The Visitor May 2015 * 512-556-5513 * 2 Alexander Lampasas, TX 76550 * * First United Methodist Church Lampasas Ministerial Alliance Sponsors Community-wide Observance of the National Day of Prayer with a Breakfast Gathering on May 7, 2015 In observance of the National Day of Prayer on Thursday May 7, 2015 the Ministerial Alliance will be hosting a community-wide Prayer Breakfast in the County Seat restaurant at 7:00 a.m. featuring Judge Charles H. Van Orden. Everyone is invited. The first Thursday of May is designated as a day of prayer for people of faith all over the country. The theme for the 64th annual National Day of Prayer is “Lord, hear our cry,” emphasizing the need for individuals to join together in corporate prayer. To further highlight this theme, 1 Kings 8:28 provides the scripture focus for this year: “Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day.” Ministerial Alliance envisions an event where a cross-section of our churches and generations unite with a common desire for God’s blessing on our country. The Prayer Breakfast will feature a brief address from Judge Charles Van Orden, who is Associate District Judge for Cen-Tex Child Protection Court. The heart of the event will be a time for praying together, and the gathering will dismiss early enough for attendees to get to their jobs or school by 8 a.m. Donations to the Ministerial Alliance will be welcomed at the event. June 18th—Ice Cream social and roast for George and Brenda Lumpkin June 21st—Last Sunday for George to preach Pastor Jenna Is Looking for a House! Pastor Jenna is looking for a house to buy. If you know of a nice 3 bedroom house with a fence, please contact her at 512 618-0168 or [email protected] SUNDAYS IN June 23nd or 24rd—moving day rd June 23 —Pastor Jenna is scheduled to move to Lampasas June 28th—First Sunday for Pastor Jenna to preach See the SPRC Letter inside for more information. May 3-Jacqui Lirette Preaching May 10– Mother’s Day May 17– Graduating Seniors Recognition and Luncheon May 24– Pentecost, Sean Brack preaching May 31– Honor the Staff Sunday LAY LEADER LINGO (April 2015) Easter season began this year on April 5th. The season is a time of joy and rejoicing in the Risen Christ. The season lasts for 50 days, ending on what is called the “Day of Pentecost”. That day (Pentecost) is often referred to as the “Birthday of the Church”. This year that day will be May 24th. OK, so the dates are not what’s important. Easter dates change every year and may be celebrated in late March to late April. What IS important to Christians is Easter Day and the Day of Pentecost. Let’s not forget to celebrate Pentecost, the birthday of the Church, with the same joy and excitement that we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. In history, one is not without the other. The Church remembers and rejoices in it. Shortly after we celebrate this special day (Pentecost), we will be looking forward to a very busy time for Lampasas FUMC. Pentecost Sunday falls on the same weekend that our Country celebrates the remembrance of those who died serving in its armed forces. Shortly thereafter, clerical and lay members of our church will again represent the congregation at Annual Conference. As members of the congregation, you are encouraged to ask about the “goings on” of Annual Conference. Your membership in the United Methodist Church specifies that you be informed of its purpose, organization and activities. Finally, at the completion of Annual Conference, Lampasas FUMC will be welcoming our new Pastor, Rev Dr. Jenna Heart. Special activities are appropriate to welcome her. While she prepares to enter into our church family, we will be saying good bye to Rev. Lumpkin and his wife Brenda as he accepts his new assignment. The church is invited to make their departure a memorable one, not only for George and Brenda but also the church family. Now it’s so close to July and Independence Day and Vacation Bible School, which grows year by year. And, the beat goes on. Keep Active – Keep Coming – Keep Involved. HARRY HOLLISTER LINDA NELSON Keep Active – Keep Coming – Keep Involved. From SPRC to our Congregation The Staff Parrish Relations Committee SPRC would like to share plans underway to bid George & Brenda farewell as he prepares to leave here and start his new pastoral duties in Fredericksburg. First, we would like to thank George, Brenda and their family for the service, dedication, and love they have shown our church family and our community during the past nine years. George’s last Sunday to preach will be June 21st, which happens to be Fathers’ Day. An Ice Cream Social will be held the evening of Thursday, June 18th, in the Fellowship Hall to say good-bye. Of course, we all know George’s humor, so to lighten the evening we will do a little roasting of George. Having the party on June 18 will allow community members and Ministerial Alliance members to attend as well as our congregation. If you want to bring ice cream or a dessert, it would be appreciated! Everyone is invited. The week of June 22nd is transition week as professional movers will be moving George and Brenda and Dr. Jenna Heart moves to Lampasas. Dr. Heart’s first Sunday will be June 28th. With the transition, the SPRC continues to ask for prayers for strength, support and love for all involved. While making transition plans, the SPRC thought it would be good to share the Ten Commandments for Welcoming a New Pastor. I. Thou shalt not compare the old Pastor and the new Pastor, for the Lord thy God has made each person unique and wishes you to appreciate each original creation. II. Thou shalt not expect everything to stay the same when the new Pastor arrives. Nor shalt thou resist change, nor assume that change is bad, but thou shalt trust that the Lord thy God isn’t finished with your church yet and is bringing change for your good and the good of your mission. III. Thou shalt not make graven images of thine old grudges, nor shalt thou keep stale disappointments in the temple of thine heart, but thou shalt forgive and move on in the grace of the Lord thy God, for how can thou ask God for mercy unless thou give mercy from thine heart? IV. Thou shalt not commit gossip, nor shalt thou fearfully complain, nor shalt thou listen to those who do, but instead thou shalt entreat them to adjust their attitudes and lighten up, for everything shall be alright, and in fact, shall turn out very well indeed – better than you can even imagine. V. Thou shalt not commit nostalgia or say that the old days were better, for in so doing thou shalt make thy judgment come true. Be assured that the Lord thy God is not falling asleep at the wheel, but will be with thee and surprise thee with abundant blessings, more than thou canst contain or count. VI. Thou shalt not factionalize nor create “us-them” divisions, but thou shalt unify with thy brothers and sisters even when they annoy or confuse you. VII. Thou shalt not come to the new pastor with your demands, pressure, complaints, bad reports, manipulations, threats, agendas, unsolicited advice, or snide comments. But thou shalt say, “Welcome! How can we help you? We love you! We would like to increase our giving significantly. We’re praying for you and your family. Welcome to our community! We baked you some cookies!” And each week, thou shalt do so again and again until the new pastor begs you to stop. VIII. Thou shalt increase thy giving, and not withhold thy tithe, but invest thy money and thine heart in the future of thy community of faith and mission. IX. Thou shalt not come to thine old and former pastor with anything but praise for the new pastor, but thou mayest bring thy concerns to God in humble prayer, and if thou must, thou may also share concerns with the duly appointed leaders of the church. X. Most important, thou shalt trust God, and stay connected to God, and draw strength from God, staying deeply rooted in the message of God’s grace. For God is good, and God will never leave you nor forsake you. You can count on that for sure! Sunday, May 24 Please wear red to church Celebrate Pentecost The church’s birthday! Pentecost is the Christian festival celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his Ascension, held on the seventh Sunday after Easter. Now Taking Unique Applications for College Scholarships As a result of special donations to and growth of the Endowment Scholarship Fund, the Endowment Committee is pleased to now take unique applications from High School Seniors. Accompanied by standard profile information (Name, Phone, email, address, High School, academics, college matriculated, how associated with the church: member/youth group/family/CAPs/Scouts etc.), the central application is to be a free form 2-3 page essay. It will cover matriculated college, intended major or why none is yet selected, "involvement" (Church Youth Group, Scouting, 4H, Athletics...), effort (part time and/or summer jobs, chores...), other accomplishments and character. Those facets will "trump" GPA and Academics. After review, finalists will have a face to face interview with one or more Endowment Scholarship Fund subcommittee members. Applications should be submitted to the church office no later than May 25. Intercessory Prayers for May Dawn Beard Stu Bloss Cory Bywater Fran Calvert Bobbye Callaway Anna Lee Carroll Inge & Keith Criss Mutsu Crumley Aneshia Ethridge Bea Hohman Louise Jones Makenna Karcher Edith McCandless Adrian Montgomery Rebecca Peterson Josephine Pickett Marguerite Reagan Prayers for the Lumpkins transitioning to Fredericksburg, our congregation and our new pastor Dr. Jenna Heart. Extended Family Lanita Adames’ friends & family, Alicia Ramsey’s friends & family Vickie Blaylock, Debbie Chance, friends of Marilyn Kinsey Mildred Bohning, Doretha Klose Bohning’s mother-in-law Kim Buckky and family on the passing of her daughter Doris Carpenter, from Darlene Mack Lucy Carson, sister of Lois Frost Trey Combs, Amber Meeks grandfather Kaitlyn Cooke Connie Copeland, niece of Roy and Bobbye Callaway Phillip Creel, Brandy Karcher’s grandfather Ramona Dahl, cancer Emily and her son, friends of Steve and Mindy Weyman Friends and family of Narelene Faught Beth Fletcher, friend of the Jacobs Lisa Fulendorf & Ray Watson, Bill Brister’s niece & brother-in-law Johnnie George, John Bowen’s grandmother Becky Gray daughter of John & Sandy Tompkins Amber Groves, Courtney Groves’ sister-in-law John Harbert, requested by Brian & Cheryl Magnes Shanna Stilley Hausen, friend of the Callaways Don Howington, Becky Haner’s son Laura Jeffcoat and Janna & Shannon Huggins Tom Jolly, Brandon Hopper’s grandfather Clint Kendrick, Billie Eudy’s neighbor Aiden Khanal, submitted by Joy Custer Matthew Maxcy, son-in-law of Larry and Julie Williams Jagger Miller requested by Connie Hendrix Brandi Oliva, Anna Lee Carroll’s granddaughter Nick ; Phil & Betty; -The Pekin’s cousin , Charles’ parents Hunter Rene, Keith and Inga Criss’ granddaughter Clyde Redford, Billie Williams, the Gooch’s great uncle &mom Barry Roberson, son of Mary Ann Roberson Suellen Samuels, sister of Mary Jane Baxter Mark Schroeter, Sonnie Tobias’ nephew Becky Haner (sister); Penny Shaw; Kristin Smith and Melissa Wolfe from Georganna Sherbert Kim Shaw requested by Brandy Karcher Victoria Summitt, Marci Propes’ daughter Thomas and Andrea Toupin, Lori Tribas’ son and his wife Cathy Walker, sister of Charlotte Johnson Laura Wendell, Sharon Hobbs’ sister Mary Stewart requests prayers for her family and Irma Potts Family in Service Angi (Carroll) & Pete Daiuto Trey Roberson Chris Chizek Josh Voigt Christian persecution around the world. Rain. Patrick Marsh Matthew A. Maxcy Nathalie and Josh Jones MUSIC NOTES By Don Peterson First I wish to thank all of our Joy Ringers and Chancel Choir members for preparing and presenting their beautiful music on Easter Sunday. Other special music was provided by my daughter Rebecca on Palm Sunday with the presentation of the Pieta, Jacqui Lirette for her solo, Via Dolorosa, on Good Friday and Joe Hines for playing the trumpet at the 11:00 a.m. service on Easter. Thank you to both of them. Their special music added so much to the services. Our musical groups are busy preparing special music for the next two months prior to their annual summer vacation. The Joy Ringers normally end their rehearsals at the end of May but they will be continuing with them as they prepare special music for the last Sunday George will be with us and the first Sunday for our new minister, Dr. Jenna Heart. The Chancel Choir will also be preparing special music for these two Sundays. Both of these groups will begin their summer vacations on July 1st with the Chancel Choir taking a 6 week vacation and the Joy Ringers beginning their rehearsals in August when school begins. I wish to extend the invitation to all those past choir members, both in the Joy Ringers and Chancel Choir to come and be a part of these two groups as they prepare the special music for the two services in June. I encourage you to attend the rehearsals starting Wednesday, June 3rd (or earlier if you prefer) and prepare the music for Sundays June 21st and 28th. Come and be a part of these two very exciting Sunday morning services on these dates. You will be blessed by the music. If you have any questions please contact me. God bless. Silent Auction! We have two Modesty Rails that were once in the sanctuary that are no longer being used. We would like to sell these to the highest bidder. The rails are made from beautiful wood. They measure 15 feet long by 32 inches high. The end pieces are a foot deep. If you would like to see these and place a bid, please come by the church office between 9 am3pm on Wednesday or Thursday or call the office at 512 556-5513 and speak to Priscilla or email [email protected] * Not the actual rail. Pidcoke UMC Big Feed Event Saturday, May 2 at 5:30pm Fried Fish, BBQ, and all the trimmings Donations for the meal will be accepted 11230 FM 166– half way between Gatesville and Copperas Cove Come join us! Dear LFUMC; Thank you very much for the James Avery cross earrings. I will wear them proudly! But most of all, thank you all for the support you give to the CAPS ministry. It is truly a privilege to be able to serve as it's director. Sincerely; Julie Williams Dear United Methodist Men, I take this opportunity to express my sincerest “Thank You” for your support of Cub Scout Pack 100. The generosity you expressed by providing our Pack with a new First United Methodist Church flag is in keeping with the finest of Christian tradition: helping those who are in need. Thank you and God bless you! Sincerely. Pierre Leblanc, Pack 100 Committee Chair Dear Church Family, Thank you so much for your cards, calls, prayers, love & concern during my hip surgery & recovery. Bea Hohman April Memorials To: Memorial Fund, Building Fund, Benevolence Fund, Endowment Fund In Memory of: Clarence Niemeyer From: Benton & Linda Floerke Charles & Nancee Stevens Billie Eudy Gail Callahan Mike & Barbara Mullican Grady & Glynda Jones Gail & J.C. Long Gay Jones Tim & Connie Hendrix Gordon Cunningham Helen Wernette Needed: Volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels Lampasas has a shortage of volunteers delivering Meals on Wheels. If you could help– even on a “fill in” basis, please contact the Senior Center at 512 556-3858 and ask for Faith. At this time there is a need for a Friday volunteer and a back up. They also need an aid. This position has to be filled by someone 55 or older with little or no income. You have to qualify for this position. If interested call Faith at the Center. County Church Women Meeting The Lampasas County Church Women (formerly Church Women United) will meet for their World Friendship Day on Friday, May 1st, at 11:30am in the Old Fellowship Hall at First United Methodist Church. Everyone is asked to bring a dish for the “Covered Dish Luncheon”. Vannetta Chapman will be presenting the program. All ladies are invited to come, bring a friend, and join in the fellowship as we celebrate together as Christian Women in Mission. “Is there more to life than this?” Alpha A Practical Introduction to the Christian Faith Sunday Evenings at 6:00 pm In the “Bride’s Room” at the church Supper provided!! Alpha is an 11 week course on the basics of Christianity. It is an open, friendly, non-intimidating study designed for those investigating the Christian faith for the first time, or for those Christians who simply want to brush up on the basics. Come just as you are, kick back, eat dinner, make new friends, and discover how God can make an important difference in your daily life. If you need child care, please call the church office Monday– Thursday 512 556-5513. Alpha will not meet on May 3. “Spirit Warriors”- Thursday Mornings @7:00am at the Church Spirit Warriors is a weekly get together for men working on their spiritual journey. We drink coffee (always) eat some breakfast (most of the time) and share thoughts and prayers about our walk with Christ. Spiritual Warriors uses the Walk to Emmaus Reunion Group format, but all are welcome whether you have attended the walk or not. Come and join us, or if you need more info, talk to George Lumpkin or Matt Karcher. Boy Scouts Troop 200 Calendar Events May 2-Troop meeting-Board of Reviews, uniform inspection 11-Troop Meeting-OA Elections 15-17 Cave Crawl at Bend State Park Cub-O-Ree at Barefoot Camp 20-Committee Meeting -6:30 23- Flags at Oak Hills Cemetary 25-Troop Meeting June 8-Troop Meeting-Boards of Review/Uniform Inspection 17- Committee Meeting 22– Troop Meeting– 6:30pm Christian Ladies Lunch is a new monthly, informal gathering just to eat and visit. We will be in the back room of Country Kitchen at 11:30 on Monday, May 4 If you would enjoy a lunch out with the girls, please join us. The more, the merrier! No need to make reservations, just come to the back room. United Methodist Men Monthly Breakfast Every 2nd Saturday 7:30 a.m. The Next Breakfast will be May 9 Cub Scout Pack 100 Calendar Events May 9– Bridgeover– Hanna Springs @ 11am 19– Leaders Meeting– FUMC @6pm 23- Flags for veterans– Oak Hill Cemetery @ 7:30am June 16– Leaders Meeting– FUMC @6pm 20-Pool Party and Rain Gutter Regetta– Hanna Springs Pool @ noon At the Mission May 18 5:20pm Come Support your local Mission during our monthly appointed time. Over 60’s FOOd and Games Friday, May15 11:30 a.m. in the Old Fellowship Hall Church News Dates to Remember: May 7, Thursday May 12, Tuesday May 17, Sunday National Day of Prayer Breakfast @ County Seat Trustees Meeting High School Seniors Banquet United Methodist Women’s meeting Finance Committee Meeting Administrative Council Meeting Office Closed for Memorial Day May 19, Tuesday May 25, Monday 7:00am 6:00pm 12:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Helping Those in Nepal In the wake of the devastating earthquake in Nepal, The Rio Texas Conference has compiled a few links to up-to-date information about how the United Methodist Church is offering aid and how local churches and individuals can help. You can go to and follow the links to the Nepal Quake for information on how to help with both prayer and donations. You can also make a check out to our church and in the memo write “UMCOR” or “Nepal” and we can get those checks to UMCOR. First United Methodist Church 2 Alexander Drive Lampasas, TX 76550 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
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