Summer 2015 Community Services It’s your City Extension. Wade in to Summer at LACC Family-friendly Classes, Day Camps, Activities pp. 6-10 Including: STrEaM Academy: STEM + Cinema NEW Swim Camp New Pool! pp. 11-13 Also, check out LACC’s Summer classes for-credit and FREE Noncredit Success Academy highlights inside NEW: Classes @ Van De Kamp Historic Bakery Campus Cl Ke asse ep s see back ca sta ta rt log c th ont ro in ug u h A ou ug sly us t pp. 39-45 32 3.9 53 .4 0 0 0 e x t . 2 6 5 1 co m m u n i t ys ervices .lac itycolle ge.e du For Employers: • Network with a regional consortium of educational institutions and business experts • Access a pipeline of top-notch student interns with career ambitions and training in your field • Opportunities to train your existing workforce in specialized and Hi-Tech skills for the 21st centry economy Info for Employers: 323.953-4000 Ext. 1522 W President’s Welcome elcome to the Los Angeles City College Community Services Program. Through the LACC Community Services Program, you can learn new skills, meet new friends, develop hobbies, and participate in recreational and special interest classes. Classes are designed with you in mind, conveniently scheduled, low-cost with easy enrollment and are taught by talented professionals in their respective fields. This summer, LACC Community Services is offering our Cub Camp for Kids, which includes computers, math, Spanish science, swimming, arts & crafts. Continuing this summer is the STREAM Youth Academy (Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts & Math) day camp. Our brand-new Swim Camp takes off in the new state of the art swimming pool in the new Kinesiology building. Classes will also be offered at our Van De Kamp satellite location. They include Yoga, Painting, Computers, Floral Design, Apartment Management and more! Please Note: Community Services classes are not for college credits; they are feebased classes. Yours in Student Success! Los Angeles City College Administration LA HI-TECH is the premier training provider for a quality workforce to enter the workplace for jobs and employers in the Information and Communication Technologies industry. Comprised of eight community colleges across three districts, and five school districts, LA HI-TECH consists of integrated academic and career pathways in Design, Visual, and Media Arts; information Support and Services; and Software and Systems Development. Visit For Students: • Supplemental instruction and career exploration • Work-based learning opportunities • A huge network of schools, colleges and cutting-edge employers • ...and all the rest of the iceberg! Info for Students: 323.953-4000 Ext. 1521 Ms. Reneè D. Martinez, President Dr. Dan Walden, VP, Academic Affairs Dr. Regina Smith VP, Student Services Dr. John al-Amin, VP, Administrative Services Dr. A. Alex Davis, Dean, Economic Development & Workforce Education Dr. Randy Anderson, Dean, Office of Special Services Dr. Thelma Day, Dean, Academic Affairs Mr. Anil K. Jain, Assoc VP, Administrative Services Ms. Allison Jones, Dean, Academic Affairs Mr. William A. Marmolejo, Dean, Student Services Dr. Edward Pai, Dean, Institutional Effectiveness Dr. Todd Scott, Dean, Economic Affairs Mr. Alen Andriassian, Associate Dean, Student Life Ms. Jeanette Magee, Associate Dean, EOP&S/ CARE Mr. Jeremy Villar, Associate Dean, Student Services Ms. Angelica Ramirez, Assistant Dean, Academic Affairs - Non-Credit Mr. Bob Garcia, Director of College Facilities Community Services Hours of Operation Monday-Friday 12-7 pm Saturday 8 am-3 pm Sunday 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. @ the pool Reneè D. Martinez, President Los Angeles Community College District Administration Dr. Francisco Rodriguez, Chancellor Dr. Adriana Barrera, Deputy Chancellor Dr. Felicito Cajayon, Vice Chancellor, Economic and Workforce Development Ms. Jeanette Gordon, Chief FinancialOfficer/ Treasurer Ms. Camille A. Goulet, General Counsel Ms. Bobbi Kimble, Interim Vice Chancellor, Educational Programs & Institutional Effectiveness Mr. James D. O’Reilly, Executive Director, Facilities Planning and Development Dr. Albert Roman, Vice Chancellor, Human Resources Board of Trustees Mr. Scott J. Svonkin, President Mr. Steve Veres, Vice President Mr. Mike Eng Ms. Mona Field Mr. Mike Fong Mr. Ernest H. Moreno Ms. Nancy Pearlman Mr. LaMont G. Jackson, Student Trustee LACC Community Services Mr. Drew Yamanishi, Program Manager Mr. Lance Zakabi, Community Services Aide 855 N Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90029 Administration Building 112 (main registration) / Economic Workforce Development 501 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 [email protected] Los Angeles City College (USPS Publication Number 8100) Volume 3 issue 2 is published 4 times per year (February - April - July - December) by Los Angeles City College Office of Advertising & Public Relations, 855 N. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90029, PERIODICAL Postage Prices paid at Los Angeles CA, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address corrections to Los Angeles City College, Community Services Department, 855 N. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90029. | @lacccs | Sign up today! | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 3 Table Ea Bi rly rd WEB SPECIAL Register online before June 1 and receive $5 off! Promo Code: SUMMER2015 Ends June 1, 2015 online, self-registration only. NOTE: No Classes July 3-5 Improvisational Theater............................................................15 Special Effects Makeup..............................................................15 Ballet for Kids....................................................................................6 Makeup Artistry 101.....................................................................15 KinderGym (ages 2-4)....................................................................6 Face Painting..................................................................................15 Gymnastics for Kids (ages 5-12)................................................6 Songwriting Essentials..............................................................15 STrEaM Youth Academy..............................................................7 Cub Camp............................................................................................7 Swim Camp........................................................................................7 CPR Certification...........................................................................16 Math Success: Saturdays....................................................8 Certified Medical Interpreter.............................................16 Math Success: M-F (Ages 6-11) .........................................8 Medical Insurance Billing.........................................................17 Fun with ABC’s (Ages 3-5)...........................................................8 ICD-10/CPT-4 Coding Medical Ins..........................................17 Grammar & Spelling Workshop................................................8 Computerized Medical Ins Billing.........................................17 Reading & Study Skills..................................................................8 Water Safety Instructor (WSI) Training...............................17 Spanish for Kids (Ages 7-10)......................................................9 Home Medical Insurance Billing...........................................17 Learn to Type! for Kids(Ages 7-15)...........................................9 Medical Terminology .. ................................................................17 Drawing for Young People...........................................................9 Arts & Crafts for Kids.....................................................................9 Face Painting for Teens................................................................9 Apartment Management...........................................................18 Singing for Children.....................................................................10 The Business of Bartending.....................................................18 Piano/Keyboarding for Young People..................................10 LA County Food Service/Food Handlers Certification.18 Guitar for Young People..............................................................10 Certified Wedding Planner - Online......................................18 Cardboard Boat Race....................................................................10 Create Import/Export Business..............................................19 Build Your Own Business Website........................................19 Starting a Nonprofit - Online....................................................19 Family Group Lessons ................................................................11 Social Security Secrets...............................................................19 Mommy & Me Groups.........................................................12 Moneymaking Using Your Computer..................................19 Private Swim Lessons.................................................................12 Selling Your Ideas and Inventions.........................................19 Lap Swimming: Training & Technique................................12 Personal Finance - Online.........................................................19 Lap Swimming...............................................................................12 Bookkeeping/Accounting........................................................ 20 Aqua Aerobic Burn.......................................................................13 QuickBooks Fundamentals..................................................... 20 Senior Splash!.................................................................................13 How to Legally Start a Business in LA................................ 20 Skin Diving / Snorkeling............................................................13 Read All Day & Get Paid for It!................................................. 20 Springboard Diving......................................................................13 Write for Magazines & The Web............................................. 20 Sychronized Swimming............................................................13 First-time Homebuyers..............................................................21 Senior Citizen Reverse Mortgage..........................................21 Real Estate Investing ..................................................................21 A Career in Voice Overs..............................................................14 Become A Notary Public............................................................21 Voice Acting Essentials.............................................................14 Notary Loan Signing Seminar.................................................21 Comedy Store Stand-Up Workshop......................................14 Pitching Your Film & T.V. Project ...........................................14 Screenwriting Warriors:.....................................................14 Computers for Beginners Series...................................22 Basic Training!....................................................................14 E-Publishing & Self-Publishing..............................................23 Beginning Acting Technique...................................................14 Private Computer Training.......................................................23 Understanding the Guitar.........................................................14 Microsoft Office..............................................................................23 College for KIDS Career - Healthcare Career - Business Skills Swimming/Aquatics Career - Entertainment Computers & Technology 4 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 of Contents Microsoft Word for Windows...................................................23 Computer Repair...........................................................................23 Learn to Type!..................................................................................23 Online Safety- For Parents........................................................23 Microsoft Excel for Windows...................................................23 Adobe Illustrator For Windows..............................................24 Programming for Beginners...................................................24 Fliers, Posters, Booklets, Oh My!............................................24 Web Design Workshop...............................................................24 E-Commerce/Online Store.......................................................24 Android/iPhone App Development.....................................24 Adobe Photoshop for Windows..............................................25 City Lights: Night Photography..............................................25 Digital Video Editing....................................................................25 Digital Photography:....................................................................25 Maximize your DSLR/MILC......................................................25 Shooting Video with Your HDSLR.........................................25 Language & Humanities Spanish Conversation................................................................ 26 Italian Conversation.................................................................... 26 French Conversation.................................................................. 26 Grammar Improvement Workshop...................................... 27 ESL Intensive ................................................................................ 27 Math Refresher - Online............................................................ 27 GED Preparation Workshop..................................................... 27 Accent Reduction......................................................................... 27 Arts & Crafts Pottery Making.............................................................................. 28 Floral Design.................................................................................. 28 Balloon Decorating...................................................................... 28 Ikebana.............................................................................................. 28 Wedding Floral Design............................................................... 28 Mosaic Tile...................................................................................... 28 Sewing Made Easy I.................................................................... 29 Jewelry Making-Wire Wrapping........................................... 29 Basic Beaded Jewelry................................................................ 29 Sewing Made Easy II................................................................... 29 Fashion Pattern Making........................................................... 29 Knitting & Crochet........................................................................ 29 Comic Book & Cartoon Characters....................................... 30 Drawing for Everyone................................................................. 30 Painting & Watercolors.............................................................. 30 Candle Making.............................................................................. 30 Painting & Drawing: Acrylics & Oils..................................... 30 Natural Bath & Beauty Products............................................ 30 Glycerin Soapmaking................................................................. 30 Music Fruit & Vegetable Carving..........................................................33 Intro to Mindfulness Meditation:...........................................33 Pilates Mat Class.......................................................................... 34 Yoga....................................................................................................34 Abs/Legs/Hips Workout............................................................ 34 Ballet for Adults: Beginning............................................ 34 Disco Dance Workout................................................................. 34 Hip Hop/Jazz Dance for Adults............................................. 34 Salsa Dance.....................................................................................34 Dance Class for Adults............................................................... 34 Muay Thai/Thai Boxing.............................................................35 Quick & Dirty Self Defense........................................................35 Tennis Program..............................................................................35 Tai Chi Chuan..................................................................................35 Clases en Español Diseños Florales............................................................................ 36 Compradores de Casa por la primera vez!............................................................................... 36 Computadora Básica Para Principiantes.................36 Joyeria de Confección Basica................................................. 36 Decoración de Pasteles.............................................................. 36 Arboricultura: El Estudio de los Árboles..................................................................................37 Face Painting en Español..........................................................37 Moldes de Modas...........................................................................37 Aprenda a Coser.............................................................................37 Joyería De Alambre......................................................................37 Curso de CPR Certificado...........................................................37 Home & Garden Arboriculture:The Study & Care of Trees............................38 Look Who’s Under the Hood.....................................................38 The Complete Organic Garden................................................38 Square Foot Gardening...............................................................38 Potted Gardening...........................................................................38 LACC Summer Classes for Credit & for FREE.........................................39-45 NEW: Classes at VDK Campus Arts & Crafts........................................................................ 46 Career & Finance..........................................................................47 Computers, Fitness, Seniors, Kids, etc................................48 Clases en Español........................................................................49 Maps, Policies & Information................ 50 Piano/Keyboarding for Adults.................................................32 Singer’s Workshop........................................................................32 Beatles Ukulele...............................................................................32 Guitar Made Easy..........................................................................32 Music Made Easy- Online.........................................................32 Drums for Adults & Teens..........................................................32 Activity & Healthy Living Cupcake Bakery Decorating.....................................................33 Dipped & Molded Chocolates...................................................33 Sushi Making..................................................................................33 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 5 College for KIDS College for KIDS | Day Camps College for KIDS STrEaM Youth Academy Fitness, Arts & Crafts, Day Camps, Computers, Swimming... there’s something for every kid this summer at LACC! This Summer, we’re happy to kick of some NEW programs aimed at making things more complete for the kids and more helpful for the parents: • • • FREE LUNCH FOR KIDS: From 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday to Thursday, June 15July 23, any person ages 1-18 may receive a free lunch at the Student Union courtesy of the California Sunrise Foundation, LACC Upward Bound and us! While supplies last, subject to county, state and federal regulations. Family Hour: Saturdays from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m., we’ve deliberately scheduled something for everyone in the family! Look for classes designated Family Hour , register 2 or more members of your household and receive 15% off your total. Must register in-person or via phone to receive discount. Swimming: In addition to our affordable swimming lessons and lap-swimming, we’ve added almost an entire new page of fitness and aquatic sports classes! LACC’s cutting-edge program designed to ignite youth interest in the STEM subjects and to learn how literacy and an artistic mind-set are integral to the high-tech careers of the future. A collaborative effort between Community Services, and the LACC departments of Cinema/TV, Astronomy/Physics and the STEM Academy, STrEaM 2015 will give students a unique opportunity to explore physics, movement, music and more through the lense of cinema and engineering. Students will undertake a fun and daunting engineering challenge while producing a documentary video of their Summer! Takes place on-campus with exposure to various college facilities, departments and faculty/staff. For students entering 6th through 12th grade Special Culmination event Saturday, July 11 No class July 4. 2638 - 2641 CS Faculty June 15-July 10 4 Mon-Fri 9:00 AM-2:00 PM Fee: $249 per week or $699 for 4 weeks SAVE $297 on all 4 weeks! Ballet for Kids Class focusing on the physical mechanics of ballet including basic position, steps and discipline. Reap the benefits that ballet classes can bring self-confidence, friendships, self-discipline, and the joy of movement. These can be used as a springboard to learn new skills. No class July 4 and 5 Summer Day Camps For all Community Services day-campers: • FREE Lunch - for all persons ages 1-18, a community services of LACC the State of 2731 Ages 3-4 years Sandy Fetherolf June 13- July 18 5 Saturdays 10:00 AM-11:00 PM California and courtesy of the California Sunrise Foundation. Served Monday-Thursday, June 15-July 23, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Fee: $55 2741 June 14-July 19 • 2:00-3:00 p.m. optional free swimming included with day camp registration. • Friday, July 10 - Cardboard Boat Race for all camp participants. (see page 10) • All camps 9:00-2:00 p.m. Mon-Fri Dropoff 8:30 a.m., Pickup between 2:00-3:00 p.m. • Saturday, May 30, 2:00 p.m. Parent/Guardian Orientation & Info Session for day camps. Cub Camp e n u J Ages 3-4 years 5 Sundays Sandy Fetherolf 1:00 PM-2:00 PM Fee: $55 2732 Ages 9 years and up Sandy Fetherolf June 13- July 18 5 Saturdays 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Family Hour Fee: $55 2734 Ages 5-8 years June 13- July 18 5 Saturdays Sandy Fetherolf 12:00 PM-1:00 PM NEW KinderGym (ages 2-4) Enjoy an hour of fun and exercise. Games, songs, and motor skill activities will help your child develop coordination, confidence, Ages 3-4 years Sandy Fetherolf and physical fitness. Parent participation is 5 Saturdays 10:00 AM-11:00 PM required. No class July 4. Fee: $55 2736 July 25- Aug.22 Fee: $55 2742 July 26-Aug.23 Ages 3-4 years 5 Sundays Sandy Fetherolf 1:00 PM-2:00 PM y l u J Fee: $55 2712 Jun 13-July 18 5 Saturdays Jojo Aguilar 2:00 PM-3:00 PM Fee: $49 Gymnastics for Kids (ages 5-12) Family Hour Have fun tumbling, running, doing song/dance and motor skill exercises, these fun activities 2737 Ages 9 years and up Sandy Fetherolf will help to build proper body coordination, July 25- Aug. 22 5 Saturdays 11:00 AM-12:00 PM growth development and encourage a Fee: $55 stronger confidence. Parent participation is recommended. No class July 4. 2739 Ages 5-8 years July 25- Aug. 22 5 Saturdays 6 Fee: $55 Sandy Fetherolf 12:00 PM-1:00 PM 2831 Jun 13-July 18 5 Saturdays Jojo Aguilar 3:00 PM-4:00 PM Fee: $55 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 Weekly day camp with a mix of activities, academics and fun, includes Spanish for Kids, Math Success and more! (For students age 6+) Camp meets Monday - Friday 9:00 AM-3:00 PM *No class July 3. Week #1 Week #2 Week #3 Week #4 Week #5 June 15 June 22 June 29 July 6 July 13 - June 19 - June 26 - July 2* -July 10 -July 17 Fee: $149 per week Swim Camp CS Faculty Week #6 July 20 -July 24 NEW The newest addition to our camp lineup in the newest facility on campus - our state-of-the-art aquatic facility. Up to 6 weeks of intensive swimming instruction with the potential to take students from fear of the water to Level 6 of the American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim curriculum. Daily Camp Schedule: 9:00-11:00 a.m. joint activities with Cub Camp 11:00-12:00 Lunch 12:00-2:00 Swimming Instruction 2:00-3:00 Optional free swim/pickup Space is limited! For students age 6+ No class July 4. Students should bring: dry towel, swimsuit, flip-flops/shower shoes, change of clothes. (Same dates as Cub Camp) CS Faculty & Swim Staff June 15-July 24 Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-2:00 PM Fee: $199 per week or $999 for all 6 weeks SAVE $195 on all 6 weeks! No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 7 College for KIDS | Academics College for KIDS | Arts & Crafts Math Success: Saturdays Spanish for Kids (Ages 7-10) An introductory class open to young people who want to learn the basic fundamentals of reading and speaking Spanish. In addition to providing the practice needed to aid retention, this class will also provide the opportunity to develop a higher level of thinking skills as it aims at teaching how to use the language creatively. Your instructor is Ms. Alma Santana. All classes are 1-week, Monday-Friday. Price Combines with Cub Camp. *No class Friday, July 3. Drop! Was $45 Now: $39 Assist your child with their school studies by enrolling them in this intensive math program. Focus will be on the specific problem areas your child is having with math. Designed to help your child improve test skills, increase scores and advance in school. Students are welcome to bring their schoolbooks. Algebra class covers Algebra I and II topics. Fee: $55 2646 June 13-July 18 Session I Grades 1-3 5 Saturdays Alma Santana 9:00am-10:00am 2917 July 25-Aug22 2647 June 13-July 18 Grades 4 & 5 5 Saturdays Alma Santana 10:10am-11:10am 2648 June 13-July 18 Grades 6-8 5 Saturdays 2649 June 13-July 18 2916 June 13-July 18 Grades 1-3 5 Saturdays Alma Santana 9:00am-10:00am 2918 July 25-Aug22 Grades 4 & 5 5 Saturdays Alma Santana 10:10am-11:10am Alma Santana 11:20am-12:20pm 2919 July 25-Aug 22 Grades 6-8 5 Saturdays Alma Santana 11:20am-12:20pm Algebra 5 Saturdays Khanik Kerobyan 10:00am-11: 30am 2920 July 25-Aug 22 Algebra 5 Saturdays Khanik Kerobyan 10:00am-11: 30am Geometry 5 Saturdays Khanik Kerobyan 11:40am-12: 40pm 2921 July 25-Aug 22 Geometry 5 Saturdays Khanik Kerobyan 11:40am-12: 40pm Math Success: M-F (Ages 6-11) Weekly overview of math concepts for ages 6-11. Monday-Friday. Combines with Cub Camp students. *No class Friday, July 3. Fee: $55 Fun with ABC’s (Ages 3-5) Family Hour Fun with ABC’s is for our youngest students. Each student will create an individualized “Alphabet Book” to take home on the last class. Each letter will be sounded out and written. Age appropriate literature and fun games will be also be introduced. Repeatability is welcome. No class July 4 2700 Fee: $59 | Materials: $7 June 13-July 18 5 Saturdays 2701 Fee: $59 | Materials: $7 July 25-Aug. 22 5 Saturdays Viridiana Marcial 12:00 PM-1:30 PM Viridiana Marcial 12:00 PM-1:30 PM Grammar & Spelling Workshop This class will help students improve on their writing, through development and practice with grammar and spelling skills. Students will concentrate on specific problem areas they are having with classroom assignments and homework. Homework assignments will be given. Children are welcome to bring their school books and classroom writing questions. 2715 July 2-30 NEW 2717 July 2-30 Session II 2810 2811 2812 June 15-19 1:00pm-2:00pm June 22-26 1:00pm-2:00pm June 15-19 12:00pm-1:00pm 2749 June 22-26 12:00pm-1:00pm 2750 2751 June 29-Jul 2*12:00pm-1:00pm July 6-10 12:00pm-1:00pm 2753 July 13-17 12:00pm-1:00pm 2755 July 20-24 12:00pm-1:00pm June 29-Jul 2*1:00pm-2:00pm 2813 July 6-10 1:00pm-2:00pm 2814 July 13-17 1:00pm-2:00pm 2815 July 20-24 1:00pm-2:00pm French for Kids Optional material fee of $24 covers book, handouts and 3 audio CD’s. *$5 Material Fee if you choose to purchase book & CD yourself. Please visit our website listing for book/CD title. Lesly Lespinasse 9:30 AM-10:30 AM You may also like: Swimming Fee: $55 | Materials: $24 or $5 Reading & Study Skills Help your child improve their grades and reading comprehension! This class will NEW cover various levels of reading, phonics, vocabulary & study skills. Students will have the opportunity to sharpen their presentation and reading skills by reading aloud to the class. Homework assignments will be given. Children are welcome to bring their school books and classroom questions. Grades 3-4 Brian King 5 Thursdays 1:00 PM-2:00 PM Fee: $49 | Materials: $9 2721 Grades 3-4 Brian King June 30-July 28 5 Tuesdays 1:00 PM-2:00 PM Fee: $49 | Materials: $9 Grades 5-6 Brian King 5 Thursdays 2:00 PM-3:00 PM Fee: $49 | Materials: $9 2722 Grades 5-6 Brian King June 30-July 28 5 Tuesdays 2:00 PM-3:00 PM Fee: $49 | Materials: $9 Writing Composition Intensive 2723Grades 7-8Brian King June 20-July 25 5 Saturdays 1:30 PM-2:30 PM Fee: $49 | Materials: $9 2725Grades 9-12Brian King June 20-July 25 5 Saturdays 2:30 PM-3:30 PM Fee: $49 | Materials: $9 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 Bring basic watercolor set, pad of watercolor paper, brushes and pencil to 1st meeting. Instructor will address additional materials in class. For Kids 17 years & under Wayne Thomas 2516 July 10-Aug 7 5 Fridays 2:30 PM-4:00 PM Fee: $55 Drawing for Young People Learn drawing and sketching techniques using led/color pencils charcoal; shading techniques 3 dimensions and brightness. Bring drawing and color pencils, eraser and pad of paper to first class. Instructor will address additional materials in class. Arts & Crafts for Kids Learn this fun international lanuage through colors, numbers, alphabet, pronunciation and music, no experience needed. Parent participation is encouraged. No class July 4. 2508 June 20-July 25 5 Saturdays This class will get you started in basic painting acrylic and watercolors brush stroke techniques with emphasis on understanding/ experiencing color composition, value and design impact. 2517 Kids 17 yrs & under Wayne Thomas July 10-Aug 7 5 Fridays 4:00 PM-5:30 PM Fee: $55 pp. 11-13 Online Safety for Parents W Arts and crafts for kids are fun for children NEW and the young-at-heart! These art & craft activities cover a wide range of subjects for young artists, future artisanal book makers, potential puppeteers, and more. These aren’t just arts and crafts for kids; they’re fun for the whole family too! We are going to make goods from papers, it’s going to to be finger painting activity and more. Our selection of art projects for kids, DIY activities, and decoration ideas also provide excellent inspiration to learn how to be a creative individual. 2735 June 13-27 Ages 3-7 Ivetta Abelyan 3 Saturdays 9:00 AM-10:00 AM Fee: $35 | Materials: $5 2738 June 13-27 Ages 8-14 Ivetta Abelyan 3 Saturdays 10:00 AM-11:00 AM Fee: $35 | Materials: $5 pp. 23 Gardening & Arborculture pp. 38 Jewelry & Sewing for Teens @ VDK Campus pp. 47 Learn to Type! for Kids (Ages 7-15) Learn to write a standard 5-paragraph essay, the ins-and-outs of research, how to structure NE arguments and comparisons, outline and much more! Homework assignments will be given. Students are welcome to bring their school books and classroom questions. No class July 4. 8 2747 Painting & Watercolors for Kids Face Painting for Teens NEW Have fun transforming your face into a super hero, princess, rock star, villian, gothic. Students will learn how to create swilrs, teardrops, curilcues, dots, spots, stroke leaves, and teardrop flowers, and proper hygiene. See link to material list at our website: Learn the basics of proper keyboarding for homework, reports and letters. Keyboard layouts, proper posture, and tips for optimal typing productivity is demonstrated. * FREE Face Painting Demonstration * Proficiency is gained through typing exercises 2866 Carmen G. MacDonald of key groups, sample documents, or simple June 13 1 Saturday 10:00 AM-11:00 AM mnemonic devices. Repeatability is welcome. 2628 June17-July 8 4 Wednesdays Fee: $49 Ryan Obando 5:00 PM-6:00 PM 2865 (No class July 4) Carmen G. MacDonald June 20-July 18 4 Saturdays 10:00 AM-11:00 AM Fee: $50 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 9 Aquatic Fitness / Swimming College for KIDS | Computers & the Arts Swimming Singing for Children Family Hour Learn proper vocal and breathing techniques to strengthen and bring out a child’s full singing potential and develop confidence for any musical setting. Topics may include basic ear training, scales, vowels, and learning simple melodies. Each child will perform solo and in a group. No class July 4. 2544 June 13-July 18 Ages 5-12 years 5 Saturdays Cardboard Boat Race NEW The Slow and the Soggy Teams of 5-10 students cooperate and compete to design the fastest, most poolworthy vessel capable of taking at least one Linda Stevens student two lengths of the pool! 12:30 PM-1:30 PM Fee: $59 All materials provided. One deep-end swimmingcapable student per team required and tested. For students ages 12-18. *End time may vary by age groupings. Bring a sack lunch, swimsuit & towel. Parent/guardian spectators students may observe from 1:00 p.m. onward subject to pool-area capacity. Must register by Thursday, July 2. 2714 CS Faculty July 10 1 Friday 9:00 AM-4:00* PM Fee: $35 per student | $99 per team of 3-5 Piano/Keyboarding for Young People Learn the correct fundamentals in playing the piano: Topics covered: Development in finger coordination, critical sense of listening; notations in pitch and rhythm; discipline in good practice habits with an appreciation of music. No class July 4. Required: Bring your own keyboard. 2550 June 13-July 18 Beginning 5 Saturdays Learn to Program from Scratch Is there more to computers than playing games, watching videos or endless chatting? Be the creator of your own digital stories, animations, games, music and art. Bring your creativity and imagination to this workshop and learn how to program with Scratch AND have fun, too! No class July 4 2716 Ages 9-15 years June 27-July 25 4 Saturdays Fee: $65 Victor Larios 11:00 AM-1:30 PM Sarah Olin 9:30 AM-10:30 AM Fee: $45 Guitar for Young People Discover the true and fun way to play the guitar. This class will teach proper finger coordination, how to tune your guitar, and reading basic music notes. Bring your guitar. No class July 4. 2588 Ages 10-16 years Jose Ruiz June 13-July 18 5 Saturdays 11:00 AM-12:30 PM Fee: $49 Hawaiian Dance-Mommy & Me Hip Hop/ Jazz Dance for Young People Learn one of the most popular and requested dance styles in recent years. The instructor will teach students some of the latest dance steps and dance moves. No experience is needed. Wear comfortable attire (workout clothes), and work out shoes. Let’s have fun! No class July 4. 2615 June 13-July 18 Ages 8-15 5 Saturdays Dolly Giner 4:15 PM-5:15 PM Fee: $49 Get ready for an exciting and fun-filled experience for the whole family, learning a true Polynesian dance art that has been passed on from generation to generation. Students will be introduced to the various dances and culture of the Pacific isles with emphasis on the basics in Hawaiian hula (dance). Students will interpret songs and perform dances from Hawaii, Tahiti, Samoa, New Zealand, and Tonga. Hawaiian dance clothing is optional and always welcome. No class July 4 & 11. 2799 Okima Kapaku, DMA June 13-July 25 5 Saturdays 12:30 PM-1:30 PM Fee: $49 10 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 Welcome to one of the newest pools in Los Angeles! There’s something for everyone in the pool this Summer Lessons: Whether it’s for a child’s first lesson, an adult who’s uncomfortable being around water, or a life-long swimmer who just wants to finally learn the Butterfly Stroke, we’ve got a class for you. Lessons taught to American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim curriculum guidelines, except for Lap Swimming. • Group and Private/Semi-Private Lessons - For Kids or Adults ages 5 & up • Swimming for Aquaphobes - Those scared of the water. 18 years and older only • Mommy & Me Group Lessons - Dads welcome! One adult, one child with other pairs. Ages 3-5 • Family Group Lessons - Get everyone in the pool to learn together as a family. Ages 5 & up • Lap Swimming: Training & Technique - For swimmers who just want some extra guidance Fitness: Get in shape, stay in shape... all with the low-impact, high-humidity benefits of aquatic activity • Senior Splash, Aqua Zumba, & Aqua Aerobics - Takes place in the shallow-end, no swimming test required. Taught in the shallow-end, 3.5 - 4.5 feet in depth • Lap Swimming (Ungided) - Must pass a swimming test prior to or during class Athletics: New for Summer 2015! • Diving, Water Polo, Sychronized Swimming - Must pass a swimming test Facilities/Rules: This is an outdoor pool located at the Kinesiology North (KINN) building at approximately 900 N Heliotrope Drive. Access for students via northeast gate. Proper swim-attire is required for all participants. Limit of 2 non-registered family-members per student in the pool area and subject to space restrictions. No photography/video or food permitted. Water bottles permitted in plastic, sealable containers only. Locker rooms and shower facilities are available to Community Services students, though lockers are not. Los Angeles City College is not responsible for lost or stolen belongings. NOTE: Due to rapid body-heat loss, small children and those under 5 years of age may need to have their time in the pool limited for their safety at the discretion of the Lifeguards. We recommend a swim-shirt or child wetsuit for children who are particularly affected by water temperature. LACC endeavors to maintain a temperature of 80-82 degrees to accomodate a multiplicty of use requirements, but temperatures may vary. KIDS Learn-to-Swim Group Lessons - Weekdays M-F 2853 June 15-19 3:00 - 3:50 PM $60 2886 July 27-31 5:00 - 5:50 PM $60 2856 June 15-19 5:00 - 5:50 PM $60 2887 July 27-31 6:00 - 6:50 PM $60 2867 June 15-19 6:00 - 6:50 PM $60 2888 August 3-7 3:00 - 3:50 PM $60 2868 June 22-26 3:00 - 3:50 PM $60 2889 August 3-7 5:00 - 5:50 PM $60 2869 June 22-26 5:00 - 5:50 PM $60 2890 August 3-7 6:00 - 6:50 PM $60 2870 June 22-26 6:00 - 6:50 PM $60 2891 August 10-14 3:00 - 3:50 PM $60 2871 June 29- July 2 3:00 - 3:50 PM $49 2892 August 10-14 5:00 - 5:50 PM $60 2872 June 29-July 2 5:00 - 5:50 PM $49 2893 August 10-14 6:00 - 6:50 PM $60 2873 June 29-July 2 6:00 - 6:50 PM $49 2894 August 17-21 3:00 - 3:50 PM $60 2874 July 6-10 3:00 - 3:50 PM $60 2895 August 17-21 5:00 - 5:50 PM $60 2875 July 6-10 5:00 - 5:50 PM $60 2896 August 17-21 6:00 - 6:50 PM $60 2876 July 6-10 6:00 - 6:50 PM $60 2897 August 24-28 5:00 - 5:50 PM $60 2877 July 13-17 3 :00 - 3:50 PM $60 2898 August 24-28 6:00 - 6:50 PM $60 2878 July 13-17 5:00 - 5:50 PM $60 2899 August 31-Sept.4 5:00- 5:50 PM $60 2879 July 13-17 6:00 - 6:50 PM $60 2900 August 31-Sept.4 6:00- 6:50 PM $60 2880 July 20-24 3:00 - 3:50 PM $60 2901 September 8-11 5:00- 5:50 PM $49 2884 July 20-24 5:00 - 5:50 PM $60 2902 September 8-11 6:00- 6:60 PM $49 2882 July 20-24 6:00 - 6:50 PM $60 2903 September 14-18 5:00- 5:50 PM $60 2885 July 27-31 3:00 - 3:50 PM $60 2904 September 14-18 6:00- 6:50 PM $60 Group Lessons - Saturdays June 20, 27; July 11, 18, 25 2706 1:00 - 1:50 PM 5 yrs & up 5 Saturdays $60 2707 2:00 - 2:50 PM Family Group $40 2708 3:00 - 3:50 PM 5 yrs & up $60 2709 4:00 - 4:50 PM For Adults Only $60 August 1 -29 2713 1:00 - 1:50 PM 5 yrs & up 5 Saturdays $60 2724 2:00 - 2:50 PM Family Group $40 2726 3:00 - 3:50 PM 5 yrs & up $60 2728 4:00 - 4:50 PM For Adults Only $60 Family Group Lessons Designed for the entire family covers Levels 1, 2 or 3 for ages 5 to adult. At least one adult member must be part of group. Class fee of $40 is per person. Limit 3-4 families. Group Lessons - Sundays June 21, 28, July 12, 19, 26 5 Sundays 2710 1:00 - 1:50 PM 5 yrs & up 2711 2:00 - 2:50 PM 5 yrs & up August 2-30 $60 $60 5 Sundays 2733 1:00 - 1:50 PM 5 yrs & up 2740 2:00 - 2:50 PM 5 yrs & up No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 $60 $60 11 Swimming Lessons Aquatic Fitness Swimming for Aquaphobes Aqua Aerobic Burn Do you experience a feeling of fear or even panic when you approach the water or swimming pool, or when you touch the water at the beach? Learn how to conquer your fear, overcome the fright and enjoy fun times in the water with family and friends. Each section limited to 10 students, ages 18 and older. Mr. Kevin Saffold is an LACC CS swimming instructor and lifeguard with over 20 years of experience catering to those having trouble getting in the water. No class July 5 2745 June 21 - July 26 5 Sundays 2756 August 2-30 2757 Sept. 6 - Oct. 4 2804 2805 Kevin Saffold Fee: $50 3:00 - 4:00 PM 5 Sundays 3:00 - 4:00 PM 5 Sundays Fee: $50 3:00 - 4:00 PM Fee: $50 Adult Learn-to-Swim Group Lessons: Weekdays M-F June 15-19 June 22-26 8:00 - 9:00 PM $60 2836 August 3-7 8:00 - 9:00 PM $60 8:00 - 9:00 PM $60 2837 August 10-14 8:00 - 9:00 PM $60 2807 June 29-July 2 8:00 - 9:00 PM $50 2838 August 17-21 8:00 - 9:00 PM $60 2808 July 6-10 8:00 - 9:00 PM $60 2839 August 24-28 8:00 - 9:00 PM $60 $60 2809 July 13-17 8:00 - 9:00 PM $60 2840 August 31-Sept.4 8:00- 9:00 PM 2834 July 20-24 8:00 - 9:00 PM $60 2841 September 7-11 8:00- 9:00 PM $50 2835 July 27-31 8:00 - 9:00 PM $60 2842 September 14-18 8:00- 9:00 PM $60 Mommy & Me Groups (Ages 3-5) This aquatic course is ideal for the very young children who can use their instinctual water reflexes to easier adapt to the water environment. Basic paddle stroke, kicking skills, pool safety and comfort with holding face in the water while blowing bubbles and swimming. Dads welcome! No class July 5. Children under 5 strictly limited to 30 minutes in pool for safety considerations. Limit 6 per class. June 21, 28; July 12, 19, 26 2767 12:00 - 12:30 PM 2768 12:00 - 12:30 PM 3 yrs 4-5 yrs 2771 2773 3 yrs 4-5 yrs 12:30 - 1:00 PM 12:30 - 1:00 PM August 2-30 2774 12:00 - 12:30 PM 2776 12:00 - 12:30 PM 3 yrs 4-5 yrs 2777 2778 3 yrs 4-5 yrs 12:30 - 1:00 PM 12:30 - 1:00 PM For those who can already swim. This class is designed to help improve cardiovascular fitness, strength and endurance through distance & sprint swimming, upper and lower body exercises. Some guidence and improvement techniques are be provided for strokes and other skills... or you can swim laps. 5 Sundays $79 A swimming evaluation is required before or at $79 the first class. Register monthly. $79 7:00 - 8:00 PM $79 5:15 - 6:15 PM 5 Sundays 11:00 - 12:00 AM $79 $79 Mon / Wed / Fri $50/mo. Tues & Thurs $30/mo. Sundays $25/mo. $79 $79 Water Safety Instructor (WSI) Training p. 17 CPR/AED p. 16 Underwater Basket Weaving p. 53 Seeking New Lifeguards for Summer 2015 Duty. Call for details Private Swim Lessons Intensive private swim instruction in a one-on-one format for the best personal interaction. You must schedule five consecutive lessons, subject to availability, at the time of registration. Missed lessons cannot be rescheduled and are nonrefundable. Ages 7 years and up. 12:00 - 1:00 PM Saturdays Fee: $45 Monthly 4:00 - 5:00 PM Saturdays Fee: $45 $175/ A swimming evaluation is required before enrolling in this class. Register monthly. 7:00 - 8:00 PM Mon / Wed / Fri 5:15 - 6:15 PM Tues & Thurs $25/mo. Sundays $20/mo. 11:00 - 12:00 AM $45/mo. Semi-Private Swim Lessons Intensive semi-private swim instruction for two or three students. All students must register together and follow the same schedule (as in the Private Lessons). Missed lessons cannot be rescheduled and are non-refundable. Ages 7 years and up. 5 mtgs of 1 hour To Be Arranged $79/person * Call us to schedule your lessons * No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 Aqua Zumba The popular rhythm and Latin music-based fitness program - now modified for an aerobic workout routine in the swimming pool! Students are taught low-impact moves, technique, and healthful-living tips. This is a monthly workout, please register before the next month starts! Your Zumba instructor is Price Ms. Daniela Alvarez. No Class July 5 Monthly Sundays only Drop! 10:00 - 11:00 AM Fee: Was $50 Now: $39 NEW Monthly Senior Splash! Mon/Fri 7:00 - 8:00 PM Fee: Was $50 Now: $39 Arthritis and joint pain can make working out Aqua Fitness: Community the last thing seniors want to do. However, NEW water exercises can relieve arthritis and joint Recreation Swimming pain while increasing bone density and muscle Community Services now offers Adult Lap mass. Join us this summer for water exercises Swim and Recreational Open Swim times to the community. Adult Lap Swim is for deepyou can try to start feeling better today! water-safe persons age 14 or older. Lap swim Raquel Delgado Fee $ 45 lanes are always available during the hours published below. The number of lanes may MonthlyTues&Thurs 4:00PM-5:00 PM vary. Recreational Open Swim is for persons of all ages. Children ages 12 and younger must Skin Diving / Snorkeling Skin diving is snorkeling while making breath- be accompanied by a parent or guardian 16 years or older. This is a monthly class, you hold dives to observe aquatic life, up close must register before the next month begins. and personal. It’s a great way to explore the underwater world when scuba diving just isn’t Swim trunks and bathing suits are the only your thing. Our Skin Diving course teaches you acceptable swimming attire at our facilities. Please do not wear street clothing (i.e., gym how to enjoy watching life below the surface shorts, basketball shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, and comfortably venture underwater for short etc.) Children under the age of 3 must wear a visits, whether you dive in a local freshwater swim diaper at all times. No class July 4. lake or the big blue ocean, at home or on holiday at a dive destination. No Class July 4. 2927 Pool Staff June 13 - July 25 6 Saturdays Fee: $45 NEW 8:00 AM-12:00 PM You must be a deep water-safe swimmer and pass an evaluation to take these classes! For those who already know how to swim. There is no instruction or coaching provided. Students may swim laps, utilize aquatic fitness equipment or do other exercises on a self-paced basis. For the safety and privacy of all our students, please no photography or video in the pool areas. 12 ou ily H Fam Monthly Lap Swimming You May Also Like: 5 mtgs of 1 hour To Be Arranged person * Call to schedule your lessons * Lap Swimming: Training and Technique Splash away those inches as you tone, trim, reduce stress, and improve overall health. This is an exercise/aerobic course only and no swimming is required. This is a monthly workout, please register before the next month starts! Your Fitness instructor is Mr. Fernando Mora. No Class July 4 r Peggy Coulehan currently is an adjunct faculty member at LACC in our top-notch Kinesiology department and teaches kindergarten. She has competed in swimming, triathlons, and bodybuilding among other sports. Her background includes five years of teaching dance at the high school level. Springboard Diving Learn the basics of springboard diving or improve on the skills you already have! The course will teach you the basics of springboard diving according to American Red Cross guidelines. Includes: diving safety; front and back body positions; and water entry techniques. Learn “Streamline,” “Pike,” “Tuck,” and “Free” dive forms. NEW Ages 12+ June 15-July 1 2928 3 Mon & Wed 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $59 Peggy Coulehan July 28-Aug 13 3 Tues & Thurs 11:00 AM-12:00 PM 2929 Fee: $59 Peggy Coulehan Monthly 5:00-7:00 PM Sat & Sun $30/mo. Water Polo Water polo is a team water sport. There are six field players and one goalkeeper. The winner of the game is the team that scores the most goals by getting the ball past the opposing NEW team’s goalkeeper into the net. Recreational types of polo include inner tube, surf and canoe polo. Ramon Navarro Monthly Tues & Thurs 8:00 PM-9:00 PM Fee: $45 Sychronized Swimming Get a beginner’s introduction to the athletic art form made famous throughout the world by LACC Alum Esther Williams! Swimming dance and gymnastics skills come together for a workout and beautiful display like no other. Learn how to perform a synchronized routine, the basic skills of sculls, eggbeater kicks in differing body positions like the back layout, front layout, ballet legs and flamingo among others. NEW Ages 12+ June 16-July 2 3 Tues & Thurs 11:00 AM-12:00 PM 2930 Fee: $59 Peggy Coulehan July 7-July 23 2931 3 Tues & Thurs 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $59 Peggy Coulehan July 28-Aug 13 3 Tues & Thurs 11:00 AM-12:00 PM 2932 Fee: $59 Peggy Coulehan No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 13 Career & Professional Development | Showbiz & Entertainment Film, television, theater, music... Learn the fundamentals, hone your skills, have fun with LACC’s suite of dynamic Entertainment Industry offerings. Pitching Your Film & T.V. Project Dave Fenn oy If you want to develop a bulletproof presentation, come learn the right way to pitch your project, get people interested in you, and make a deal instead of a mess. Find out how to approach, and what to expect in/ from a pitch meeting, whether scheduled or impromptu. You only get one chance to make a first impression - don’t blow it! Dave Fennoy is one of the industry’s busiest and most versatile voice actors with credits, nominations, and awards for his work in numerous genres including commercials, TV promos, narration, audio books, cartoons and video games. 2788 Aug 2 For more information check out A Career in Voice Overs Voice over actors are not seen, but are heard on radio and TV commercials, your favorite cartoons and video games, and narrating TV shows on cable channels like Discovery, National Geographic, and The Science Channel. Opportunities for voice actors in other areas like audio books and e-learning modules are increasing. Learn how to start your voice over career, how to create a demo reel, put together a home studio on a budget, when and how to get an agent, and how to find work even without one. Learn how to make money with your voice. 2611 June 20 1 Saturday Fee: $49 Dave Fennoy 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Voice Acting Essentials It takes more than just a good voice to have a career as in voice overs. You have to be a good voice actor. Learn the acting secrets you must master to book voice over jobs and build a voice over career. A career in voice over can be very lucrative. Many voice actors make 6 figure incomes voicing commercials, cartoons and video games, TV promos and movie trailers, even audio books and e-learning modules. 2610 June 27 1 Saturday Fee: $49 Dave Fennoy 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Your World Premiere at the Comedy Store Stand-Up Workshop Tap into your own creative genius and rock the audience with humor. Learn joke writing, creating characters, improvising skills, stage persona and connecting with any audience. At the end of the course, students will have an opportunity to perform a stand-up piece as part of “Comedy Revival Showcase” at Hollywood’s famous Comedy Store. This class takes place off-campus at The Last Laugh Studios. 2504 June 16-July14 5 Tuesdays Fee: $59 14 Adam Barnhardt 7:00 PM-8:30 PM Fee: $40 1 Sunday Career & Professional Development | Showbiz & Entertainment Improvisational Theater and Communication Techniques Imrovisation, the very best training for actors, comedy/tragedy it’s all the same. This class will teach both actor and non-actor, alike, the basics of improvisational acting, stand-up comedy, and stage plays. The actor learns to be in the moment, face his/her fears, listen and support the other actor(s). You will also learn to trust your instincts, listen more closely, understand more deeply and ultimately feel more confident and have fun in the process. Jed’s improvisational theater workshops are invaluable preparation for actors’ auditions and performances and beneficial for business and personal communication. With over 40 years of teaching imrov “Jed’s class is a must if you are serious about acting and you are out auditioning for roles.” ROBERT FORSTER, Academy Award nominee for his role in Jackie Brown. 2635..............................................................................Fee: $150 Jed Mills June 16-July 14.................................................... 6 Tuesdays 7:00 PM-9:30 PM Face Painting Jack Adams 1:00 PM-4:00 PM Screenwriting Warriors: Basic Training! Learn to write a script quickly, well and at a professional level, ready to be marketed as quickly as possible. This is the most direct method of writing/creating/selling a script you’ll find anywhere, and you don’t have to buy software or a book. 2789 Aug 2 Fee: $40 1 Sunday Jack Adams 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Beginning Acting Technique Develop live and studio acting skills, explore your inner self, learn script reading. This fun & intensive class will give you the basic tools to start acting as a professional while exploring your inner self. 2803 Donna Walker June 16-July 7 4 Tuesdays 7:00 PM-9:30 PM Fee: $89 | Materials: $10 Understanding the Guitar Special Effects Makeup Create awesome & gruesome facial effects in this horrific hands-on special effects class. Topics include: Burn effects, Zombie make-up, bullet holes, fresh scabs, bruising, and realistic blood. See link to material list on the Com. Services website. 2547 July 10-31 Students will learn free-hand stroke skills necessary to create swilrs, teardrops, curlycues, dots, spots, stroke leaves, and teardrop flowers. Topics will also include tool and makeup selection, loading your brush with multiple colors, using split cakes and proper hygiene. Face Painting can be used for Children’s parties, Halloween makeup, school events, or to make extra money as a face painter. See link to material list on the website. 2546 July 12-Aug 2 Fee: $80 Carmen MacDonald 4 Sundays 11:00 AM-1:00 PM Fee: $80 Carmen MacDonald 4 Fridays 5:00 PM-8:00 PM Makeup Artistry 101 This 6-day workshop is designed for the makeup artist who needs to know the essential principles of makeup artistry. We will discuss some of the ins and outs of the business. This intensive program will give you a solid foundation from which to start or enhance an exciting career in makeup artistry! Topics include: Brushes & tools; Color theory; Preparing the skin; Color correction; Foundation matching & application; Conceal & camouflage; Eye shape and size; Eye-shadow application; Eye lining- powder, creams, liquid; Eyebrow shape & application; Blush & bronzers; Lips- shape & color; Lashes- curling, mascara, false lashes (individual & strip) Day 1: Career options, interacting with the client, sanitation and disinfection, brushes and tools, interacting with the client, and the procedure. This class is for those people who have hit a wall in their playing. It’s for the guitarist that can play all the basic chords, open and barred, but find all those complicated chord symbols, scales and terminology very difficult. It opens the door to understanding music in a completely different way, how to apply it to the guitar and how not to feel intimidated by any style whether it’s jazz, pop, rock, blues or others. Day 2 : Skin coloring and undertones, color correction, foundation levels, conceal and camoflage, shading and highlighting, color theory, eye shapes and size. eye shadow application. Students should know how to play a “barre” chord. Bring your own guitar. 2718 June 16-25 2 weeks, Tue/Wed/Thu 2650 June 17-July 15 Fee: $97 5 Wednesdays 2651 Fee: $97 July 29-Aug 26 5 Wednesdays Greg Porée 7:00 PM-9:00 PM Greg Porée 7:00 PM-9:00 PM Greg Porée has been a long time studio musician in Los Angeles. He was the lead guitarist for Dancing With The Stars for eight years. He has played and composed for film, TV and recordings with music legends from Ray Charles and Herbie Hancock to Sting and Aretha Franklin. You can hear him on landmark albums by Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Stanely Turrentine, Ahmad Jamal, and more. You may also like: Music Section, p. 32 Dance & Fitness, pp. 34-35 Accent Reduction, p. 27 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 Day 3-4: Eyeshadow techniques- natural, smokey, and cut crease, eye lining methods, false lashes, blush and bronzer, shading and highlighting, lips technique. Day 5: Learn how to build a “Look” ( day to night) / Lab Day Day 6: Exit exam This class takes place on campus at LA.C.C. Check out the Makeup Artistry Beginner’s 2-Day course on page 24. Fee includes handouts and some product (not tools) to use in class. Jason Sanchez 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Class Fee: $325 Material Fee $ 25 2720 Aug 8-23 Home Recording Class 3 Saturday/Sundays Beginning skills for recording, mixing and distributing your songs! Computers will be provided for class times, but students will need access to their own computers if they want to do additional work. Please bring a USB drive 2Gb or larger. 2796 4 Saturdays Price Jul 11-Aug 1 Drop! 12:00 PM-3:00 PM Class Fee: $325 Material Fee $ 25 Jon Lee 1:30 PM-3:30 PM Fee: Was $65 Now $55 | Materials: $20 Songwriting Essentials Learn what the hit-makers know. Students will be taught the structure, craft, and art of successful songwriting. Student will learn how to know when they have a good hook and how to write a good bridge. 2779 June 16-July 21 Fee: $55 6 Tuesdays Nura Creitz 7:00 PM-8:30 PM No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 15 Career & Professional Development | HealthCare NEW Career & Professional Development | HealthCare Medical Insurance Billing Basic Life Support (BLS) CPR/AED HeartSaver CPR/AED Certification American Heart Association (AHA) American Heart Association (AHA) All students must have the current AHA manual to take this class. It is open to new, current or expired BLS card holders or anyone wishing BLS certification. Upon successful completion of all course requirements the student will receive an AHA BLS card good for 2 years. This course is for non-healthcare professionals, e.g. – Law Enforcement, food service, daycare workers, personal fitness trainers, foster parents. Those working in healthcare related fields, please see “BLS for Healthcare Providers or CPR Certification (American Red Cross).” Designed to provide a wide variety of healthcare professionals the ability to recognize several life-threatening emergencies, provide CPR, use an AED, and relieve choking in a safe, timely and effective manner in and outside of the hospital setting. 2925 Beverly Russell July 11 1 Saturday 10:00 AM-3:00 PM Fee: $64 | Materials: $28 CPR Certification Students will get a thorough know-how of billing all 3rd party payers for physicians charges. Claim requirements for Workman’s Comp/Champus HMO’s, Medicare/MediCal will be covered & claim forms will be completed for each. Medical billing is the process of submitting and following up on claims with health insurance companies in order to receive payment for services rendered by a healthcare provider. *No class Sept. 5. Learn adult CPR and AED use, infant CPR and child and infant choking. Students will learn skills with AHA’s research-proven, PracticeWhile-Watching (PWW) technique, which allows instructors to observe the students, provide feedback, and guide the students’ learning of skills. Materials Fees: $28 (cert card + manual) or $15 (manual only). AHA cert card good for two years. 2922 July 9 Fee: $39 Beverly Russell, RN Thursday 5:00-9:00 PM 2923 Fee: $39 Prerequisites: Working knowledge of Medical Terminology I-III, ICD-10/CPT-4. Bring ICD-10/CPT-4 coding books. NEW 2542 Aug 22-Sept 26 5 Saturdays Lilly Sarino 12:30PM-5:00PM Fee: $145 | Materials: $20 Beverly Russell, RN 5:00-9:00 PM This is an 8-hour class with a half-hour break. Material fee includes American Red Cross certification. 2800 June 28 1 Sunday Ramon Navarro 8:30 AM-5:00 PM Fee: $65 | Materials: $27 2801 July 19 1 Sunday Español-English • Become a licensed Medical Interpreter for the State of California! Bilingual Spanish/English students will gain professional-level skills and vocabulary to meet the California Medical Interpreter licensing requirement. LACC will provide preparation for all required elements of the licensing process, including: 2543 July 18-Aug 15 5 Saturdays • Oral Examination Preparation Beginners enroll in 3-hour FREE Introduction Workshop and Beginner 7-hour Intensive. All students welcome to take 6-week, 5-hour Clinic to gain practical experience and instruction as well as test preparation. Clinic offerings are repeatable and offered every quarter. Note: number of workshop repetitions necessary to achieve professional mastery of the craft will vary from student-to-student. (No class July 4 & 11) SPECIAL: Beginning students register for Medical Interpretation/Translation Series $200! 2487 Intro Workshop 2488* Beginner Intensive 2489* Clinic * 16 Series Discount June 17 Instructor: Isaias Saldaña 1 Wednesday 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Fee: FREE Fee: $75 June 20 1 Saturday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM June 27-Aug 15 6 Saturdays 9:00 AM-2:30 PM Beginner Intensive + Clinic No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 Fee: $150 Fee: $200 How to Start a Home-Based Medical Insurance Billing Service John Ramirez 2:00 PM-5:00 PM Fee: $45 | Materials: $5 Lilly Sarino 12:30 PM-5:00 PM Fee: $145 | Materials: $185 Written Examination Prep - Either Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI) or the National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters (NBCMI) Luis Rivera 8:00 AM-12:00 PM Medical Terminology I Prerequisite: working knowledge of Medical Terminology I-III or equivalent. Material fee includes textbook and handouts. 40+ hours of instruction - FREE introduction workshop hours included and repeatability of the Clinic sessions as needed. • Medical Billing, Coding Learn to use the ICD-10 and CPT-4 coding systems required by insurance companies including HMOs, commercial indemnity insurance, Medicare & Medi-Cal. Get knowledge of assigning diagnostic codes to patients’ conditions and procedural codes to physicians’ services. Medical Interpreter/Translator Program 2762 June 13-July 25 6 Saturdays Fee: $200 2541 July 18 1 Saturday Lilly Sarino ICD-10/CPT-4 Coding for Medical Insurance Ramon Navarro 8:30 AM-5:00 PM Fee: $65 | Materials: $27 Participants will learn how to teach the various swim programs offered for both children and adults. Learn how to break down each of the swim strokes in order to understand how to develop that “sharp” eye, which is necessary to provide corrective feedback to their students. A swimming evaluation is required before enrolling in this class. No Class July 4. Start a home business filing electronic billing claims on behalf of doctors and providers. Students will learn: marketing strategies; patient information sheet/charge tickets; obtaining hardware and software; introduction to insurance verification; obtaining a license and writing a business plan. Aug 5 Wednesday American Red Cross (ARC) Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation for the Professional Rescuer Hands-on skills training & certification or responding to breathing and cardiac emergencies for adults and infants. Suitable for rescue workers, hospital personnel, caregivers, teachers, or lifeguards. Water Safety Instructor (WSI) Training Computerized Medical Insurance Billing Learn how to input patient information, insurance data. Generate insurance claim forms statements and collection letters. Edit lists and required forms in a business office to facilitate productive operations. Students will set up a typical practice, inputting raw data from course documents. Recommended for professionals working in medical facilities. Prerequisites: Knowledge of ICD-10/CPT-4 & HCPCS Coding and basic principles of Medical Insurance v is an 8-hour course with a half-hour break. 2440 July 12 1 Sunday Fee: $95 Lilly Sarino 9:00 AM-5:30 PM 2908 Sept 27 1 Sunday Fee: $95 Lilly Sarino 9:00 AM-5:30 PM Students will study combining forms, prefixes, suffixes, Greek/ Latin verbs and adjectives used to construct medical terms. Also study the skeletal system. This workshop is designed for those interested in health-science related occupations. No class July 4. Ages 14 years and up. Concurrent enrollment in Medical Terminology II & III encouraged. 2535 Fee: $65 | Materials: $5 John Ramirez June 13-July 18 5 Saturdays 9:00 AM-10:30 AM 2536 Fee: $65 | Materials: $5 John Ramirez June 16-30 3 Tuesdays 6:30 PM-9:00 PM Medical Terminology II Continuing topics to be covered include: muscular, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, and gastrointestinal systems. No class July 4. Ages 14 years and up. Concurrent enrollment in Medical Terminology I & III encouraged. 2537 Fee: $65 | Materials: $5 John Ramirez June 13-July 18 5 Saturdays 10:30 AM-12:00 PM 2538 July 7-21 Fee: $65 | Materials: $5 John Ramirez 3 Tuesdays 6:30 PM-9:00 PM Medical Terminology III Continuing topics/systems to be covered include: genito-urinary, nervous system, integumentary systems, eye, ear, nose, mouth (the senses). Ages 14 years and up. Concurrent enrollment in Medical Terminology I & II encouraged. No class July 4. 2539 Fee: $65 | Materials: $5 John Ramirez June 13-July 18 5 Saturdays 12:30 PM-2:00 PM2540 July 9-23 Fee: $65 | Materials: $5 John Ramirez 3 Thursdays 6:30 PM-9:00 PM No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 17 Career & Professional Development | Business Skills & Improvement Series! Sign up for Part I & II for $169 and a free Award of Completion Apartment Management- Part I Apartment Management- Part II Become a property manager and enjoy the benefits that a career in the real estate industry has to offer you! This class will provide you the fundamentals of property management, topics to be covered: rent control legislation, renting and leasing contracts, application/credit, maintenance, security deposit, section 8, inventory list and more. Register early to guarantee your spot in this class. Don’t put off your career as an apartment manager, join us to learn advertising techniques to promote the units; other topics to be covered: 24-hour notices and repairs, record keeping, rent increase, moving out and evictions. Live! Rent Free Award of Completion issued upon completion of Parts I & II. Students should bring a notebook. 2585 July 13 & 15 1 Monday & Wednesday Live! Rent Free This class is a continuation of Part I. Award of Completion issued upon completion of Parts I & II. Students should bring a notebook. 2586 July 20 & 22 1 Monday & Wednesday Robin Calderon 6:00 PM-9:00 PM Fee: Was $99 Now $89 Robin Calderon 6:00 PM-9:00 PM Fee: Was $99 Now $89 Online Courses For Business Professionals Learn More... The Business of Bartending Bartend Like a Rock Star! Prepare to be a great salesperson; a customer service expert and an honest/valuable employee with skills that will help you succeed in the real world of bartending. Topics include cocktail preparation, glassware, tools, recipes, pouring a shot, bar terms, wine & champagne service, martinis, sales, laws, responsible beverage service, employment, resumes, where to look for jobs and how to nail the interview. 2528 Aug 12-26 3 Wednedays Kellie Nicholson 6:00 PM-10:00 PM Fee: $150 | Materials: $50 LA County Food Service/ Food Handlers Certification Program Certification for managers/operators and/or other responsible parties of all restaurants, markets, mobile food preparation units, commissaries and food processing establishments. Learn basic food safety practices for preparing and serving food. This is an 8-hour class with a half-hour break. All students should bring picture ID or Passport * Test-Only available for those who recently failed the examination. No book or instruction provided. Call for details. 2631 Anthony Battaglia August 14 1 Friday 9:30 AM-6:00 PM 18 • Expert Instructor • 24-Hour Access • Online Discussion Areas Career & Professional Development | Business Skills & Improvement Small Business Marketing on a Shoestring - Online Create Your Own Import/Export Business Full-Time or Home-Based Learn how to make full-time or part-time income from importing and exporting profitable products. Be your own boss, set your own schedule, work from home, and even travel to foreign lands. Locate products and vendors overseas; locate distribution and sales reps in the US; arrange transportation and insurance; and learn how to maximize your profits through price scheduling. This workshop is fully tax-deductable. 2515 Jun 13 & 20 2 Saturdays Shirley Knull 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $110 | Materials: $15 Lea from rn comf the o homert of ! • 6 Weeks of Instruction New course sessions begin monthly. Please visit our Online Instruction Center to see exact start dates for the courses that interest you. E n r o ll N o w ! Visit our Online Instruction Center or call: 323.953.4000 Ext. 2651 Certified Wedding Planner Online Prepare for a career in wedding and special event planning by mastering the fundamentals of planning, orchestrating, and delivering stunning weddings and parties. This program allows you to earn your certification as a professional wedding and event planner, and will give you an opportunity to put your new skills to work in an optional internship. Online Class To Register................... Information:........................................................877.221.5151 Fee: $190 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 Starting a Nonprofit - Online Do you dream of starting and running your very own nonprofit? This highly interactive, hands-on course is ideal for anyone who is When it comes to marketing for small businesses, money isn’t everything! In this course, interested in forming a new nonprofit, converting an informal group to tax-exempt status, you’ll learn how to use the same marketing or reorganizing an existing organization. It tricks the big companies employ—without provides practical how-to information about making a big dent in your wallet. incorporation, organization, and other issues Online Class To Register................................................ pertinent to anyone involved with a nonprofit Click on:................................... “Start Your Own Business” start-up. Online Class To Register:................................................ Click on:................................................................. “Business” Social Security Secrets How to Maximize Your Benefits Explore ways to maximize your social security benefits. This seminar is designed to assist those who have not but will soon begin receiving their social security retirement benefits or those who have begun their payments within the last year. 2493 June 27 1 Saturday Fee: $35 Samuel Rad 10:00 AM-1:00 PM 2494 Aug 1 1 Saturday Fee: $35 Samuel Rad 10:00 AM-1:00 PM Moneymaking Using Your Computer This course includes training on how to expertly set up and operate a legally complete home based business and surveys over 120 high-demand businesses that can be run from Mike Rounds your home computer. These computer-based businesses may utilize skills you already have, skills that are easily attained or skills that are easily attained through formal training. This is not an eBay or web design class, though Mike Rounds has been called “The man who translates tech- both topics may be discussed briefly. nology into human terms”. Mike takes complex technological and business topics and makes them understandable and easy to utilize. 2554 July 9 1 Thursday Build Your Own Business Website Selling Your Ideas and Inventions ...for $5 a Month! Techniques, and business strategy involved in building and maintaining your own website. This non-computer-based workshop requires no prior web site development experience and is suitable for: web site beginners, web experts, managers, and web designers. Students will learn how to: improve business with a web site, analyze business needs and select the best web design criteria, make the site user friendly, promote the web site and link with search engines to make sure it can be found, and how to get a free shopping cart that only costs if sales are made. Materials fee includes CD and handout. 2558 July 14 1 Tuesday Mike Rounds 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Fee: $35 | Materials: $30 Nancy Miller 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Fee: $35 | Materials: $30 Make your invention intellectually safe and profitable; Protect your ideas with patents, trademarks, and copyrights; Evaluate your ideas for marketability; Find potential buyers for your invention and offer it for sale in the safest method possible. 2556 July 14 1 Tuesday Nancy Miller 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Fee: $35 | Materials: $30 Personal Finance - Online This course will prepare you for a lifetime of worthwhile personal financial planning. The tools you will learn are useful, realistic, and easy to work into your regular routine. They will help you gain control over the financial impact of the choices you make. Online Class To Register................................................ Click on:....................................“Accounting and Finance” No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 19 Career & Professional Development | Business Skills & Improvement Bookkeeping/Accounting Analysis & Concepts Certificate Program A class on how to operate a business using basic recordkeeping, accounting, reporting, and analysis methods. Students will learn how to set-up a Chart of Accounts, how business transactions are processed, how to prepare a Profile & Loss Statement, a Balance mer Sheet, and a Statement of Cash Flows. evin Fainr g/Accounting, K Financial operations and reporting for all p ookkee tart a forms of business, however the sole proprietor B egally S L o t w o H A form of business will be demonstrated. s in L Busines Students will learn how to prepare and file a Schedule C from their generated reports. This is a hands-on class where students learn the importance of timely reporting of business transaction by performing financial analysis, How to Legally Start a using graphs and ratios. Business in LA This is a course to learn what is required A certificate is provided by the instructor upon completion. This class is highly recommended before to start their business in Los Angeles and enrolling into QuickBooks. This is an 8-hour class surrounding areas. The class begins with with a half-hour break. a look at the Challenges the new business 2600 Kevin Farmer owner will face, the marketing basics July 18 1 Saturday 8:30 AM-5:00 PM quick, and easy guide through the forest of Fee: $115 | Materials: $20 regulations faced by new business start-ups in Los Angeles. Learn what you need to know QuickBooks Fundamentals I about city and county tax forms, business Certificate Program licenses and reporting systems, payroll and Learn the fundamentals of QuickBooks income taxes, and federal and California including, navigating the software, and setting requirements. up a company file, working with Lists, Bank 2601 Kevin Farmer Accounts, entering/paying bills, tracking/ Aug 1 1 Saturday 8:30 AM 12:30 PM paying sales tax and reconciling bank Fee: $75 | Materials: $10 accounts. A certificate is provided by the instructor upon completion. This is an 8-hour class with a half-hour break. 2602 Ronald Scott Amie June 21 1 Sunday 8:30 AM-5:00 PM Fee: $115 | Materials: $20 2603 Ronald Scott Amie July 12 1 Sunday 8:30 AM-5:00 PM Fee: $115 | Materials: $20 2604 Ronald Scott Amie Aug 9 1 Sunday 8:30 AM-5:00 PM Fee: $115 | Materials: $20 QuickBooks Fundamentals II Certificate Program This is a hands-on course using some of the more advanced features of QuickBooks including: Purchase Orders, Estimates, Customizing Forms and Reports, Fixed Asset Recording with Depreciation, Long Term Note amortization, Inventory tracking and adjusting, Petty Cash Accounting, Job Costing and Payroll set-up. A certificate is provided by the instructor upon completion. This is an 8-hour class with a half-hour break. 2605 Ronald Scott Amie July 26 1 Sunday 8:30 AM-5:00 PM Fee: $115 | Materials: $20 2606 Ronald Scott Amie Aug 23 1 Sunday 8:30 AM-5:00 PM Fee: $115 | Materials: $20 20 Read All Day & Get Paid for It! If you like to read and have a flair for writing, you can supplement your income as a freelance reader. Film studios and producers need to have hundreds of scripts and books read each day - and freelance readers are paid to do it. Find out where the jobs are and who to contact. You’ll work with reader’s reports, which show how to write coverage that delivers the necessary information. Learn how to build a professional portfolio that will land you the most lucrative assignments. 2783 July 26 1 Sunday Jack Adams 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $40 | Materials: $3 Write for Magazines & The Web Learn the art of commercial print and online short-form writing. Too busy to write a novel? Too afraid to tackle a film or TV script? Start your writing career with shorter projects and magazine articles. Hundreds of publications need your words find out how to earn an income sitting at the kitchen table or on the couch. Jack Adams has published articles in print & on-line for the past 20 years. As a writer, producer/developer of film & television projects, he’s listed in Marquis Who’s Who in Entertainment. 2785 Jack Adams July 26 1 Sunday 1:00 PM-4:00 PM Fee: $40 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 Career & Professional Development Christian R Gastelum, Real Estate Broker, Mortgage Banker & Broker. 18 years experience in Commercial & Residential Real Estate and Loans. Homebuyer Education Workshop First-time & Recurring Homebuyer NEW Navigating the Homebuying process Become A Notary Public Or Renew Your Commission With State Notary Public Exam Government institutions, banks, real estate and mortgage companies, plus many other businesses are seeking notaries. All prospective notaries must complete a course approved by the California Secretary of State. Our approved course will give you the most updated notary information and the knowledge you need to perform the duties correctly and to pass the state NEW exam, which you can take immediately following the course. Becoming a notary & notary loan signing agent can be a great way to earn extra money, start your own business, or enhance your current career. Class fee includes valuable 70-page manual, notary public handbook, certificate of completion, and sample forms notaries use every day. Preparation in purchasing various property types (SFR, Condos, 2-4 units, apartments); credit worthiness; loan origination requirements; debt-to-income ratios; Various Loan Programs (FHA, Conventional, VA) and their requirements will be discussed. Firsttime Homebuyer programs (CHDAP, CalHFA) and their requirements will be discussed. Before signing up for this class, check to see that you Purchasing after a BK, Foreclosures, Short-sale meet eligibility requirements for becoming a notary: will be discussed. visit and click 2669 Christian Gastelum June 25 1 Thursday 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Fee: $75 (Couples $125) 2670 July 21 1 Tuesday 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Fee: $75 (Couples $125) 2671 Aug 19 1 Wednesday 5:30 AM -7:30 PM Fee: $75 (Couples $125) Senior Citizen Reverse Mortgage Options NEW Reverse...(stop paying and start collecting) Retired at 62 years of age, live in your home... tap into your equity and reverse the mortgage you’ve been paying. Start receiving money (monthly, lump-sum or both), Counseling requirement, Origination/Application process, Qualification...explained and easy to understand workshop. “qualifications.” Note: Due to strict State regulations, no one is admitted after class begins. Check-in begins at 7:30AM and class must begin promptly at 8:00AM. So have your current, official photo ID ready. Note: State examination is conducted on the same day of class starting at 4:00PM. Bring an official photo ID, two #2 pencils, a 2”x2” passport-sized color photo and a separate $40 check made payable to the “Secretary of State.” For those students wishing to take the exam only, there is a $25 registration fee payable before 1 PM on the day of class. 2501 July 18 1 Saturday Rosie Reed 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM Fee: $69 | Materials: $30 Notary Loan Signing Seminar A Notary Signing Agent is a notary public who has specialized expertise in the handling of mortgage loan documents. With the housing market on the rebound, this will be an in-demand service for notary publics! 2676 Christian Gastelum Currently, Notary Signing Agents can make July 23 1 Thursday 10:00 AM - 11:30 PM anywhere from $80-$150 per loan package. In this six-hour seminar, explore the types of Fee: $8 (Couples $10) real estate sales and loans currently on the NEW market, and receive hands-on instruction in Real Estate Investing the main documents a Notary Signing Agent Beginning to Advanced will notarize. You’ll assemble a practice Investment Properties and Loan Programs loan package and examine the ethical NEW Evaluating investment properties (SFR, and administrative role of the notary and the notary’s sense of duty associated Condos, 2-4 units, 5+units/apartments): Short-term flip potentials, cash-flowing long- with being a Notary Signing Agent. Finally, term properties; Investment Loan Programs learn about marketing and customer service, available (the key to investing and leveraging with practical information on how to start capital); dti/DCR; comparisons using the GRM your new business – complete with a list of potential sources! Prerequisite: current notary and CAP Rate. How to find Income Property public commission or successful completion & making offers (i.e. having the Seller pay for repairs). of six hours of notary education. 2675 July 21 1 Tuesday Fee: $99 Christian Gastelum 2503 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM July 25 1 Saturday Rosie Reed 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Fee: $59 | Materials: $30 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 21 Computers & Technology Computers & Technology Whether you’re a tech beginner or want to maximize your efficiency, let us help you gain some of the most important skills for our techbased world. Computers for Beginners Series This series will take you from little or no prior experience with computers to being able to purchase, operate, and use your own devices and communicate with your friends and family. Register individually, or sign up for Parts 1-4 for a discount! Part 1: Basic Essentials The first step for students with little or no prior experience with computers, covering terminology, hardware, basic uses of computers and overcoming your fears of technology. 2573 June 20 1 Saturday Dawn Wilson 9:30 AM-3:30 PM Take your newfound knowledge from Part 1 and gain a fundamental understanding on how your computer operates and how to manage an electronic filing system. 2574 June 27 1 Saturday Dawn Wilson 9:30 AM-3:30 PM Fee: $55 Try each class individually, or take the series. Learn how much fun surfing the Internet can be. Understand Internet terminology; discover techniques to search and find information you’re looking for; visit many interesting websites safely and securely; access free services and much more! 2575 July 11 1 Saturday Dawn Wilson 9:30 AM-3:30 PM Fee: $55 Part 4: The In’s and Out’s of E-Mail Learn to understand free Internet services like Gmail, Yahoo!, and Microsoft’s Outlook email service. Understand how free email services work, how to send a message, how to search for friends’/family messages and how to stay safe from scammers and spammers. 2576 July 18 1 Saturday Dawn Wilson 9:30 AM-3:30 PM Fee: $55 Series Discount: Parts 1-4 $200 Special! More Computers for Beginners...Series: Parts 5 & 6 $100 Part 5: Taking the Terror Out of Tech Confused about new technology? Have a new tablet and don’t know how to use it? Is your smartphone too smart for you? Learn about the choices available when purchasing a tablet or smartphone as well as how to successfully operate your devices. 2577 July 25 1 Saturday Fee: $59 Almost all Community Services topics are available for individualized instruction for your workplace or organization. • Train your workforce • Become a satellite location • Have a learning party! Group Pricing = Discounts! Call for details Part 2: Windows & File Management Fee: $55 Part 3: Internet for the Novice Let LACC come to you! Part 6: Shop Online with Confidence Worried about venturing into cyber retail? With the growth of e-shopping comes a wealth of new challenges and opportunities for the consumer and the marketplace. Learn how to safely engage in e-commerce, make informed online purchases and protect yourself online. Dawn Wilson 2578 9:30 AM-3:30 PM Aug 1 1 Saturday Dawn Wilson 9:30 AM-3:30 PM Fee: $59 E-Publishing & Self-Publishing With new services promising to help writers self-publish or distribute their e-books even better than before, it’s imperative that writers educate themselves about how these services typically operate. Learn how to get a book or writing published, using copyright and trademark law, e-publishing and electronic commerce. 2551 Mike Rounds July 9 1 Thursday 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Fee: $35 | Materials: $30 Private Computer Training Learn in a one-on-one environment. Our experienced and patient trainer will teach you how to use your computer, device or software. All sessions are scheduled at your convenience and topics are based on your training needs. PC, Mac, phone, or tablet users welcome. Call our office for scheduling and pricing information.............................................................. Microsoft Office A society of growing technology requires knowledge of basic building or troubleshooting. Learn to install and maintain computer hardware and software, diagnose and repair typical computer problems. Distinguish various hardware terminology and learn about useful software to improve computer performance. This is a 7-hour course with a half-hour break. 2526 Pedro Zuniga June 20 1 Saturday 9:00 AM-4:30 PM Fee: $89 2527 Aug 29 1 Saturday 9:00 AM-4:30 PM Fee: $89 Learn to Type! This class will cover basic finger positioning and technique, job applications, business formats, and keyboard functions. 2629 June 17-July 8 4 Wednesdays Fee: $59 2594 July 2-14 2595 Aug 18-27 Level 1 Jose Ruíz 2 Tues. & 2 Thurs. 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Fee: Was $99...Now$89 Level 1 Jose Ruíz 2 Tues. & 2 Thurs. 6:30 PM-9:30 PM H arness the power of this leading word processing program. Cover all the basics including: page layout & templates, editing & formatting, working with styles and themes. Learn about the commands, galleries, wizards and keyboard shortcuts to easily create that perfect document. Whether for reports or research papers, Word will deliver. Please bring a USB drive for sample files. 2597 One Saturday Price July 25 Drop! Ryan Obando 6:00 PM-8:00 PM Online Safety- What Parents Need to Know Price Drop! Are you the parent of a child that uses the Internet? Dangers our kids face on the Web can be alarming. By knowing the online perils, parents can protect their children. This course will teach you how to know where your children go online and how long they stay there. Dawn Wilson 1:30-3:30 PM Class Fee: Was $49 Now $39 | Material Fee: $5 This course provides an entry-level hands- Price Drop! on overview of Windows and four major components of the Microsoft Office suite: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. Instruction is designed for the new computer user. Microsoft Word for Windows No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 Building, Configuration & Troubleshooting This is a quick overview of each Office application. For an 2579 in-depth look, check out these classes individually. Aug 8 1 Saturday Fee: Was $99...Now$89 22 Computer Repair Jose Ruiz 9:30 AM-3:30 PM Fee: Was $95...Now$55 Excel Series Levels 1 & 2 for $165! Microsoft Excel for Windows The leader in creating spreadsheets and data presentation, topics include: Basic worksheet navigation, entry techniques, cell references, using the command groups & settings, formulas & functions, charts & graphs and simple database operations. Continuing classes include a overview of Excel’s vast collection of formulas and functions. Please bring a USB drive for sample files. 2571 June 20 Level 1 1 Saturday Masha Petrowizky 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Fee: $85 2572 June 27 Level 2 1 Saturday Masha Petrowizky 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Fee: $85 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 23 Computers & Technology | Creative & Artistic Computers & Technology Fliers, Posters, Booklets, Oh My! Destkop Publishing & Graphic Design with Adobe InDesign L earn how to create brochures, posters, magazines, flyers, newspapers, and books with the leader in desktop publishing Adobe Illustrator For Windows software. Also, gain valuable graphic design Create vector-based graphics that can be easily advice and technique. rescaled without loss of quality. Features for 2699 Jose Ruiz creating distinct designs include painterly/ July 16 & 17 1 Thursday 1 Friday 6:30 PM-9:30 PM fluid brushes, shape-building tools, and path controls. There are also different transparency Fee: $85 and gradients tools available for a variety of illustrations and mediums. 2598 July 30 & Aug 6 2 Thursdays Jose Ruíz 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Fee: $115 Stay connected! Web Design Workshop Design and create your very own webpage from the ground up. Use Dreamweaver’s visual tools to create structure and layout, while using software such as Photoshop and Illustrator to create digital assets and content. HTML will be discussed, but not required to know. 2590 June 16-30 3 Tuesdays Fee: $145 2591 July 28-Aug 11 3 Tuesdays Fee: $145 .com/lacccs @lacccs July 3 2582 June 19-July 10 3 Fridays Mo Zhang 6:30-9:00 PM Fee: $49 1 Friday Jose Ruíz 6:00 PM-10:00 PM Mo Zhang 4:00-6:30 PM Maximize your DSLR/MILC City Lights: Night Photography First class meeting is on campus, after that, get out and explore one of the most visually stunning nightscape cities in the world: Los Angeles. If you want to take pictures at night, this class will provide you with the basics of night photography. Practice framing, composition, exposure, shutter speed, and ISO at Walt Disney Concert Hall and Griffith Park Observatory. Mo Zhang 6:30-9:00 PM Fee: $89 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 DSLR, or Mirrorles Interchangable Lense Camera required. External flash, tripod recommended. Bring the lenses you have. 2616 June 15-24 2618 July 13, 15, 17 Mon. Wed. Fri Shooting Video with Your HDSLR Raul Guereque 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Fee: $65 with Adobe Premiere Pro This course is a beginner-friendly and introduction to programming mobile apps for various devices. In this course you will learn to create an app for modern devices. Use the programming tools that Android/iPhone software developers use, build a simple and useful app during this course. Take your photography to the next level and finally understand what all the settings on your camera do. More than that, feel confident in your investment by learning how the pros use these powerful creative tools. Topics include Aperature/ISO/Shutter Speed, Rule of Thirds, Camera Settings, File Management, and more! DSLR or MIL camera, tripod, and transportation to Downtown and Griffith Park required. Digital Video Editing Fee: $89 24 Ready to actually do something with those pictures on your phone? Maybe you’re thinking about upgrading? Get a good overview of the world of digital photography and how to make the most of what you’ve Jose Ruíz got in this intro workshop for beginners and 6:30 PM-9:30 PM casual photographers. Shoot better pictures, use email to send photos, create stunning greeting cards, calendars and personalized 6:30 PM-9:30 PM posters using images from your digital camera. Different image formats will be covered and each practical application. 2596 Aug 28 Android/iPhone App Development 2581 July 31-Aug 14 3 Fridays Beginners and Point-and-Shooters Jose Ruíz 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Fee: $95 An introduction to programming variables, conditional statements, loops, and functions for the purpose of creating applications for general purpose or mobile devices. No class 2592 June 18 & 25 2 Thursdays Fee: $115 2568 July 21 & 23 Tues. & Thurs. Fee: $115 Digital Photography: Jose Ruíz 6:00 PM-10:00 PM 2580 July 11-25 3 Saturdays Programming for Beginners Adobe Photoshop for Windows Image professionals and enthusiasts alike choose this flexible image-editing software for their varied needs. Learn graphic design, photo manipulation, collage/photo layout and restoration. Harness the power of layers, filters, and “content-aware” features. Fee: $49 1 Friday Prerequisites: Knowledge of keyboard/mouse and Internet navigation. Basic HTML may be introduced, but not required. $169! Must register in-person or via phone 2566 July 24 Learn how to create your own online store using a variety of online services, many being free or at little cost to you. Many of these services require little or no knowledge of coding. You can even create your own website using a content management system (CMS) such as Magento. Get hands-on instruction creating your own personalized online store. Series Sign up for 3 or more classes on this page and receive 15% off the total! Jose Ruíz 6:30 PM-9:30 PM E-Commerce/Online Store Website Design Course Programmer’s Photography Super Series: With this beginner’s class, learn how to digitize your video into Adobe Premiere Pro and edit it. Edit and arrange these elements: Audio, video and clip effects. Learn media management and inputting into the timeline sequence.You can add cinema-quality effects, filters to video and audio, and titles and credits to your video. Bring a headset. Optional: bring your Laptop with Premiere and video clips are welcome. Open to all, some computer experience required. 2702 July 11-Aug 1 Fee: $175 4 Saturdays Andre Campbell 9:30 AM-12:30 PM Fee: $89 2 Mon & Wed Raul Guereque 6:30 PM-9:30 PM NEW Get the basics! With this beginner’s class, start using your DSLR camera to shoot HD video of your film shorts, documentary, interviews or just the family. Learn how to setup your camera correctly for video shooting including: your best exposure and recording format. The instructor will demonstrate how to review clips, and injest your clips into Adobe Premiere Pro for editing. Bring your HDSLR camera with SD card and tripod. Open to all, no previous camera experience necessary. 2703 June 13 Fee: $59 1 Saturday Andre Campbell 9:30 AM-1:30 PM 2704 August 15 Fee: $59 1 Saturday Andre Campbell 9:30 AM-1:30 PM No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 25 Language & Humanities Language & Humanities | Academic Improvement Ciao Kids, college students, and anyone interested in extra brainpower can find something here to make the grade. ¡Hola! Bonjour! Online Classes? Spanish Conversation and Pronunciation Learn the basic fundamentals of speaking Spanish. This class is also a good starting point for those in social work, healthcare, teaching and everyday life. Emphasis will be placed on grammar, pronunciation, open dialogue and conversational exercises. No class July 4. Please provide a valid email address for class materials. Printed materials optionally available for $10. Call for details. 2642 (Level 1) Alma Santana June 13-July 18 2643 (Level 1) Alma Santana June 17-July 15 5 Saturdays 5 Wednesdays 12:00 PM-2:30 PM 6:00 PM-8:30 PM Fee: $95 Fee: $95 2644 (Level 2) Alma Santana July 25-Aug 22 2645 (Level 2) Alma Santana July 22-Aug 19 5 Saturdays 5 Wednesdays 12:00 PM-2:30 PM 6:00 PM-8:30 PM Fee: $95 Fee: $95 “Today I and my classmates just completed the fourth of a five session class in Italian Conversation and Pronunciation with Instructor Greg Saro. From the start, Mr Saro was one of the most prepared and enthusiastic Instructors I’ve ever experienced. He exhibited patience and sensitive encouragement as we Italian Conversation and grappled with new words, phrases, exercises and drills meant to continually build and Pronunciation reinforce what we were learning. In addition, he In this introductory class for beginners, you will have fun learning basic Italian vocabulary enriches the course with his knowledge of Italy and grammar, everyday conversational and its culture.I only wish this were a ten week phrases and useful travel dialogue and or semester course.” prepare you to visit Italy, the #1 tourist Anonymous Spring 2015 Student Yes! LACC Community Services has partnered with to offer a wide selection of fun and affordable online classes to suit a wide variety of educational and career-training needs. Look for the dotted line for some of our highlighted classes. Grammar Improvement Workshop Have trouble telling the difference between a “preposition” and a “split infinitive?” This class will assist and help students improve on their writing, comprehension, grammar and vocabulary skills. This class will also concentrate on specific problem areas students through intensive classroom assignments and homework. No class July 3. 2593 Aug 7-21 3 Fridays Level 1 5 Saturdays Fee: $75 2559 June 13-July 18 5 Saturdays Level 2 5 Saturdays Accent Reduction Ivan Borodin This class is specifically designed to assist foreign born residents to improve English language clarity through easy accent reduction techniques. Develop the rhythm and proper speech sounds that will assist your career and in winning new friends. Never be afraid or ashamed again. All are welcome to join this class. No class July 3. n, Accent Reductio , ng ni ai Tr t Dialec n io at in im El nt Acce for Actors 2599 Ivan Borodin June 19-July 24 5 Fridays 6:30 PM-8:30 PM Fee: $85 | Materials: $30 Greg Saro 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Ivan Borodin is the author of several accent reduction manuals. He understands the frustration foreign speakers experience when working to improve their speech. With twenty years teaching experience, he promises to treat students as adults, and looks forward to seeing the relief on your face when you realize this accent reduction class will show you a workable solution. He hopes to see you there. Actors: check out page 6 for Ivan’s Dialect Training and Accent Elimination for Actors classes! Greg Saro 12:00 PM-2:00 PM Fee: $75 | Materials: $10 French Conversation and Pronunciation Learn the fine details of French pronunciation and culture for beginning, intermediate and advanced conversations. Students will practice writing/reading French words and creating sentences. The advance levels will focus more on pronunciation, grammar and useful conversations through fun/ academic activities such as songs, games, and understanding the target language. No class July 4. Optional material fee of $24 covers book, handouts and 3 audio CD’s. *$5 Material Fee if you choose to purchase book & CD yourself. Please visit our website listing for book/CD title. 2506 June 20-July 25 Level 1 5 Saturdays Lesly Lespinasse 11:00 AM-1:00 PM Level 2 5 Saturdays Lesly Lespinasse 1:15 PM-3:15 PM Fee: $69 | Materials: $24 or $5* 26 ESL Intensive This class is designed to teach more English communication competence through basic English language skills, such as reading, listening and speaking. This class will also cover various basic grammar fundamentals is that the student will be encouraged to use correct English. No class July 4. Please provide a valid email address for class materials. Printed materials optionally available for $10. Call for details. Fee: $69 | Materials: $24 or $5* 2507 June 20-July 25 Jose Ruíz 3:30 PM-6:00 PM Fee: $75 Fee: $75 | Materials: $10 2926 June 13-July 18 GED Preparation Workshop This class is designed to prepare students for the five test areas incorporated in the General Education Development (GED) examination. Each of the five subject areas (Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies and Writing) will be reviewed and presented. Emphasis will be on content of GED exam, plus students will have practice examinations. Jose Ruíz 6:30 PM-9:00 PM No class July 4. destination. You will soon be able to carry on simple conversations, useful phrases and idioms. No class July 4 2474 June 13-July 18 Math Refresher - Online This course will show you how to use math to your advantage. You won’t find any theory or memorization here. The lessons that make up this course are filled with practical exercises and information that you can put to immediate use. Online Class To Register................................................ Click on:...... “Personal Development”/“Personal Enrichment” No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 2242 (Level 1) Isabel Holm June 13-July 18 5 Saturdays 1:00 PM-3:30 PM Fee: $95 2243 (Level 1) Isabel Holm June 17-July 15 5 Wednesdays 6:00 PM-8:30 PM Fee: $95 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 27 Arts & Crafts Arts & Crafts Sewing Made Easy II Students will cover more and newer additional pattern adjustment sewing techniques, including proper sewing machine operation, fabric selection, personal body measurements, and introduction to patterns and garments construction with basic sewing machine techniques. Learn, create, relax & enjoy. Discover a new hobby, or enjoy one with your friends. Arts & Crafts has something for everyone. ...and take home what you make! Pottery Making Off campus Students will learn the basics of throwing on a potter’s wheel. Simple forms such as cylinders, cups, and bowls will be emphasized. Learn the use of clay slab, along with methods of using pinch pots, coiling, and glazing. Sewing Made Easy I Sewing basics, including proper sewing machine operation, fabric selection, personal body measurements, and introduction to patterns and garments construction with basic sewing machine techniques. Open to men and women ages 16 years and up. No class July 4 and July 5. Class held off-campus at Toros Pottery. 2514 5 Wednesdays Price Jun 17-Jul 15 Drop! Toros Tngrian 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Was: $175 Now: $150 | Materials: $35 Ikebana Japanese Art of Flower Arrangement In this workshop you will learn the manipulation and the observation of materials, as they are best used to gain the objectives expressed in the Japanese view of flower arranging following the curriculum of the OHARA form of Ikebana done in a low bowl using moribana style, meaning “piledup.” Bring florist scissors, low-bowl vase/flower needle holder (as pictured on above). No class July 4 2475 Hisako Shohara June 13-July 18 5 Saturdays 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $65 | Materials: $40 Floral Design Work with fresh flowers on projects including wedding, holiday, and special occasion arrangements. Gain valuable hands-on experience making basic, event and seasonal floral arrangements. Students take home practice arrangements after each class. Bring wire cutters, small knife and newspapers. No class July 5 2484 June 14-28 2485 Aug 2-16 Part 1 3 Sundays Eva Ucañan 9:30 AM-12:30 PM Fee: $65 | Materials: $40 Part 2 Eva Ucañan 3 Sundays 9:30 AM-12:30 PM Fee: $65 | Materials: $40 Balloon Decorating Build beautiful balloon bouquets, arches, columns and sculptures. Decorate weddings, birthdays, trade shows, grand openings, bar/ bat mitzvahs, sweet sixteen, anniversaries, quinceañeras, proms, sporting events, concerts, corporate events and more. 2477 Aug 29 1 Saturday Wedding Floral Design Design and prepare wedding bouquets, corsages and table arrangements. Create a memorable and elaborate wedding floral design to suit that very precious day in your life. Bring wire cutters, small knife and newspapers. 2481 Aug 23-Sept 6 3 Sundays Eva Ucañan 9:30AM-12:30PM Fee: $65 | Materials: $40 Mosaic Tile Mosaics can be of almost any design. The most simple mosaics might be nothing more than a pattern of alternating black and white tiles to create a checkerboard look. Make anything from candleholders to patio tables using interesting shapes and colors. No class July 4. A list of materials needed can be found on our website Find the link “Material Lists. (No supplies will be available during class). 2627 June 27-July11 Fee: $39 2 Saturdays Cindy Martiné 12:30 PM-2:30 PM Eva Ucañan 9:00AM-2:00PM Fee: $45 | Materials: $30 28 Please bring materials from Sewing Made Easy I. Students welcome to bring their own sewing machine. No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 Please bring a pencil, 60” tape measure, 3 1/2 yards of non-stretchable cotton fabric (no stripes or plaids), matching thread, scissors, seam ripper, hand needles and pins. Students welcome to bring their own sewing machine. 2769 June 20-July 25 5 Saturdays Fee: $79 Rosy Espinoza 8:00 AM-10:00 AM 2770 June 20-July 25 5 Saturdays Fee: $79 Rosy Espinoza 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 2772 June 14-July 19 5 Sundays Fee: $79 Rosy Espinoza 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 2775 July 26-Aug 23 5 Sundays Rosy Espinoza 1:00 PM-3:00 PM Fee: $79 Fashion Pattern Making This hands-on beginners class will introduce you to the world of fashion pattern making. Learn how to make your own garments and patterns by using step-by-step pattern making techniques in class. Reading a ruler will be beneficial to measure and cut fabric. Please bring: Pencils, 60” tape measure, see-thru plastic ruler 2x18”, scissors, 3 1⁄2 yards of muslin fabric, eraser, scotch tape. 2765 Jun 20-July 18 4 Saturdays Rosy Espinoza 1:00 PM-3:00PM Fee: $75 Jewelry Making- Beginning Wire Wrapping Discover the mystery of techniques on how to make beautiful designs with wires over “semi-precious” beads and use them to make pendants. Learn how to attach beads with solderless wire linking techniques to make earrings, bracelets and necklaces. Class will cover how to make your own jump rings, spacers, charms and clasps with a particular design. Bring round nose pliers, chain nose pliers & wire cutters. 2766 August 23 1 Sunday Rosy Espinosa 3:00 PM-6:00PM Fee: $35 | Materials: $18 Basic Beaded Jewelry Wire jewelry making is a great and inexpensive way to learn about making jewelry.To make beautiful wire jewelry and wire jewelry findings, you only need to know a few basic techniques such as, flush cutting and opening jump rings. Bring round-nose pilers, wire cutter, and chain-nose pliers. 2763 June 13 1 Saturday Rosy Espinoza 12:00 PM-3:00 PM Fee: $35 | Materials: $18 2764 Rosy Espinoza August 2 1 Sunday 3:00 PM-6:00 PM Fee: $35 | Materials: $18 Knitting & Crochet Welcoming both men and women alike, knitting can be used top create garments and patterns of many varieties. You will be introduced to needle and string types, stitching patterns, and how to cast-on, knit, purl stitch and cast-off or finish-off. In crocheting, you will use your hook to create looping patterns after you have finished a stitch. Learn about hook sizes and how sizes contribute to finer crafts. This also applies to yarn sizes which will be used with different techniques. No class July 4. A list of materials needed can be found on our website 2625 June 13-July 11 Beginning 4 Saturdays Cindy Martiné 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $65 2626 July 18-Aug 8 Intermediate Cindy Martiné 4 Saturdays 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $65 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 29 Community Services Online Arts & Crafts Enroll Today! Draw Comic Book & Cartoon Characters Like the Pros If you always wanted to become a cartoon super-action hero artist or comic villain artist, this is the class for you. Sketch out your famous action heroes and villains like Spiderman, Wonder Woman, Incredible Hulk, or invent your own cartoon characters too. Bring drawing and color pencils, eraser and pad of paper to first class. Instructor will address additional materials in class. Fee: $65 Drawing for Everyone Learn drawing and sketching techniques using led/color pencils charcoal; shading techniques 3 dimensions and brightness. Bring drawing and color pencils, eraser and pad of paper to first class. Instructor will address additional materials in class. 2517 July 10-Aug 7 17 years & under 5 Fridays Fee: $55 2519 July 10-Aug 7 5 Fridays Discover why millions of students are making the switch to online learning. With online courses, you can study at your convenience in your preferred learning environment. Our courses and programs are highly engaging and relevant and our instructors are interactive and support you through the curriculum. Choose from our growing catalog of Instructor-Led Courses designed to teach you a new skill or refresh a current one or our Career Training Programs geared to place you into a new career in an in-demand field. Wayne Thomas 5:30 PM-7:00 PM Wayne Thomas 4:00 PM-5:30 PM Wayne Thomas 8:30 PM-10:00 PM Fee: $55 This class will get you started in basic painting acrylic and watercolors brush stroke techniques with emphasis on understanding/ experiencing color composition, value and design impact. This class starts with the basics as you learn a variety of acrylic painting techniques. You’ll work from traditional to modern, using age old secrets of achieving brilliant, translucent colors. The class will explore the six elements of design: line, form value, space, texture and color, in a fun and creative way. A still life will be provided for each session, or you can work from your own photograph or imagination. Ivetta Abelyan, is a gifted artist and graphic designer who has taught in both the public and private sector. 2832 June 13-27 Family Hour Painting & Watercolors Painting & Drawing: Acrylics & Oils Ages 14 and up Ivetta Abelyan 3 Saturdays 11:30 AM-1:00 PM Fee: $40 | Materials: $10 Natural Bath & Beauty Products A sensory experience, your personality connects with these scented products, and when they are handmade, the emotional experience is heightened. Use all natural Wayne Thomas ingredients to make bath salts, fizzies, body 7:00 PM-8:30 PM scrub, body butter and massage oils. You will take home samples of everything you make in the class. Bring basic watercolor set, pad of watercolor paper, brushes and pencil to 1st meeting. Instructor will address additional materials in class. 2520 July 10-Aug 7 5 Fridays Fee: $65 2532 Aug 21 1 Friday Jeannette Bovard 6:00 PM-9:00 PM Fee: $35 | Materials: $20 Glycerin Soapmaking Made from scratch, handmade soap contains the natural forming ingredient glycerin. The process is so simple that it is often called “melt and pour” soap. Create many kinds of soaps by learning how to layer colors, use molds and add fragrances for personal or commercial ventures. 2512 July 10 1 Friday Candle Making Jeannette Bovard 6:00 PM-9:00 PM Start Your Own Arts and Crafts Business - Online Learn how to start your own arts and crafts business from a professional artist. Online Class To Register���������������������������������������������� Click On���������������������������������������������������� Language & Arts Fee: $25 | Materials: $15 30 Career Training Programs • Instructor-Facilitated • 24-Hour Access • 6 Weeks of Instruction • One-On-One Instructor Assistance • 24-Hour Access • All Materials and Books are Included! Our instructor-facilitated online courses are informative, fun, convenient, and highly interactive. Our instructors are famous for their ability to create warm and supportive communities of learners. The course is available to you anytime, anywhere. Prepare for employment in some of today’s hottest careers. Our online Career Training Programs are comprehensive, affordable, and self-paced. You can begin these Programs at any time and learn at your own pace. Popular Courses: • Accounting Fundamentals • Creating Web Pages • Medical Terminology: A Word Association Approach • Speed Spanish • Introduction to Microsoft Excel • Project Management Fundamentals • Grammar Refresher • Introduction to Statistics • Computer Skills in the Workplace • Administrative Assistant Fundamentals Popular Programs: • Medical Billing and Coding • CompTIA™ A+ Certification Training • Six Sigma Black Belt • Building Analyst Quick Start Program • Medical Transcription • Travel Agent Training • Event Management & Design • Human Resources Professional • Project Management • Certified Wedding Planner • Certified Personal Trainer MORE COURSES AVAILABLE AT EACH OF OUR WEBSITES Fee: $35 | Materials: $18 Candle-making is not really candle-making without wax. Make candles from paraffin and beeswax using techniques to change color, size and scent. Such a craft can provide enjoyment in its creation, and even in its use at home and elsewhere. Safety is key and will be covered. Please use closed-toe shoes. 2511 Aug 7 1 Friday Jeannette Bovard 6:00 PM-9:00 PM Online Courses 0713-14 2518 July 10-Aug 7 5 Fridays No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 | Online Classes? Yes! LACC Community Services has partnered with to offer a wide selection of fun and affordable online classes to suit a wide variety of educational and career-training needs. Look for the dotted line for some of our featured classes. Online Classes | & | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 31 Activity & Healthy Living Music Lots of new classes and workshops will help you be a better musician, or are just a lot of fun! Dance, cook, eat, exercise! Classes to learn or clinics to practice available with expert guidance. Cupcake Bakery Decorating Piano/Keyboarding for Adults Students will learn the correct fundamentals in playing the piano: Topics covered: Development in finger coordination, critical sense of listening; notations in pitch and rhythm; discipline in good practice habits with an appreciation of music. No class July 4. Guitar Made Easy Guitar is one of the most played instruments. Learn about the guitar itself, tuning and minor maintenance and how to play single-note melodies and chords for young people. Bring an acoustic guitar (or an electric guitar with a small amp), along with the book Guitar Method 1, 2nd ed. by Schmidt and Kock, ISBN 0-7935-3392 Required: Bring your own keyboard. Limited space! No class July 4. 2549 June 13-July 18 2588 For Kids Ages 10-16 Jose Ruíz June 13-July 18 5 Saturdays 11:00 AM-12:30 PM Beginning 5 Saturdays Sara Olim 10:30 AM-11:30 AM Fee: $49 Fee: $49 2562 June 13-July 18 5 Saturdays Singer’s Workshop Singing skills development including work on vocal technique, breathing, performance skills and developing audience rapport. Topics may include basic ear training, scales, vowels, and learning simple melodies. Each student may perform solo and in a group. For ages 15 years and up. No class on July 5 2509 June 14-July 19 5 Sundays Mel Dangcil 1:30 PM-3:30 PM Fee: $110 2513 July 26-Aug 23 5 Sundays Mel Dangcil 1:30 PM-3:30 PM 2533 July 6 & 13 2 Mondays Fee: $45 | Materials: $15 Music Made Easy- Online Those wishing to participate may bring a paring knife, cutting board, and towel. Learn the fundamentals of music theory. Be able to read, write, and play simple music. Online Class To Register:���������������������������� to register Click on:��������������������������������������������������� Language & Arts Dipped & Molded Chocolates Holiday dipped chocolate strawberries and pretzels, chocolates shaped like stars, seashells, witches, and Santa Claus are all great for parties, gifts and upcomming holidays. This class will teach you how to make these beautiful delicious items and plus more! 2510 June 19 1 Friday Jennifer Howd is a writer and UCLA Certified Mindfulness Facilitator. She is the author of "The Mindfulness Diaries: How I Survived My First Nine-Day Silent Meditation Retreat" and blogs about mindfulness for The Huffington Post, as well as on her personal blog, Fee: $30 | Materials: $15 Price 2791 Jon Lee Drop! Jun 13-Jul 11 4 Saturdays 11:00 AM-1:00 PM Drums for Adults & Teens Drum kits are the most prevalent instrument in popular music. Learn to play Rock, Pop, Funk, and Blues, accomplish these beats even by the first class! Gain effective practice techniques and tips for strengthening coordination. For ages 12 years and up. Please bring drum sticks and a practice pad which can be purchased at most music stores. Music for Kids See page 10 Jeanette Bovard 6:00 PM-9:00 PM 2607 Karine Arutyunyan June 27 1 Saturday 9:30 AM-12:30 PM Fee: $45 | Materials: $7 2608 July 11 1 Saturday 9:30 AM-12:30 PM Fee: $45 | Materials: $7 2609 Aug 22 1 Saturday 9:30 AM-12:30 PM Fee: $45 | Materials: $7 Introduction to Mindfulness Don’t miss lots of great music and Meditation: Beginner’s Workshop Learn Beatles songs on the ukulele. Beginners welcome! Ukulele tablature will be taught and chord charts for songs provided. New songs are introduced each week! Please bring one ukulele. No class July 4. Fee: Was $65 Now $59 | Materials: $10 Fruit & Vegetable Carving Learning vegetable carving takes patience and basic knife skills. Food carving is an excellent talent for chefs or artists. Learn decorative carving techniques, create dazzling center pieces & elegant garnishes for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Birthdays & special occasions. Material list can be viewed on the Community Services website. Fee: $69 Beatles Ukulele Was $65 Now $59 | Materials: $10 2793 Jon Lee Jul 18-Aug 8 4 Saturdays 11:00 AM-1:00 PM Youlen Chan 6:30 PM-8:30 PM Jose Ruíz 1:00 PM-3:00 PM Fee: $110 32 Learn how to master the fine details of intricate edible design, including the proper & cleanest way to work with cupcakes. You will dazzle your friends and family with beautiful and delicious works of art. entertainment career classes in our Career & Professional Development section! pp 14-15 2621 June 27 Jennifer Howd 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Next Steps Sushi Making 2619 July 18-Aug 15 Beginning 5 Saturdays Dan Hegarty 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 2620 July 18-Aug 15 Fee: $65 Intermediate 5 Saturdays Dan Hegarty 3:00 PM-5:00 PM Please bring 2 bowls (soup size bowls), hand towel, cutting knife (non-serrated), and a small cutting board. Material fee covers all sushi. No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 Fee: $19 1 Saturday Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation: Delicious and nutritious sushi is deceptively easy to create in any kitchen. Learn how to select tasty ingredients, roll and garnish sushi. Fee: $65 Mindfulness is a mind-body approach to well-being that teaches us to be more present, to handle stress more effectively, and to approach our lives in a more centered manner. This 2-hour workshop will provide a practical and simple introduction to the basics of mindfulness meditation. 2529 June 29 1 Monday An in-depth introduction to the basics of mindfulness meditation, this 4 week class will include tips on how to build a daily practice. At Van de Kamp Campus Only - See page 48 Kenji Ishida 7:00 PM-10:00 PM Fee: $35 | Materials: $20 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 33 Activity & Healthy Living Pilates Mat Class Strengthen your stomach, your back & streamlines your body by developing core strength, flexibility and awareness in order to support efficient and graceful movement through pilates. This is open for anyone who wants a workout of the entire body. Bring an exercise mat. No class July 4 2752 Fee: $49 June 13- July 18 5 Saturdays Sandy Fetherolf 2:30 PM-3:30 PM 2754 July 25-Aug.22 Sandy Fetherolf 2:30 PM-3:30 PM Fee: $49 5 Saturdays Yoga Stretch Increase your flexibility, decrease your stress and watch your body respond as it slims and trims down for a healthier and youthful looking you. The practice has many benefits, including: improved strength,flexibility and mobility; better sleep, relief from stress, anxiety and depression. Bring an exercise mat. No Class July 4 2758 June 13-July 18 Fee: $49 5 Saturdays Sandy Fetherolf 1:30PM-2:30PM 2759 July 25-Aug.22 Fee: $49 5 Saturdays Sandy Fetherolf 1:30PM-2:30PM Yoga Basics Increase your flexibility, decrease your stress and watch your body respond as it slims and trims down for a healthier and youthful looking you. The practice has many benefits, including: improved strength,flexibility and mobility; better sleep, relief from stress, anxiety and depression. Bring an exercise mat. No class July 5 2746 June 14-July 19 Fee: $49 5 Sunday Sandy Fetherolf 3:30PM-4 :30PM 2748 July 26-Aug.23 Fee: $49 5 Sunday Sandy Fetherolf 3:30PM-4:30PM Activity & Healthy Living Disco Dance Workout Come dance, workout and get in shape to the tunes of disco music from the 70’s& 80’s! Wear workout clothes, leg warmers, and sweatbands! Get ready to sweat, look and feel healthier, and have fun doing dance moves for one hour. Let’s have fun! No class July 4. 2613 June 13-July 18 Fee: $49 5 Saturdays Hip Hop/Jazz Dance for Adults Learn how to do basic dance moves in this fun and happening class. Prepare to do high intensity warm-ups followed by club dance techniques and choreography. Wear comfortable attire (workout clothes), and work out shoes. Let’s have fun! No class July 5. 2614 June 14-July 19 Salsa Dance Fee: $49 5 Sundays Dolly Giner 12:30 PM-1:30 PM Learn the basics that will make you a “Salsero or Salsera.” Learn the technique that will make you look good on the floor. If time permits “solo shines” will be introduced for Salsa. You do not have to bring a partner to join this class. Intermediate class requires students to already know basics or complete Salsa beginners class. 2583 July 11-Aug 8 Beginning Linda Lees 5 Sundays 4:30 PM-6:00 PM Fee: $55 Fee 2584 Intermediate Linda Lees July 11-Aug 8 5 Sundays 6:00 PM-7:30 PM Fee: $55 Sandy Fetherolf 3:30 PM-4:30 PM Ballet for Adults: Beginning Everywhere you look, folks are bellying up to the barre. Improve circulation , tone up your whole body and most importantly, work on your total alignment with the classical art of ballet dance. Ballet shoes are recommended. No class July 4 4:30 PM-5:30 PM 2744 Fee: $49 July 25- Aug. 22 5 Saturdays Sandy Fetherolf 4:30 PM-5:30 PM 34 Muay Thai/Thai Boxing Muay Thai or Thai Boxing is the national sport of Thailand. Learn the Art of Eight Limbs, the use of fists, knees, elbows and kicks and get yourself in great physical shape. This 6-week course will cover offense, defense, and strategy in a safe and non-competitive atmosphere. Basic terms, terminology, history and tradition will be covered in this Authentic Thai Boxing Program taught by the professional staff of Muay Thai America Gym. No experience necessary. Boxing gloves and boxing shorts required. Ages 14 and up, with permission for minors. No class July 4. Instructors: Kru Santi Sakkomkai & David Huey 2570 June 13-July 25 6 Saturdays Quick & Dirty Self Defense Learn how to protect yourself in the streets, how to turn your fear into anger and switch yourself into attack mode. Defend yourself against an attacker and learn why size is not a factor. Students will learn effective techniques on how to quickly subdue their attacker. Jojo Aguilar 4:30 PM-6:30 PM Tennis Program Dance Class for Adults– Ages 40 and Up This class offers a fun way to get your workout through dancing at an age appropriate pace. While some dance experience would be helpful, it is not a requirement for this class. Wear comfortable attire (workout clothes), and work Sandy Fetherolf out shoes. Let’s have fun! 2743 Fee: $49 June 13- July 18 5 Saturdays We are proud to present a collaborative effort between the Royal Thai Consulate-General and Los Angeles City College, from the people of Thailand to the LACC community at large... Fee: $59 Bring an exercise mat. 2729 Fee: $49 July 25- Aug. 22 5 Saturdays Our Most Popular Class! 2634 Jun 13-27 3 Saturdays Add some diversity to your fitness program with these butt and hip exercises. Exercise drills will include leg/hip movements, breathing exercise and pace running to firm those inner and outer thighs and flatten that stomach. No class July 4 Sandy Fetherolf 3:30 PM-4:30 PM in conjunction with Dolly Giner 3:00 PM-4:00 PM Abs/Legs/Hips Workout 2727 Fee: $49 June 13- July 18 5 Saturdays 2612 July 26-Aug 23 5 Sundays Dolly Giner 12:30 PM-1:30 PM Fee: $49 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 Get into the sport that puts a spin on improved health and alertness. Understand the role of various racquets and tennis balls. Learn the modern grips as forehand, backhand, serving; along with game rules & court etiquette. Interested students can contact our office to inquire about Intermediate or Advanced classes. Bring a tennis racquet and two cans of tennis balls. Held off-campus at Griffith Park tennis courts, Crystal Springs. No class June 27 & July 4. 2534 For Kids Ages 7-13 Youlen Chan June 13-July 25 5 Saturdays 4:00 PM-5:00 PM Fee: $55 2632Beginning June 13-July 25 5 Saturdays 5:00 PM-6:00 PM Fee: $59 2633Intermediate June 13-July 25 5 Saturdays 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Fee: $59 11:00 AM-1:00 PM Fee: $40 Tai Chi Chuan An ancient Chinese discipline for health, relaxation, meditation and self-defense. Its circular movements are based on a profound, practical philosophy useful in daily life. It creates a sense of well-being, reduces stress and improves balance, coordination and flexibility. Wear comfortable clothes and flat shoes. No Class July 5. 2760 June 14-July 19 5 Sundays Sandy Fetherolf 2:00 PM-3:30 PM Fee: $55 2761 July 26-Aug.23 5 Sundays Sandy Fetherolf 2:00 PM-3:30 PM Fee: $55 NOTICE: Due to the on-going LACC construction projects on-campus, some physical-fitness classes may be subject to change/cancellation, or may lack access to some facilities. Community Services will make every effort to minimize disruption and make your experience a good one. We hope you will bear with us as the college upgrades and beautifies our learning environment. Stay connected! .com/lacccs @lacccs No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 35 En Español En Español Enseñamos clases en Español con una variedad de diferentes temas. Muchas de nuestras clases que enseñamos en Inglés son enseñadas por maestros bilingues. Llame por obtener más información. Favor de ver página 49 para las clases en español en nuestra nueva locación Van de Kamp Campus Diseños Florales Trabaje con flores frescas en sus proyectos incluyendo arreglos para todo tipo de occasión. Se prodrá llevar sus trabajos a casa y siga practicando después de la clase, le ayudará a desarrollarse economicante. Favor de traer un cuchillo pequeño y tijeras especiales para cortar alambre. Por favor de traer periódico. 2482 13-27 de Junio Parte 1 3 Sábados Eva Ucañan 9:30 AM-12:30 PM Fee: $65 | Materials: $40 2483 1-15 de Agosto Parte 2 3 Sábados Eva Ucañan 9:30 AM-12:30 PM Fee: $65 | Materials: $40 Compradores de Casa por la primera vez! ...y compradores después de una Bancarota, Venta Corta (short-sale) de casa, o ejecución de una hipoteca (foreclosure) Un dicho: “Comprar una casa es una inversión en el futuro en su familia.” Clase de préstamos para “Perfecto” y “Menos-de-Perfecto” Crédito. Y cómo establecer buen crédito. PROGRAMAS DE FINANCIAMIENTO de FHA 3.5% de enganche, FANNIE MAE 3% de enganche y CHDAP y CalHFA approvado por el Congresso de Estados Unidos via HUD y FHA – Solamente 0.5% de enganche. Como comprar una casa con tan poco de $1800. Lláme hoy para inscribir a su esposo(a) GRATIS! 2672 24 de Junio 1 Wednesday Fee: $35 Christian Gastelum 6:00PM - 8:00 PM 2673 Christian Gastelum 21 de Julio 1 Tuesday 3:00PM - 5:00 PM Fee: $35 2674 Christian Gastelum 18 de Agosto 1 Wednesday 6:00PM - 8:30 PM Fee: $35 Joyeria de Confección Basica Joyería de fantasía con latón flexible en una forma económica de hacer alhajas. Para hacer bisutería hermosa necesita las técnicas de como ensamblar las esferitas, como hacer los ganchos, como conectar los aros, como poner los cierres y más. Traer 3 pinzas: nose-pliers,wire cutter, ad chain-nose pliers 2784 26 de Julio Rosy Espinosa 1 Domingos 3:00 PM-6:00 PM Fee: $35 | Materiasl $18 No clases en Community Services Julio 3-5. Puede solicitar un certificado por cualquier clase que tomo con Community Services. Con un valor de $10. Tuvo que haber atentido el 90% de la clase. Decoración de Pasteles Estas listo para subir un escalón más en el aprendizaje de la decoración de pasteles. Aprenderá diferentes técnicas como por ejemplo pasteles de diferentes diseños y betún real. Está clase es muy deseable y requiere un buen conocimiento del estilo, técnicas y tamaño. No hay clase el 4 de Julio, Agosto 15 2658 20 de Junio-18 de Julio Basico Connie Vasquez 4 Sábados 8:30-11:00 AM Fee: $59 | Materials: $7 2660 8 de Agosto-Sept.5 Intermedio 4 Sábados Connie Vasquez 8:30-11:00AM Fee: $59 | Materials: $7 2663 Avanzado Connie Vasquez 20 de Junio- 18 de Julio 4 Sábados 11:00-1:30PM Fee: $59 | Materials: $7 Arboricultura: El Estudio de los Árboles Moldes de Modas Por favor de traer zapato cerrado o tennis, guantes de jardineria, ropa confortable para caminar y ensuciarse 2782 Rosy Espinosa 20 de Junio-18 de Julio 4 Saturdays 3:00 PM-5:00 Tenemos una nueva serie donde usted aprenderá como cuidar a los árboles. Usted sabrá como escoger, sembrar, podar, y alimentar a los árboles. También podrá identificar y solucionar problemas. Hablaremos sobre la importancia de los árboles para nuestra salud, medioambiente y comunidad. ¡Descuento especial series 1-5: $79! Oscar Sanchez 5 Series 5 Sábados Primera Parte: Como Identificar un Árbol 2677 18 de Julio Fee: $20 Un Sábado Oscar Sanchez 9:30 am-12:00 pm Segunda Parte: Como Sembrar un Árbol Apropiadamente 2679 25 de Julio Fee: $20 Un Sábado Oscar Sanchez 9:30 am-12:00 pm PM Aprenda a Coser Fee: $75 Las lecciones incluyen: como operar la máquina de coser, como tomar medidas, cortar con patron, escoger y preparar las telas antes de cortar, técnicas básicas de construcción. Traer el primer día: lápiz, cinta métrica-de 60 pulgadas, 3½ yardas tela de algodón, tijeras, agujas/ alfileres hilo y descosedor. No hay clase 5 de Julio 2780 Fee: $79 14 de Junio-19 de Julio Rosy Espinosa 5 Domingos 3:00PM-5:00PM Joyería De Alambre Descubra lo interesante de como hacer hermosos diseños de brazaletes sobre las cuentas , como conectarlas con bucles, como hacer sus propios “clasps” cierres y como Cuarta Parte: Como Manejar Problemas de hacer sus propios divisores con diseño Plagas especial. Se hacen aretes, brazaletes y 2682 Fee: $20 Oscar Sanchez 8 de Agosto Un Sábado 9:30 am-12:00 pm complementos. Tercera Parte: Como Podar los Arboles 2680 1 de Agosto Fee: $20 Un Sábado Oscar Sanchez 9:30 am-12:00 pm Quinta Parte: Como cuidar los árboles y mantenerlos saludables 2683 15 de Agosto Fee: $20 Un Sábado Oscar Sanchez 9:30 AM-12:00 pm Face Painting en Español Técnicas para Diseños prácticos rápidos para pintar. Tipos de materiales, marcas de productos, tipos de pinceles y esponjas y demas productos. Demonstración de diseños. También normas de hygiene y limpieza de materiales. Los estudiantes recibiran la lista de materiales cuando se registren o encuentre la lista de materiales en nuestra pagina de internet 2548 Carmen G. MacDonald 9-30 de Agosto 4 Domingos 11:00 AM-1:00 PM Fee: $80 Computadora Básica Para Principiantes Este curso está conformado por 4 módulos Fee de series: $79 9:30 am-12:00 pm En classe se usa tecnicas de paso a paso como hacer patrones de ropa, como aplicar sus medidas y como cortar el patron en la tela. Se familiarizara con el uso del papel, la terminologia y las diferentes reglas. Seria nebeficioso saber leer una regla/cinta de medir, pero no es necesario. clses para damas y caballeros. Edad 16 o mas. No clase el 4 de Julio para gente con o sin experiencia. 2781 Rosy Espinoza 16 de Agosto Un Domingo 3:00 PM-6:00 PM Fee: $35 | Materials: $18 Curso de CPR Certificado Primeros Auxilios/RCP/DEApara Adultos Principios generales de primeros auxilios, emergencias por lesiones. Los participantes aprenden a dar RCP y atender emergencias respiratorias y cardíacas en adultos RCP. En el curso se combinan presentaciones, demostraciones interactivas mediante video que ilustran situaciones de emergencia que podrían ocurrir en distintos lugares, y la capacitación directa que permite a los participantes practicar habilidades que salvan vidas. 2802 Ramon Navarro 9 de Agosto 1 Domingo 8:30 AM-5:00 PM Fee: $65 | Materials: $27 ¡Descuento especi al modulos 1-4: $2 00! Módulo 4: Función de Correo Electrónico Módulo 1: Motores Básicos de Computación Módulo 2: Administación de Archivos y Windows Módulo 3: Busqueda de Información en el Internet En esté curso aprenderás primero los conceptos básicos de Windows, como administrar y archivar para poder entender como opera tu computadora y poder administrar tus archivos. En esté módulo aprendera a entender diferentes servicios gratuitos en el internet Aprenda que divertido es navegar en el de correo electrónico como Gmail, Yahoo, y internet y entender las nuevas técnicas de Microsoft Outlook. Aprenda las diferentes información visitando diferentes sitios de web funciones de correo electrónico de como en una manera segura y con acceso a servicios mandar mensajes a familia y amigos y como interesantes. mantenerese seguro de correos no deseados. 2857 11 de Julio 2858 18 de Julio 2859 25 de Julio El primer paso para los estudiantes en la clase básica de computadoras es aprender a hacer uso de los servicios, herramientas y terminologías básicas de la computadora para el uso de su investigación virtual. 36 Fee: $55 Un Sábado Fernando Vacas 9:30 AM-3:30 PM Fee: $55 Un Sábado Fernando Vacas 9:30 AM-3:30 PM Regístrese en está clase tomando cada módulo individual. Se habla Español. ¡Inscríbase hoy! | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 Fee: $55 Un Sábado Fernando Vacas 9:30 AM-3:30 PM 2860 1 de Agosto Fee: $55 Un Sábado Regístrese por los 4 módulos recibiendo un descuento. Fernando Vacas 9:30 AM-3:30 PM Se habla Español. ¡Inscríbase hoy! | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 37 Summer Semester Classes for Credit at LACC Home Improvement/Do It Yourself Look Who’s Under the Hood Off campus A Woman’s Car Care Class for Everyone! In this hands-on class students will learn how to check fluids, tires, understand vehicle brakes and other common car repairs. This class takes place off-campus at North Hollywood Discount Auto Repair. 2521 June 21 1 Sunday With drought and a changing climate, it’s more important than ever to learn how to select, plant and care for one of the most important biological resources for urban living - trees! Identify, plant, and take care of trees and solve common problems arising with various species common in Southern California. Over the course of 5 weeks, discussion and activities will highlight the importance of trees in our community and how they make our city and lives better. Please bring closed-toe shoes, garden gloves and comfortable clothes to work in. Register individually by topic or all 5 for $79 Series Discount: Parts 1-5: $79! Instructor: Oscar Sanchez 5 Part Series 5 Saturdays 12:30 pm-2:00 pm 5-Part Series Fee: $79 Part 1: How to identify a tree. 2694 Fee: $20 July 18 1 Saturday 12:30 pm-2:00 pm Part 2: How to plant a tree properly. 2695 Fee: $20 July 25 1 Saturday 12:30 pm-2:00 pm Part 3: How to prune the trees. 2696Fee: $20 August 1 1 Saturday 12:30 pm-2:00 pm Part 4: How to manage problems with pests. 2697Fee: $20 August 8 1 Saturday 12:30 pm-2:00 pm Part 5: How to care for trees and maintain their health. 2698 August 15 1 Saturday Fee: $20 12:30 pm-2:00 pm Green Thumb Series $89! The Complete Organic Garden Sustainable Gardening Off campus Learn how to grow your own organic edible garden. The how to course to achieve the most productive garden and to eat the food you grow. Identify seeds, understand measurements, sunlight, fertilization and usages of organic nutrients to guarantee healthful organic growth. This class takes place off-campus at Fountain Community Gardens. 2505 June 20 & 27 2 Saturdays Dan Fujiwara 10:00 AM-1:00 PM Fee: $49 | Materials: $5 Square Foot Gardening Off campus Grow more with less time and space. Learn the methods of growing in a grid-iron pattern, spending less time in the garden and still growing a thriving garden with bountiful results. This method teaches the weekend gardener to maximize a limited planting area for the maximum harvest. Plant growth and spacing of plants will be learned to prevent overcrowding and to guarantee a really productive garden. This class takes place off-campus at Fountain Community Gardens. 2530 June 28 1 Sunday Dan Fujiwara 1:30 PM-4:30 PM Summer Semester Classes for Credit at LACC Arboriculture: The Study & Care of Trees Fee: $25 May 2015 SUMMER SESSION 1: 6/15/2015 - 7/19/2015 (5 weeks) Summer Semester Classes for Credit at LACC Oscar J. Sanchez is a certified arborist and alumnus of LA City College. Employed at Tree Care LA, he evaluates, climbs, and prunes trees. He has also planted thousands of trees in the LA area, and has taught sustainability at Kaiser, K-12 schools, and in the tree care industry. Fee: $25 2523 Aug 16 1 Sunday 9:00 AM-12:00 PM SUMMER SCHOOL NEWS Announcement #1 Fee: $25 2522 July 19 1 Sunday 9:00 AM-12:00 PM NEW 38 Karen Valenti 9:00 AM-12:00 PM 6/15/2015 - 8/9/2015 (8 weeks) SUMMER SESSION 2: 7/20/2015 - 8/23/2015 (5 weeks) For a listing of summer classes please visit: schedule/openclasses/ summerclasses.html MISSION: Los Angeles City College empowers students from the diverse communities it serves to achieve their educational and career goals by providing learner centered pathways to success through transfer, career and technical education, and foundational skills programs. Fee: $29 | Materials: $2 Potted Gardening Learn how to grow beautiful flowers and nutritious fruits, vegetables and herbs on your balcony, in your window or just about anywhere. Discover how seasonal growing, transplanting, soil and nutrition maintenance may prolong the life of your garden. 2531 June 30 1 Tuesday Dan Fujiwara 6:00 PM-9:00 PM Fee: $40 | Materials: $5 No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 Los Angeles City College is the place to be! NOTE: This section is for LACC’s Summer courses for-credit | | 323.953.4000 39 Special Noncredit Success Academy Section Special Noncredit Success Academy Section Non Credit Success Academies Non Credit Success Academies E NGLISH L ITERACY AND C ITIZENSHIP BECOME A U.S. CITIZEN! C ITIZENSHIP Section 8738 8753 5706 8714 5707 8701 8724 5741 8755 8720 8716 8718 8717 Course ESL NC 001CE ESL NC 001CE ESL NC 001CE ESL NC 001CE ESL NC 001CE ESL NC 001CE ESL NC 002CE ESL NC 002CE ESL NC 002CE ESL NC 002CE ESLCVCS 030CE ESLCVCS 031CE ESLCVCS 032CE Dates 6/29 - 8/15 6/29 - 8/25 6/9 - 6/26 6/9 - 6/26 7/13 - 8/20 6/22 - 8/2 6/29 - 8/7 3/27 - 6/26 6/15 - 7/24 6/8 - 6/26 6/30 - 8/20 6/30 - 8/20 6/30 - 8/20 Section 8804 8830 5720 5721 5712 8749 8750 8807 8776 8856 8758 8759 8760 8761 8764 8765 8829 5724 8766 8763 40 Day MWF M-Th M-F M-F M-Th M-Th M-W F MWF M-F M-Th M-Th M-Th Dates 9/8-11/25 8/31-12/17 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 8/31-12/20 P ROGRAM Citizenship - ESLCVCS Citizenship—ESLCVCS Students will develop Students will developlistening, listening,speaking, speaking,reading reading and and writing skills in preparation to writing skills in preparation to the theUnited United States States Citizenship Immigration Services Citizenship and and Immigration Services interview. interview. Class is designed to provide students Class is designed to provide students with civic with civic content and practice of the oral/au- skills content and practice of the oral/auditory ditory skills to necessary begin processa of necessary begin thetoproc ess of the becoming United becoming a United States Citizen. StatesCitizen. Time 9 AM - 11:30 AM 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM 9 AM - 1:15 PM 12:10 PM - 4:25 PM 4:30 PM - 8:40 PM 10:20 AM - 12:30 PM 12:30 PM - 3:20 PM 5:15 PM - 9:05 PM 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM 8:30 AM - 12:05 PM 2:00 PM - 5:15 PM 12:00 PM - 3:15 PM 8:30 AM - 11:45 AM Course ESL NC 001CE ESL NC 001CE ESL NC 001CE ESL NC 002CE ESL NC 002CE ESL NC 002CE ESL NC 002CE ESL NC 002CE ESL NC 002CE ESLCVCS 030CE ESLCVCS 030CE ESLCVCS 030CE ESLCVCS 030CE ESLCVCS 030CE ESLCVCS 031CE ESLCVCS 031CE ESLCVCS 032CE ESLCVCS 032CE ESLCVCS 032CE ESLCVCS 032CE P ROGRAM C ITIZENSHIP S ERVICES N -400(Naturalization Application) I -912 fee w aiver Study Materials Free Classes PROGRAM S ERVICES Day TuTh W Tu W Tu F Tu Tu F M-Th MW TuTh MW TuTh MW MW MW TuTh MW TuTh Time 9:30 AM - 11:45 AM 9 AM - 12:10 PM 5 PM - 8:10 PM 5 PM - 8:10 PM 5:15 PM - 8:25 PM 1 PM - 4:10PM 12:10 PM - 3:20 PM 12:10 PM - 3:20 PM 9 AM - 12:10 PM 9 AM - 10:25 AM 1:10 PM - 4:20 PM 2 PM - 5:10 PM 3:30 PM - 6:40 PM 9 AM - 12:10 PM 9 AM - 12:10 PM 2 PM - 5:10 PM 12:10 PM - 3:20 PM 5:15 PM - 8:25 PM 8:30 AM - 11:40 AM 1:10 PM - 4:20 PM NOTE: This section is for LACC’s Noncredit Success Academy | Call 323.953.4000 ext. 2230 School Registration Program Orientation Assessment Career Planning Job Readiness NOTE: This section is for LACC’s Noncredit Success Academy | Call 323.953.4000 ext. 2230 41 Special Noncredit Success Academy Section Special Noncredit Success Academy Section IN HOME SUPPORTIVE SERVICES - IHSS The In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Skills Certificate of Competency is a FREE 108-hours program that trains students to become IHSS providers. IHSS providers enable their clients to live in their “own home” without danger to their health and safety. To receive the Certificate of Competency, you must successfully complete the following two courses: Voc. Ed 002 and Voc. Ed 059. For questions please call us and visit our office for registration! Tel. (323) 953-4000 ext. 1230 We look forward to seeing you! 42 NOTE: This section is for LACC’s Noncredit Success Academy | Call 323.953.4000 ext. 2230 NOTE: This section is for LACC’s Noncredit Success Academy | Call 323.953.4000 ext. 2230 43 44 After taking this course, you can request to take the Challenge Test or Placement Exam. Success If you place into Math 105 you can take this course or classes offered at the learning center. Challenge Test Placement Special Noncredit Success Academy Section Special Noncredit Success Academy Section If you pass the Challenge Test, you can register for Math 112. NOTE: This section is for LACC’s Noncredit Success Academy | Call 323.953.4000 ext. 2230 NOTE: This section is for LACC’s Noncredit Success Academy | Call 323.953.4000 ext. 2230 45 Classes at Van de Kamp Campus Van de Kamp Innovation Center Welcome to LACC Community Services in Northeast Los Angeles! Located at the intersection of Fletcher Dr. and San Fernando Rd. near CA 2 freeway. Register online, via phone or in-person at LACC or VDK (see hours on next page). Park in rear Classes in the main building. (permit required) and enter Park here main building (pictured at left). Call (323)953-4000 x 2651 View from San Fernando Rd. Floral Design Work with fresh flowers on projects including wedding, holiday, and special occasion arrangements. Gain valuable hands-on experience making basic, event and seasonal floral arrangements. Students take home practice arrangements after each class. Bring wire cutters, small knife and newspapers. 2479 July 15-29 Parte 1 Eva Ucañan 3 Wednesdays 12:30 PM-3:30 PM Fee: $65 | Materials: $40 Balloon Decorating 2476 Eva Ucañan Aug 22 1 Saturday 9:00AM-2:00PM Fee: $45 | Materials: $30 Fashion Pattern Making See Page 29 for description. Please bring: Pencils, 60” tape measure, see-thru plastic ruler 2x18”, scissors, 3 1⁄2 yards of muslin fabric, eraser, scotch tape. 2792 Aug 1-Aug 22 4 Saturdays VDK Exclusive! Learn how to make beautiful jewelry using elastic, nylon cord, leather cord, seed beads, crow beads, ribbon, and clasp. Make a bracelet, necklace and earrings with different beading techniques. Bring fingernail clippers. Rosy Espinoza 10:00 AM-1:00 PM Fee: $35 | Materials: $12 Arts & Crafts for Kids Rosy Espinoza 2:30 PM-4:30PM 2828 June 15-19 Ages 3-7 Monday - Friday Ivetta Abelyan 9:00 AM-10:00 AM Fee: $35 | Materials: $5 2829 June 15-19 Ages 8-14 Ivetta Abelyan Monday - Friday 10:00 AM-11:00 AM Fee: $35 | Materials: $5 Sewing Made Easy for Teens VDK EXCLUSIVE Have fun learning watercolor brush stroke techniques, color mixing, shading and watercolor painting secrets that will bring colorful life to your watercolor artwork. This is a beginner’s watercolor painting class open to ages 12+. A fun basic sewing class for teens. Class will cover: sewing machine operation, basic sewing techniques, how to cut with a pattern, adding pockets and more. We’ll make three sewing projects. Bring a pencil, 60” tape measure, 1 1/2 yard of felt, 1 square of felt in pink and 1 in green, thread in different colors, scissors, hand needles, pin cushion with pins and tailor’s chalk. Bring basic watercolor set and brushes, pad of watercolor paper, and pencil/eraser to class. 2790 Ages 10 & up June 24-July 22 5 Wednesdays 2906 Carmen G. MacDonald June 15-18 Mon.-Thurs. 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Fee: $75 Watercolor Painting Fee: $50 Painting & Drawing: Acrylics & Oils See Page 30 for description Ivetta Abelyan, is a gifted artist and graphic designer who has taught in both the public and private sector. 2833 June 15-19 Ages 14 and up Ivetta Abelyan Monday - Friday 11:00 AM-12:30 PM Fee: $40 | Materials: $10 One Stroke Painting Learn how to add, blend colors, plus shading to form intricate detailed flowers, leaves, root and stem... in just one stroke! 2905 Fee: $50 June 15-18Mon.-Thurs 46 Carmen G. MacDonald 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Rosy Espinoza 12:00PM-2:00PM Fee: $75 Students encouraged to bring their own sewing machine. 2 machines available at VDK on a firstcome, first-served basis. Rosy Espinoza 8:00 AM-10:00 AM Rosy Espinoza 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Design Your Own Clothes Fashon Sketching Learn how to do flat sketching, full dimensional figures & how to draw apparel. Please bring 15 sheets of typing paper, drawing and color pencils, eraser and clear see-through 18” ruler. 2795 Fee: $79 June 24-July 29 5 Wednesdays Aug 17 1 Monday 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Fee: $75 (Couples $125) Real Estate Investing Beginning to Advanced See Page 21 for description. Investment Properties and Loan Programs Evaluating investment properties (SFR, Condos, 2-4 units, 5+units/apartments): Short-term flip potentials, cash-flowing longterm properties; Investment Loan Programs available (the key to investing and leveraging capital); dti/DCR; comparisons using the GRM and CAP Rate. How to find Income Property & making offers (i.e. having the Seller pay for repairs). 2678 June 23 Fee: $99 1 Tuesday Christian Gastelum 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM 2681 June 27 Fee: $99 1 Saturday Christian Gastelum 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM 2685 July 22 Fee: $99 1 Wednesday Christian Gastelum 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM 2689 Aug 17 Fee: $99 1 Monday 2690 Aug 22 Fee: $99 1 Saturday Community Services In-Person Hours at VDK: Thursdays/Fridays 4:00-7:00 p.m. May 21 - June 26 Become A Notary Public Or Renew Your Commission With State Notary Public Exam Before signing up for this class, check to see that you meet eligibility requirements for becoming a notary: visit and click “qualifications.” Note: Due to strict State regulations, no one is admitted after class begins. Check-in begins at 5:00PM and class must begin promptly at 5:30PM. So have your current, official photo ID ready. PLEASE NOTE: The Notary Examination for this class will be held at Los Angeles City College on Saturday, July 18 at 4:00 pm. Bring an official photo ID, two #2 pencils, a 2”x2” passport-sized color photo and a separate $40 check made payable to the “Secretary of State.” 2524 July 15 & 16 1 Wed & Thurs Rosie Reed 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Fee: $69 | Materials: $30 The Business of Bartending Bartend Like a Rock Star! Prepare to be a great salesperson; a customer service expert and an honest/valuable employee with skills that will help you Christian Gastelum succeed in the real world of bartending. 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Topics include cocktail preparation, glassware, tools, recipes, pouring a shot, bar terms, wine & champagne service, martinis, sales, laws, responsible beverage service, employment, resumes, where to look for jobs and how to nail the interview. Christian Gastelum 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM 2909 Kellie Nicholson June 18-July 2 3 Thursdays 5:45 PM-9:45 PM Fee: $150 | Materials: $50 Sorry, no cash registration at VDK 2930 Fletcher Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90065 (323)953-4000 x 2651 See Page 29 for description Fee: $79 5 Saturdays Fee: $79 5 Saturdays 2719 Jason Sanchez July 14-23 2 weeks: Tue/Wed/ Thu 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Class Fee: $325 Material Fee $ 25 This class takes place at Northeast LA’s Van de Kamp’s location. Fee includes handouts and some product (not tools) to use in class. or call the main campus Monday-Saturday Sewing Made Easy I 2786 Aug 1-Aug 29 2787 Aug 1-Aug 29 2667 Christian Gastelum June 23 1 Tuesday 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Fee: $75 (Couples $125) 2668 Christian Gastelum See Page 15 for description. 1 Wednesday 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Fee: $75 (Couples $125) 2688 Christian Gastelum See Page 9 for description. See Page 29 for description. Makeup Artistry 101 July 22 Jewelry Making for Teens Ages 10 & up 1 Thursday Homebuyer Education Workshop: First-time & Recurring Homebuyer See page 21 for description 2798 July 23 Classes at Van de Kamp Campus | Career & Finance Rosy Espinoza 2:00 PM-4:00 PM No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 Apartment Management- Part I Apartment Management- Part II Become a property manager and enjoy the benefits that a career in the real estate industry has to offer you! This class will provide you the fundamentals of property management, topics to be covered: rent control legislation, renting and leasing contracts, application/credit, maintenance, security deposit, section 8, inventory list and more. Register early to guarantee your spot in this class. Don’t put off your career as an apartment manager, join us to learn advertising techniques to promote the units; other topics to be covered: 24-hour notices and repairs, record keeping, rent increase, moving out and evictions. Live! Rent Free Award of Completion issued upon completion of Parts I & II. Students should bring a notebook. 2636 June 15 & 17 Fee: Was $99 Now $89 1 Monday & Wednesday Live! Rent Free This class is a continuation of Part I. Award of Completion issued upon completion of Parts I & II. Students should bring a notebook. 2637 Fee: Was $99 Now $89 June 22 & 24 1 Monday & Wednesday Sign up for Part I& Robin Calderon 6:00 PM-9:00 PM Robin Calderon 6:00 PM-9:00 PM 2 for $ 16 9 & a free Award of No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 Completion 47 Classes at Van de Kamp Campus | Seniors, Computers, etc. Introduction to Mindfulness: A FREE Meditation Demo VDK EXCLUSIVE Attend a free introduction to the practice of mindfulness meditation by UCLA Certified Facilitator, Ms. Jennifer Howd. 2624 June 13 18 or older 1 Saturday Jennifer Howd 12 noon-1:00 PM Microsoft Excel for Windows See Page 23 for description. Please bring a USB cable. 2692 June 23-25 Level 1 Masha Petrowizky Tues & Thurs 6:00 PM-9:00 PM See Page 33 for description. Microsoft Office 2622 July 25 Fee: $19 1 Saturday Jennifer Howd 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation: Next Steps See Page 33 for description. 2623 Aug 1-22 4 Saturdays Fee: $69 Jennifer Howd 9:00 AM-11:00 AM 2555 July 27 1 Monday Fee: Was $99...Now$89 Adobe Photoshop for Windows See Page 25 for description. Jose Ruíz 6:30 PM-9:30 PM ...y compradores después de una Bancarota, Venta Corta (short-sale) de casa, o ejecución de una hipoteca (foreclosure) This class is designed to prepare students for the five test areas incorporated in the General Education Development (GED) examination. Each of the five subject areas (Reading, Math, Fee: $8 (Couples $10) 2687 Christian Gastelum Science, Social Studies and Writing) will be July 23 1 Thursday 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM reviewed and presented. Emphasis will be on content of GED exam, plus students will have Fee: $8 (Couples $10) practice examinations. 2691 Christian Gastelum Christian Gastelum 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Fee: $8 (Couples $10) Computer Basics for Seniors: Knowing how to use a computer is an important skill for all ages. If you’re determined not to get left behind, this class is an excellent opportunity to learn the basics - with a knowledgeable instructor patiently guiding you through hands-on instruction and practice in a relaxed, no-pressure environment. • • • • Part I (Day 1 & 2): Mouse, Keyboard & Part II: Purchasing & Maintaining a Personal Computer Part III: Navigating a Document Part IV: Surfing & Searching the Internet Part V: Understanding Email Basics Recommended for ages 55 and up & prior to taking Computers for Beginners Series. This class is held at our Northeast Van de Kamp location. 2525 July 18-Aug 22 48 Fee: $175Rosemarie Shamieh 6 Saturdays 9:30 AM-1:00 PM 2560 Aug 1-29 Fee: $75 5 Saturdays Guitar Made Easy Jose Ruíz 3:30 PM-6:00 PM See Page 32 for description. Bring an acoustic guitar (or an electric guitar with a small amp), along with the book Guitar Method 1, 2nd ed. by Schmidt and Kock, ISBN 0-7935-3392 No class July 4. 2589 Aug 1-29 For Kids Ages 10-16 Jose Ruíz 5 Saturdays 11:00 AM-12:30 PM Fee: $49 2563 Aug 1-29 For Adults 5 Saturdays Jose Ruíz 1:00 PM-3:00 PM Fee: $69 Quick & Dirty Self Defense Learn how to protect yourself in the streets, how to turn your fear into anger and switch yourself into attack mode. Defend yourself against an attacker and learn why size is not a factor. Students will learn effective techniques on how to quickly subdue their attacker. 2830 July 25-Aug. 8 Fee: $59 3 Saturdays Jojo Aguilar 1:00 PM-3:00PM No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 See Page 19 for description. 2552 July 16 1 Thursday ases en las cl ágina 36 para Favor de ver p CC Español en LA Diseños Florales Trabaje con flores frescas en sus proyectos incluyendo arreglos para todo tipo de occasión. Se prodrá llevar sus trabajos a casa y siga practicando después de la clase, le ayudará a desarrollarse economicante. Favor de traer un cuchillo pequeño y tijeras especiales para cortar alambre. Por favor de traer periódico. 2478 13-27 de Julio 2686 22 de Julio 2794 Aug 1-Aug 29 Christian Gastelum 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Mike Rounds 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Fee: $35 | Materials: $30 Un dicho: “Comprar una casa es una inversión en el futuro en su familia.” Clase de préstamos para “Perfecto” y “Menos-de-Perfecto” Crédito. Y cómo establecer buen crédito. PROGRAMAS DE FINANCIAMIENTO de FHA 3.5% de enganche, FANNIE MAE 3% de enganche y CHDAP y CalHFA approvado por el Congresso de Estados Unidos via HUD y FHA – Solamente 0.5% de enganche. Como comprar una casa con tan poco de $1800. Lláme hoy para inscribir a su esposo(a) GRATIS! Fee: $35 1 Wednesday Mike Rounds 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Parte 1 3 Lunes Eva Ucañan 12:30 PM-3:30 PM Fee: $65 | Materials: $40 Aprenda a Coser Las lecciones incluyen: como operar la máquina de coser, como tomar medidas, cortar con patron, escoger y preparar las telas antes de cortar, técnicas básicas de construcción. Traer el primer día: lápiz, cinta métrica-de 60 pulgadas, 3½ yardas tela de algodón, tijeras, agujas/ alfileres hilo y descosedor. Fee: $79 5 Domingos Rosy Espinosa 12:30PM-2:30PM Computadora Básica Para Principiantes Este curso está conformado por 4 módulos para gente con o sin experiencia. ¡Descuento especial modulos 1-4: $200! Computer & Internet Basics for the Paper Generation (VDK Campus) VDK EXCLUSIVE! No class July 4. Regístrese en está clase tomando cada módulo individual. 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Nancy Miller 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Compradores de Casa por la primera vez! See page 21 for description 1 Saturday 2557 July 27 1 Monday Fee: $35 | Materials: $30 Estas Clases se impartiran en la nueva locación Van De Kamp campus en Glassell Park, Northeast Los Angeles cerca de Fletcher y San Fernando por el freeway 2 Senior Citizen Reverse Mortgage Options GED Preparation Workshop Aug 22 Materials fee includes CD and handout. Clases en Español Jose Ruíz 6:30 PM-9:30 PM Classes for Seniors 2684 June 27 1 Saturday ...for $5 a Month! E-Publishing & Self-Publishing Fee: $35 | Materials: $30 See Page 23 for description. Fee: $115 2 Fridays See Page 19 for description. Nancy Miller 6:30 PM-9:30 PM See Page 19 for description. Fee: $85 2883 July 10 & 17 2553 July 16 1 Thursday Selling Your Ideas and Inventions Level 2 Masha Petrowizky Tues & Thurs 6:00 PM-9:00 PM 2881 June 19 & 26 2 Fridays Build Your Own Business Website Fee: $35 | Materials: $30 Fee: $85 2693 June 30-July 2 Moneymaking Using Your Computer See Page 19 for description. * SPECIAL VDK SERIES DISCOUNT * * Sign up for both Level 1 & 2 and save $10 * Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation: Beginner’s Workshop Clases de Van de Kamp Campus | En Español, Entrepreneurs Módulo 1: Motores Básicos de Computación (VDK) Módulo 3: Busqueda de Información en el Internet 2912 6 & 8 de Julio 2914 Fee: $55 Fernando Vacas 20 & 22 de Julio Un Lunes & Miercoles 6:00-9:00 PM El primer paso para los estudiantes en la clase básica de computadoras es aprender a hacer uso de los servicios, herramientas y terminologías básicas de la computadora para el uso de su investigación virtual. Fee: $55 Fernando Vacas Un Lunes & Miercoles 6:00-9:00 PM Módulo 2: Administación de Archivos y Windows En esté curso aprenderás primero los conceptos básicos de Windows, como administrar y archivar para poder entender como opera tu computadora y poder administrar tus archivos. 2913 Fee: $55 Fernando Vacas 13 & 15 de Julio Un Lunes & Miercoles 6:00-9:00 PM Aprenda que divertido es navegar en el internet y entender las nuevas técnicas de información visitando diferentes sitios de web en una manera segura y con acceso a servicios interesantes. Módulo 4: Función de Correo Electrónico En esté módulo aprendera a entender diferentes servicios gratuitos en el internet de correo electrónico como Gmail, Yahoo, y Microsoft Outlook. Aprenda las diferentes funciones de correo electrónico de como mandar mensajes a familia y amigos y como mantenerese seguro de correos no deseados. 2915 Fee: $55 Fernando Vacas 27 & 29 de Julio Un Lunes & Miercoles 6:00-9:00 PM Regístrese por los 4 módulos recibiendo un descuento. No classes July 3-5 | | 323.953.4000 ext. 2651 49 Map, Off-Campus Locations, Policies & Helpful Information Room Assignments/Facilities Due to ongoing construction, campus renovations, and other factors, Community Services has limited access to facilites. Rooms will typically be assigned by the college 1-2 days to the start of class. We appreciate your patience and will notify students via the phone and email information provided at registration as soon as possible. w Ne l! o o P Awards of Completion Students may request an Award of Completion for any of our Community Services classes for just $10. At least 90% of the class must be attended. Parking Parking permits are available for $10 and are nonrefundable.Dailyparkingpermitsareavailablefor$2from dispensers in Lots 1 & 2. Call or stop by for information. Class Cancellations Metro Red Line: Vermont/Santa Monica Parking permits are available for $10 and are non-refundable. Available parking at Lots 1, 2 (Vermont Ave/New Hampshire Ave) & 3 (Heliotrope Dr & Melrose Ave). Daily passes are available for $2 from dispensers in Lots 1 & 2. North Hollywood Discount Auto Repair 6039 Lankershim Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91606 Class: Look Who’s Under the Hood Notes: Facility parking available. Toros Pottery 4962 Eagle Rock Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90041 Class: Pottery Making Notes: Street parking available. Griffith Park, Crystal Springs 4730 Crystal Springs Dr Los Angeles, CA 90027 Class: Tennis Notes: Courts near Park Center and Merry-go-Round. The Last Laugh Studios 334 W Pico Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90015 Class: Your World Premiere at the Comedy Store Stand-Up Workshop Notes: Street parking available. Fountain Community Gardens 5620 Fountain Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90028 Class: Complete Organic Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Potted Gardening Notes: Limited street parking. The State of California mandates that all of our offerings be completely supported by enrollment fees. This helps ensure that your educational needs and positive experiences are our top priority. That also means that from time to time, we have to cancel a class that does not have enough enrollments. Classes cancelled by us are eligible for full refunds and students may always opt to transfer their payment toward another class. Help us avoid cancellations and guarantee your spot – register early and register a friend! Refunds are processed as quickly as possible. Refunds for cash payments may require up to 30 working days. Release & Waivers When attending a class trip off-campus, LACC requires all participants carry medical/accident insurance, and does not provide this coverage. All participants are required to sign a liability waiver prior to departure. Refunds & Transfers: Choose your classes carefully! All requests for refunds more than two days before the start of class are subject to a $10 cancellation/ processing fee. Because enrollment numbers determine whether a class is cancelled, there are no refunds for requests made after the 2-day-priorto-class mark. Transfers and credits for future use may be available minus a processing fee at our discretion. There are no refunds for transferred enrollments or credits. Supplies & Equipment Minimum enrollment is required to run classes. Please confirm class status before purchasing any supplies or renting any equipment. Classes for Kids A Release and Medical Consent form will be sent along with your confirmation letter. Complete and return this form to the instructor at the first class. Go to, and a copy of the release form will be included at the time of registration. LACC Community Services provides content, information and policies which is frequently updated and improved upon. New content will be added on an ongoing basis. Although we attempt to keep information as accurate as possible, this accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Please visit for the most up-to-date information. All parties providing information in the Community Services publications warrant that the copying, distribution and use of such materials will not violate any other party's proprietary rights. The seals and logos of Los Angeles City College are copyrighted and may not be used in electronic or written publications without the express permission of Los Angeles City College. LosAngelesCityCollegeandtheLosAngelesCommunityCollegeDistrictdonotnecessarilyendorseproducts,ideas,oropinionsofferedbyindividualsandbusinessentitiesinthis publication or in a contractual or employment relationship with LACC Community Services. ECR-WSS RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER PERIODICAL Los Angeles City College Community Services 855 N Vermont Ave Los Angeles, CA 90029 Community Services It’s your City Extension. is proud to announce, Van De Kamp Innovation Center Summer 2015 Extension Classes for Fun, Career, Lifelong-Learning! Incluimos Clases en Español Northeast Los Angeles! Highland Park Eagle Rock Glassell Park Atwater Village See Pages 46-49 Starting June 13 to August 22! LACC Extension Classes Close to home Or run over to LACC & check out our Summer 2015 College for KIDS! 3 2 3 .95 3.4 0 0 0 e x t. 26 5 1 c omm un i t y se r v i c es .la c i tyc o lleg
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