pa890600092nRev3 PROGRAMME OF MEASURES DISCHARGES FROM URBAN WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANTS BACKGROUND DOCUMENT Mott MacDonald Ireland Consulting Engineers 5 Eastgate Avenue Eastgate Little Island Co. Cork. Job Nr. : PA8906 Doc. Nr. : PA8906-N-R-09-A January 2010 i pa890600092nRev3 Revision Control Table The User is Responsible for Checking the Revision Status of this Document Rev. Nr. A Description of Changes Initial Issue For & on Behalf of Mott MacDonald Ireland Ltd. Prepared Checked Approved By by by F. McGivern DC/RMcE FMcG Date January 2010 “This document has been prepared for the titled project or named part thereof and should not be relied upon or used for any other project without an independent check being carried out as to its suitability and prior written authority of [Mott MacDonald] being obtained. Mott MacDonald Ireland accepts no responsibility or liability for the consequences of this document being used for a purpose other than the purposes for which it as commissioned. Any person using or relying on the document for such other purpose agrees, and will by such use or reliance be taken to confirm his agreement, to indemnify Mott MacDonald Ireland for all loss or damage resulting therefrom. Mott MacDonald Ireland accepts no responsibility or liability for this document to any party other than the person by whom it was commissioned. To the extent that this report is based on information supplied by other parties, Mott MacDonald Ireland accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by the client, whether contractual or tortious, stemming from any conclusions based on data supplied by parties other than Mott MacDonald Ireland and used by Mott MacDonald Ireland in preparing this report." Doc. Nr. : PA8906-N-R-09-A ii pa890600092nRev3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Purpose.......................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Classification of Surface & Groundwaters................................................ 1 1.3 Impacts from Discharges from Urban Waste Water Treatment Plants. 2 2.0 EXISTING LEGISLATION ................................................................................ 3 2.1 Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations (S.I. 254 of 2001)............... 3 2.2 European Communities (Quality of Shellfish Waters) Regulations (S.I.268 of 2006)............................................................................................ 4 2.3 Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations S.I. No. 684 of 2007) .............................................................................................................. 4 3.0 IDENTIFICATION AND PRIORITISATION OF MEASURES FOR WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANTS ....................................................... 5 3.1 Sources of Information ................................................................................ 5 3.2 Identification of Measures........................................................................... 5 4.0 PROGRAMME OF MEASURES AND DATES FOR COMPLETION........ 11 4.1 Tables of Measuresc.................................................................................. 11 4.2 Dates for Completion................................................................................. 11 Appendix A Table 1 Appendix B Table 2 Appendix C Table 3 Appendix D Table 4 Appendix E Table 5 Appendix F Table 6 Doc. Nr. : PA8906-N-R-09-A Plant Requiring Capital Works. Agglomerations Requiring Further Investigations Prior To Capital Works. Plants Required To Commence Implementation Of Pollution Reduction Programmes For Shellfish Waters. Plants Requiring Implementation Of An Appropriate Performance Management System. Plants Requiring The Investigation Of CSOS. Plants Required To Ensure The Capacity Of The Plant Is Not Exceeded. iii pa890600092nRev3 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose Pollution of surface waters and ground waters results from human activities associated with our everyday sanitation needs and work related activities. Polluting matter generated by these activities can enter the environment by way of a direct discharge through a pipe (point source discharge) or by runoff or percolation through the ground (diffuse source discharge). The Water Framework Directive sets objectives concerning the reduction of polluting matter entering waters, prevention of the deterioration in water quality and the achievement of Good Status in all waters. The Directive requires that measures are put in place to achieve these objectives. Local Authorities have responsibility for the collection and treatment of urban waste water. Discharges of urban waste water are known to impact on the quality of the receiving waters. Regulations are in place concerning the control of discharges from urban agglomerations. Compliance with existing regulations will contribute significantly to the achievement of the objectives of the Water Framework Directive. However, there are circumstances where compliance with existing regulations may not be sufficient. In such cases additional measures may be required. The purpose of this document is to explain the methodology used to identify measures to be implemented concerning discharges from urban waste water treatment plants. 1.2 Classification of Surface & Groundwaters The Environmental Protection Agency has classified the overall ecological status of surface water bodies. The ecological status considers the biological status and the chemical status. The classification system includes five designations:- High status Good status Moderate status Poor status Bad status Nationally 46 % of all river water bodies and 37% of transitional and costal water bodies have been classified as less than Good status. The Water Framework Directive requires that measures are put in place to restore all water bodies to Good Status. In addition, measures must be put in place to ensure that there will be no deterioration in status. Therefore, measures will be required to protect existing High and Good Status waters from deterioration where there are pressures on such water bodies that may cause deterioration of status. Doc. Nr. : PA8906-N-R-09-A 1 pa890600092nRev3 1.3 Impacts from Discharges from Urban Waste Water Treatment Plants Water quality is impacted by discharges from urban waste water treatment plants. The level of impact depends upon the magnitude of the discharge and the ability of the receiving water to assimilate the pollution loading without affecting water quality status. Nationally there are upwards of 900 discharges from urban waste water treatment plants. Nationally, the daily pollution loading entering waste water treatment plants approximates to: • • • 380 tonnes BOD 47 tonnes Nitrogen 8 tonnes Phosphorous Many of our rivers, lakes, estuaries and coastal waters that receive discharges from urban waste water treatment plants are classified as less than good status according to the classification system developed for the purpose of implementing the Water Framework Directive. It is evident that in many cases, discharges from urban waste water treatment plants are the cause, or contribute to the less than good status. There is evidence from monitoring data to indicate that discharges from wastewater treatment plants are, or may be, the primary cause of the less than good status. The evidence may be further supported by information indicating that there is insufficient dilution available in the receiving waters to assimilate the pollution loading from the discharge from the treatment plant. In addition there is a risk of deterioration in water quality status were treatment plants are at or approaching design capacity and where the performance is not in accordance with specified discharge standards. The failure to properly operate and maintain a treatment plant also poses a risk to the receiving water quality. Doc. Nr. : PA8906-N-R-09-A 2 pa890600092nRev3 2.0 EXISTING LEGISLATION 2.1 Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations (S.I. 254 of 2001) The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive and the implementing Regulations have been the primary legislative instruments concerning discharges from urban waste water treatment plants. The regulations have obligations for Local Authorities in respect of the collection, treatment, and monitoring of urban waste water. In the case of urban waste water entering collection systems, a sanitary authority shall provide: Secondary treatment or equivalent treatment - in respect of all discharges to coastal waters with population equivalents greater than 10,000. - in respect of discharges to fresh waters and estuaries, agglomerations with a population equivalent equal to or greater than 2,000. More stringent treatment than secondary treatment for all discharges from agglomerations with a population equivalent of more than 10,000 into sensitive areas or into the relevant catchments of sensitive areas where discharges contributed to the pollution of these areas. Discharge from a treatment plant intended to provide secondary treatment shall comply with concentration values and minimum percentage reduction values stated in the Regulations. Discharge from a treatment plant that is intended to provide more stringent treatment shall comply with the concentration and minimum percentage reductions for Total Phosphorous and Total Nitrogen stated in the Regulations. A sanitary authority shall carry out, cause to be carried out or arrange for monitoring of discharges and waters subject to a discharge where there is a risk to water quality. The results of monitoring are to be submitted to the EPA. The implementation of the Regulations has resulted in significant investment in waste water treatment. However, the rapid growth in the economy in the 10 year period leading up to 2007 has resulted in commercial and residential development beyond anticipated growth levels leading to deficits in waste water treatment capacity and infrastructure. The continued implementation of the Regulations through the Water Services Investment Programme will be necessary to address this imbalance. Doc. Nr. : PA8906-N-R-09-A 3 pa890600092nRev3 2.2 European Communities (Quality of Shellfish Waters) Regulations (S.I.268 of 2006) The purpose of S.I. 268 is to give effect to Directive 79/923/EEC on the quality required of shellfish waters. The regulations require that public authorities perform their functions in a manner that will promote compliance with the quality standards set out in the Regulations and shall take such actions necessary to comply with any programme established by the Minister in accordance with the regulations. Pollution Reduction Programmes (PRPs) have been prepared for shellfish waters. These are expected to be approved by the Minister in 2010. Once approved, it will become incumbent on Local Authorities to implement measures that are contained in the PRPs that are relevant to their functions. The PRPs identify the pressures in the catchments of shellfish waters (including discharges from waste water treatment plants) and the measures to be implemented as part of the action programme. Local Authorities will be required to implement this action programme. 2.3 Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations S.I. No. 684 of 2007) The Waste Water Discharge Authorisation Regulations were made, in addition to other purposes, to prevent and reduce the pollution of waters by waste water discharges and for the purposes of giving effect to Article 11(3)(c) of the Water Framework Directive requiring prior regulation of point source discharges. The regulations introduce a system of licensing by the EPA of discharges of waste water from urban waste water treatment plants. Local Authorities are required to apply for a licence and to comply with the conditions attached to any licence issued by the EPA. The Regulations also require planning authorities and An Bord Pleanála to refuse permission or approval of a development, or limit the scale of a development that involves a waste water discharge from a waste water works where it considers that the discharge would cause or exacerbate a breach of emission limits and controls. Doc. Nr. : PA8906-N-R-09-A 4 pa890600092nRev3 3.0 IDENTIFICATION AND PRIORITISATION OF MEASURES FOR WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANTS 3.1 Sources of Information 3.1.1 Information compiled by the EPA Local Authorities are required to submit, on an annual basis, information to the EPA on the treatment and discharge of urban waste water within their functional area. Information must be submitted for all agglomerations with a population equivalent of 500 or greater. The information submitted by the local authorities is referred to as the Local Authority Returns. The information returned by the local authorities is compiled in a national database by the EPA. This database represents the most comprehensive record of urban waste water discharges. 3.1.2 Applications for Licences to Discharge The introduction of the Regulations concerning the authorisation of discharges of urban waste water provided a means of checking, verifying and updating the information contained in the EPA database. The application for a discharge licence required the applicant to submit detailed information on the waste water treatment plant and the receiving waters including:- Coordinates for the discharge point Population equivalent of the catchment served by the WWTP Quantity of flow to the WWTP Information on approved developments Design Capacity of the WWTP Information on treated effluent monitoring data Information on receiving water quality The information extracted from the discharge licence applications was considered to be more accurate than the information contained in the EPA database. Where there was a conflict in the information, the details in the licence application was taken to be more correct and used in the preparation of the programme of measures. 3.2 Identification of Measures 3.2.1 Measures Intended to Achieve Compliance with Existing Legislation The programme of measures is required to include measures necessary for compliance with existing legislation. With regard to urban waste water treatment plants the Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations and the Regulations concerning the Quality of shellfish waters must be complied with. Compliance is mandatory and therefore any measures identified were considered to be of the highest priority in the programme of measures. A review of the data on waste water treatment plants was carried out to identify agglomerations and treatment plants where measures were necessary to ensure compliance with existing legislation. All agglomerations and treatment plants were tested against the primary requirements of the legislation. Test carried out for compliance with existing legislation is shown in Figure 1. Doc. Nr. : PA8906-N-R-09-A 5 pa890600092nRev3 STEP 1 All Discharges from Urban Agglomeration 1. Is the Agglomeration required to Provide Secondary Treatment in accordance with the UWWT Regs NO Yes NO 2. Is Secondary Treatment in Place NO 3. Is the Agglomeration required to Provide Nutrient Removal in accordance with the UWWT Regs Yes NO 4. Is nutrient removal in place? NO 5. Are the effluent standards in accordance with the UWWT Regs and the required frequency of monitoring? Yes 6. Is the discharge to Designated Shellfish Waters Yes Yes 7.Is the WWTP listed as a pressure in the Pollution Reduction Programme (PRP) for the shellfish water. NO Proceed to STEP 2 Priority 1 List of Measures Test for Technical Feasibility Add to Programme of Measures with Dates for Completion Figure 1 – Test for Compliance with Existing Legislation Doc. Nr. : PA8906-N-R-09-A 6 pa890600092nRev3 Each agglomeration and wastewater treatment plant was tested against Items 1 to 7 in Figure 1 and appropriate measures identified as follows. 1. Is the waste water from the agglomeration required to receive secondary treatment? 2 Is secondary treatment in place? Were this requirement was not being complied with the measure is provide secondary treatment (Table 1 – Appendix A) 3. Is the waste water from the agglomeration required to be subject to nutrient removal? 4 Is nutrient removal in place? Were this requirement was not being complied with the measure is provide nutrient removal (Table 1 – Appendix A) 5 Are the effluent standards in compliance with the requirements of the Regulations? Has the required number of samples been taken? Where these requirements have not being complied with the measure is implement an appropriate performance management system. (Table 4 – Appendix ?) 6 Is the waste water treatment plant discharging to designated shellfish waters? 7 Is the waste water treatment plant identified in the PRP as a pressure to the quality of such waters? If the wastewater treatment plant is identified in the PRP the measure is commence implementation of the PRP. (Table 3 – Appendix C) 3.2.2 Measures Intended to Address Identified Impacts or Risks to Status A receiving water is at risk from a discharge from a waste water treatment plant where there is a deficiency in the capacity at the treatment plant or where the receiving water does not have sufficient flow to provide dilution of the discharge to meet water quality standards. In addition, monitoring in the receiving water may indicate that the discharge is contributing to the deterioration in quality status. Furthermore some receiving waters may be designated as protected areas. Such areas should receive priority in the implementation of the measures in consideration of their special status. Biological river water quality monitoring is carried out by the EPA. The EPA monitoring programme includes approximately 3150 monitoring stations covering 13,000km of river channel. The results of monitoring are reported in accordance with the EPA’s Q-rating classification system. The relationship between the Q-rating and the biological quality required for good status under the Water Frameford Directive is as follows: Doc. Nr. : PA8906-N-R-09-A 7 pa890600092nRev3 Q Value Q5, Q4, Q4-Q5 Q3, Q3-Q4 Q2, Q2-Q3 Q1, Q1-Q2 WFD Quality Status High Good Moderate Poor Bad There is evidence to indicate that discharges from waste water treatment plants are causing a deterioration in water quality. This evidence is strongest where monitoring stations are located in close proximity upstream and downstream of the location of a discharge. All waste water treatment plants were tested for deficiencies, lack of assimilative capacity in the receiving waters, evidence of impact and protected area status. Measures were identified to mitigate the risk and impacts and priority was given in the programme of measures to treatment plants discharging to protected areas. The methodology for the assessment of the waste water treatment plants is represented in Figure 2. The information gathered on waste water treatment plants was reviewed to compare the reported loading to the waste water treatment plant and the design capacity of the treatment plant. Plants were identified that did not appear to have sufficient capacity to cater for the existing loading and the anticipated future loading in 2015. Where a treatment plant does not have sufficient capacity for the existing water quality, the measure is Increase Plant Capacity. (Included in Table1). Where the treatment plant does not have capacity to cater for the anticipated loading in 2015 the measure is Ensure the Capacity of the Plant is not Exceeded. (Included in Table 6). Information was also gathered on the flow available in the receiving waters and compared against the quantity in the discharge. A determination was made if sufficient dilutions were available in the receiving waters such that water quality standards could be complied with in respect of BOD and Nutrients. Where it was determined that sufficient dilutions were not available to achieve standards for BOD and where there was evidence of impact from the waste water treatment plant on water quality, the measure is Provide Tertiary Treatment or Relocate the Outfall. (Included in Table 1). Where it was determined that sufficient dilutions were not available to achieve standards for BOD but there was no evidence of impact from the waste water treatment plant on water quality, the measure is Investigate the need for Tertiary Treatment or Relocation of the Outfall. (Included in Table 2). Doc. Nr. : PA8906-N-R-09-A 8 pa890600092nRev3 Where it was determined that sufficient dilutions were not available to achieve standards for Nutrients and where there was evidence of impact from the waste water treatment plant on water quality, the measure is Provide Nutrient Removal or Relocate the Outfall. (Included in Table 1). Where it was determined that sufficient dilutions were not available to achieve standards for Nutrients but there was no evidence of impact from the waste water treatment plant on water quality, the measure is Investigate the need for Nutrient Removal or Relocation of the Outfall. (Included in Table 2). Where there was no deficiency identified in the capacity of the treatment plant or in the dilutions available in the receiving waters for the existing loading, the treatment plants were tested against the same criteria based on the anticipated loading in 2015. If the assessment showed that there would be deficit, the measure to be applied to the treatment plant is Ensure Capacity of Treatment Plant is not Exceeded. (Included in Table 6) There are discharges from waste water treatment plants where the monitoring data indicates deterioration in water quality from upstream to downstream of the point of discharge but there is no deficiency evident in either the capacity of the waste water treatment plant or in the dilutions available in the receiving waters. The deterioration in the water quality needs further investigation. Many urban collection systems incorporate combined sewers that receive sewage and storm water. These combined sewer systems often include combined sewer overflows (CSOs) that allow for the discharge of untreated waste water in storm flow conditions. Where there is a deterioration in water quality that does appear to result from the treated effluent discharge the measure is Carry out investigations of the impacts from CSOs. (Table 5) Doc. Nr. : PA8906-N-R-09-A 9 pa890600092nRev3 STEP 2 All Discharges from Urban Agglomerations Existing Loading (a) Is there Insufficient Capacity at WWTP (existing p.e.)? (b) Is there Insufficient Assimilative Capacity (existing BOD)? (c) Is there Insufficient Assimilative Capacity (existing Nutrients)? NO Future Loading (a) Is there Insufficient Capacity at WWTP (future p.e.)? (b) Is there Insufficient Assimilative Capacity (future BOD)? (c) Is there Insufficient Assimilative Capacity (future Nutrients)? Continue Monitoring & Reporting Yes to Any Effect 1. Is there Deterioration in Q U/S to D/S within 3km? 2. Is the D/SQ < 4 within 3km? 3. Is the WWTP lacking capacity and b) or c) above? 4. Has there been a historical deterioration in the D/S Q No Yes to Any Yes to Any Is the Receiving water Body a) Nutrient sensitive Area b) Designated Shellfish Water c) Habitate for Freshwater Pearl Mussel Is the Receiving water Body a) Nutrient sensitive Area b) Designated Shellfish Water c) Habitate for Freshwater Pearl Mussel NO d) Other Water Dependant Protected Areas Yes to Any ADD to Priority 1 List of Measures Yes to Any Priority 2 List of Measures Figure 2: Methodology for Identifying Measures and Priority Doc. Nr. : PA8906-N-R-09-A 10 Priority 3 List of Measures pa890600092nRev3 4.0 PROGRAMME OF MEASURES AND DATES FOR COMPLETION 4.1 Tables of Measures The measures that have been identified in respect of waste water treatment plants are presented in six tables as follows - Table 1 – Plants Requiring Capital Investment Provide Secondary Treatment Increase capacity of waste water treatment plant Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall Table 2 – Agglomerations Requiring Further Investigations Prior to Capital Works Investigate the need for increase in capacity Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or relocation of the outfall Investigate the need for nutrient removal or relocation of the outfall Table 3 – Plants required to commence the implementation of Pollution Reduction Programmes for Shellfish waters. Table 4 - Plants Requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance System. Table 5 – Agglomerations requiring the Investigation of CSOs Table 6 – Plants required to ensure the capacity of the treatment plant is not exceeded. The agglomerations and waste water treatment plants for which the above measures apply are identified in the tables in the Appendices. These lists result from the methodology described in Section 3 above. 4.2 Dates for Completion Article 11 of the Water Framework Directive requires the establishment of a programme of measures to achieve the objectives set out in Article 4. The programme of measures is required to be established at the latest nine years after the date of entry into force of the Directive and to be made operational at the latest 12 years after the same date. In this context the programme of measure must be operational by 22nd December 2012. The measures that have been identified in respect of urban waste water treatment plant discharges include capital works, investigations and management procedures. There are technical constraints and financial considerations that need to be taken into account when setting dates for completion within the programme of measures. Doc. Nr. : PA8906-N-R-09-A 11 pa890600092nRev3 Measures that require capital works are subject to planning and procurement constraints. The planning process can be complex and may involve Environmental Impact Assessments, Compulsory Purchase Orders, Foreshore Licensing, applications for planning permission to An Bord Pleanánla, planning appeals and oral hearings, land acquisition and wayleaves. The public procurement process requires competitions for the appointment of consultants and contractors. The programme for completing a capital works project needs to take into account the timescale for planning and public procurement in addition to the time necessary to complete the Preliminary Report, Site Investigations, Detail Design and preparation of contract documents. Where a project has not yet completed the planning stage it is unlikely that the project can be completed within the timeframe of the first river basin management plan. The identification of measures to be completed within the first river basin management plan considered the current status of projects and the constraints which would militate against completion by 2015. Many of the measures proposed have featured on Water Services Investment Programmes. Some projects have advanced beyond the planning stage and design stages and completion within the first river basin management plan is achievable. However, for many of the measures it is not possible to implement the measure by December 2012 or indeed prior to December 2015, due to the time required to advance a project from planning to completion of construction. The Table 1 list of proposed capital works was circulated to the local authorities. Local Authorities were asked to consider the current status of projects and to identify projects that could be completed by 2012 or 2015 and projects where completion would be post 2015. The dates for completion shown in Table 1 reflect the views of the Local Authorities as to what is practical to complete by 2015. It is expected that projects due for completion by 2015 will feature in the next Water Services Investment Programme. Where it is not possible to implement measure by 2015 it may be necessary to extend the deadline for achieving objectives for the receiving water body. This matter is addressed in other background documents dealing with extended deadlines. Measures that do not require capital works nor are subject to planning and procurement constraints are included in the programme of measures for completion within the first river basin management plan timeframe. These are listed in Tables 2 – 6. In Table 2 the measure requires investigations prior to capital works. The date for completion refers to the completion of the investigations. In most cases the Local Authorities have indicated that the investigation will be completed by 2012. Some Local Authorities have indicated dates for completion beyond 2015. Doc. Nr. : PA8906-N-R-09-A 12 pa890600092nRev3 In Table 3 the measure requires the commencement of the implementation of the Pollution Reduction Programmes (PRP) for shellfish waters. The implementation is to commence immediately the PRPs are made by the Minister under the provisions of the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations, S.I. 684 of 2007, which is expected to occur in 2010. It is recognised that the full implementation of the PRP may not be achievable by 2012 where the measures contained in the PRP require capital works or detailed investigations for which planning and procurement constraints apply. In Table 4 the measure is implement an appropriate performance management system. This should occur in all cases prior to 2012. The performance management system should address any non-compliance issues concerning the achievement of the required discharge standards and the required frequency of sampling required under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations. In Table 5 the measure requires investigation of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs). In most cases the Local Authorities have indicated that the investigation will be completed by 2012. Some Local Authorities have indicated dates for completion beyond 2015. In Table 6 the measure requires the steps are taken to ensure that the capacity of the treatment plant is not exceeded. In all cases this should be operational by 2012. This requires procedural arrangements within the local authorities which are programmed to be in place in 2010. 4.3 Overall Summary Information was gathered on 881 waste water treatment plants from the EPA database and information contained in applications made to the EPA for a discharge licence. Information on a further 31 treatment plants was provided directly by local authorities. Of the 912 treatment plants, 651 were identified as requiring the implementation of measures. The remaining 261 plants were either identified as not causing risk or there was insufficient impact data to determine risk. Of the 651 plants in the programme of measures, 314 are programmed for completion beyond 2015. Of this number 244 discharges to 219 water bodies designated as less than good status. These water bodies will be considered for extended deadlines taking into consideration the impacts from other pressures which may be the primary cause of less than good status. Doc. Nr. : PA8906-N-R-09-A 13 Appendix A Plants requiring Capital Works Table 1 - Plants requiring Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure (Capital Works) Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal. Hacketstown Rathvilly Tinryland Tullow WWTP Bailieborough WWTP Carlow Carlow Carlow Carlow Cavan 1 1 2 1 1 Bailieborough WWTP Cavan 2 Cavan WWTP Cavan WWTP Cavan Cavan 1 1 Cavan WWTP Cavan 1 Virginia WWTP Kingscourt WWTP Cavan Cavan 1 1 Ballycannon (Meelick) WW Clare 1 Clare Ballycannon (Meelick) WW Corofin Clare 1 1 Corofin Clare 1 Ennis North Clare 1 Ennis North Clare 1 Kilmihil WWTP Clare 2 Kilmihil WWTP Milltown/Malbay WWTP Quin WWTP Shannon Town Clare Clare Clare Clare 2 1 1 1 Tulla WWTP Clare 2 Tulla WWTP Carrigrenan Clare Cork City 2 1 LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2015 2015 2015 2015 2021 Derreen SlaneyUpper Burren SlaneyUpper BlackwaterNorth 2021 BlackwaterNorth 2015 2015 Woodford Woodford 2015 Woodford 2015 2015+ BlackwaterNorth Glyde 2014 LoughDerg 2014 2010 LoughDerg Fergus 2010 Fergus 2011 Fergus 2012 Fergus 2015 Inagh 2015 2014 2011 2013 Inagh Inagh Fergus Fergus 2009 Fergus 2009 2015+ Fergus LowerLee/Owenboy WB Code Extended Deadline SE_12_2405 SE_12_1398 SE_14_1821 SE_12_1398 EA_07_581 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes EA_07_581 NW_36_189 NW_36_189 Yes Yes Yes NW_36_189 EA_07_1536_1 NB_06_712 Yes Yes Yes SH_25_3896 SH_25_3896 SH_27_1122 Yes Yes No SH_27_1122 SH_27_1122 No No SH_27_1122 No SH_28_718 SH_28_718 SH_070_0000 SH_27_1275 SH_060_0800 Yes Yes Yes No Yes SH_27_928 SH_27_928 SW_060_0700 No No Yes Table 1 - Plants requiring Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Charleville WWTP Cork North 2 Charleville WWTP Millstreet WWTP Cork North Cork North 2 1 Millstreet WWTP Cork North 1 Millstreet WWTP Rathcormac WWTP Ballincollig New WWTP Ballingeary Cork North Cork North Cork South Cork South 1 1 1 1 Ballingeary Cork South 1 Ballymakera WWTP Cork South 1 Ballymakera WWTP Cork South 1 Carrigtwohill WWTP Cobh Cobh Killeens Cork South Cork South Cork South Cork South 1 1 1 2 Killeens Cork South 2 Kinsale Cork South Macroom U.D.C. WWTP Cork South Passage/Monkstown Cork South Ringaskiddy Carrigaline CCork South Riverstick WWTP Cork South Youghal Cork South Clonakilty WWTP Cork West Drimoleague Cork West Dunmanway WWTP Cork West 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Dunmanway WWTP Cork West 1 Inchigeela Cork West 1 Measure (Capital Works) Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide secondary treatment. Provide nutrient removal. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide secondary treatment. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide secondary treatment. Provide secondary treatment. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide secondary treatment. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2015 Maigue 2015 2015+ Maigue Blackwater 2015+ Blackwater 2015+ 2009 2015 2015 Blackwater BlackwaterBride LowerLee/Owenboy UpperLee 2015 UpperLee 2015 UpperLee 2015 UpperLee 2015 2015 2015 2009 Owenacurra LowerLee/Owenboy LowerLee/Owenboy LowerLee/Owenboy 2009 LowerLee/Owenboy 2012 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Bandon/Stick UpperLee LowerLee/Owenboy LowerLee/Owenboy Bandon/Stick Womnagh SkibbereenClonakilty SkibbereenClonakilty UpperBandon 2015 UpperBandon 2015 UpperLee WB Code Extended Deadline SH_24_119 SH_24_119 SW_18_917 Yes Yes Yes SW_18_917 SW_18_917 SW_18_1600 SW_19_1663 SW_19_927 Yes Yes No Yes Yes SW_19_927 SW_19_915 Yes Yes SW_19_915 SW_060_0700 SW_060_0700 SW_060_0700 SW_19_769 Yes Yes Yes Yes No SW_19_769 SW_080_0100 SW_19_1710 SW_060_0700 SW_060_0000 SW_20_1209 SW_020_0100 SW_100_0100 SW_20_876 SW_20_2096 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SW_20_2096 SW_19_1901 Yes Yes Table 1 - Plants requiring Capital Works Point Source Discharge Inchigeela County Priority Cork West 1 Skibbereen Sewerage ScheCork West Ballintra Donegal Ballybofey/Stranorlar WWDonegal Ballyliffen WWTP Donegal 1 1 1 1 Ballyliffen WWTP Donegal 1 Ballyliffen WWTP Bridgend Buncrana WWTP Bundoran WWTP Donegal Donegal Donegal Donegal 1 1 1 1 Bundoran WWTP Donegal 1 Burnfoot Castlefinn WWTP Donegal Donegal 1 1 Castlefinn WWTP Donegal 1 Clonmany Convoy WWTP Donegal Donegal 2 2 Convoy WWTP Donegal 2 Creeslough Culdaff Fahan Glenties WWTP Donegal Donegal Donegal Donegal 1 1 1 1 Glenties WWTP Donegal 1 Gweedore WWTP Kerrykeel Kilea WWTP Donegal Donegal Donegal 1 1 2 Kilea WWTP Donegal 2 Measure (Capital Works) Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide secondary treatment. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide secondary treatment. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2015 UpperLee 2015 2015+ 2015+ 2015+ Skibbereen/Clonakilty DonegalBay Finn/Derg/Foyle WestInishowen 2015+ WestInishowen 2015+ 2015+ 2015+ 2015+ WestInishowen Crana Crana LoughMelvin 2015+ LoughMelvin 2015+ 2015+ Crana Finn/Derg/Foyle 2015+ Finn/Derg/Foyle 2015+ 2015+ WestInishowen Finn/Derg/Foyle 2015+ Finn/Derg/Foyle 2015+ 2015+ 2015+ 2015 MulroyBay/Sheephaven WestInishowen Crana Owenea 2015 Owenea WB Code Extended Deadline SW_19_1901 SW_130_0100 NW_37_2086 XB_01_1_2 NW_40_615 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NW_40_615 NW_40_615 XB_39_1 NW_220_0000 NW_020_0000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NW_020_0000 NW_39_1105 XB_01_1_3 Yes Yes Yes XB_01_1_3 NW_40_1082 NW_01_1913 Yes Yes Yes NW_01_1913 NW_38_4040 NW_230_0000 NW_220_0100 NW_38_1168 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2015+ 2015+ 2015+ NW_38_1168 Lennan/Clady/Owencarrow/Glaskeel NW_38_4124 NW_38_2210 MulroyBay/Sheephaven XB_01_12 Finn/Derg/Foyle 2015+ Finn/Derg/Foyle XB_01_12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Table 1 - Plants requiring Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure (Capital Works) Provide secondary treatment. Provide nutrient removal. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide secondary treatment. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide secondary treatment. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Killybegs WWTP Killybegs WWTP Donegal Donegal 1 1 Killybegs WWTP Donegal 1 Killybegs WWTP Kilmacrennan WWTP Donegal Donegal 1 1 Kilmacrennan WWTP Donegal 1 Letterkenny WWTP Letterkenny WWTP Letterkenny WWTP Lifford WWTP Milford, Donegal Donegal Donegal Donegal Donegal Donegal 1 1 1 1 1 Milford, Donegal Donegal 1 Milford, Donegal Mountcharles Moville no. 1 WWTP Moville no. 1 WWTP Donegal Donegal Donegal Donegal 1 1 1 2 Moville no. 1 WWTP Donegal 2 Newtowncunningham WWDonegal 1 Newtowncunningham WWDonegal 1 Newtowncunningham WWDonegal Pettigo Donegal Ramelton WWTP Donegal Raphoe WWTP Donegal 1 1 1 1 Raphoe WWTP Donegal 2 Raphoe WWTP Donegal Rathmullan no. 1 WWTP Donegal St Johnston Donegal 2 1 1 LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2012 2012 RossanPoint RossanPoint 2012 RossanPoint WB Code NW_070_0000 NW_070_0000 2015 2015 NW_070_0000 NW_070_0000 RossanPoint Lennan/Clady/Owencarrow/Glaskeel NW_39_388 2015 Lennan/Clady/Owencarrow/Glaskeel 2012 2012 2012 2015 2015+ NW_39_388 NW_220_0100 Swilly NW_220_0100 Swilly NW_220_0100 Swilly NW_250_0100 Finn/Derg/Foyle Lennan/Clady/Owencarrow/Glaskeel NW_39_1600 2015+ Lennan/Clady/Owencarrow/Glaskeel 2015+ 2015+ 2015+ 2015+ NW_39_1600 Lennan/Clady/Owencarrow/Glaskeel NW_39_1600 NW_37_3637 DonegalBay NW_40_516 LoughFoyle NW_40_516 LoughFoyle 2015+ LoughFoyle 2015+ Swilly 2015+ Swilly NW_40_516 NW_39_2252 2015+ 2015+ 2015+ 2015+ NW_39_2252 NW_39_2252 Swilly XB_36_west_4 ErneWest Lennan/Clady/Owencarrow/Glaskeel NW_220_0100 NW_01_441 Finn/Derg/Foyle 2015+ Finn/Derg/Foyle 2015+ 2015+ 2015+ Finn/Derg/Foyle LoughSwillyWest Finn/Derg/Foyle NW_01_441 NW_01_441 NW_220_0100 NW_01_1907 Extended Deadline No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Table 1 - Plants requiring Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure (Capital Works) Ringsend WWTP Ringsend WWTP Shanganagh WWTP Dublin City Dublin City Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown 1 1 1 Garristown Fingal 2 Garristown Fingal 2 Toberburr WWTP Fingal 2 Ahascragh Galway County 2 Athenry WWTP Galway County 2 Ballygar WWTP Galway County 1 Ballygar WWTP Galway County 1 Ballygar WWTP Clifden WWTP Eyrecourt WWTP Galway County Galway County Galway County 1 1 2 Eyrecourt WWTP Galway County 2 Eyrecourt WWTP Glenamaddy WWTP Galway County Galway County 2 1 Glenamaddy WWTP Galway County 1 Gort WWTP Galway County 1 Mountbellew WWTP Galway County 1 Mountbellew WWTP Galway County 1 Oughterard WWTP Abbeydorney Galway County Kerry 1 2 Abbeydorney Kerry 2 Abbeydorney Kerry 2 Provide nutrient removal. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide secondary treatment. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Provide secondary treatment. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2012 2012 2012 Dodder Dodder Shanganagh 2015 Delvin 2015 Delvin 2015 Broadmeadow 2021 Suck 2015 Clarinbridge 2021 Suck 2021 Suck 2021 2015 2015 Suck WestGalway LoughDerg 2021 LoughDerg 2021 2015 LoughDerg ClareRiver 2015 ClareRiver 2021 Kinvara 2015 Suck 2015 Suck 2015 2015+ Corrib Feale 2015+ Feale 2015+ Feale WB Code Extended Deadline EA_090_0300 EA_090_0300 EA_100_0000 No No No EA_08_238 EA_08_238 Yes Yes EA_08_670 SH_26_3041 Yes Yes WE_29_310 SH_26_1447_3 Yes Yes SH_26_1447_3 SH_26_1447_3 WE_270_0100 SH_25_3524 Yes Yes Yes Yes SH_25_3524 SH_25_3524 WE_30_2490 Yes Yes Yes WE_30_2490 Yes WE_29_2 SH_26_2420 Yes Yes SH_26_2420 WE_30_3396 SH_23_806 Yes Yes Yes SH_23_806 SH_23_806 Yes Yes Table 1 - Plants requiring Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure (Capital Works) Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Anascaul Ardfert WWTP Kerry Kerry 2 2 Ardfert WWTP Kerry 2 Ardfert WWTP Kerry Ballylongford Septic TankKerry 2 1 Ballylongford Septic TankKerry 1 Castleisland WWTP Kerry 2 Castleisland WWTP Fieries Kerry Kerry 2 1 Fieries Kerry 1 Fieries Glenbeigh Imhoff Tank Kerry Kerry 1 1 Glenbeigh Imhoff Tank Kerry 1 Kenmare WWTP Kerry 1 Kenmare WWTP Kerry 1 Kenmare WWTP Kilflynn Kerry Kerry 1 2 Kilflynn Kerry 2 Lixnaw Kerry 1 Lixnaw Kerry 1 Moyvane (Newtown, SandKerry 2 Moyvane (Newtown, SandKerry 2 Moyvane (Newtown, SandKerry Ballitore Kildare 2 2 LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2015+ 2015 NorthDingleBay NorthKerry/TraleeBay 2015 NorthKerry/TraleeBay 2015 2015 NorthKerry/TraleeBay Deel/ShannonEstuary 2015 Deel/ShannonEstuary 2015+ NorthDingleBay 2015+ 2012 NorthDingleBay NorthDingleBay 2012 NorthDingleBay 2012 2015+ NorthDingleBay SouthDingleBay 2015+ SouthDingleBay 2015 RoughtyFinnihy 2015 RoughtyFinnihy 2015 2015+ RoughtyFinnihy Feale 2015+ Feale 2015+ Feale 2015+ Feale 2015+ Feale 2015+ Feale 2015+ 2015 Feale GreeseLerr WB Code Extended Deadline SW_22_3990 SH_23_427 Yes Yes SH_23_427 SH_23_427 SH_24_1612 Yes Yes Yes SH_24_1612 Yes SW_22_3452 SW_22_3452 SW_22_3118 Yes Yes No SW_22_3118 SW_22_3118 SW_22_3936 No No Yes SW_22_3936 SW_21_2495 Yes Yes SW_21_2495 SW_21_2495 SH_23_721 Yes Yes Yes SH_23_721 SH_23_2945 Yes Yes SH_23_2945 SH_23_2532 Yes Yes SH_23_2532 SH_23_2532 SE_14_1747 Yes Yes Yes Table 1 - Plants requiring Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Ballitore Kildare 2 Ballitore Kildare 2 Derrinturn WWTP Kildare 1 Derrinturn WWTP Kildare Town WWTP Kildare Kildare 1 1 Kildare Town WWTP Kildare 2 Kilmeague WWTP Leixlip WWTP Kildare Kildare 1 1 Leixlip WWTP Kildare 1 Osberstown WWTP Kildare 1 Osberstown WWTP Kildare 1 Castlecomer Sewerage SchKilkenny 1 Castlecomer Sewerage SchKilkenny 1 Castlecomer Sewerage SchKilkenny Clogh-Moneenroe Sewera Kilkenny Freshford Sewerage SchemKilkenny 1 1 1 Freshford Sewerage SchemKilkenny 1 Johnstown Kells Kilkenny Kilkenny 1 1 Kells Kilkenny 1 Kilkenny City (PurcellsincKilkenny 1 Kilkenny City (PurcellsincKilkenny 1 Kilkenny City (PurcellsincKilkenny Paulstown Sewerage Sche Kilkenny 1 1 Measure (Capital Works) Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2015 GreeseLerr 2015 GreeseLerr 2012 Figile 2012 2015 Figile BarrowMain 2015 BarrowMain 2012 2012 Liffey Liffey 2012 Liffey 2015 Liffey 2015 Liffey 2015 DInin 2015 DInin 2015+ 2012 2012 DInin DInin NoreMain 2012 NoreMain 2015+ 2015+ Erkina Kings 2015+ Kings 2012 NoreMain 2012 NoreMain 2012 2015 NoreMain BarrowMain WB Code Extended Deadline SE_14_1747 SE_14_1747 Yes Yes EA_07_990 EA_07_990 SE_14_842 No No Yes SE_14_842 EA_09_1870_2 EA_09_1870_5 Yes No No EA_09_1870_5 EA_09_1870_3 No Yes EA_09_1870_3 SE_15_109 Yes Yes SE_15_109 SE_15_109 SE_15_109 SE_15_946 Yes Yes No No SE_15_946 SE_15_196 SE_15_1819 No Yes Yes SE_15_1819 SE_15_1994_4 Yes No SE_15_1994_4 SE_15_1994_4 SE_14_196_5 No No Yes Table 1 - Plants requiring Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Paulstown Sewerage Sche Kilkenny 1 Paulstown Sewerage Sche Kilkenny Stonyford Sewerage SchemKilkenny 1 1 Stonyford Sewerage SchemKilkenny 1 Stonyford Sewerage SchemKilkenny Urlingford Sewerage ScheKilkenny Bennettsbridge Sewerage Kilkenny Ballyhale-Knocktopher SeKilkenny 1 1 1 1 Ballyhale-Knocktopher SeKilkenny 2 Ballyhale-Knocktopher SeKilkenny Abbeyleix WWTP Laois 2 1 Abbeyleix WWTP Laois 1 Ballinakill WWTP Laois 1 Ballinakill WWTP Laois 1 Ballinakill WWTP Ballyroan Laois Laois 1 1 Ballyroan Laois 1 Ballyroan Clonaslee WWTP Durrow WWTP Laois Laois Laois 1 1 1 Mountmellick WWTP Laois 1 Mountmellick WWTP Mountrath WWTP Laois Laois 1 1 Mountrath WWTP Laois 1 Measure (Capital Works) Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2015 BarrowMain 2015 2015 BarrowMain Kings 2015 Kings 2015 2015 2015 2015 Kings Erkina NoreMain NoreMain 2015 NoreMain 2015 2012 NoreMain NoreUpper 2012 NoreUpper 2012 NoreMain 2012 NoreMain 2012 2012 NoreMain NoreUpper 2012 NoreUpper 2012 2012 2012 NoreUpper Brosna Erkina 2012 Barrow/Owenass/Triogue 2012 2012 Barrow/Owenass/Triogue NoreUpper 2012 NoreUpper WB Code Extended Deadline SE_14_196_5 SE_14_196_5 SE_15_1991 Yes Yes Yes SE_15_1991 SE_15_1991 SE_15_196 SE_15_1994_5 SE_15_827 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SE_15_827 SE_15_827 SE_15_1938 Yes Yes No SE_15_1938 SE_15_1370 No No SE_15_1370 SE_15_1370 SE_14_196_3 No No No SE_14_196_3 SE_14_196_3 SH_25_570 SE_15_198 No No No No SE_14_1718 SE_14_1718 SE_15_1003 No No No SE_15_1003 No Table 1 - Plants requiring Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Portarlington WWTP Laois 1 Rathdowney WWTP Laois 1 Rathdowney WWTP Laois 1 Carrick on Shannon WWTLeitrim 1 Drumshanbo WWTP Leitrim 1 Drumshanbo WWTP Mohill WWTP Leitrim Leitrim 1 2 Mohill WWTP Leitrim 2 Mohill WWTP Drumkeeran WWTP Leitrim Leitrim 2 2 Drumkeeran WWTP Leitrim 2 Drumkeeran WWTP Kiltyclogher WWTP Kinlough WWTP Leitrim Leitrim Leitrim 2 2 1 Kinlough WWTP Leitrim 1 Kinlough WWTP Tullaghan Abbeyfeale WWTP Askeaton WWTP Athea Leitrim Leitrim Limerick County Limerick County Limerick County 1 2 1 1 1 Ballingarry, Limerick Limerick County 2 Ballingarry, Limerick Bruff WWTP Limerick County Limerick County 2 1 Caherconlish Limerick County 2 Caherconlish Limerick County 2 Measure (Capital Works) Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2012 BarrowMain 2012 Erkina 2012 Erkina 2011 UpperShannon 2015 UpperShannon 2015 2015 UpperShannon Camlin/Rinn 2015 Camlin/Rinn 2015 2010 Camlin/Rinn UpperShannon 2010 UpperShannon 2010 2010 2010 UpperShannon LoughMelvin LoughMelvin 2010 LoughMelvin 2010 2012 2012 2015 2015 LoughMelvin LoughMelvin Feale Deel/ShannonEstuary Feale 2015 Maigue 2015 2012 Maigue Maigue 2012 Maigue 2012 Maigue WB Code Extended Deadline SE_14_196_1 SE_15_1033 No No SE_15_1033 SH_26_3090 No No SH_26_59 SH_26_59 SH_26_1220 Yes Yes Yes SH_26_1220 SH_26_1220 SH_26_1232 Yes Yes No SH_26_1232 SH_26_1232 XB_35_4 XB_35_6 No No No No XB_35_6 XB_35_6 NW_020_0000 SH_23_2941 SH_060_0600 SH_23_2514 No No No No Yes Yes SH_24_1573 SH_24_1573 SH_24_838 Yes Yes No SH_25_513 SH_25_513 No No Table 1 - Plants requiring Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure (Capital Works) Provide nutrient removal. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Castletroy WWTP Dromcollagher Limerick County Limerick County 1 1 Dromcollagher Limerick County 2 Dromcollagher Galbally, Limerick Hospital WWTP Limerick County Limerick County Limerick County 2 1 1 Hospital WWTP Limerick County 2 Hospital WWTP Kilmallock WWTP Limerick County Limerick County 2 1 Kilmallock WWTP Limerick County 2 Kilmallock WWTP Murroe Murroe Newcastle West WWTP Oola Limerick County Limerick County Limerick County Limerick County Limerick County 2 1 1 1 1 Oola Limerick County 2 Patrickswell WWTP Drumlish WWTP Drumlish WWTP Limerick County Longford Longford 1 2 2 Edgeworthstown WWTP Longford 2 Legan WWTP Longford 2 Legan WWTP Longford WWTP Longford Longford 2 1 Longford WWTP Longford 1 Longford WWTP Newtownforbes WWTP Longford Longford 1 1 LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2012 2015 LoughDerg Deel/ShannonEstuary 2015 Deel/ShannonEstuary 2015 2015 2015 Deel/ShannonEstuary Aherlow Maigue 2015 Maigue 2015 2012 Maigue Maigue 2012 Maigue 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Maigue Mulkear Mulkear Deel/ShannonEstuary Mulkear 2015 Mulkear 2012 2012 2012 Maigue Camlin/Rinn Camlin/Rinn 2015 Inny 2012 Inny 2012 2015 Inny Camlin/Rinn 2015 Camlin/Rinn 2015 2012 Camlin/Rinn Camlin/Rinn WB Code Extended Deadline SH_25_3904_2 SH_24_1621 No Yes SH_24_1621 SH_24_1621 SE_16_1178 SH_24_776 Yes Yes Yes Yes SH_24_776 SH_24_776 SH_24_189 Yes Yes No SH_24_189 SH_24_189 SH_25_2026 SH_25_2026 SH_24_869 SH_25_3237 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SH_25_3237 SH_24_1704 SH_26_1145 SH_26_1145 Yes No No No SH_26_3870 Yes SH_26_4098 SH_26_4098 SH_26_3927_2 No No Yes SH_26_3927_2 SH_26_3927_2 SH_26_3927_2 Yes Yes No Table 1 - Plants requiring Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Newtownforbes WWTP Longford 1 Dromiskin WWTP Louth 1 Balla Mayo 1 Ballindine WWTP Mayo 2 Ballyhaunis WWTP Mayo 2 Castlebar WWTP Mayo 1 Castlebar WWTP Mayo 1 Charlestown WWTP Mayo 1 Charlestown WWTP Mayo 1 Charlestown WWTP Foxford WWTP Kiltimagh WWTP Mayo Mayo Mayo 1 1 1 Kiltimagh WWTP Mayo 1 Athboy WWTP Meath 1 Athboy WWTP Meath 1 Duleek WWTP Meath 2 Kells WWTP Meath 1 Kildalkey Meath 1 Kildalkey Longwood WWTP Oldcastle WWTP Meath Meath Meath 1 1 2 Measure (Capital Works) Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2012 Camlin/Rinn 2015 Fane 2013 Conn 2015 Mask 2015 ClareRiver 2012 Conn 2012 Conn 2013 Moy 2013 Moy 2013 2014 2012 Moy Moy Moy 2012 Moy 2015+ Athboy 2015+ Athboy 2015+ Nanny 2015+ BlackwaterNorth 2015+ Athboy 2015+ 2015+ 2015+ Athboy BlackwaterSouth Inny WB Code Extended Deadline SH_26_3927_2 NB_040_0400 No Yes WE_34_1731 Yes WE_30_2655 Yes WE_30_211 WE_34_3953 Yes No WE_34_3953 WE_34_2464 No Yes WE_34_2464 WE_34_2464 WE_34_3982 WE_34_1461 Yes Yes Yes No WE_34_1461 No EA_07_971 EA_07_971 Yes Yes EA_08_814 Yes EA_07_1536_2 Yes EA_07_971 EA_07_971 EA_07_954 SH_26_2664 Yes Yes Yes Yes Table 1 - Plants requiring Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Oldcastle WWTP Meath 2 Summerhill WWTP Meath 2 Summerhill WWTP Meath 2 Summerhill WWTP Meath 2 Ballybay WWTP Monaghan 2 Ballybay WWTP Carrickmacross WWTP Monaghan Monaghan 2 2 Carrickmacross WWTP Monaghan 2 Castleblayney WWTP Monaghan 1 Clontibret WWTP Clones WWTP Monaghan Monaghan 2 2 Borrisoleigh WWTP North Tipp 2 Cloughjordan WWTP North Tipp 2 Cloughjordan WWTP North Tipp 2 Silvermines North Tipp 2 Silvermines North Tipp 2 Templemore WWTP North Tipp 1 Templetouhy North Tipp 2 Templetouhy Toomevara Ballingar WWTP North Tipp North Tipp Offaly 2 2 2 Ballingar WWTP Offaly 2 Ballingar WWTP Offaly 2 Measure (Capital Works) Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2015 Inny 2012 BoyneLower 2015+ BoyneLower 2015+ BoyneLower 2015+ Woodford 2015+ 2015+ Woodford Glyde 2015 Glyde 2015+ Fane 2015+ 2015+ Blackwater Erne East 2015 ClodiaghNT 2015 Nenagh 2015 Nenagh 2015 Nenagh 2015 Nenagh 2012 SuirUpper 2015 SuirUpper 2015 2015 2015 SuirUpper Nenagh Brosna 2015 Brosna 2015 Brosna WB Code Extended Deadline SH_26_2664 EA_07_904 Yes No EA_07_904 EA_07_904 Yes Yes NW_36_30 NW_36_30 NB_06_910 Yes Yes Yes NB_06_910 Yes NB_06_56 XB_03_9 XB_36_east_3 Yes Yes Yes SE_16_3178 SH_25_3530 Yes Yes SH_25_3530 SH_25_3715 Yes Yes SH_25_3715 SE_16_3997 Yes No SE_16_4121 SE_16_4121 SH_25_402 SH_25_542 Yes Yes Yes Yes SH_25_542 SH_25_542 Yes Yes Table 1 - Plants requiring Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Clonygowan WWTP Offaly 2 Clonygowan WWTP Offaly 2 Daingean WWTP Offaly 2 Edenderry WWTP Offaly 1 Geashill WWTP Offaly 2 Killeigh WWTP Offaly 1 Killeigh WWTP Moneygall WWTP Offaly Offaly 1 2 Moneygall WWTP Offaly 2 Tullamore WWTP Offaly 1 Tullamore WWTP Offaly 1 Ballintober WWTP Roscommon 2 Ballintober WWTP Ballyleague WWTP Ballyleague WWTP Elphin WWTP Roscommon Roscommon Roscommon Roscommon 2 2 2 2 Elphin WWTP Roscommon 2 Elphin WWTP Frenchpark WWTP Rooskey Roscommon WWTP Roscommon Roscommon Roscommon Roscommon 2 1 1 1 Roscommon WWTP Roscommon 1 Measure (Capital Works) Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2015+ Figile 2015+ Figile 2015 Figile 2015 BoyneUpper 2015+ Brosna 2015+ Brosna 2015+ 2015 Brosna Nenagh 2015 Nenagh 2012 Brosna 2012 Brosna 2015 Suck 2015 2012 2012 2012 Suck Hind/LoughRee Hind/LoughRee UpperShannon 2012 UpperShannon 2012 2012 2012 2015 UpperShannon UpperShannon UpperShannon Hind/LoughRee 2015 Hind/LoughRee WB Code Extended Deadline SE_14_1875 SE_14_1875 Yes Yes SE_14_1561 Yes EA_07_990 Yes SH_25_542 Yes SH_25_550 SH_25_550 SH_25_3615 Yes Yes Yes SH_25_3615 SH_25_3798 Yes No SH_25_3798 No SH_26_1258 SH_26_1258 SH_26_2855 SH_26_2855 SH_26_2513 Yes Yes No No No SH_26_2513 SH_26_2513 SH_26_3912 SH_26_3928 SH_26_843 No No No No Yes SH_26_843 Yes Table 1 - Plants requiring Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Strokestown WWTP Roscommon 2 Strokestown WWTP Roscommon 2 Ballymote WWTP Sligo 2 Ballymote WWTP Collooney WWTP Grange WWTP Sligo Sligo Sligo 2 1 2 Grange WWTP Sligo 2 Strandhill WWTP Tubbercurry WWTP Sligo Sligo 1 1 Tubbercurry WWTP Sligo 2 Tubbercurry WWTP Fethard WWTP Sligo South Tipp 2 1 Fethard WWTP South Tipp 1 Grangemockler WWTP South Tipp 1 Grangemockler WWTP South Tipp 1 Limerick Junction South Tipp 2 Limerick Junction South Tipp 2 Mullinahone WWTP South Tipp 2 Mullinahone WWTP South Tipp 2 Mullinahone WWTP Tipperary WWTP Waterford WWTP Ardmore WWTP Ballyduff WWTP Cappoquin WWTP South Tipp South Tipp Waterford City Waterford County Waterford County Waterford County 2 2 1 2 1 1 Measure (Capital Works) Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide secondary treatment. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2012 UpperShannon 2012 UpperShannon 2015+ Ballysadare 2015+ 2015+ 2015 Ballysadare Ballysadare Garravogue 2015 Garravogue 2015 2015 Garravogue Moy 2015 Moy 2015 2012 Moy Anner 2012 Anner 2012 SuirEstuary 2012 SuirEstuary 2012 Mulkear 2012 Mulkear 2012 Anner 2012 Anner 2012 2012 2012 2015 2015+ 2015 Anner Aherlow Suir Estuary ColliganMahon Blackwater BlackwaterEstuary WB Code Extended Deadline SH_26_1004 SH_26_1004 No No WE_35_938 WE_35_938 WE_35_2107 WE_35_4140 Yes Yes Yes Yes WE_35_4140 WE_450_0000 WE_34_2633 Yes Yes Yes WE_34_2633 WE_34_2633 SE_16_440 Yes Yes No SE_16_440 SE_16_3309 No No SE_16_3309 SH_25_3875 No No SH_25_3875 SE_16_1363 No No SE_16_1363 SE_16_1363 SE_16_1127 SE_100_0500 SE_050_0000 SW_18_2755 SW_18_2765 No No No No Yes Yes Yes Table 1 - Plants requiring Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Cappoquin WWTP Waterford County 1 Dunhill WWTP Kilmacthomas WWTP Portlaw WWTP Stradbally, Waterford Waterford County Waterford County Waterford County Waterford County 2 2 1 2 Stradbally, Waterford Waterford County 2 Castlepollard WWTP Westmeath 2 Moate WWTP Westmeath 1 Moate WWTP Westmeath 2 Rochfortbridge WWTP Westmeath 2 Rochfortbridge WWTP Ballycanew Ballycanew Bunclody WWTP Castlebridge WWTP Westmeath Wexford Wexford Wexford Wexford 2 2 2 1 1 Clonroche Wexford 2 Clonroche Enniscorthy WWTP Ferns Gorey WWTP Wexford Wexford Wexford Wexford 2 1 1 1 Gorey WWTP Wexford 2 Gorey WWTP Piercetown WWTP Wexford Wexford 2 1 Piercetown WWTP Wexford 2 Piercetown WWTP Wexford 2 Measure (Capital Works) Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2015 BlackwaterEstuary 2015 2015 2015 2015 ColliganMahon ColliganMahon SuirEstuary ColliganMahon 2015 ColliganMahon 2015+ Inny 2015 Brosna 2015 Brosna 2010 BoyneUpper 2010 2015+ 2015+ 2010 2015+ BoyneUpper Owenavorragh Owenavorragh SlaneyLower SlaneyEstuary 2015+ BoroUrrin 2015+ 2012 2015+ 2012 BoroUrrin SlaneyLower Bann Owenavorragh 2012 Owenavorragh 2012 2015+ Owenavorragh SlaneyEstuary 2015+ SlaneyEstuary 2015+ SlaneyEstuary WB Code Extended Deadline SW_18_2765 SE_17_647 SE_17_825 SE_100_0500 SE_17_828 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SE_17_828 Yes SH_26_1091 SH_25_567 Yes Yes SH_25_567 Yes EA_07_1025 EA_07_1025 SE_11_251 SE_11_251 SE_12_924_2 SE_12_3 No No Yes Yes No Yes SE_12_2601 SE_12_2601 SE_040_0300 SE_12_921 SE_11_257 Yes Yes No Yes No SE_11_257 SE_11_257 SE_12_149 No No Yes SE_12_149 SE_12_149 Yes Yes Table 1 - Plants requiring Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure (Capital Works) Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide secondary treatment. Provide secondary treatment. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Increase capacity of treatment plant. Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Provide secondary treatment. Taghmon WWTP Wexford 1 Taghmon WWTP Wexford 2 Arthurstown Ballyhack Camolin North Camolin South Camolin North Camolin South Duncannon Enniscorthy (Kilogoley) New Ross Wellington Bridge Ballymurn Arklow Bray WWTP Wexford Wexford Wexford Wexford Wexford Wexford Wexford Wexford Wexford Wexford Wexford Wicklow Wicklow 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carnew, Wicklow Wicklow 2 Carnew, Wicklow Wicklow Dunlavin Logatryna WWTWicklow Dunlavin Milltown WWTPWicklow Glenealy WWTP Wicklow Kilpedder WWTP Wicklow Rathnew WWTP Wicklow 2 2 1 2 1 1 Rathnew WWTP Wicklow 1 Rathnew WWTP Wicklow WWTP Wicklow Wicklow 1 1 LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2015+ BallyteigueBannow 2015+ BallyteigueBannow 2012 2012 2015 2015 2015 2015 2012 2012 2010 2012 2015+ 2021 2012 BallyteigueBannow BallyteigueBannow Bann Bann Bann Bann BallyteigueBannow SlaneyLower BarrowEstuary BallyteigueBannow SlaneyEstuary Kilmurry Newcastle 2015 Derry 2015 2015 2015 2015 2012 2012 Derry GreeseLerr GreeseLerr Rathnew Newcastle Rathnew 2012 Rathnew 2012 2012 Rathnew Newcastle WB Code Extended Deadline SE_13_745 Yes SE_13_745 SE_100_0100 SE_100_0100 SE_12_921 SE_12_2511 SE_12_921 SE_12_2511 SE_100_0100 SE_040_0300 SE_100_0200 SE_090_0100 SE_12_2504 EA_150_0100 EA_100_0000 Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No SE_12_757 SE_12_757 SE_14_1747 SE_14_1747 EA_10_588 EA_120_0100 EA_10_1603 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No EA_10_1603 EA_10_1603 EA_100_0000 No No No Appendix B Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Table 2 - Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Point Source Discharge Ballinkillin Ballinkillin County Carlow Carlow Priority 2 2 Clonegal Carlow 2 Kildavin Carlow 3 Nurney Carlow 3 OldLeighlin Carlow 2 Rathoe Carlow 3 Arvagh WWTP Cavan 3 Ballinagh WWTP Ballyjamesduff WWTP Kilnaleck WWTP Cavan Cavan Cavan 3 3 3 Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. LA Proposed Date for Completion 2012 2012 WMU 2015 SlaneyLower 2015 BarrowMain 2012 BarrowMain 2015 Burren 2015 ErneEast 2015 SE_14_1492 No SE_14_1492 No SE_12_2095 No SE_12_968 Yes SE_14_1102 Yes SE_14_1131 No SE_14_1781 Yes NW_36_477 Yes NW_36_2100 Yes SH_26_2264 Yes NW_36_584 Yes NoreMain Derry 2015 Extended Deadline NoreMain 2012 2015 WB Code Woodford Inny ErneEast Table 2 - Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Point Source Discharge Kingscourt WWTP County Cavan Priority 3 Ballyvaughan WWTP Clare 2 Clarecastle Clare 2 Kilkee Clare 2 Kilkishen Clare 3 Kilrush Clare 2 Liscannor WWTP Clare 2 Lisdoonvarna WWTP Clare 3 Dromahane WWTP Cork North 2 Dromina Cork North 3 Newtownshandrum Castlemartyr WWTP Cork North Cork South 3 3 Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. LA Proposed Date for Completion 2015 WMU Kinvara 2012 Fergus 2013 SouthClare/ShannonEstuary 2015 Fergus 2013 SouthClare/ShannonEstuary 2012 Inagh 2015 Inagh 2015+ Blackwater 2015+ Deel/ShannonEstuary 2015 Extended Deadline Glyde 2012 2015+ WB Code NB_06_712 Yes WE_110_0000 No SH_060_1100 No SH_070_0000 Yes SH_27_234 Yes SH_060_0000 Yes SH_100_0000 No SH_28_690 Yes SW_18_2541 Yes SH_24_846 Yes SH_24_1044 Yes SW_19_1909 Yes Maigue Womanagh Table 2 - Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Cloyne WWTP Cork South 2 Coachford WWTP Cork South 2 Cobh Cork South 2 Courtmacsherry Sewerage SCork South 2 Crookstown Cork South 3 Glenville Cork South 2 Innishannon WWTP Cork South 2 Knockraha Cork South 3 Midleton WWTP Cork South 2 Passage/Monkstown Cork South 2 Ringaskiddy Cork South 2 Ringaskiddy Carrigaline CroCork South 2 Whitegate/Aghada Cork South 2 Youghal Cork South 2 Baltimore WWTP Cork West 2 Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2015 Blackwater 2015+ LowerLee/Owenboy 2015 LowerLee/Owenboy 2015 SkibbereenClonakilty 2012 LowerLee/Owenboy 2012 BlackwaterBride 2015 Bandon/Stick 2015+ Glashaboy 2012 Owennacurra 2015 LowerLee/Owenboy 2015 LowerLee/Owenboy 2015 LowerLee/Owenboy 2015 Womanagh 2015 Womanagh 2015 SkibbereenClonakilty WB Code Extended Deadline SW_060_0000 Yes SW_19_1663 Yes SW_060_0700 Yes SW_090_0200 Yes SW_19_1477 No SW_18_1183 No SW_080_0300 Yes SW_19_742 Yes SW_060_0300 No SW_060_0700 Yes SW_060_0000 Yes SW_060_0000 Yes SW_060_0000 Yes SW_020_0100 Yes SW_130_0100 Yes Table 2 - Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Castletownshend Sewerage Cork West 3 Goleen - Septic Tank Outfal Cork West 2 Rosscarbery/ Owenahincha W Cork West 3 Schull WWTP Cork West 2 Shannonvale Village Cork West 2 Skibbereen Sewerage SchemCork West 2 Timoleague Village - Comb Cork West 2 Union Hall Sewerage SchemCork West 2 Buncrana WWTP Donegal 2 Downings WWTP Donegal 2 Dunkineely WWTP Donegal 2 Rathmullan no. 1 WWTP Donegal 2 Coliemore Outfall Dun Laoghaire/Rath 2 Ballyboghill Fingal 2 Lusk WWTP Fingal 2 Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2015 SkibbereenClonakilty 2015+ SkibbereenClonakilty 2015 SkibbereenClonakilty 2015 SkibbereenClonakilty 2015 SkibbereenClonakilty 2015 SkibbereenClonakilty 2015 SkibbereenClonakilty 2015+ SkibbereenClonakilty 2010 Crana 2015 MulroyBay/Sheephaven 2015 DonegalBay 2010 LoughSwillyWest 2012 Shanganagh 2012 Ballyboghil 2012 Lusk WB Code Extended Deadline SW_110_0000 Yes SW_140_0000 Yes SW_110_0000 Yes SW_140_0000 Yes SW_20_2251 Yes SW_130_0100 Yes SW_090_0200 Yes SW_110_0300 Yes NW_220_0000 No NW_190_0000 Yes NW_060_0000 Yes NW_220_0100 No EA_090_0000 No EA_08_822 No EA_050_0100 No Table 2 - Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Point Source Discharge Oldtown, Dublin County Fingal Priority 2 Rush Outfall Fingal 2 Skerries WWTP Fingal 2 Mutton Island Galway City 2 An Cheathrú Rua Galway County 3 Ballymoe Galway County 2 Clifden WWTP Galway County 2 Kinvara Galway County 2 Moylough Galway County 2 Newbridge Galway County 3 Roundstone Galway County 2 An Spidéal Galway County 2 Woodford Galway County 2 Woodford Galway County 2 Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. LA Proposed Date for Completion 2012 WMU WB Code Extended Deadline Ballyboghil 2012 Lusk 2012 Lusk 2012 GalwayCoast 2015 WestGalway 2015 Suck 2012 WestGalway 2012 Kinvara 2021 Suck 2021 Suck 2021 WestGalway 2012 GalwayCoast 2021 LoughDerg 2021 LoughDerg EA_08_822 No EA_020_0000 No EA_020_0000 No WE_170_0700 No WE_190_0000 Yes SH_26_1276 Yes WE_270_0100 No WE_160_0100 No SH_26_2889 Yes SH_26_3093 Yes WE_230_0100 Yes WE_010_0000 No SH_25_3538 Yes SH_25_3538 Yes Table 2 - Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Ballyduff Imhoff Tank Kerry 2 Ballyferriter Imhoff Tank Kerry 3 Caherdaniel Kerry 2 Castlegregory Kerry 2 Castlemaine Kerry 2 Causeway Kerry 3 Duagh Kerry 3 Dundegan/Ballinskelligs Kerry 3 Fenit Septic Tank Kerry 2 Feohanagh Kerry 3 Kilcummin Kerry 3 Kilgarvan Kerry 2 Killarney WWTP Kerry 2 Knockagoshel Kerry 2 Milltown, Kerry Kerry 2 Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2012 Feale 2015 NorthKerry/TraleeBay 2012 SneemCummeraghInny 2012 NorthKerry/TraleeBay 2012 NorthDingleBay 2015 Feale 2015 Feale 2015 SneemCummeraghInny 2012 NorthKerry/TraleeBay 2015 Deel/ShannonEstuary 2015 NorthKerry/TraleeBay 2012 RoughtyFinnihy 2015+ Laune 2012 Feale 2012 NorthDingleBay WB Code Extended Deadline SH_060_0100 No SH_020_0000 Yes SW_150_0000 No SH_040_0000 No SW_230_0200 No SH_23_829 Yes SH_23_2130 Yes SW_200_0000 Yes SH_040_0000 No SH_24_200 Yes SH_030_0000 Yes SW_21_8075 No SW_22_3944 Yes SH_23_131 No SW_230_0200 No Table 2 - Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Murreagh Kerry 3 Portmagee Kerry 2 Rossbeigh Kerry 2 Tarbert Septic Tanks Kerry 2 Ventry Kerry 2 Waterville Septic Tank Kerry 3 Brosna Kerry 2 Brosna Kerry 2 Athy WWTP Kildare 2 Ballymore Eustace WWTP Kildare 2 Castledermot WWTP 2 Kildare Dunore Kildare 3 Kilberry, Kildare Kildare 2 Kildare Town WWTP Kildare 2 Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2015 SneemCummeraghInny 2012 SouthDingleBay 2012 SouthDingleBay 2012 Deel/ShannonEstuary 2012 NorthDingleBay 2015 SneemCummeraghInny 2012 Feale 2012 Feale 2012 BarrowMain 2012 Liffey 2012 GreeseLerr 2015 Liffey 2012 BarrowMain 2012 BarrowMain WB Code Extended Deadline SW_200_0000 Yes SW_210_0000 No SW_230_0100 No SH_060_0300 No SW_230_0000 No SW_200_0000 Yes SH_23_1769 No SH_23_1769 No SE_14_196_3 No EA_09_1870_1 No SE_14_157 No EA_09_1211 Yes SE_14_572 No SE_14_842 No Table 2 - Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Ballyraggett Sewerage Sche Kilkenny Priority 2 Fiddown Kilkenny 2 Goresbridge Kilkenny 2 Inistioge Kilkenny 2 Kilmaganny WWTP Kilkenny 3 Mullinavat Kilkenny 3 Mullinavat Kilkenny 3 Piltown Sewerage Scheme WKilkenny 2 Thomastown Sewerage ScheKilkenny 2 Ballylinan WWTP 2 Newtown-Doonane Portlaoise WWTP Ballinamore WWTP Laois Laois Laois Leitrim 3 2 3 Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. LA Proposed Date for Completion 2012 WMU SuirEstuary 2012 BarrowMain 2012 NoreEstuary 2015 Kings 2015 SuirEstuary 2015 SuirEstuary 2012 SuirEstuary 2012 NoreMain 2012 BarrowMain 2012 2015 Extended Deadline NoreMain 2012 2015 WB Code SE_15_1994_2 No SE_100_0500 No SE_14_196_6 No SE_100_0400 No SE_15_364 Yes SE_16_966 Yes SE_16_966 Yes SE_16_4215 No SE_15_1994_7 No SE_14_196_3 No SE_15_738 Yes SE_14_1016 No NW_36_2082 Yes DInin Barrow/Owenass/Triogue ErneMid Table 2 - Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Carrigallen WWTP Leitrim 3 Carrigallen WWTP Leitrim 3 Carrigallen WWTP Leitrim 3 Leitrim Village WWTP Leitrim 3 Doon Limerick County 3 Doon Limerick County 3 Foynes Limerick County 2 Glin Limerick County 2 Kilfinnane Limerick County 3 Kilfinnane Newcastle West WWTP Limerick County Limerick County 3 3 Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2015 ErneEast 2015 ErneEast 2015 UpperShannon 2015 Mulkear Deel/ShannonEstuary 2015 Deel/ShannonEstuary 2015 Maigue 2015 NW_36_2032 Yes NW_36_2032 Yes NW_36_2032 Yes SH_26_3490 Yes SH_25_2001 Yes SH_25_2001 Yes SH_060_0300 Yes SH_060_0300 Yes SH_24_738 Yes SH_24_738 Yes SH_24_869 Yes Mulkear 2015 2015 Extended Deadline ErneEast 2015 2015 WB Code Maigue Deel/ShannonEstuary Table 2 - Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Point Source Discharge Newcastle West WWTP Patrickswell WWTP Patrickswell WWTP Granard WWTP Keenagh WWTP Keenagh WWTP County Limerick County Limerick County Limerick County Longford Longford Longford Priority 3 3 3 3 2 2 Greenore Louth 2 Omeath Louth 2 Belmullet Mayo 2 Claremorris WWTP Mayo 2 Killala Mayo 2 Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for treatment plant. Investigate the need for treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. LA Proposed Date for Completion 2015 2012 2012 2015 2012 2012 WMU Extended Deadline Deel/ShannonEstuary SH_24_869 Yes SH_24_1704 No SH_24_1704 No SH_26_1082 Yes SH_26_2726 No SH_26_2726 No Maigue Maigue Camlin/Rinn Camlin/Rinn Camlin/Rinn 2012 Carlingford 2012 Carlingford 2012 MayoWest 2012 Mask 2012 WB Code Conn #N/A No #N/A No WE_405_0000 No WE_30_3370_2 No WE_420_0000 No Table 2 - Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Point Source Discharge Lahardaun Mallaranny WWTP Swinford WWTP Ballivor WWTP County Mayo Mayo Mayo Meath Priority 2 2 2 3 Donore WWTP Meath 2 Dunshaughlin WWTP Meath 3 Enfield Kentstown Rathmolyon WWTP Stamullen WWTP Meath Meath Meath Meath 3 3 3 3 Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. LA Proposed Date for Completion 2012 2012 2012 2012 WMU WE_32_2891 No WE_34_2499 No EA_07_340 No EA_07_1894_3 No EA_07_899 No EA_07_954 Yes EA_08_298 Yes EA_07_1673 No EA_08_138 Yes BoyneLower BoyneLower 2015 No Moy 2012 2012 WE_34_440 ClewBay BoyneLower 2015 Extended Deadline Conn 2012 2015 WB Code BlackwaterSouth Nanny BoyneLower Delvin Table 2 - Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Point Source Discharge Clones WWTP Monaghan WWTP County Monaghan Monaghan Priority 2 3 Threemilehouse Monaghan 3 Holycross WWTP North Tipp 2 Littleton WWTP North Tipp 3 Puckane Rear Cross Toomevara Two-Mile Borris North Tipp North Tipp North Tipp North Tipp 3 3 3 3 Ballycumber WWTP Offaly 2 Belmount WWTP Offaly 2 Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. LA Proposed Date for Completion 2015+ 2015+ WMU 2012 SuirUpper 2015 Drish 2015 2015 XB_36_east_3 Yes NB_03_479 Yes NB_03_36 Yes SE_16_3993 No SE_16_2745 Yes SH_25_2242 Yes SH_25_1924 Yes SH_25_402 Yes SE_16_4109 Yes SH_25_2987 No SH_25_681 No Blackwater Blackwater 2015 Extended Deadline ErneEast 2015 2015 WB Code LoughDerg Mulkear Nenagh Drish 2012 Brosna 2012 Brosna Table 2 - Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Point Source Discharge Cloghan WWTP County Offaly Priority 3 Shannonbridge WWTP Offaly 2 Shinrone WWTP Offaly 3 Walsh Island WWTP Offaly 3 Ballaghaderreen WWTP Roscommon 3 Hodson Bay WWTP Roscommon 3 Knockcroghery WWTP Roscommon 3 Ballinacarrow WWTP Sligo 3 Ballinacarrow WWTP Sligo 3 Cliffoney WWTP Sligo 2 Mullaghmore WWTP Sligo 2 Rosses Point WWTP Sligo 2 Ballylooby South Tipp 2 Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. LA Proposed Date for Completion 2015 WMU WB Code Extended Deadline Brosna 2012 Hind/LoughRee 2012 Brosna 2015 Figile 2015 UpperShannon 2012 Hind/LoughRee 2012 Hind/LoughRee 2012 Ballysadare 2012 Ballysadare 2012 Garravogue 2012 LoughMelvin 2012 Garravogue 2012 SuirMain SH_25_3014 Yes SH_26_1448_3 No SH_25_877 No SE_14_1939 Yes SH_26_1122_1 Yes SH_26_750a No SH_26_750a No #N/A No #N/A No WE_430_0000 No NW_010_0000 No WE_470_0000 No SE_16_3786 No Table 2 - Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority Burncourt WWTP South Tipp 2 Carrick-on-Suir South Tipp 3 Commons WWTP South Tipp 3 Dundrum WWTP South Tipp 2 Grange South Tipp 3 Killenaule WWTP South Tipp 3 Lisvernane South Tipp 2 Redmonstown WWTP South Tipp 2 Tipperary WWTP South Tipp 3 Dunmore East WWTP Waterford County 2 Tallow WWTP Waterford County 2 Ballymore Westmeath 3 Killbeggan WWTP Westmeath 2 Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2012 Tar 2015 SuirEstuary 2015 Extended Deadline SE_16_565 No SE_16_4191 Yes SE_15_1736 Yes SE_16_3825 No SE_16_3076 Yes SE_16_2360 Yes SE_16_1178 No SE_16_4044 No SE_16_1127 Yes SE_100_0000 No SW_18_2778 No SH_26_3719 Yes SH_25_566_2 No Kings 2012 Multeen 2015 SuirMain 2015 Anner 2012 Aherlow 2012 Anner 2015 Aherlow 2012 ColliganMahon 2012 BlackwaterBride 2015 Inny 2010 WB Code Brosna Table 2 - Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Point Source Discharge Kinnegad WWTP Mullingar WWTP Tyrellspass WWTP County Westmeath Westmeath Westmeath Priority 2 2 3 Ballycullane Wexford 3 Blackwater WWTP Wexford 3 Campile Wexford 2 Clongeen Wexford 2 Davidstown Wexford 3 Duncormick Wexford Fetherd-on-Sea WWTP Wexford 3 Kilmore Quay Wexford 2 Kiltealy Wexford 3 Murrintown - JP Park Wexford 3 2 Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. LA Proposed Date for Completion 2010 2015 2011 WMU WB Code Extended Deadline BoyneUpper EA_07_234 No SH_25_2938 Yes SH_25_3789 No SE_13_754 Yes SE_11_32 Yes SE_100_0100 No SE_090_0100 No SE_12_2601 Yes SE_080_0100 No SE_050_0000 No SE_050_0000 No SE_12_2117 Yes SE_12_316 Yes Inny Brosna 2015 BallyteigueBannow 2015 Owenavorragh 2012 BarrowEstuary 2012 BallyteigueBannow 2015 BoroUrrin 2012 BallyteigueBannow 2012 BallyteigueBannow 2012 BallyteigueBannow 2015 BoroUrrin 2015 SlaneyEstuary Table 2 - Agglomerations requiring further investigation prior to Capital Works Point Source Discharge County Priority 2 Oilgate Wexford Oulart Wexford 3 Tomhaggard(St. Annes) Wexford 2 Arklow Wicklow 3 Aughrim WWTP Wicklow 3 Avoca Wicklow 2 Enniskerry WWTP Wicklow 2 Kilcoole WWTP Kilpedder WWTP Tinahely WWTP Wicklow Wicklow Wicklow 2 2 2 Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU 2012 SlaneyEstuary 2015 Owenavorragh 2012 BallyteigueBannow 2021 Kilmurry 2015 Avoca 2021 Avoca 2015 Dargle 2015 2012 2012 WB Code #N/A Extended Deadline No SE_11_56 Yes SE_13_259 No EA_150_0100 Yes EA_10_1339 Yes EA_10_1477 Yes EA_10_1277 Yes EA_120_0100 Yes EA_120_0100 No SE_12_1442 No Newcastle Newcastle Derry Appendix C Plants Required to Commence Implementation of Pollution Reduction Programmes for Shellfish Waters Table 3 - Plants Required to Commence Implementation of Pollution Reduction Programmes for Shellfish Waters LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for WMU Completion Carrigrenan Cork City 1 Commence implementation 2010 LowerLee/Owenboy of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Kinsale Cork South 1 Commence implementation 2010 Bandon/Stick of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Cobh Cork South 1 Commence implementation 2010 LowerLee/Owenboy of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Passage/Monkstown Cork South 1 Commence implementation 2010 LowerLee/Owenboy of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters 2010 LowerLee/Owenboy Ringaskiddy Carrigaline Crosshaven Cork South 1 Commence implementation of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish t Carrigtwohill WWTP Cork South 1 Commence implementation 2010 Owennacurra of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Midleton WWTP Cork South 1 Commence implementation 2010 Owennacurra of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Saleen Cork South 1 Commence implementation 2010 Womanagh of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Whitegate/Aghada Cork South 1 Commence implementation 2010 Womanagh of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters WB Code Extended Deadline SW_060_0700 No SW_080_0100 No SW_060_0700 No SW_060_0700 No SW_060_0000 No SW_060_0700 No SW_060_0300 No SW_060_0000 No SW_060_0000 No Table 3 - Plants Required to Commence Implementation of Pollution Reduction Programmes for Shellfish Waters LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for WMU Completion Bantry Sewerage Scheme Cork West 1 Commence implementation 2010 BantryBaySouth-DunmanusBay of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Durrus Cork West 1 Commence implementation 2010 BantryBaySouth-DunmanusBay of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Castletownbere Sewerage Scheme Cork West 1 Commence implementation 2010 BearaPenninsula of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Baltimore WWTP Cork West 1 Commence implementation 2010 SkibbereenClonakilty of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Buncrana WWTP Donegal 1 Commence implementation 2010 Crana of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Fahan Donegal 1 Commence implementation 2010 Crana of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Donegal Town no.1 WWTP Donegal 1 Commence implementation 2010 DonegalBay of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Kilmacrennan WWTP Donegal 1 Commence implementation 2010 Lennan/Clady/Owencarrow/Glaskeelan of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters WB Code Extended Deadline SW_170_0100 No SW_21_7736 No SW_180_0000 No SW_130_0100 No NW_220_0000 No NW_220_0100 No NW_050_0100 No NW_39_388 No Table 3 - Plants Required to Commence Implementation of Pollution Reduction Programmes for Shellfish Waters LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for WMU Completion Milford, Donegal Donegal 1 Commence implementation 2010 Lennan/Clady/Owencarrow/Glaskeelan of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Ramelton WWTP Donegal 1 Commence implementation 2010 Lennan/Clady/Owencarrow/Glaskeelan of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Rathmullan no. 1 WWTP Donegal 1 Commence implementation 2010 LoughSwillyWest of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Carrigart WWTP Donegal 1 Commence implementation 2010 MulroyBay/Sheephaven of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Kerrykeel Donegal 1 Commence implementation 2010 MulroyBay/Sheephaven of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Letterkenny WWTP Donegal 1 Commence implementation 2010 Swilly of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Manorcunningham WWTP Donegal 1 Commence implementation 2010 Swilly of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Newtowncunningham WWTP Donegal 1 Commence implementation 2010 Swilly of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters WB Code Extended Deadline NW_39_1600 No NW_220_0100 No NW_220_0100 No NW_200_0000 No NW_38_2210 No NW_220_0100 No NW_220_0100 No NW_39_2252 No Table 3 - Plants Required to Commence Implementation of Pollution Reduction Programmes for Shellfish Waters LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for WMU Completion Portrane WWTP Fingal 1 Commence implementation 2010 Donabate of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Swords, Dublin Fingal 1 Commence implementation 2010 Donabate of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Balbriggan Outfall Fingal 1 Commence implementation 2010 Lusk of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Kinvara Galway County 1 Commence implementation 2010 Kinvara of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Clifden WWTP Galway County 1 Commence implementation 2010 WestGalway of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Glenbeigh Imhoff Tank Kerry 1 Commence implementation 2010 SouthDingleBay of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Killorglin WWTP Kerry 1 Commence implementation 2010 Laune of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Castlemaine Kerry 1 Commence implementation 2010 of the Pollution Reduction NorthDingleBay Programme for Shellfish waters WB Code Extended Deadline EA_020_0000 No EA_060_0100 No EA_020_0000 No WE_160_0100 No WE_270_0100 No SW_22_3936 No SW_230_0200 No SW_230_0200 No Table 3 - Plants Required to Commence Implementation of Pollution Reduction Programmes for Shellfish Waters LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for WMU Completion Milltown, Kerry Kerry 1 Commence implementation 2010 of the Pollution Reduction NorthDingleBay Programme for Shellfish waters Fenit Septic Tank Kerry 1 Commence implementation 2010 NorthKerry/TraleeBay of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Kilfenora Kerry 1 Commence implementation 2010 NorthKerry/TraleeBay of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Tralee WWTP Kerry 1 Commence implementation 2010 NorthKerry/TraleeBay of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Cahersiveen WWTP Kerry 1 Commence implementation 2010 SouthDingleBay of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Knightstown Kerry 1 Commence implementation 2010 SouthDingleBay of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Portmagee Kerry 1 Commence implementation 2010 SouthDingleBay of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Rossbeigh Kerry 1 Commence implementation 2010 SouthDingleBay of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters WB Code Extended Deadline SW_230_0200 No SH_040_0000 No SH_050_0000 No SH_050_0000 No SW_220_0100 No SW_220_0000 No SW_210_0000 No SW_230_0100 No Table 3 - Plants Required to Commence Implementation of Pollution Reduction Programmes for Shellfish Waters LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Kildare Town WWTP Kildare 1 Commence implementation 2010 BarrowMain of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Carlingford WWTP Louth 1 Commence implementation 2010 Carlingford of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Greenore Louth 1 Commence implementation 2010 Carlingford of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Omeath Louth 1 Commence implementation 2010 Carlingford of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Annagassan Louth 1 Commence implementation 2010 Dee of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Blackrock WWTP Louth 1 Commence implementation 2010 Fane of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Dundalk WWTP Louth 1 Commence implementation 2010 Fane of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Carney WWTP Sligo 1 Commence implementation 2010 Garravogue of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters WMU WB Code Extended Deadline SE_14_842 No NB_030_0000 No #N/A No #N/A No #N/A No NB_040_0400 No NB_040_0200 No WE_35_1143 No Table 3 - Plants Required to Commence Implementation of Pollution Reduction Programmes for Shellfish Waters LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for WMU Completion Rosses Point WWTP Sligo 1 Commence implementation 2010 Garravogue of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Sligo Sligo 1 Commence implementation 2010 Garravogue of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Strandhill WWTP Sligo 1 Commence implementation 2010 Garravogue of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Waterford WWTP Waterford City 1 Commence implementation 2010 SuirEstuary of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Ballinroad WWTP Waterford 1 Commence implementation 2010 ColliganMahon County of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Crooke WWTP Waterford 1 Commence implementation 2010 ColliganMahon County of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Dungarvan UDC WWTP Waterford 1 Commence implementation 2010 ColliganMahon County of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Dunmore East WWTP Waterford 1 Commence implementation 2010 ColliganMahon County of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters WB Code Extended Deadline WE_470_0000 No WE_470_0000 No WE_450_0000 No SE_100_0500 No SE_140_0100 No SE_100_0100 No SE_140_0100 No SE_100_0000 No Table 3 - Plants Required to Commence Implementation of Pollution Reduction Programmes for Shellfish Waters LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for WMU Completion Passage East WWTP Waterford 1 Commence implementation 2010 ColliganMahon County of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Ring/Helvick/Ballinagoul WWTP Waterford 1 Commence implementation 2010 ColliganMahon County of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Cheekpoint WWTP Waterford 1 Commence implementation 2010 SuirEstuary County of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Arthurstown Wexford 1 Commence implementation 2010 BallyteigueBannow of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Ballyhack Wexford 1 Commence implementation 2010 BallyteigueBannow of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Duncannon Wexford 1 Commence implementation 2010 BallyteigueBannow of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Wellingtonbridge Wexford 1 Commence implementation 2010 BallyteigueBannow of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Campile Wexford 1 Commence implementation 2010 BarrowEstuary of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters WB Code Extended Deadline SE_100_0100 No SE_140_0000 No SE_100_0100 No SE_100_0100 No SE_100_0100 No SE_100_0100 No SE_090_0100 No SE_100_0100 No Table 3 - Plants Required to Commence Implementation of Pollution Reduction Programmes for Shellfish Waters LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for WMU Completion Castlebridge WWTP Wexford 1 Commence implementation 2010 SlaneyEstuary of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters Wexford Wexford 1 Commence implementation 2010 SlaneyEstuary of the Pollution Reduction Programme for Shellfish waters WB Code Extended Deadline SE_12_3 No SE_12_2456 No Appendix D Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System Table 4 - Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Borris WWTP Carlow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Palatine Carlow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Arvagh WWTP Cavan 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Killeshandra WWTP Cavan 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ballyjamesduff WWTP Cavan 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ballinagh WWTP Cavan 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Cootehill WWTP Cavan 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Crusheen WWTP Clare 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Newmarket-on-Fergus WWTP Clare 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Shannon Town Clare 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Tulla WWTP Clare 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ennistymon WWTP Clare 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system WMU WB Code BarrowLower SE_14_937 GreeseLerr SE_14_429 ErneEast NW_36_477 ErneEast NW_36_188 Inny SH_26_2264 Woodford NW_36_2100 Woodford NW_36_237 Fergus SH_27_666 Fergus SH_27_88 Fergus SH_060_0800 Fergus SH_27_928 Inagh SH_100_0100 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 4 - Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Liscarroll Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Shanballymore Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Glanworth Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Mitchelstown WWTP Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Bridesbridge Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Conna Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Milford, Cork Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Charleville WWTP Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Bandon WWTP Cork South 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Cloyne WWTP Cork South 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Cloghroe WWTP Cork South 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Dripsey WWTP Cork South 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system WMU WB Code Blackwater/Awbeg SW_18_2711 Blackwater/Awbeg SW_18_2677 Blackwater/Funshion SW_18_1836 Blackwater/Funshion SW_18_1836 BlackwaterBride SW_18_2778 BlackwaterBride SW_18_2778 Deel/ShannonEstuary SH_24_863 Maigue SH_24_119 Bandon/Stick SW_20_2230_2 Blackwater SW_060_0000 LowerLee/Owenboy SW_19_841 SkibbereenClonakilty SW_19_1713 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 4 - Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Inagh WWTP Clare 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Kilmihil WWTP Clare 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ballyclough Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ballyhooley Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Banteer WWTP Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Killavullen WWTP Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Kilworth Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Newmarket Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Buttevant WWTP Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Castletownroche WWTP Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Churchtown WWTP Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Doneraile WWTP Cork North 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system WMU WB Code Inagh SH_28_66 Inagh SH_28_718 Blackwater SW_18_785 Blackwater SW_18_2292_5 Blackwater SW_18_2292_3 Blackwater SW_18_888 Blackwater SW_18_2543 Blackwater SW_18_394 Blackwater/Awbeg SW_18_2677 Blackwater/Awbeg SW_18_2677 Blackwater/Awbeg SW_18_2677 Blackwater/Awbeg SW_18_2677 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 4 - Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Castlemartyr WWTP Cork South 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Clonakilty WWTP Cork West 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Drimoleague Cork West 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Carrigans Donegal 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Burtonport Donegal 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Carrick Donegal 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Toberburr WWTP Fingal 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Malahide WWTP Fingal 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Portrane WWTP Fingal 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Swords, Dublin Fingal 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Athenry WWTP Galway County 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Loughrea WWTP Galway County 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system WMU WB Code Womanagh SW_19_1909 SkibbereenClonakilty SW_100_0100 SkibbereenClonakilty SW_20_876 Extended Deadline No No No Finn/Derg/Foyle #N/A GweebarraBay #N/A No No RossanPoint NW_37_3547 Broadmeadow EA_08_670 Donabate EA_060_0000 Donabate EA_020_0000 Donabate EA_060_0100 Clarinbridge WE_29_310 Clarinbridge WE_29_513 No No No No No No No Table 4 - Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Gort WWTP Galway County 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Killimor WWTP Galway County 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Moylough Galway County 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Rathmore WWTP Kerry 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Farranfore Kerry 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Kildare Town WWTP Kildare 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Rathangan WWTP Kildare 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Graignamanagh Sewerage Scheme Kilkenny 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 WWTP performance management system Paulstown Sewerage Scheme WWTP Kilkenny 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Castlecomer Sewerage Scheme Kilkenny 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 WWTP performance management system Clogh-Moneenroe Sewerage Scheme Kilkenny 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 WWTP performance management system Urlingford Sewerage Scheme WWTP Kilkenny 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system WMU WB Code Kinvara WE_29_2 LoughDerg SH_25_3454 Suck SH_26_2889 Blackwater SW_18_449 Extended Deadline No No No No SW_22_888 NorthDingleBay No BarrowMain SE_14_842 Figile SE_14_999 BarrowLower SE_14_1909 BarrowMain SE_14_196_5 DInin SE_15_109 DInin SE_15_109 Erkina SE_15_196 No No No No No No No Table 4 - Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Callan Sewerage Scheme WWTP Kilkenny 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Stonyford Sewerage Scheme WWTP Kilkenny 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ballyraggett Sewerage Scheme Kilkenny 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 WWTP performance management system Kilkenny City (Purcellsinch) WWTP Kilkenny 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Mooncoin Sewerage Scheme WWTP Kilkenny 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Mountmellick WWTP Laois 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Portlaoise WWTP Laois 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ballylinan WWTP Laois 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system The Swan Laois 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Borris-in-Ossory WWTP Laois 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Castletown WWTP Laois 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Stradbally, Laois Laois 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system WMU WB Code Kings SE_15_1819 Kings SE_15_1991 NoreMain SE_15_1994_2 NoreMain SE_15_1994_4 SuirEstuary SE_100_0500 Extended Deadline No No No No No Barrow/Owenass/Triogue SE_14_1718 No Barrow/Owenass/Triogue SE_14_1016 No BarrowMain SE_14_196_3 DInin SE_15_1163 NoreUpper SE_15_1018 NoreUpper SE_15_1836 Stradbally SE_14_575 No No No No No Table 4 - Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Dromod Leitrim 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Limerick Limerick City 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Askeaton WWTP Limerick 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Dromcollagher Limerick 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Adare WWTP Limerick 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Ballingarry, Limerick Limerick 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Bruff WWTP Limerick 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Bruree WWTP Limerick 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Caherconlish Limerick 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Hospital WWTP Limerick 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Kilfinnane Limerick 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Kilmallock WWTP Limerick 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system WMU WB Code UpperShannon SH_26_3928 Maigue SH_060_0900 Deel/ShannonEstuary SH_060_0600 Deel/ShannonEstuary SH_24_1621 Maigue SH_060_0700 Maigue SH_24_1573 Maigue SH_24_838 Maigue SH_24_189 Maigue SH_25_513 Maigue SH_24_776 Maigue SH_24_738 Maigue SH_24_189 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 4 - Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Balla Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ballycastle WWTP Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Belcarra WWTP Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Castlebar WWTP Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Cong WWTP Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Shrule WWTP Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ballindine WWTP Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ballinrobe WWTP Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Achill Island Central WWTP Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Bangor Erris WWTP Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ballina, Mayo Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Charlestown WWTP Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system WMU WB Code Conn WE_34_1731 Conn WE_33_2091 Conn WE_34_1731 Conn WE_34_3953 Corrib WE_30_3419 Corrib WE_30_1151 Mask WE_30_2655 Mask WE_30_3370_4 MayoWest WE_250_0000 MayoWest WE_33_3204 Moy WE_420_0300 Moy WE_34_2464 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 4 - Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Foxford WWTP Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Swinford WWTP Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Kildalkey Meath 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Kells WWTP Meath 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Slane WWTP Meath 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Kentstown Meath 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ballinode WWTP Monaghan 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Emyvale WWTP Monaghan 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Glaslough WWTP Monaghan 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Knockaconny WWTP Monaghan 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Knockatallon WWTP Monaghan 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Scotstown WWTP Monaghan 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system WMU WB Code Moy WE_34_3982 Moy WE_34_2499 Athboy EA_07_971 BlackwaterNorth EA_07_1536_2 BoyneLower EA_07_1894_3 Nanny EA_08_298 Blackwater XB_03_8 Blackwater XB_03_6 Blackwater NB_03_416 Blackwater XB_03_5 Blackwater NB_03_16 Blackwater XB_03_8 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 4 - Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Clones WWTP Monaghan 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Newbliss WWTP Monaghan 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Scotshouse WWTP Monaghan 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Castleblayney WWTP Monaghan 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Carrickmacross WWTP Monaghan 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Rhode WWTP Offaly 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Birr WWTP Offaly 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Cloghan WWTP Offaly 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Kilcormac WWTP Offaly 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Mucklagh WWTP Offaly 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Shinrone WWTP Offaly 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Daingean WWTP Offaly 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system WMU WB Code ErneEast XB_36_east_3 ErneEast NW_36_1288 ErneEast XB_36_east_14 Fane NB_06_56 Glyde NB_06_910 BoyneUpper EA_07_332 Brosna SH_25_2146 Brosna SH_25_3014 Brosna SH_25_3701 Brosna SH_25_550 Brosna SH_25_877 Figile SE_14_1561 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 4 - Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Termonbarry Roscommon 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ballinlough WWTP Roscommon 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Strokestown WWTP Roscommon 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ballymote WWTP Sligo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Gurteen WWTP Sligo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Riverstown WWTP Sligo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Tipperary WWTP South Tipp 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Clerihan WWTP South Tipp 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Killenaule WWTP South Tipp 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Limerick Junction South Tipp 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Carrick-on-Suir South Tipp 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ardfinnan WWTP South Tipp 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system WMU WB Code Hind/LoughRee SH_26_4162 Suck SH_26_1359 UpperShannon SH_26_1004 Ballysadare WE_35_938 Ballysadare WE_35_782 Ballysadare WE_35_4019 Aherlow SE_16_1127 Anner SE_16_4098 Anner SE_16_2360 Mulkear SH_25_3875 SuirEstuary SE_16_4191 SuirMain SE_16_4181_3 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 4 - Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Cahir WWTP South Tipp 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Cashel WWTP South Tipp 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Clonmel WWTP South Tipp 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Lismore WWTP Waterford 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Piltown Waterford 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Ballinroad WWTP Waterford 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Ring/Helvick/Ballinagoul WWTP Waterford 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Portlaw WWTP Waterford 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Clonmellon WWTP Westmeath 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Kinnegad WWTP Westmeath 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Rochfortbridge WWTP Westmeath 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Moate WWTP Westmeath 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system WMU WB Code SuirMain SE_16_4181_3 SuirMain SE_16_4181_1 SuirMain SE_16_4181_5 Blackwater SW_18_2755 BlackwaterEstuary SW_020_0100 ColliganMahon SE_140_0100 ColliganMahon SE_140_0000 SuirEstuary SE_100_0500 Athboy EA_07_944 BoyneUpper EA_07_234 BoyneUpper EA_07_1025 Brosna SH_25_567 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 4 - Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Tyrellspass WWTP Westmeath 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Killucan WWTP Westmeath 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Castlepollard WWTP Westmeath 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Multyfarnham WWTP Westmeath 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Adamstown Wexford 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Bridgetown, Wexford Wexford 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Carrick-on-Bannow Wexford 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Clonroche Wexford 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Courtown/Riverchapel WWTP Wexford 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Gorey WWTP Wexford 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Kilmuckridge WWTP Wexford 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ballymurn Wexford 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system WMU WB Code Brosna SH_25_3789 Deel EA_07_1015 Inny SH_26_1091 Inny SH_26_3006 BallyteigueBannow SE_13_285 BallyteigueBannow SE_13_692 BallyteigueBannow SE_13_662 BoroUrrin SE_12_2601 Owenavorragh SE_010_0000 Owenavorragh SE_11_257 Owenavorragh SE_010_0000 SlaneyEstuary SE_12_2504 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 4 - Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Piercetown WWTP Wexford 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Rosslare Strand WWTP Wexford 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Enniscorthy WWTP Wexford 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Aughrim WWTP Wicklow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ballinaclash WWTP Wicklow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Laragh Wicklow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Thomastown Wicklow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Enniskerry WWTP Wicklow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Carnew, Wicklow Wicklow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Shillelagh Wicklow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Tinahely WWTP Wicklow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Dunlavin Milltown WWTP Wicklow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system WMU WB Code SlaneyEstuary SE_12_149 SlaneyEstuary SE_010_0000 SlaneyLower SE_040_0300 Avoca EA_10_1339 Avoca EA_10_99 Avoca EA_10_721 Avoca EA_10_1021 Dargle EA_10_1277 Derry SE_12_757 Derry SE_12_2095 Derry SE_12_1442 GreeseLerr SE_14_1747 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 4 - Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Blessington WWTP Wicklow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Kilcoole WWTP Wicklow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Kilpedder WWTP Wicklow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Newcastle WWTP Wicklow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Baltinglass 1 WWTP Wicklow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Ashford WWTP Wicklow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Roundwood Wicklow 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system WMU WB Code Liffey EA_09_1870_1 Newcastle EA_120_0100 Newcastle EA_120_0100 Newcastle EA_10_1589 SlaneyUpper SE_12_1524 Vartry EA_10_1601 Vartry EA_10_1471 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No Appendix E Plants requiring the investigation of CSO's Table 5 - Plants requiring the investigation of CSO's Point Source Discharge Mortarstown WWTP Fenagh County Carlow Carlow Priority 2 3 Palatine Carlow 2 Ballon Carlow 3 Myshal Carlow 3 Belturbet WWTP Cavan 2 Tulla WWTP Clare 3 Scarriff WWTP Clare 3 Kanturk WWTP Cork North 2 Killavullen WWTP Cork North 2 Kilworth Cork North 2 Newmarket Cork North 2 Measure Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's LA Proposed Date for WMU Completion 2012 BarrowMain WB Code Extended Deadline SE_14_196_4 No 2015 Burren SE_14_1546 Yes 2012 GreeseLerr SE_14_429 2015 SlaneyLower SE_12_1859 No Yes 2015 SlaneyLower SE_12_789 Yes 2012 ErneEast XB_36_east_4 2015 Fergus SH_27_928 No Yes 2015 LoughDerg SH_25_2142 Yes 2015 Blackwater SW_18_394 2015 Blackwater SW_18_888 Yes Yes 2015 Blackwater SW_18_2543 2015 Blackwater SW_18_394 Yes Yes Table 5 - Plants requiring the investigation of CSO's Point Source Discharge County Castletownroche WWTP Cork North Doneraile WWTP Cork North Priority 2 2 Liscarroll Cork North 2 Mitchelstown WWTP Cork North 2 Watergrasshill WWTP Cork North 2 Ballynoe Cork North 3 Charleville WWTP Cork North 3 Minane Bridge Blarney/Tower WWTP Crossbarry Cork South Cork South Cork South 3 3 3 Ballineen Sewerage SchemCork West 2 Killygordan WWTP 2 Donegal Measure Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's LA Proposed Date for WMU Completion 2015 Blackwater/Awbeg WB Code Extended Deadline SW_18_2677 Yes 2015 Blackwater/Awbeg SW_18_2677 Yes 2015 Blackwater/Awbeg SW_18_2711 2015 Blackwater/Funshion SW_18_1836 Yes Yes 2015 BlackwaterBride SW_18_2264 Yes 2015 BlackwaterBride SW_18_2042 2015 Maigue SH_24_119 Yes Yes Bandon/Stick SW_050_0000 No 2015 LowerLee/Owenboy SW_19_1827 Yes LowerLee/Owenboy SW_19_1584 No 2015 Bandon/Stick SW_20_2230_1 2015 Finn/Derg/Foyle XB_01_1_1 Yes Yes Table 5 - Plants requiring the investigation of CSO's Point Source Discharge Glenties WWTP Carrick County Donegal Donegal Priority 2 3 Glencolumkille Donegal 3 Balgriffin Dublin City 3 Rowelstown Fingal 3 Toberburr WWTP Fingal 3 Athenry WWTP Galway County 3 Gort WWTP Killimor WWTP Ballinasloe WWTP Galway County Galway County Galway County 2 3 2 Rathmore WWTP Kerry 2 Listowel WWTP Kerry 2 Measure Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's LA Proposed Date for WMU Completion 2015 Owenea WB Code Extended Deadline NW_38_1168 Yes 2015 RossanPoint NW_37_3547 Yes 2015 RossanPoint NW_38_1342 2015 SantryMayneSluice EA_09_1428 Yes Yes 2015 Broadmeadow EA_08_295 Yes 2015 Broadmeadow EA_08_670 2015 Clarinbridge WE_29_310 Yes Yes 2021 Kinvara WE_29_2 Yes 2021 LoughDerg SH_25_3454 Yes 2015 Suck SH_26_1447_5 Yes 2012 Blackwater SW_18_449 2015+ Feale SH_23_2941 No Yes Table 5 - Plants requiring the investigation of CSO's Point Source Discharge Castleisland WWTP Tralee WWTP County Kerry Kerry Priority 3 3 Kildare Town WWTP Kildare 3 Allenwood WWTP Kildare 2 Coill Dubh WWTP Kildare 2 Milltown, Kildare Kildare 2 Robertstown WWTP Kildare 2 Kilkea Kildare Callan Sewerage Scheme WKilkenny Kilkenny City (Purcellsinc Kilkenny 2 2 2 Castlecomer Sewerage SchKilkenny 2 Mountmellick WWTP 2 Laois Measure Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's LA Proposed Date for Completion 2015 2015+ WMU NorthDingleBay WB Code Extended Deadline SW_22_3452 Yes NorthKerry/TraleeBay SH_050_0000 Yes 2015 BarrowMain SE_14_842 2012 Figile SE_14_999 Yes No 2012 Figile SE_14_999 No 2012 Figile SE_14_1870 2012 Figile SE_14_999 No No 2012 GreeseLerr SE_14_946 No 2012 Kings SE_15_1819 No 2012 NoreMain SE_15_1994_4 No 2012 2012 DInin SE_15_109 Barrow/Owenass/Triogu SE_14_1718 No No Table 5 - Plants requiring the investigation of CSO's Point Source Discharge Portarlington WWTP Castletown WWTP County Laois Laois Priority 2 2 Stradbally, Laois Laois 2 NewtownGore Leitrim 2 Keshcarrigan WWTP Leitrim 3 Dromod Leitrim 2 Drumshanbo WWTP Leitrim 2 Castletroy WWTP Ballingarry, Limerick Bruree WWTP Limerick County Limerick County Limerick County 2 3 3 Caherconlish Limerick County 3 Longford WWTP Longford 2 Measure Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's LA Proposed Date for WMU Completion 2012 BarrowMain WB Code Extended Deadline SE_14_196_1 No 2012 NoreUpper SE_15_1836 No 2012 Stradbally SE_14_575 2015 ErneMid XB_36_EAST_5 No Yes 2015 ErneMid NW_36_2175 Yes 2015 UpperShannon SH_26_3928 2015 UpperShannon SH_26_59 Yes Yes 2012 LoughDerg SH_25_3904_2 No 2015 Maigue SH_24_1573 Yes 2015 Maigue SH_24_189 Yes 2015 Maigue SH_25_513 2015 Camlin/Rinn SH_26_3927_2 Yes Yes Table 5 - Plants requiring the investigation of CSO's Point Source Discharge County Edgeworthstown WWTP Longford Legan WWTP Longford Priority 3 3 Ardee WWTP Louth 3 Ballyhaunis WWTP Mayo 3 Balla Mayo 2 Ballycastle WWTP Mayo 3 Ballindine WWTP Mayo 3 Knock WWTP Athboy WWTP IDA (Kells) Mayo Meath Meath 3 2 2 Kells WWTP Meath 2 Moynalty Meath 3 Measure Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's LA Proposed Date for Completion 2015 Inny WMU WB Code Extended Deadline SH_26_3870 Yes 2015 Inny SH_26_4098 Yes 2015 Dee NB_06_1099 2015 ClareRiver WE_30_211 Yes Yes 2013 Conn WE_34_1731 Yes 2015 Conn WE_33_2091 2015 Mask WE_30_2655 Yes Yes 2015 Moy WE_34_3069 Yes 2015 Athboy EA_07_971 Yes 2015 BlackwaterNorth EA_07_1536_2 Yes 2015 BlackwaterNorth EA_07_1536_2 2015 BlackwaterNorth EA_07_940 Yes Yes Table 5 - Plants requiring the investigation of CSO's Point Source Discharge Slane WWTP Lobinstown County Meath Meath Priority 2 3 Duleek WWTP Meath 3 Knockaconny WWTP Monaghan 2 Glaslough WWTP Monaghan 3 Castleblayney WWTP Monaghan 2 Annayalla WWTP Monaghan 3 Oram WWTP Rockcorry WWTP Monaghan Monaghan 3 3 Clones WWTP Monaghan 2 Monaghan WWTP Monaghan 3 Carrickmacross WWTP Monaghan 2 Measure Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's LA Proposed Date for WMU Completion 2015 BoyneLower WB Code Extended Deadline EA_07_1894_3 Yes 2015 Dee NB_06_557 Yes 2015 Nanny EA_08_814 Blackwater XB_03_5 Yes No Blackwater NB_03_416 No 2015+ Fane NB_06_56 Fane NB_06_406 Yes No Fane XB_06_14 No 2015+ Woodford NW_36_237 Yes 2015+ 2015+ 2011 ErneEast Blackwater Glyde XB_36_east_3 Yes NB_03_479 Yes NB_06_910 No Table 5 - Plants requiring the investigation of CSO's Point Source Discharge County Priority Ballybay WWTP Monaghan 2 Roscrea WWTP North Tipp 2 Lorrha North Tipp 3 Newtown North Tipp 3 Portroe North Tipp 3 Newport, North Tipp North Tipp 3 Borrisokane WWTP North Tipp 3 Nenagh WWTP Silvermines Toomevara North Tipp North Tipp North Tipp 3 3 3 Thurles WWTP North Tipp 3 Edenderry WWTP Offaly 2 Measure Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's LA Proposed Date for Completion 2015+ 2012 WMU Woodford Brosna WB Code NW_36_30 SH_25_633 Extended Deadline Yes No 2015 LoughDerg SH_25_2507 2015 LoughDerg SH_25_2785 Yes Yes 2015 LoughDerg SH_25_2530 Yes 2015 Mulkear SH_25_320 2015 Nenagh SH_25_3530 Yes Yes 2015 Nenagh SH_25_335 Yes 2015 Nenagh SH_25_3715 Yes 2015 Nenagh SH_25_402 Yes 2015 SuirUpper SE_16_3993 2015 BoyneUpper EA_07_990 Yes Yes Table 5 - Plants requiring the investigation of CSO's Point Source Discharge Kinnitty WWTP Geashill WWTP County Offaly Offaly Priority 2 3 Daingean WWTP Offaly 3 Cloonfad WWTP Roscommon 3 Monksland WWTP Roscommon 2 Strokestown WWTP Roscommon 3 Riverstown WWTP Sligo 2 Ballymote WWTP Sligo Tubbercurry WWTP Sligo Sligo Sligo 3 2 3 Bansha WWTP South Tipp 3 Lisvernane South Tipp 3 Measure Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's LA Proposed Date for WMU Completion 2012 Brosna WB Code Extended Deadline SH_25_2084 No Brosna SH_25_542 No 2015 Figile SE_14_1561 2015 ClareRiver WE_30_2327 Yes Yes 2012 Hind/LoughRee SH_26_1111 No 2012 UpperShannon SH_26_1004 2012 Ballysadare WE_35_4019 No No 2015 Ballysadare WE_35_938 Yes 2012 Garravogue WE_470_0000 No 2015 Moy WE_34_2633 Yes 2015 Aherlow SE_16_2303 2015 Aherlow SE_16_1178 Yes Yes Table 5 - Plants requiring the investigation of CSO's Point Source Discharge Cloneen Drangan WWTP County South Tipp South Tipp Priority 3 3 Lisronagh WWTP South Tipp 3 Rosegreen WWTP South Tipp 3 Gortnahoe WWTP South Tipp 3 Ballingarry, South Tipp South Tipp 3 Coalbrook South Tipp 3 Commons WWTP Cappawhite WWTP Limerick Junction South Tipp South Tipp South Tipp 3 2 3 Dundrum WWTP South Tipp 3 Faugheen WWTP South Tipp 3 Measure Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's LA Proposed Date for Completion 2015 Anner WMU WB Code Extended Deadline SE_16_3950 Yes 2015 Anner SE_16_1537 Yes 2015 Anner SE_16_2322 2015 Anner SE_16_958 Yes Yes 2015 Drish SE_16_3521 Yes 2015 Kings SE_15_282 2015 Kings SE_15_699 Yes Yes 2015 Kings SE_15_1736 Yes 2012 Mulkear SH_25_3235 No 2015 Mulkear SH_25_3875 Yes 2015 Multeen SE_16_3825 2015 SuirEstuary SE_16_4197 Yes Yes Table 5 - Plants requiring the investigation of CSO's Point Source Discharge Boherlahan WWTP Cashel WWTP County South Tipp South Tipp Priority 2 2 Clonmel WWTP South Tipp 2 Ballypatrick South Tipp 3 Golden WWTP South Tipp 3 New Inn WWTP South Tipp 3 Newcastle, South Tipp. South Tipp 3 Milltownpass Ratarney Killucan - Rathwire Westmeath Westmeath Westmeath 3 2 3 Castlepollard WWTP Westmeath 3 Collinstown Westmeath 3 Measure Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's LA Proposed Date for WMU Completion 2012 SuirMain WB Code Extended Deadline SE_16_4181_1 No 2012 SuirMain SE_16_4181_1 No 2012 SuirMain SE_16_4181_5 2015 SuirMain SE_16_3845 No Yes 2015 SuirMain SE_16_4181_2 Yes 2015 SuirMain SE_16_3843 2015 SuirMain SE_16_4181_4 Yes Yes BoyneUpper EA_07_1009 No Deel EA_07_1012 No Deel EA_07_1015 No 2010 Inny SH_26_1091 2010 Inny SH_26_1091 No No Table 5 - Plants requiring the investigation of CSO's Point Source Discharge Multyfarnham WWTP Delvin WWTP County Westmeath Westmeath Priority 3 2 Foulkesmills Wexford 3 Galbally, Wexford Wexford 2 Kirakee Wicklow 2 Newcastle WWTP Wicklow 2 Baltinglass 1 WWTP Wicklow 2 Ashford WWTP Wicklow 2 Measure Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's Investigation of CSO's LA Proposed Date for Completion 2010 Inny WMU WB Code Extended Deadline SH_26_3006 No 2012 Stonyford EA_07_248 No 2015 BallyteigueBannow SE_13_397 2012 SlaneyEstuary SE_12_3 Yes No 2012 Avoca EA_10_99 No 2012 Newcastle EA_10_1589 2012 SlaneyUpper SE_12_1524 No No 2012 Vartry EA_10_1601 No Appendix F Plants required to ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded Table 6 - Plants required to ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU WB Code Borris WWTP Carlow 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2010 BarrowLower SE_14_937 Clonmore Carlow 2010 BarrowMain SE_14_1283 Mortarstown WWTP Carlow 2010 BarrowMain SE_14_196_4 Nurney Carlow 2010 BarrowMain SE_14_1102 Fenagh Carlow 2010 Burren SE_14_1546 Rathoe Carlow 2010 Burren SE_14_1781 Ticknock Carlow 2010 Derreen SE_12_721 Ballon Carlow 2010 SlaneyLower SE_12_1859 Bailieborough WWTP Cavan 2010 BlackwaterNorth EA_07_581 Killeshandra WWTP Cavan 2010 ErneEast NW_36_188 Kingscourt WWTP Cavan 2010 Glyde NB_06_712 Ballyjamesduff WWTP Cavan 2010 Inny SH_26_2264 Ballinagh WWTP Cavan 2010 Woodford NW_36_2100 Cootehill WWTP Cavan 2010 Woodford NW_36_237 Clare Abbey WWTP Clare 2010 Fergus SH_27_1122 Kilkishen Clare 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2010 Fergus SH_27_234 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 6 - Plants required to ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded Point Source Discharge County Ennistymon WWTP Clare Inagh WWTP Clare Kilmihil WWTP Clare Ballycannon (Meelick) WWTP Clare Clonlara WWTP Clare Mountshannon WWTP Clare Scarriff WWTP Clare Whitegate WWTP Clare Ballydesmond Cork North Bweeng Cork North Clondulane Cork North Dromahane WWTP Cork North Kilbrin Cork North Meelin Cork North Newmarket Cork North Churchtown WWTP Cork North Priority Measure 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU WB Code 2010 Inagh SH_100_0100 2010 Inagh SH_28_66 2010 Inagh SH_28_718 2010 LoughDerg SH_25_3896 2010 LoughDerg SH_25_3709 2010 LoughDerg SH_25_3904_1 2010 LoughDerg SH_25_2142 2010 LoughDerg SH_25_3904_1 2010 Blackwater SW_18_450 2010 Blackwater SW_18_1922 2010 Blackwater SW_18_2755 2010 Blackwater SW_18_2541 2010 Blackwater SW_18_1933 2010 Blackwater SW_18_553 2010 Blackwater SW_18_394 2010 Blackwater/Awbeg SW_18_2677 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 6 - Plants required to ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded Point Source Discharge County Dromina Cork North Rockchapel Cork North Newtownshandrum Cork North Bandon WWTP Cork South Riverstick WWTP Cork South Carrignavar Cork South Ballygarvan Cork South Blarney/Tower WWTP Cork South Cloghroe WWTP Cork South Coachford WWTP Cork South Whitechurch Cork South Kilmurry Cork South Macroom U.D.C. WWTP Cork South Killeagh WWTP Cork South Castletownbere Sewerage Scheme Cork West Kealkil Sewerage Scheme Cork West Priority Measure 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded LA Proposed Date for Completion 2010 WMU WB Code 2010 Deel/ShannonEstuar SH_24_846 y Feale SH_23_1828 2010 Maigue SH_24_1044 2010 Bandon/Stick SW_20_2230_2 2010 Bandon/Stick SW_20_1209 2010 Glashaboy SW_19_1740 2010 LowerLee/Owenboy SW_19_1968 2010 LowerLee/Owenboy SW_19_1827 2010 LowerLee/Owenboy SW_19_841 2010 LowerLee/Owenboy SW_19_1663 2010 LowerLee/Owenboy SW_19_1520 2010 UpperLee SW_19_1875 2010 UpperLee SW_19_1710 2010 Womanagh SW_19_1798 2010 BearaPenninsula SW_180_0000 2010 InnerBantryBay SW_21_8048 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 6 - Plants required to ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded Point Source Discharge County Drimoleague Cork West Glenties WWTP Donegal Balgriffin Dublin City Athenry WWTP Galway County Moycullen WWTP Galway County Gort WWTP Galway County Moylough Galway County Listowel WWTP Kerry Killorglin WWTP Kerry Nurney WWTP Kildare Kildare Town WWTP Kildare Allenwood WWTP Kildare Robertstown WWTP Kildare Gowran Sewerage Scheme WWTP Kilkenny Clogh-Moneenroe Sewerage Scheme WWTP Kilkenny Callan Sewerage Scheme WWTP Kilkenny Priority Measure 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded LA Proposed Date for Completion 2010 WMU WB Code 2010 SkibbereenClonakilt SW_20_876 y Owenea NW_38_1168 2010 SantryMayneSluice EA_09_1428 2010 Clarinbridge WE_29_310 2010 Corrib WE_30_2290 2010 Kinvara WE_29_2 2010 Suck SH_26_2889 2010 Feale SH_23_2941 2010 Laune SW_230_0200 2010 BarrowMain SE_14_842 2010 BarrowMain SE_14_842 2010 Figile SE_14_999 2010 Figile SE_14_999 2010 BarrowMain SE_14_1879 2010 DInin SE_15_109 2010 Kings SE_15_1819 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 6 - Plants required to ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded Point Source Discharge County Ballyraggett Sewerage Scheme WWTP Kilkenny Bennettsbridge Sewerage Scheme WWTP Kilkenny Errill Laois Castletown WWTP Laois Stradbally, Laois Laois Dromahair WWTP Leitrim Manorhamilton WWTP Leitrim Leitrim Village WWTP Leitrim Athea Drumlish WWTP Limerick County Longford Keenagh WWTP Longford Longford WWTP Longford Edgeworthstown WWTP Longford Carlingford WWTP Louth Mallaranny WWTP Mayo Westport Mayo Priority Measure 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU WB Code 2010 NoreMain SE_15_1994_2 2010 NoreMain SE_15_1994_5 2010 Erkina SE_15_1425 2010 NoreUpper SE_15_1836 2010 Stradbally SE_14_575 2010 Garravogue WE_35_3842 2010 Garravogue WE_35_2798 2010 UpperShannon SH_26_3490 2010 Feale SH_23_2514 2010 Camlin/Rinn SH_26_1145 2010 Camlin/Rinn SH_26_2726 2010 Camlin/Rinn SH_26_3927_2 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No 2010 Inny 2010 Carlingford SH_26_3870 NB_030_0000 2010 ClewBay WE_32_2891 2010 ClewBay WE_350_0100 No No No No Table 6 - Plants required to ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded Point Source Discharge County Ballycastle WWTP Mayo Kilmaine WWTP Mayo Claremorris WWTP Mayo Kilkelly WWTP Mayo Kildalkey Meath Carlanstown WWTP Meath Kells WWTP Meath Ballivor WWTP Meath Navan WWTP Meath Slane WWTP Meath Trim WWTP Meath Drumconrath WWTP Meath Kilmainhamwood Meath Nobber Meath Stamullen WWTP Meath Kentstown Meath Priority Measure 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU WB Code 2010 Conn WE_33_2091 2010 Corrib WE_30_1231 2010 Mask WE_30_3370_2 2010 Moy WE_34_2180 2010 Athboy EA_07_971 2010 BlackwaterNorth EA_07_940 2010 BlackwaterNorth EA_07_1536_2 2010 BoyneLower EA_07_340 2010 BoyneLower EA_07_1894_3 2010 BoyneLower EA_07_1894_3 2010 BoyneLower EA_07_1894_2 2010 Dee NB_06_195 2010 Dee NB_06_610 2010 Dee NB_06_50 2010 Delvin EA_08_138 2010 Nanny EA_08_298 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 6 - Plants required to ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded Point Source Discharge County Kilcloon (Kilclone) Meath Ballinode WWTP Monaghan Emyvale WWTP Monaghan Newbliss WWTP Monaghan Inniskeen WWTP Monaghan Rathcabin North Tipp Ballina, North Tipp North Tipp Dromineer North Tipp Newtown North Tipp Portroe North Tipp Newport, North Tipp North Tipp Rear Cross North Tipp Nenagh WWTP North Tipp Holycross WWTP North Tipp Cloghan WWTP Offaly Geashill WWTP Offaly Priority Measure 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU WB Code 2010 Ryewater EA_09_1060 2010 Blackwater XB_03_8 2010 Blackwater XB_03_6 2010 ErneEast NW_36_1288 2010 Fane XB_06_8 2010 Brosna SH_25_2092 2010 LoughDerg SH_25_3904_1 2010 LoughDerg SH_25_3904_1 2010 LoughDerg SH_25_2785 2010 LoughDerg SH_25_2530 2010 Mulkear SH_25_320 2010 Mulkear SH_25_1924 2010 Nenagh SH_25_335 2010 SuirUpper SE_16_3993 2010 Brosna SH_25_3014 2010 Brosna SH_25_542 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 6 - Plants required to ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded Point Source Discharge County Shinrone WWTP Offaly Ballaghaderreen WWTP Roscommon Ballymote WWTP Sligo Easkey WWTP Sligo Riverstown WWTP Sligo Ardfinnan WWTP South Tipp Cahir WWTP South Tipp Golden WWTP South Tipp Lismore WWTP Waterford County Waterford County Waterford County Waterford County Waterford County Waterford County Waterford County Westmeath Piltown Tooraneena WWTP Clonea Power WWTP Ballinroad WWTP Passage East WWTP Cheekpoint WWTP Ballymore Priority Measure 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU WB Code 2010 Brosna SH_25_877 2010 UpperShannon SH_26_1122_1 2010 Ballysadare WE_35_938 2010 Ballysadare WE_35_1416 2010 Ballysadare WE_35_4019 2010 SuirMain SE_16_4181_3 2010 SuirMain SE_16_4181_3 2010 SuirMain SE_16_4181_2 2010 Blackwater SW_18_2755 2010 BlackwaterEstuary SW_020_0100 2010 BlackwaterEstuary SW_18_2514 2010 ClodiaghWD SE_16_3698 2010 ColliganMahon SE_140_0100 2010 ColliganMahon SE_100_0100 2010 SuirEstuary SE_100_0100 2010 Inny SH_26_3719 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Table 6 - Plants required to ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded Point Source Discharge County Ballynacarrigy WWTP Westmeath Multyfarnham WWTP Westmeath Adamstown Wexford Carrick-on-Bannow Wexford Clonroche Wexford Ballycanew Wexford Ballygarrett Wexford Kilinerin Wexford Ballaghkeen - Hse Est Wexford Tagoat Wexford Enniscorthy WWTP Wexford Enniscorthy WWTP Wexford Carnew, Wicklow Wicklow Tinahely WWTP Wicklow Blessington WWTP Wicklow Greystones WWTP Wicklow Priority Measure 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded Ensure capacity of treatment plant is 3 not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU WB Code 2010 Inny SH_26_2531 2010 Inny SH_26_3006 2010 BallyteigueBannow SE_13_285 2010 BallyteigueBannow SE_13_662 2010 BoroUrrin Extended Deadline No No No No SE_12_2601 No 2010 Owenavorragh 2010 Owenavorragh SE_11_251 SE_11_490 2010 Owenavorragh SE_11_519 2010 SlaneyEstuary SE_12_851 2010 SlaneyEstuary SE_12_440 2010 SlaneyLower SE_040_0300 2010 SlaneyLower SE_040_0300 2010 Derry SE_12_757 2010 Derry SE_12_1442 2010 Liffey EA_09_1870_1 2010 Newcastle EA_100_0000 No No No No No No No No No No No Table 6 - Plants required to ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded Point Source Discharge County Glenealy WWTP Wicklow Ashford WWTP Wicklow Priority Measure 3 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded LA Proposed Date for Completion WMU WB Code 2010 Rathnew EA_10_588 2010 Vartry EA_10_1601 Extended Deadline No No Table 4 - Plants requiring the Implementation of an Appropriate Performance Management System LA Proposed Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure Date for Completion Patrickswell WWTP Limerick 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Cappamore Limerick 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Doon Limerick 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 County performance management system Ardee WWTP Louth 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Clogherhead WWTP Louth 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Dunleer WWTP Louth 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Dundalk WWTP Louth 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Louth Village WWTP Louth 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Castlebellingham WWTP Louth 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Louisbourgh WWTP Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Mallaranny WWTP Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system Westport Mayo 1 Implement an appropriate 2012 performance management system WMU WB Code Maigue SH_24_1704 Mulkear SH_25_486 Mulkear SH_25_2001 Dee NB_06_1099 Dee NB_025_0000 Dee NB_06_549 Fane NB_040_0200 Fane NB_06_229 Glyde NB_06_1097 ClewBay WE_32_3759 ClewBay WE_32_2891 ClewBay WE_350_0100 Extended Deadline No No No No No No No No No No No No
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