Parish Information Church Services:

Parish Information
Radio link for sick and housebound 107.8FM
Readings for Mass Page 61
Job 7:1-4, 6-7. Ps 146: 1-6, R/ v 3. 1 Cor 9:1619, 22-23. Mk 1:29-39
Saturday Vigil: 7.15
Sunday 9.30am and 11.00am
Weekdays: Monday –Friday 11:00am
Office Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 9.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
Crying Room – Children’s God space.
You are welcome to attend our liturgies.
Church Services:
Confession: Saturday evenings at 6.30pm and
by appointment.
Baptisms: Saturday evenings at 6.00pm. Two
weeks notice required.
Marriages: As requested. Note: 3 months notice
is required by Church and State. You must
contact registrar at Community Care Centre on
the Cork Road. You must also contact a priest in
your parish to make all necessary arrangements.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Wednesday 11:30am to 6:00pm.
Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Succour:
Monday morning Mass at 11.00am
Bereavement Support: St John's Pastoral
Centre Phone 051-858772
Are you troubled by someone’s drinking?
Contact Al-Anon Family Group at 01-8732699
Music Ministry
Saturday 7.15 Vigil: Senior Choir under the
baton of Margaret Butler.
Sunday 11.00pm: Congregational Singing
with cantors Ann, & Margaret.
Organist: Larry Hogan
Holy Family Parish Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8th February 2015
Parish Team:
Parish Priest:
Fr. Tom Rogers
Mr Paul Stacey
Assistant Sacristan: Mr. Greg Flynn
email: [email protected]
Ms Marian Hoban
Ms Teresa Browne
New Bishop of Waterford & Lismore
The Holy Father has appointed Very Rev Alphonsus Cullinan as our new Bishop to replace Most
Rev William Lee. Fr. Cullinan is a priest of the diocese of Limerick where he is currently the
Parish Priest of Rathkeale. A former primary school teacher he has worked as a hospital
chaplain and as chaplain to Limerick Institute of Technology, so he brings with him a wealth of
pastoral experience. We welcome him to our diocese and we look forward to his Episcopal
ordination which takes place on Sunday the 12th April.
Maintenance Envelopes
The monthly collection in aid of the maintenance of the parish will take place during all
masses this weekend. Thank you to all who contribute to this collection.
Recently Deceased
Dick Hayes
Richard Deedy
St. Imelda Mercy Order
Saturday 7th February
7.15 People of the Parish
Sunday 8th February
9.30 Brigid Moodley &
son Jason
11.00 Maria O'Toole nee
Ryan & dad Billy Ryan
Monday 9th February
11.00 Betty & Greg
O'Hanlon & Nell Kirby
Tuesday 10th February
11.00 Alice Walsh
Waterford Contact Project - St. Brigid's Centre
The St. Brigid's Centre are recruiting Volunteers to visit older people in their own homes in
Waterford to provide company and a chat. A Volunteer Information meeting will be held this
Tuesday 10th February. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact St. Brigid's
Wed 11th February
11.00 Mary Butler
Unwanted Gift for a Good Cause
If you have any unwanted gifts in your home, Rita, Chrissie and Mona will be holding a
bumper coffee morning on the 23rd March after the 11.00am Mass. Any donations
would be greatly appreciated. The proceeds will go to the Daffodil Day Annual Collection
and Alzheimer's Association, Waterford.
Friday 13th February
11.00 Holy Souls
Pioneer Total Abstinence Association
Many people choose to abstain from alcohol for the duration of Lent. Take this opportunity to
help someone you know with an alcohol or drug problem by offering up your sacrifice as a
prayer for their freedom and well-being. Take the Short-Term pledge and make a difference to
someone's life. For more information contact your local pioneer centre.
Thursday 12th February
11.00 May & Peter Hearne
Jack Bible
Mary Barry
Mary & Paddy Elliott
Eamon Browne
Tommy Griffin
Minnie McGrath
Kitty Doyle