ SOB or LB containing 100 µg/ml ampicillin OR Low Salt LB containing 25 µg/ml Zeocin™ (see pages 23-24). If you are using BL21(DE3)pLysS, be sure to include 34 µg/ml chloramphenicol. ♦ 37°C incubator (shaking and nonshaking) ♦ 42°C water bath ♦ 1 M IPTG ♦ Lysis Buffer (see page 25 for recipe) ♦ Liquid nitrogen ♦ 1X and 2X SDS-PAGE sample buffer ♦ Reagents and apparatus for SDS-PAGE gel ♦ Boiling water bath ♦ Sterile water Plasmid Preparation Plasmid DNA may be prepared using your method of choice. We recommend the S.N.A.P.™ MiniPrep Kit (Catalog no. K1900-01) for isolation of pure plasmid DNA. BL21(DE3) or BL21(DE3)pLysS One Shot® Transformation Reaction To transform your construct or the positive control (10 ng each) into BL21(DE3) or BL21(DE3)pLysS One Shot® cells, follow the instructions below. You will need one vial of cells per transformation. Please note that you will not plate the transformation reaction, but inoculate it into medium for growth and subsequent expression. 1. Thaw on ice, one vial of One Shot® BL21(DE3) or BL21(DE3)pLysS cells per transformation. 2. Add 5-10 ng DNA in a 1 to 5 µl volume into each vial of BL21(DE3) or BL21(DE3)pLysS One Shot® cells and mix by stirring gently with the pipette tip. Do not mix by pipetting up and down. 3. Incubate on ice for 30 minutes. 4. Heat-shock the cells for 30 seconds at 42°C without shaking. 5. Immediately transfer the tubes to ice. 6. Add 250 µl of room temperature SOC medium. 7. Cap the tube tightly, tape the tube on its side (for better aeration), and incubate at 37°C for 30 minutes with shaking (200 rpm). 8. Add the entire transformation reaction to 10 ml of LB containing 100 µg/ml ampicillin and 34 µg/ml chloramphenicol (if needed). 9. Grow overnight at 37°C with shaking. Proceed to Pilot Expression, next page. Continued on next page 17 Expression of the PCR Product, continued Pilot Expression Preparation of Samples Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis 1. Inoculate 10 ml of LB containing 100 µg/ml ampicillin and 34 µg/ml chloramphenicol (if needed) with 500 µl of the overnight culture from Step 8, previous page. 2. Grow two hours at 37°C with shaking. OD600 should be about 0.5-0.8 (mid-log). 3. Split the culture into two 5 ml cultures. Add IPTG to a final concentration of 0.5-1 mM to one of the cultures. You will now have two cultures: one induced, one uninduced. 4. Remove a 500 µl aliquot from each culture, centrifuge at maximum speed in a microcentrifuge for 30 seconds, and aspirate the supernatant. 5. Freeze the cell pellets at -20°C. These are the zero time point samples. 6. Continue to incubate the cultures at 37°C with shaking. Take time points for each culture every hour for 4 to 6 hours. 7. For each time point, remove 500 µl from the induced and uninduced cultures and process as described in Steps 4 and 5. Proceed to next section. Before starting, prepare SDS-PAGE gels or use one of the pre-cast polyacrylamide gels available from Invitrogen (see below) to analyze all the samples you collected. Note: If you wish to analyze your samples for soluble protein, please see the next section. 1. When all the samples have been collected from Steps 5 and 7, above, resuspend each cell pellet in 80 µl of 1X SDS-PAGE sample buffer. 2. Boil 5 minutes and centrifuge briefly. 3. Load 5-10 µl of each sample on an SDS-PAGE gel and electrophorese. Save your samples by storing at -20°C. To facilitate separation and visualization of your recombinant fusion protein by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, a wide range of pre-cast NuPAGE® and Tris-Glycine polyacrylamide gels and electrophoresis apparatus are available from Invitrogen. The NuPAGE® Gel System* avoids the protein modifications associated with Laemmli-type SDS-PAGE, ensuring optimal separation for protein analysis. In addition, Invitrogen also carries a large selection of molecular weight protein standards and staining kits. For more information about the appropriate gels, standards, and stains to use to visualize your recombinant protein, please refer to our World Wide Web site (www.invitrogen.com) or call Technical Service (see page 40). *U.S. Patent No. 5,578,180 Continued on next page 18 Expression of the PCR Product, continued Preparation of Samples for Soluble/Insoluble Protein Analysis of Samples Detection of Recombinant Fusion Proteins 1. Thaw and resuspend each pellet in 500 µl of Lysis Buffer (see Recipes, page 25). 2. Freeze sample in dry ice or liquid nitrogen and then thaw at 42°C. Repeat 2 to 3 times. Cells will easily lyse because some of the T7 lysozyme will leak out during the freeze-thaw cycle and digest the cell wall. 3. Centrifuge samples at maximum speed in a microcentrifuge for 1 minute at +4°C to pellet insoluble proteins. Transfer supernatant to a fresh tube and store on ice. 4. Mix together equivalent amounts of supernatant and 2X SDS sample buffer and boil for 5 minutes. 5. Add 500 µl of 1X SDS-PAGE sample buffer to the pellets from Step 3 and boil 5 minutes. 6. Load 10 µl of the supernatant sample and 5 µl of the pellet sample onto an SDSPAGE and electrophorese. 1. Stain the gel with Coomassie blue and look for a band of increasing intensity in the expected size range for the recombinant protein. Use the uninduced culture as a negative control. 2. In addition, you may perform a western blot to confirm that the overexpressed band is your desired protein (see below). 3. Use the positive control to confirm that growth and induction were performed properly. The pCR®T7/CT-LacZ vector should produce an ~120 kDa protein when induced with IPTG. The pCR®T7/NT-E3 vector should produce an ~58 kDa protein. To detect expression of your recombinant fusion protein by western blot analysis, you may use antibodies against the appropriate epitope available from Invitrogen (see page 5 for ordering information) or an antibody to your protein of interest. In addition, the Positope™ Control Protein (Catalog no. R900-50) is available from Invitrogen for use as a positive control for detection of fusion proteins containing an Xpress™, HisG, V5, or C-terminal 6xHis epitope. The ready-to-use WesternBreeze™ Chromogenic Kits and WesternBreeze™ Chemiluminescent Kits are available from Invitrogen to facilitate detection of antibodies by colorimetric or chemiluminescent methods. For more information, please refer to our World Wide Web site (www.invitrogen.com) or call Technical Service (see page 40). Expression of your protein with the N- or C-terminal tag will increase the size of your protein by ~3-5 kDa. Be sure to account for any additional amino acids between the tag and your protein. The Next Step If you are satisfied with expression of your gene of interest, proceed to purification, page 22. If you have trouble expressing your protein, or wish to optimize expression, please see the next page. 19 Troubleshooting Expression Introduction Use the information provided below to troubleshoot your expression experiment. No Expression • Sequence your construct and make sure it is in frame with the C-terminal or N-terminal peptide. • If the positive control expressed, but you don't see any expression from your construct on a Coomassie-stained gel, re-run your samples on an SDS-PAGE gel and perform a western blot. Use antibody to your protein; or, if you do not have an antibody to your protein, use one of the antibodies listed on page 5. Low Expression If your protein expresses, but the levels are low, it is possible that expression of your gene may be toxic to E. coli. This is the most common reason for poor expression. Evidence of toxicity include the following: ♦ Slow growth relative to the control ♦ Loss of plasmid To reduce the toxicity of your gene, basal levels of T7 RNA polymerase must be reduced. There are a number of methods to reduce basal level expression of T7 RNA polymerase. The choice of method depends on the relative toxicity of your gene to E. coli. The table below outlines the choices. Relative Toxicity Tip Method Comments Moderate Transformation into a pLysEcontaining strain Substantial levels of T7 lysozyme produced. Growth rate may be reduced. High Infect with M13 or lambda phage expressing T7 RNA polymerase T7 RNA polymerase is not present in the cell until infection. Requires growth and maintenance of phage stocks. Many researchers use the leakiness of the T7 system to their advantage. In some cases, basal-level, constitutive expression produces sufficient protein for analysis and purification, particularly if the host strain containing the construct of interest is grown at room temperature. We recommend growing the strain for 24-48 hours at room temperature to produce sufficient protein. Expression of your construct using this method can result in substantial production of soluble protein. Note: To optimize production of soluble protein using the above method, use BL21(DE3) cells, which do not express T7 lysozyme. Continued on next page 20 Troubleshooting Expression, continued BL21(DE3)pLysE Cells BL21(DE3)pLysE are available from Invitrogen (Catalog no. C6565-03). Please contact Technical Service for more information (see page 40). Do not use BL21(DE3), BL21(DE3)pLysS, or BL21(DE3)pLysE to propagate or maintain your plasmid. Use TOP10F´ cells instead (see page 2). Infection with Phage In about 5% of all cases, there will be some genes that are so toxic that they require infection with phage expressing T7 RNA polymerase (Tabor, 1990). You will need to use an E. coli host strain that contains the F′ episome (e.g. TOP10F′). Remember that the BL21(DE3), BL21(DE3)pLysS, and BL21(DE3)pLysE strains should not be used in this situation. A protocol for infecting with M13 phage expressing T7 polymerase can be found in Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, pp. 16.2.1 to 16.2.11 (Ausubel et al., 1994). Information for infecting E. coli with lambda phage expressing T7 polymerase is also available (Studier et al., 1990). Please contact Technical Service for more information (see page 40). 21 Purification Introduction ™ ProBond Additional Purification Steps Scale-up of Expression for Purification on ProBond™ Once you have expressed your recombinant fusion protein, you are ready to purify your fusion protein using a metal-chelating resin such as ProBond™. ProBond™ is a nickel-charged Sepharose® resin that can be used for affinity purification of fusion proteins containing the 6xHis tag. Proteins bound to the resin may be eluted with either low pH buffer or competition with imidazole or histidine. ♦ To scale up your pilot expression for purification, see below. ♦ To purify your fusion protein using ProBond™, please refer to the ProBond™ Purification System manual. You may download this manual from the Invitrogen Web site (www.invitrogen.com). ♦ To purify your fusion protein using another metal-chelating resin, please refer to the manufacturer’s instructions. There may be cases when your specific fusion protein may not be completely purified by metal affinity chromatography. Other protein purification techniques may be utilized in conjunction with ProBond™ to purify the fusion protein (Deutscher, 1990). Please note that the capacity of ProBond™ is about 1 mg of protein per milliliter. Depending on the expression level of your recombinant fusion protein, you may need to adjust the culture volume to bind the maximum amount of recombinant fusion protein to your column. For a prepacked 2 ml ProBond™ column, start with 50 ml of bacterial culture. If you need to purify larger amounts of recombinant protein, you may need more ProBond™ resin. See page 5 for ordering information. To grow and induce a 50 ml bacterial culture: 22 1. Inoculate 10 ml of SOB or LB containing 50-100 µg/ml ampicillin and 34 µg/ml chloramphenicol (if needed) with a BL21(DE3) or BL21(DE3)pLysS transformation reaction (see protocol on page 17). 2. Grow overnight at 37°C with shaking (225-250 rpm) to OD600 = 1-2. 3. The next day, inoculate 50 ml of SOB or LB containing 50-100 µg/ml ampicillin with 1 ml of the overnight culture. Note: You can scale up further and inoculate all of the 10 ml overnight culture into 500 ml of medium, but you may need a larger bed volume for your ProBond™ column. 4. Grow the culture at 37°C with shaking (225-250 rpm) to an OD600 = ~0.5 (2-3 hours). The cells should be in mid-log phase. 5. Add 0.5-1 mM IPTG to induce expression. 6. Grow at 37°C with shaking until the optimal time point determined by the pilot expression is reached. Harvest the cells by centrifugation (3000 x g for 10 minutes at +4°C). 7. At this point, you may proceed directly to purification (ProBond™ Purification System manual or other manufacturer’s manual) or store the cells at -80°C for future use. Appendix Recipes LB (Luria-Bertani) Medium and Plates Composition: 1.0% Tryptone 0.5% Yeast Extract 1.0% NaCl pH 7.0 1. For 1 liter, dissolve 10 g tryptone, 5 g yeast extract, and 10 g NaCl in 950 ml deionized water. 2. Adjust the pH of the solution to 7.0 with NaOH and bring the volume up to 1 liter. 3. Autoclave on liquid cycle for 20 minutes. Allow solution to cool to ~55°C and add antibiotic if needed. 4. Store at room temperature or at +4°C. LB agar plates Low Salt LB Medium with Zeocin™ 1. Prepare LB medium as above, but add 15 g/L agar before autoclaving. 2. Autoclave on liquid cycle for 20 minutes. 3. After autoclaving, cool to ~55°C, add antibiotic and pour into 10 cm plates. 4. Let harden, then invert and store at +4°C, in the dark. 5. To add X-gal and IPTG to the plate, warm the plate to 37°C. Pipette 40 µl of the 40 mg/ml X-gal stock solution (see next page) and 40 µl of 100 mM IPTG onto the plate, spread evenly, and let dry 15 minutes. Protect plates from light. For Zeocin™ to be active, the salt concentration of the medium must be low (< 90 mM) and the pH must be 7.5. Use the medium below to prepare plates and liquid medium for selection in E. coli. Failure to use low salt LB medium will result in non-selection due to inactivation of the drug. 10 g Tryptone 5 g NaCl 5 g Yeast Extract 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Combine the dry reagents above and add deionized, distilled water to 950 ml. Adjust pH to 7.5 with 5 M NaOH. Bring the volume up to 1 liter. For plates, add 15 g/L agar before autoclaving. Autoclave on liquid cycle for 20 minutes. Thaw Zeocin™ on ice and vortex before removing an aliquot. Allow the medium to cool to at least 55°C before adding the Zeocin™ to 25-50 µg/ml final concentration. Store plates at 4°C in the dark. Plates containing Zeocin™ are stable for 1-2 weeks. Continued on next page 23 Recipes, continued Important X-Gal Stock Solution 1 M IPTG Any E. coli strain that contains the complete Tn5 transposable element (i.e. DH5αF´IQ, SURE, SURE2) encodes the ble gene (bleomycin resistance gene). These strains will confer resistance to Zeocin™. For the most efficient selection, we recommend that you choose an E. coli strain that does not contain the Tn5 gene (i.e. TOP10F´). 1. To prepare a 40 mg/ml stock solution, dissolve 400 mg X-Gal in 10 ml dimethylformamide. 2. Protect from light by storing in a brown bottle at -20°C. 1. To prepare a 1 M stock solution, dissolve 2.38 g of IPTG in 10 ml of deionized water. 2. Filter-sterilize and store in 1 ml aliquots at -20°C. SOB Medium (with SOB (per liter) Antibiotic) 2% Tryptone 0.5% Yeast Extract 0.05% NaCl 2.5 mM KCl 10 mM MgCl2 1. Dissolve 20 g tryptone, 5 g yeast extract, and 0.5 g NaCl in 950 ml deionized water. 2. Make a 250 mM KCl solution by dissolving 1.86 g of KCl in 100 ml of deionized water. Add 10 ml of this stock KCl solution to the solution in Step 1. 3. Adjust pH to 7.5 with 5 M NaOH and add deionized water to 1 liter. 4. Autoclave this solution, cool to ~55°C, and add 10 ml of sterile 1 M MgCl2. You may also add ampicillin to 50-100 µg/ml, chloramphenicol to 34 µg/ml, or Zeocin™ to 2550 µg/ml. 5. Store at +4°C. Medium is stable for only 1-2 weeks. Continued on next page 24 Recipes, continued Lysis Buffer 50 mM potassium phosphate, pH 7.8 400 mM NaCl 100 mM KCl 10% glycerol 0.5% Triton X-100 10 mM imidazole 1. Prepare 1 M stock solutions of KH2PO4 and K2HPO4. 2. For 100 ml, dissolve the following reagents in 90 ml of deionized water: 0.3 ml KH2PO4 4.7 ml K2HPO4 2.3 g NaCl 0.75 g KCl 10 ml glycerol 0.5 ml Triton X-100 68 mg imidazole 3. Mix thoroughly and adjust pH to 7.8 with HCl. Bring the volume to 100 ml. 4. Store at +4°C. 25 Purifying PCR Products Introduction Smearing, multiple banding, primer-dimer artifacts, or large PCR products (>3 kb) may necessitate gel purification. If you intend to purify your PCR product, be extremely careful to remove all sources of nuclease contamination. There are many protocols to isolate DNA fragments or remove oligonucleotides. Please refer to Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, Unit 2.6 (Ausubel et al., 1994) for the most common protocols. Three simple protocols are provided below. Please note that cloning efficiency may decrease with purification of the PCR product. You may wish to optimize your PCR to produce a single band (see Producing PCR Products, page 9). Using the S.N.A.P.™ MiniPrep Kit Quick S.N.A.P.™ Method The S.N.A.P.™ Gel Purification Kit (Catalog no. K1999-25) or the S.N.A.P.™ MiniPrep Kit (Catalog no. K1900-01) are available from Invitrogen to facilitate rapid purification of PCR products from regular agarose gels. If you are using the S.N.A.P.™ MiniPrep Kit, a protocol is provided below. Before beginning, you will need to prepare 6 M sodium iodide in sterile water. Add sodium sulfite to a final concentration of 10 mM to the NaI solution to prevent oxidation. 1. Electrophorese amplification reaction on a 1 to 5% regular TAE agarose gel. Note: Do not use TBE to prepare agarose gels. Borate interferes with the sodium iodide step, below. 2. Cut out the gel slice containing the PCR product and melt it at 65°C in 2 volumes of the 6 M sodium iodide, sodium sulfite solution. 3. Add 1.5 volumes Binding Buffer (provided in the S.N.A.P.™ MiniPrep Kit). 4. Load solution (no more than 1 ml at a time) from Step 3 onto a S.N.A.P.™ column. Centrifuge 1 minute at 3000 x g in a microcentrifuge and discard the supernatant. 5. If you have solution remaining from Step 3, repeat Step 4. 6. Add 900 µl of the Final Wash Buffer (provided in the S.N.A.P.™ MiniPrep Kit). 7. Centrifuge 1 minute at 3000 x g in a microcentrifuge and discard the supernatant. 8. Centrifuge again at maximum speed for 1 minute to fully dry the resin. 9. Elute the purified PCR product in 40 µl of TE or sterile water. Use 4 µl for the TOPO® Cloning reaction and proceed as described on page 11. An even easier method is to simply cut out the gel slice containing your PCR product, place it on top of the S.N.A.P.™ column bed, and centrifuge at full speed for 10 seconds. Use 1-2 µl of the flow-through in the TOPO® Cloning reaction (page 11). Be sure to make the gel slice as small as possible for best results. Continued on next page 26 Purifying PCR Products, continued Low-Melt Agarose Method Please note that gel purification will result in a dilution of your PCR product. Use only chemically competent cells for transformation. 1. Electrophorese as much as possible of your PCR reaction on a low-melt agarose gel (0.8 to 1.2%) in TAE buffer. 2. Visualize the band of interest and excise the band. 3. Place the gel slice in a microcentrifuge tube and incubate the tube at 65°C until the gel slice melts. 4. Place the tube at 37°C to keep the agarose melted. 5. Add 4 µl of the melted agarose containing your PCR product to the TOPO® Cloning reaction as described on page 11. 6. Incubate the TOPO® Cloning reaction at 37°C for 5 to 10 minutes. This is to keep the agarose melted. 7. Transform 2 to 4 µl directly into TOP10F´ One Shot® cells using the method on page 12. Please note that the cloning efficiency may decrease with purification of the PCR product. You may wish to optimize your PCR to produce a single band. 27 Addition of 3´ A-Overhangs Post-Amplification Introduction Direct cloning of DNA amplified by Vent® or Pfu polymerases into TOPO® Cloning vectors is often difficult because of very low cloning efficiencies. These low efficiencies are caused by the lack of terminal transferase activity associated with proofreading polymerases which adds the 3´ A-overhangs necessary for TOPO® Cloning. A simple method is provided below to clone these blunt-ended fragments. Before Starting You will need the following items: Procedure ♦ Taq polymerase ♦ A heat block equilibrated to 72°C ♦ Phenol-chloroform ♦ 3 M sodium acetate ♦ 100% ethanol ♦ 80% ethanol ♦ TE buffer This is just one method for adding 3´ adenines. Other protocols may be suitable. 1. After amplification with Vent® or Pfu polymerase, place vials on ice and add 0.71 unit of Taq polymerase per tube. Mix well. It is not necessary to change the buffer. 2. Incubate at 72°C for 8-10 minutes (do not cycle). 3. Place the vials on ice. The DNA amplification product is now ready for ligation into the TOPO® vector. Note: If you plan to store your sample(s) overnight before proceeding with TOPO® Cloning, you may want to extract your sample(s) with phenol-chloroform to remove the polymerases. After phenol-chloroform extraction, precipitate the DNA with ethanol and resuspend the DNA in TE buffer to the starting volume of the amplification reaction. You may also gel-purify your PCR product after amplification with Vent® or Pfu (see pages 26-27). After purification, add Taq polymerase buffer, dATP, and 0.5 unit of Taq polymerase and incubate 10-15 minutes at 72°C. Use 4 µl in the TOPO® Cloning reaction. Vent® is a registered trademark of New England Biolabs. 28 pCR®T7 TOPO® Control Reactions Introduction We recommend performing the following control TOPO® Cloning reactions the first time you use the kit to help you evaluate your results. Performing the control reactions involves producing a control PCR product containing the lac promoter and the LacZα fragment using the reagents included in the kit. Successful TOPO® Cloning of the control PCR product in either direction will yield blue colonies on LB agar plates containing antibiotic, X-gal, and IPTG. Before Starting Be sure to prepare the following reagents before performing the control reaction: Producing Control PCR Product ♦ 40 mg/ml X-gal in dimethylformamide ♦ LB plates containing 50 µg/ml ampicillin, X-gal, and IPTG (see page 23 for recipe) 1. To produce the 500 bp control PCR product containing the lac promoter and LacZα, set up the following 50 µl PCR: Control DNA Template (50 ng) 1 µl 10X PCR Buffer 5 µl 0.5 µl 50 mM dNTPs Control PCR Primers (0.1 µg/µl) 1 µl 41.5 µl Sterile Water 1 µl Taq Polymerase (1 unit/µl) 50 µl Total Volume 2. Overlay with 70 µl (1 drop) of mineral oil. 3. Amplify using the following cycling parameters: Step 4. Time Temperature Initial Denaturation 2 minutes 94°C Denaturation 1 minute 94°C Annealing 1 minute 60°C Extension 1 minute 72°C Final Extension 7 minutes 72°C Cycles 1X 25X 1X Remove 10 µl from the reaction and analyze by agarose gel electrophoresis. A discrete 500 bp band should be visible. Proceed to the Control TOPO® Cloning Reactions, next page. Continued on next page 29 pCR®T7 TOPO® Control Reactions, continued ® Control TOPO Cloning Reactions Using the control PCR product produced on the previous page and the pCR®T7 TOPO® vector, set up two 6 µl TOPO® Cloning reactions as described below. 1. Set up control TOPO® Cloning reactions: Reagent Control PCR Product -- "Vector + PCR Insert" 1 µl Salt Solution or Dilute Salt Solution 1 µl 1 µl Sterile Water 4 µl 3 µl 1 µl 1 µl ® ® pCR T7 TOPO vector Analysis of Results "Vector Only" 2. Incubate at 25°C (room temperature) for 5 minutes and place on ice. 3. Transform 2 µl of each reaction into separate vials of TOP10F´ One Shot® cells (page 12). 4. Spread 10-50 µl of each transformation mix onto LB plates containing 50 µg/ml ampicillin, X-gal, and IPTG. Be sure to plate two different volumes to ensure that at least one plate has well-spaced colonies. For plating small volumes, add 20 µl of SOC to allow even spreading. 5. Incubate overnight at 37°C. Hundreds of colonies from the vector + PCR insert reaction should be produced. Greater than 85% of these will be blue. The “vector only” plate should yield very few colonies (<15% of the vector + PCR insert plate) and these should be all white. Transformation Control pUC18 plasmid is included to check the transformation efficiency of the One Shot® competent cells. Transform with 10 pg per 50 µl of cells using the protocol on page 12. Plate 10 µl of the transformation mixture plus 20 µl of SOC to help ensure even spreading on LB plates containing 50 µg/ml ampicillin. Transformation efficiency should be ~1 x 109 cfu/µg DNA for TOP10F´ cells. Continued on next page 30 pCR®T7 TOPO® Control Reactions, continued Factors Affecting Cloning Efficiency Please note that lower cloning efficiencies will result from the following variables. Most of these are easily correctable, but if you are cloning large inserts, you may not obtain the expected 85% (or more) cloning efficiency. Variable Solution pH>9 in PCR amplification reaction Check the pH of the PCR amplification reaction and adjust with 1 M Tris-HCl, pH 8. Incomplete extension during PCR Be sure to include a final extension step of 7 to 30 minutes during PCR. Longer PCR products will need a longer extension time. Cloning large inserts (>3 kb) Try one or all of the following: Increase amount of insert. Incubate the TOPO® Cloning reaction longer. Gel-purify the insert as described on pages 26-27. Excess (or overly dilute) PCR product Reduce (or concentrate) the amount of PCR product. Please note that you may add up to 4 µl of your PCR to the TOPO® Cloning reaction (page 11). Cloning blunt-ended fragments Add 3´ A-overhangs by incubating with Taq polymerase (page 28). PCR cloning artifacts ("false positives") TOPO® Cloning is very efficient for small fragments (< 100 bp) present in certain PCR reactions. Gel-purify your PCR product (pages 26-27) or optimize your PCR. If your template DNA carries an ampicillin marker, carryover into the TOPO® Cloning reaction from the PCR may lead to false positives. Linearize the template DNA prior to PCR to eliminate carryover or use Zeocin™ to select transformants (pCR®T7/CT-TOPO® only). PCR product does not contain sufficient 3´ A-overhangs even though you used Taq polymerase Taq polymerase is less efficient at adding a nontemplate 3´ A next to another A. Taq is most efficient at adding a nontemplate 3´ A next to a C. You may have to redesign your primers so that they contain a 5´ G instead of a 5´ T (Brownstein et al., 1996). 31 Map and Features of pCR®T7/NT-TOPO® ® pCR T7/NT-TOPO Map ® The map below shows the features of pCR®T7/NT-TOPO®. The complete sequence of the vector is available for downloading from our Web site (www.invitrogen.com) or from Technical Service (page 40). PCR Product TOPO ATG 6xHis Xpress Epitope EK T T EcoR I BstB I Hind III RBS BamH I Nhe I Nde I T7 A A P T7 term P f1 TOPO pUC origin i or pCR®T7/ NT-TOPO® 2870 bp Comments for pCR®T7/NT-TOPO® 2870 nucleotides l i ci p m A li n T7 promoter: bases 20-36 T7 promoter priming site: bases 20-39 Ribosome binding site: bases 87-90 Initiation ATG: bases 100-102 Polyhistidine (6xHis) region: bases 112-129 Xpress epitope: bases 169-192 EK recognition site: bases 178-192 TOPO® Cloning site: bases 204-205 T7 reverse priming site: bases 270-289 T7 transcription termination region: bases 231-360 f1 origin: 431-886 Ampicillin resistance gene (ORF): bases 1017-1877 pUC origin: 2022-2695 Continued on next page 32 Map and Features of pCR®T7/NT-TOPO®, continued The important elements of pCR®T7/NT-TOPO® (2872 bp) are described in the following Features of pCR®T7/NT-TOPO® table. All features have been functionally tested. Feature T7 promoter Benefit Provides tight, dose-dependent regulation of heterologous gene expression. Provides a binding site for most T7 promoter primers for sequencing into the insert. Ribosome binding site Optimally spaced from the TOPO® Cloning site for efficient translation of PCR product. Xpress™ epitope Allows detection of the fusion protein by the Anti-Xpress™ Antibody (Catalog no. R91025) or the Anti-Xpress™-HRP Antibody (Catalog no. R911-25). (Asp-Leu-Tyr-Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp-Lys) N-terminal 6xHis tag Permits purification of recombinant fusion protein on metal-chelating resin (i.e. ProBond™). In addition, it allows detection of the recombinant protein with the Anti-HisG Antibody (R940-25) or the Anti-HisG-HRP Antibody (Catalog no. R941-25). TOPO® Cloning site Allows quick insertion of your PCR product, properly spaced from a ribosome binding site, for expression in E. coli. pRSET Reverse priming site Allows sequencing of the insert. T7 transcription termination region Strong transcription termination region from T7 bacteriophage. Ampicillin resistance gene (β-lactamase) Allows selection of the plasmid in E. coli. pUC origin (pMB1-derived) Replication and growth in E. coli. 33 Map and Features of pCR®T7/CT-TOPO® ® pCR T7/CT-TOPO Map ® The map below shows the features of pCR®T7/CT-TOPO® . The complete sequence of the vector is available for downloading from our Web site (www.invitrogen.com) or from Technical Service (page 40). PCR Product A T V5 epitope 6xHis Stop Pme I T RBS Age I Xba T7 I P A BstB I Hind III TOPO P T7 ter m pCR®T7/ CT-TOPO® Zeocin pUC o rigi n TOPO 2702 bp Comments for pCR®T7/CT-TOPO® 2702 nucleotides illi c i Amp n T7 promoter: bases 21-37 T7 promoter priming site: bases 21-40 Ribosome binding site: bases 85-91 TOPO® Cloning site: bases 100-101 V5 epitope: bases 122-163 V5 (C-term) Reverse priming site: bases 131-151 Polyhistidine (6xHis) region: bases 173-190 T7 transcription terminator: bases 240-287 Zeocin resistance gene: bases 367-830 ORF: bases 456-830 Ampicillin resistance gene: bases 834-1711 ORF: bases 851-1711 pUC origin: bases 1856-2529 Continued on next page 34 Map and Features of pCR®T7/CT-TOPO®, continued The important elements of pCR®T7/CT-TOPO® (2702 bp) are described in the following Features of pCR®T7/CT-TOPO® table. All features have been functionally tested. Feature T7 promoter Benefit Provides tight, dose-dependent regulation of heterologous gene expression. Provides a binding site for most T7 promoter primers for sequencing into the insert. Ribosome binding site Optimally spaced from the TOPO® Cloning site for efficient translation of PCR product. TOPO® Cloning site Allows quick insertion of your PCR product, properly spaced from a ribosome binding site, for expression in E. coli. C-terminal V5 epitope tag (Gly-Lys-Pro-Ile-Pro-Asn-Pro-Leu-LeuGly-Leu-Asp-Ser-Thr) Allows detection of the fusion protein by the Anti-V5 Antibody (Catalog no. R960-25) or the Anti-V5-HRP Antibody (Catalog no. R961-25) (Southern et al., 1991) V5 (C-term) Reverse priming site Allows sequencing of the insert. C-terminal 6xHis tag Permits purification of recombinant fusion protein on metal-chelating resins (i.e. ProBond™). In addition, it allows detection of the recombinant protein with the Anti-His(Cterm) Antibody (R930-25) or the AntiHis(C-term)-HRP Antibody (Catalog no. R931-25) (Lindner et al., 1997). T7 transcription termination region Strong transcription termination region from T7 bacteriophage. Zeocin™ resistance gene Permits selection of the plasmid using Zeocin™ antibiotic. Note: A cryptic promoter controls expression of the Zeocin™ resistance gene and the ampicillin resistance gene. It is thought that the -35 region starts at bp 367 and that the -10 region starts at bp 384. Ampicillin resistance gene (β-lactamase) Allows selection of the plasmid in E. coli. The cryptic promoter upstream of the Zeocin™ resistance gene controls expression. pUC origin (pMB1-derived) Replication and growth in E. coli. 35 Map of pCR®T7/NT-E3 pCR®T7/NT-E3 is a 4398 bp control vector expressing a human kinase gene. The molecular weight is approximately 58 kDa. Description ® Map of Expression The figure below summarizes the features of the pCR T7/NT-E3 vector. The complete ® nucleotide sequence for pCR T7/NT-E3 is available for downloading from our World Control Vector RBS ATG 6xHis Xpress Epitope EK f1 pUC ori i or pCR®T7/ NT-E3 4399 bp Comments for pCR®T7/NT-E3 4399 nucleotides l i ci Amp T7 promoter: bases 20-36 T7 promoter priming site: bases 20-39 RBS: bases 87-90 Initiation ATG: 100-102 Polyhistidine (6xHis) region: bases 112-129 Xpress epitope: bases 169-192 EK recognition site: bases 178-192 E3 ORF: 205-1733 T7 reverse priming site: bases 1797-1816 T7 transcription termination region: bases 1758-1887 f1 origin: bases 1958-2413 Ampicillin resistance gene (ORF): bases 2544-3404 pUC origin: bases 3549-4222 36 li n E3 BstB I Hind III T7 Nhe I Nde I Wide Web site (www.invitrogen.com) or by contacting Technical Service (see page 40). T7 term Map of pCR®T7/CT-LacZ pCR®T7/CT-LacZ is a 5871 bp control vector expressing β-galactosidase. Please note that β-galactosidase is fused to an N-terminal peptide containing the Xpress™ peptide as well as being fused to the C-terminal peptide encoding the V5 epitope and a 6xHis tag. The Xpress™ peptide contains an additional 6xHis tag, the Xpress™ epitope, and an enterokinase recognition site. The molecular weight is approximately 120 kDa. Description features of the pCR®T7/CT-LacZ vector. The complete Map of Expression The figure below summarizes the ® nucleotide sequence for pCR T7/CT-LacZ is available for downloading from our Control Vector lacZ V5 epitope 6xHis Stop Pme I EK Age I Xpress epitope RBS 6xHis BstB I Hind III Xba T7 I World Wide Web site (www.invitrogen.com) or by contacting Technical Service (see page 40). Comments for pCR®T7/CT-LacZ 5871 nucleotides pCR®T7/ CT-LacZ Zeocin pUC o rigi n T7 ter m 5871 bp T7 promoter: bases 21-37 T7 promoter priming site: bases 21-40 Ribosome binding site: bases 85-91 N-terminal peptide: bases 100-221 Polyhistidine (6xHis) region: bases 112-129 Xpress epitope: bases 169-192 Enterokinase recognition site: bases 178-192 LacZ coding sequence: bases 223-3268 V5 epitope: bases 3292-3333 V5 (C-term) Reverse priming site: bases 3301-3321 Polyhistidine (6xHis) region: bases 3343-3360 T7 transcription terminator: bases 3410-3457 Zeocin resistance gene: bases 3537-4000 ORF: bases 3626-4000 Ampicillin resistance gene: bases 4004-4881 ORF: bases 4021-4881 pUC origin: bases 5055-5635 i ci Amp lli n 37 Purchaser Notification T7 License The T7 expression system is based on technology developed at Brookhaven National Laboratory under contract with the U. S. Department of Energy and is the subject of patents and patent applications assigned to Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI). By provisions of the non-exclusive Distribution and Commercial License Agreement granted to Invitrogen Corporation covering said patents and patent applications, Invitrogen Corporation grants you a non-exclusive sublicense for use of this technology, including the enclosed materials, based upon the following conditions: 1. These materials are to be used for noncommercial research purposes only. A separate license is required for any commercial use, including the use of these materials for research purposes or production purposes by any commercial entity. Information about commercial licenses may be obtained from the Office of Technology Transfer, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Bldg. 475D, P. 0. Box 5000, Upton, New York 11973-5000, telephone (516) 344-7134. 2. No materials that contain the cloned copy of T7 gene 1, the gene for T7 RNA polymerase, may be distributed further to third parties outside of your laboratory, unless the recipient receives a copy of this license and agrees to be bound by its terms. This limitation applies to strains BL21(DE3), BL21(DE3)pLysS, and BL21(DE3)pLysE, CE6 and to bacteriophage M13/T7 RNA Polymerase and any derivatives you may make of them. You may refuse this license by returning the enclosed materials unused. By keeping or using the enclosed materials, you agree to be bound by the terms of this license. Continued on next page 38 Purchaser Notification, continued Cloning Technology Label License The consideration paid for Cloning Technology products (e.g., TOPO® Cloning, TOPO TA Cloning®, TA Cloning®, TOPO® Tools, Directional TOPO® Cloning, Zero Background, GATEWAY Cloning Systems and Echo Cloning Systems) grants a Limited License with a paid up royalty to use the product pursuant to the terms set forth in the accompanying Limited Label License (see below). The Cloning Technology products and their use are the subject of U.S. Patent Nos. 5,888,732, 6,143,557, 6,171,861, 6,270,969, 5,766,891, 5,487,993, 5,827,657, 5,910,438, 6,180,407, 5,851,808, and/or other pending U.S. and foreign patent applications owned by or licensed to Invitrogen Corporation. Use of these products requires a license from Invitrogen. Certain limited nontransferable rights are acquired with the purchase of these products (see below). The purchase price of these products includes limited, nontransferable rights to use only the purchased amount of the product solely for internal research. Invitrogen reserves all other rights and in particular, the purchaser of this product may not transfer or otherwise sell this product or its components or derivatives to a third party and no rights are conveyed to the purchaser to use the product or its components or derivatives for commercial purposes as defined below. Commercial purposes means any activity for which a party receives consideration and may include, but is not limited to, (1) use of the product or its components or derivatives in manufacturing, (2) use of the product or its components or derivatives to provide a service, information or data, (3) use of the product or its components or derivatives for diagnostic purposes, (4) transfer or sell vectors, clones, or libraries made with the product or components or derivatives of the product, or (5) resell the product or its components or derivatives, whether or not such product or its components or derivatives are resold for use in research. If the purchaser is not willing to accept these use limitations, Invitrogen is willing to accept return of the product for a full refund. For information on obtaining a license, contact the Director of Licensing, 1600 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. Phone (760) 603-7200. Fax (760) 602-6500. 39 Technical Service World Wide Web Visit the Invitrogen Web Resource using your World Wide Web browser. At the site, you can: • Get the scoop on our hot new products and special product offers • View and download vector maps and sequences • Download manuals in Adobe® Acrobat® (PDF) format • Explore our catalog with full color graphics • Obtain citations for Invitrogen products • Request catalog and product literature Once connected to the Internet, launch your Web browser (Internet Explorer 5.0 or newer or Netscape 4.0 or newer), then enter the following location (or URL): http://www.invitrogen.com ...and the program will connect directly. Click on underlined text or outlined graphics to explore. Don't forget to put a bookmark at our site for easy reference! Contact us For more information or technical assistance, please call, write, fax, or email. Additional international offices are listed on our Web page (www.invitrogen.com). United States Headquarters: Japanese Headquarters European Headquarters: Invitrogen Corporation Invitrogen Japan K.K. Invitrogen Ltd 1600 Faraday Avenue Nihonbashi Hama-Cho Park Bldg. 4F 3 Fountain Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA 2-35-4, Hama-Cho, Nihonbashi Inchinnan Business Park Tel: 1 760 603 7200 Tel: 81 3 3663 7972 Paisley PA4 9RF, UK Tel (Toll Free): 1 800 955 6288 Fax: 81 3 3663 8242 Tel (Free Phone Orders): 0800 269 210 Fax: 1 760 602 6500 E-mail: [email protected] Tel (General Enquiries): 0800 5345 5345 E-mail: [email protected] MSDS Requests Fax: +44 (0) 141 814 6287 E-mail: [email protected] To request an MSDS, please visit our Web site (www.invitrogen.com) and follow the instructions below. 1. On the home page, go to the left-hand column under ‘Technical Resources’ and select ‘MSDS Requests’. 2. Follow instructions on the page and fill out all the required fields. 3. To request additional MSDSs, click the ‘Add Another’ button. 4. All requests will be faxed unless another method is selected. 5. When you are finished entering information, click the ‘Submit’ button. Your MSDS will be sent within 24 hours. Continued on next page 40 Technical Service, continued Emergency Information In the event of an emergency, customers of Invitrogen can call the 3E Company, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for disposal or spill information. The 3E Company can also connect the customer with poison control or with the University of California at San Diego Medical Center doctors. 3E Company Voice: 1-760-602-8700 Limited Warranty Invitrogen is committed to providing our customers with high-quality goods and services. Our goal is to ensure that every customer is 100% satisfied with our products and our service. If you should have any questions or concerns about an Invitrogen product or service, please contact our Technical Service Representatives. Invitrogen warrants that all of its products will perform according to the specifications stated on the certificate of analysis. The company will replace, free of charge, any product that does not meet those specifications. This warranty limits Invitrogen Corporation’s liability only to the cost of the product. No warranty is granted for products beyond their listed expiration date. No warranty is applicable unless all product components are stored in accordance with instructions. Invitrogen reserves the right to select the method(s) used to analyze a product unless Invitrogen agrees to a specified method in writing prior to acceptance of the order. Invitrogen makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of its publications, but realizes that the occasional typographical or other error is inevitable. Therefore Invitrogen makes no warranty of any kind regarding the contents of any publications or documentation. If you discover an error in any of our publications, please report it to our Technical Service Representatives. Invitrogen assumes no responsibility or liability for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential loss or damage whatsoever. The above limited warranty is sole and exclusive. No other warranty is made, whether expressed or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 41 References Ausubel, F. M., Brent, R., Kingston, R. E., Moore, D. D., Seidman, J. G., Smith, J. A., and Struhl, K. (1994). Current Protocols in Molecular Biology (New York: Greene Publishing Associates and Wiley-Interscience). Brownstein, M. J., Carpten, J. D., and Smith, J. R. (1996). Modulation of Non-Templated Nucleotide Addition by Taq DNA Polymerase: Primer Modifications that Facilitate Genotyping. BioTechniques 20, 1004-1010. Chang, A. C. Y., and Cohen, S. N. (1978). Construction and Characterization of Amplifiable Multicopy DNA Cloning Vehicles Derived from the P15A Cryptic Miniplasmid. J. Bacteriol. 134, 1141-1156. Deutscher, M. P. (1990) Guide to Protein Purification. In Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 182. (J. N. Abelson and M. I. Simon, Eds.) Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Gold, L. (1988). Posttranscriptional Regulatory Mechanisms in Escherichia coli. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 57, 199-233. Innis, M. A., Gelfand, D. H., Sninsky, J. J., and White, T. S. (1990) PCR Protocols: A Guide to Methods and Applications. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Lindner, P., Bauer, K., Krebber, A., Nieba, L., Kremmer, E., Krebber, C., Honegger, A., Klinger, B., Mocikat, R., and Pluckthun, A. (1997). Specific Detection of His-tagged Proteins With Recombinant Anti-His Tag scFvPhosphatase or scFv-Phage Fusions. BioTechniques 22, 140-149. Miller, J. H. (1992). A Short Course in Bacterial Genetics: A Laboratory Manual and Handbook for Escherichia coli and Related Bacteria (Plainview, New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press). Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E. F., and Maniatis, T. (1989). Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Second Edition (Plainview, New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press). Shuman, S. (1994). Novel Approach to Molecular Cloning and Polynucleotide Synthesis Using Vaccinia DNA Topoisomerase. J. Biol. Chem. 269, 32678-32684. Shuman, S. (1991). Recombination Mediated by Vaccinia Virus DNA Topoisomerase I in Escherichia coli is Sequence Specific. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88, 10104-10108. Southern, J. A., Young, D. F., Heaney, F., Baumgartner, W., and Randall, R. E. (1991). Identification of an Epitope on the P and V Proteins of Simian Virus 5 That Distinguishes Between Two Isolates with Different Biological Characteristics. J. Gen. Virol. 72, 1551-1557. Studier, F. W., Rosenberg, A. H., Dunn, J. J., and Dubendorff, J. W. (1990). Use of T7 RNA Polymerase to Direct Expression of Cloned Genes. Methods in Enzymology 185, 60-89. Tabor, S. (1990) Expression Using the T7 RNA Polymerase/Promoter System. In Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, F. M. Ausubel, R. Brent, R. E. Kingston, D. D. Moore, J. G. Seidman, J. A. Smith and K. Struhl, eds. (New York: Greene Publishing Associates and Wiley-Interscience), pp. 16.2.1-16.2.11. ©1999-2001 Invitrogen Corporation. All rights reserved. 42
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