He is Risen! Around the world on Easter morning the shout of “He is Risen” can be heard. The promise of new life, that seemed so distant to the disciples on the Friday of Christ’s crucifixion, became a reality when the women heard “He is not here, He is risen!” For Christians, this truth is the foundation of faith. We serve a living Savior. That is why we always say it in the present tense. It is not He “was” risen. It is He “is” risen. constant reality. That is why we talk of a Savior who walks with us through the ups and downs of life. An event that took place thousands of years ago is as close as our next breath. My hope for you this Easter is that the truth of a risen Savior will become a foundation that infects and affects all of life, giving hope and joy. He is Risen, indeed! “He Is Risen, indeed!” That is why we talk of a living, active relationship with Christ. The risen Christ present with us by the Holy Spirit is a Join Pastor Larry and your friends at The Lakeway Church as we follow in the Footsteps of Paul on a journey to Greece and Turkey, leaving on April 4, 2016. The stories found in the Book of Acts will come alive when we visit the places where the church began to grow and flourish. Your understanding of the Christian Faith will take on new meaning as you experience, first-hand, the geography and the cultures that shaped the early Christian’s thought and experience. The magnificent beauty of the Greek countryside, the fascination of the archaeological ruins, and the wonder of ancient biblical cities will make this a journey full of memories. This trip is designed not just for sightseeing but in a real sense, it will be an educational and spiritual odyssey. We will take time at each point on our itinerary to look at On Easter Sunday we will have 5 service options. 8:15, 9:30 and 11 will be in the Sanctuary. 9:30 and 11 in the Fellowship Hall. See you Sunday. ~Pastor Larry the scriptural background as well as the political and social influences that shaped ancient and modern Greece and Turkey. On top of this, you will have the opportunity to share this adventure with friends both old and new. I look forward to experiencing this remarkable piece of the world with you! Interested? We will have an information meeting on April 19 at 4:30 pm at the church in room 205. Larry will be there to answer any questions concerning the trip. Brochures are currently available from Judy in the church office. Spaces are limited and sign ups will be first come, first served. Deposits to hold your place will be accepted beginning at our meeting on April 19. NEW M S U N D A Y M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y EASTER SUNDAY (5) (See Easter Worship services to the right) MISSIONS SUNDAY (12) YOUTH SPIRITUAL CHALLENGE WEEKEND (25/26) 8:15 Traditional Worship Service 9:30 Acoustic Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:30 Modern Worship Service (Fellowship Hall) 9:30 AdventureLand, Kidz Inc. & Club 45 9:30 Adult Sunday School 11:00 Traditional Worship Service 11:00 MS & HS Student Small Groups 11:00 AdventureLand, Kidz Inc. & Club 45 11:00 Adult Sunday School 12:00 Children’s Ministry Leader Mtg (26) 6:00 FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT (26) 7:00 9:00 12:00 1:30 3:00 6:30 Men’s Bible Fellowship LCCPreschool LCCPreschool Teachers’ Luncheon (13) Finance & Budget Mtg (13) Stephen Ministry Leaders (6) Two-Way Prayer (Quiet Time Practice) 2:00-8:40 DIRECTORY PHOTO SESSIONS (14,21) 7:30 Functional Fitness 9:00 LCCPreschool 10:00 I Give You Authority (LAST 7) 12:00 Caring for Caregivers (14,28) 6:00 AWANA (NO 17) 6:00 Single & Parenting 6:30 Grief Share W E D N E S D A Y 2:00-8:40 DIRECTORY PHOTO SESSIONS (15,22) 9:00 LCCPreschool 9:45 Women’s Weds AM Study 1:00 Senior Adult Ministry Team Mtg (15) 1:15 LCCP Advisory Cmte Mtg (1) 4:30 Stephen Ministry Supervision (8,22) 5:00 Handbells (1) 5:30 Handbells (8,15,22,29) 5:30 CHURCH SUPPER (1) 7:00 MS & HS Student Worship 7:00 Chancel Choir 7:00 Mission Cmte Mtg (1) 7:00 LIVING LAST SUPPER (1) T H U R S D A Y 2:00-8:40 DIRECTORY PHOTO SESSIONS (16,23) 7:30 Functional Fitness 9:00 LCCPreschool (NO 19) 10:00 CBS 10:30 Music & Message Longhorn Village (23) 3:00 Vista Oaks/Summit Bible Study (9,23) 5:30 PRAYER SERVICE (NO 2) 6:15 Financial Peace University 6:30 Women’s Thurs Eve Study 6:30 Elder Council Mtg (23) 7:00 LIVING LAST SUPPER (2) F R I S A T 2 2:00-8:40 DIRECTORY PHOTO SESSIONS (17,24) GOOD FRIDAY OFFICE CLOSED (3) 9:00 LCCPreschool (NO 3) 9:30 Prayer Group 10:00 Women’s Ministry Mtg (6) 6:00 MEN’S SPRING CONFERENCE DINNER (17) 7:00 GOOD FRIDAY CHORAL SERVICE (3) 10:00-4:00 DIRECTORY PHOTO SESSIONS (18,25) YOUTH SPIRITUAL CHALLENGE WEEKEND (25/26) 7:45-3:00 MEN’S SPRING CONFERENCE (18) 9:30-11:30 WOMEN’S SPRING CONFERENCE (25) 11:00-1:00 EASTER EGG HUNTS (4) 6:00 MISSIONS BANQUET (11) 6:00 2nd Saturday Date Nite (11) Our Stephen Ministry Caregiving Program is growing. We have five support groups (Grief Share, Divorce Care, Single & Parenting, Caring for Caregivers and Christian Assertiveness.) The newest addition to our Stephen Ministry Program is H.E.R.O.E.S. Care. This program is designed to meet the needs of service members and their families with the goal of preventing psychological, moral and spiritual injuries that often accompany deployment. You will be hearing a lot more about H.E.R.O.E.S. CARE in the next month. Call Chuck Hughes, our Outpost Leader, for additional information – 512 263-1077. EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES: Traditional (in Sanctuary): 8:15 Contemporary (in Fellowship Hall): 9:30 9:30 11:00 11:00 (anyone over 60) UPCOMING EVENTS: Wednesday, April 15 Join us for a drive along the Wildflower Trail 11:00 lunch at Chili’s Visit the Antique Rose Emporium in Independence Enjoy ice cream at the Blue Bell Creamery Leave the church at 8:30 am Reservations necessary! Watch for more information about future events! Information and reservations in church office: 512-261-6331 or [email protected]. THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER is published monthly by THE LAKEWAY CHURCH 2203 Lakeway Blvd. Lakeway, TX 78734 512/261-6331 www.lakewaychurch.org Editor: Nancy L. Keetch [email protected] Webmaster: Nancy L. Keetch [email protected] Deadline for copy: The Friday after the third Thursday of the month. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and/or space. © 2015 The Lakeway Church THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER APRIL 2015 THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER APRIL 2015 EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES: Traditional: 8:15 9:30 11:00 Contemporary: 9:30 11:00 3 One Thing I Do 2015 TLC MEN’S CONFERENCE ● April 17-18, 2015 Arrangements have been completed for the 2015 Lakeway Church Men’s Conference, to be held at the church. Our conference leader will be our own Larry Coulter, speaking on One Thing I Do. All men have a variety of things pulling at them for their attention. Sometimes we are overwhelmed by the demands of the responsibilities of work, home, church, play and friends. On our retreat we will look at Paul’s insight into striking a healthy balance that every man needs. The enrollment fee is minimal—$30—and will include dinner Friday beginning at 6:00 pm, full breakfast (7:45 am Saturday) and lunch, as well as study materials. We will wrap up around 3:00 pm Saturday. Registration forms are available in the church office or online at www.lakewaychurch.org. Be sure to put April 17th on your calendar. Please direct any questions to Doug Land (512-940-6645 or [email protected]). Deadline to register and pay is Friday, April 10. CONFERENCE ENROLLMENT FEE is $30; optional golf at Flintrock Falls 1:00 pm Friday $75 paid at course. Register online at www.lakewaychurch.org/mens-ministry or in the church office. Coffee with Kim! Bring a friend or neighbor! Saturday, April 25, 2015 ● 9:30 am – 11:30 am What better way to start a conversation about faith and the arts than to seek insight into the relationship between Creator and Creation? With scripture as our guide, we will examine the creative process through a group art experience. We will see through the eyes of an artist as we work from inspiration to the final expression of our own work of art. All skill levels are welcome and encouraged to participate! About Kim Coulter: Kim is the wife of Reverend Larry Coulter, Senior Pastor of The Lakeway Church. A professional artist for more than twenty years, Kim works with New Era (Fine Art) Publishing in Austin and is represented by the Thornwood Gallery in Houston. Along with her husband, she serves on the advisory board of Fuller Seminary's Brehm Center, which works to integrate worship, theology and the arts. DEADLINE to REGISTER: April 22, 2015 This is a free event, but please register online at www.lakewaychurch.org/womens-ministry or with Judy in the church office: [email protected]. 4 THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER APRIL 2015 FROM THE ELDER DESK In March, the Elders continued their work on the five-year plan. ►They had dinner with the former Elders to roll out the draft of the work so far and get comments back. ►In addition, working groups around each of the five core areas—passionate worship, rich discipleship, authentic community, sacrificial outreach and respectful evangelism—are being formed to shape goals and direction. ►JR Taylor was hired to lead the technology upgrade and build teams for Sunday morning sound and video. ►Many new families have joined The Lakeway Church and we celebrated at a Sunday luncheon to welcome them. ►The structure of our Outreach was changed in order to give clarity and direction to the incredible work that is done through this church in the Lakeway community and beyond. ►God is doing great things at The Lakeway Church! Student Ministry Spiritual Challenge Weekend (formerly DNOW) April 25/26th is our Spring retreat for all middle and high school students! This weekend, starting Saturday morning and ending Sunday afternoon, is all about fun, friends and taking your faith to the next level! We will spend these two days at Highland Lakes Conference Center worshipping, hanging out in small groups, and doing group games and challenges. Find more information and register online at www.lakewaychurch.org/student/scw/. Can you believe it’s been three years since our last directory? We’re working on a new one to be released toward the end of this year. If you’ve been attending TLC but are not yet a member, now’s the time to join so you can be included in the directory! You are welcome to have your family portrait taken even if you are not a member of TLC, but you will not be included in the directory. There is NO COST to have your family portrait taken by a professional photographer and you will receive a FREE 8x10 portrait for participating. TLC members will also receive a free directory. Please register online at www.lakewaychurch.org. If you need help registering, feel free to call the church office Monday-Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. To set up your own FREE account at RNM, please fill out the form on the church website: www.lakewaychurch.org. Click on the RNM image in the right column on the home page. PORTRAIT SESSIONS: Apr 14—17 Tue-Fri Apr 18 Sat Apr 21—24 Tue-Fri Apr 25 Sat 2-8:40 pm 10 am-4 pm 2-8:40 pm 10 am-4 pm Sessions are getting full! Sign up NOW! THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER APRIL 2015 5 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 1 1 1 3 3 4 5 5 6 8 8 9 6 Wayne Seime Liliana Bukovac Katie Gallimore Jenny Sones John Cole Warren Mabry Roy Nierdieck London Shehan Venice Shehan Genie Stokes James Nolder David Godwin Barbara Kimes Alex Templin Eunice Webster Samantha Callaway John Pitts Bette Hebbler Dwyce Ratliff Mary Ann Quisenberry Betsy Welborn Brent Graham Laura Hartmann Guy Knolle Tyler Lewis Kale Buhl Sue Crossett Amanda Moulckers Tina Cauley 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 John & Janet Moss Mike & Sharon Crouch Mark & Laurie Couch Dennis & Judy Wallace Steven & Jill Osborne Gene & Katie Gallimore Karl & Rochelle Ansbach Larry & Lorin Buchhorn Ed & Demie Bingman Bob & Ann Neighbors John Nielsen & Thelma Gretzinger Greg & Jenny Sones Dottie Millsap Linda Dishman Mike Brimmer Ray Kilgore Joan Mercer Margaret Kilgo Bruce McGraw Becca Poulos Rachel Brooks Stephen Norwood Dalton Mueller Nancy McAlister Stephanie Hartmann Harper Wendel David Reese Barb Pederson Sue Wright Kelly Doggett Sharon Killey Bowman Wargo Doris Besperka Kathy Smith Ann Skowronek Sharon Crouch Steve Cossette Charles Edwards Pat Smith Dave Taylor Jim Grose 11 12 12 14 15 17 18 20 20 21 24 25 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 Sarah Cauley Linda Goodwin Jana Baker Bailey Bench Kerry Grimes Keith Winton Miles Heddin Joyce Mansen Jagger Thames Kent Cohee Jeanne Hutto Altha Vidal Dave DeOme Clare Brooks Perry Smith Claire Dilday Cohee Bob Woodhall Tricia Braddock Stephanie Armistead Hal Mercer Zach Swenson Bob Wesselhoft Joe Benasutti Jim Parris Manuel Diaz Hulda Coskey Jerry & Maxie Scott Shane & Beth Robinson Melody Zare & Randy Garcia Gary & Cathy Shoemaker Jack & Sue Wright Tres & Paige Davis Earl & Symantha Higgins Bruce & Nora Scrafford Brian & Joy Peters Wendel & Marci Sundbeck Tasos & Roxi Tsakas Bill & Susan Tiger 26 26 27 28 29 29 30 30 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 28 29 30 30 Carolyn Henry Frank Beard Sue White Susan Poulter Karsyn Jacobsen Kinsey Jacobsen Hope Fish Dorie DeGeest Ann Freeman Judy Hazen Alexander Nordahl Drew Brooks Magan Lewis Ken Pipes Karla Crossett Paula Bittles Dan Mueller Libby Smith James Greenwell Joan Collier Larry Buchhorn Anita Schlotterback Steve Williams Matthew Doggett Jan Kelly Tristan Tsakas Jim & Sherry Kennedy Wilson & Pat Smith John & Deb Blakeman George & Barbara Kimes Bubba & Diane Breazeale Miles & Leslie Ragland Mike & Cindi Bewley Charles & Suzy Moore THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER APRIL 2015 THE LAKEWAY CHURCH presents: MISSION EMPHASIS WEEKEND Saturday & Sunday, April 11 & 12 Join us for a free dinner Saturday evening at 6:00 pm, Dr. Rodney Baptiste, Director of the Bethesda Medical Clinic in Haiti, will be our guest speaker. Please RSVP to the church office by April 8. Daniel Punnose Dr. Rodney Baptiste Dr. Baptiste will speak at the 8:15 service on Sunday, April 12; Daniel Punnose, of the Gospel for Asia, will speak at the 9:30 and 11:00 services. The Lakeway Church Short Term Mission OPPORTUNITIES Haiti Health Ministries Mission Waco Waco Tx OMS Haiti June 2015 Fall 2015 OCT 17 TO 25 2015 Contact Steven Merrick: 512-784-6540 ([email protected]) or go to the church website: www.lakewaychurch.org for more information. KELLY SYKORA & BLAKE COLEMAN & DOROTHY GLASS BILL & DEBBIE THOMAS EDDIE & BARBARA MAY BOB & LINDA WOODHALL DAVID ALEXANDER DAN & MARY JOHNSON KENT KEEFER FRED & CAROL LOCKWOOD KARLA CROSSETT BRENDA ROSSER GEOFF & HEATHER WAKEFIELD KYLIE, KATE BILL CRAIG LORIE STANLEY NANCY & FRED NEWTON THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER APRIL 2015 SHERRA & THOMAS ALEXANDER 7 CAMP KIDJAM Who: All current 2nd-4th graders (entering 3rd-5th grades in Fall 2015) Location: Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX Pricing: $269/child with a $50 deposit due at registration. Payment due in full June 1, 2015. Includes meals, lodging for 3 nights, basic activity fee, t-shirt and small group supplies (including evening snacks.) Additional snacks and souvenirs extra. TLC will provide transportation to and from the camp. Ratio is one leader to 7 samegender kids. Check out http://www.whatisorange.org/campkidjam/ for more information or contact Melissa ([email protected]) for details. Registration forms available in Children’s Ministry or online at www.lakewaychurch.org. Spaces are limited...sign your toddlers and preschoolers up for The Lakeway Church Christian Preschool’s Summer Fun and Jumpstart Kindergarten camps today! We also have a limited number of Fall 2015 Preschool openings available. For more information, visit lakewaychurch.org/preschool/ or call Stephanie Hartmann at (512) 261-6632. Summer Fun (18 months-5 years old) Jumpstart Kindergarten (for children entering Kindergarten in Fall 2015) stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed from 2 Timothy 2:15. TUESDAYS 6:00-7:30 The goal of during the school year (September-May) is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. ● Apr 7 Paper Airplane Night—bring one to compete in games ● Apr 14 God & Country Night—write a letter or card to send to a serviceman or woman serving our country ● Apr 21 Riddle Night—bring a riddle to share in large group ● Apr 28 Store Night and Leader Appreciation Night—bring a note and a smile! ● May 5 Wet & Wild Night and Adopt-a-Club reward Night ● May 12 AWARDS Night—parents join us for a fun night watching kids receive their awards, recite verses and sing songs! Last meeting of the year. For children 3 years old through 5th grade Info, call Kathy White at 743-8261 or email [email protected]. ® and the 8 logo are trademarks of Clubs International. Used by permission. THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER APRIL 2015 Summer XP (Formerly VBS) 2015 WE WANT KIDS TO MOVE IT! From here to there. From bored to passionate. From selfish to giving. From unfocused to wide awake. With MOVE! kids will be shown people in the Bible who changed direction and moved. And they all had one thing in common: somewhere along the way, they came face to face with Jesus. They discovered who He was. And once that happened, there was no standing still or going back. God moved toward us first. Now it’s our turn. MOVE! Register online NOW at www.lakewaychurch.org/childrensministry/vbs. When: June 22-26, 9am-12pm Who: Ages (going into fall 2015) Kindergarten through 5th grade Volunteers: 6th graders through adults. Looking for: Please sign up online or contact Sean Reece to sign up & check availability. [email protected] Registration Team Decorations Team Prep Team (the week before) Games Leaders Craft Leaders Snack Team K-1st Lead Teacher 2-5th Faith Skills Lead Teachers (2) THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER APRIL 2015 Small Group Leaders Photographer Video Tech 9 A paper copy of the monthly BIRTHDAYS and ANNIVERSARIES may be picked up at the information counter in the Narthex. WEEKDAY BIBLE STUDIES MEN’S MONDAY MORNINGS MEN’S MONDAY AM STUDY. Men's Monday Morning Bible Study is currently studying the book of Romans. All men are welcome; just bring your Bible! Fellowship time with coffee, breakfast tacos and donuts begins at 6:40 am; study begins at 7:00. For more information contact Doug Land at 512-940-6645 or [email protected]. WOMEN’S CBS Community Bible Study (CBS) women’s class is excited to be studying the book of Isaiah this coming Fall beginning September 10th. CBS is a worldwide Bible study that purposes to transform lives through indepth Bible study, discussions, teaching and commentaries. The children’s program (age birth–pre-k) is designed to teach God’s word through songs, crafts and Bible stories. The class meets at The Lakeway Church on Thursdays from 10 am to 12 noon. Preregistration for current women & their children begins April 9, and new members may register beginning April 23rd. For more information contact Becky McBride @ [email protected]. BETH MOORE STUDY GROUP The Beth Moore study group has completed their latest study and will not meet again until the fall. For more information, please contact Terri Seifert at [email protected] or 512-261-6632. WOMEN’S WEDNESDAY MORNINGS The Wednesday morning women’s Bible study group meets in room 205 at 9:30 for fellowship, with study starting at 9:45, ending at 11:00. We are now studying the Gospel of John. Our wonderful group is growing! Please join us. For information, contact Sue Johnson at 512-217-8891 or [email protected]. WOMEN’S THURSDAY EVENINGS This group focuses on Bible study and praying together, meeting Thursdays from 6:30-8:00. This group is now studying Beth Moore’s Children of the Day: an in-depth study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians. For information, contact Magan Lewis at [email protected]. TWO-WAY PRAYER I GIVE YOU AUTHORITY God wants to hear from us; God wants to speak to us. The Two-Way Prayer Quiet Time group meets Monday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 in Room 203. Join this group at any time to learn prayer and meditation skills to accomplish this two-way communication. For more information, contact Drew Brooks at 512-417-2307 or [email protected]. On April 7, Barbara Bucklin will wrap up her study on Tuesday mornings based on the book I Give You Authority by Charles Kraft. They meet in Room 208 from 10:00 am to noon. APRIL CHURCH SUPPER Wednesday, April 1 5:30 pm (NOTE change in time!) THE LAKEWAY CHURCH GALLERY FEATURING ARTWORK BY LIBBY SMITH LIBBY SMITH and her husband built their home in Hosted by Shepherd Flocks Q and F-H Catered by It’s All Good BBQ The program will be the Lakeway in 1987. Their two daughters graduated from Lake Travis ISD. Libby spent 19 years teaching in LTISD. After retiring, she joined the Lakeway Painters following a watercolor class with Johnnie Fields. The Lakeway Church Gallery is open for viewing during normal church working hours in the hallway of the Fellowship Center. If you wish to exhibit in The Lakeway Church Gallery, please contact Corinne McClaran, 512-261-6714 or [email protected]. 10 beginning at 7:00 pm in the Narthex. Reservations in the church office by noon Monday, March 30. $10 adults; $5 kids under 12; under 5 FREE! THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER APRIL 2015 Tue/Thu—Functional Fitness @ 7:30 am $20 per quarter; info [email protected] February 2015 CARING FOR CAREGIVERS (C4C) Many of you are caring for loved ones who are unable to care for themselves. Our CARING FOR CAREGIVERS (C4C) group is tailored for YOU! We meet the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month from 12 pm - 1:00 pm in Room 205 of the Fellowship Center. April 14 will be a Sharing & Caring meeting On April 28, Mary Ann Conroy, Registered Dietitian, will be speaking to our group. Further information: Frieda Albert, 512-261-4240, Joyce Ranous, 512-266-2948 or Beverly Carter 512-7433630. We are here FOR YOU. CARING FOR CAREGIVERS is a support group for men and women who have physical, legal or emotional responsibility in caring for a loved one—whether spouse, parent, sibling, adult child or minor child. 2015 FINANCIAL: Tithes & Offerings Preschool Other Income Programs Surplus (Shortage) ATTENDANCE: Average Sunday Attendance $ 134,047 $ 257,924 61,124 122,044 3,062 6,599 (172,200) (332,316) $ 26,033 $ 54,251 February 2015 2015 687 696 GRIEF SHARE is for anyone coping with the loss of a loved one, at any stage of his/her journey from mourning to joy. Grief Share meets every week on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm in Room 203. You are welcome to join them at any time. For more information, please contact Dorothy Moggio-DiBacco at 512-574-4685 or by email [email protected]. This on-going prayer list is for all our loved ones who need to be on our prayer list on a continuing basis. If you would like to put someone on this list, just call (261-6331) or email us at [email protected]. Please advise Pastor Brent when your loved one no longer needs to be listed. Bill & Pucci Allen at Home Jana Baker at Home Barb Brantner at Home O.W. & Bea Brauss at Longhorn Village My Brewer at Home Gerald & Carol Dallas at Home Madelyn Davis at Home Clara Drake at Brookdale: Lohman's Crossing Ray Dudley at Home Sue Eastman in Denver Herb Eddy at Grace House Verna Eddy at Home Jan Everett at Home Gene & Katie Gallimore at Home Jill Gaurity in Tyler Symantha Higgins at Home Julie Howard at Home Jamie Lavender at Home Avis Lee at Home THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER APRIL 2015 John & Joyce Mansen at Longhorn Village Max Marks at Home Merrilyn Morse at Brookdale: Lakeway Tom Nixon at Longhorn Village Cathy Rogers at Home Frances Shackelford at Home Ellen Shultz in Oregon 11 SUNDAYS: 8:15 am Traditional Service 9:30 am Contemporary Worship Service (Sanctuary) AdventureLand (Nursery, Toddler & Preschool) Contemporary Worship Service (Fellowship Hall) Kidz Inc. (Kinder—3rd grades) AdventureLand (Nursery, Toddler & Preschool) Club 45 (4th & 5th grades) Kidz Inc. (Kinder—3rd grades) Club 45 (4th & 5th grades) Student Sunday School Adult Sunday School 11:00 am Traditional Service THE LAKEWAY CHURCH 2203 Lakeway Blvd. Lakeway, TX 78734 11:00 am MS & HS Small Groups Wednesdays: Adult Sunday School 7:00 pm MS & HS Worship Services Thursdays: 5:30 pm Prayer Meeting The Lakeway Church Christian Preschool Phone: ............................................................ 512-261-6632 Terri L. Seifert ........................ Director of Preschool Ministries [email protected] Stephanie Hartmann ........ Asst Director of Preschool Ministries [email protected] Kelly Leonard .......................................... Preschool Associate [email protected] Larry Coulter .................................................... Senior Pastor [email protected] Brent Graham ...............................................Associate Pastor [email protected] Mark Savage-Rains ....................... Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Sean Reece ................................................. Children’s Pastor [email protected] Danny Hartmann .......................... Director of Youth Ministries [email protected] Melissa Alexander .................................... Children’s Assistant [email protected] Jill Osborne .................................... Director of Administration [email protected] Rachel Sawyer ................................... Administrative Assistant [email protected] Judy Teague............................................... Church Secretary [email protected] Nancy L. Keetch....................................................... Publicist [email protected] David Beussman ............................ Assistant Director of Music Justin Garrett ............................................ G2G Music Leader Vernon Moeller .................................... Organist/Accompanist 2203 LAKEWAY BLVD. AUSTIN, TX 78734 WWW.LAKEWAYCHURCH.ORG Phone: ............................................................ 512-261-6331 Fax: ................................................................ 512-261-7099 ADMINISTRATION STAFF
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