LANCER’S CONVENT ROHINI, DELHI SESSION 2015-16 CLASS VII MONTH: May HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK SUBJECT :-ENGLISH 1. Write the character sketch of the character you liked the most in 50-70 words. Pick up 20 adjectives from the book and write their meanings & frame sentences. 2. Read the supplementary novel “The Adventures of Don Quixote” for formative test. 3. Attempt the English assignment in your LANGUAGE notebook. 4. Prepare for grammar test to be held in month of July. (editing, rearrange, sentences, nouns, pronouns) 5. Revise the syllabus covered in the class so far. ***** SUBJECT :-HINDI ***** SUBJECT :-MATHS 1. Make an Excel sheet for finding sum, difference, product & difference of the following rational numbers: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) 12/7 and 3/7 -17/9 and -11/9 4 and 1/2 1/9 and 4/27 8/15 and 2/9 -3/4 and -9/11 2 and 1/2 2/3 and 7/15 2. Do Assignment-1 in C.W notebook . Practice the chapters- Integers, Fractions and Rationalnumbers in practice register 3. Revise concepts done in previous class. 4. Prepare for MATHS OLYMPIAD from another books of class VII . Buy IMO class VII and practice 100 questions in register 5. Solve and Paste 5 suduko on A-4 Sheet. 6. play some games from the sites related to topics covered. SUBMIT ALL THE WORK BY 8 JULY’ 2015. ***** SUBJECT :-SCIENCE 1. Prepare a class presentation for FA II based on the topics given in the classes from chapters 15 and 16. 2. Learn the symbols and chemical formulas from chapter 7. 3. Paste news papers clippings based on the chapters 1, 2, 9 in the fair note book. (At least one from each chapter). 4. Download assignment for the month of April from the school website and complete it in the fair note book. 5. Complete assessment question answers of chapter 10 in the fair note book. 6. Prepare the chapters taught so far ***** SUBJECT :-SOCIAL SCIENCE Students will be required to complete the following activities & questions as a part of their HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK on A4 size sheet with the help of textbook. Read and learn the following lessons: History- Chapter 1( The Medieval World) Geography- Chapter 2( Inside our earth) Geography- Chapter 1 (Our Environment) Civics – Chapter 2(Pillars of Democracy) Prepare a pictorial, informative and hand written project on an A4 size sheet of the following chapter according to the roll no allotted Geography :Chapter4- Major landforms Roll no Topic 1-15 Work of a River 16-30 Work of Sea Waves and Winds 31 onwards Work of moving Ice Complete the assignment (Apr-May) uploaded on the school website on an A4 size sheet ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS:Note: All answers to be done on A4 size sheet 1. With the help of a diagram explain the rock-cycle. And also paste the samples of different types of rocks. 2. Make a 3-D model on “Layers of the Earth” (on A4 size sheet only). 3. In a tabular form name the different sources of history with examples (2 or 3) SOURCES OF HISTORY (FOR EXAMPLE) EXAMPLE Monuments Red Fort Qutub Minar 4. Write a short biography on your best friend (in 30-40 words). 5. Write a small article on Democracy (For references take the examples from today’s condition of democracy). 6. With the help of pictures explain the Election (voting) system in Indian Democracy. ***** SUBJECT:-SANSKRIT ***** SUBJECT :-FRENCH Assignment :ques1. Trouvez la difference entre les deux image donnée avec les phrases complètes en francaises. Ques2 . faites les questions : a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. J’aime la France. Les plats francais sont delicieux. C’est la tour eiffle. Les specialites francaises sont les parfums,les fromages,les boissons. Il y a 400 sortes de fromages francais. Ce sont le brie,le camembert. C’est une sorte de vin francais. Ce sont les pays voisins de la France. Paris s’appelle la ville lumiere. C’est la tour eiffle la plus belle monument du monde. Ques 3. Lisez la comprehension et repondez aux questions : Repondez aux questions : a. b. c. d. Où habite julien ? Où travaille julien ? Qu’est ce qu’il fait dans la matinée ? Où mange –il sa dejeuner ? Complete les phrases : a. b. c. d. e. Il vit avec sa_____. Il va dans la salle de bain pour prendre _____. Il part au_____. Il dit bonjour à ses _____. Il dejeune à la _____. Ques4 . completez les phrases avec les verbes entre pharentheses : Ques5. 1. Quelles sont les trois couleurs du drapeau français ? 2. Quelle chaîne de montagnes se trouve près de l'Italie ? 3. Quel est le plus long fleuve français ? 4. Combien y a-t-il de régions en France métropolitaine ? 5. Quel est le nom du président de la République française en 2009 ? 6. Quelle est la ville française surnommée la 'ville rose' ? 7. Quelle mer borde la Côte d'Azur ? 8. Combien de fois la France a-t-elle été championne du monde de football (jusqu'en 2009) ? 9. Quel est le jour de la fête nationale française ? 10. Laquelle de ces grandes villes françaises est connue pour son vin ? ***** SUBJECT :-GERMAN Frage 1:Mach eine Indische/deutsche Speisekarte und schreib auch ӓhnliche kurze Dialoge,die im Buch gegeben werden. Frage 2: Frage 3:Sehen Sie den Prospekt an. Fragen und antworten Sie. ! Lerntipp Ein Kilo/ eine Packung/ein Kasten kostet.............(singular) Zwei Kilo / hundert Gramm / zwölf Flaschenkosten.......(plural) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Was kostet ein Kilo Bananen? – Ein Kilo Bananen kostet 1,19 Euro Was kosten zwei Kilo Kartoffeln? -............................................................ _______________________Käse? - ........................................................... ______________________Nudeln? -.......................................................... ______________________Tomaten? - ...................................................... Frage 4:Was essen und trinken die Leute im Cafe Windbeutel? Schreiben Sie. 1. Frau und kleines Mädchen : Die Frau: Apfelsaft(m), Schinkenbrot(n) Das Mädchen: Limonade(f), Apfelkuchen(m) Die Frau trinkt einen Apfelsaft und isst ein Schinkenbrot. ..................................................................................................................................... 2. Zwei Freundinnen: Die erste Frau: Cappuccino(m) Die zweite Frau: Tee(m) ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. 3. Ein Paar: Die Frau: Mineralwasser(n), Salat(m) Der Mann: Bier(n), Wurst(f) .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. 4. Eine Familie: Die Mutter: Kaffee(m) , Hamburger(m) Der Vater: Mineralwasser, Spaghetti(pl) Der Sohn: Cola(f) , Käsebrot(n) ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ Frage 5: Frage 6: Welche antwort passt? a. Wo ist dein Füller? da! 1. Hier ist mein Füller. 2. Hier ist dein Füller. da. 3. Hier ist ein Füller. B. Meine Schere ist nicht 1. Wo ist meine Schere. 2. Eine Schere ist nicht 3. Hier ist eine Schere. C.Wer ist das?deine Tante? 1. Nein,deine Lehrerin. 2. Nein, meine Lehrerin. 3. Nein,eine Tante. D. Das ist mein Mӓppchen. 1. Was?meinMӓppchen. 2. Was?ein Mӓppchen. 3. Was? Mӓppchen? ***** SUBJECT :-COMPUTERS 1. Visit and create your headings of the project in various different logo designs and incorporate them in your projects. 2. Attempt the assignment and paste it in your notebook. 3. Make EXCEL PROJECT WORK (SUBJECT BASED) on the topics allotted to you and send them to the respective email ids (as per your section) mention below. SECTION EMAIL ID [email protected] A [email protected] B [email protected] C [email protected] D [email protected] E [email protected] F [email protected] G [email protected] H NOTE-Mention your Adm no./ Roll no. , Name in the subject box while sending the mail. ***** LETS GET CLOSE & PERSONAL WITH NATURE ❖ ❖ ❖ SUBJECT :ENGLISH Draft a poem of about 10-15 lines on the theme "FORESTS - a blessing in disguise". Paragraph writing on topic “Trees- the life saviour”. Dialogue writing for 'Interview with a Forest officer'. SUBJECT :SOCIAL SCIENCE ❖ Important uses of forests in our day to day life. ❖ Poem on the theme “Public awareness is must for conserving wildlife”. ❖ Fill the table :- TYPES OF FOREST NAMES OF THE FOREST IN INDIA STATE WILDLIFE TYPES OF TREES SUBJECT : SCIENCE Collect information on the following topics :❖ Interdependence of plants & animals in the forest. ❖ Various food chains & food webs that exist in the forest. ❖ In a food chain, if for some reason an organism disappears how it will affect the balance in nature. ❖ Suggest different ways to conserve forest. SUBJECT :MATHS ❖ 3-D Model for 10% loss of energy in every step of food chain (ecological balance). ❖ Chart (Data) for National Park,wildlife sanctuaries (year of establishment, number of different types of animals, birds, area covered, expenditure for maintaining). ❖ Pie chart for different type of forests (how much area is covered by particular type of forest). ❖ Extinct & endangered species (name, exact figure of species & also collect 5 years data for the same). SUBJECT :G.K ❖ Collecting amazing facts about forest. ❖ A forest visit. ❖ Card-making (size - 5”x 7” vertical) on forests. SUBJECT :COMPUTERS Create a Snake and Ladder game (SAVE FOREST ACTIVITY using Spreadsheet in Ms-Excel) Give bonus marks to a child if they do good things towards environment. i.e child will climb the ladder when he/she does the following activity like planting trees, watering them, do not cut trees, stop others from cutting, not throwing waste, awareness to others, not plucking flowers, protecting animals from poachers etc. Deduct the marks of a child if they hurt the environment like plucking flowers, cutting trees, hurting animals, burning trees, littering forest etc. You can add your own points to make the sheet attractive. Use proper formatting and pictures where ever required. One sample sheet is given for your quick reference.
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