0: Our Lady of Knock Church, Lackagh Parish Fr. Des Lackagh, Athenry, Co. Galway th 10 May, 2015 Sixth Sunday of Easter Lackagh Parish Radio : 106.8 fm Tel:( 091) 797 114 Saturday Vigil Mass - 7:30pm. Sunday Mass - 11:30am 087 2255 740 Legion of Mary: Friday mornings after Mass. Fr . Des 087 2255 740 Parish Office: 091 797114 Parish Office Opening Hours: 2:30pm – 4:30 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Parish E-mail Address: [email protected] Parish Secretary – Mary Duddy. Website: www.lackaghchurch.ie https://www.facebook.com/lackagh.parish Adoration: Mondays: 2pm -10pm and Wednesdays 10am -10pm. Sacristan – Imelda Hussey. Baptisms take place on the First and Third Sunday of each month at 12:15 sharp. A minimum of two weeks’ notice is required May is the month of Our Lady. Feast of st Faustina th Saturday 9 Sunday 10th Monday Tuesday 9:30am 9:30am Sandra Carrick, Woodlands. MONTH’S MIND Jimmy Burke, Coolarne. 3rd Anniversary. Paddy O’Brien and son Padraic, Monard Patrick Concar, Coolarne and deceased of family. Private intention Angela Kearney, Ruanmore. Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 16th Sunday 17th 9:30am 9:30am 9:30am 7:30pm Private intention Private intention Private intention. Paddy Conneely, Cregmore. 11:00am RTE Broadcast Mass . Wor 7:30pm 11:30 am REVERENCE IN OUR CHURCH : Before Mass talk to God. During Mass let God talk to you. After Mass talk to your friends outside Church building. Please respect this Sacred Space and the people who wish to Pray. Please note the time change of this Mass for today only. Last weekends Collection for the upkeep of the church and parish: €1, 955. Thank you to all who contributed. Trócaire this week: €100 Easter Dues: 25 contributions received last weekend. Thank you to all who have contributed (333 contributions to date) to the Easter collection for the support of the priests. This is one of the four collections annually which priests rely solely on. Broadcast Mass in our Church: Mass will be broadcast on RTE Radio 1(LW) NEXT Sunday at the earlier time of 11am, this is to accommodate the broadcasting of the Mass. The Mass time change is for next Sunday only. We welcome the opportunity to have Mass from our church on National Radio. The next Parish Council meeting is on THIS Monday evening ( 11th) at 8pm in the Sacristy. Rosary in Cregg Cemetery at 3pm every Sunday for the month of May Congratulations to the Coolarne First Holy Communion Class: Lauren Rabbitt, Aoibhe Young, Emma Naughton, Oisín McGilloway, Ava Kelly, Caoimhe Dunleavy, Ava Joyce and Seán O’Callaghan. CONGRATULATIONS to all the children from Cregmore N.S. who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday. Trócaire Donations: Thank you to all who have returned their Trócaire Boxes or Trócaire envelopes. We ask people who have not yet returned theirs to do so at their earliest convenience as the money must be forwarded to Trócaire HQ. Eucharistic Ministers: Team D Saturday Sunday Mary Lawlor T. Prendergast Bridie Walsh Bridget Conway Patricia Heneghan Helen McDonagh Louise Greaney T.O’Neachtáin William Ahearne Mary Loughnane Collectors: Saturday Sunday Barry Cullinane M. Prendergast Michael Greaney Liam Hussey Joe Kelly T.O’Neachtáin Michael Brannelly David Burke Readers of the Word and Church Care Readers of the Word: 9th Tom Jinks. 10th Nora Collins. 16th John Joe O’Kane. 17th as arranged 23rd William Aherne. th th 24 Clare O’Neachtain. 30 Nancy Varden. 31st Frances Molloy. 6th June Monica Hession. 7th Bertie O’Rourke. Church Care Group Brid O’Malley, Mary Fallon, Maureen Graham, Rita Fitzgerald, Geraldine McDonagh, Bernie Winston, J.J. Frawley, Colette Collins, Brid Egan, Anne Aherne Latin Mass - Old Rite: The next monthly Latin Mass in the Old Rite will be celebrated in the Parish Church in Knock THIS Sunday at 5.30 pm. Something very beautiful for Jesus - On the Pentecost weekend we have our diocesan-wide Adoration - 33 hours in memory of our Lord's years. It's on in Tuam Cathedral beginning after 10am Mass on Saturday 23rd May and ending on Sunday 24th with Mass at 7 pm. The Adoration itself will be in St. Jarlath's chapel for which we are deeply grateful to all in the college. Everyone in the Archdiocese is welcome , our solidarity is precious. If Lackagh parishioners are not assigned a particular hour on the timetable, they are kindly invited to take any hour they like and, of course, anyone who would like to come is welcome. Wedding Congratulations: To Elaine O’Hara, Cregmore and Donal Rabbitte, Cartymore who were married here last Saturday. Wishing them both every happiness in their married life. BAPTISMS: We welcomed the following into the Christian Community through the Sacrament of Baptism in Lackagh Church last Sunday. * Eric Colin Costello, Carrig Mor son of Jonathan and Olga. * Darragh Aidan Qualter, Carheeny son of Liam and Annette. * Alison Rose Lardner, Park, Athenry daughter of Cathy Lardner. Congratulations to all the children their parents , godparents, families and grandparents. Launch of New Dawn The 12th edition of New Dawn will be launched in Clifden Town Hall on Tuesday, May 26th at 8.30 pm. Brendan Flynn founder of the Clifden Arts festival will launch it. You are warmly welcome to attend. The Poor Clares in Galway are hosting Monastic Experience Days on Saturday, 23rd of May and Saturday the 20th of June from 10am to 5pm. The days are designed to help young women between the ages of 21 and 40 to find out more about the Poor Clare way of life. To book a place contact: [email protected] The Diocesan Youth Council (DYC ) would like to invite all young people from across the diocese to join them on their annual climb of Croagh Patrick NEXT Saturday 16th. Registration will take place at our Lady’s grotto, Murrisk at 10:30am. The climb will be followed by a free BBQ. Suitable clothing and footwear are essential as well as a packed lunch. Parental Consent is necessary for all under 18's. Siobhán 087-9271542 www.facebook.com/tuamdyc. Lough Derg Pilgrimage Season has opened with One Day Retreats which continue on, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 19, 23, 25, May. Advance booking is essential. The Three Day Pilgrimage season begins on Friday 29th May. You can begin the Three Day Pilgrimage any day between 29th May and 13th August. Prebooking not required. Contact Lough Derg 071 9861518 or email. [email protected] VAKS Programme: Volunteer at Knock Shrine (VAKS) programme will take place in Knock this Summer. The VAKS programme is for all over the age of 16 years old. It is an opportunity for you to come to Knock to volunteer for weekends over the Summer. This is a great way to meet new friends, serve others, express your faith and have fun. You must be registered to take part in this programme. We are currently looking for leaders and volunteers for this programme. So if you would like to do something different this Summer please get in touch with us for an application form For more details please contact the Youth Ministry. Phone: 094 9388100 or Email: [email protected]. Closing date for applications is 15th May. Knock Counselling Centre provides a confidential Drop-In listening service for the local community and for visitors to Knock offering an opportunity to discuss personal issues in a confidential environment. This service is available on Saturdays and Sundays, 11am to 5pm, from now until October. Drop In appointments are often available mid-week also. Tel: 094 93 750 32 or call into the Centre next to the Chapel of Reconciliation. A donation is requested towards the provision of this service. Young at Heart meeting is on THIS Monday 11th at 7.00pm. All are welcome. Looking forward to seeing all. Twice as nice Fundraising Committee want to thank you and the community for their generosity in helping make our development fundraiser a success Cregmore NS we are having a clothing collection in aid of Cancer Care West THIS coming Tuesday 12th May . Bags of clothes can be dropped off inside school gate at any time during school hours. Kelly Clan Gathering: 15th -17th May, Castlecourt Hotel, Westport. Kelly’s will be getting together for a great weekend including Mary Pat Kelly, famous USA author, genealogy and DNA talks, guided tour and more. Ring Des on 087 2414 234, e mail: [email protected] or website www.kellyclans.com Turloughmore First Responders with hold a Progressive 25 Card Game in the Social Centre THIS coming Tuesday 12th at 9pm in Aid of Turloughmore First Responders. Tickets €10. All welcome. Please help support this important local community group. GRETB Adult Learning Programmes at Canton Hall, Athenry: Places available now on part-time courses : Beginners Computers, Job-Seeking Skills (Career Preparation) and Communications. Funded under ITABE funding - NO Fees payable. Small groups. No exams. Other course options are also available. Bridget 087 640 4438 or 093 347 46. Singing lessons available with Professional vocalist and qualified vocal tutor. Individual vocal training or group lessons for all ages. 085 288 34 09 or email [email protected]. Computer Training : BenefIT 4 is a Government grant scheme providing funding to third sector organisations for the provision of computer and iPad training. Lackagh IT Computer Centre will be rolling out this training in the coming weeks for beginners and all levels of computers. Geraldine 087 815 37 62 for times and dates of this training or e/mail [email protected] Esker Pitch and Putt is now open. Daily 9am – 9pm. www.redemptoristsesker.ie 091 844 549.. The Mother/Parent and Toddler Group has resumed on Thursdays at 11 am in the Parish Centre. Young parents are encouraged to come along to "Meet and Greet" with a cuppa and chat and a fun morning with your child to learn, play and make new friends. Muddy Puddles Montessori (indoor and outdoor) Lackaghmore is now enrolling for the Free Preschool year September 2015. There are limited places available Bláithín: 737 558 or 087 288 0511 Lackagh Museum Lotto No Winner. Numbers Drawn 6 7 20 26. No Match 3. 2x Lucky dips: Clem McGrath, Cregmore. Ann Duggan, Montaigh . Next Weeks Prize €8400 Promoters Prize Gerard Naughton. Turloughmore GAA Club Lotto No Jackpot Winner. Numbers drawn: 19-30-31-32. 1 Match 3 winner: Bridget Ward c/o Bingo. Seller’s Prize: Damian Delaney. Next weeks jackpot will be €20,000 Notices for the Lackagh Parish Newsletter: must be emailed or submitted in writing for inclusion. No notices will be taken over the phone. Please read over your notice and have notices free from incorrect spelling and not in poster style, plain text only please. The cut off time for notices is strictly Thursday at 3:00pm to be included in the weekend newsletter. Notices arriving after this time cannot be included. The primary purpose of the Lackagh Parish Newsletter is to inform parishioners of the times of Church Services and parish related and organised events. When possible, notices about events run in the new parish centre, events run by community based charities and organisations are publicised. Notices for private enterprise are not printed. However, due to constraints of space there is no guarantee that all notices can be published on any given week. We do not guarantee the accuracy of statements made by any of our contributors or other organisations or accept responsibility for any statement which they may express. The parish Newsletter can be viewed on www.lackaghchurch.ie Email address:[email protected]
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