Town of LaGrange March 2015 Newsletter Minutes of the Regular Meeting, Town of LaGrange, Wyoming, meeting at the Town Hall on February 12th 2015 at 7:00pm. Present were Mayor Mark Marshall, Councilman Joel Tremain, Mike Huseby and John Beightol. Town Clerk Cathy Stoddard, Public Works Director Tracy Pragnell and Attorney Ed Buchanan were also present. Councilman Cameron McCoy was absent. Visitors attending were Gary, Carla and Kurt from Torrington Disposal Service. Mayor Marshall called the meeting to order at 7:10pm. Joel moved to approve the minutes of the January 15th regular meeting and January 27th special meeting. John seconded, motion carried. Gary Olson came to check in with the town to see if there were any concerns and to introduce Kurt Sittner who will be taking Gary’s place in the future. Mayor Marshall asked for old business. Tracy gave an update on the sewer project. He stated that additional funds need to be requested from USDA for the shortfall in the contractor bids. After a short discussion Mike made a motion to approve resolution #2-15- A Resolution Requesting Additional Funds from USDA in the amount of $231,000. Joel seconded, motion carried. Joel moved to approve the State Land & Investment Board application and resolution to reallocate consensus funds from the landfill to the sewer project in the amount of $107,351. John seconded, motion carried. LHS membership fees were discussed no motions were made. Mayor Marshall tabled the third reading of Ordinance #59 An Ordinance relating to sewer bonds. Mike moved to approve the amended Tourism Joint Powers Board Agreement. Joel seconded, motion carried. Mayor Marshall asked for new business. Mike moved to approve resolution #1-15 the Investment Policy for 2015. John seconded, Joel abstained, motion carried. Tracy discussed the Intended Use Plan and stated it had to be submitted to the State Land & Investment Office by March 6th. Tracy also updated the council on the Community Facilities Planning Committee meeting. Joel moved to table the Town Code Book Title 7 Chapter 2 Sewer. John seconded, motion carried. Clerk and Public Works questions were discussed. Cathy stated the financial compilation report is complete and will be sent to the State Land & Investments Office. Mike moved to withdraw the application for the USDA Search grant in the amount of $8,800 due to the extra costs and time involved in the process. John seconded, motion carried. Joel moved to pay the bills, John seconded, motion carried. John moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:20pm. SEWER PROJECT UPDATES HEADS UP! The upcoming sewer project is expected to begin in early April. During this time, you can expect some street and alley closures, so pay attention to where you are going. In addition, the sewer and water service will be unavailable for short periods of time in the areas where work is being done. The contractor will give advance notice to residents in the work area as they move around the Town. Please pay attention to these notices and make arrangements ahead of time. If you have any questions, call Town Hall at 834-2466. If you haven’t already, please make sure your personal items have been cleared out of the alleyways as soon as possible. LaGrange Spring Community Ed Classes You can register and pay for any of the classes by calling Town Hall at 834-2466 or Susie in Torrington at 532-8213. Please register at least one week in advance. This really helps in the organizing of the class. Events and Trips Sponsored by Eastern Wyoming College Researching Calamity Jane: A Can of Worms Speaker: Glenda Bell Date: Tuesday, March 24 Time: 6:30-8:00pm Location: EWC Campus, Tebbet Rm 131 This is a free event, but registration is required by calling 532-8213 Open Computer Lab There is a $30.00 fee for 30 visits (Jan-May 2015) for the use of the EWC Computer Center at the LaGrange Heritage Square. The computer Center is currently open 7:00am to 2:00pm and upon request. Use up-to-date technology & software as well as high-speed internet access in the EWC Community Education Computer Center . The center is available for use by any community member. You do not need to be enrolled in a college class. Anyone under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Co-Ed Volleyball Location - LaGrange Elementary School Gym Instructor- Laurie Kelley Time - 7:00-9:00pm Date - Thursdays, Jan 15th to May 7th Age - 15 to Adult Cost - FREE Come and enjoy playing the game of volleyball. All skill levels welcome. Basic competitive volleyball rules apply. Cent$ible Nutrition Program Location-LaGrange Elem School Kitchen Instructor-Denise Jackson Date-March 3-April 14 (Tuesdays) Time-3:30-5:00pm Cost-$25, Free to those who’s income qualifies. What will you gain? Save money! Learn how to make food resources last all month! Save time! Learn how to prepare and serve healthy meals. Achieve and maintain a healthy weight! Receive a Cent$ible Nutrition Cookbook and other valuable kitchen gadgets. For info on eligibility, call Denise at (307)532-2436 Clothesline Bowl/Basket Location - LHS Bldg, Suite 217 Instructor - Tracy Wilson Date - Saturday, March 28 Time - 9:00am-4:00pm Cost - $25, clothesline and glue stick provided Did you know you can make a fun decorator bowl using clothesline and fabric?! Join us for this fun sewing craft class and make an Easter bowl to hold all those colorful eggs! Bring your own fabric (approx. 1/2 yd, mix and match or one color) and sewing machine. There are a limited number of machines available if needed, please let us know at your registration. Hunter Safety has been r escheduled for Apr il 20-25, 2015. Check next month’s newsletter for more information. LaGrange Elementary School Open House On March 19, 2015, LaGrange Elementary School will be having an Open House for the community, current parents of the students enrolled in school, and prospective parents for next school year. The Open House will be from 3:30-5:00pm, and a meeting in the cafeteria will begin at 4:30pm with our Principal, Mr. Cory Gilchriest, for questions anyone may have about our school. Please join us and meet our staff, tour the school and visit the classrooms. All are welcome to attend! ********************************************************************************************* Kindergarten Registration If you have a child ready for Kindergarten in the fall of 2015 (child must be 5 years of age on or before Sept 15, 2015) please register at LaGrange Elementary School by March 13, 2015. A copy of your child’s birth certificate and immunization record will be needed at time of registration. Notification will be sent out at a later time for a Pre-Kindergarten Day to be scheduled in April. If you have any questions please contact Renee Stoddard at 834-2311. Registration can be done after this date, but we are in need of a head count for testing purposes. Remember to check out the Town of LaGrange website for current and upcoming events!! Please contact Cathy or Tracy Wilson at 834-2466 by March 20th if you have any inform in the April ne on you would like to be included Located in the LHS Building March 2015 Senior Friendship Center Lunch Menu Mon Tue Wed Thu 2 Taco salad w/meat, 3 Oven fried chicken, 4 Baked Italian pasta, 5 French dip w/au jus, 6 Pork chop, wild rice, cheese, beans, lettuce, tomato, salsa, sour cream, pineapple mandarin oranges, oatmeal cookie mashed potatoes, gravy, winter blend veggies, peaches, gingerbread asparagus, tossed salad, French bread, grapes, tapioca pudding oven browned potatoes, broccolicraisin salad, peaches green beans, Asian salad, white cake with orange berry mix & topping 9 Meatloaf, baked 10 Chicken fried steak, 11 Chili, cheese stick, 12 Turkey, mashed 13 Lemon cod, wild potato, baked lima beans, bread, tossed salad, fruit cup mashed potatoes, gravy, garden blend veggies, tossed salad, chocolate cherry mousse tossed salad, cinnamon roll, banana pudding potatoes, gravy, Caribbean blend veggies, cran-apple salad, pumpkin muffin rice, carrots, bread, ambrosia, carnival cookie 16 Pork wing, carrots, 17 Irish stew, bread stick, 18 Chicken strips, sweet 19 Swiss steak, baked 20 Beef & bean burrito Jean’s salad, bread, pears cottage cheese & peaches, potatoes, mixed veggies, bread, tossed salad, orpeanut butter cookie 23 Porcupine meatballs 24 Turkey, mashed Cauliflower & peas, potatoes & gravy, tossed salad, peaches, stewed tomatoes, fluffy cookie fruit cup, oatmeal cookie ange sauced peaches w/ topping 25 Potato crusted cod oven browned potatoes, green beans, coleslaw, pineapple, chocolate pudding 31 Meatloaf, baked potato, company potatoes, peas broccoli, bread, carrot& carrots, tossed salad, celery-cucumber salad, pears pineapple 30 Oven fried chicken, LaGrange Bear Creek Unity Library News New Library Hours (updated 3/1/15) Monday 10:30-11:30am & 2:00-4:00pm Tuesday 10:00am-12noon Wednesday 2:00-4:00pm Thursday 3:00-5:00pm Friday 1:30-3:30pm The library’s phone number is 307-834-9309. All times are thanks to the selfless dedication of our volunteer staff. Hosts Needed More volunteers are needed. Please leave your contact information at the Library, or call Cheryl at 834-2459. Donations Financial support for the Library and History Center is always appreciated, however we cannot accept donations of books at this time. Only current best sellers will be considered. Next Meeting Date Monday, March 16, 2015 at 7:00pm (meeting and egg stuffing) Unity meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month. LGBC Unity thanks all of our community supporters. Your time, talent, muscle, donations and patronage fuel this asset to the community. We appreciate all who attended the Soup & Thanks Night and all of our volunteers. LaGrange-Bear Creek Unity Association sends a special thanks to Beth Pafford for preparing our SOUP for the Annual SOUP & PIE supper on Feb. 24. Fri potato, broccoli, tossed smothered w/green chili, lettuce & tomato, fresh salad, bread, banana fruit, brownie split dessert 26 Sloppy Joe on a bun, baked beans, coleslaw, applesauce cake 27 Roast pork, mashed potatoes, gravy, sauerkraut, cucumber & tomato salad, strawberries & ice cream Please call by 9:30am if you would like a home delivered meal. 575-6637 CAUCUS: A PUBLIC MEETING A MEETING OF THE RESIDENTS OF THE TOWN OF LA GRANGE, WYOMINGWILL BE HELD TUESDAY MARCH 24TH, 7:00PM AT THE TOWN HALL. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING WILL BE TO NOMINATE CANDIDATES FOR TWO TOWN COUNCIL SEATS, TO BE PLACED ON THE BALLOT FOR THE UPCOMING TOWN ELECTION ON MAY 11, 2015. This meeting was called by Tracy Wilson. March 9, 2015, John A McGill American Legion Auxiliary Unit #70 and Legion Post #70 of LaGrange will observe our American Legion birthday with dinner at 6:00 PM at the LaGrange War Memorial Building. The main dish and birthday cake will be provided. Guests are asked to bring a salad or dessert. The upcoming raffle will be discussed after which you will be able to purchase your raffle tickets from the Auxiliary members for $1 ea or 6 for $5, to support the Auxiliary Emergency Fund which helps Auxiliary members through hard times. American Legion Auxiliary members will meet at the Community Building at 3:00 pm in preparation for the meal. Are YOU eligible for membership in the American Legion or American Legion Auxiliary? If so, be sure to step up and serve those who have served by JOINING THE AMERICAN LEGION OR AUXILIARY. Your participation is so important in supporting and remembering our Veterans, past and present, and their families! The Annual Community Building Meeting will be held on March 26th at 7:00pm in the Community Building. The community is invited to attend. The Auxiliary thanks all the students who participated in the Poppy Poster Art Classes and who entered the Poppy Poster Contest. We also applaud the students who interviewed Veterans and wrote the Veterans' stories as part of the Carolyn Laycock Memorial Scholarship contest. We salute all the Veterans who agreed to be interviewed for the students' essays. The stories of our Veterans will be available to read at the LGBC Unity Library here in LaGrange later this spring and preserved for all time. Thank you! The LaGrange Bible Church has a weekly Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study every Tuesday morning at 6:00am. All men in the community are welcome to attend! LaGrange-Bear Creek Unity Association EASTER EGG HUNT & STORY TIME Saturday, April 4, 1:30 PM in the Big Park for Preschool through Grade 6. Story Time and “Bunny Food” Snacks will follow. Volunteers to hide eggs are invited at 12:30. Cash donations to purchase candy are welcome. The Fireman’s Pancake Supper will be held April 11th at the LaGrange Comm Bldg. Watch for more info next month! The Spring Craft Sale will be Saturday, April 18th, 9am4pm. Tables are $15 or 2 for $25. To reserve your space, contact Marcia Beightol at 834-2454. Annual Community Building Fundraiser Thursday, March 12th We will begin serving at 5:00pm at the War Memorial Community Building LaGrange, WY Evening events will include: Pie Auction Cake Auction Auction will begin at 6:30pm Menu Pizza-several Flavors Relishes Dessert Pizza Drinks FREE WILL DONATIONS WILL BE GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED If you want to donate a pie or cake, the sign-up sheets will be at the Longhorn Grocery Store by March 1st. Please bring your pies or cakes for the auction to the Community Building the evening of March 12th. All proceeds will go toward the Community Building Fund. Dear LaGrange Community, Please join us for the Annual Supper on March 12th, 2015 beginning at 5:00pm at the War Memorial Community Building. We will be serving homemade pizza again this year! As you all know, the Community Building continues to be a valuable asset to the LaGrange community. It serves as the site for many activities and special occasions throughout the year. The building is the gathering spot for the annual fireworks, mini-fair celebration, the Legion’s Veteran’s Day dinner, and AWANA activities. It is always available for local funeral receptions and wedding/anniversary parties, too. Last year’s fundraiser was a HUGE success because of your generosity. We are hoping to update our heating and cooling system this year with your continued support. We hope this evening will be an opportunity for all of you to visit with old and new friends, and have a good time. Your generosity makes the use of the Community Building possible and the Community Building Board appreciates the support from everyone. Sincerely, The Community Building Board President-Stacy Malm Vice President-Scott Yetter Secretary-Linda Vinton Treasurer-John Beightol LaGrange Elementary News I will be adding information in each newsletter to keep you updated on the accomplishments and adventures of our future! If you have any information to add please feel free to let me know before the 20th of each month. Also, if there are any corrections please let me know! Cathy Stoddard 834-2466 In honor of our Veterans in the town of LaGrange, for Veterans Day in November, the LaGrange students made Veteran plates by applying patriotic fabric on the backs of the plates with modge podge. Then the plates filled with cookies were presented to our Veterans! LaGrange School Kindergarten Registration If you have a child ready for Kindergarten in the fall of 2015 (child must be 5 years old by September 15th 2015). Please register a the LaGrange Elementary School by March 13th 2015. A copy of your child's birth certificate and immunization record will be needed at time of registration. (Registration can be done after this date, but we are in need of a head count for testing purposes) Notifications will be sent out for Pre-Kindergarten Day! So register soon! For further information contact Renee Stoddard at 834-2311 3rd-6th Grade students will be doing PAWS testing in March. These are important tests and require the student to be in school during this time period. Please try to schedule any trips or appointments after the testing is complete. You can contact the school for specific dates and please notify them if you plan to be gone. Congratulations LaGrange students for making the 2014-2015 first-semester honor roll. *previous LaGrange Elementary Students “A” Gold Honor Roll Seniors Konnor Harves Myre Pauls* Madison Pragnell* Juniors Chloe Haas* Trista Stees* Sophmores Karissa Harves* Kenna Noble* Freshman Kaden Malm Latosha Wiford* 8th Graders Dylan Cline* Sheridan Pragnell* Anthony Ramirez* Bridger Stoddard* Brady Tosh* 7th Graders Megan Cline* Kendall Haas* Alexander Ramirez* Ashley Tosh* Katie Wiford* “B” Silver Honor Roll Seniors Thane Wiford* Congratulations! Southeast Junior High and High School students who qualified for the Regional Science Fair and on to the Wyoming State Science Fair to be held at the University of Wyoming in Laramie! Junior High Juniors Matthew Fisher Arely Payan* Kenneth Randall Chemistry 1st Ashley Tosh “Burnt Cookies Make Me Grouchy” Sophomores Quinton Steinbock Engineering: Materials & Bioengineering 3rd Jared Myrtle & Bridger Stoddard “Flying High with RC Helicopters” Energy & Transportation 2nd Brady Tosh “Hunka Hunka BurningWood” Freshman Chase Lovercheck Medicine and Health Sciences 2nd Sheridan Pragnell “Don’t be Cold, be Fresh and Learn about Diabetes” 8th Graders Kelci Lovercheck Physics and Astronomy 2nd Kendall Haas “Heavier Arrowheads Affect the Acceleration of the Arrow” 7th Graders Luke Haas* Plant Sciences 2nd Kelci Lovercheck & Brooke Peterson “Green Fighting Lawn” High School Biochemistry 1st Arely Payan “Selfish Smoker” Dylan Cline for wining 1st place in the Spelling Bee!! Engineering: Electrical & Mechanical 1st Bryan Baker “Solar Power” Sunday Monday Library Hours 3/1/15 2 American Legion 9 Birthday Dinner LaGrange Comm Bldg 6:00pm 16 LaGrange/Bear Creek Unity Library Meeting 7:00pm EMT Meeting 7:00pm, Fire Hall 4-H & Cloverbud Mtg Community Bldg 7:00pm 24 31 Tuesday Caucus Town Hall, 7:00pm Cent$ible Nutrition Program LaGrange Heritage Square 3:30-5pm Cent$ible Nutrition Program LHS, 3::30-5pm 17 Longhorn Café’s St Patrick’s Day Dinner 11:00am-7:00pm AWANA/Cubbies 6-7:30pm AWANA/Cubbies 6-7:30pm Wednesday 25 Fire Dept Meeting 8:00pm Fire Hall AWANA/Cubbies 6-7:30pm AWANA/Cubbies 6-7:30pm 5 Thursday National Craft Month Co-Ed Volleyball LaGrange Elem Gym 7-9:00pm 6 Friday Dentist’s Day LaGrange Elem School Open House 3:30-5:00pm 20 12 Annual Community Bldg 13 Kindergarten Fundraiser Dinner at 5:00pm Pre-Registration Deadline Auction starts at 6:30pm Contact LaGrange Elem at 834-2311 Regular Town Council Meeting 7:00pm Co-Ed Volleyball LaGrange Elem Gym 7-9:00pm 27 Annual Community Bldg Meeting, 7:00pm Nat’l Irish American Heritage Month Co-Ed Volleyball LaGrange Elem Gym 7-9:00pm 26 Co-Ed Volleyball LaGrange Elem Gym 7-9:00pm 18 19 Homemakers Club Mtg Bonnie Patterson’s Home, 1:30pm 10 11 Cent$ible Nutrition Program LaGrange Heritage Square 3:30-5pm 3 4 Cent$ible Nutrition Program LaGrange Heritage Square 3:30-5pm Monday 10:30-11:30am & 2:00-4:00pm Tuesday 10:00am-12 noon Wednesday 2:00-4:00pm Thursday 3:00-5:00pm Friday 1:30-3:30pm Other Days Vary, we need more hosts. Library phone Number 307-834-9309 1 National Pig Day Youth Group 6-8pm 8 Daylight Savings Time Begins! Set your clocks ahead 1 hour Saturday night. Youth Group 6-8pm 15 Incredible Kid Day Youth Group 6-8pm 22 Little Britches Rodeo 23 Torrington Fairgrounds Rodeo Starts at 8am Youth Group 6-8pm 29 4-H Pancake Supper 30 Torrington Rendevous Center 4-7:00pm Youth Group 6-8pm 7 14 21 Saturday Nat’l Quilting Day Little Britches Rodeo Torrington Fairgrounds Rodeo Starts at 8am 28 Clothesline Bowl/Basket LHS Bldg, Suite 217 9:00am-4:00pm Regular menu will still be available. Kid’s menu available. At the end of the rainbow, you will find Corned Beef and Cabbage, Potatoes, Carrots, Watergate Salad, and a drink for $8.95. Tuesday, March 17, 2015 11:00am-7:00pm or until we run out! Join us for a Leprechaun’s Delight Dinner Longhorn Café’s St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Town of LaGrange PO Box 185 LaGrange, WY 82221
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