DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF ANALYTICAL METHODS / Desarrollo y Aplicación de Métodos Analíticos (PA) AUTHORS / Autores TITTLE / Título Clasif Nº Código Alvarez Rueda, Luis Carlos; Velandia Rodríguez, Nancy Johanna; Guerrero Dallos, Jairo Arturo Franco, Emerson; Rodrigues Alvino, Resende Geisa Cryogenic extraction and d-SPE clean-up for the determination of pesticide residues in edible vegetable oils First Latin America Application of SelexIon® to reduce matrix effect, during pesticides residue analysis Improvements in acetone based extraction method for pesticide residues analysis PA 1 PA1 PA 2 PA2 PA 3 PA3 High Resolution Accurate Mass LC-MS/MS Screening to Quantify Target and Identify Unknown Pesticides Routine Quantitation and Identification of Pesticides using LC-MS/MS and Advanced Scheduling of MRM Transitions Using GC-MS/MS TQ with short and long run times for limited- or extended-scope analysis of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables GC-(NCI)-QTOF approach with automated accurate mass data processing for determination of 70 pesticides in vegetables Multirresidue determination of pesticides in leaves, infusion and alcoholic extract of Boldo PA 4 PA4 PA 5 PA5 PA 6 PA6 PA 7 PA7 PA 8 PA8 Diazinon Removal from Liquid Samples by a Microbiological Method PA 9 PA9 Optimization and validation of a multi-residue method in yerba mate by LC-QqQ/MS PA 10 PA10 Analysis of Pesticides Residues in Mango using QuECheERS by GC/MS/MS Triple Quadrupole System Shoot-and-Dilute GC-ECD for Analysis of Problematic Pesticides PA 11 PA11 PA 12 PA12 Hydrogen and Nitrogen Carrier Gases Instead of Helium for GC Analysis of Pesticides PA 13 PA13 Development and validation of a straightforward methodology for the analysis of clomazone in polyurethane passive samplers Improved determination of microcystins in water by HPLC/UV using DAD with Max Light High Senstivity Technology. Fluorinated sorbent for the determination of pesticides in the environment PA 14 PA14 PA 15 PA15 PA 16 PA16 Determination of halosulfuron-methyl in bell peppers using QuEChERS and analysis by CEMS/MS Development and validation of a simplified method for the determination of glyphosate, AMPA and glufosinate in water. PA 17 PA17 PA 18 PA18 Lozano, Ana; Kiedrowska, Barbara; Scholten Jos; de Kok, André; R. Fernández-Alba, Amadeo. Schreiber, André; Thomas, April; Winkler, Paul; Zhu, Nick; Cai, Cheng Yuan; Cox David Schreiber, André; Bailey, Lauryn Kiedrowska, Barbara; de Kok, André Besil, N.; Uclés, S.; Mezcua, M.; Heinzen, H.; Fernández-Alba, A. Bojorge, Alejandra; Gérez, Natalia; Pérez, Andrés; Heinzen, Horacio; Cesio, Verónica Briceño, Gabriela; Schalchli, Heidi; Palma, Graciela; Diez, M. Cristina Calvemater, Sebastián; Colazzo, Marcos; Heinzen, Horacio; Pareja, Lucia Ciscato, Claudia; Barbosa, Claudia; Gebara, Amir; Ozawa, Kumi S. Cochran, Jack; Kowalski, Julie Cochran, Jack; Kowalski, Julie; Misselwitz, Michelle; Rattray, Christopher Colazzo, Marcos; Pérez, Lucia; Pareja, Lucia; Heinzen, Horacio; Cesio, Verónica; Villalba, Juana Confalonieri, Adriana; Márquez, Cecilia Vidal, Cristiane; Jardim, Isabel C. S. F. Daniel, Daniela; Bezerra dos Santos, Vagner; Rajh Vidal, Denis Tadeu; do Lago, Claudimir Lucio Demonte, Luisina; Michlig, Nicolás; García Silvia, R.; De Jesús, Juan J.; Beldoménico, Horacio R.; Repetti María Rosa Kolberg, Diana I. S.; Silva, Henrique C. M.; Sousa, Carlos E. M.; Silva, Maria Carolina; Telles Danuza, Araújo Adélia The influence of temperature on the stability of pesticides during sample processing PA 19 PA19 Dias, Jonatan V.; Pizzutti, Ionara R.; Kok, André de; Dos Santos, Ingrid D.; Cardoso, Carmem D. Fonseca Rubí, Eddie; Matarrita Rodríguez, Jessie; Masís Mora; Mario, Briceño; Guevara, Susana Determination of pesticide residues in tomato for accreditation purpose PA 20 PA20 Use of L-Gulonolactone and D-Sorbitol as analyte protectants to improve the performance of gas chromatographic analysis (GC-MS/MS) of pesticide residues A multi-residue method for the determination of 167 pesticides in garlic matrix by LC – MS/MS PA 21 PA21 PA 22 PA22 Dissipation rates of boscalid, pyraclostrobin, imidacloprid, clorfenapyr, chlorpyrifos-methyl, and azoxystrobin in strawberry PA 23 PA23 Franchi, Susana; Chouy, Ana Laura.; Acosta, Alejandra Determination of abamectin in citrus under commercial production conditions PA 24 PA24 Gómez-Ramos, María del Mar; Rajski, Łukasz; Lozano, Ana; Fernández-Alba, Amadeo Zamorano, Graciela; Alva, Mariana; Navarro, María E.; Contreras, Christian; Lacina, Marina; Kamiya, Norma; Ruiz, Marcelo Hardebusch, B.; Radykewicz, T.; Schmitt, M.; Obrecht, K.; Lippold, R.; Kluth, J.; Ziroli, V.; Massing, U. Evaluation of matrix effects in pesticide multiresidue methods by mapping natural components using LC-HRMS Application of QuEChERS to pesticide multiresidue and 2,4-d analysis in tobacco by GC and LC-MS/MS PA 25 PA25 PA 26 PA27 Speeding up QuEChERS by using Dual Axis Centrifugation (ZentriMix) PA 27 PA27 Herrera, López S.; Uclés, S.; Lozano, A.; Uclés, A.; Férnandez-Alba, A. R. Evaluation of organic matrices by liquid and gas chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. A QuEChERS method for the determination of pesticide residues in bananas: validation and accreditation Glyphosate, degradation product AMPA and Glufosinate validations in peanut and oil peanut using LC-MS/MS PA 28 PA28 PA 29 PA29 PA 30 PA30 Use of Zirconia-based sorbent as d-SPE cleanup in QuEChERS methodology for the analysis of pesticides in avocado and red pepper PA 31 PA31 PA 32 PA32 PA 33 PA33 Servin, Luis E.V.; Zou, Yun Yun; Bailey, Lauryn; Schreiber, André Shoot-and-Dilute GC-MS/MS: Use of Split Injection for Pesticide Residue Screening to Prolong Liner and Column Performance GC-MS/MS Method Development Strategies and Lessons Learned for Multiresidue Pesticides in Food Matrices Routine Targeted Quantitation and Identification of Pesticide Residues using QTRAP LC-MS/MS PA 34 PA34 Manetti Martín, D; Vissio, Sofía; Jalit, Yamile; Bassani, Roman; Corelli, Marisel; Roberto, Sandrini Extractive pesticides multi-residues method and validation data for peanut and peanut oil by LCMS/MS. PA 35 PA35 Martins de Oliveira, Elaine; da Silva Oliveira, Fabiano Aurélio; Neves de Paula e Souza, Juliana; Ailton Gonçalves, José; Silva, Gilsara Franchi, S.; Campelo, E.; Gonzalez, P.; Enrich, N.; Priore, E.; Borges, A.; Aleman, R.; Pardo, E.; Martínez, D.; Allende, L. Hoyos O., Duvan E.; Gallo O., Andrés F; Ramírez R., Andrés; Peñuela M., Gustavo A. Jalit, Yamile; Montemarani, Cecilia; Vissio, Sofia; Manetti, Martin; Bassani, Román; Corelli, Marisel; Sandrini, Roberto. Matarrita, Rodríguez, Jessie; Briceño Guevara, Susana; Masís Mora, Mario; Fonseca Rubí, Eddie Kowalski, Julie; Cochran, Jack Kowalski, Julie; Cochran, Jack Navarro, María E.; Alva, Mariana; Zamorano, Graciela; Contreras, Christian; Lacina, Marina; Kamiya, Norma; Ruiz, Marcelo Validation of a methodology for detecting 170 pesticides in fruits and vegetables by LC-MS/MS PA 36 PA36 Ofitserova, Maria; Smith, Rebecca; Torma, Laszlo Glyphosate analysis in soy beans, corn and sunflower seeds by HPLC with post-column derivatization and fluorescence detection PA 37 PA37 Alva, Mariana; Zamorano, Graciela; Navarro, María E.; Contreras, Christian; Lacina, Marina; Kamiya, Norma; Ruiz, Marcelo Michlig, Melina; Merke, Julieta; Romero, Karina; Bulacio Cagnolo Natalia; Salto, César; Beldoménico, Horacio; Repetti, María Rosa Validation of a methodology for pesticide residue analysis in lemon essential oil by GC and LCMS/MS PA 38 PA38 UHPLC/MS-MS sunflower crops in PA 39 PA39 Michlig, Nicolás; Repetti, María R.; Chiericatti, Carolina; Gaggiotti, Mónica; Signorini, Marcelo; Basílico, Juan C.; Beldoménico, Horacio R. Simplified acetonitrile-dSPE pretreatment for UHPLC-MS/MS determination of AFM1 and pesticides in raw milk PA 40 PA40 Gérez, García Natalia; Pérez, Andrés; Bojorge, Alejandra; Heinzen, Horacio, Cesio, Verónica Development and validation of a multirresidue method (MRM) for pesticide residues in Royal Jelly PA 41 PA41 Palacios, M. Ximena; Espinoza, Jorge; Rodriguez, Jeovanny Study for the insecticide: Cyantraniliprole (DPXHGW86) and its metabolite (J9Z38). Validation of analytical method and degradation curves in apples, peaches and grapes. Comparison of four extraction and clean-up methods for multiresidue determination of pesticides in bovine raw milk PA 42 PA42 PA 43 PA43 Optimization and validation of a single residue method for determination of paraquat and diquat by UPLC-MS/MS Comparison of the performance of three widely used detectors in multi-residue analysis of pesticides in cereals Development and validation of analytical method for chlorpyrifos determination in biobeds PA 44 PA44 PA 45 PA45 PA 46 PA46 Use of 13C isotope for avoiding linearity problems in time of flight mass spectrometry PA 47 PA47 Pesticides Residues Determination in Fruit Jams Using µLC-ESI-MS/MS – Method Validation and Survey PA 48 PA48 Validation of analytical method for quantification of nine fungicides in orange juices samples by UPLC-MS/MS Optimisation and Implementation of Robust GCMS/MS Work- Flows for the Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Foods Comparison of different extraction methodologies for pesticides and veterinary drugs analysis in bovine liver and muscle PA 49 PA40 PA 50 PA50 PA 51 PA51 Pérez-Parada, Andrés; Anna; Heinzen, Horacio Burgueño, Pizzutti, Ionara R.; de Kok, André; Vela, Giovana M. E. Puentes, Roberto; Alcarraz, Lucía; Torres, Marina; Torre, Alejandra Quatrin, Gustavo. D.; Dias, Jonatan.V., Pizzutti, Ionara.R.; Gebler, Luciano.; Cardoso, Carmem. D. Rajski, Łukasz; Lozano, Ana; Fernández-Alba R., Amadeo Reichert, Bárbara; Pizzutti, Ionara; Costabeber, Ijoni; Uclés, Ana; Herrera, Sonia; Fernández-Alba, Amadeo Reichert, J. F.; Dias, J.V.;Tatsch, M.; Pizzutti, I.R.; Cardoso, C. D. Fussell, Richard J.; Hetmanski, Michael T.; Cojocariu, Cristian. Souza, Rodrigo; Cesio, Verónica; Heinzen, Horacio; Pareja, Lucia analysis of imidacloprid Rodriguez, Jeovanny; Palacios, M. Ximena Study for experimental fungicide: Penthiopyrad and its metabolites. Validation of analytical method and Degradation curves for pomes. Analysis of paralytic shellfish toxins in bivalve mollusks using HPLC method with post-column derivatization and fluorescence detection Determination of residual abamectin commercial product in water and soil by HPLC/MS/MS method PA 52 PA52 PA 53 PA53 PA 54 PA54 Study of matrix effect of 28 pesticides by GC-EIMS in different fruits and vegetables PA 55 PA55 Stead, Sara; Hird, Simon; McCall, Eimear Quantitative analysis of pesticides in QuEChERs extracts using UPLC and APGC-MS/MS PA 56 PA56 Silva, Rosselei C.; Vestena, Angelica S.; Vareli, Catiucia S.; Dias, Jonatan V.; Pizzutti, Ionara R. Soares, Karina; Lotz Cerqueira, Maristela B.; Caldas, Sergiane S.; Primel, G Torres, Marina G.; Campanella, Agustín M. Comparison of chromatographic and spectrophotometric methods for determination of dithiocarbamates in grapes Development of a method for determination of 19 pesticides in drinking water treatment sludge using MSPD and GC-MS Development of an analytical methodology for the determination of Permethrin in different types of water Validation of Pesticide Residue in Food of Plant Origin, by an Automated QuEChERS Solution Using EN15662:2008 Method Validation of Pesticide Residues in Tea by a Modified Automated QuEChERS Solution PA 57 PA57 PA 58 PA58 PA 59 PA59 PA 60 PA60 PA 61 PA61 Application of zirconium dioxide nanoparticle sorbent for the clean-up step in post-harvest pesticide residue analysis PA 62 PA62 Application of microLC-MS/MS in pesticide residue determination in fruits, vegetables and fruit jams. PA 63 PA63 Thiabendazole analysis in grape and wine samples by ELISA and an integrated on silicon interferometer sensor PA 64 PA64 Matrix interferences evaluation employing GC and LC coupled to triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry. Should you screen samples for pesticides that are not on your target list? Of course you should. Optimized Sample Preparation Method for the Analysis of Pesticides Residues in Coffee PA 65 PA65 PA 66 PA66 PA 67 PA67 Endotherapic application of pesticides in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) tree trunks with the addition of different adjuvants: determination by UHPLC- PA 68 PA68 George, Saji; Ofitserova, Maria Sanches, Ana Leticia M.; Vieira, Bruna H.; Reghini, Marina; Pimpinato, Rodrigo; Tornisielo, Valdemar; Daam, Michiel A.; Espíndola, Evaldo Luiz G. Dos Santos, Elisane O.; Marube, Liziane C; Caldas, Sergiane B.; Primel, Ednei G. Trent ,Tyler; Hartlein, Tom Trent, Tyler; Hartlein, Tom Uclés Moreno, Ana; Herrera López, Sonia; Hernando, María D.; Rosal, Roberto; Ferrer, Carmen; Rodríguez Fernández-Alba, Amadeo Uclés Moreno, Ana; Herrera López, Sonia; Reichert, Barbara; Lozano Fernández, Ana; Hernando Guil, María D.; Pizzutti, Ionara R.; Rodríguez Fernández-Alba, Amadeo Uclés Moreno, Ana; Tsialla Zoi; Petrou, Panagiota; Rodríguez Fernández-Alba, Amadeo; Kakabakos, Sotirios; Botsialas, Athanasios; Salapatas, Alexandros; Makarona, Eleni; Raptis, Ioannis; Misiakos, Konstantinos; Jobst Gerhard Uclés, S.; Lozano, A.; Sosa, A.; Fernández-Alba, A. R. Wylie, Philip L.; Stevens, Joan; Nieto, Sofia Wang, Xiaoyan; Kinsella Brian Ferreira, J.A.; Jardim, I.C.S.F.; Ferreira, J.M.S.; Talamini, V.; Bottoli, C.B.G. MS/MS Nanita, Sergio C.; Wu, Lankun; Watson, Lawrence; Boyce, Gregory; Walsh Callee; Angel, Peggi Agrochemical distribution and mobility in plants elucidated by three-dimensional (3-D) imaging with LAESI-MS PA 69 PA69 MONITORING AND ENVIRONMENTAL / Monitoreo y Medio Ambiente (PM) AUTHORS / Autores TITTLE / Título Clasif Nº Código Becerra, Violeta. C.; Navarro, Rosanna. G.; Turaglio, Maria E.; Portillo, Valeria; Torres, Javier E.; Puebla, Hector D.; Sepúlveda, Yesica C. Narváez, Jhon F.; Correa, Sara; Molina, Francisco J. Influence of the winemaking process on pesticide residues in wines from Mendoza, Argentina PM 1 PM1 Occurrence of chlopyrifos in freshwater by holistic passive sampling & GC/MS. PM 2 PM2 Narváez, Jhon F.; Correa, Sara; Molina, Francisco J. Field calibration of semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) for pesticides and PAHs monitoring in reservoirs. Determination of Glyphosate and AMPA by derivatization with FMOC-Cl in crops leaves PM 3 PM3 PM 4 PM4 Determination of soybean crude oil in PM 5 PM5 Bioaccumulation, biodegradation and ecotoxicological effects of chlorpyrifos in native duckweed specie Lemna valdiviana. Official testing of pesticide residues in Polish crops in 2014 PM 6 PM6 PM 7 PM7 Study of topsoil in Marcos Juárez town, province of Córdoba, Argentine. Presence of organochlorides compounds (OCPs). Adsorption and desorption of Metalaxyl, Iprodione and Azoxistrobin in a tropical agricultural soil. Phytoremediation of herbicides Propanil and 2,4D in soil Cultivated by Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) Effect of agroclimatological conditions on pesticides dissipation in apple and grape. PM 8 PM8 PM 9 PM9 PM 10 PM10 PM 11 PM11 Development and evaluation of a method of extraction by ultrasound of pesticides clomazone, quinclorac and bentazone in soil PM 12 PM12 Improved and resource efficiency throughout the post-harvest chain of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables – CEREAL EU Project PM 13 PM13 advances in the Chlorpyrifos and 3,5,6-trichloro2-pyridinol biodegradation using white-rot fungi based Biobeds PM 14 PM14 Acosta, Alejandra; Bettucci, Leticia; Mir, Analía; Fiorentino, Graciela; Franchi, Susana Aguilar, Roxana; Strada, Julieta; Rojas, Dante; Cristos, Diego; Ricca, Alejandra; Martinez, María José Almonacid, Kathia; Nimptsch, Jorge; Nario, Adriana; Parada, Ana Maria; Palma, Rodrigo Nowacka, Anna; Gnusowski, Boguslaw; Dariusz, Drozdzynski; Frackowiak, Dorota; Raczkowski, Michal; Stanisław, Walorczyk; Zdziechowska, Marta Avendaño, Mara Constanza; Roqué, Pablo; Palomeque, Miriam Avila, Boris Santiago; Guerrero, Jairo Arturo Ramborger, Bruna P.; Escotto, Dandara F.; Zago, Maria L. C.; Gayer, Mateus C.; Roehrs, Rafael Alister H., Claudio; Araya F., Manuel; Becerra B., Kevin; Saavedra T, Jorge; Kogan A., Marcelo Escoto, Dandara F.; Piaia, Bruna R.; Etcheverria, Kith W.M.; Pereira, Geovana C.; Zago, Maria L.C.; Roehrs, Rafael; Denardin, Elton L. G. Férnandez-Alba, A.R.; Martinez Bueno, M.J.; Rosal, R.; Hernando, MD.; Silvestre, C.; Mathew, A.; Muranyi, P.; Mänttäri, M.; Yüce, S. Gérez García, Natalia; Rivero Machado, Anisleidy; Niell, Silvina; Pía Cerdeiras, Ma.; Heinzen, Horacio; Cesio, Verónica insecticides residues Gil, María Dolores; Herrera, Sonia; Hernando, María Dolores; Parrilla, Piedad; Martínez, María; FernándezAlba, Amadeo Gonzalez, Marcela; Nario, Adriana; Parada, Ana María; Videla, Ximena; Henríquez, Patricio; Palma, Rodrigo; Copaja, Sylvia Medina Medina, Luis; Nario Mouat, Adriana Application of LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS methods for assessing pesticide occurrence in bee wax PM 15 PM15 Pesticide coefficient distribution in soil and the potential mobility to water bodies, using isotopic techniques PM 16 PM16 Groundwater Vulnerability Assesment using two first level models - DRASTIC and Attenuation Factor Influence of cyclodextrins on soil sorption and desorption processes of Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon. Leaching Behavior of Residues of Diazinon and its Main Degradation Product IMHP in different Chilean soils PM 17 PM17 PM 18 PM18 PM 19 PM19 Turino Mattos, Maria Laura; da Silva Martins, José Francisco; de Brito Fragoso, Daniel; de Bastos Pazini, Juliano; Botta, Robson Antonio Monetti, Mariela; Murialdo, Raquel; Pesci, Hugo; Reyna, Estela; Repetti, Maria Rosa; Reyna, Santiago Vanderlei, Marina R.; Vieira, Bruna H.; Sanches, Ana Leticia M.; Daam, Michiel A.; Espíndola, Evaldo L.G. Niell, Silvina; Jesús, Florencia; Pérez, Cecilia; Pérez, Nicolás; Carrasco, Leonidas; Díaz, Sebastián; Mendoza, Yamandú; Cesio, Verónica; Heinzen, Horacio Ollino, Mario; Lizama, Cristian;Caneo, Cecilia; Orellana, Claudia; Domínguez, Ana M. Pesticide residue monitoring in rice grains as basis for certification under Integrated Rice Production PM 20 PM20 Exploratory investigation about the behavior of the atrazine herbicide in an Entic Haplustoll soil of the State of Córdoba. Ecotoxicological effect of pesticide on aquatic ecosystems: a case study in Bom R epouso (MG), Brazil From the field to the beehive: An experimental study PM 21 PM21 PM 22 PM22 PM 23 PM23 Toxicity evaluation and degree of mineralization of 2,4-D in water subsequent to its degradation via AOPs. PM 24 PM24 Palma, Graciela; Demanet, Rolando; Mora, María de la Luz; Briceño, Gabriela Parolo, M.E.; Melideo, C.F.; Savini, M.C.; Aguiar, M.B.; Monza, L.B.; Loewy, R.M. Pérez-Parada, Andrés; Alonso, Beatriz; Rodríguez, Cintia; Heinzen, Horacio Sorption, persistence and leaching potential of acidic herbicides in two volcanic ash-derived soils Relevant factors influencing Chlorpyrifos environmental migration PM 25 PM25 PM 26 PM26 QuEChERS determination of pesticide residues in fish tissues from Rio Uruguay and Rio Negro using GC-MS & LC-MS/MS. PM 27 PM27 Lippold, Ralf; Hardebusch, Bjoern; Radykewicz, Tanja; Baeuerle, Fabian Screening for Pesticides Residues in Honey using LC-MS-Q-TOF PM 28 PM28 Ramos, Laura; Berenstein, Giselle; Hughes, Enrique; Zalts, Anita; Montserrat, Javier Murialdo, Raquel; Fernández Belmonte, Cecilia; González, Claudia; Pesci, Hugo; Magni, Florencia; Repetti, María R.; Reyna, Santiago Pesticide absorption in polyethylene incorporated into horticultural soils film PM 29 PM29 Clavata Callothrix development W.G.S. in soil treated with herbicide atrazine at agronomic rate PM 30 PM30 Báez, María E.; Espinoza, Jeannette; Fuentes, Edwar; Silva, Ricardo Báez, María E.; Silva, Ricardo; Fuentes, Edwar; Espinoza, Jeannette Repetti, María Rosa; Sasal, María Carolina; Demonte, Luisina; Cislaghi, Andrea; Gabioud, Emmanuel; Oszust, José; Wilson, Marcelo; Beldoménico, Horacio Soto V., Marcelo; Riveros S., Barbara; Rocco R., Gabriela; Raymond G., Emilia; Chavez D., Paulina; Lopez R., Jaime; Ayala P., Salvador Prince, Stephania; Murialdo, Raquel; Pesci, Hugo; Reyna, Estela Glyphosate loss by runoff and its relationship with phosphorus fertilization PM 31 PM31 Pesticide Residue Consumption Study Internal PM 32 PM32 Exploratory study of the behavior of glyphosate and AMPA in three profiles of a Haplustol Entish soil province of Córdoba, Argentina. Characterization and quantification of pesticides in frozen fruits and vegetables from supermarkets in the city of Talca. Dynamics of organophosphorous insecticides applied in storage grains PM 33 PM33 PM 34 PM34 PM 35 PM35 Adsorption study of two fungicides with different hydrophobic character in Chilean soils PM 36 PM36 Copaja, Sylvia V.; Muñoz, Gigliola S.; Bravo, Héctor R. Study of adsorption-desorption of natural compound with herbicide activity on two chilean soils PM 37 PM37 Curkovic S., Tomislav Buprofezin, imidacloprid, and pyridaben residues on pomegranates in Chilean orchards PM 38 PM38 Vieira, Eliane; Ferreira, Regina Cristina B.; Luchini, Luiz Carlos; Papini, Solange Surface permanence of malathion used in dengue´s control after cleaning PM 39 PM39 Navarrete R., G.; Castañeda C., M.R.; Lango R, F.; Landeros S., C. Use of the Crassostrea virginica oyster as a bioindicator of pollution in the Gulf of México PM 40 PM40 Silva., C. Y.; Castañeda C., M.R.; Lango R., F.; Landeros S., C. Pesticides in sugarcane agro-ecosystems groundwater from La Gloria and El Modelo mills, Veracruz, México PM 41 PM41 Pozo Karla.; Estellano, Victor H.; Yanos, Yasna; Pozo, Katerine; Gerli, Lorena; Encina, Francisco; Palma, Rodrigo. Assessing legacy and current-use pesticide (CUPs) in the atmosphere of Araucania Region, Chile using air passive sampling PM 42 PM42 Ayala, Pablo; Fariña, Nelson; Soria, Leticia; Pintos, Viviana; Abente, Luis; Acuña, Liliana; Zalazar, Mirtha Monitoring Residues of Pesticides from the Group Chemical Pyrethroid in Fruits and Vegetables Products of the Paraguay. PM 43 PM43 Grandón, Stephanie M.; Torres, Carolina A.; Sepúlveda, Gloria I.; Concha, Anibal A. Strada, Julieta; Nassetta, Mirtha; Rojas, Dante; Cristos, Diego; Ricca, Alejandra; Martinez, Maria José Copaja, Sylvia V.; Bassi, Daniela; Galdámez, Antonio; Bravo, Héctor R. in Food for REGULATORY ISSUES AND RISK ASSESSMENT / Asuntos Regulatorios y Análisis de Riesgo (PR) AUTHORS / Autores TITTLE / Título Clasif Nº Código Nowacka, Anna; Gnusowski, Boguslaw; Raczkowski, Michal Barbosa, Edwin S.; Rodriguez, Hugo A.; Soriano, Oscar J.; Castro, René A.; Castañeda, Luz A.; Brochado, Rosana M.; Lurvey, Edith; Sandahl, Jason Hardebusch, Bjoern; Radykewicz, Tanja; Lippold, Ralf Estimation of dietary exposure to pesticide residues in Polish crops Technical studies in Colombia for the establishment of Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for spinetoram in avocado PR 1 PR1 PR 2 PR2 European Union: New Rules for Reporting Residues of Pesticides in Food of Animal Origin PR 3 PR3 Castiblanco Rodriguez, Ana Lucia; Márquez Llanos, Diana Cecilia; Aristizabal Gutierrez, Fabio; Rodriguez Pulido, Alba Isabel Characterization of susceptibility biomarkers in workers exposed to cholinesterase inhibitor pesticides PR 4 PR4 Cortés, Sandra; Molina, Lucía; Foerster, Claudia; Toro, Rosario; Ferreccio, Catterina Echeverry, Ghisliane; Zapata, Andrés; Páez, Martha I.; Méndez, Fabián; Peña, Miguel Berenstein, Giselle; Hughes, Enrique; Zalts, Anita; Montserrat, Javier Pérez Rojas, Greivin; Kurtz Alegría, Giani; Carazo Rojas, Elizabeth; Masís Mora, Mario; Fonseca Rubí, Eddie; Matarrita Rodríguez, Jessie; Briceño Guevara, Susana Harris, Caroline A. Occupational exposure to pesticides in developing country: Maule Cohort (Mauco). a PR 5 PR5 Evaluation of human health risk for a population from Colombia by exposure to metals and pesticides Worker´s potential dermal exposure and drift measurements during pesticide applications in a peach orchard Risk profile of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables through the assessment of the national consumption and the main agricultural products exported by Costa Rica during the period 2011-2013 International harmonisation of Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) and the European Union PR 6 PR6 PR 7 PR7 PR 8 PR8 PR 9 PR9 Lurvey, Edith; Kunkel, Daniel The IR-4 Project and it’s Activities Related to Global Maximum Residue Level (MRL) Activities PR 10 PR10 The IR-4 Project Global Activities PR 11 PR11 National theoretical indicators for dietary acute risk assessment. A case of study with selected pesticides Effect of Endosulfan, as a Risk of Agricultural Practice PR 12 PR12 PR 13 PR13 Educational requirements about risks from exposure to pesticides for people, day laborers and producers of agricultural areas in Sonora, Mexico PR 14 PR14 Risk of exposure to pesticides in communities near agricultural areas in Sonora, Mexico PR 15 PR15 Sandahl, Jason; Lurvey, Edith; Sandahl, Jason; Kunkel, Daniel Maggioni, Dario; Signorini, Marcelo; Repetti, María Rosa; Beldoménico, Horacio R. Navarrete R., G.; Lango R, F.; Castañeda C., M.R.; Landeros S., C.; Pérez V., A.; Soto E., A.; Nikolskii G., I. Silveira-Gramont, María Isabel; Camarena Gómez, Beatriz; Valenzuela Quintanar, Ana Isabel; Ochoa Nogales, Berenice; Aldana Madrid, María Lourdes Silveira Gramont, María Isabel; Piri Santana, Julián; Rodríguez Olibarría, G.; Borboa Flores; J.; Aldana Madrid, María Lourdes OTHER POSTERS / Otros Posters (PO) AUTHORS / Autores TITTLE / Título Clasif Nº Código Cifuentes, Alejandra; van VugtLussenburg, Bárbara; van der Burg, Bart; Brouwer, Abraham Avila Taborda, Boris Santiago; Ramirez, Carolina Endocrine disrupting effects of persistent organic pollutants and pesticides determined using mammalian CALUX® reporter cell lines Multi-residue method for determination of pesticides in human blood by gas chromatography- mass selective detection Traceability and food safe system on horticulture production and marketing PO 1 PO1 PO 2 PO2 PO 3 PO3 Automated real-time SPR immunosensor for specific detection of low-molecular-mass analytes in natural water samples PO 4 PO4 Biopurification technology for degradation of a mixture of pesticides PO 5 PO5 Removal of organophosphorus pesticide O,Sdimethilfosforamidotioato using chlorella sp. PO 6 PO6 Fernández Cori, Rey A.; Huayhuas Chipana, Bryan C.; Morales Gomero, Juan C. Jaramillo-Colorado, Beatriz E.; Duarte-Restrepo, Edisson; Gonzalez-Coloma, Azucena Chin-Pampillo, Juan; Carazo-Rojas, Elizabeth; Ruiz-Hidalgo, Karla; Masís-Mora, Mario; RodríguezRodríguez, Carlos E. Electrochemical Sensor for Diuron based on glassy carbon electrode modified with molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) Bioplaguicide activy from Colombian essential oils PO 7 PO7 PO 8 PO8 Capability of an adapted biomixture to remove carbofuran and chlorpyrifos under different biomixture preparation conditions PO 9 PO9 Miranda, Joyce A. T.; Carvalho, Lucia M. J.; Castro, Izabela M.; Figueiredo, Verônica, Reichert, Bárbara; Pizzutti, Ionara; Costabeber, Ijoni; Gomes-Ramos, María del Mar; Fernández-Alba, Amadeo Rocco R., Gabriela, Flores A., Álvaro; Carbone S., Doris; Raymond G., Emilia Schuller, Arlene; Salgueiro, Alicia; Diaz Gill, Renate; Scavone, Ubaldo Influence of heat treatment on the degradation of organophosphates in cooked beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) Stability Study of Five Pesticides in the Preparation of Home-Made Fruit Jams and Establishment of a Processing Factor PO 10 PO10 PO 11 PO11 Multi-residue Liquid Chromatography Tandem/mass Spectrometry Screening and Confirmation method for Veterinary Drugs Development and validation according to the Decision 657/2002/EC of PCBs in bovine adipose tissue by GC/MS Development of a biosensor based on acetylcholinesterase enzyme for the determination of carbamate pesticide PO 12 PO12 PO 13 PO13 PO 14 PO14 Carvajal Tabares, Daniel; Mejía Trujillo, Julieta.; Jiménez Cartagena, Claudio Cocco, Mauro D., Auguie Baptiste, Tognalli Nicolás G.; Daza Millone, María A.; Chain, Yamil; Vela, María E.; Salvarezza, Roberto; Rumbo, Martín; Docena, Guillermo; Montoya, Jorgelina; Fainstein, Alejandro Diez, M.C.; Salgado, E.; Millahueque, N.; Elgueta, S.; Gallardo, F. Angulo, Edgardo R.; Rada, Mercedes P.; Pantoja, Wenndy S. Valeriano Cuadros, Miriam E.; Huayhuas Chipana, Bryan C.; Morales Gomero, Juan C.
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